Pure awareness is a simple experience —just a small gap in your thinking when you are without ego -- a small space of nothing--shuniata.
“Nothing” doesn’t give answers, it IS the answer. Deep peace is the side effects of this experience of “no-thing” or “no-thought.”
World peace cannot be accomplished on the level of governments. World peace comes from individuals who are peaceful.
Ever since Sabarimala has become the world’s No 1 annual pilgrimage spot, there has been an immoral effort by Vatican ( Joshua Project 2 ) to run down the three Makaravilakku flashes on Makara Sankranti evening twilight as man-made and fake.
What is the need to ridicule other religions?
Who has ever claimed that these flashes are divine?
Of course they are man made.
These three flashes have to do with a Vedic science of the magic of pure awareness – nowadays called Quantum entrainment.
Makaravilakku is man made as part of a Vedic homam. Makarajyothi is a star which becomes visible at twilight and once it is seen the Makaravilakku is lit on a hilltop east of the Sabarimala Sannidhanam.
Makarajyothi star will be there the next day too in the same place.
If you want to know the story behind this homam ( havanam ) punch into google search -SABARIMALA MAKARA VILAKKU MAKARA SANKRANTI VADAKAYIL
On Google Earth this havam fire spot is at Latitude 09 deg 22 min 04.98 sec N and Longitude 077 deg 07 min 11.29 sec E, at a height of 3562 feet above sea level - or at a direction of about 125 deg true from the Sannidhanam of Sabarimala.
The pilgrims go there for a purpose.
The whole idea is to see the 3 flashes.
The few seconds of time between the second and third flashes is one of pure awareness, which causes group resonance and quantum entrainment. Prana is amplified and focused like a laser beam.
The whole idea is to see the 3 flashes.
The few seconds of time between the second and third flashes is one of pure awareness, which causes group resonance and quantum entrainment. Prana is amplified and focused like a laser beam.
The number of pilgrims are increasing every year. So what do the pilgrims seek and get ?
After all they are NOT fools to cleanse themselves with 41 days of fasting and prayer.
They abstain from all worldy pleasures for 41 days , before they take the dangerous trek through dark jungles infested with tigers, with bare feet.
This is what get seek and receive by a quantum process last explained by Ramana Maharshi ( Advaita ) from the 7000 year old Vedic texts --
Improvement of self-confidence , motivation , focus and concentration.
Getting rid of anxiety, stress, worry and tension .
Overcoming emotional and mental blocks that are creating negativity .
Improving your mental power , mental clarity, and hence creativity.
Strengthening your relationships.
Boosting the immune system and improving health and happiness by allowing the body’s natural intelligence to do whatever it takes.
Sounds a bit crazy?
This is quantum physics .
Till recently the West scoffed at our Vedic theories of brain waves.
Not any more!
Now the whole world knows what is EEG and ECG. Today the intelligent and learned people of the West respect our 7000 year old Vedas and are in awe. These people opt to be cremated the Hindu way, rather than being buried.
Quantum healing works outside the fabric of space time, and does NOT follow cause/ effect rules.
Quantum Entrainment is a natural process of human consciousness .All you need is pure awareness. The brief few seconds between the second and third flashes is one of pure awareness.
The Bhagavad Gita puts it: “Just a little pure awareness relieves a soul of great fear.”
Yes Quantum entrainment has been pounded into the head of Arjuna by Lord Krishna in 4000 BC.
Pure awareness is a simple experience —just a small gap in your thinking when you are without ego -- a small space of nothing--shuniata.
Why did I talk about being ego less? Because at Sabarimala all are same. There is no special treatment given to the rich or powerful.
“Nothing” doesn’t give answers, it IS the answer. Deep peace is the side effects of this experience of “no-thing” or “no-thought.”
You experience that small gap in between your thoughts, between the second and third flash. Thousands are experiencing the same along with you. Thousands have opened the third eye for a few seconds .
Sabarimala Makaravilakku is the only experience on this planet which affords you this magic.
This is not a meditation. This is a shift in perception. It is the realization that you are more than your thoughts. Something is there beyond your mind.
Quantum entrainment is a process that instantly gives the body, mind and spirit deep rest and fast healing. It works in seconds. Yes, pure awareness is the deepest rest you can get.
The quantum entrained pilgrim does “nothing,” yet everything gets done for him.
Modern physics is familiar now with principle of resonance and the resonant coupling of harmonic oscillators, which also gives rise to sympathetic vibrations. Entrainment, sympathetic vibration, resonant frequencies, and resonant systems all fall under the rubric of resonance.
Resonance can be broadly defined as "the impact of one vibration on another” The amazing aspect of resonance is the process of entrainment-- changing the rate of brain waves, breaths, or heartbeats from one speed to another through exposure to external, periodic rhythms.
All this was known to our ancient Maharishis who explored consciousness and sympathetic resonance. The neurochemical processes of human consciousness ring with their own distinct wave patterns. . When you resonate with something, you are emitting a wave signature which is "in sync" with it.
By applying a constant resonant frequency to a standing wave, you can intensify, reinforce, and prolong the standing frequency of that wave. By applying these concepts of resonance to waves emitted by the brain, it is possible to induce altered brain states.
The maharishis practiced harmonic Resonance which involved the entrainment of the brain to resonate with the frequency of any planet in the solar system. They used simple principles of resonance and entrainment to alter their consciousness and others too.
When two things vibrate at different frequencies, there is a tendency for the vibrations to come together. Most often, the slower vibration will rise to match the faster frequency.
In physics, entrainment theory is the process where two vibrating objects, vibrating at different speeds, start to vibrate at the same speed when energy is transferred between the two objects.
Entrainment shows up in chemistry, neurology, biology, medicine, and more. For example a group of fireflies will flash at the same time.
When you take two pendulum clocks and placed them on a wall near each other and swung the pendulums at different rates, they would eventually end up swinging at the exact same rate. They fell into rhythm with one another as per the basic laws of physics.
This entrainment happens on emotional levels too, such as what happens when you walk into a room full of people who are merry and your depressed mood magically lifts to match theirs. Even our brain waves follow this physics principle.
DNA, molecules, cells, tissue, organs and even the position of bones all respond to the powerful vibration of our intention as expressed through life-force energy.
When a heart transplant patient receives a foreign new heart. the heart must entrain to it's new body or the transplant will fail. That's a biological and medical case of entrainment.
When we allow pure awareness to suffuse our consciousness, the magic begins. Quantum entrainment effectively heals the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It is also applied to life circumstances like professional concerns and personal relationships.
Doctors don’t cure and medicines don’t cure. It is Eu -feeling born of awareness of pure awareness that cures. Healing energy is created and naturally goes wherever it is needed.
Negative thoughts therefore create negative feelings and hence stress and illness. Our inner voice evaluates, judges, compares and worries. Most people live with such a tormentor in their head draining them of energy. It is an awful burden not to be able to stop thinking. Up to 90 % of most people’s thoughts are meaningless playbacks of old “records”.
There are connections between quantum mechanics and consciousness. The quantum field or pure consciousness is influenced by intention and desire.
As per the Vedas perception occurs in the gap of alert attention. This is the inner space. You can create a gap in the mind stream simply by directing the focus of your attention into the NOW. Consciousness enables us to think and at the same time observe our thinking process.
When you visit new places , the experiencing and sense perception takes up more of their consciousness than thinking .
Scalar waves is the point of fundamental intersection where matter and consciousness influence each other.
World peace cannot be accomplished on the level of governments. World peace comes from individuals who are peaceful.
The Sabarimala pilgrims thus contribute to world peace .
Grace and peace!