Ever since I became a captain of ships at sea I have dabbled in body language. I have rarely been wrong in 3 decades .
Below: Baarah cylinder chaheeye -- hazaar thaaliyan from "pleasantly surprised " maaJI , that her darling son has come of "political will" age !
Below: I was just minding mE own business when this mangy man came up from behind.
Below: Modi is an ogre who will eat up India wholesale-- JAAGTE RAHO mere priya desh waasiyon !
Below: Kujliwal AK-49 getting slapped. His AAP is contesting 400 seats , let me see if he can secure a SINGLE seat.
Below video: Gail Tredwell who did character assassination of Mata Amritanandamayi. Even Wikipedia ignored her.
Below: STEEPLE POSE -- superior pose for the white psychologist-- dekh hum bhi superior !
I suggest that yuvraj shehzada AKD , should stop wasting his STEEPLE POSE with the body language ignorant urchins on the street and in villages , during his road shows.
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