The ascetic prince Lord Kalki, the Lord of the universe, will mount His swift white horse Devadatta and, sword in hand, travel over the earth exhibiting His eight mystic opulences and eight special qualities of Godhead. Displaying His unequaled effulgence and riding with great speed, He will kill by the millions those thieves who have dared dress as kings.
— 7000 year old Bhagavata Purana, 12.2.19-20 ( Tenth avatar of Vishnu ushering in Satya Yuga )
When you see a picture of Lord Shiva ,you see a cobra on his shoulders. This is a representation of a released Kundalini. His trident of Trishul depicts the Ida and Pingala Nadis with the central Sushumna
2000 years ago Jesus Christ came to Kerala in India , to raise his Kundalini under a proper Guru. He was here was more than 3 years before he went back to Jerusalem – by ship from Muzris ( Kodungallur ) to Bernice ( Egyptian port in Red sea ) , and then by land caravan route via the Egyptian pyramids.
Beware of fake Gurus on the Internet. One of my company's IT technicians from a Scandinavian country was running a Kundlini Clinic back home with his wife. Since he made a sea voyage on my ship, and I had several hours of interaction with him. I was able to gauge his knowledge about this ancient 11000 year old Indian Yoga. He knew nothing—and such fake people can cause enormous psychic damage to you.
In my opinion 20% of the mental patients on this planet have Kundalini damage trauma. Since modern science has not yet come into terms with consciousness , the most valuable and real thing in this cosmos, these poor people have to go through hell on earth. Modern science is so naive that it has NO place for the soul in the TOE ( theory of everything ). Remote viewing, ESP, clairvoyance, psychokinesis , telepathy etc are pseudo science for modern science.
This Kundalini raising methods are written down in our Sanskrit texts 7000 years ago. This is a proper science penned by noble and graceful Maharishi seers.
Now I will put 3 videos , to get you introduced to the QUANTUM world. Every atom in the universe , including the one in your body is connected to each other at the deepest level. This is mentioned in our Vedas and has been proved by the quantum scientists. There are NO objects in the cosmos--only vibrations of energy and relationships.
What is the use of living if you have not realised how you fit into the grand scheme of the quantum world and existence for all eternity? You as a person are intricately connected with the larger cosmos.
Modern religions which sprouted in the past 2500 years , have failed to elevate your perceptions . Your 5 human senses can detect only a small narrow segment of the energy scale--even a small child in school knows this today..
When you watch the introductory videos below feel the intimate connection between consciousness- (which is the basis of all that exists), and quantum mechanics of the cosmos.
All atoms in the entire universe are capable of mind reading and communicating with other atoms. There is a consciousness in every molecule of matter
The entire universe is a single living conscious organism with complete awareness of itself.
During this time of planetary transformation after 21stDec 2012, it is easy to increase the flow of ions upping the body’s dipole, increasing the EMF. Increased heart field and EMF of the nervous system during the peak Kundalini, acts like a biological synchrotron to actually change certain elements in the central nervous system into their high spin monatomic state.
Scalar waves encode the information of space and time into a timeless, spaceless quantum shorthand of interference patterns. Using your free choice to raise your Kundalini is the most important step in the development of a unifying world view that is capable of guiding humanity to a more healthy, peaceful, and prosperous future.
The earth completes its 26765 year cycle of precession on 21st Dec 2012.
The plane of our Solar System will line up exactly with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, and our planet will be showered by cosmic rays.
After Dec 21st 2012, human beings on this planet can shift to the wisdom mode (rather than the knowledge mode) if he exercises his free will.
Your Kundalini can be raised if you have the will.
The cosmic moment of December 21, 2012 starts a time window portal of 20 years for a global shift in consciousness—the "mass Kundalini awakening that brings about a great leap in cosmic consciousness “ resulting in universal brotherhood..
If at least 1 lakh ( 100 000 ) people can raise their Kundalini, a golden age will start for this planet. If not this planet misses a golden opportunity for another 25765 years, till Lord Brahma breathes out again-- to rescue the whole human race from a mental prison in which they have been incarcerated .
The Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad is eighty-sixth among the 108 Muktika Upanishads, associated with the 7000 year old written text Krishna Yajurveda from India.
This process was understood by Greeks when Plato and Pythagoras studied in India .
It can be seen depicted even today in modern medical iconography as two snakes spiraling a central staff, and said to be derived from the Caduceus of the Greek god Hermes.
It can be seen depicted even today in modern medical iconography as two snakes spiraling a central staff, and said to be derived from the Caduceus of the Greek god Hermes.
Kundalini techniques are only communicated from master to disciple. First the Guru will decide if the disciple is ready for awakening his Kundalini. For this reason I will NOT take procedure questions vide the comments column. Fake con-men make money by writing Kundalini books and holding classes - without knowing that this is more dangerous than a quack writing a book on how to do intricate brain surgery.
People who have raised their Kundalini are least interested in impressing the others. You will find some sages coming down from the Himalayas for the 12 yearly Kumbh Mela. These sages can do extraordinary feats and miracles, yet they are naked , covered with ash to look repulsive and unwilling to be in the limelight.
Nowadays all on the Internet quote Pandit Gopi Krishna--as a man who raised his Kundalini, and wrote a book about it.
I have read this book PATH TO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS several years ago, and I will comment that first of all he raised it via his Pingala Nadi , on his own , causing him to suffer-- like in hell --for many years, before he realised his mistake that the serpent is stuck in his Manipura Chakra . He had zilch idea what happened to him.
His Kundalini dropped back to Mooladhara Chakra and then he raised it again vide the correct Sushumna Nadi but still it did NOT reach his Sahasrara chakra.
What he describes are associated with a lower Ajna Chakra. Yes, he gained some powers like gaining spontaneous fluency in several European languages etc --
-- but then this is the DIRT UNDER THE FINGERNAIL of a sage who has raised it to his Sahasrara Chakra, and has harnessed the most powerful energy source on the planet.
"As one opens the door with a key, so the yogi should open the gate to liberation with the kundalini. The great goddess sleeps, closing with her mouth,, the opening through which one can ascend to the brahrnarandhra... to that place where there is neither pain nor suffering. The kundalini sleeps above the kanda... she gives liberation to the yogi and bondage to the fool. He who knows kundalini, knows yoga. The kundalini, it is said, is coiled like a serpent- He who can induce her to move is liberated." Hatha Yoga Pradipika v. 105-111
Mata Amritanandamayi from Kerala , India , is a one woman Kundalini clinic. She has hugged 33 million people around the world . A lot of them needed this ONE single benevolent hug to drop down their stuck Kundalinis spewing venom, back to Mooladhara Chakra , to centre them and bring peace into their heart and souls.. All Pandit Gopikrishna needed was a single grounding hug from this woman.
When the laws about Kundalini are known, and the powerful energy experienced the life span of man will increase to as much as 120 years in this polluted age. Indian Maharshis lived to 180 years, in the Vedic age 7000 years ago when this planet has a proper OM resonating frequency.
If you have read Asterix and Obelisk comics, you would have noticed that Asterisk consumes a magic potion just before he fights, and then he gets superhuman smartness and strength.
Well in our 7000 year old Rig Veda 114 hymns expound a super hallucinatory drug , a million times more potent than LSD ( organic DMT ) by the name of Soma.
Soma was a juice extracted from a creeper which was picked on special days of the dark lunar fortnight. It was placed in an earthen pitcher and buried underground until the full moon. Then it was removed and the juice was extracted and taken. Drinking Soma induced immediate explosion into higher consciousness. By consuming Soma a human being can raise his Kundalini instantly. The sages could separate the self from the body and travel astrally.
The Templar Knights stumbled on to Soma while digging under the Temple of King Solomon. This is the elusive HOLY GRAIL for telepathy and psychic teleportation -- not what Dan Brown wrote in the Da Vinci code. Many achievers have used this dark Vedic secret. I cant reveal all the names. However i can say Leonardo Da Vinci , the great visionary was one of them. ( Nostradamus, the oracles of Delphi etc ).
WHAAA consuming drugs and raising Kundalini?
Well the left handed Vmachara path of Hinduism shows you to raise your Kundalini by a single act of sex.
The right handed path revealed several ways including severely painful penances ( Tapasya ) , which were more rewarding.
Now, before I explain the nitty gritty of Kundalini, let me first explain the FRUIT --of raising Kundalini.
The female Shakti has now found blissful union with the male Shiva-- a great union of spirit and matter. A overwhelming bliss is felt , which mystically represents re-integration with Atman or the eternal essence of self. The soul finds itself free.
You have opened the gateway to higher realms. You have supersensory awareness while still awake in the physical body, and can leave and return to the body at will without any break in consciousness . The pineal gland shoots a spark into the pituitary, and the door of BrahmAn ( consciousness ) , the Brahmarandhra, is opened, never to close .
You become highly perceptive and can see complex problems as fractal geometry. Raising the Kundalini can be equated with the awakening of the silent areas of the brain .Our present consciousness is not independent, as the mind depends on the information supplied by the senses. If you have no eyes, you can never see. However, when the super consciousness emerges, experience becomes completely independent and knowledge also becomes completely independent, as you can access aakashik records.
Your mind attains supreme awareness, enlightenment and thus self realization. Unlike the rest around you, you have broken free from the confines of a mental prison in which the human race has been incarcerated for millennia. In society our brains are structured in a certain way; there is discipline and control which inhibit us from expressing ourselves freely. When the awakening of kundalini takes place, this conditioning is withdrawn and the lid is completely lifted from the mind.
With awakened consciousness you can make accurate decisions and judgments because awakening of kundalini is a process of jumping out of the mind. Shiva and Shakti are in total union and only adwaita exists You experience the bliss of non-dual experience . There is a great explosion which transports you into another plane of being .
You now have the ultimate experience of Life. You experience yourself as the greatest height and depth of God's being surrounded by an infinite eternal river of bliss. Space and time lose their rigidity, and there is a mingling of the past, the present, and the future.
In our dimension of consciousness, the world is not illusory. It is real. But in the next higher state of consciousness it loses its solidity. Chakras can then send out information carrying Soliton waves, which do not attenuate. The Indian sage has exploded into a space of consciousness in which inner awareness is spontaneous.
Cosmic consciousness is an intellectual enlightenment or illumination, an undescribable state of moral and intellectual elevation, a feeling of amazing bliss. Divine wisdom enables your consciousness to pick up and become aware of superphysical forces and phenomena.
Internal amrit or ambrosia floods your body. You now have good all round health with body cells charged with energy, better metabolism, clarity of vision, high perception, high quality of thinking , sharpened and wider human senses psychic abilities , better attitudes, clairvoyance and grace under pressure.
You have ignited an amazing dormant power inside you and now can do telepathy, mind reading, spiritual healing, hypnotism, hear clairaudiently , have ability to become invisible and levitate, stop your heart beat and breathing, learn new things quickly, do psychotelekinesis etc.
You have awakened your multi-dimensional consciousness, which is basically a DNA upgrade, with changes in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.. Shiva represents purusha or consciousness and Shakti represents prakriti or energy .
Yogis can live on ambrosial fluid. If its secretion is awakened and controlled in the body, then one needs nothing more for survival. The maintenance of the body's vitality becomes independent of food. You are able to enter into states of hibernation or suspended animation underneath the earth