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Swara yoga describes man as being composed of five areas of existence, termed the pancha koshas.  The general translation of kosha is sheath, and pancha means five. Each kosha is indicative of a particular sphere of existence and maya means 'composed of.

Annamaya kosha , the first sheath, is composed of anna or food. It is the physical body and brain. Pranamaya kosha, the second kosha, is composed of prana. Manomaya kosha, the third, is composed of manas or mind. Vijnanamaya kosha, the fourth, is composed of inner knowledge or intuition. Anandamaya kosha is the sublime experience of ananda or bliss.

The four categories of mind - conscious, subconscious, unconscious and superconscious, are experienced in the various koshas. Each capacity of mind and body is composed from the material of that kosha.

All the koshas are intricately connected and they continually influence and interact with one another. Pranamaya kosha is the intermediate link between conscious and subconscious. Vijnanamaya kosha is the link between subconscious and unconscious. 

These five koshas constitute every human being; the physical body is only a fraction of our total range of experience.. Manipulating the breath and pranic flow and increasing its capacity stimulates pranamaya kosha

The first stage of swara yoga awakens your awareness of pranamaya kosha, the direct link between mind and body, annamaya and manomaya kosha, and takes you into the subtler reams of existence. 

Later, the awareness moves into manomaya and vijnanamaya kosha as the practices start to unfold. 

During the different incarnations, the consciousness has been evolving simultaneously with the mental and physical capacities through which it experiences. Here we are not referring to Darwin’s theory of the natural evolution of the species and the animal body. Evolution here means the ascent and expansion of consciousness.. 

In the primal stages, life is dependent on the laws of nature, but once we come into the sphere of human experience a new faculty of conscious awareness opens up. It is this awareness which enables us to speed up the process of our evolution. Swara yoga is very important in this process because it enables us to enter the higher realms of vibration much more quickly.

 Energy is the evolved form of matter. It, the human brain was much smaller then, bul still it has not yet fully evolved because, as we know, only a minute portion of it is in conscious operation, the other nine-tenths are waiting to be awakened.

That the instinctive portion of the brain is in constant use, whereas the higher frontal region is seldom used. It is the purpose of swara yoga to activate these dormant centres. In terms of evolution, our minds are still absorbed in annamaya kosha, the realm of matter. 

But the higher brain centres penetrate into the subtler koshas. So far, science knows little about the 'silent areas' or the brain and is only just becoming aware ol all the different realms in which it can function.

Western philosophy originated from Greece  who stole it from Kodungallur university ( without understanding it ) , owned by the Calicut King.   For many centuries western thinkers could never accept anything beyond object as tangible: here is the object, I can see it, I can touch it, therefore it is.

However, in yoga and in vedanta, object and consciousness are interrelated. In Body, mind and spirit are interconnected, interrelated and interpenetrating. Therefore, a person is a combination of three things: firstly, the gross body, secondly, the subtle or astral body and thirdly, the causal body or unconscious.

Each body has a dimension and a layer. You can call it a field. Just as you say electromagnetic field or radioactive field, in exactly the same way there are fields in your body. In vedanta, they are known as koshas which means ‘sheaths’. 

Again, these koshas are five in number: annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya, vijnanamaya and anandamaya, and are further sub-divisions of the three bodies, which represent the three states of your daily experience.

Every day you have three types of experiences. One is the waking experience in which you experience through your senses and mind. The second experience is dream. In dream you do not experience through the senses, but through your subconscious mind. The third experience is sleep in which there is no knowledge of time and space, no knowledge about yourself or about anything in sleep, but when you get up in the morning, you know that you slept well the night before.

So every day the individual self undergoes these three experiences alternately. These experiences relate to a particular field.

Annamaya kosha---The first kosha is annamaya, the physical body. Annamaya kosha, is the container of the other koshas

Pranayama kosha--The second kosha is pranamaya, the kosha composed of prana, or life force. life. Prana is the force or energy for all kinds of motion.. The tiniest part of an atom has prana. This. 

Wherever there is prana there is movement, growth, change and activity and where there is no prana there is no activity. When we die the body dissipates because it has become completely bereft of prana.

If you study the science of the behaviour of positive and negative ions, you will understand the importance of balancing the prana in the body, because prana represents the positive energy in the body, and mind represents the negative energy. 

When there is a balance between positive and negative energy, then you can see illumination and everything is in harmony. 

There are five karmendriyas: feet, hands, vocal cords, urinary and excretory systems. Indriya means vehicle, tool or sense. Karma means action. Through these five karmendriyas you perform five gross actions. Prana is the force behind them. You have seen how old people become slow due to lack of prana. Pranamaya kosha is the energy in annamaya kosha.

There are five main pranas: prana, apana, udana, samana and vyana. These forms of prana control various functions in the physical body. For example, urination, excretion, insemination and childbirth are consequences of apana

When an embryo is developed in the mother’s womb, it is part of the mother’s body and prana. After the third month, the independent or individual pranas manifest in the foetus. That is to say, from the fourth month, the mother’s prana and the prana of the embryo become two different pranas.

Pranamaya kosha is purified through the practice of pranayama, because pranayama makes the pranic energy penetrate into each and every cell and fibre of the body. Pranayama does not literally mean breathing exercise. 

The word pranayama is composed of two ideas, prana and ayama, meaning field, dimension or area. Pranayama means extending the field of prana. In this physical body you have a field of prana.

Manomaya kosha---The third kosha is manomaya, the kosha composed of the mind. Mind is consciousness. It is a field of energy by itself. Even as prana is the positive field of energy, mind is the negative field of energy. 

In Sanskrit, the mind is known as manas, and has three dimensions-- the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the unconscious mind.. Perception, cognition and understanding are the basic and primary qualities of the mind.

From your previous incarnations or from some unknown transmissions, there is a primitive stock of archetypes within you. This is called soul samskara. It is known as the seed body or the unconscious. Soul samskaras give you phobias.

Vijnanamaya kosha--The fourth kosha is vijnanamaya. Vijnana means psyche. Vijnana is a Sanskrit word from the prefix vi and jnana meaning knowledge or awareness, inner perception or experience. 

Vijnana has two meanings: external science and also inner experience. Therefore, whenever you have any experience which is subjective in nature, it is a consequence of vijnanamaya kosha. Whatever you are dreaming is a projection of vijnanamaya kosha, and in your meditation, concentration or mantra yoga, when you see lights , figures,, smell perfumes or hear sounds, it is the consequence or result of vijnanamaya kosha.

Vijnanamaya kosha is related to a very unknown part of the universe and it is a link or sutra between the conscious mind, the individual mind and the universal mind. Universal knowledge comes to the conscious mind through vijnanamaya kosha or the psychic mind. Vijnanamaya kosha does not depend on time, space and causation factors.

The mind has its eyes on the object, but vijnanamaya kosha has its eye on the universe, and therefore Hindus say that vijnanamaya kosha has a thousand heads and a thousand eyes, a thousand hands and a thousand feet. This means it can see anywhere and think anything.

Tantra is related to vijnanamaya kosha. The tantric practices act as a catalyst . All energy is inherent in matter. In the same way, vijnanamaya kosha is inherent within you but it is hidden in you like butter is hidden in milk. You have to separate it; you have to release your vijnanamaya kosha.

Vijnanamaya kosha is the realm of your unconscious mind or psyche. It is a world of signs and symbols, colours and lights. And your unconscious is a part of the collective unconscious. 

It is directly linked to the collective unconsciousness or hiranyagarbha, the cosmic womb, that holds everything that has ever come into existence or is waiting to come into existence. It is the cosmic storehouse to which the unconscious mind of each and every individual is linked. 

That is why when you have experience of vijnanamaya kosha you become intuitive, because you begin to perceive things which belong to the four dimensions of time, the past, present, future and beyond that to eternity. 

To awaken vijnanamaya you have to transcend the influence of mind and intellect. The easiest and quickest way to influence the analytical mind and logical intellect is to provide it with a set of practices that defy all logic. 

According to yoga and tantra, this really works you can easily use the practices of yoga, such as asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, mantra, pratyahara, dharana and dhyana, to awaken vijnanamaya kosha.

Anandamaya kosha--The fifth organism is anandamaya kosha. It is not possible to translate the word ananda. Some translate it as bliss or happiness, but ananda is when there is no happiness and no unhappiness. 

In happiness you are jumping, in unhappiness you are dull – sometimes low, sometimes high. So your mind is swinging. In ananda there is no swinging. There is unified experience and that experience does not change.

When your mind has become steady in experience and does not fluctuate under any condition, that is ananda. So we call it homogenous experience. andamaya kosha means the kosha which comprises homogenous experience.

Here is a state of mind which does not change, despite anything that happens in life. With that state of mind you can live with all the conditions of life. You can live with a good partner or a bad partner, prosperity or poverty, disease or death,  forest or home, everywhere, because nothing affects you. 

You are where you are, firmly rooted in your own self, but at the same time you can interact with everyone. You can even fight, but still not be affected.

Evolution is the ascendance of individual awareness from the material realm to the subtler and higher levels of existence where the mind becomes conscious and extends itself from annamaya kosha to vijnanamaya or even anandamaya kosha. 

Prana means the original life force. the prana within us is a part of the universal prana ( akasha / ZPF / brahman )

Kundalini shakti, the serpent power or inner energy which transforms our consciousness, develops from awakened prana.

Mantra is an expression of prana.


Kalari taught to leak prana of an enemy by a single blow to any of the 108 marmas

Ayurveda taught how to plug prana leaks and redirect it.

At each of the 108 marmas , VATA ,PITTA AND KAPHA come together for harmony.

Sushruta, mapped out the location of these 108 vital points 6200 years ago

Susruta warned that marmas should never be cut during surgery.

Physically, marma point locations are where tendons, bones, muscles, joints, veins, nerves, and other tissues meet anatomically.

Energetically, marmas are extremely subtle points where the physical and divine energetic realms intersect in the human body

When prana, the energetic equivalent of breath, mixes with the five elements, the doshas are formed. There are three doshas or constitutions: Vata( gas), Pitta ( bile ) and Kapha ( mucous ).

AYURVEDA dealt with prana.

Marma are places in our body where currents of life-energies (prana) cross over at the micro level. They are serving as gates between body’s physical and energetic levels

At the MACRO level , Prana comes from universal sources of energy and flow through everything.


In the physical body we have two types of energies. One is prana and the other is consciousness.

In every organ of the body there should be two channels supplying energy.

Modern physiology ( which lifted from Vedas ) describes two types of nervous systems - the sympathetic and the parasympathetic, and these two nervous systems are interconnected in each and every organ of the body.

As per Tantra prana originates in pingala nadi. . Within the framework of the spinal cord, there are three channels known as nadis in yoga. One is called ida, another is pingala and the third is sushumna. Ida nadi represents the mental energy, pingala represents prana or pranic energy and sushumna represents spirit or spiritual awareness.

These three nadis originate in mooladhara chakra, which is situated at the perineum or cervix. Pingala nadi flows to the right from mooladhara and continues to cross ida at each chakra all the way up to ajna. Pingala nadi is the distributing channel for prana in the body. 

The inner prana is stimulated by the practice of pranayama. For meditation, the brain needs an increased supply. This is why Pranayama precedes meditation..

Kumbhaka, retention of breath, is the actual definition of pranayama. Inhalation and exhalation are just a process.


Through unconscious breathing we cannot supply the brain with sufficient prana for its evolution and growth.

Before meditation pranayama should be practised in coordination with specific bandhas. The three bandhas which are incorporated into the practice of pranayama are jalandhara bandha, uddiyana bandha and moola bandha. I have explained it before in great detail.

Through pranayama you generate prana in the lower region of the body, then in order to conduct it up to the brain you must first practise moola bandha, then uddiyana bandha and finally jalandhara bandha.

Moola bandha is contraction of the perineum, uddiyana bandha is contraction of the abdominal muscles and jalandhara bandha is the locking of the chin against the sternum. Prana is then conducted to the brain with the help of the subtle circulatory system.

The bandhas function as energy locks to direct prana.


By locking or contracting certain muscles on the physical level a subtle process of ‘unlocking’ goes on simultaneously on physical, mental and pranic levels and within the psychic and causal bodies. 

Contracting or squeezing of muscles groups form three main groups: perineal muscles, abdominal muscles and cervical muscles. Contraction of these specific muscles affects the nervous, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine and energy systems.

In yogic language, these granthis prevent the flow of prana into the main pranic passage of the body – sushumna. When they are released, prana immediately begins to flow through sushumna nadi, which leads to increased receptivity of the mind and in turn higher experiences.

Remember, these so-called knots are in the psychic body, not in the physical body, but physical manipulations such as bandhas can unlock them

Pranamaya kosha is made up of five major pranas, which are collectively known as the pancha, or five pranas: prana, apana, samana, udana and vyana.

Along with five major pranas there are five minor pranas known as the upa-pranas: naga, koorma, krikara, devadatta and dhananjaya. 

Swara Yogis dabbles with the airflow through the predominant nostril.  They knew that sustained pressure in the armpit that also extends to the reflex point in the fifth inter-costal space on the frontal chest wall. 

This is the kind of pressure achieved through the use of a yoga danda, a wooden armrest designed by yogis to exert pressure in the described areas of the body in order to facilitate pranayama practice. Every yogi is shown with a copperlota and a short wooden yoga danda . This stick of not to hold the hand out and manipulate the rudraksha mala.  

The same kind of pressure is applied by the hands and thumbs in padadhirasana, an asana that is used to alter the swara.  Pressure in the axilla, armpit, can induce changes that lead to decongestion and increased airflow in the contra-lateral nostril













Like Hydrogen Sulphide, Nitric Oxide is a bio signaler, as written in the Indian Vedas 7000 years ago

Conversely, it helps protect tissues from damage due to low blood supply.

As a neurotransmitter, nitric oxide acts in the nitrergic neurons active on smooth muscle, abundant in the gastrointestinal tract and erectile tissue Nitric oxide is also an immune effector, mediating diverse activities of immune cells

This was written down in Charaka Samhita ( MMMMMMM created Nitric oxide molecule ) 6200 years ago.

The secret of Ganges ( macrophages ) lies in Nitric oxide-- which no other river on this planet has ... My revelations now jump to 53.36 %

Treating cut flowers and other plants with nitric oxide has been shown to lengthen the time before wilting. This is NO bullshit.

Before a patient is put on ECMO, a Nitric oxide Oxygen mixture must be tried

Nitric oxide in higher concentrations can kill parasites that cause diseases, and indeed it has been shown that nitric oxide concentrations rise in sick individuals.

During inhalation, the body registers and adapts itself to the conditions of the universe, and during exhalation information is sent back into the cosmos describing the state of the internal environment.  

But the messages transmitted between the two realms are in a code.  The swara yogi knows how to decipher this code by sharpening his awareness and gaining control over the incoming cosmic force.

Serotonin helps maintain a “happy feeling” and helps keep our moods under control by helping us to  sleep.    Low serotonin levels in our brains are believed to be the reason for cases of mild to moderate depression which can lead to symptoms of anxiety, apathy, fear, insomnia and fatigue. When the brain produces serotonin, tension is eased. 

The  Upanishads declare that constant awareness of this japa of the breath can lessen the Karmic baggage . Swara Yogis are always IN THE MOMENT.   This is the philosophical significance of the power of swara.

The Swara Yogi realizes the significance of breathing through the right and left nostrils— he  experiences the body and mind as mere instruments of the cosmic energy.  In ancient days only Swara Yogis could become astrologers I Kerala.

Swara Yogis dabbled with their pineal glands .


It is by balancing these two poles of energy that the ancient yogi brings about the awakening of kundalini, the high powered generator which illumines the fabulous, hitherto unexplored areas of the brain responsible for all of man's ingenuity, higher knowledge and self-realization

The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous systems are what is referred to in Yoga parlance as the Ida and Pingala Nadis.  

The Sympathetic Nervous System primes the body for action known as the Fight and Flight response. This keeps the energy and blood circulating to the skeletal muscles. The Parasympathetic Nervous System is for rest-and-digest" or "feed and breed. This keeps the energy and blood concentrated near the organs.

Sympathetic ( Tamas ) and Parasympathetic divisions ( Rajas ) typically function in opposition to each other.  But this opposition is better termed complementary in nature rather than antagonistic. 

For an analogy, one may think of the Sympathetic division as the accelerator and the Parasympathetic division as the brake. The Sympathetic division typically functions in actions requiring quick responses. The Parasympathetic division functions with actions that do not require immediate reaction.

The Sympathetic Nervous System originates from the left side of the Sushmna.  It flows into the left nostril ultimately crossing and powering the right side of the brain.

As long as our Sushumna is clogged, the energy cannot make it to the Third Eye (Ajna Chakra) and we live in darkness (Body Consciousness).   The Third Eye literally turns on just like a light when it receives the proper energy from the Sushumna.

The specific functions of the cerebral region of the brain correlate with the activities of ida and pingala.  The  cerebrum is symmetrical, consisting of the right and left  hemispheres.

The right brainlobe  governs the left side of  the body and the left brainlobe governs the right side of the body.   Ida is connected to the right hemisphere and  pingala to the left.

Pingala emerges on the right hand side of mooladhara,  exactly opposite to ida. It spirals up the spinal column,  crossing ida at the four major energy centres, and terminates  at the root of the right nostril.

Pingala governs the whole  right side of the body.  To control pingala the breath in the  right nostril is manipulated by the Swara Yogi. 

Pingala Nadi,  Right side of the body,  Right Nostril , Left Brain dominance.  

 Ida Nadi ,  Left side of body , Left Nostril ,  Right brain dominance .  

Subconscious brain lobe is right side for right handers .  

The swara yogi  manipulates the flow of air in the left nostril in order to control ida directly and either bring about its influence at will or suppress it when necessary.

Unconscious breathing is controlled by the medulla oblongata in the brain stem, a region known as the primitive brain, while conscious breathing comes from the more evolved areas of the brain in the cerebral cortex.  

Hatha Yoga Pradipika states: "If the air is inhaled through the  left nostril, it should be expelled again through the right.  Then breathing in through the right and retaining, it should  be expelled through the left. "(2: 10) .  This particular practice,  which is known as nadi shodhana, brings about regularity in  the whole system and is extremely important in swara yoga  for  harmonizing the pranic flow.

Everything in the universe-- from a thought to a mountain, from the smallest electron to the entire cosmos-- is in a constant state of vibration.   Healing Reiki energy ( faster than light scalar waves ) produce tiny eddy currents in body tissue.   

The human body consists of approximately 70% water.   If the hydrogen bonding angles of one molecule are altered, those in the other molecules will follow suit (as in a domino effect).

Every healer uses scalar waves and can this access higher dimensions. 

 Wikipedia of BIG BROTHER bans all those who talk about SCALAR FIELD or PRANA..   

These duffers  do not know that you cannot measure Scalar waves of 5 dimensional energy with 4 dimensional equipment.

Scalar or longitudinal electromagnetic waves come in phase conjugate pairs.--of of which ONE IS TIME REVERSED.     You can call this identical waves, basically a WAVE and an ANTI-WAVE ( following the laws of Tamas-Rajas ) that are in phase spacially, but out of phase temporarily.   Rather 2 identical waves out of phase in time.

Scalar waves follw a mobius pattern on axis just like your DNA.   This is why 12 strand ( NIL junk ) maharishis were amazing healers

Within the vascular mobius coil, there are subsets of figure of eight along major capillary networks. At the heart , the intersection of venous blood passing through the right atrium, over laps the aortic blood coming out of the left atrium.


Dying cells can be time reversed back to the healthy original state..The master cellular control system of the human body is holographic.

Black holes ( KALI ) reside in the center of galaxies

A quasar ( SARASWATI ) is powered by gas falling into a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy.

The bright quasar, is the energetic signature of a black hole.

Black holes cannot be observed directly, but they are the energy source at the heart of quasars - intense, compact gushers of radiation that can outshine an entire galaxy.

Gravitational waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime that are generated in certain gravitational interactions and propagate as waves outward from their source FAR GREATER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT ( fuck you theoretical scientists !)

Predicted in 1916 by Albert Einstein on the basis of his theory of general relativity, gravitational waves transport energy as gravitational radiation, a form of radiant energy


The Hiraṇyagarbha Sūkta of the Rigveda declares that God manifested Himself in the beginning as the Creator of the Universe, encompassing all things, including everything within Himself, the collective totality, as it were, of the whole of creation, animating it as the Supreme Intelligence.

दाधारपृथ्वींध्यामुतेमांकस्मैदेवायहविषाविधेम॥-  RIG VEDA 5000 BC

hiraṇyagarbhaḥ samavartatāgre bhūtasya jātaḥ patirekāsīta |
sa dādhāra pṛthvīṃ dhyāmutemāṃ kasmai devāyahaviṣā vidhema ||

Creation started with Hiranyagarbha  --the beginning was the Divinity in his splendour, manifested as the sole Lord of land, skies, water, space and that beneath and He upheld the earth and heavens. 

Albert Einstein proposed a spatially finite model in 1917, in his paper Cosmological Considerations in the General Theory of Relativity.   Sorry--we wont allow bullshit to be kicked under the kosher carpet.

CONMAN Einstein invented the cosmological constant lamba - λ.  He multiplied the metric tensor in his equation, g, by the cosmological constant, leading to a term λg, which adjusted his metric tensor acting on space-time.  

This mathematical trick assured him that his equations would yield a universe that was prevented from expanding or contracting.

Much later Hubble, used the most powerful telescope on Earth, to study the redshift of distant galaxies and conclude from it definitively that our universe is expanding.

Einstein heard about these results, and in the early 1930s, he traveled to California and met with Hubble.

At the Mount Wilson Observatory he saw the massive data set on distant galaxies that had led to “Hubble’s law” describing the expansion of the universe and pretended to be angry at himself. 

Einstein , a man  of poor character , LIED that he had forced his Math equations to stay static with that cosmological-constant invention of his.

Today the world know Albert Einstein was very poor in Math.

DUFFER Einstein propounded that the universe was “simply there” with no beginning or end--against Vedanta which said that when the cosmos becomes static there will be PRALAYA ( dissolution )--Brahma will breathe in.

The white bastards then started ridiculing HIRANYAGARBHA the cosmic egg of the Vedas -- noting with sarcasm that the golden egg was finite.

The white CHOOTS had no understaning of Hiranyagarbha .

The sum total of the cosmic energy or cosmic Prana is Hiranyagarbha who is known as the floating ‘Golden-Egg’.

Hiranyagarbha is Samashti Prana.. The universal life force energy (samashti prana)-- where energy cannot be destroyed--it assumes various forms 

On February 8, 1917, Einstein published a paper titled ‘Kosmologische Betrachtungen zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie‘ (‘Cosmological Considerations in the General Theory of Relativity’).

Below: Today nobody is sure if Stephen Hawking's voice is his own--he sits like vegetable  MGR on a chair 

In it, he described a number called the cosmological constant. The constant had a value such that, when used in his newly created equations describing the behaviour of the gravitational force, a non-changing STAGNANT universe was spit out


From 1929 until the early 1990s, most cosmology researchers assumed the cosmological constant to be zero.

Hubble  showed that galaxies are moving away from us and hence, that the universe is expanding, this term “cosmological constant “ was not longer necessary -- because the universe is not static.

Thief Albert Einstein knew that he was caught with his kosher pants down—and admitted that the inclusion of this term was the biggest blunder of his career.

Although the reason for Einstein's inclusion of the term is no longer valid, there remains the possiblity that the cosmological constant is not zero. There are two recent observational clues that suggest that Lambda is not zero:

In 1930, a 19-year-old Indian astrophysicist named Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar had found that white dwarf stars should blow up as soon as they became more than 1.44-times as heavy as our Sun. 

This explosion is called a Type Ia supernova. Because it is moderated by the Chandrasekhar limit, its characteristics – such as its brightness – are always the same no matter whatever else happened before the limit was breached.

The astronomy team was able to use this information to determine how far various white dwarfs were in the universe and, using the Doppler effect, how quickly they seemed to be moving away.






  1. In last he says tamil is older than Sanskrit..












In 1917 Einstein applied his theory of general relativity to the universe, and suggested a model of a homogenous, static, spatially curved universe. However, this interpretation has one major problem: --

If gravitation was the only active force, his universe would collapse - an issue Einstein then addressed by introducing the cosmological constant Lambda.

Cooking up MATH is done by mathematicians who dont understand math.

Math is TRUE.

Einstein refused to abandon his static STAGNANT universe ( he did not understand HIRANYAGARBHA—the golden egg – energy is constant ) .

However, in an April 1931 report to the Prussian Academy of Sciences, Einstein finally ATE HUMBLE PIE-- NAY ATE CROW and adopted a model of an expanding universe.

capt ajit vadakayil

ततो युद्धपरिश्रान्तं समरे चिन्तया स्थितम्। रावणं चाग्रतो दृष्ट्वा युद्धाय समुपस्थितम्॥ १॥
tato yudDapariSrAntaM samare cintayA sTitam. rAvaNaM chAgrato dushtwvA yudDAya samupasTitam.. 1..
Rama, exhausted and about to face Ravana ready for a fresh battle was lost deep in contemplation.

दैवतैश्च समागम्य द्रष्टुमभ्यागतो रणम्। उपागम्याब्रवीद्राममगस्त्यो भगवान् ऋषिः॥ २॥
dEvatESca samAgamya drazwumaByAgato raNam. upAgamyAbravIdrAmamagastyo BagavAn rishihi.. 2..
The all knowing sage Agastya who had joined the Gods to witness the battle spoke to Rama thus

राम राम महाबाहो शृणु गुह्यं सनातनम्। येन सर्वानरीन् वत्स समरे विजयिष्यसि॥ ३॥
rAma rAma mahAbAho Shrunu guhyaM sanAtanam. yena sarvAnarIn vatsa samare vijayizyasi.. 3..
Oh Rama, mighty-armed Rama, listen to this eternal secret, which will help you destroy all your enemies in battle

आदित्यहृदयं पुण्यं सर्वशत्रुविनाशनम्। जयावहं जपेन्नित्यम् अक्षय्यं परमं शिवम्॥ ४॥
AdityahrudayaM punyaM sarvaSatruvinASanam. jayAvahaM japennityam akzayyaM paramaM Sivam.. 4..
This holy hymn dedicated to the Sun deity will result in destroying all enemies and bring you victory and never ending supreme bliss.

सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्यं सर्वपापप्रणाशनम्। चिन्ताशोकप्रशमनम् आयुर्वर्धनमुत्तमम्॥ ५॥
sarvamaNgalamANgalyaM sarvapApapraRASanam. cintASokapraSamanam AyurvarDanamuttamam.. 5..
This hymn is supreme and is a guarantee of complete prosperity and is the destroyer of sin, anxiety, anguish and is the bestower of longevity.

रश्मिमंतं समुद्यन्तं देवासुरनमस्कृतम्। पूजयस्व विवस्वन्तं भास्करं भुवनेश्वरम्॥ ६॥
raSmimaMtaM samudyantaM devAsuranamaskftam. pUjayasva vivasvantaM BAskaraM BuvaneSvaram.. 6..
Worship the One, possessed of rays when he has completely risen, held in reverence by the devas and asuras, and who is the Lord of the universe by whose effulgence all else brighten.

सर्वदेवात्मको ह्येष तेजस्वी रश्मिभावनः। एष देवासुरगणाँल्लोकान् पाति गभस्तिभिः॥ ७॥
sarvadevAtmako hyeza tejasvI raSmiBAvanaH. eza devAsuragaRA????llokAn pAti gaBastiBiH.. 7..
He indeed represent the totality of all celestial beings. He is self-luminous and sustains all with his rays. He nourishes and energizes the inhabitants of all the worlds and the race of Devas and Asuras.

एष ब्रह्मा च विष्णुश्च शिवः स्कन्दः प्रजापतिः। महेन्द्रो धनदः कालो यमः सोमो ह्यपां पतिः॥ ८॥
eza brahmA ca vizRuSca SivaH skandaH prajApatiH. mahendro DanadaH kAlo yamaH somo hyapAM patiH.. 8..
He is Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Skanda, Prajapati. He is also Mahendra, kubera, kala, yama, soma and varuna.

पितरो वसवः साध्या ह्यश्विनौ मरुतो मनुः। वायुर्वह्निः प्रजाप्राण ऋतुकर्ता प्रभाकरः॥ ९॥
pitaro vasavaH sADyA hyaSvinO maruto manuH. vAyurvahniH prajAprARa ftukartA praBAkaraH.. 9..
He is the pitrs, vasus, sadhyas, aswini devas, maruts, manu, vayu, agni, prana and, being the source of all energy and light, is the maker of all the six seasons.

आदित्यः सविता सूर्यः खगः पूषा गभस्तिमान्। सुवर्णसदृशो भानुर्हिरण्यरेता दिवाकरः॥ १०॥
AdityaH savitA sUryaH KagaH pUzA gaBastimAn. suvarRasadfSo BAnurhiraRyaretA divAkaraH.. 10..
He is the son of Aditi, creator of the universe, inspirer of action, transverser of the heavens. He is the sustainer, illumination of all directions, the golden hued brilliance and is the maker of the day.

हरिदश्वः सहस्रार्चिः सप्तसप्तिर्मरीचिमान्। तिमिरोन्मथनः शम्भुस्त्वष्टा मार्ताण्ड अंशुमान्॥ ११॥
haridaSvaH sahasrArciH saptasaptirmarIcimAn. timironmaTanaH SamBustvazwA mArtARqa aMSumAn.. 11..
He is the Omnipresent One who pervades all with countless rays. He is the power behind the seven sense organs, the dispeller of darkness, bestower of happiness and prosperity, the remover of misfortunes and is the infuser of life.

हिरण्यगर्भः शिशिरस्तपनो भास्करो रविः। अग्निगर्भोऽदितेः पुत्रः शङ्खः शिशिरनाशनः॥ १२॥
hiraRyagarBaH SiSirastapano BAskaro raviH. agnigarBo'diteH putraH SaNKaH SiSiranASanaH.. 12..
He is the primordial being manifesting as the Trinity. He ushers in the Day and is the teacher (of Hiranyagarbha), the fire-wombed, the son of Aditi, and has a vast and supreme felicity. He is the remover of intellectual dull-headedness.

व्योमनाथस्तमोभेदी ऋग्यजुःसामपारगः। घनवृष्टिरपां मित्रो विन्ध्यवीथीप्लवङ्गमः॥ १३॥
vyomanATastamoBedI fgyajuHsAmapAragaH. GanavfzwirapAM mitro vinDyavITIplavaNgamaH.. 13..
He is the Lord of the firmament, dispeller of darkness. Master of all the vedas, he is a friend of the waters and causes rain. He has crossed the vindya range and sports in the Brahma Nadi.

आतपी मण्डली मृत्युः पिङ्गलः सर्वतापनः। कविर्विश्वो महातेजाः रक्तः सर्वभवोद्भवः॥ १४॥
AtapI maRqalI mftyuH piNgalaH sarvatApanaH. kavirviSvo mahAtejAH raktaH sarvaBavodBavaH.. 14..
He, whose form is circular and is colored yellow, is intensely absorbed and inflicts death. He is the destroyer of all and is the Omniscient one being exceedingly energetic sustains the universe and all action.

नक्षत्रग्रहताराणामधिपो विश्वभावनः। तेजसामपि तेजस्वी द्वादशात्मन् नमोऽस्तु ते॥ १५॥
nakzatragrahatArARAmaDipo viSvaBAvanaH. tejasAmapi tejasvI dvAdaSAtman namo'stu te.. 15..
He is the lord of stars, planets and all constellations. He is the origin of everything in the universe and is the cause of the lustre of even the brilliant ones. Salutations to Thee who is the One being manifest in the twelve forms of the Sun.

नमः पूर्वाय गिरये पश्चिमायाद्रये नमः। ज्योतिर्गणानां पतये दिनाधिपतये नमः॥ १६॥
namaH pUrvAya giraye paScimAyAdraye namaH. jyotirgaRAnAM pataye dinADipataye namaH.. 16..
Salutations to the Eastern and western mountain, Salutations to the Lord of the stellar bodies and the Lord of the Day.

जयाय जयभद्राय हर्यश्वाय नमो नमः। नमो नमः सहस्रांशो आदित्याय नमो नमः॥ १७॥
jayAya jayaBadrAya haryaSvAya namo namaH. namo namaH sahasrAMSo AdityAya namo namaH.. 17.
Salutations to the One who ordains victory and the prosperity that follows. Salutations to the one possessed of yellow steeds and to the thousand rayed Lord, and to Aditya.

नम उग्राय वीराय सारङ्गाय नमो नमः। नमः पद्मप्रबोधाय मार्ताण्डाय नमो नमः॥ १८॥
namaH ugrAya vIrAya sAraNgAya namo namaH. namaH padmapraboDAya mArtARqAya namo namaH.. 18..
Salutations to the Terrible one, the hero, the one that travels fast. Salutations to the one whose emergence makes the lotus blossom and to the fierce and omnipotent one.

ब्रह्मेशानाच्युतेशाय सूर्यायादित्यवर्चसे। भास्वते सर्वभक्षाय रौद्राय वपुषे नमः॥ १९॥
brahmeSAnAcyuteSAya sUryAyAdityavarcase. BAsvate sarvaBakzAya rOdrAya vapuze namaH.. 19..
Salutations to the Lord of Brahma, shiva and Achyuta, salutations to the powerful and to the effulgence in the Sun that is both the illuminator and devourer of all and is of a form that is fierce like Rudra.

तमोघ्नाय हिमघ्नाय शत्रुघ्नायामितात्मने। कृतघ्नघ्नाय देवाय ज्योतिषां पतये नमः॥ २०॥
tamoGnAya himaGnAya SatruGnAyAmitAtmane. kftaGnaGnAya devAya jyotizAM pataye namaH.. 20..
Salutations to the transcendental atman that dispels darkness, drives away all fear, and destroys all foes. Salutations also to the annihilator of the ungrateful and to the Lord of all the stellar bodies.

तप्तचामीकराभाय वह्नये विश्वकर्मणे। नमस्तमोऽभिनिघ्नाय रुचये लोकसाक्षिणे॥ २१॥
taptacAmIkarABAya vahnaye viSvakarmaRe. namastamo'BiniGnAya rucaye lokasAkziRe.. 21..
Salutations to the Lord shining like molten gold, to the transcendental fire, the fire of supreme knowledge, the architect of the universe, destroyer of darkness and salutations again to the effulgence that is the Cosmic witness.

नाशयत्येष वै भूतं तदेव सृजति प्रभुः। पायत्येष तपत्येष वर्षत्येष गभस्तिभिः॥ २२॥
nASayatyeza vE BUtaM tadeva sfjati praBuH. pAyatyeza tapatyeza varzatyeza gaBastiBiH.. 22..
Salutations to the Lord who destroys everything and creates them again. Salutations to Him who by His rays consumes the waters, heats them up and sends them down as rain.

एष सुप्तेषु जागर्ति भूतेषु परिनिष्ठितः। एष एवाग्निहोत्रं च फलं चैवाग्निहोत्रिणाम्॥ २३॥
eza suptezu jAgarti BUtezu parinizWitaH. eza evAgnihotraM ca PalaM cEvAgnihotriRAm.. 23..
Salutations to the Lord who abides in the heart of all beings keeping awake when they are asleep. He is both the sacrificial fire and the fruit enjoyed by the worshippers.

वेदाश्च क्रतवश्चैव क्रतूनां फलमेव च। यानि कृत्यानि लोकेषु सर्व एष रविः प्रभुः॥ २४॥
vedASca kratavaScEva kratUnAM Palameva ca. yAni kftyAni lokezu sarva eza raviH praBuH.. 24.
The Sun is verily the Lord of all action in this universe. He is verily the vedas, the sacrifices mentioned in them and the fruits obtained by performing the sacrifices.

॥ फलश्रुतिः॥
एनमापत्सु कृच्छ्रेषु कान्तारेषु भयेषु च। कीर्तयन् पुरुषः कश्चिन्नावसीदति राघव॥ २५॥
.. PalaSrutiH..
enamApatsu kfcCrezu kAntArezu Bayezu ca. kIrtayan puruzaH kaScinnAvasIdati rAGava.. 25..
Raghava, one who recites this hymn in times of danger, during an affliction or when lost in the wilderness and having fear, he will not lose heart (and become brave).

पूजयस्वैनमेकाग्रो देवदेवं जगत्पतिम्। एतत् त्रिगुणितं जप्त्वा युद्धेषु विजयिष्यसि॥ २६॥
pUjayasvEnamekAgro devadevaM jagatpatim. etat triguRitaM japtvA yudDezu vijayizyasi.. 26..
Raghava, worship this Lord of all Gods and the Universe with one-pointed devotion. Recite this hymn thrice and you will win this battle.

अस्मिन् क्षणे महाबाहो रावणं त्वं वधिष्यसि। एवमुक्त्वा तदागस्त्यो जगाम च यथागतम्॥ २७॥
asmin kzaRe mahAbAho rAvaRaM tvaM vaDizyasi. evamuktvA tadAgastyo jagAma ca yaTAgatam.. 27..
O mighty armed one, you shall truimph over Ravana this very moment. Having spoken this, Agastya returned his original place. Raghava became free from worry after hearing this.

एतच्छ्रुत्वा महातेजा नष्टशोकोऽभवत्तदा। धारयामास सुप्रीतो राघवः प्रयतात्मवान्॥ २८॥
etacCrutvA mahAtejA nazwaSoko'BavattadA. DArayAmAsa suprIto rAGavaH prayatAtmavAn.. 28..
He was greatly pleased and became brave and energetic.

आदित्यं प्रेक्ष्य जप्त्वा तु परं हर्षमवाप्तवान्। त्रिराचम्य शुचिर्भूत्वा धनुरादाय वीर्यवान्॥ २९॥
AdityaM prekzya japtvA tu paraM harzamavAptavAn. trirAcamya SucirBUtvA DanurAdAya vIryavAn.. 29..
Gazing at the sun with devotion, He recited this hymn thrice and experienced bliss. Purifying Himself by sipping water thrice, He took up His bow with His mighty arms.

रावणं प्रेक्ष्य हृष्टात्मा युद्धाय समुपागमत्। सर्वयत्नेन महता वधे तस्य धृतोऽभवत्॥ ३०॥
rAvaRaM prekzya hfzwAtmA yudDAya samupAgamat. sarvayatnena mahatA vaDe tasya Dfto'Bavat.. 30..
Seeing Ravana coming to fight, He put forth all his effort with a determination to destroy Ravana.

अथ रविरवदन्निरीक्ष्य रामं मुदितमनाः परमं प्रहृष्यमाणः। निशिचरपतिसंक्षयं विदित्वा सुरगणमध्यगतो वचस्त्वरेति॥ ३१॥
aTa raviravadannirIkzya rAmaM muditamanAH paramaM prahfzyamARaH. niSicarapatisaMkzayaM viditvA suragaRamaDyagato vacastvareti.. 31..
Then knowing that the destruction of the lord of prowlers at night (Ravana) was near, Aditya, who was at the center of the assembly of the Gods, looked at Rama and exclaimed 'Hurry up' with great delight.

The Chinese use the term ch’i or Ki to describe the energy which circulates along acupuncture meridians and provides the essential life force for the body.   Till Kirlean cameras came , nobody believed Hindu theories about chakras, auras and nadis.

On a cool, dry day the body can pick up electric charge, especially if synthetic clothing is worn, and this charge will spark to a metal surface as it is touched, or spark to another person, if that person has less charge.  There are small electric currents and voltages generated within the body

Once I kept  the AC temperature very low.  This causes low humidity.    When I rubbed my finger tips in absolute darkness on the synthetic acrylic blanket, from under the blanket , kept as a tent above me , I literally saw fire –as if my finger tip are welding rods. 

These sparks are incendive and can cause an explosion on board a chemical tanker .   This is why we have bare metal ( cannot paint ) on parts of the railings on deck.

We don’t allow rubber gloves and synthetic ropes on samplers

Within the last decade, a very sensitive instrument has been developed which can detect the very small magnetic fields around the heart and brain, where busy neural activity also makes a tiny net magnetic field. 

The instrument used to detect these fields is called a SQUID, an acronym for superconducting quantum interference device. A SQUID (for superconducting quantum interference device) is a very sensitive magnetometer used to measure extremely subtle magnetic fields, A modified RF SQUID was used to observe the dynamical Casimir effect for the first time.

Two mirrors in a vacuum will be attracted to each other, is the Casimir Effect. If the mirrors move rapidly, some of the vacuum waves can become real waves.. dynamical Casimir effect—which is responsible for the mysterious phenomenon known as sonoluminescence.

One of the most interesting aspects of vacuum energy (with or without mirrors) is that, calculated in quantum field theory, it is infinite! To some, this finding implies that the vacuum of space could be an enormous source of energy--called "zero point energy." 

Space has an energy density of 1094 grams per cubic centimeter. 

To call space a “vacuum” or the “quantum vacuum” is a misnomer because everything that we know about space indicates that it is not empty. 

It is not a vacuum but rather a plenum—an absolute fullness, characterized by nearly infinite energy density and boundless luminosity—as penned down in our 7000 year old Vedas

Below: Samanasana -- to activate SAMANA VAYU

Below: This CHUTNEY MARY BITCH does not know that UTKATASANA is to redirect the flow of PRANA and APANA vayus towards the navel centre.  You will find dozens of Youtube videos even from Indian masters  --all give the same bull. BASTARDS have killed REAL Yoga  

90 % of yoga you see on TV and Youtube videos are BULLSHIT

Swara yogis noticed that prana is circulated in the various regions of the body through the medium of the breath. And they found that as prana circulates, it is modified and adapted to the functions of each particular organ and region.

According to these different modifications of prana, the prana vayus or pranic airs were classified.

The whole body is ruled by these two movements of prana and apana. During the day, the action of prana predominates and at night it becomes subservient to apana.

The two main vayus are prana vayu, which regulates the “intake” of particles and energy, adjusting it to the particular necessities of our organism, and apana vayu, responsible for the elimination of the unabsorbed residues.

If apana fails to work properly, the organism is charged with toxins, and lacks vitality and suppleness. One of the main objectives of Hatha Yoga is that of stimulating all the vayu-s in a harmonious manner.

If we act on prana vayu we also need to stimulate apana vayu. While inhaling, the breath is the instrument of prana vayu because it brings us energy.

While exhaling, the breath is the expression of apana vayu, which eliminates the used gases (for instance CO2). The balance of the breath, of the inhalation and exhalation determines the balance of prana vayu and apana vayu.. 

Energy production begins with prana vayu and ends with apana

Prana vayu is a field of inward- and upward-moving energy while apana vayu isa field of downward- and outward-moving energy

However, the key to liberation lies in samana, the third vayu, which equalizes prana and apana
Samana vayu, or “balancing air,” is the prana vayu at the meeting point between prana, the inward/upward-moving vayu, and apana, the outward/downward-moving vayu.

Samana vayu unites these two energies together.

Located at the navel, samana vayu governs agni, the digestive fire, or fire of purification. This fire burns adequately when prana and apana unite in samana.

Samana vayu is responsible for the processing and assimilation of all that is taken in—food, emotions, perceptions, and breath.   Samana is used to assimilate these energies so that they can be used optimally.

Samana vayu helps us to take in what we need and release what we don’t ,  in an even balance. This represents balance between the flow of prana and apana.    

An imbalance of samana vayu presents as health conditions including digestive disturbances, slow metabolism, malnourishment, or obesity. In our daily lives, if we are feeling out of balance, samana is likely to be affected.

The “middle breath”: samana vayu is active at the navel center—midway between the realms of prana vayu in the chest and apana vayu in the pelvis—samana vayu is a concentrating, absorbing, and consolidating force.

 Its main function is assimilation of prana in all its forms—like a power station, samana collects energy absorbed through breath, food, sensory perception, and mental experiences and processes it to empower all aspects of life.

When samana is healthy, we benefit from strong digestion, vitality, and balance at every level. When samana is weak, we struggle with assimilating and digesting not only what we physically consume but also our mental and emotional experiences.

Again, in the energetic body, samana is concentrated at the navel center (manipura chakra)—the center for the transformative power of the fire element. As the hub of pranic energy and vitality, the navel center is essential to hatha yoga, which aims to increase prana and transform the patterns of pranic flow in the body.

Asana practice in particular is designed to draw downward-moving apana up to the navel center, and upward-moving prana vayu down to the navel center, uniting these two opposing energies to awaken samana.

This integrating action strengthens the body, balances the mind, and stabilizes instinctive urges like hunger and sex so we can more easily regulate them. It gives us the clarity and courage to truly see ourselves, and the motivation and power to transform our habits and karmic tendencies.

 When samana is healthy, we benefit from strong digestion, vitality, and balance at every level.

Moreover, the expansion of samana caused by the union of prana and apana at the navel center awakens sushumna nadi, the central energy channel essential to achieving the ultimate goal of yoga: perfect absorption of the mind in the state of samadhi.

 Samana is the 'middle breath' and physiologically it generates vitality in the liver, pancreas, stomach and digestive tract. In the process of breathing, samana is the time gap between inhalation and exhalation.

Samana links prana and apana, making their movements complementary rather than opposed. When the assimilation and storage of prana is increased, the vital capacity is strengthened. Thus the 

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad states that death does not come fast to one who increases the middle breath. Therefore, the yogis devised the practice of kumbhaka or breath retention in order to increase the time gap between inhalation and exhalation, thereby uniting prana and apana with samana.           

Yoga is only accomplished when the natural movements of prana and apana are reversed so that apana moves up and prana moves down, and they unite with samana in the navel centre. 

The meeting of the two opposite energies generates an incredible force and pushes prana through sushumna nadi, thus awakening the entire pranic capacity, raising the consciousness and enlightening the soul. 

So, in samana we have the tantric principle of two opposite forces, one negative, the other positive, being brought together in order to explode the creative potential of the nucleus.

After the middle breath another vayu action occurs, udana, which is said by the Maitri Upanishad to "bring up and carry down what has been eaten". Udana is called the 'up breath' and is specifically located in the throat and face enabling swallowing, facial expression and speech. It is also responsible for maintaining the strength in every muscle. 

When prana and apana unite with samana, it is udana which moves up and finally "passes through the tenth gate (sahasrara chakra) towards the higher worlds".

Under normal circumstances udana carries prana from samana to the fifth vayu, vyana. Vyana spreads prana throughout the whole body, regulating and circulating food nutrients, fluids and energy. It holds all the parts of the body together and resists disintegration of the body. When prana moves, it is followed by samana, both creating apana, assisted by udana. 

The four actions produce vyana, but at the same time they cannot exist without the presence of vyana. Thus these five pranas are very intricately linked. It is said that at the time of death, when prana involutes upon itself, the vital functions of the mind and senses, which represent aspects of the pranic expressions, all withdraw into vyana. It means all the pranas are interdependent but integrated by vyana.

Decrease in the vital capacity of any vayu causes contraction of the pranic body, while increase causes expansion. The mind and emotions  utilize prana and the pranic body is greatly influenced by states of mind.

Negative thoughts lower the prana and exhaust your mind whereas positive thoughts enhance the prana and frame of mind.

Through the practice of swara yoga we become aware of the mutual interaction between prana and mind and learn to live and work in coordination with the pranas rather than against them.

. The Kaushitaki Upanishad states: "It is prana alone as the conscious self that breathes life into this body. Prana is the essence of the life breath. And what is the life breath? It is pure consciousness. And what is pure consciousness? It is the life breath." (v. 3)

 Man has devised a method to split the atom and release nuclear energy. In the same way he can also release a greater quantum of energy within his own being. In ancient days rishis used their knowledge of the principles of nature to boost the pranic energy in order to accelerate the evolution of human consciousness. The only difference between modern and ancient methods. of producing energy is that one utilizes external sources and the other internal.

Yogis describe how the pranic field within the body is charged by respiration. The process of respiration thus generates energy. This energy can then be directed into certain pranic accumulators, known as chakras, for storage., nadis are subtle flows of vibration. The Upanishads explain that the nadis penetrate the body from the soles of the feet to the crown of the head, carrying prana, the breath of life.

In any electrical circuit, three specific wires are required for conduction - one positive, one negative and one neutral. 

Likewise, within the body there are three specific nadis for conducting energy. In yoga we refer to the negative line as ida, the channel of manas shakti or mental force. The positive line is pingala, which channels the dynamic energy of prana shakti. In order to avoid short-circuiting of these lines there is a third channel, sushumna , which functions as an earth wire, being rooted in mooladhara chakra, when it is in its dormant state. 

But the real purpose of sushumna is to provide a channel for the spiritual energy, which is a greater force than either manas or prana shakti. For this reason the yogis developed particular techniques to activate sushumna.

Of all the thousands of nadis, sushumna is the most important.

Ida nadi, the negative channel, brings consciousness into every part of the body.

 Ida is associated with the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which sends impulses to the visceral organs to stimulate the internal processes. This creates a general state of relaxation in the superficial muscles, thus lowering the outer body temperature. Therefore, it is said that ida is cooling, relaxing and introverting.

The pathway of ida differs from that of pingala. Ida originates at a point just below the base of the spine where the first energy centre, known as mooladhara chakra, is located. It emerges from the left side of mooladhara and spirals upwards, intersecting at the other four energy centres and plexuses in the spinal column, and comes to a point of termination at the root of the left nostril, which joins ajna chakra, the sixth energy centre.

According to swara yoga, left nostril breathing influences the activities of manas shakti, and indicates that introversion and mental creativity predominate so that any extremely dynamic or extrovert activity should be avoided. The swara yogi thus manipulates the flow of air in the left nostril in order to control ida directly and either bring about its influence at will or suppress it when necessary. 

Pingala is the transmitter of prana shakti.. Pingala energy activates the physical body and externalizes awareness. It is associated with the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which releases adrenaline to stimulate the superficial muscles. The SNS prepares the body to cope with stress and external activity; for example, it makes the heart beat rapidly and heats the body. Therefore, it is said that pingala is energizing, heating and extroverting.

Pingala emerges on the right hand side of mooladhara, exactly opposite to ida. It spirals up the spinal column, crossing ida at the four major energy centres, and terminates at the root of the right nostril. Pingala governs the whole right side of the body. To control pingala the breath in the right nostril is manipulated.

 The right hemisphere of brain  governs the left side of the body and the left hemisphere governs the right side of the body. Ida is connected to the right hemisphere and pingala to the left.

The right hemisphere processes information in a diffuse and wholistic manner. It controls orientation in space and is particularly sensitive to the vibrational realm of existence and those experiences which are intangible to the external sense receptors. Thus it is responsible for psychic and extrasensory perception, and stimulates creative, artistic and musical abilities. 

Conversely, the left hemisphere in relation to pingala is responsible for rational, analytical andmathematical ability. In the left hemisphere, information is processed sequentially, linearly and logically .  In this way the hemispheres, in association with the nadis, control and motivate our responses in day to day life. The left hemisphere has been noted to create an aggressive response or the 'fight' reaction, whereas the right hemisphere causes a person to withdraw and become a passive participant or to 'flee'.

The tantric concept of Shiva/Shakti, the twin forces existing within each individual, can be seen in the structure of the brain and pranic body in terms of ida and pingala. It certainly substantiates the idea of a person having two minds, one positive and the other negative, and even the theory
that there is a male and female side in everyone.

 In the central axis where the two adjoining sides meet, the positive and negative energies become equalized and create a neutral energy field running straight up and down through the centre. In yoga this important pathway is called sushumna nadi.

Sushumna emerges from the base of the spine, the same as ida and pingala, but without diverging right or left, it travels directly up through the centre, piercing the main chakras and plexuses along the route. Sushumna unites with ida and pingala at ajna chakra in the region of the medulla oblongata. 

Thus it is considered to correspond with the central or cerebrospinal nervous system (CNS). The CNS carries impulses to the whole system. It is one main system, running from the base of the spine to the brain, and sushumna is also located in the same position.

At man's present stage of evolution sushumna lies dormant. We know that it has tremendous potential, but unless we can apply some particular method to activate it, at the rate we are evolving it will take thousands of years. Therefore, through the manipulation of the swara yogis devised the means of awakening sushumna.

 Under normal circumstances energy travels up either ida or pingala.

However, if both these energies can be brought together, a more powerful force, known as kundalini shakti, will awaken. Kundalini is the spiritual force which operates at very high frequencies. In comparison to the energies of ida and pingala, this force is like a laser beam. However, before kundalini energy is generated, the sushumna passage must first be opened.

When sushumna is active, the breath flows through both nostrils simultaneously. Every hour and thirty minutes after sunrise, the central nadi flows for a few moments. A when sushumna flows the whole brain operates. 

In ida or pingala only half the brain is active, but in sushumna both the karmendriyas and jnanendriyas, that is the physical organs and the mental organs, function simultaneously and you become very powerful, whether in spiritual or in mundane life.

By the simultaneous flow of air through both nostrils. Of course, it does not mean that kundalini has risen; it only implies that there is activation or opening of sushumna.

Concentration on sushumna in combination with specifically designed yogic practices slowly builds up the charge in preparation for kundalini awakening.

While concentrating on sushumna, three other nadis which lie within the inner walls of sushumna are also brought into operation. The deeper you go, the more refined the nadis become. Just inside the outer surface is vajra nadi, within this lies chitra or chitrini nadi, and deeper still is the subtlest brahma nadi. 

Brahma nadi is so called because it is via this channel that the higher centres of consciousness are directly stimulated. When kundalini shakti passes into this channel, transcendental experiences start to take place.

The vajra nadi is part of the network of pathways through which life force energy travels in the body. The name comes from the Sanskrit, vajra, which means “firmness,” “thunderbolt" and “adamant.” Nadi means “channel,” “tube” or “flow.” The vajra nadi is the first layer of subtle nadis located within the sushumna nadi. 

Located within vajra is the chitra nadi, and within chitra is the brahma nadi, which is the subtlest nadi and is believed to contain the main chakras, or spinning circles of life force energy. The vajra nadi is said to activate the powers of each of the chakras as the kundalini, or primal energy, awakens and rises through the nadis.

The vajra nadi begins in the muladhara (root) chakra. Within vajra, the chitra nadi contains an entryway called brahmadvara through which the kundalini passes when it is awakened. It then travels through the brahma nadi. The yogic practices of pranayama, meditation and mantra chanting help to awaken kundalini and circulate it through the nadis.

Sushumna is the subtle energy channel in the spine that starts in the muladhara chakra , in the coccyx, continues through the spine and goes up to the top of the brahmarandhra . That's the sushumna. The sushumna, however, has several degrees of tightness. And so it is said, inside the sushumna is a more subtle nadi, vajra nadi . 

And Vajra Nadi is more subtle than Sushumna, but is in sushumna. Inside the Vajra Nadi is Chitra Nadi. Chitra Nadi is then the glowing energy channel . And finally, inside Chitra Nadi, is still Brahma Nadi . Brahma Nadi is then the innermost energy channel. So, Chitra Nadi, we can say, a subtle energy channel in the spine that shines and shines. 

That is, when the energy , the kundalini , flows through Chitra Nadi, then you perceive light , shine , and radiance. It depends on which energy channel the Kundalini goes through. If the Kundalini goes through the outer part of Sushumna, through Vajra Nadi, then all sorts of physical appearances can occur there. It can get hot, you can start to jump, you can start to feel shaken and tremble, take automatic yoga postures , mudras and pranayamas, 

So, when the Prana and the Kundalini go through Vajra Nadi, they can experience some spectacular experiences . If Prana and Kundalini go through Chitra Nadi, then it is brighter, brighter, a little quieter. When Prana and Kundalini flow up through Chitra Nadi, then you have the ability to heal, you get the skills for telepathy, you get more subtle perception, and so much more. 

You can also step out of your physical body , you are capable of, even from the physical worldto move out with full awareness. But there is a more subtle channel than Chitra Nadi, that is Brahma Nadi. When the Prana and the Kundalini flow up through Brahma Nadi, then comes the experience of Brahman, the Absolute, the Infinite. 

When Prana and Kundalini are in Brahma Nadi, Samadhi comes easily and by itself. And then it is also easy for Kundalini to ascend to the Brahmarandhra, to the crown, and unite with Shiva in the Sahasrara Chakra . And in the whole process Chitra Nadi plays an important role. Chitra Nadi - energy channel in the spine, the bright, clear energy channel, the glowing energy channel.

Fake con-men make money by writing Kundalini books and holding classes - without knowing that this is more dangerous than a quack writing a book on how to do intricate brain surgery.

People who have raised their Kundalini are least interested in impressing the others. You will find some sages coming down from the Himalayas for the 12 yearly Kumbh Mela.  These sages can do extraordinary feats and miracles,  yet they are naked , covered with ash to look repulsive and unwilling to be in the limelight.

Nowadays all on the Internet quote Pandit Gopi Krishna--as a man who raised his Kundalini, and wrote a book about it.  I have read this book PATH TO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS several years ago, and I will comment that first of all he raised it via his Pingala Nadi , on his own , causing him to suffer-- like in hell --for many years, before he realised his mistake that the serpent is stuck in his Manipura Chakra . He had zilch idea what happened to him. 

His Kundalini dropped back to Mooladhara Chakra and then he raised it again vide the correct Sushumna Nadi but still it did NOT reach his Sahasrara chakra. What he describes are associated with a lower Ajna Chakra.  Yes, he gained some powers like gaining spontaneous fluency in several European languages etc --

-- but then this is the DIRT UNDER THE FINGERNAIL of a sage who has raised it to his Sahasrara Chakra, and has harnessed the most powerful energy source on the planet.

Note: Many people like Pandit Gopikrishna have experiences in meditation when they feel the shakti rising through the spinal cord from mooladhara to the brain. And they think WOW -- we have raised the Kundalini.



However, in most cases, this is not the awakening of kundaiini, but a release of pranic force called pranotthana. This preliminary awakening starts from mooladhara and ascends the spinal cord via pingala nadi, only partially purifying the chakras until it reaches the brain where it is usually dispersed. This experience is traumatic. In this type of awakening the experience of shakti is rarely sustained. 

However, it does prepare the aspirant for the eventual awakening of kundalini, which is something altogether different and more powerful. After the awakening of kundalini, the individual will never be the same again. Here there is an ascent of force accompanied by a psychic awakening which is permanently accessible. Even though it may fall back again, the potential will always be there.

 "As one opens the door with a key, so the yogi should open the gate to liberation with the kundalini. The great goddess sleeps, closing with her mouth,, the opening through which one can ascend to the brahrnarandhra... to that place where there is neither pain nor suffering. The kundalini sleeps above the kanda... she gives liberation to the yogi and bondage to the fool. He who knows kundalini, knows yoga. The kundalini, it is said, is coiled like a serpent- He who can induce her to move is liberated."  Hatha Yoga Pradipika v. 105-111

If you have read Asterix and Obelisk comics, you would have noticed that Asterisk consumes a magic potion just before he fights, and then he gets superhuman smartness and strength.

Well in our 7000 year old Rig Veda 114 hymns expound a super hallucinatory drug , a million times more potent than LSD ( organic DMT ) by the name of Soma.

Soma was a juice extracted from a creeper which was picked on special days of the dark lunar fortnight. It was placed in an earthen pitcher and buried underground until the full moon. Then it was removed and the juice was extracted and taken. 

Drinking Soma induced immediate explosion into  higher consciousness. By consuming Soma a human being can raise his Kundalini instantly. The sages could separate the self from the body and travel astrally.

The Templar Knights stumbled on to Soma while digging under the Temple of King Solomon. This is the elusive HOLY GRAIL for telepathy and psychic teleportation -- not what Dan Brown wrote in the Da Vinci code.

Mulabandha is performed by contracting the perineum muscles that are in the flat space between the genital area the anus.  The root lock has the effect of causing Prana to flow in Sushumna channel, rather than along Ida and Pingala.  This is what happens when you avoid and prolong orgasm by muscle control.

When you get very close to orgasm, and the male gets close to ejaculation, the feelings will be overwhelming and the brain tends to shut down and reverse the energy which will then take a downward course and seek release through the genitals. These energy changes are mediated by a small structure deep in the brain called the hypothalamus which controls the balance of the Autonomic System (ANS). 

When both partners melt with each other, vital energy is exchanged between the masculine and the feminine, and the resonating energy build to higher levels.  During fear, the etheric body shrinks and during love it expands. All our energy and vitality comes from the etheric body. 

The right handed path revealed several ways including severely painful penances ( Tapasya ) , which were more rewarding.

People who raise the Kundalinis are NOT cremated in Hinduism. Rather they are buried in Lotus pose of meditation. The reason is that they are liberated having achieved moksha from the endless cycle of births and rebirths.

The female Shakti has now found blissful union with the male Shiva-- a great union of spirit and matter. A overwhelming bliss is felt , which mystically represents re-integration with Atman or the eternal essence of self. The soul finds itself free.

You have opened the gateway to higher realms. You have supersensory awareness while still awake in the physical body, and can leave and return to the body at will without any break in consciousness . The pineal gland shoots a spark into the pituitary, and the door of BrahmAn ( consciousness ) , the Brahmarandhra, is opened, never to close .

You become highly perceptive and can see complex problems as fractal geometry. Raising the Kundalini  can be equated with the awakening of the silent areas of the brain .Our present consciousness is not independent, as the mind depends on the information supplied by the senses. If you have no eyes, you can never see. However, when the super consciousness emerges, experience becomes completely independent and knowledge also becomes completely independent, as you can access aakashik records.

Your mind attains supreme awareness, enlightenment and thus self realization. Unlike the rest around you, you have broken free from the confines of a mental prison in which the human race has been incarcerated for millennia. In   society   our brains   are   structured   in   a   certain   way;   there   is   discipline   and   control   which  inhibit   us from expressing ourselves freely. When the awakening of kundalini takes place, this conditioning is withdrawn and the lid is completely lifted from the mind.

With awakened consciousness you can make accurate decisions and judgments because awakening of kundalini is a process of jumping out of the mind. Shiva and Shakti are in total union and only adwaita exists You experience the bliss of non-dual experience . There is a great explosion which transports you into another plane of being .

You now have the ultimate experience of Life. You experience yourself as the greatest height and depth of God's being surrounded by an infinite eternal river of bliss. Space and time lose their rigidity, and there is a mingling of the past, the present, and the future.

In our dimension of consciousness, the world is not illusory. It is real. But in the next higher state of consciousness it loses its solidity. Chakras can then send out information carrying Soliton waves, which do not attenuate.  The Indian sage has exploded into a space of consciousness in which inner awareness is spontaneous. 

Cosmic consciousness is an intellectual enlightenment or illumination, an undescribable state of moral and intellectual elevation, a feeling of amazing bliss. Divine wisdom enables your consciousness to pick up and become aware of superphysical forces and phenomena.

Internal amrit or ambrosia floods your body. You now have good all round health with body cells charged with energy, better metabolism, clarity of vision, high perception, high quality of thinking , sharpened and wider human senses psychic abilities , better attitudes, clairvoyance and grace under pressure.

You have ignited an amazing dormant power inside you and now can do telepathy, mind reading, spiritual healing, hypnotism, hear clairaudiently , have ability to become invisible and levitate ( with 12 strand NIL junk DNA ) , stop your heart beat and breathing, learn new things quickly, do psychotelekinesis etc.

You have awakened your multi-dimensional consciousness, which is basically a DNA upgrade, with changes in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.. Shiva represents purusha or consciousness and Shakti represents prakriti or energy .

Yogis can live on ambrosial fluid. If its secretion is awakened and controlled in the body, then one needs nothing more for survival. The maintenance of the body's vitality becomes independent of food. You are able to enter into states of hibernation or suspended animation underneath the earth
In kundalini yoga we are mainly concerned with working on the physical and astral bodies.

Pranayama is a yoga of breath , just one of the several methods , used to awaken the Kundalini – or rather disturb  Shakti serpent from its deep slumber at the Mooladhara chakra at the bottom of your spine using heat.  Originating in Muladhara chakra , the Ida nadi ends up in the left nostril and the Pingala nadi ends up in the right nostril.  

Once awakened feminine Shakti is eager to mate with her male consort Shiva at the Sahasrara chakra on top of your head .  Most human beings on this planet have never awakened the divine serpent of three and a half coils , and have led base , crude lives and passed on.

What a waste.

The serpent has 3 choices of pathway- the ida, the pingala or the central sushumna.  If it passes via ida or pingala the serpent is likely to get stuck at some intermediate chakra ( due to block ) causing extreme trauma, as what happened to Pandit Gopikrishna .. 

When the right nostril is flowing, the left hemisphere of the brain is activated. When the left nostril is flowing, the right hemisphere is activated. 

Moving from macrocosmic to microcosmic to atomic, at every level, two great principles or forces can be seen at work motivating our universe. 

Conscious = induction + deduction ( determines what is to be done ).  LEFT BRAIN LOBE ( for right handers ) : Numbers, written language, reasoning, spoken language, scientific skills , RH control

Subconscious = only deduction ( no thinking , draws conclusions, does not care for right or wrong, gives the power to do the job ) RIGHT BRAIN LOBE ( for right handers ): Insight, 3D forms , art, imagination, music, left hand control.

The central nervous system does not know the difference between visualization and the event. Visualizing you are having sex and doing the real thing has the same standing “ovation effect” on a man or a “creaming effect” on a woman.  

The picture in our mind has an impact on every cell in our bodies. Thinking is not an action of the mind , but an action of our entire body. Tell your subconscious what you want repeatedly and it will produce it. You can call this visualization or intention. In India people realized this and more and more people started going the spiritual way for bliss.

The ancient Indian kings in all their practical wisdom realized this and made all those Hindu temples with stone statues amazing sexual content, to wean away a potential yogi who could have been a soldier or a farmer or a husband..

We are poised between life and death and our whole existence is a struggle to retain balance between these two dual forces.  Vedic Maharishis who were yogis realized the existence of these forces and understood their relationship. They said that man has three main flows of energy nadis-- ida, pingala and sushumna, and which have been roughly translated as body, mind and spirit. 

Pingala can be deemed as the dynamic, active, masculine, positive, yang , Tamas energy within our   personality.   It   has   a   physical   and   mental   side.   Its   material   qualities   are   light,   heat, solar, energy accumulating, creative, organizing,  focused (centripetal) and contractive. 

The positive, dynamic mental side within Freud's system is Eros, the pleasure principle, and in Jung's system is the conscious personality, the rational, discriminating side. We can say that pingala is  psychosomatic energy, outwardly directed, mind acting on body to motivate the organs of action, the karmendriyas. It is the basic energy of life.

da is the energy within the personality which is passive, receptive, feminine, negative, yin. At the physical level it is dark, cold, lunar, energy dissipating, disorganizing, entropic, expansive (centrifugal) and relaxing. 

At the mental plane Freud called it Thanatos, the death instinct, and Jung called it anima, the unconscious, female within, emotional, feeling, intuitive and non-discriminating, the background on which the differences can be seen and which unifies. 

This is the somopsychic aspect of man, where energy is inwardly directed, and body acts on the mind. Ida controls the sense organs or gyanendriyas and therefore gives us knowledge and awareness of the world we live in.

The third force if the mediator middle prong of Shiva’s trident called Sattva. When two opposing forces are equal and balanced a third force arises. Strike a match on a matchbox and you create fire, bring positive and negative currents together and you can work machinery, unite body and mind and a third force called sushumna, spiritual energy, arises.

This is one of the aims of yoga, because only when sushumna awakens can the super power of kundalini, this maximum force, ascend safely to fuel, power and create cosmic consciousness.

Sushumna is a high tension power line and ida and pingala carry the domestic lines to power the basic necessities. Few of us realise this third, spiritualized state and most of us oscillate from one state to another. Every 90 minutes ida and pingala alternate their dominance and only for a few minutes does sushumna come into potential being.

It is the goal of all yogic techniques to balance and harmonize ida and pingala, life force and conscious awareness, so that they join at ajna chakra to create the inner light of knowledge and bliss and reveal the truth.

Nadis are flows of energy which move through each and every part of our body, the subtle counterpart of the physical flows such as nervous energy and blood. All of the 72000 nadis in the body are based on ida and pingala which spiral around the spinal cord.

These are the basic two modes of function on which all of our bodily and mental processes work. Sushumna is the royal road which takes us to higher awareness and transforms the function of ida and pingala .

Each and every cell of our body, every organ, the brain and mind, everything is polarized and interconnected at both the physical and subtle levels, and this allows us to think, speak and act in a concerted, balanced, synchronous manner, every part working to help every other part.

There are two basic systems in the body that control this, ida and pingala, and if we stimulate any component of one system we turn on the whole system.

This   is   how   asana,   pranayama,   meditation,   and   the   whole   armamentum   of   yogic techniques work. This is how yoga affects the nadis.  Nadis are psychic channels for distribution of prana in the astral body.

The brain has an almost infinite capacity, and all of it within the two kilograms or so of amorphous,   pinkish   grey   brain   matter   with   the   consistency   of   jelly  . How this  jelly-like substance remembers, thinks, analyzes, feels, discriminates, intuits, decides, creates and directs all the countless functions of the body, integrating the whole so that we synchronize action, speech and thought, is something that each of us should ponder about..

The brain, houses the master control systems for the body within its unlimited circuitry, and it contains the circuits for the nadis and chakras. The brain is also the interface between the body and the mind. 

All sensory information travels to the brain via the gyanendriyas ( the sense organs of knowledge ), and is then fed into the mind, and all decisions in the mind are then translated into the body via the karmendriyas,( the organs of action ) , in a continuous, seamless , synchronous, dynamic process.

Sensory-motor nervous system (SMS)  : all electrical activity in the body moves in one of two directions, into the brain (afferent), ida, and out of the brain (efferent), pingala. Yogis called the sensory nerves which are governed by ida, as gyanendriyas, The motor nerves, governed by pingala,  as karmendriyas. These nerves are concerned with perception of and activity in the world.

Autonomic nervous system (ANS) is divided into the outward directed, stress handling, energy utilizing, pingala dominant, sympathetic nervous system, or the inwardly directed, rest handling, energy conserving, ida dominant, parasympathetic nervous system. These two systems control and regulate all the automatic body processes: heart, blood pressure, respiration, digestion, liver and kidney and so on.

Central nervous system  (CNS)  consists   of   the   brain   and   spinal   cord   and contains the controls for the SMS and ANS.  The brain contains much more than this though, for it is a huge, ultimately complex computer, which stores and integrates information and puts our decisions into action in a superbly synchronized and orchestrated performance.

Its functioning is definitely much more than its parts. Within the   infinite   circuitry   of   the   brain   resides   more   potential   than   we   can   realize   in   one lifetime, however, the techniques of yoga systematically clear and strengthen these circuits with regular practice. 

This is what yogis have been telling us, that the circuitry for nadis and chakras exist within the CNS, along the spine and in the brain. If we can tap, purify, strengthen and reconnect these circuits via the various yogic techniques, we can totally transform our mind/  body complex . 

Only when the left brain lobe (Pingala) and the right brain lobe (Ida)  work together can we appreciate the moral of a story, the measuring of a metaphor, words describing emotion, or the punch line of a joke. A computer can never understand the moral of a story ( like stitch in time saves nine ) or a funny joke. 

When one nostril has dominant air flow,  the opposite hemisphere of the brain is dominant.  Forceful breathing ( hyperventilation ) through the more congested nostril awakens the less dominant hemisphere The nasal cycle is also linked to the basic rest/activity cycle, which includes within the sleep cycle, the rapid eye movement (REM) phase and the non REM phase, because right nostril/left hemisphere dominance corresponds to phases of increased activity (pingala), and left nostril/right hemisphere dominance corresponds to rest phases (ida). 

Buried within the brain are undreamed of capabilities and potentials which can transform our lives if we can tap them. . Chakras act as transducers, converting psychic energy into physical energy and vice versa. They distribute this energy to the body via the nadis.

The breath in the right nostril is related to pingala function (left brain), and in the left nostril is related to ida function (right   brain).  By   controlling   the   speed,   rate,   rhythm,   length   and   duration   of   the breath, by altering the ratio of inhalation to exhalation in the nostrils and by stopping the breath, we can activate or tone down neurological and mental processes so as to achieve heightened awareness and altered states of consciousness.

Each level in the chakra system is the sum total of various physical, emotional, mental, psychic and spiritual elements. Each chakra has its own neurological plexus and endocrine gland and these link up to various organs and systems in the body. 

They in turn are connected to the controlling mechanisms of the brain, each of which has emotional, mental and psychic components. The chakra is like a transducer, a linking point between the various levels of our being and it converts and channels energy either up or down to the various levels.

Ajna chakra has as its symbol the two-petalled lotus, and we can think of this as representing the two hemispheres of the brain with the pineal gland as its main focusing central point . Cosmic consciousness takes place in sahasrara.  The human brain is still in an organic state of evolution toward higher levels of consciousness.

The driving force of that evolution, is the Kundalini energy. The Bose-Einstein photon condensate can be made to give off coherent laser like X-rays that can be precisely directed.  Bose-Einstein condensates are weird states of particles that have the same energy level and behave like one super-particle. 

This has been achieved with atoms of rubidium and certain other elements by cooling them close to absolute zero.

Kundalini Awakening is only triggered when you are ready to go through it, because your higher self is actually the source that triggers it.  Your higher-self which is vastly intelligent is not going to give you something which is threatening to your survival.  Resistance to change has always been the human problem, and this resistance comes from our fixed ego aspect.

Our true self wants to evolve and change.  Kundalini awakening is a growing phenomenon and when it happens we cannot turn it off . Kundalini transformation has the purpose to dissolve the last elements of your ego and enlighten you in the body.

When the heart pumps blood into the mobius coil aorta, tiny mechanical vibrations (micromotions) develop in the upper body. If the body is completely immobile and respiration is slow and barely perceptible – as is the case in deep meditation – these micromotions will assume great regularity and oscillate at seven cycles per second (7.3 Hz- Hindu king mantra OM frequency ). 

Subsequently scalar standing waves in and above the audio frequency range will develop in the ventricles of the brain. These causes the high-pitched soundsr which herald the activation of the Kundalini.  The standing waves in the ventricles will stimulate an electrical loop circuit in the sensory cortex oscillating at 7.3Hz – which incidently is within the EEG theta frequency band. 

As this oscillating current passes through the sensory cortex in a closed circuit, it will create different bodily sensations starting in the toes and moving up the body to the head. These are the sensations described by yogis, which accompany the Kundalini awakening. The 7.3 Hz oscillating current in the sensory cortex – set up by sitting immobile in meditation – also passes through the limbic system. Here it stimulates the pleasure centers in amygdala thereby initiating the Kundalini kindling phenomenon.

The kindling phenomenon speeds up the electrical loop system, which exists between the thalamus and the cortex. This extra supply of energy from lower centers causes a diffuse activation of the whole cortex reflected by increased synchronization and coherence of brain wave activity within all frequency bands. 

As the energy flows from the thalamus to the cortex and awakens latent or unused parts of the brain (especially in the frontal lobes) the whole brain begins to pulse as a unit generating coherent, high amplitude brain waves within a broad frequency spectrum.

During rest maximum amplitude will be in the alpha band but during intense focus high amplitude beta and gamma waves will prevail, especially in the frontal area. A ‘condensate’ is a substance whose molecules have a greater order and coherence than normal. In a ‘Bose-Einstein condensate’ the molecules not only have a high degree of order but they also overlap and the condensate behaves like a unit.

Examples of ‘Bose-Einstein condensates’ in inorganic matter are superconductors and laser beams. By feeding extra energy to the cell walls of living tissue, the cells would line up in the most orderly, condensed way we know – the ‘Bose-Einstein condensate’ – and the cell walls would start acting as a unit.

Apparently, when the brain is supplied with an extra amount of high grade energy (Kundalini) it becomes a ‘Bose-Einstein condensate’. Thus following Kundalini awakening, the brain turns into a super-conductor with a focus like a laser beam. 

How else can you explain our 7000 year old texts giving the speed of light and the diameters and distances of the planets? 

All our Hindu rosary malas have 108 beads, right-- and this is the numerical equivalent of the Hindu king mantra OM -- its frequency being 7.83 hertz ( Schumann resonance --earth's heart beat )  

How did the ancient Hindus Maharishis know all this 11000 years ago--without a laser beam ?

Sun's diameter is 108 times that of the earth.  The distance between the Earth and Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Sun .  The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.  The radius of the moon is 108 miles.

Bose-Einstein condensate,  is named after the Indian scientist who predicted it, Satyendra Nath Bose.  Since he was a partner of  Albert Einstein,  his name is in it too.  Bose was denied a Nobel prize,  as Indians were at that time made to feel that we are an inferior race— though every discovery and invention of that Quantum age , had its roots in our 7000 year old Vedas.

Our bodies are piezo-electric bio-crystals, resonant transducers of living light and life force. We have unlimited access to the radiant field of consciousness which is infinite active universal intelligence. We all have direct and immediate access to the scalar field of consciousness . There is a connection between DNA and consciousness .

The brain and the DNA are transducers for quantum information from the scalar field. When a DNA strand is placed in a vacuum, the energy emitted by that strand will attract photons which will assume the same shape of the DNA strand, even if the DNA strand is removed later. Quantum coherence in the micro tubules of every cell is the key to consciousness 

To become enlightened you have to let go of attachment to all material aspects, which include body, mind and emotions . You are entering into unknown fields, yet there is a rock of stability and that is your ability to be aware . The more you let go of attachment to physical aspects, the more you are guided and the more self-sovereign you become. The more you let go, the more aware you become. This is truly a journey that everyone must take alone, once you are prepared for the journey,  under a guru.

Nadis exist in the etheric body, unseen to the naked eye and is based on energy currents, vibration and psychic energy . Kundalini rises only when the state of purification of the nadis and chakras has progressed far enough.  The goal of many of the yoga practices is to purify the nadis, and then to cause the prana and apana to meet and rise up through the sushumna.

Conscious use of the soham mantra is a tremendous aid in balancing Ida and Pingala.



A  way of purifying the nadis and disciplining them is by doing Surya Namaskar while uttering the mantras of each step

Balancing Ida and Pingala  balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system, reducing the elevated flight or fight response.  In other words, the single act of balancing the breath is a tremendous aid in physical stress reduction, in addition to being a spiritual practice setting the stage for Kundalini Awakening. 

Like I said before out of these 72,000 subtle nadis only 3 nadis are very important.  They are Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.  The 10 main nadis which carry prana out of the 72000 are Ida, Pingala, Sushumna, Gandhari, Hastijihva, Pusa, Yusasvini, Alambusa, Kuhuh and Sankhini .

The Ida is feminine ( irrespective of gender ) , left sympathetic nervous system, on LH side of spinal cord,  tamas- yin negative charge polarity energy, represented by cooling moon, connecting to left nostril, controls mental processes, connects to RH brain lobe, pale colour

The Pingala is masculine ( irrespective ofgender ) , on RH side of spinal cord,  rajas-yang positive charge polarity energy , represented by heating sun, connecting to right nostril, controls vital processes, connects to RH brain lobe, red colour,

 Both ida and pingala ends beyond the nostrils  between the eye brows—at Shiva’s third eye.
The Medullar Sushumna, which interpenetrates the cerebrospinal axis from the perineum to the juncture of the lamboid and sagittal suture of the cranium, and is associated with both nostrils being open and free to the passage of air. 

Sushumna-Sattwa is at the back of the anus, in the middle of the Spinal chord and is the most important of all nadis, neutral charge energy . It is attached to the spinal column and extends to the Brahmarandhra of the head and is invisible and subtle.

If the coiled-up energy, Kundalini, passes up along the Sushumna Nadi and is taken up from Chakra to Chakra the Yogi gets different sorts of experiences, powers and Ananda ( bliss ). When ida and pingala get balanced and unite in the activated sushumna, pure consiousness arises. 

It is only when prana moves into the sushumna that the latent spiritual power of  kundalini can be awakened. Kundalaini is the power of pure consciousness, the dynamic potential of the soul. It is the Divine Mother Herself, visualized as a serpent coiled three and a half times, with its tail in its mouth.

One of the objects of activating the spiral fire and its progress up the spine to the head is to awaken the pineal gland, which results in the opening of the third eye and the consequent revelation of the subtler planes of life When it reaches the brain, the yogi is perfectly detached from the body and mind; the soul finds itself free.

Again, the goal of the sadhaka ( the man who does meditation) in his sadhana (meditating practice) is to bring the hood of the kundalini to Sahasrara chakra through Sushumna situated in between Ida and Pingala.  That is when the hood reaches head or Sahasrara chakra, the tail of the 3.5 coiled serpent will reach Mooladharachakra.

While doing meditation the awakened kundalini should raise neither through left side Ida nor through right Pingala but through centre Sushumna nadi only. If not the sadhaka will get traumatic results. The  breathing should be slow and long. The posture should be straight and erect. internally placing attention between the eyebrows, making the energies flow evenly between the nostrils.Otherwise the breath will take Ida path or pingala path deviating from Sushumna path.

Ida and pingala function alternately and directly influence the temperature of the body, digestive and hormonal secretions, the brainwaves and all the bodily systems. Ida and pingala function according to a natural cycle, but on account of poor eating habits, pollution  and inharmonious lifestyles, the natural cycle is often disturbed.

Sometimes one nadi predominates and the other is suppressed. This leads to mental and physical imbalances and generally results in disease. Therefore, ida and pingala must be disciplined or made to function according to the laws of nature. Only when there is harmony between these two nadis can sushumna be awakened.

When sushumna awakens, kundalini ascends straight to sahasrara and one becomes a jivanmukta, a liberated soul .

When awakening takes place in sushumna, you may feel or see a rod of light, or your spinal cord may seem to be fully illumined from within. The “jerking” that occurs, is an effect of the energy pulsating through the Sushumna.  This movement and sounds of a train in a tunnel signifies the movement of the serpent Shakti towards Shiva. 

Once attained this you have reached Shiva, the Highest.

There are two phases of kundalini awakening.  Only after purification can there be awakening  Only by purifying the nadis and awakening the 7 main chakras is the kundalini able to rise up through the spine .

Purification of nadis is critical to good health so that a balanced level of prana can flow throughout the nadis and chakra systems.  Impure nadis cause blockages of the prana and this is what leads to disease in the physical body.

 By purifying you can experience better sense of self-control and, overcome anger and resentment to find inner calm and mental peace. It strengthens the immune system too and helps you fight off several diseases and keep them at bay. A positive mind is a great weapon against all of them.

When pranayama is correctly and regularly practiced, it calms and internalized the mind, floods the system with fresh prana, strengthens the organs of the body and purifies the nadis . Pranayama practices, including nadi shodhana, which involves alternate breathing through left and right nostrils, which would alternately stimulate respectively the left and right sides of the brain. Although we often refer to pranayama as breath control, it actually is the expansion and redirection of prana via the medium of breath .

As per our Vedas Prana-vayu is responsible for inhalation. This form of prana moves between the navel and heart and is responsible for the functioning of the heart and lungs. It controls breathing, swallowing and the circulation of blood..

Apana-vayu is responsible for exhalation and is a downward moving current. Its seat is between the anus and the navel. It controls the functions of the kidneys, bowels and bladder and is responsible for excretion, urination, expulsion of gas, sexual fluids and childbirth.

Serious yogis should refrain from eating eat meat, fish or eggs, and avoid all mind-altering drugs and alcohol and impure items such as tobacco, onions, garlic, fermented and acidic foods , and anything that overloads your system or agitates your mind. Occasional fasts are good for the body and mind. 


For one with a well balanced body and mind, that shift of nostril dominance happens automatically approximately once in ninety minutes. For other people, the shift may be much different. Sometimes one can be so off balance that one nostril remains dominant, which is a symptom of some physical, mental, or emotional difficulties.

The   power   of   the   chakras   does   not   reside   in   the chakras themselves, but in sahasrara. The chakras are only transducers .  It is only when kundalini reaches ajna chakra that the transcendence begins.  All the potential lies in sahasrara. The literal meaning of the word sahasrara is 'one thousand'. For this reason it is said to be a lotus with one thousand petals.

Sahasrara is the culmination of yoga, the perfect union between shiva and Shakti and the unfolding of enlightenment.   When this union takes place, the moment of self-realization or samadhi begins. At this point the individual man dies.  I don't mean that physical death occurs, it is death of the mundane awareness or individual awareness.  It is death of the experience of name and form. At this time you don't   remember   the   'I',   the   'you'   or   the   'they'. 

The   experience,   the   experienced   and   the experiencer are one and the same. The seer, seeing and and seen are merged as a unified whole. In other words, there is no multiple or dual awareness. There is only single awareness. When Shiva and Shakti unite, nothing remains, there is absolute silence. Shakti does not remain Shakti and Shiva is no more Shiva, both are mingled into one and they can no longer be identified as two different forces.

In due course the Kundalini energy comes down, ideally taking residence in the heart anahata chakra,  balancing upper and lower chakras.  You live a normal life, associating with everybody and discharging your worldly obligations like other people do.

Now you are in the midst of games of victory and defeat,  attachments and infatuations,  but you just play a game.  You know it; you do everything as an actor.  You are not involved in it life and soul .  People recognize you as a divine incarnation reality. 

When Shiva and Shakti descend to the gross level of awareness there is again duality. That is why the self-realized man is able to understand pain and all the mundane affairs of life.  He understands the whole drama of duality, multiplicity and diversity.  Sometimes we ordinary mortals are at a fix to understand how this man with the highest attainment is able to cope with the hopeless dualities of life. 

Shakti rules the matter and Shiva rules the consciousness, and when they descend to the gross plane, Shakti continues to rule the matter and Shiva, being consciousness, gives an understanding to the whole world.

When Kundalini is awakened fromvits slumber, it hisses like a disturbed serpent and enters the hole of Sushumna.  The rising Kundalini speeds up the the 6 chakras enroute before it reaches the brain. When it travels from Chakra to Chakra, layer after layer of the mind becomes open and the Yogi acquires various Siddhis (psychic powers).

Kundalini can remain stuck in one chakra for many years. Sometimes, when kundalini gets blocked in a chakra during transit,  you begin to exhibit some of the siddhis or psychic powers associated with that chakra. 

Chakras are centres of spiritual energy. They are located in the astral body, but they have corresponding centres in the physical body also. They cannot be the naked eyes. Only a clairvoyant can see with his astral eyes.

So each of the principal chakras can be visualized as a lotus flower with a specific color and number of petals as follows:--

Mooladhara - 4 petalled deep red lotus
Swadhisthana  - 6 petalled vermilion lotus
Manipura - 10 petalled bright yellow lotus
Anahata - 12 petalled blue lotus
Vishuddhi - 16 petalled violet lotus
Ajna - 2 petalled silver-grey lotus
Sahasrara - 1000 petalled multicolored or red lotus

Music Chakra Sanskrit scale
Do mooladhara Sa
Re swadhisthana  Re
Mi manipura    GaFa anahata Ma
So vishuddhi    Pa
La ajna Dha
Ti bindu Ni
Do sahasrara   Sa

When Shiva and Shakti unite in sahasrara, one experiences samadhi, illumination occurs in the brain and the silent areas begin to function . Shiva and Shakti remain merged together for some time, and during this period there is a total loss of consciousness pertaining to each other.  At that time a bindu evolves. Bindu means a point, a drop, and that bindu is the substratum of the whole cosmos.  

Within that bindu is the seat of human intelligence and the seat of the total creation. Then the bindu splits into two , Shiva and Shakti manifest again in duality. When ascension took place it was only the ascent of Shakti, but now, when descension takes place, Shiva and Shakti both descend to the gross plane and there is again knowledge of duality.

When the descent of kundalini occurs to anahata chakra , it means the lower mental plane of the human being is no longer influenced by the ordinary mind, the supermind takes over instead. This higher form of consciousness rules the body, mind and senses and directs your life, thoughts and emotions. Kundalini is  henceforth the ruler of your life.

The Muladhara encircles a mysterious divine potency called Kundalini, which can be raised by Yoga and meditation, chakra by chakra, till it reaches the Sahasrara. A overwhelming bliss is felt , which mystically represents re-integration with Atman or the eternal essence of self. With awakened Kundalini telepathy is possible.

Chakras can then send out information carrying Soliton waves, which do not attenuate.  The Indian sage has exploded into a space of consciousness in which inner awareness is spontaneous. Cosmic consciousness is an intellectual enlightenment or illumination, an undescribable state of moral and intellectual elevation, a feeling of amazing bliss.

First—root chakra--- MULADHARA kidneys ,adrenaline glands — Red resonance –base of spine-- material worldly issues— survival, safety, prosperity, motivation  . 194.18 Hz -  same frequency as an Earth Day which is 24 hours. The energy is dynamic, stimulating, vitalizing and tonifying.  frequency that influences the physical body. Ehteric Aura is 2 inches from body, Mirrors physical health.   Ruby.  Concern physical/ element earth.  3.8 - 4.3 Hz . Blockage- Addictions, compulsions, fear,indiscipline.  Seat -Will to live, faith in life

Second--- Sacral Chakra --- SWADHISTANA-- located just below navel, adrenaline glands, uterus reproductive system , spleen, circulation  - hydrocortisone epinephrine/ — Orange resonance—abdomen--desires—pleasure , sexuality healing,   . 210.42 Hz -  same frequency as the Synodic Moon, which is the time of the full moon. This tone stimulates sexual energy and supports erotic communication, also good for woman's cycles and for disturbances of the glandular and lymphatic . emotional aura is 18 inches from body.systems,  associated with feelings and emotions.  Agate.   Concern emotional / element water 5.6 - 6.2 Hz-- Blockage- emotional problems , sexual guilt, impotence, frigidity. Seat- Creativity, feelings, nostagia, first impressions

Third--- Solar Plexus MANIPURA --Chakra . pancreas.  nervous system, liver, stomach consumption of biofuel / — Yellow resonance --- —individual power—vitality, self esteem, calmness, emotional stability  . 126.22 Hz -  same frequency as our solar systems central star, the Sun. The Sun is the transmitter and receiver of energies between Earth and the Cosmos. It is the zero point or the point of stillness between Yin and Yang, and all cycles. This tone advances the magical and the transcendental.  Mental aura concerned with thought.  Amber.   Concern ego/ element fire 9.8 - 10.2 Hz-- Blockage-- anger or a sense of victimization, poor self esteem, alcholism, weak will. Seat- Self esteem, power, authority, self control

Fourth--- Heart Chakra ANAHATA --thymus gland , heart -lymphocytes  immune , endocrine system, circulation system / —— Green resonance—relationships—love, balance, compassion  . 136.10 Hz (Cosmic OM) - The HEART fork is tuned to the OM vibration  This tone promotes deep relaxation and sedation.  It is the frequency that influences the soul. It is relaxing, soothing, balancing and sedative. The sitar and tambura music are tuned to this keynote. It is the frequency of the soul. Astral aura. Stone-- Emerald.  Grief—lack of empathy—criticism—loneliness—shy.  Concern social/ element air 11.8 - 12.2 Hz-- -Blockage-- Inability to relate, suspicion, sleep disorders, high BP problems, Asthmas  Seat --Love, healing, emotional bonding

Fifth--- Throat Chakra VISHUDDHA thyroid  metabolic balance , lungs—— Blue resonance—communication, self expression , creative power  . 141.27 Hz - The THROAT fork is the same frequency as the planet Mercury. This tone supports the speech center and all forms of communication.  Spiritual aura concerned with divine will.  Stone--Turquoise.  Concern creative/ element sound 15.8 -16.2 Hz--Tied to creativity and communication.  Feels pressure when you are not communicating your emotions properly. Blockage-- Inability to express self, thyroid problems. Seat- awareness, creativity

Sixth/ Third Eye AJNA Chakra - pitutiary gland,  hormones which control other glands,brain  /  — Indigo resonance—third eye-- wisdom—clairvoyance, imagination  . 221.23 Hz - The 3RD EYE fork is the same frequency as the planet Venus. This tone promotes a great flow of love energy and inner harmony.  Spiritual aura concerned with divine love.  Stone--Blue sapphire.  Concern archetypal/ element light/ 90.0 - 98.0 Hz. Blockage- poor memory , denial, endocrine and hormonal imbalances. Seat-Vision, psychic perception

Seventh/ crown chakra SAHASRARA  / pineal gland  seat of biorhythm — Violet resonance—spirituality—bliss, higher consciousness, enlightment   . 172.06 Hz - The CROWN fork is the same frequency as the Platonic Year, which is 25,920 years. It is the time the axis of the Earth takes to complete a full rotation or precession like a top. The tone supports cheerfulness, clarity of spirit, supports cosmic unity and is anti-depressive.  Spiritual aura concerned with divine mind. Stone--Diamond.  Materialism—spiritual disconnection.  Concern Universal/ element thought 960.0 Hz. Blockage-lack of self understanding and direction. Seat- oneness

The aura is created and nourished by the energy brought in through chakras. A chakra that rotates anti-clockwise is a ‘closed’ chakra--not conducive to the intake of energy. Normally the chakras spin very fast, sucking the universal energy into our body. 

However, as we grow older we develop negative patterns of thinking and living that slow down of some or all of the chakras and sometimes even impede their direction, causing an energy imbalance that results in various diseases.

You can feel the influence of the chakras with the help of a pendulum, as it will start rotating on its own under the influence of any of the chakras when brought near that chakra’s field.  When these chakras are not spinning at their optimal speed, their respective characteristics can be adversely affected.

Trying to suppress or deny emotions freely often results in blocks in the corresponding chakras--so do not hide your emotions from yourself, even if you decide for some reason to hide them from others. Reiki and chakra meditation are some of the ways to keep your chakras in youthful condition.

When your chakras are out of balance nothing seems to go all right, and you have a sense of depression. You can douse your chakras with Tetrahydron Quartz. Dousing is the easiest of all ESP.

Within the sushumna (central energy channel) there are three granthis or knots that prevent the upward movement of the Kundalini Shakti.

-- The Brahma Granthi (located in the Muladhara Chakra ) is related to the physical body, to the world of names and forms.

-- Vishnu Granthi (located between the Manipura and the Anahata Chakra) is related to the astral body and to the world of emotions.

-- Rudra Granthi (located at the Ajna Chakra) is related to the causal body and to the world of thought, ideas, visions and intuition. 





Vedic tradition is based upon a Sonic theology in which Vac ( shabda brahman ) assumes primacy over everything. The soteriology revolves around awakening Kundalini that  guides individual to final salvation. 

The mantras, sound, engagement with grammar, hymns, SOHAMs ,  verse meters , rhyme, etymology, alliteration, music, even silence  are different modes of  engaging with  principle of Vac to ultimately arouse the Kundalini, which is the mirror of the eternal, non-perishable Brahman in individual bodies.

Swara Yogis were grandmasters of the INNER EAR SPIRAL by learning to use cochlea to not only hear but to perceive, we can generate synaptic plasticity in human brain that might unleash the monumental power of mind  for creative engagement with the world.


So after I reached home I told my son  “ Tomorrow as soon as you go to school, the bully will start off as usual.  He is just trying to be a hero in front of the girls by taking on a guy double his size. I want you to do this  – now watch carefully.  If you don’t do exactly what I tell you, when you come home in the evening I will kick your fuckin' ass. “

My son cried bitterly , for I was his ultimate hero, and had never beaten him or spoke to him rudely till then.

Next day—he went to school .

The bully came to him with his usual teasing games with the whole class watching.

My son bent him double, picked him off the ground whirled him around to upset his INNER EAR  cochlea balance, and threw him 8 feet away. He lay there for a couple of minutes  totally dazed , picked himself up and came charging . 

This time my son palmed his jaw, jerked his head backwards to upset the inner ear spirit level again, and shoved him so hard that he went flying again . It took some time for him regain his balance get up and slink away .

That was it.

The girls , two dozen of them were the first to start clapping , and then the rest of the class followed .

This was what all of them wanted. Before he left school for the day , this 16 year old bully taunted my son  “ Next time you mother asks me for notes ,  I wont give it to her!”

The word spread  all over school like wild fire – Aashik has beaten up the school bully.  This came to my wife from several sources. 

Few parents thanked my wife as the previous year 3 childern left the school, unable to face this type of harassment. Complaining to the teachers made NO difference as the bully's parents were wealthy people from Dubai, and close to a school board member.

Below: When you meddle with the 3.5 coils-- you strike a severe blow on human consciousness 

In the Kerala system of martial arts Kalari ( basically deadly sword fighting –Kalari is not a sport ), as 5 year old kids we were taught by the gurikkal how to upset the spirit level of the cochlea to immobilise a stronger and heavier opponent. 

The inner ear gives the cycloid spiral space curve motion. Vedic seers used the inner ear method for bending space time. It is the brain and central nervous system that hears. 

The inner ear cochlea is filled with liquid. Microscopic hairs called cilia project out into this liquid and they release a chemical neurotransmitter when stimulated. ( just like the cats's whiskers ).

Sound waves are transformed into nerve impulses, to the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex which is dedicated to sound. The audio range is 20 hz to 20 K Hz.  1 hertz is one cycle per second. All musicians convey the message in the 0.5- 4 KHz range . 

The cochlea looks like a small snail ( 3.5 coils snake ) . 

When the head moves, so does the fluids, inside the cochlea like a spirit level. A sound wave is a longitudinal wave--a series of compressions and rarefactions.. Higher the frequency, higher the perceived pitch. The wonder of the cilia hairs is that it can perceive 1500 levels of pitch.

The number of discriminable tones in in the hundreds of thousands. 


Vedas penned in 7000 years ago, states that cosmic creation began  with sound, and thus sound is a sure spiritual tool  to liberation.  

The hearing  of inner sound has direct correlation with the rising of esoteric  Kundalini in human bodies that  opens the floodgate of universal consciousness in individual bodies.

Malayalam alphabet consists of 54 letters, 18 of which are vowels. It is a syllabic alphabet in which all consonants have an inherent vowel.

Let me let out a secret. 

Many people wonder if their Kundalinis are indeed rising . 

If it rises through the correct Sushumna Nadi  certain sounds are heard as the awakened kundalini rises up through the chakras:
at muladhara - the chirping of a cricket
at svadhisthana - the tinkling of an anklet
at manipura- the sound of a bell
at anahata - the music of a flute

The damaru drum which Shiva holds has a hour glass construction.  

When a damaru is vibrated, it produces dissimilar sounds which are fused together by resonance to create one sound. 

Modern science calls this BINAURAL beats— just lifted immorally from ancient vedic knowledge penned down 7000 years ago.

The sound thus produced symbolizes Nada, the cosmic sound of AUM of 7.83 hertz  which can be heard during deep meditation.   According to Hindu scriptures, Nada is the source of creation.

The human range is on average from 20 to 20,000 Hz.

If 300 Hz is played in one ear and 306 hz is played in the other ear via stereo headphones the binaural frequency will be 6 hertz .

7.83 Hz This is Schumann’s resonance frequency or earth’s heart beat or frequency of Hindu king mantra OM frequency - a sound which cannot be heard by the ears( unless it is a harmonic ) but can be heard by the heart.

Frequencies of the brain are below 40 hertz.   Binaural beats in the theta (4 to 8 Hz) range have been associated with meditation and shamanic states of consciousness. Theta increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress, and awakens intuition.

This third tone, of 6 Hz, the binaural beat, is below the range of human hearing, the only way the brain can acknowledge this tone is if both hemispheres of the brain are connected.  The act of listening to this wavering stimulates the two halves of the brain to connect.  This effect on the brain is called hemispheric synchronization.

Both the hemispheres of the brain connect and begin working together in order to recognize this difference between the two sounds.  Magnetic resonance imaging results of the brain in this state of synchronized hemispheres show a huge increase in the activation of areas in both sides of the brain.

The inner ear spiral or 3.5 spirals , is the same as Kundalini coil The cochlea receives sound in the form of vibrations, which cause the stereocilia to move. The stereocilia then convert these vibrations into nerve impulses which are taken up to the brain to be interpreted. 

Two of the three fluid sections are canals and the third is a sensitive 'organ of Corti' which detects pressure impulses which travel along the auditory nerve to the brain. The two canals are called the vestibular canal and the tympanic canal. 

The cochlea is filled with a watery liquid, the perilymph, which moves in response to the vibrations coming from the middle ear via the oval window. As the fluid moves, the cochlear partition (basilar membrane and organ of Corti) moves; thousands of hair cells sense the motion via their stereocilia, and convert that motion to electrical signals that are communicated via neurotransmitters to many thousands of nerve cells. 

These primary auditory neurons transform the signals into electrochemical impulses known as action potentials, which travel along the auditory nerve to structures in the brainstem for further processing.  

Cochlea contains nerves that connects sound vibrations with the nervous system that generates consciousness; Kundalini is believed to be the  subtlest of vibrations that generate consciousness in human self. 

While the cochlea is the grosser form of the coiled energy, Kundalini is the subtler form. 

Rather, it is the subtler Kundalini that assumes the cochlear form in the  anatomical ear. 

Cochlea and Kundalini reflect each other .

My revelations now jump to 53.44 %


These white skinned  detractors of Hinduism ,can make holes in their trouser pockets ( or petticoat poackets as the case may be ) and tear their collective hair in grief.

Lord Shiva holds a conch in one of his arms. 

The wisdom of the conch and the allegories of Hinduism created by 12 strand DNA maharishis , is too great for small minds. 

After Samudra Manthan ( churning of cosmic ocean ) why did God Dhanwantari have to come out with a mangy conch  ?

 Pray  ?

Prithee ?

Energy in a vortex acts as a frequency converter. Our brain stores information in a holographic form. A zero point field has electromagnetic counter rotating energy spirals which interconnects with the larger macroscopic cosmos through which consciousness manifests into space-time-matter.

Shabda Brahman ( sound ) is a great morphogenetic organizing force without which no matter can be formed.

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev , the great Russian chemist and inventor formulated the Periodic Law, and the periodic table of elements. 

He was denied a Nobel prize for telling that his table is based on the divine Sanskrit alphabets. Mendeleev, studied Sanskrit at a university in St Petersburg, used Sanskrit prefixes eka, dvi, and tri to name those yet-to-be-discovered elements. 

Mendeleev had expressed his appreciation and debt to the great Sanskrit grammarian Panini of ancient India, who had created sophisticated theories of language based on their discovery of the two-dimensional patterns in basic sounds.

He had to be punished for praising a coolie race fit to be ruled by the white man, and evil pagan religion.

Like Nikola Tesla ,  Mendeleev also saw the Sri Yantra in his dreams.

"I saw in a dream a table where all elements fell into place as required. Awakening, I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper."—Mendeleev

Like the musical scale of Sanskrit, the elements in the periodic table are also arranged, very logically, in rows and columns based on how each letter is pronounced.  

This knowledge was the reason why I was able to shoot NASA with their own sh#t, when they gave mindless bull to this planet.

They found Arsenic in DNA.


This was the breaking news – nay— SCOOP OF THE CENTURY .

 Arsenic and phosphorus are also chemically analagous — arsenic is directly below phosphorus on Mendeleeyev’s periodic table, and the elements have the same number of electrons in their outer shells, which makes them behave similarly.

So swapping arsenic for phosphorus is no big deal, even it NASA's great discovery is true.

Within 48 hours of reading my post above the whole modern scientific world supported me

This is why if you google DNA NASA the post above comes as item ONE on page ONE among 20 millions posts

Mendeleev gleaned that Panini did the phonological patterning of Sanskrit alphabet sounds as a function of their articulatory properties.  So he just  arranged the chemical properties of elements are a function of their atomic weights. 

This is impossible unless Sanskrit is a divine language. 

This is why Sanskrit mantras can reprogram human DNA

Mendeleev noted how Panini broke the phonetic parallelism of sounds when the simplicity of the system required it, e.g. putting the velar to the right of the labial in the nasal row. 

So he gave priority to isomorphism over atomic weights when they conflicted, e.g. putting beryllium in the magnesium family because it patterns with it even though, by atomic weight, it seemed to belong with nitrogen and phosphorus.   

In both cases, the periodicities they discovered would later be explained by a theory of the internal structure of the elements.

Lord Shiva produced 14 sound sequences from the Damaru while in the throes of his tandav. These sounds formed the foundations for later developments of all phenomes of speech, notes of music and beats of dance.

These sounds were heard by Panini while in a meditational trance and penned down as the Siva Sutras in his Ashtadhyayi.   

Sound was structured to provide speech. 

Though speech was designed for communication among humans themselves, the maharishis also realized that it should also serve to elevate the level of human consciousness by mantras.










QUOTE:  According to the yogic lore, over fifteen thousand years ago, Shiva attained to his full enlightenment and abandoned himself in an intense ecstatic dance upon the Himalayas. When his ecstasy allowed him some movement, he danced wildly. When it became beyond movement, he became utterly still. UNQUOTE












capt ajit vadakayil




Awakening of the chakras and awakening of kundalini are different processes. The chakras should be purified before the awakening of kundalini, because they are usually either blocked or operating at a very low vibration. 

Therefore, first they have to be purified, then activated and attuned to a higher frequency, so that kundalini can pass through without causing any harm or disturbance.

In swara yoga the practice of concentration on the tattwas or elements is utilized to activate the chakras. By analyzing the breath, one finds out which tattwa is active. This means that prana is operating at the level of the corresponding chakra. 

Thus, by understanding the elements and faculties of each chakra, the signs and indications of awakening can be recognized by the nature of the breath.

The five densest of the tattvas, which we experience as qualities in the body and in all matter, are: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether.

Each of the five elements represents a state of matter. Earth is not just soil, but it is everything in nature that is solid. Water is everything that is liquid. Air is everything that is a gas. Fire is that part of Nature that transforms one state of matter into another. 

For example, fire transforms the solid state of water (ice) into liquid water and then into its gaseous state (steam). Withdrawing fire recreates the solid state. Fire is worshipped in many yogic and Tantric rituals because it is the means by which we can purify, empower, and control the other states of matter.

 Space is the mother of the other elements. Earth forms solid structures, such as bones, flesh, skin, tissues, and hair. Water forms saliva, urine, semen, blood, and sweat. Fire forms hunger, thirst, and sleep. Air is responsible for all movement, including expansion, contraction, and suppression. Space forms physical attraction and repulsion, as well as fear.

 If any element is impure or out of balance with another, disease and suffering may occur. Yoga helps us purify these elements and restore balance and health, and to unfold the inner powers and abilities contained in each element. 

In fact, yoga is one of the most powerful ways to restore health because it gives us the means to bring even those elements that are natural enemies into harmonious relationships with each other.

The first Tattva is Earth- Pritvi Tattva The sense associated with the Pritvi Tattva is smell.  The Pritvi Tattva is the basic element of earth, and is an expression of dullness, unawareness, attachment, and functions only from need and instinct.  It mainly operates through our sense of smell.  The foundation of the physical structure of the body – bones, skin, flesh, teeth & marrow – originate from this physical element of earth. (First Chakra).

The second is Water-Apas Tattva  The sense associated with the Apas Tattva is taste. The Apas Tattva  is a manifestation of the forces of both forcefulness and will,  and dullness and attachment.  Gland secretions, blood, and semen originate for this element. (Second chakra) The Apas Tattva manifest in the kidneys, sex glands & lymphatic system.

The third is Fire -Agni Tattva The sense is sight. The Agni Tattva is the main motive energy in the body and our personal power – digesting our food, producing blood and other fluids, and sustaining the body.  It is responsible for nourishment and growth of the body.  (Also creating prana thru food processing, it is associated with the third chakra.) The fire center (Agni) manifests through the spleen, liver, pancreas, and adrenal glands.  Just as the heat of the sun make life possible on Earth, the heat of the Angi Tattva sustains life in the body.

Fourth is Air -Aayu Tattva. The sense is touch. The Vayu Tattva is the vital force or “prana” in the body.  It produces the cells and precious seeds. It keeps all of the bodily organs active and healthy, and circulates the blood and other fluids throughout the body. Though we cannot see Vayu, we feel its touch. The main center of operation for the Vayu Tattva is the chest region which includes five principal organs and glands: lungs, heart, thymus, cell producing glands and the subsidiaries. (Fourth chakra)

Fifth is Ether -Akasha Tattva –The sense is sound. Our personality is dependent on which of the five elements predominates in our nature.  If the person has the Akasha Tattva (Ether) predominating, then he will be the happiest, most carefree being in the world. Yet, the operations of the Akasha Tattva are not perceptible to our sense organs. (It is associated with the fifth or throat chakra) The chief center of operation of the Akasha Tattva is the throat – the space between the collar-bone and the nape of the neck. This is the region which comprises the following principal glands: thyroid, parathyroid, salivary, and tonsils.  The essential secretions of these glands help mold our minds and keep them nourished.

The operations of a particular tattva comprise the entire body-system.  There are main centers as well as subsidiary centers of operation.

In swara yoga it is said that if sushumna flows for a very long time, it means your mind is going to transcend the barrier of subject and object, ida and pingala. For the householders, who are engaged in worldly duties, this state may not be desirable, but it is what the yogi is striving for. 

In India, cases have been witnessed where people were able to predict their time of death several days beforehand by observing the continual flow of sushumna.

 When the awakening of kundalini takes place, the first thing that happens is sushumna becomes charged by the kundalini energy. The whole spinal passage becomes heated 

Within the subtle structure of the pranic network, every nadi has a specific route, and at certain points all the nadis come together to form centres of pranic and psychic energy known as chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit term which means circle, wheel, something round and spinning. 

There are many chakras in the body, but the major ones form an energy circuit along the spinal column in the region of the five major nerve plexuses. These chakras are mediatory, receiving energy from the higher levels and transmitting it throughout mind and body.

All these chakras function at varying vibrational frequencies, and are therefore perceived as vortices of light, which vary in colour depending on their rate of vibration. The rishis who perceived these chakras in deep meditation saw that they resembled lotus flowers of different shades with different numbers of petals. Therefore, in the yogic texts they described them as the lotuses of the body.

The lowest chakra is called mooladhara, then moving up the spine are swadhisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi and ajna. Further up we come to sahasrara. Mooladhara is the equivalent of sahasrara in the animal kingdom. 

It is from mooladhara that man's primal energy can be transformed into a spiritual force, and it is from there that ida, pingala and sushumna originate. At the end of the circuit they merge again in ajna and proceed as one to sahasrara at the crown of the head.

Sahasrara is totally free from the influences of ida and pingala and, therefore, it is not always considered to be a chakra.

 Mooladhara to vishuddhi belong to the range of the five basic elements of creation. Ajna is concernedwith mind and intuition alone. A chakra can be consciously activated either by directing prana to the centre or by concentrating on its location and form. 

My wife knows how to douse the chakras with a quartz crystal. 

The pineal gland is connected to the pituitary gland, which produces a hormone that sets the whole endocrine system into operation and, in particular, controls growth and the activity of the sex glands. 

When the pineal gland functions, it acts like a lock on the pituitary gland. In most people certain parts of the pineal gland begin to degenerate after the age of eight. Then the pituitary gland comes into full play and the worldly personality develops.

As long as the pineal gland remains intact however, certain functions within the pituitary gland are controlled. 

The pineal is the guru, the pituitary gland the disciple. This is the proper relationship between the two glands. When the relationship is reversed, then you have all types of emotional, mental, psychic and physical problems.

The pineal gland is affected by the light/dark cycles. Likewise, the swara and ida/pingala operate in accordance with these cycles, but if they are out of sequence, it indicates that something is disturbed in the energy circuit between mooladhara and ajna.

The pineal gland enables the extrasensory perceptions like clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, etc. to function. The ancient Maharishis with 12 strand DNA ( NIL junk ) had king sized pineal glands. 

Today we have 2 strand DNA ( 97% junk ) with a atrophied, calcified ppineal gland , the size of a dried up raisin

The THIRD EYE of Lord Shiva is in reality is the Pineal Gland. This super conducting resonator has mystical powers. Once the third eye is developed it is far more powerful than any of your 5 human senses. 

Though it is not part of the brain, the pineal gland develops from the roof of the diencephalon, a section of the brain, and functions as a light receptor. Darwin may not agree with me -- but, the pineal gland is the evolutionary forerunner of the modern eye. . 

This gland synthesizes melatonin and enzymes sensitive to diurnal light. Rhythmic changes in its activity in response to cyclical photic input shows that the gland serves as a biological clock.

To activate the 'third eye' and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal ( soul ) and the pituitary ( body ) glands must vibrate in YIN-YANG unison, to create a field , which is achieved through meditation, 

Mantra chanting ( cymatics )and Surya yog ( sun gazing.) The reddish grey pineal gland is located in the geometric center of the brain. It is located directly behind the eyes.

There are many who think that Pineal Gland is the only organ of the brain that does not come inpairs. However, under a microscope you can see that the pineal gland is divided into two fine hemispheres. 

The nerves that serve the pineal gland don't originate in the brain but in the sympathetic nervous system. In adults, calcium make the pineal gland visible on X rays. The pineal gland is a photosensitive organ and thus an important timekeeper for the human body.

For migrating birds, the pineal gland is the center for navigation. The pineal gland is a magneto receptor, capable of monitoring magnetic fields, and helping to align the body in space. Changing the direction of magnetic fields around the heads of birds alters their ability to orient. 

The pineal can generate its own magnetic field because it contains magnetite. This field can interact with the earth's magnetic field. 

If you have a strong enough sense of conciousness you will taste a huge pituitary release in the back of your mouth and sinuses and throat, it is referred to as ambrosia ( amrit -mental orgasm discharge )  

This is a result of DMT production . DMT is the spirit molecule that bends space-time. Pineal DMT is the chemical messenger which links body and spirit. 

Quantum physics has showed the ancient Indian Yogis were NOT mere dreamers of cosmic consciousness, where our bodies, our brain and its mind, as inextricably joined with other matter and the mega dipole of universe . 

Newtonian science requires OBJECTIVE proof verifiable by 5 human senses. Little did he know that these 5 bands are too narrow-- rest being squelched to prevent man from breaking down.

Western medicine treats man like a machine--looking for symptoms and a piece meal cure..

Newton backed Descartes in assuming that body and mind are two separate entities. Quantum physics have told the duo who had blinkers on for the macroscopic world, where to get off.

Quantum physics is based on the power of observation, and the mind is factored in. Tesla, Einstein, Heisenberg, Shrodinger etc were all familiar with the Indian Vedanta, which had known " wave-particle duality" and " power of human intention "


They firmly believed that the invisible below the quantum screen gives rise to the visible. Consciousness is about being self aware through observation ( double slit experiment ) and inner experience.

While idiot Newton tries to explain the invisible through the visible. There is no room for consciousness or morphogenetic fields in the dictionary of mad man Darwin.

To activate the third eye of Shiva, or to perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland ( soul ) and the pituitary glands ( body ) must vibrate in resonance to create a field. 

This is represented by Samudra manthan in Hindu mythology, where mount meru is used to churn the oceans for Amrit or Ambrosia in a to and fro movement , representing vibrations.. 

The amrit of the ambrosia or Soma is the holy grail. The pineal gland produces Pinoline, ( 6-methoxy-tetra-dydro-beta carboline, or 6-MeO-THBC ) . 

Pinoline also resonates with the very pulse of life 7.83 Hertz, the pulse the DNA uses to replicate, and which has been measured to be emitted from the brains and hands of all successful healers, regardless of belief or faith. 

There is indeed a connection between consciousness and tangled state quantum phenomena Indian Vedic maharishis had the inherent ability to go on either side of the narrow band of five human senses. 


They firmly believed that the invisible below the quantum screen gives rise to the visible. 

At the time of death Seratonin and Melatonin in the brain breaks down to Dimethyltryptamine or DMT, C12 N2 H16, just after the oxygen stops circulating. 

This is the moment for the ultimate DMT trip. You see your whole past life as FRACTAL dvine geometry. 

When you consume Soma, colours , sounds and numbers all show up as fractal geometry. What you have learnt in the past is of no use to you. 

Amrit reveals the fractal nature of consciousness. 

Amrit is NOT external, it is produced inside your head.  All you need to know is how to produce it by your own mind. 

These 12 strand DNA maharishis with raised Kundalinis , can read akashik records , convert them from fractal geometry, for daily life use. 

The cobra on Lord Shiva 's shoulders shows raised Kundalini and open third eye.  

The white man ridiculed Indians as superstitious savages. 

Not any more !.  

This self realisation (of opening the third eye) , is the ultimate goal of consciousness.

What is the worth of all your main stream science school books which still teach you the NONSENSE of Charles Darwin and tells you very little about your DNA and Pineal gland?

The Vedas talked about Tvasta ( helix DNA) , 7000 years ago.

On 8th Aug 2011,  NASA in a most surprising declaration which shocked main stream scientists, ( Vatican and Islamic Mecca included ) ,  agreed that DNA is indeed from outer space and that too from black meteorite stones-- exactly as mentioned in the Indian Rig Veda 7000 years ago.

Anything which holds the seed for future growth is alluded to as the divine penis.  This is what god's phallus or Shiva lingam is all about.

Vatican likes to hide this black stone in their underground vaults--  at least the Muslims are proud of it.  

 The Pineal Gland of this planet is Mount Kailash in the Himalayas.

The Maharishis , were supermen with amazing powers which included producing matter from human energy, telepathy, healing powers which included time reversal of cells, invisibility, levitation , reading from aakashik ( ether/ ZPF  ) records of past and future etc.

These 12 strand DNA maharishis with raised Kundalinis , could read aakashik records , convert them from fractal geometry, for daily life use.  

Again, the cobra on Lord Shiva 's shoulders shows raised Kundalini and open third eye. This self realisation (of opening the third eye) , is the ultimate goal of consciousness.

In the Vedas written in 5000 BC,  Marthanda is the physically deformed cast away son of Nebula, Aditi. Aditi is the mother of all mothers. 

It is actually a huge energized mass of rock ( a binary star ) which revolves round the sun every 12500 years and at perigee causes lot of disturbances on planet earth.

In the Rig Veda written in 5000 BC , Aditi is mentioned more than 80 times.  Aditi is Devamatri (mother of the gods) as from and in her cosmic matrix all the heavenly bodies were born.

As the celestial virgin and mother of every existing form and being, the synthesis of all things, she is highest akasa.  As the womb of space, she is a feminized form of Brahma. The idea of Virgin mary came from this Hindu concept.

The line in the Rig-Veda: "Daksha sprang from Aditi and Aditi from Daksha" has reference to "the eternal cyclic re-birth of the same divine Essence".  In one of its most mystic aspects Aditi is divine wisdom or consciousness.

Aditi cast away her 8th son Marthanda as he was mis shapen---- Rig Veda Mandala10-Sukta-72(10-72). It is also called SAGALA , ( meaning “everything” – all DNA building blocks ) in Sanskrit, and in my own language Malayalam, from which the black, heavier than iron, SHIVA LINGAMS scattered all over the Indian subcontinent and certain parts of the planet.

DNA is the master tuning fork of the human body. When you resonate your Pineal gland with your DNA,  magic happens. When the DNA strikes a particular frequency all other molecules follow.

We humans have consciousness and we have a free choice if we wish to evolve further to higher consciousness. This means our junk DNA ( 97% of the total ) will be used and be mutated to 12 strand DNA.

In quantum physics quantum coherence means that subatomic particles are able to cooperate. These subatomic waves or particles not only know about each other , but are also highly interlinked by bands of common electromagnetic fields, so that they can communicate together.

They are like a multitude of tuning forks that all begin resonating together. As the waves get into phase of sync, they begin acting like one giant wave and one giant subatomic particle. It becomes difficult to tell them apart. 

Electrons glide easily along light pipes without getting entangled in their environment, or settling into any set single state. This means they can remain in quantum state, a condition of all possible states, enabling the brain eventually to finally choose among them. This is free will.

At every moment our brains are making quantum choices, taking potential states and making them actual ones. Brain processes occurred at the quantum level. The dendritic networks in the brain operate in tandem through quantum coherence. The electrical activity of microtubules inside the  dendrites and neurons in the brain is  at the heart of consciousness.

Our brain talks to itself and the rest of the  body in the language of wave interference –phase , frequency and amplitude. We perceive an object by resonating with it,  thus getting in sync with it. To know the world is to be literally to be on its wavelength.

In Mahabharata war of 4000 BC, Sanjaya , with awakened Kundalini and 12 DNA strands , sits hundres of miles from the scene of battle and gives the blind King Dhritarashtra a blow by blow account.

The pineal gland can be activated by activated by sunlight ( sun gazing ) , and also by sound resonance ( mantra chanting ) during Surya Namaskar. .  It controls the various biorhythms of the body. It can discern negative energies, based on perception of vibrating energies around you.

It plays a major role in hibernation of animals, metabolism, and seasonal breeding. In humans it affects circadian rhythms, sleep patterns ( melatonin levels increase at night), and is implicated in seasonal affective disorder. The pineal gland calcifies with age and melatonin production correspondingly decreases.

Once you enter the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, minute amounts of this natural DMT psychedelic are released directly into your bloodstream—for you to dream and access aakashik records.





Pineal activation awakens normally latent neural pathways. Nerve fibers leave the pineal and make synaptic connections with other brain sites through traditional nerve-to-nerve connections, not just through endocrine secretions.

Surya namaskar can increase lymph flow 20 fold.  Lymph fluid does NOT have a pump like heart is for the blood.Two-thirds of the lymph is produces in the liver and intestines Because the lymphatic system is a closed pressure system and has one-way valves that keep lymph moving towards the heart.

 The entire lymphatic system is stimulated, thus strengthening your immune system..  The body twists while doing Surya Namaskar  help to shift  lymph fluids around your body in ways that you would not ordinarily be able to achieve in daily . 

The lymphatic system in your body is a series of connected nodes, ducts and organs that play a vital part in your immune system. The lymphatic system has vessels just like our circulatory system, but does not have a pump like the heart for the circulatory system . 

In order to clear the “lymph” (the clear extracellular fluid that is collected by the lymphatic vessels and filtered by the lymph nodes), the lymphatic system must be pumped manually.

Lymph is a clear fluid that travels through your body's arteries, circulates through your tissues to cleanse them and keep them firm, and then drains away through the separate lymphatic system.

 Lymph nodes are the filters along the lymphatic system.  Their job is to filter out and trap bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and other unwanted substances, and to make sure they are safely eliminated from the body.

The main idea of doing Surya Namaskar is to do sun gazing. This is done when the altitude of the sun is low and the UV effect on the eyes is less

When you do Surya Namaskar, you must be bare footed and  if possible be bare chested. Being bare chested increases the sex hormones.    The feet must be bare and earthed . Stillness or steadiness of the eyes is not required, and so you can blink . Do not wear any lenses or glasses while sungazing. 

Have the firm belief that the sunrays in our eyes are of immense benefit and will not harm you . As the days pass and you are able to look at the sun for more time, you will find find that you don’t eat too much .

Physical and mental diseases will start getting cured. Each day more energy blockages will be dissolved.  70 to 80% of the energy synthesized from food is taken by the brain and is used up in fueling tensions and worries. With a lack of mental stress, the brain does not require the same amount of energy as before.

As you proceed in sun gazing and as your tensions decrease the need for food intake goes down. Hunger comes because of energy requirements of the body, which is a must for its existence. Food is not a necessity for the body to function, only energy is.

You develop a corona of energy around you. As this energy field becomes stronger, diseases don't harm you. The sun is the force of all life, and staring at it can infuse the body with large amounts of energy. Sun gazing also has the added advantage of getting vitamin A and D during the 1-hour safe period window.

When sunlight enters the brain, through your eyes , your good qualities come into appearance replacing negative ones. Eyes receive the entire spectrum of the sunlight while sungazing, which is distributed to the different parts of the body by the brain on a need per basis. Sungazing causes the secretion of “feel good” hormones serotonin beta-endorphins, and dopamine.

Hunger comes because of energy requirements of the body, which is a must for its existence. Food is not a necessity for the body to function, only energy is. . For many people, eating seems like a good solution when there's nothing better to do.

Ancient Vedic scriptures tell us the quickest way to charge the bodies cells is by sungazing. Take away the sunlight and all life on earth would soon perish. Deprived of sunlight, man loses physical vigor and strength and will develop a disinclination for activity. 

Feed two animals the same diet but keep one in a dark closet and allow the other to be out in the sunshine. The animal that's kept in the closet will be weak, stunted and die prematurely.

Fruits and plants have the ability to trap and store sun energy. We get our energy from eating fruits , veggies and plants.

Surya is one of the principal vedic deities. He is pictured as riding across the sky on a chariot pulled by seven horses.  Seven horses and the seven colors of light for each of the seven chakras. The pineal gland (third eye) is equipped with photoreceptor cells.

The rays of the sun with seven VIBGYOR colors have a cure for all kinds of diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's,  obesity,  arthritis,  osteoporosis, cancer and others. 

During surya Namaskar, the pineal secretes not only DMT, but other peptides as well that have psychoactive effects.  Vitamin D directly from the sun, is an excellent healing agent.

Serotonin receptors are activated by DMT and serotonin receptors regulate heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, pupil diameter. DMT is a small molecule and is a  brain food that is rapidly transported across the blood brain barrier.

Infertility is associated with low vitamin D. Vitamin D supports production of estrogen in men and women. PMS has been completely reversed by addition of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Menstrual migraine is associated with low levels of vitamin D and calcium.

Anybody wants to ridicule the Vedas as shepherd's verses any more? 

I listen to the evangelists of various religions preaching on cable TV daily for the past 2 decades -- 

-- how shallow! 

--- full of mindless LOUD rhetoric !

( Truth and words of great value do not have to be screamed across or conveyed with chicanery like a slimy lawyer in a court room ! )

I am still waiting to hear a single intelligent talk from single holy book evangelists –I have listened and read for 40 years  !!   And Capt Ajit Vadakayil is a well read and intelligent man , wise to the ways of this planet

No wonder the world is coming back to Hinduism-- it took this quantum age to understand 7000 year old shepherd's verses , right?



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