The FAKE Kabirdas ( all DASAS are FAKE and back dated creations of Rothschild ) was attributed with this verse by the immoral white invader "Hell flows along that river, with rotten men and beasts”
Probably the FAKE Kabirdas ( died 1518 AD ) forgot that the white invader had also written that Kabirdas came floating down Ganges river on a lotus leaf, born out of immaculate conception (sic!), for a Muslim weaver couple to pick him up at Varanasi ghats.
The FAKE Ravidas ( Varanasi wallah ) was the Guru of the FAKE Meera ( reborn gopika –sic!) who sang songs for the FAKE mistress of Lord Krishna Radha.
Hullo Narendra Modi , listen up -- Spending thousands of crores to clean Ganga will not help until its normal flow is restored. .
A quarter century ago, I had an argument with a Dutch river pilot . When I pointed out some white chemical ( Styrene ) foam in water river water and a dead sea gull , he ridiculed the holy river Ganges .
I instantly busted his bubble by telling him that the Ganges which flows from the mythical hairlocks of Lord Shiva is self cleansing due to the action of bacteriophages , silver/ himalayan salt colloids and hyper oxygenation—and it is the only river on the planet which has this ability.
He expostulated— BACTERIOPHAGE whaaaaa ?
Bacteriophage, is a virus, any of a group of viruses that infect bacteria—it literally means “bacteria eater” .
Thousands of varieties of such phages exist, each of which may infect only one type or a few types of bacteria.. The nucleic acid may be either DNA or RNA and may be double-stranded or single-stranded.
During infection a phage attaches to a bacterium and inserts its genetic material into the cell. After this a phage follows one of two life cycles, lytic (virulent) or lysogenic (temperate). Lytic phages take over the machinery of the cell to make phage components. They then destroy, or lyse, the cell, releasing new phage particles.
After the discovery of antibiotics in the 1940s it was virtually abandoned. With the ever increasing rise of anti-biotic resistant bacteria , phages will now command fresh attention.
More than 120 years ago there was a cholera outbreak in India and dead bodies were dumped in the upper river. Yet strangely Ganges water did NOT spread the cholera down the river .
A British bacteriologist by the name of Dr Ernest Hankin found that colonies of cholera bacteria that thrived in ground water quickly died in Ganges water. He pursued his experiment by using boiled Ganges water and filtered Ganges water.
To his surprise, while the filtered water ( which could not hold back nano colloids ) continued to show an antibacterial effect, the boiled water did not. Heating water flocculates ( agglomerates ) and sediments the magic colloids and also kills the magic bacteriophages.
Ganges is heavily populated with phages which multiply rapidly , travel fast and home in on targets . They are harmless to humans because they are strain specific. This means phages that infect the cholera bacterium can only infect the cholera bacterium and no other bacteria.
When a bacteriophage finds a bacterium with proteins which match its receptors, it can insert DNA or RNA into the bacterium and direct the organism to start producing replicas of the virus.
In the process of replicating the bacteriophage, many bacteria will experience lysis, in which they literally explode as they become overloaded with viruses.
Unlike antibiotics, phages take out the pathogen without harming the natural flora and friendly bacteria present in the body . The EVIL PHARMA has killed all effeorts to revive phage research. Bacteriophages which are viruses infect and kill their host bacteria by a magical SEARCH AND DESTROY action.
Phages have been keeping keeping bacteria in check for three and a half billion years! Antibiotics have been around for a few decades are they are already failing to do their job.
60 years ago people would put a few drops of Ganga water into ponds and it would kill all the bacterial growth. Even today the polluted Ganga that kills pathogens twenty-five times faster than any other river. But with the onslaught of toxic chemicals from tanneries this rate has slowed down.
Dams have prevented the phages from doing their job. There are phages for all bacteria. A cholera phage can only attach to a cholera bacteria, an E. coli phage only to that specific E. coli and so on. They simply bide their time until they can sense that bacteria .
A phage or virus is a kind of macromolecule. It cannot replicate itself in nature. It has to penetrate the body of a suitable host and use its mechanism to replicate. It can hang around in shady waters for years, but you won’t notice it because there is no host. It will only express itself when there is a bacterial host.
Without a host in sight it just remains dormant. The phage that will kill cholera will not kill shigella dysentery even though they are both diarrhoeal diseases. And one that kills shigella will not kill typhoid, and so on.
The bacteria which phages feed on can come from human bodies when they bathe. The human body in water in fact acts as a catalyst. The higher the concentration of bathers the more food for the phages to feast on. So wherever there are major bathing festivals like the Kumbh mela,phages will flock.
Isko boltha hai Bhagwaan ki leela !
Having found out its prey, the phage will multiply and the whole area suddenly becomes rich in phages. So a few days after a Kumbh Mela the riversuddenly acquired greater powers of self-purification.
Now you get the drift why Capt Ajit Vadakayil got pissed off with the ignoramus river pilot in Netherlands.
Bacteriphages can eliminate the bacteria in the water. Compared to antibiotics, bacreriophages go deeper into the infected area. The replication of phages is concentrated on the infected area where they are needed the most.
Bacteriophages are viruses cannot multiply through the division of cells because they are acellular (they do not have cells). Instead, they seek a host cell in which they replicate and assemble themselves using the metabolism and machinery of the host cell. Antibiotics are metabolized and removed from the body, with associated side effects.
Now let me talk about the magical nano colloids in Ganges water.
300 million years ago, these magic colloids were at the bottom of the sea, and was churned up when two continents banged against each other at the end of the great continental drift.
The Himalayas were pushed up when two continents collided . This is why Tibet is elevated and Mount Everest is the tallest mountain peak , which is still rising. Rock salts from the bottom of the deep ocean were pushed up as mountains.
It is electrically charged nano size colloids of Himalayan rock salt which protects the human body from free radicals and heals the human body. This is why Ganges water is called LIVING WATER.
This low surface tension water contains all the 83 odd minerals required by the human body in the correct dosage, to take it to the correct vibrational state where all cells dance in supreme harmony.
Three years ago when I wrote this post below , it would have surprised a lot of “protein biology doctors".
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Ganges water heals at the cellular level. Hardly any modern doctors understand the strange tango of minerals in the human cell.
Ganges water is highly alkaline and has an extraordinary amount of hydrogen with an extra electron, to neutralize damaging free radicals , which cause DNA damage, diseases and ageing.
It holds high amounts of silver colloids , is highly sunbathed and oxygenated , and is indeed bio-energised miracle water.
Low surface tension water ( normal is 73 dynes ) can store information for healing in its vibratory structure. It easily penetrates the 75 trillion cells and mitochondrial membranes, to supply nutrients and flush away toxins.
As we grow old our bodies are NOT able to absorb water into the cells. We are more than 70% of water.
Ganges water has been kept in copper pots at the Shiva temple at Rameshwaram and has NOT developed algae and bacteria for centuries.
Ionised water is structured water with hydrogen bonding and have positive polarity. All other waters are negative in polarity.
Majority of people have died after living their lives on this planet by never drinking living water.
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The Ganges river holds silver colloids. When river water carrying suspended sediment particles reaches salty water, particle aggregation is an important factors responsible for river delta formation. Charged particles are stable in river’s fresh water containing low levels of salt, but they become unstable in sea water containing high levels of salt. In the latter medium, the particles aggregate, the larger aggregates sediment, and thus create the river delta.
Particle aggregation is normally an irreversible process. Once particle aggregates have formed, they will not easily disrupt. In the course of aggregation, the aggregates will grow in size, and as a consequence they may settle to the bottom of the container, which is referred to as sedimentation).
Silver colloids causes bacteria to produce extremely toxic substances called reactive oxygen species. These go on to cause damage inside the cell, harming the DNA, proteins and even the membrane that surround cells. Ayurveda used colloidal silver for curing urinary tract and vaginal yeast infections and treating various diseases including Cancer, Alzhiemers disease, Parkinsons disease, Rheumatism, Arthritis ( dispersal of calcium ) , Diabetis , Colitis, food poisoning , Tetanus etc.
Negative ions give clarity of thought and energy. Nike uses silver to deodorise basketball shoes. Colloidal silver has an electrical NEGATIVE ionic charge ( anion ) , which disables certain enzymes. Silver invades diseased cells to destroy pathogens and immediately flush it out . It neutralises free radicals. Colloidal silver has an electrical NEGATIVE ionic charge ( anion ) , which disables certain enzymes.
Silver invades diseased cells to destroy pathogens and immediately flush it out . It neutralises free radicals. Remember, broad band antibiotics are effective against a dozen organisms ( till they become resistant super bugs ), while silver is effective against about 700. The wealthy ate with silver spoons in ancient India . The vedic soldiers used catalyst silver foil on their skin abrasions and burns.
It is safe for pregnant women, being an electromagnetic process. Electrolytically-dissolved silver has been used as a water disinfecting agent, for example, the drinking water supplies of the Russian Mir orbital station and the International Space Station. Silver and most silver compounds have an oligodynamic effect and are toxic for bacteria, algae, and fungi in vitro.
Among the elements that have this effect, silver is the least toxic for humans. The antibacterial action of silver is dependent on the silver ion. The effectiveness of silver compounds as an antiseptic is based on the ability of the biologically active silver ion (Ag+) to irreversibly damage key enzyme systems in the cell membranes of pathogens.
Now I must tell you why ancient Indian rishis drank water from copper lotas ( pots ).
They cleaned the copper pot with tamarind and then filled it up with lake water, the previous day and drank it the next day morning.
This cleaning with tamarind causes copper colloids to leach into the water overnight. Algae, viruses , E coli and many other pathogens are killed.
This anti-oxidant water takes care of free radicals and hence is anti-inflammatory.. There is NO need to boil the water. This water makes your sperm more potent.
This anti-oxidant water takes care of free radicals and hence is anti-inflammatory.. There is NO need to boil the water. This water makes your sperm more potent.
This water can cure sinus like magic ( nasal irrigation ) . It takes care of hypertension too.
I had talked about the surface tension of Ganges water. A single molecule of water looks like a letter V at an angle of 105 deg , with one oxygen atom at the bottom point and two hydrogen atoms at the top. These atoms share some of their negatively charged electrons, forming a strong connection called a covalent bond. POINT FIELD.
If you make the sound "OM" in front of a drop of liquid, it will transform itself into a Sri Yantra which is very specific visual form which is symmetrical and also holographic, in that every bit of it contains all of it. Molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings.
The average electron density around the oxygen atom in a water molecule is about 10 times that around the hydrogen atoms. This non uniform distribution of positive and negative charges or strong DIPOLE present in water leads to the substance’s unusual behavior.
All water crystals have 6 branches--but NO two are alike. If you reduce the surface tension of water from 75 dynes / cm^ 2, to 65 then the angle changes from 105 to 120. This water is good for the human body.
Water makes up 65% of the human body. Brain is 83% water, blood-92%, kidneys - 82%, liver-69% , muscles-75%, bones-28%. Though water freezes at zero deg C , however if it is kept inside the capillaries which have the dimensions less than a hair thickness, it will remain fluid even at a very low temperature below zero .
The most mysterious and controversial property of water, however, is its ability to hold and store memory. This property underlies the healing capability of homeopathy.
A homeopathic solution usually in water is produced via a series of dilutions of a substance, often until effectively no atoms of the original material remain.
Same way, one single drops of Ganges water purifies a large pot of water. Only an imprint or memory remains for the cure, and the greater the dilution, the greater the effectiveness.
Experiments showed that the immune system can be triggered using hundred times dilutions of an aqueous solution of an antibody.. If water has a memory then the water we drink is transferring its memory into our "water body," just like a homeopathic solution does.
Hindus immerse their ashes of their ancestors in the holy Ganga . The river holds the memory of Bharatmata.
Human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water. The body is very much like a sponge and is composed of trillions of chambers called cells that hold liquid. In this sense water not only has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly reflects the environment.
Ganges water has been responsible for thousands of unexplainable healings. Water registers precise molecular information about the world around it, and that is extremely sensitive to these frequencies coming into it.
Water remembers, or stores this information, and that it can transport this into new environments when it travels through various water cycles. Excessive dams in a river interfere with the process.
The oceans have a water cycle where vast internal rivers,that we call ocean currents, flow through all the salt waters of our world, carrying warm and cold waters to affect various countries' weather patterns, flora and fauna. Water responds to subtle events even far out in the cosmos and that it is a far more sensitive medium for reception .
It is also known that water receives cosmic radiation as extreme low frequencies everywhere, even deep down five kilometres below the sea, creating resonances or vibrations that are healing and healthy for nature since the world began. the moon, the sun and even the stars communicate with water, and our earth itself is retuning its resonances constantly to this influx.
Water is the universal solvent, being one of the best solvents we have, with 84 out of the known 103 elements on this planet being dissolved by it. If you drink water that’s harmonious to the human body, water will pass through the body within ten to 15 minutes. The (harmonious) water will carry out toxins.
Ordinary water has a surface tension of 73 dynes per centimeter, our body cells require 45 for fast permeation and hydration. If the ST is too high, the cell drowns in its own waste products as there will be less flushing action.
Scalar energy from the DNA of healers reduce the surface tension of water, and make the pH of the water more alkaline. Water, sanctified by chanting mantras or by bathing an idol is known as theertham.
‘Living water’ is an organized state of matter and energy, and capable of storing and transmitting information. Water in everything we eat or drink carry with it a subtle informational content that imparts a "memory" into our "water body." The visual images that we encounter, the sounds that we hear, and our thoughts are encoded into the water of our cells to become a part of our unconscious mind.
Molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings. The implications go beyond homeopathy and ’energy medicine" and into the interaction between water and consciousness. Water has a memory in which it stores information about the surrounding sounds, chemicals and even human emotions.
Water retains information, even after the most stringent purification and filtration processes . The memory is stored in clusters of H20 molecules that are formed when several molecules join together.
Our thoughts and expectations broadcast energy like a radio station that influence matter on the subatomic quantum level. If you intend that quantum particles should act or behave in a certain way, they will do as you intend. If another man thought they should behave in a completely different way, they did just that as well. In other words, the very particles that make up our physical reality changed and responded according to the specific thoughts of the observing individual’s expectations.
The water molecule is not linear but bent in a special way. As a result, part of the molecule is negatively charged and part positively charged.
The hydrogen ion is positively charged. A water ioniser changes the hydrogen ion into a negative charge. Free radicals are a natural byproduct of cellular function. Free radicals expel an electron, and the extra electron damages neighboring cell nuclei and DNA, setting the stage for improper cell division and replication.
The chemistry of life is water chemistry. Without water's capacity to store and share information as different vibrating frequencies in an extraordinary manner,living cells would not be able to communicate with each other . Water can propagate fast moving 5th dimension antigravity soliton waves, maintaining its shape and velocity without dissipating its energy ( example- tsunami ).
Building a dam to hold water is a STUPID way. The enormous water body ( artificial lake ) causes massive loss of water due to evaporation.
The bright thing to do is to store the water underground. And this is what a free flowing river does . It recharges aquifers hundreds of miles away from the river banks.
When will the mindless IDIOTS – nay CHOOTS-- understand all this? The underground bank of water ( where there is NO evaporation or flow to the sea ) is called an AQUIFER.
Now it is time to elucidate the difference between a MAD MAN and a CHOOT.
For my foreign readers— a CHOOT is a stinking dripping pussy.
A gold medalist scientist had a car tyre puncture.
While changing the tyre the 4 nuts fell into the street sewer drain -- through the grills. He was at a total loss what to do next .
Pretty soon a bunch of people came to ask him what the problem is.
On hearing the problem -- they consulted each other and offered a solution.
Remove one nut from all the other 3 tyres and use it for the spare tyre to be fixed.
Continue the journey and get 4 new nuts at the nearest city.
The scientist did what they suggested.
Then he wanted to know who they are.
On knowing that they are mad people from the nearby mental asylum taking an evening walk, he was surprised.
He cried: “You guys should NOT be in the mental asylum at all , there is nothing wrong with you ” .
One of the men told him:
" Sir, we may be mad-- but we are not CH00TS. "
India’s 12TH Five-Year plan (2012 – 2017) for energy development requires Uttarakhand to build 24 more big dams by 2017 to generate 6,858 megawatts of electricity. Sorry, we Indians do NOT want it.
So who are the choots responsible for so many dams on the upper Ganges , that has killed the river on the lower side ?
Do they know that the Ganges river requires a constant water flow ( without stagnant pools ) to do its self purification process ?
Above : When dams release water suddenly, the intense water flow removes smaller sediments like silt, sand, and gravel, as well as aquatic plants and animals and organic leafy debri. Complex sets of habitats are erased. The riverbed below the dam becomes like a pavement of cobbles and loses its value as habitat for plants, macroinvertebrates, and fish.
High levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water most often come from agricultural runoff ( using artificial fertilizers ) and urban detergent laden waste water. Such human-induced eutrophication causes low dissolved oxygen concentrations in water . Pure Ganges water has very high level of dissolved oxygen compared to other rivers on this planet.
What worsens the situation in urban India is the construction of illegal structures and slums-as a part of vote bank politics. Such slums are usually not connected to the city’s sewage systems. It is therefore important for India to invest in building affordable sewage systems—rather than giving 10 billion euro to Italy—nay—Euro zone so that they can drink better wine.. Aerobic bacteria requires oxygen to survive.
To understand the TRINITY force field of Hinduism –
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Where Lord Brahma is the creator, Lord Vishnu is the mediator ( preserver ) and Lord Shiva is the destroyer. The trinity works in amazing harmony, preserving the cosmos .
These force fields have been personalized in Hinduism . Our ancient scriptures and Vedas are all allegorical and coded, and it requires perception to understand the inherent glory .. I must explain this amazing trinity concept for the layman.
At home when we go for a crap and we pull the flush after the job, the feces goes to the septic tank. This concrete tank, has heavy slabs and does NOT allow oxygen and light to enter. Here the bacteria is ANaerobic, which thrives in methane but dies in oxygen.
Now imagine , you remove a concrete slab of this tank allowing oxygen to enter the tank. ANaerobic bacteria will soon start dying ( intelligent action of Lord Shiva ) and it will start stinking. But at the same time an intelligent force field of Lord Brahma will start producing aerobic bacteria which thrives in oxygen , but will die in methane.
How this intelligent morphogenetic transition takes place and its rate is controlled by another intelligent field of Lord Vishnu as the mediator.
Pretty soon all ANearobic bacteria will be dead and the septic tank will be full of aerobic bacteria in a seamless change over.On the ship we have a sewage treatment plant. Here an aerator blower runs 24 hours a day, 365 days in a year. How this intelligent morphogenetic transition takes place and its rate is controlled by another intelligent field of Lord Vishnu as the mediator.
Pretty soon all ANearobic bacteria will be dead and the septic tank will be full of aerobic bacteria in a seamless change over.
On the ship we have a sewage treatment plant. Here an aerator blower runs 24 hours a day, 365 days in a year.
So all these stories injected by the white invader in our Hindu scriptures about Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva holding competitions as to who is more powerful — you now know what they are worth , right?
It is like ANaerobic bacteria saying that I am more powerful than aerobic bacteria.
action saying that I am more powerful than reaction
north pole saying that I am more powerful than south pole.
evaporation saying that I am more powerful than condensation.
Excessive nitrate (NO3) in drinking water can cause human and animal health problems, particularly for small babies. The United States Public Health Service has established a specific standard of 10 milligrams of nitrate nitrogen per liter as the maximum concentration safe for human consumption.
The maximum contaminant level for nitrate, as set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is 10 mg/liter, or 10 ppm. In the body nitrates are converted to nitrites. The nitrites react with hemoglobin in the red blood cells to form methemoglobin, affecting the blood’s ability to carry enough oxygen to the cells of the body .
Nitrate or nitrites in drinking water are associated with cancer in adults. Nitrate is reduced to nitrite in the gut and nitrite reacts with specific food breakdown products (amines) to form highly carcinogenic nitrosamines. This is a convoluted path to cancer, but is assuming greater importance as nitrate in food and drinking water slowly increases worldwide.
To prevent nitrates in water apply two-thirds to three-fourths of the planned artificial fertilizer nitrogen just before the crop enters a period of rapid growth. Proper timing ensures maximum daily nitrogen uptake and minimizes the likelihood of unused nitrogen leaching below the plant roots.
In the olden days , Ganges river overflowed during floods to despoit amazing fertile silt on either side of the bansk to enrich the humous water holding soil.
During the summer months, when water is warm, oxygen can be consumed faster than it can be replenished. Dam water dreserviots become "stratified"; the warmer, oxygen-rich upper water laying on top of the cool, more dense, lower-oxygen deeper water.
Such conditions inhibit levels of beneficial bacteria and their breakdown of organics. Bottom muck accumulation increases . This thermal stratification also makes conditions favorable for the production of noxious ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gases.
Oxygen is easily dissolved in water. In fact, it is so soluble that water can contain a greater percentage of oxygen than the atmosphere. Because of this phenomenon, oxygen naturally moves (diffuses) from the air into the water.
Aeration of the water surface by winds and waves enhances this diffusion process. Vertical mixing of the water, aided by winds, distributes the oxygen within the water body. Water temperature of wide open dam reservoirs affects the capacity of water to retain dissolved oxygen.
It is estimated that more than 620 million people in India still defecate in the open and more than 70 % of Indian households do not treat their drinking water . Mind you in 300 years flat the white invader robbed us blind and converted India from the riches nation to the poorest on the planet.
These are the same people who are sarcastic with us for being poor and unhygienic.
Knowing that interlinking rivers was No 1 in the election manifesto of the new PM Narendra Modi, I have penned a post— warning of the irreversible dangers .
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1300 million Indians can survive without hydroelectric power. But they cannot survive without water.
India must plan on building clean nuclear power using Thorium based reactors. Till we attain this technology, we must build nuclear plants for generating power , rather than kill our rivers.
A small nuclear plant like at Kudankulam can generate more power than the Tehri dam which killed the Ganga.
Solar power and wind power can only be used to augment, and they cannot be the main stay.
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Indian must know what the 7000 year old Kumbh Mela is all about. A known Hindu baiter Azam Khan was in charge of the last Kumbh Mela .
It is the wish of every Hindu to be cremated . Getting buried after death in unimaginable for him.
Poor people cannot afford the wood to cremate their near and dear. This is the reason why half burnt bodies are dumped in the Ganges river.
The practice of unburnt bodies being dumped in the river must be stopped and culprits must be traced , fined and imprisoned.
The Modi govt must construct electric crematoriums with double generator power back up. Out of these 25% crematoriums must be FREE for the desperately poor .
Burning wood for cremating bodies must have a heavy government surcharge tax , so that Hindus are encouraged to use electric crematoriums.
Special attention must be paid to the exhaust pipe of the electric furnace. I have detailed it in the post below.
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The biggest threat to a Hindu is someone telling him that he will NOT be cremated after his death. Even a hard core well knit unit like LTTE disintegrated after Bro Pirbakaran ( converted Christian ) banned cremation.
Varanasi has nearly 100 ghats, steps leading to the banks of River Ganga. Most of the ghats are bathing ghats, while others are used as cremation sites.
There are many FALSE tales associated with these ghats , cooked up by the white invader. For example – The spectacular Dashashwamedh Ghat located close to Vishwanath Temple, is the place where Lord Brahma sacrificed ten horses in a Yagna.
Sanatana Dharma did NOT have any animal or human sacrifice. All such episodes are FAKE and poison injected into Hindusim to make the Hindu self loathing.. Even the famous Ashwamedha sacrifice does NOT involve the sacrifice of a white horse.
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There is a concept called Moksha in Hinduism. After death a deserving soul which has NIL karmic baggage is liberated from the endless cycle of births and rebirths.
In Hindusim we bury small children ( less than 28 weeks ) and jivanmukt holy men , as they do NOT have ego. The body of the “realized man” or Jivan Mukt continues to exist until his karmas and prarabdhas ( greater responsibility ) has worked itself out, and then his mortal coil falls away on his own free will , and he attains Moksha.
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Many Bengalis have asked me why their favourite Hilsa fish has disappeared from the Ganges. Well, today I will tell them what transpired.
We all think that fish keep swimming around from one place to another. But most species species make only two really significant journeys in their lives.
The first is shortly after birth, when fish move away from their spawning grounds, and the second occurs when the fish return to the spawning area to breed and die.
Before dams were built the only threats to this life journey was from bigger predators and fishermen, but now, fish face insurmountable barriers in the form of dams. If they can't get back to the spawning grounds, then fish populations dramatically decrease.
That's where fish ladders come in (you may also hear them referred to as fish passages or fishways). Fish ladders provide a detour route for migrating fish so that they can get over or around a dam that's blocking the way.
You may wonder –what the fu#k ?
How can a fish climb a effin' ladder ?
Basically the fish ladder is a series of ascending pools that are reached not by climbing rungs, but by swimming against a stream of water. The fish leap through the cascade of rushing water, rest in the pool and then repeat the process until they're beyond the dam on the upper part of the river .
Just imagine Hilsa fish used to swing 1300 kilometers up the Ganges when NO dams existed. This is NO bull, as this fish stays in the sea and swims up the river only to spawn. Now they can only swim till the Farakka Barrage.
The Farraka Barrage has prevented the spawning of migratory fish, and siltation compounds their problems, making the river bed too shallow for them to lay their eggs.
The Farraka Barrage has prevented the spawning of migratory fish, and siltation compounds their problems, making the river bed too shallow for them to lay their eggs.
You can see thousand of fishing boats catching the Hilsa fish even before they could spawn— depriving the poor Bengali off his Hilsa machchi and mouth watering Macher Jhol.
While fish ladders are designed to get the fish back upstream to the spawning grounds, there may not be protection for the young fish going downstream. Without built-in protection, the young fish could get caught in a turbine, for example, leading to injury or even death.
Fish passing free falling over a dam become stressed, injured, disoriented, or die . They get injured and shocked when in contact with turbines, the walls of the dam, or deflection screens. They then exit into a relatively small area where their exposure to predators is increased.
There is something called super saturation . It is a danger for fish going over a dam or through its spillway. When water is spilled over a dam huge turbulence is created .
Because air is comprised of 78% nitrogen, the level of nitrogen dissolved in the water increase dramatically. The affected water does not lose the excess nitrogen quickly. Supersaturated water enter tissues.
If fish swim from an area supersaturated with nitrogen to a lower pressure area, a condition similar to “the bends” in scuba diving can occur. This effect causes injury and can even cause death to fish.
Salmon are the most well-known species of fish that migrate up and down streams. As a species, salmon are called anadromous because they migrate from fresh water to the oceans and then back again.
In the case of Hilsa they migrate from the sea up the fresh water river to spawn.
The hilsa deposits its eggs in fresh water. Hilsa eggs are hatched in fresh water at about 73 degrees Fahrenheit. This fish initially feeds on zooplankton, and then on phytoplankton. Large scale impounding of water in upstream dam reservoirs later discharging will lower the temperature in spawning rivers, in addition to the turbulence
There is no more Hilsa fish in Allahabad, ever since the construction of the Farakka Barrage in 1975.
When they hatch, the larvae and juveniles migrate to sea over several months, feeding and growing en route. At this early stage of their life they are known locally as "Jatka," and range from 4-15 centimeters in length.
A mature Hilsa with a length ranging from 30-55 cm lays one lakh to 20 lakh eggs. The eggs are deposited in fresh water, and hatching takes place in about 24 hours .The newly hatched larvae is around 2.3 mm in size and the larvae and juveniles make their way downstream to the sea during a period of several months, feeding and growing on the way.
At this stage of their life cycle they are locally known as "Jatka". Usually Jatka grazes for five to six months age in fresh water before they migrate to seawater.
After growing for 1-2 years in sea, Hilsa shad matures and reaches an size of 35-55 cm prior to their spawning migration towards inland rivers, and the cycle continues. In 2006, the state’s government banned the catch of hilsa weighing less than 500 grammes.(. khoka ilish. ). Hilsa fishing is now completely banned on either side of the Farakka barrage, 5 km upstream and 5 km downstream.
Hilsa fish nowadays tastes all fu#kin' balls . The rise of water temperature and water pollution has triggered early maturity of hilsa.
Why blame Hilsa?
In the west girls get their periods at the age of 9, while their great grandmothers got their periods at the age of 15.
Hilsa would earlier take at least two years to become mature, it is now reaching maturity in a year. Hilsa weighing a puny 150gm was found to be bearing eggs; something that should have been seen in Hilsa weighing 500gm or more. "
Down stream of a dam, the river is starved of its structural materials and cannot provide habitat. Migratory fish like salmon, which are born upstream may not survive their downstream trip through a dam. They stand a poor chance of completing the round trip to spawn.
Dams hold back not only fertile silt and sediment, but also debris. The life of organisms (including fish) downstream depends on the constant feeding of the river with debris. This debris includes leaves, twigs, branches, and whole trees, as well as the organic remains of dead animals.
Debris not only provides food, it provides hiding places for all sizes of animals and surfaces for phytoplankton and microorganisms to grow. Without flooding and without a healthy riparian zone, this debris will be scarce.
Adding to the problem, although debris might come from the river above the dam, it is instead trapped in the reservoir, and never appears downstream. The bottom level of the food web is removed. All in all, the loss of sediment and debris means the loss of both nutrients and habitat for aquatic life.
The devastation of freshwater ecosystems directly affects the livelihoods of millions of people who live upstream and downstream of dams, especially in India where a lot of people depend on farming and fishing.
And this is in addition to the large numbers of people that are relocated to make way for the reservoirs. If you work out the economics and logistics , dams costs outweigh their benefits.
The rich western countries and the International banksters are very keen to lend money to India for building more dams on the Ganges. Kickbacks to corrupt politicians cause things to be less transparent , even though the bad effects are irreversible.
Underground aquifers keep water unpolluted and safe without evaporation. Flowing rivers feed underground aquifers hundreds of miles away from the banks. This has been going on since antiquity.
The damage that dams cause to river ecosystems is immense, turning free-flowing waterways into lifeless lakes, killing plants and trees, blocking fish migration and breeding, driving species to extinction, and devastating established patterns of human life. Many species of fresh water fish in the ganges is now extinct.
By diverting water for power ( which can be produced by other means ), dams remove water needed for healthy in-stream ecosystems. Stretches below dams are often completely de-watered.
Dams slow down rivers. Many fish species, such as salmon, depend on steady flows to flush them downriver early in their life and guide them upstream years later to spawn. Stagnant reservoir pools disorient migrating fish and significantly increase the duration of their migration.
Dams alter water temperatures. By slowing water flow, most dams increase water temperatures. Flowing rivers are fairly homogenous in temperature. Dam reservoirs, on the other hand, are layered. They are warm at the top and cold at the bottom. If water is released downstream, the down stream temperature is affected . Many macroinvertebrates depend on a regular cycle of temperatures throughout the year. When we change that, we endanger them. Fish are sensitive to these temperature irregularities, which often destroy native populations.
Dams alter timing of flows. By withholding and then releasing water to generate power for peak demand periods, dams cause downstream stretches to alternate between no water and powerful surges that erode soil and vegetation, and flood or strand wildlife. These irregular releases destroy natural seasonal flow variations that trigger natural growth and reproduction cycles in many species.
Dams decrease oxygen levels in reservoir waters. When oxygen-deprived water is released from behind the dam, it kills fish downstream.
Dams hold back silt, debris, and nutrients. By slowing flows, dams allow silt to collect on river bottoms and bury fish spawning habitat. Silt trapped above dams accumulates heavy metals and other pollutants. Gravel, logs and other debris are also trapped by dams, eliminating their use downstream as food and habitat.
Dams increase predator risk. Warm, murky reservoirs often favor predators of naturally occurring species. In addition, passage through fish ladders or turbines injure or stun fish, making them easy prey for flying predators like gulls and herons. You can see this yourself at any dam.
Reservoirs from large dams evaporate huge quantities of water. When a hydroelectric project results in inundation of a free-flowing river, the nesting, forage, and cover provided by these areas is temporarily or permanently lost.
Dam reservoirs trap nutrient-laden sediments behind the dam. This reduces reservoir volumes and accelerates a cycle of eutrophication (or oxygen depletion) that results in increased plant and algal growth, bacterial decomposition that consumes oxygen, and release of phosphorus that nourishes further algal growth.
Organic materials from within and outside the river that would normally wash downstream get built up behind dams and start to consume a large amount of oxygen as they decompose. Algae blooms , create oxygen-starved “dead zones” incapable of supporting river life of any kind.
You can have high levels of dissolved oxygen at the top from the algal growth, and ten feet below that--zero. So only the top ten feet of the reservoir is the only habitable area for river fish. There has been no practice to periodically release a specific volume of water according to the level required to maintain the dolphins' habitat..
Statistics have shown that the river dolphin population in India is at less than 2000, compared to more than 7000 , thrity years ago. When stream banks and riparian areas become covered by the dam reservoir’s higher water level, the result is called inundation.
Habitat conditions change and a new equilibrium emerges. As this occurs, a different set of dynamics begin impacting species that traditionally grow, nest, feed, or spawn in these areas.
Most of the dams on the Ganges do NOT have the ability to remove result . No silt removing tunnel was built into the dam. When sediments collect, the ecosystem can be affected in two ways. The downstream habitat conditions decline because these silt and sediments no longer provide important organic and inorganic nutrients.
When sediment builds up behind a dam, an effect called “nutrient loading”can cause the supply of oxygen to be depleted. This happ.
ens because more nutrients are now available, thus more organisms populate the dam adjacent reservoir area to consume the nutrients. As these organisms consume the nutrients, more oxygen is used, depleting the supply of oxygen in the reservoir.
ens because more nutrients are now available, thus more organisms populate the dam adjacent reservoir area to consume the nutrients. As these organisms consume the nutrients, more oxygen is used, depleting the supply of oxygen in the reservoir.
Below video: The thought of the ongoing DELIBERATE murder the river Ganges ( soul of Bharatmata ) launches me often into the song by Chris Rhea --THE ROAD TO HELL
I “attempted” to sing this Chris Rhea song in one of shipboard parties . To be honest singing is one of the very few fields I have failed in my life.
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Punch into Google search-
Some of my readers may think that my sailors ( and the captain himself) , are behaving in a frivolous manner .
There is a method to this madness –it has results .
It is VERY effective .
Punch into Google search-
Capt Ajit Vadakayil is one of the very few leaders on this planet, who managed by HUMOR MANAGEMENT— the ultimate in man and seaman management.
These are things you do NOT fiind in books. This brand of man management is NOT taught in management and HR schools.
Punch into Google search-
The toxic chemical effluents from tanneries by the banks of the river Ganges, especially more than 400 tanneries at Kanpur has slowed down the self cleansing capability of the river Ganges—basically killing the bacteriophages and flocculating the magic Himalayan colloids..
All collids are electrically charged. Colloidal particles are in constant motion because of bombardment by molecules of dispersion medium. This motion is called Brownian motion.Contact with certain chemicals cause them to lose their charge.
The river can get rid of organic pollutants—but non-biodegradable chemical pollutants makes the water toxic. Regular BOD5 and COD tests must be done and recorded in a transparent website on the Internet with trends.
BOD5 means Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in water . It measures the amount of oxygen required or consumed for the microbiological decomposition (oxidation) of organic material in water. The unit of Measurement is mg/l of oxygen consumed in 5 days at a constant temperature of 20°C in the dark.
Basically BOD5 is a useful measure to assess the effectiveness of sewage water treatment processes. BOD5 is a measure of the amount of oxygen that is consumed by bacteria as it breaks down organic matter in a sample during a five-day period under standardized conditions.
BOD5 limit could range from 5–50 mg/liter, depending upon your wastewater flow, receiving stream flow and the water quality standards of the receiving waters .
Legend has it that the 5-day BOD (Biological or Biochemical Oxygen Demand) test was developed in England. Sewage was dumped in a river and it took five days for gora shit to travel from London to the North sea. -- hence the five-day incubation requirement in the BOD method.
The BOD5 of sewage varies from several hundred to about 1000 mg/l for raw sewage, and from about 10 to 20 mg/l for good quality secondary effluent
BOD can be used as a gauge of the effectiveness of wastewater treatment plants. BOD is similar in function to chemical oxygen demand (COD), in that both measure the amount of organic compounds in water. However, COD is less specific, since it measures everything that can be chemically oxidized, rather than just levels of biologically active organic matter. Fish and aquatic insects may die when oxygen is depleted by microbial metabolism.
COD is a measure of the amount of oxygen required to breakdown the organic matter in a sample under very strong oxidizing conditions. During the COD test, the sample is subjected to boiling with sulfuric acid and a strong oxidizer, such as potassium dichromate.
COD or Chemical Oxygen Demand is the total measurement of all chemicals in the water that can be oxidized. COD is usually a measurement of chemicals and the test is simple and easy to perform with the right equipment and can be done in 2 hours.
A COD test measures all organic carbon with the exception of certain aromatics (benzene, toluene, phenol, etc.) which are not completely oxidized in the reaction. COD is a chemically chelated/thermal oxidation reaction, and therefore, other reduced substances such as sulfides, sulfites, and ferrous iron will also be oxidized and reported as COD. NH3-N (ammonia) will NOT be oxidized as COD.
Most applications of COD determine the amount of organic pollutants found in surface water (e.g. lakes and rivers) or wastewater, making COD a useful measure of water quality. It is expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/L) also referred to as ppm (parts per million), which indicates the mass of oxygen consumed per liter of solution.
Jawaharlal Nehru, despite making the Tehri Dam had great respect for Ganga. His grandson Rajiv Gandhi neglected the river. The Italian Catholic woman killed the river in just 10 years of her rule. 1 billion Hindus kept protesting.
But the queen bee did NOT care too much. Evangelists eager on soul harvesting went on overdrive. Just an example-
QUOTE: These people come with the false hope of finding forgiveness for their sins, yet they are increasing God’s wrath by putting their faith in false gods, works and rituals. They hope to break the cycle of reincarnation, in hopes of reaching nirvana, the closest Hindu equivalent to heaven. Others bring their dying relatives and friends to the river in the false hope that the location will give them a better reincarnation. Without Christ, these hopes are futile. How can they be reached with the truth in an environment that is so heavily influenced by malevolent spirits? Christian groups have tried to reach out to Hindus in Varanasi, a city with Christian fellowships. Other believers have gone to Varanasi and Allahabad to worship the Lord and pray for the Hindus who come with high hopes of spiritual enlightenment. Pray that such efforts will break through deception so that pious and well-meaning Hindus will find that Jesus holds the answer for their spiritual quests: UNQUOTE
Oh Boy!
How can an Italian catholic woman understand the Hindu ethos ?
Her inner coterie has termed Ganges pollution as Hindus immersing ashes , flowers , clay idols and setting afloat lighted clay diyas in the river . Yet, they have named a pumping station as “The Sonia Vihar pumping station” in 2006.
The white invader had more respect for the Ganga that the inner coterie of the waitress . Almost a century back when the British were planning to check the flow of the Ganga at Haridwar, Madan Mohan Malviya , some kings, and the 4 Shankaracharyas , with the public united in protest.
The British invader relented.
The Chief Sec. of the United Provinces, I.C.S., R.Burns passed order no 1002 on 20-4-1917 to ‘maintain a free flow of the Ganga.’
All Hindus, regardless of their sects and castes , believe in the sacred purifying powers of the Ganges. They worship the river by bathing in it, drinking its waters, praying to it, invoking it in oaths, and chanting its name.
Bathing in the Ganges has become an important part of a vast number of Hindu ceremonies and festivals. Even sacred statues of deities are bathed in the Ganges after being first created. For millenniums Ganga is considered as the holiest of the holy rivers, serving as a gateway for souls to escape the cycle of endless rebirths and attain salvation.
The Hindu firmly believed that drinking water from the Ganga at one's deathbed enables him or her to attain salvation. Their life is incomplete without bathing in the Ganga atleast once in their lifetime
The Charak samhita, the ancient medical treatise, characterizes Ganga water as pure, and sacred. It says that no germ, bacteria or fungi canthrive in it. Hence Ganga water is revered as holy.
Wanna know who wrote the Charaka Samhita and when ? It was penned at a time when the white man was living in damp caves, doing grunt grunt for language, and eating raw meat by clubbing down animals , 6200 years ago. During this time, his Indian counterpart was wearing silk, writing poetry, eating cooked food from a menu and living is proper houses.
Punch into Google search-
The common Indian knows only that Gangajal does not deteriorate. Supposing you take water that has gone through reverse osmosis, activated charcoal , ultraviolet treatment, etc., if you keep it for two more years, it will go bad, but Gangajal won’t.
93% percent of leather products produced by the tanneries which pollute the holy Ganga is destined for fashion markets in Europe and the United States— and we pollute our lands and water resources, for these people who look down on Indians .
In recent times more than 20,000 crores has been spent on cleansing the Ganga. What is the export income of the leather we export? A small percentage of this amount, right? Where is the economics , even if we are economics driven ?
Why are we putting deadly chemicals in the Ganges ? For what ?
Five hundred million people, about 8 percent of the world's population, live in the Ganges basin. Out of the 2,300 towns in the country, 692 are located in this basin, and of these, 100 are located along the river bank itself.
So the snooty white men who want leather on their expensive car seats and fancy purses for their women are more important?
The leather industry in Kanpur from more than 400 tanneries uses chemicals such as toxic and carcinogenic chromium compounds. The tanneries significantly increased the pollution load of river as they discharge huge amounts of effluents containing organic wastes and heavy metals.
The tannery industry of Kanpur has coverted the Ganges to a gutter running to the sea.-- a dumping ground. They discharge different types of effluent waste into the river containing toxic chemicals . This pollutes the river water directly or indirectly causes health hazards like cancer, renal failure and much other water related diseases.
90% of these tanneries use Chromium as the tanning agent.
Many Indians have contracted painful skin conditions, respiratory diseases, and deadly waterborne illnesses such as typhoid, polio, and jaundice after drinking or bathing in the Ganges River.
Draining of industrial effluent into rivers should be completely banned. Industries should recycle the industrial waste and use only recycled water.
Industrial effluents and hospital wastes treated or untreated and also sewage from the cities and towns treated or untreated, must not be allowed to enter into the river.
skins go through an extensive chemical treatment from the time they are scoured with lime to when they are treated with chromium salts. The chromium lends a greenish hue to the drinking water the city draws from the river.
Organic wastes - hair, flesh, and other animal remains - are thrown into the river, giving it a fetid stench. As they sink into the water, they mingle with the effluents of some 70 other industrial plants mainly sugar factories that disgorge a thick molasses-like substance, and textile companies that throw in various bleaches, dyes, and acids.
Kanpur also contributes to the river about 400 million liters of sewage each day. Alarming levels of Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury, Nickel and Chrome(VI) in the above mentioned samples have been found. The blue and black slime that oozes from the tanneries is deadly poison , laden with chromium sulfate, sodium sulfide and a score of other toxic acids, fats, salts, dyes and synthetic chemicals.
When chromium-laced waste is dumped into regional water systems, it can damage fish gills, incite respiratory problems, infections, infertility, and birth defects. It can also instigate a number of serious cancers in animals throughout the food chain. Chromium has been linked to increased rates of asthma, bronchitis, polyps of the upper respiratory tract, pharyngitis, and the enlargement of the hilar region and lymph nodes.
An average of 35 m3 waste water is produced per ton of raw hide.
This wastewater contains:
- salts (Cl), fat, protein, preservatives (soaking);
- lime and ammonium salts, ammonia, protein (hair), and sulphides (fleshing, trimming, bating);
- chromium(salts) and polyphenolic compounds (tanning); and
- dye and solvent chemicals (wet-finishing).
Solid waste produced consists of fleshings containing lime, chromium containing ‘wet-blue’ shavings and of trimmings (leather).
Tanning in the process converting putrescible skin into non-putriscible "leather". Usually with tannin, and acidic chemical compound that prevents decomposition . Chrome tanning, the process most common today based on the use of chrome salts and requiring only a few hours.
Chromium-tanned leather is the most popular form of producing leather these days, and one of the most noxious. It relies on a toxic slush of chromium salts and tanning liquor to produce a supple and often light blue coloured product.
The prepared hides are first pickled in a vat of chromium until the material’s pH drops to 3.0, then they’re transferred to a secondary vat filled with tanning liquor which penetrates the leather.
Once the liquor has been thoroughly and evenly absorbed, the pH of the vat is increased to 4.0. This fixes the tanning material to the leather at a molecular level and helps reduce the amount of shrinkage experienced when the leather is submerged in warm water.
Once the tanning operation proper has been completed, the leather is allowed to dry. Then the “crusting” procedure begins. The leather may be thinned, retanned, and lubricated before being coloured, softened, and shaped.
Chromium compounds are applied to protect hides from decay and to make them more durable against moisture and aging. Hospitals are full with kidney and liver patients in the vicinity of these areas .
Nobody cares to check if these tanneries have the requisite waste treatment facilities, and how they dispose their effluents . Does this take too much of effort if the person is committed to a cause ?
Every child must be educated about the effect of non-biodegradables like plastics and toxic / bioaccumulative chemicals in the river water. Offenders must be captured on a mobile phone camera and then punished -
Bioaccumulation occurs when an organism absorbs a toxic substance at a rate greater than that at which the substance is lost.
India's National Botanical Research Institute, a government body, has tested agricultural and dairy products in the Kanpur area and found that they contain high levels of chromium and arsenic.
An estimated 3 tonnes of sewage is released into the Ganges each day, of which very little is processed by sewage treatment plants. Ever since dams have been built, the banks on either side do NOT get the benefit of floods depositing fertile silt into the super fertile humous soil.
Now the farmer is forced to use artificial fertilizers which makes the soul very thirsty.
Chemical pollution threatens not only humans, but also more than 140 fish species, 90 amphibian species and the endangered Ganges river dolphin. People living along the Gnaga banks in Uttar Pradesh,Bihar and Bengal are more prone to cancer than anywhere else in the country.
Gallbladder cancer cases along the river course are the second highest in the world and prostate cancer highest in the country— thanks to the excessive amounts of arsenic, choride, fluoride and other heavy metals.
Laws must be made and enforces to dispose off battery cells properly, like plastics . The need of the hour is to strictly implement laws regulating discharge of industrial waste into the river.
Sewage treatment plants and incinerators must be privatized, with double generator power backup. If they are run by the govt , there must be zero tolerance to dereliction of duty.
If PM Narendra Modi cleans up the Ganges , in the first 5 years — he will be in power for atleast 20 years .
A very easy way to get blown off in the 2019 elections is to implement the BJP No 1 MAD election manifesto of Interlinking Indian rivers and killing the holy Ganga , irreversibly , once and for all.
A day after his election victory Modi traveled to Varanasi to perform aarti ( a fire ritual ) in honour of the sacred river.
"Now it is time to do my bit for Maa Ganga," he said in a passionate speech from the Varanasi ghat. "Maa Ganga is waiting for her son to free her from pollution."
Modi has said that he wants to replicate the Sabarmati model. It is NOT so easy , for Sabarmati is a short piss fart river ( about 370 km long) and the mighty Ganga is 2,525 km. The ecosystem of Ganges is complex and different.
Even the World Bank has termed the Ganga clean-up a ‘high-risk’ project . All say Modi government is staring at a Herculean task that could take many years.
The solution is VERY simple.
The purity of the water depends on the velocity and the dilution capacity of the river. Maintain good water flow in the Ganges at all times, to sustain its self purification capability.
Some useless white elephant dams on the Ganges may have to be decommissioned and broken up.
After the Uttarachal floods the UPA govt has NOT been transparent to the severe damade to several dams . I shall be transparent in this post--later.
Water which flow down the Ganges water is NOT wasted into the sea like stupid people think. All the water in the ganges is NOT melted ice water.
Salt water intrusions into India’s coastal ground water aquifers started only after dams deprived rivers off the natural flow into the sea. The fish catch around the Indian coast has decreased after the flow of fresh water into the sea has been reduced.
Chrome can be recycled. There are proven techniques such as direct recycling — which uses the same chromium bath for both the initial tanning and subsequent re-tanning stage . This can reduce chromium levels in wastewater.
By reclaiming chromium, either by rapidly precipitating it out of the acid bath using sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate or slowly pulling it out with magnesium oxide, one can recapture at 30 per cent of the bath’s chrome content. A mix of 70 per cent new chrome and 30 per cent recaptured chrome produces nearly identical results as using 100 per cent new chrome.