The symbol you see above is the greatest and most profound symbol on this planet.
This is held by Lord Shiva in one of his arms.
This symbol is so pregnant with meaning that the next greatest symbol on this planet competing for acclaim, can hope for rank 1001 — for the first thousand places of greatness is occupied by this symbol.
By the time I finish this post, every Hindus’s chest will swell with pride.
People who denigrate Lord Shiva land up in the top intellectuals of TIME magazine. How the west love to denigrate Hindusim .
They converted Lord Shiva into a sex starved tribal.
Below: Wikipedia and other encyclopedias now quote Amish Tripati who gave birth to a MORTAL by the name of Shiva in 1900 BC.
Below: Wikipedia and other encyclopedias now quote Amish Tripati who gave birth to a MORTAL by the name of Shiva in 1900 BC.
1900 BC indeed- and that too a tribal . I suggest Amish Tripati read the post below-
Punch into Google search-
In reality Lord Shiva is a COSMIC FORCE FIELD, personalized into a mortal , with a wife.
For centuries Indian Hindus were ridiculed for worshiping a PRICK.( phallus / penis ).
Then NASA gave a electric shock on the genitals of all these detractors. NASA proved that this black meterorite stone indeed provided DNA ( seed of life ) on planet earth.
Punch into Google search-
I have explained the TRIDENT of Lord Shiva in one of my posts more than 3 years ago. This symbolizes the dance of the opposites , rather the cosmic dance of Lord Shiva.
The symbol is Lord Shiva’s trishul, where the centre prong SATTVA is the midpoint of duality, between TAMAS and RAJAS . The Chinese have lifted it ( after thousand of years ) and converted it to the modern Yin Yang
Punch into Google search-
The only constant on the planet is change, everything is in a state of flux, nothing is static-- everything is vibratory. This is what guarantees growth and evolution.
It is a cosmic dance of opposite forces , which sustains this universe. No life is possible on earth without this dance, mediated by the middle prong of Shiva’s trident..
It is a perfect tango of dynamic balance where one polar opposite changes into another smoothly and constantly . If the restraining balance or equilibrium is lost , the universe will spiral out of control and end.
Lessening of Yin- always results in increase of Yang and vice versa. One cannot exist without the other and they are dependant .
No phenomenon in this universe is completely devoid of its opposite. They consume each other yet support each other. Whatever is in excess gets reduces, whatever is deficient gets replenished.
Balance can never be permanent— Ying and Yang continuously devour each other – and life flows on.
Winter/ summer
Potential energy/ kinetic energy
Attraction/ repulsion
Acid/ base
Vaporisation/ condensation
Energy/ matter
This is NOT like what a squeaky Dalit leader comes on TV and complains “ Shiva is a bad man, he is always killing people with his trident “ SQUEAK SQUEAK—
“And he blows a shankh ( conch ) after he kills people”. SQUEAK SQUEAK
Lord Shiva holds a conch in one of his arms.
The wisdom of the conch and the allegories of Hinduism created by 12 strand DNA maharishis , is too great for small minds.
Punch into Google search-
Above” The Art Of Living video ( Triple Sri stuff ) above is only to show the visual of how the damaru beats. The explanation given is EXTREME mindless bullsh#t.
As the post progresses I will tell you what the beat of this drum is all about. Hindus deserve to know it. It is a disgrace that this damaru is so much misunderstood.
The purpose of the sun is NOT for retards in a mental asylum , to play snake and monkey shadow games— the sun sustains life on planet earth.
Shiva’s damaru beat the Sri Yantra into existence.
Below: Sri Yantra in 3D
Below : Sri Yantra in 2D
Sri Yantra in 3D is-- 9 interlocking cones ( VORTEX SPIRAL ) of energy. 5 spiraling energy cones from top and 4 from bottom interlock , to form a 2D geometry as below.
By the way, a cosmic spinning vortex is represented by SWASTIKA , the symbol of Emperor Vikramaditya who ruled from Palestine to Urals to Vietnam.
Swastika symbols have been found in far flung areas of this planet—Emperor Vikramaditya's hawks and homing pigeons ( fax machines of that age ) use to have a golden swastika royal seal strapped around their legs.
Everything is energy. All energy is a vortex . The right handed Swastika finds relevance is almost every aspect of Hindu culture. It adorns the puja ( prayer ) room in my own home .
Hitler getting influenced by Alfred Rosenberg adopted the divine Swastika ( right handed Hindu symbol ) for his Nazi party.
So today most of the ignorant west considers this holy symbol as a symbol to be hated, just because Hitler used it.
So today most of the ignorant west considers this holy symbol as a symbol to be hated, just because Hitler used it.
Energy in a vortex acts as a frequency converter. Our brain stores information in a holographic form. A zero point field has electromagnetic counter rotating energy spirals which interconnects with the larger macroscopic cosmos through which consciousness manifests into space-time-matter.
Above: Sri Yantra, the geometrical illustration of the Hindu king Mantra OM , a vibration that created the Universe.
The Sri yantra is holographic, a shiva-shakti representation , in that every bit of it contains all of it.
Sri Yantra is the pictoral representation of OM.
Om is the king mantra of Hinduism. It has a numerical representation of 108, the reason why all Hindu rudraksha malas contain 108 beads.
Sri Yantra geometry was used in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids, whose architects were Maharishis from India.
A tablet containing this sanskrit verse from Bhagawat Gita of 4000 BC was found in the great Pyramid. It is now in the British Museum. “vasanvsi jeernani yatha vihaya, navani ghrunnati naro parani”.
This means "as a person puts on new garment, giving up the old ones, the soul similarly accepts a new material body giving up the old and the useless ones".
This explains the ritual of the mummy making and the elaborate burial system in the Egyptian civilization where efforts are made to make the soul comfortable with all necessary things because they believed that the soul will need all these till it finds a material body. Reincarnation in short. This is a Hindu Vedic concept.—nobody else can claim this Sanskrit verse.
The great pyramid of Cheops Egypt has a base angle 51 deg 49 minutes like the 11000 year old Sri Yantra geometry large pyramid, showing exactly the same relationship between pi and phi . The ratio of the hypotenuse to half the base is phi, the Golden Ratio-- or 'divine proportion', given by (1 + square-root 5)/2 (its value to five decimal places is 1.61803). It is a sure indication that the Pharaoh's architects were NOT from Egypt.
The most difficult part is that all 54 triple intersections meet at the same point. It requires a great deal of intelligence— to draw this on 2D. The Sri Yantra is a union of Shiva and Shakti ( male /female or opposites ) .
So the number 54 pans out to 108, the divine Hindu number of OM- in sync with the rhythms of time and space and represents perfect totality.
"OM is this imperishable Word. OM is the universe, and this is the exposition OM. The past, present and the future, all that was, all that is, all that will be is OM. Likewise all else that may exist beyond the bounds of time, that, too, is OM." ( Verse 1- Mandulya Upanishad 5000 BC )
54 is the number of Sanskrit alphabets ( my mother tongue Malayalam too ) beaten out by the damaru of Lord Shiva which Panini heard in his meditational trance.
Below : Sri Yantra crop circle in USA
On Aug 10th 1990, the Crop circle of the PERFECT Sri Yantra 13.3 miles long lines ( 10 inches wide and 3 inches deep ) , was etched on a wet Mickey basin lake bed, at Alvord desert, overnight and was photographed by a Oregon US airforce pilot.
It’s location in the desert of eastern Oregon is now a “sacred place” for UFO watchers worldwide who still make the journey to the Mikey Basin to be near the site where Sri Yantra was first discovered.
Two hillybillys came up and told the press that they made it overnight with ropes and boards . These two MORONS were given a piece of A4 sheet paper, and told to draw a Sri Yantra on it— and take as long as many months as they want.
There were no footprints or tyre marks in the soft mud-- unlike the quintessential corn crop circle which cannot record footprints.
See it is NOT easy to get the 54 triple intersections right – at a DOT , instead of a cocked hat.
51 deg 49 min 38.25 sec are the angle measurements for both the great Egyptian pyramids and Sri Yantra pyramid.
Italian Fibonacci of 1200 AD is given the credit of the Golden ratio, while the Indian Sri Yantra based on Golden ratio of 1.618 was drawn in 9000 BC --see video below.
All Hindu mantras are repeated 108 times.
Sun's diameter is 108 times that of the earth. The distance between the Earth and Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Sun .
54 devas and asuras had churned for the amrit or holy nectar.
There are 108 upanishads. Nataraja's cosmic dance has 108 Bharatanatyam poses.
12 rashis and 9 navagrahas of Hindu astrology multiply to 108.. Ayurveda and Kalari talks about 108 marmas.
Shiva, Ganesha and Krishna has 108 names. The 108 th and heaviest element in the periodic table is Hassium ( 108 protons ) . The rest are too short lived.
Sun's diameter is 108 times that of the earth. The distance between the Earth and Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Sun .
54 devas and asuras had churned for the amrit or holy nectar.
There are 108 upanishads. Nataraja's cosmic dance has 108 Bharatanatyam poses.
12 rashis and 9 navagrahas of Hindu astrology multiply to 108.. Ayurveda and Kalari talks about 108 marmas.
Shiva, Ganesha and Krishna has 108 names. The 108 th and heaviest element in the periodic table is Hassium ( 108 protons ) . The rest are too short lived.
The mind of god represented by the Sri Yantra is cosmic music ( shabda brahman ) resonating through hyperspace.
The dot in the middle of the Sri Yantra is Bindu, the witness ( consciousness ). The musical analogies of maths , physics , chemistry, quantum particles and contained in this diagram in the form of notation, harmony, melody and notes.
Below: Perfect art of Shabda Brahman.
Below: Perfect art of Shabda Brahman.
How many of you have ever bothered to examine a beehive. Can you believe that the perfect hexagon is created by OM ( 7.83 hertz harmonic ) — just a SHABDA BRAHMAN vibration emitted by the bees. Shabda Brahman ( sound ) is a great morphogenetic organizing force without which no matter can be formed.
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev , the great Russian chemist and inventor formulated the Periodic Law, and the periodic table of elements.
He was denied a Nobel prize for telling that his table is based on the divine Sanskrit alphabets.Mendeleev, studied Sanskrit at a university in St Petersburg, used Sanskrit prefixes eka, dvi, and tri to name those yet-to-be-discovered elements.
Mendeleev had expressed his appreciation and debt to the great Sanskrit grammarian Panini of ancient India, who had created sophisticated theories of language based on their discovery of the two-dimensional patterns in basic sounds.
He had to be punished for praising a coolie race fit to be ruled by the white man, and evil pagan religion.
Like Nikola Tesla Mendeleev also saw the Sri Yantra in his dreams.
"I saw in a dream a table where all elements fell into place as required. Awakening, I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper."—Mendeleev
Like the musical scale of Sanskrit, the elements in the periodic table are also arranged, very logically, in rows and columns based on how each letter is pronounced.
This knowledge was the reason why I was able to shoot NASA with their own sh#t, when they gave mindless bull to this planet.
They found Arsenic in DNA.
This was the breaking news – nay— SCOOP OF THE CENTURY .
Arsenic and phosphorus are also chemically analagous — arsenic is directly below phosphorus on Mendeleeyev’s periodic table, and the elements have the same number of electrons in their outer shells, which makes them behave similarly.
So swapping arsenic for phosphorus is no big deal, even it NASA's great discovery is true.
Punch into Google search-
You can just punch DNA NASA in google search , and my post above will come on page one , item one among 37 million posts. This is the meaning of blog posts with creative original content.
Mendeleev gleaned that Panini did the phonological patterning of Sanskrit alphabet sounds as a function of their articulatory properties. So he just arranged the chemical properties of elements are a function of their atomic weights.
This is impossible unless Sanskrit is a divine language.
This is why Sanskrit mantras can reprogram human DNA. You may scoff, but even homosexuality can be cured.
Punch into Google search-
Mendeleev noted how Panini broke the phonetic parallelism of sounds when the simplicity of the system required it, e.g. putting the velar to the right of the labial in the nasal row. So he gave priority to isomorphism over atomic weights when they conflicted, e.g. putting beryllium in the magnesium family because it patterns with it even though, by atomic weight, it seemed to belong with nitrogen and phosphorus. In both cases, the periodicities they discovered would later be explained by a theory of the internal structure of the elements.
Below: OM is the sound vehicle of Shabda-Brahman
Lord Siva produced 14 sound sequences from the Damaru while in the throes of his tandav. These sounds formed the foundations for later developments of all phenomes of speech, notes of music and beats of dance.
These sounds were heard by Panini while in a meditational trance and penned down as the Siva Sutras in his Ashtadhyayi. Sound was structured to provide speech. Though speech was designed for communication among humans themselves, the maharishis also realized that it should also serve to elevate the level of human consciousness by mantras.
Vedas penned in 7000 years ago, states that cosmic creation began with sound, and thus sound is a sure spiritual tool to liberation.
I have explained the beej mantras –
punch into Google search-
Wanna read the POISON INJECTED by the white historian into our damaru?
QUOTE : The hourglass-shaped drum known in Sanskrit as "damaru" is an instrument used in ritual shamanic performances in India .
Fashioned out of a human cranium, the drum is comprised of two skulls: a boy of sixteen and a girl of twelve .
Monkey skins are stretched tightly over the skulls.
One side is smeared with sperm, and the other side is decorated with a lotus blossom coated with a twelve year old girl's menstrual blood. ( hey, you forgot about sh#t and piss ! TEE HEEE !! )
The hide is then pierced with sixteen holes and attached to the drum with human hair. The whirling balls are made of the bones of a waterbird's foot ( Oh boy ! ) and wrapped in wax and cloth.
The damaru drum is an ancient and spiritually potent symbolic medium for ritual music and magic used to communicate the intangible abstract other world through the senses.
In India, the damaru is so highly regarded as a spiritual instrument that everything to do with it is ritualized. It must even be correctly placed with the male skull to the musician's right and the female to his left in accordance with the traditional Shiva Shakti order - UNQUOTE
Every Indian must know that vegetarian religion Hindusim NEVER EVER allowed animal sacrifice , leave alone human sacrifice.
All these are poison injected into Hinduism by the immoral white Christian invader to make us self loathing.
The British used their stooge sankaracharyas planted into their FAKE mutts to full advantage.
The BLOOD offering of sacrifice is coconut electrolytic plasma which spills out when a cocnut is smashed , causing the quantum butterfly effect and solition wave..
Punch into Google search-
The Malayalam is the most Sanskritised of all language on this planet.
The simple fact is that the namboodiris held all the 4 vedas till in 2000 BC, Adi Shankaracharya took all the vedas out of Kerala and distributed it to the 4 original mutts he created.
The mutts are Jyothir Mutt at Badrinath in northern India with Atharva Veda; Sarada Mutt at Sringeri in southern India with Yajur Veda; Govardhan Mutt at Jaganath Puri in eastern India with Rig Veda and Kalika Mutt at Dwarka in western India with Sama Veda.
Malayalam alphabet consists of 54 letters, 18 of which are vowels. It is a syllabic alphabet in which all consonants have an inherent vowel.
Let me let out a secret.
Many people wonder if their Kundalinis are indeed rising .
If it rises through the correct Sushumna Nadi certain sounds are heard as the awakened kundalini rises up through the chakras:
at muladhara - the chirping of a cricket
at svadhisthana - the tinkling of an anklet
at manipura- the sound of a bell
at anahata - the music of a flute
The damaru drum has a hour glass construction.
When a damaru is vibrated, it produces dissimilar sounds which are fused together by resonance to create one sound.
Modern science calls this BINAURAL beats— just lifted immorally from ancient vedic knowledge penned down 7000 years ago.
The sound thus produced symbolizes Nada, the cosmic sound of AUM of 7.83 hertz which can be heard during deep meditation. According to Hindu scriptures, Nada is the source of creation.
The human range is on average from 20 to 20,000 Hz.
If 300 Hz is played in one ear and 307.83 hz is played in the other ear via stereo headphones the binaural frequency will be 7.83 hertz .
This is Schumann’s resonance frequency or earth’s heart beat or frequency of Hindu king mantra OM frequency - a sound which cannot be heard by the ears( unless it is a harmonic ) but can be heard by the heart.
Frequencies of the brain are below 40 hertz. Binaural beats in the theta (4 to 8 Hz) range have been associated with meditation and shamanic states of consciousness. Theta increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress, and awakens intuition.
Punch into Google search-
Above: In Kerala temples the damaru drum is large and is beaten with fingers -- called TIMILA -one of the 5 instruments of panchavadhyam.
It takes a lifetime to master TIMILA
You will NOT understand SHABDA BRAHMAN unless you have a basic understanding of the chakras.
Punch into google search-
Orpheus the tawny hued Hindu Maharishi from Kerala, India gave music to the west.
Before that their music consisted of clanging rocks and shouting nonsense. .
Orpheus also gave astrology and magic ( mantravadam ), vedic metaphysics ( magna grecia ) from Kerala to the west.
I must digress-
Even today the west have NOT yet understood Vedic metaphysics. Metaphysics means “what comes after physics”.
Its object is to determine the real nature of things—to determine the meaning, structure, and principles of whatever is insofar as it is-- with reality as a whole. It is a call to recognize the existence and overwhelming importance of a set of higher realities that ordinary men could not deduce.
Metaphysics is the science of ultimate reality , as opposed to appearance or the contrast between appearance and reality . A cloud appears to consist of some white, fleecy substance, although in reality it is a concentration of drops of water.
A metaphysician is a sort of super scientist, unlimited in his curiosity and gifted with a capacity for putting together other people's findings with a skill and imagination that none of them individually commands. He can refute by debate, through a method for systematic evaluation of definitions.
Orpheus is the founder of a sect, called the 'Orphics'.
A man no less than Herodotus wrote that the mysteries of the Orphics were brought to Europe from India.
The Greek philosopher Pythagoras was a member of the Orphic sect and that he why he came to Kerala by ship. Herodotus had clearly written that Orpheus who would play divine string music and tame wild animals came from India.
Almost every Greek text tells that Orpheos was famous for Ahimsa or non-violence .
Orpheus , a strict Hindu vegetarian introduced spirituality to Greece . In Euripides' play Hippolytos a father taunts his son with the "lifeless food" ( vegetarian food ) he eats since taking Orpheos for his "king."
The original sitar has seven strings which run over curved, raised frets, and the remainder are sympathetic strings (tarb, taarif , tarafdaar) which run underneath the frets and resonate in sympathy with the played strings.
It was Orpheus who gave Pythagoras the mathematical relations of the notes on the musical scale.
Almost every Greek text tells that Orpheos was famous for Ahimsa or non-violence .
Orpheus is praised for his knowledge of medicine and astrology ( ONLY Ayurveda and Indian astrology existed those days). All Greek astrology is though Orpheus. Cicero called Orpheus , the tawny hued , a devotee of Bacchus ( Krishna ) crowned with kissos ( Tulsi).
Western historians and the Pope blurred Jesus and Orpheus , and pretty soon it was Jesus who was attributed to all the qualities of Orpheus – enchanting wild animals with a 7 stringed lyre. Orpheus was a Brahmachari , a celibate sage.
Grace and peace !
Here is a 7000 year old chant-
Tridalam trigunakaram trinetram cha triyayudham
Trijanmapapasamharam ekabilvam shivarpanam 1
Trishakhaih bilva patraishchahya achchidraih komalaih shubhaih
Tavavapujam karishhyami ekabilvam shivarpanam 2
Koti kanya maha danam tila parvata kotayah
Kanchanam sheela danena ekabilvam shivarpanam 3
Kashikshetra nivasam cha kalabhairavadarshanam
Prayaga madhavam druishtva ekabilvam shivarpanamh 4
Induvare vratam sthitva niraharo maheshwara
Naktam haoushyami devecha eka bilvam shivarpanam 5
Ramalinga pratistha cha vaivahika krutam tatha
Tatakadi cha santanam eka bilvam shivarpanam 6
Akhanda bilva patram cha ayutham shiva poojanam
Krutam nama sahasrena eka bilvam shivarpanam 7
Umaya sahadevesha nandi vahana mevacha
Bhasma lepana sarvangam eka bilvam shivarpanam 8
Salagrameshu vipranam tatakam dasha koopayo
Yagyakoti saharacha eka bilvam shivarpanam 9
Dantikoti sahasreshu ashwamedha shatakratau
Kotikanya mahadanam ekabilvam shivarpanam 10
Bilvanam darshanam punyam sparshanam papa nashanam
Aghora papa samharam eka bilvam shivarpanam 11
Sahasra veda patheshu brahma sthapana muchyate
Aneka vrata kotinam eka bilvam shivarpanam 12
Annadana sahasreshu sahasropanayanam tatha
Aneka janma papani eka bilvam shivarpanam 13
Bilvashtakamidam punyam yah patheth shivasannidhau
Shivalokamavapnoti eka bilvam shivarpanam 14
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
Which has three leaves,
Which causes three qualities,
Which are like the three eyes of Shiva,
Which is like the triad of weapons,
And which destroys sins of three births.
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
Which has three shoots,
Which do not have holes,
Which are good and pretty,
And worship Lord Shiva.
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
For if an uncut leaf is offered,
To his steed the god Nandi,
We get cleaned of all our sins.
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
For it is equal to, offering a saligrama to a Brahmin,
Or the great blessing got out of performing Soma Yaga,
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
For it is equal to gifting thousand elephants,
Or the performing of hundred fire sacrifices,
Or giving away millions of cows.
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
For it is equal to giving a tree of Bilwa,
Which was born from the breast of Lakshmi,
And which is very dear to the Lord Shiva.
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
As seeing and touching of a tree of Bilwa,
Washes away ones sins and also very great sins.
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
After living in the city of Kasi,
Seeing the Kala Bhairawa,
And also visiting the temple
Of Madhawa in Allahabad.
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
As Brahma resides at its bottom,
Lord Vishnu lives in its middle,
And Lord Shiva lives in its tip.
Reading this holy octet of Bilwa,
In the presence of Lord Shiva,
Would save one from all sins,
And in the end take him to the world of Shiva.