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Cannabis, ( Marijuana , Hemp , Bhang, Ganja ) was first brought down from the Himalayas by Lord Shiva to India -- from where it spread throughout the world.




The Kerala sailors took it for the Pharaoh for medical use as a part of Ayurveda medical concoctions.

Cannabis is also associated with Lord Krishna . In 4300 BC, he used to dance with the Gopikas ( the milkmaids ) in the Hemp fields of Brindavan. This has been mistaken by many to be Tulsi or Basil fields, which do NOT grow that high.

Lord Krishna used to love the Tofu curd produced from hemp--even as a child.

Cannabis is mentioned in our Atharva Veda of 5000 BC. Vedas will NOT propagate anything which harms man, the planet , the flora  or the  fauna or even the insects.

Cannabis flowers are drunk with milk and yoghurt by almost everybody during the Indian festival of Holi. In Mahabharata , having lost the dice game and hence his kingdom, King Yudhistra tried a last hand by one last game of dice, to get everything back from King Duryodhana ( his half brother ) or lose his wife Draupadi. Well he lost again as the dice was loaded.

Then King Duryodhana (ordered Dushasana ) to publicly strip Queen Draupadi by pulling her saree. Lord Krishna then by magic gave her unlimited saree that Duryodhana could not make her naked and he fell down on the ground due to exhausion.

This was in return for a favour by Draupadi who once stopped a wrist bleed of Lord Krishna in battle by tearing her saree and putting a tourniquet.

King Alexander the great came to India 2400 years ago. He lost miserably to the first King Porus who had just 85 elephants . His Indian wife Roxanna immediately tore off a bit of her saree and tied a Rakhi on King Porus thus making him her brother . King Porus then treated his internal wounds with Aloe Vera and then smuggled him out of India via Socotra back to Greece by his ships.

Both these incidents are the reason why India celebrates the festival Rakshabandhan where the sister ties a wrist band on her brother.

It could be a blood brother or just another man whom she has chosen out of his past brotherly Karma towards her.  Once she ties this band, this new found brother will protect her with his own life.

Roxanna knew that the neighbouring king Nanda with 6000 war elephants and  Emperor Chandra Gupta Maurya with 9000 war elephants were gearing up for battling this white Greek invader- and they has hordes of wild Tibetian Mastiff dogs who would eat King Alexanders horses and men for breakfast.

In 1936, Rothschild , who controlled Hollywood, got "Reefer Madness" released in USA. It was sheer propaganda to discourage the use of Cannabis and the cultivation of Hemp for business reasons, NOT to save mankind.  (Rothschild was the owner of British East India Company who grew Opium in India and sold it in China ) . Unlike Opium Cannabis is non-addictive.

Cannabis  has the natural wonder 

drug Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

with nil side effects.




In deep meditation, when waves of alpha rhythms cascade across the entire brain, a resonance is possible between the human being and the planet whose heart beat is 7.83 hertz. 

Energy and information which are embedded in the zero point field or aether field are transferred.  The planet communicates with us in this primal language of frequencies.  

A living being is a  EMF field embedded within the EMF field of the earth.  Each cell's DNA as a vibrating transmitter/receiver of information. Alpha brain Frequency of 7.83 HZ on the EEG,  is also known popularly as Schumann’s Resonance .  

These frequencies start at 7.8 Hz and progress by approximately 5.9 Hz. (7.8, 13.7, 19.6, 25.5, 31.4, 37.3, and 43.2 Hz.).  Resonances of earth, ie, 7.83,  13.7, 19.6, 25.5, 31.4, 37.3 and 43.2 Hertz of earth. 

We all know 7.83 hz being the strongest of all, OM, the Hindu king mnatra or Schumann frequency.  OM has been degraded to AMEN by Christianity and it does NOT do any good.

Ohm- 7.83Hz
Gam - 13.7Hz
Hleem - 19.6Hz
Hreem - 25.5Hz
Kleem - 31.4Hz
Krowm - 37.3Hz
Sreem - 43.2Hz

The Schumann Resonances are the result of cosmic energy build-up within the cavity that exists between Earth's highly conductive surface and the conducting layer in the upper atmosphere called the ionosphere. the space between the surface of the earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a waveguide.

The cavity is naturally excited by energy from lightning strikes. This ionospheric charge creates an electrical shield around the Earth.. The atmosphere is a dielectric insulator, which separates the two. Thus a spherical capacitor as well as a spherical resonator is created and maintained.

Electrical signals of sufficient wavelength (low frequency) are wave-guided around and around between this "sphere within a sphere" and is the base Schumann Resonance of 7.8Hz mainly traveling from West to East.
7.83 HZ or the ALPHA frequency  is the gateway that leads into deeper states of consciousness.

Most people are in an alpha state during the short time immediately before they fall asleep and when the conscious nervous system switches over to the subconscious.

The "alpha state" is where meditation starts and you begin to access the wealth of creativity that lies just below our conscious awareness.  Alpha is also the home of the window frequency known as the Schumann Resonance, which is the resonant frequency of the earth's electromagnetic field.

When we intentionally generate alpha waves and go into resonance with that earthy frequency, we naturally feel better, refreshed, in tune, in synch. It is, in fact, environmental synchronization.

 For thousands of years the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second, recently due to military ELF waves from HAARP , GWEN and Woodpecker,  this resonance has been slowly rising.

Now modern spacecrafts are said to contain a device which simulates the Schumann waves. by producing a 7.83 Hz pulse with a field generator (Schumann device), we can counter the effects of the irritating man-made fields.

Back to Cannabis and hemp--

Bhang ( Cannabis drink ) was not outlawed during the British rule in India. India has to be one of very few countries in the world where one can legally stand on the street and have a cannabis drink without fear of being thrown into jail.. Unlike alcohol and other drugs, there is little or no social stigma attached to bhang. 

Cannabis so ingrained in the culture of India.  Although selling of cannabis is prohibited in India, it’s readily available and no attempts are made to arrest the sellers. In fact, cannabis plants grow wild and are native to India and are often seen as a weed like nuisance in many Indian gardens and fields across the country.

Bhang is a “cannabis milkshake”. It would consist of nuts and spices such like almonds, pistachios, poppy seeds, pepper, ginger and sugar or honey mixed with cannabis powder prepared from cannabis plant and boiled with milk. It is then drunk either at room temperature or cold. It’s usually consumed as milk or yogurt based beverage, famously known as “Bhang ki Thandai” or “Bhang Lassi”

Despite the huge variety of marijuana available these days, almost all of them (over 99%) are ultimately derived from only two cannabis family species. These two essential species are known as Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica and they differ fundamentally in their chemical composition, physiological aesthetic, and medical application...

The Indica and Sativa subspecies differ in their medicinal properties. Sativa strains produce more of a euphoric high, lifting the consumer’s mood and therapeutically relieving stress.  Indica strains relax muscle and work as general analgesics, also helping with sleep.

A cancer patient hoping to relieve the pain from chemotherapy would benefit greatly from the effects of an Indica plant bud, whereas an individual dealing with depression would better benefit from a Sativa plant bud...

The active chemicals responsible for the medicinal effects of marijuana are collectively called cannabinoids. This group includes THC, CBD, and CBN. Sativa’s cannabinoid profile is dominated by high THC levels and low or no CBD levels. Indica's chemical profile shows a more balanced mix, with moderate THC levels and higher levels of CBD."

9500 B.C. Hemp is woven into fabric in India .  Indians being Hindus by religion and vegetarians rarely used animal skins for personal protection. Even the shoes were made of hemp.

5000 BC—Vedas are written on hemp paper in the North and Palm leaves in the South.

4000 BC- Ayurveda uses Cannabis for various medications and puts it in writing

3500 BC- The sailors from Kerala take Cannabis Ayurveda preparations to the Pharoah of Egypt . Tarred hemp is used to caulk the ships' planks.

In modern times--

President Barrack Obama favors the legalization of medical cannabis, basing his decision on the reports of expert medical professionals, while wannabe President and Mormon Mitt Romney is against the legalization of cannabis for any dang reason.
Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian, admitted he smoked Cannabis—you have seen him on TV, has he wasted away or does he look like a steroid puffed freako monster ? 

1860 -'Ganjah Wallah Hasheesh Candy Company' produces one of the most popular candies in the U.S. It is made from cannabis derivatives and maple sugar, sold over-the-counter, and in Sears-Roebuck catalogs. It retains its popularity as a totally harmless and fun candy for over forty years.

By 1883, Hashish smoking parlors have opened in every major American city, including an estimated 500 such establishments in New York City alone.

1890-- Popular American 'marriage guides' recommend cannabis extracts for heightened marital sexual pleasures.

1937  - The February issue of Popular Mechanics runs a story, (prepared before the 1937 legislation was enacted) titled: "New Billion Dollar Crop " and calls hemp the "standard fiber of the world." Popular Mechanics goes on to say hemp can "produce more than 25,000 products, ranging from dynamite to Cellophane." This is the first time ever in U.S. history the term 'billion-dollar' is applied to the potential for an agricultural harvest.

Rothschild forces the US Congress to pass the Marijuana tax act which criminalizes the Cannabis drug in 1937.

Rothschild owned newspapers were run by his henchman William Randolph Hearst who had a monopoly in the timber Industry making newsprint . 

Hemp could also make paper ,but it was time consuming and expensive . Then an inventor by the name of Schlichten made a decorticator which was a machine which could make extract fine fibre in a jiffy without the old process of allowing the hemp to rot in the field for weeks.

Feeling threatened that hemp would pull the carpet form underneath the feet of  opium and paper, the arm of the Congress was twisted. Nobody in USA dared to invest in the decorticator, and the inventor died a broken man. 

In 1938, as if on cue, the Jewish U.S. company DuPont, one of the Opium agents of Rothschild,  patented the processes for creating plastics from coal and oil and a new process for creating paper from wood pulp.

In 1941 the WONDER MEDICINE AND GOD'S GIFT TO MANKIND Cannabis is removed from the U.S. Pharmacopoeia and it's medicinal use is no longer recognized in America.

1942-U.S. government overrides its own ban on hemp and distributes 400,000 pounds of hemp seed to U.S farmers who produce 42,000 tons of hemp fiber annually to support the war effort until 1946. U.S. farmers, including youthful 4-H Club members, are inundated by "Uncle Sam" with incentives to grow hemp. The U.S.D.A. makes it mandatory for farmers to attend showings of the "Hemp For Victory" film. Farmers and their sons who agree to grow hemp are exempt from military service, even though America is at war. Hemp made uniforms are found to be tougher and more resilient than cotton.

In 1942 U.S. scientists working at the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), manned by Rothschild's payroll scientists , (the CIA’s wartime predecessor) ,selected a potent extract of marijuana as the best available "truth serum."  The cannabis concoction was given the code name TD, meaning Truth Drug. When injected into food or tobacco cigarettes, TD helped loosen the reserve of stubborn interrogation subjects.

1972-- U.S.D.A. finds that hemp seed is lower in saturated fats than any other vegetable oil (including soybean and canola). Other studies note that until this century hemp-cake (the by-product of pressing the seed for oil ) was one of the world's principle animal feeds. It is also found that hemp seed, like soybeans, can produce a tofu-like curd and be spiced to taste like chicken, steak or pork; can be sprouted for salads, ground into meal, and also made into margarine. Hemp seed is recommended as a nutritionally balanced food for domestic pets and farm animals.

1975- Researchers at the Medical College of Virginia discover that cannabis is incredibly successful for reducing the size of many types of tumors, both benign and cancerous.

In 1985 the U.S. the FDA approves Dronabinol, a synthetic THC, for cancer patients,  with side effects, despite a miracle drug natural THC being available in cannabis..

In 1992 as a response to a surge of fervent requests from AIDS patients for medical marijuana, the U.S. government was about to legalise THC , but then then pharmaceutical companies "lobbied" vigorously and the inferior medication dronabinol is approved for AIDS-wasting syndrome.

In 1996,  California (the first U.S. state to ban marijuana use ) became the first U.S. State to then re-legalize medical marijuana use for people suffering from AIDS, cancer, and other serious illnesses. A similar bill was passed in Arizona the same year. This was followed by the passage of similar initiatives in Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Maryland, New Mexico, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

In 1997 The American Office of National Drug Control Policy commissioned the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to conduct a comprehensive study of the medical efficacy of cannabis therapeutics. The IOM concluded that cannabis is a safe and effective medicine and that patients should have access. The federal government under the spell of "lobbyists" completely ignored its findings and refused to act on its recommendations.

In 2003 Canada becomes the first country in the world to wake up to the wonders of THC and approve medical marijuana nation-wide.

From January 1997 to June 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported zero deaths caused by the primary use of cannabis. In contrast, common FDA-approved drugs which are often prescribed in lieu of cannabis (such as anti-emetics and anti-psychotics), were the primary cause of 10,008 deaths. The cannabinoid THC has an extremely low toxicity and the amount that can enter the body through the consumption of cannabis plants poses no threat of death.

One of the major criticisms of cannabis as medicine is opposition to smoking as a method of consumption. However, smoking is no longer necessary due to the development of healthier methods. Today, medicinal cannabis patients can use vaporizers, where the essential cannabis compounds are extracted and inhaled. In addition, edible cannabis, which is produced in various baked goods, is also available, and has demonstrated longer lasting effects.

Cannabis contains 483 compounds. At least 80 of these are cannabinoids, which are the basis for medical and scientific use of cannabis. This presents the research problem of isolating the effect of specific compounds and taking account of the interaction of these compounds. 

Cannabinoids can serve as appetite stimulants, antiemetics, antispasmodics, and have some analgesic effects. Six important cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant are tetrahydrocannabinol, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, cannabidiol, cannabinol, β-caryophyllene, and cannabigerol.

No definitive link between cannabis and cancer has been found. The Journal of the American Medical Association released findings from a 20-year study and analysis of over 5,000 smokers showed that cannabis did not harm lung function, although cigarettes did. 

Cannabis helps fight inflammation and counteracts the effects of irritating chemicals in the drug.  The study concluded: "Occasional and low cumulative marijuana use was not associated with adverse effects on pulmonary function".

Research done by the Scripps Research Institute in California shows that the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, prevents the formation of deposits in the brain associated with Alzheimer's disease. THC was found to prevent an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase from accelerating the formation of "Alzheimer plaques" in the brain more effectively than commercially marketed drugs. 

THC is also more effective at blocking clumps of protein that can inhibit memory and cognition in Alzheimer’s patients, as reported in Molecular Pharmaceutics. Cannabinoids can also potentially prevent or slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease by reducing tau protein phosphorylation, oxidative stress, and neuroinflammation.

According to a 2007 and a 2010 study at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute, cannabidiol (CBD) stops breast cancer from spreading throughout the body by downregulating a gene called ID1. This may provide a non-toxic alternative to chemotherapy while achieving the same results without the painful and unpleasant side effects.

Investigators at Columbia University published clinical trial data in 2007 showing that HIV/AIDS patients who inhaled cannabis four times daily experienced substantial increases in food intake with little evidence of discomfort and no impairment of cognitive performance. They concluded that smoked cannabis has a clear medical benefit in HIV-positive patients.

In another study in 2008, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine found that marijuana significantly reduces HIV-related neuropathic pain when added to a patient's already-prescribed pain management regimen and may be an "effective option for pain relief" in those whose pain is not controlled with current medications. Mood disturbance, physical disability, and quality of life all improved significantly during study treatment.

Despite management with opioids and other pain modifying therapies, neuropathic pain continues to reduce the quality of life and daily functioning in HIV-infected individuals. Cannabinoid receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems have been shown to modulate pain perception. No serious adverse effects were reported, according to the study published by the American Academy of Neurology. A study examining the effectiveness of different drugs for HIV associated neuropathic pain found that smoked Cannabis was one of only three drugs that showed evidence of efficacy.

A study by Complutense University of Madrid found the chemicals in cannabis promote the death of brain cancer cells by essentially helping them feed upon themselves in a process called autophagy.

Smoking marijuana shortly after having a stroke prevents the swelling of the brain -- and consequently much of the brain damage and loss of function associated with strokes. pot has absolutely no toxicity to human tissues; pot has anti-carcinogenic properties; the tar, although greater in proportion than tobacco, is completely water-soluble.

Hemp is a dioecious, woody, herbaceous annual. Each short growing season it reaches heights of twelve to twenty feet, and grows well in any climate or soil condition. Its roots penetrate deep (one foot per month), breaking up compacted and overworked soil, and combating soil erosion. Since it grows so quickly, it could be a year round crop, harvested twice a year, or it could be planted as a second crop, after harvest of a different one.

This willing plant is able to provide many basic needs of humans anywhere on the planet: food, medicine, treeless shelter and paper, clothing and other textiles, and a renewable fuel alternative to those presently creating acid rain, global warming, and deforestation.

One acre of hemp provides the same amount of cellulose and fiber pulp, used to make paper products and pressed or particleboard, as four acres of trees, while producing four to seven times less pollution.

Hemp is softer, warmer, stronger and more absorbent than cotton, and it doesn't require the agricultural chemicals that cotton does. Rivers could recover from paper industry chemicals.

Nutrition wise, hemp seed is the highest in essential fatty acids and the lowest in saturated fats. It can be made into a tofu-like curd at a cheaper cost than can soya, sprouted to make milk and ice cream or for use in salad, ground and used like flour, or pressed into an oil, whose by-product is a high protein animal feed.

Hemp as fuel for industrial use, electricity, and transportation -each acre is capable of yielding 1,000 gallons of methanol; that's ten tons per acre every four months. It's an annually renewable fuel source, that can be grown for this purpose , very cheap.

It improves air quality, reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and bringing millions of jobs in energy production, distributing wealth to rural areas and away from the monopolies.
The hurds (pulp left over after fiber is removed) are 77% cellulose (that's 50-100 times the cellulose found in sugarcane or corn stalks) that could be used to produce chemicals, biodegradable plastics, paint, dynamite, and fibers. U.S. government was advising and offering American farmers incentives to grow marijuana for plastic, paper, fiber, and energy needs.

Marijuana did not cause any kind of violence, and that it also had positive effects on it's smokers. Marijuana has never acted as a 'gateway drug'; in fact it's been used in alcohol addiction treatment.

Some therapeutic uses of smoking: stops asthma attacks, reduces ocular pressure of those with Glaucoma, relieves nausea, stimulates appetites of chemotherapy patients and anorexics, lung expectorant, antispasmodic, reduces intensity of epileptic seizures, relieves symptoms of muscular dystrophy, relieves migraine headaches, lowers blood pressure, relaxes muscles, relieves stress, promotes a restful sleep, relieves dementia and depression, and invokes positive 'vibrations'-all without the negative, and sometimes deadly side effects of pharmaceuticals.

The plants antibiotic cannabidiolic acids can be applied in a topical form to treat gonorrhea, herpes, arthritis, rheumatism, and cystic fibrosis. . Cannabiniods, the plants active compounds, when injected directly into cancerous brain tumors, were found to completely destroy the tumors, while leaving normal cells untouched. More recent studies show that THC even has its own unique receptor sites in the brain, to which, so far, no other compounds have been found to bind.

Studies state that cannabis or cannabinoids may be useful in treating alcohol abuse, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, collagen-induced arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis, bipolar disorder, colorectal cancer, HIV-Associated Sensory Neuropathy depression, dystonia, epilepsy, digestive diseases gliomas, hepatitis C, Huntington's disease, leukemia, skin tumors, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Parkinson's disease, pruritus, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), psoriasis, sickle-cell disease,sleep apnea, and anorexia nervosa..

It can be used to relieve pain, muscle spasms, headaches, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, depression, cramps, panic attacks, diarrhea, and itching. Others used cannabis to improve sleep, relaxation, appetite, concentration or focus, and energy. 

Some patients used it to prevent medication side effects, anger, involuntary movements, and seizures, while others used it as a substitute for other prescription medications and alcohol. Cannabis prevents the wasting syndromes and chronic loss of appetite associated with chemotherapy and AIDS, along with a variety of rare muscular and skeletal disorders.

As early as 4200 BC, Charaka, the Father of Medicine , used Cannabis leaves for osmosis hot water immersion baths for spine injury related ( in battle ) spasms, epilepy seizures, dementia, severe arthritis pain, nausea, and PMS cramps. Singers would practise while in a steam bath. He knew the anti-oxidative , neuro-protective and anti-inflammatory properties of Cannbis.

The seeds, by which is meant the white kernels of the achenia, are used for a great variety of affections, and are considered to be tonic, demulcent, alterative, laxative, emmenagogue, diuretic, anthelmintic, and corrective. They are made into a Kanjee or soup by boiling with water, mixed with wine ,made into pills, and beaten into a paste. 

These were some reasons the pharmaceutical companies got worried. If marijuana were to be legalized, right away it would replace 20% of pharmaceutical drugs, taking billions of dollars a year away from the pharmaceutical companies, who have so far been unsuccessful at synthetically replicating the positive effects of marijuana.

Half of the "lobbying" funds contributed to US Govt from 'against marijuana' groups come from American pharmaceutical drug companies.

The other half, come from the legal tobacco and liquor companies (oil and paper companies are also contributors).

In its 10,000-year-old history, zero deaths have been linked to non-addictive marijuana, but each year alcohol is linked to 100,000 deaths and 70% of child rape, wife beating and murders.

An even worse offender is tobacco, as addictive as heroin, which kills more people each year than AIDS, heroin, crack, cocaine, alcohol, car accidents, fire, and murder combined.

Acute effects while under the Cannabis influence can include euphoria ( 95% ) and anxiety ( 15% ).--Even too much oxygen is bad for the human body.

When smoked, the short-term effects of cannabis manifest within seconds and are fully apparent within a few minutes, typically lasting for 2 to 3 hours, varying by the person and the strain of marijuana.

Usual effects are a general alteration of conscious perception, euphoria, feelings of well-being, relaxation or stress reduction, increased appreciation of humor, music or the arts, joviality, metacognition and introspection, enhanced recollection (episodic memory), increased sensuality, increased awareness of sensation, increased libido, and creativity.

Of the approximately 2000 cannabis plants varieties known on this planet, about 90% contain low-grade THC and are most useful for their fiber, seeds and medicinal or psychoactive oils. The highest THC and special effects Cannabis is found in India.  Three  main species of Cannabis is widely recognised: C. indica, C. ruderalia, and C. sativa.

Hemp is very environmentally friendly as it requires few pesticides and no herbicides. It has been called a carbon-negative raw material. 

Cannabis sativa is the variety grown for industrial use, while Cannabis indica(generally has poor fiber quality) and is primarily used for recreational and medicinal purposes.

There are three types of cannabis used in India . The first, bhang, consists of the leaves and plant tops of the marijuana plant. It is usually consumed as an infusion in beverage form, and varies in strength according to how much cannabis is used in the preparation.

The second, ganja, consisting of the leaves and the plant tops, is smoked.

The third, called charas or hashish, consists of the resinous buds and/or extracted resin from the leaves of the marijuana plant. Some of the wandering ascetics in India known as sadhus smoke charas out of a clay chillum. Cannabis was employed by them to go into a trance, as “necromancers" to set forward time and reveal future events.

Long forgotten events are often recalled and thoughts occur in unrelated sequences. Perception of time, and occasionally of space, is altered. Visual and auditory hallucinations follow the use of large doses. 

Euphoria, excitement, inner happiness – often with hilarity and laughter – are typical. In some cases, a final mood of depression may be experienced. While behaviour is sometimes impulsive, violence or aggression is seldom induced.

In modern times HEMP is used for INDUSTRIAL purposes including paper, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, construction (as with Hemcrete and insulation), body products, health food and bio-fuel. Hemp is thus legally grown in many countries across the world including Spain, China, Japan, Korea, France, North Africa and Ireland. 

Hemp is grown for milk animal fodder ( oil cakes ) and for a wide variety of purposes including the manufacture of cordage, durable clothing and nutritional products. 

The oil from the seeds oxidizes and hence hemp oil is a drying oil, like Linseed oil.  Hemp oil is used in the manufacture of oil-based paints, in creams as a moisturizing agent, for cooking, and in plastics.

Hemp seeds can be eaten raw, ground into a meal, sprouted, made into hemp milk (akin to soy milk),  and used in baking. The fresh leaves can also be consumed in salads. Products include cereals, frozen waffles, hemp tofu, nut butters, protein powders , ice creams and even cosmetics. Hempseed oil has found some use in the production of soaps, shampoos and detergents. 

The oil is of high nutritional value because its 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids, which matches the balance required by the human body. Approximately 44% of the weight of hempseed is healthy edible oils, Hempseed's amino acid profile is close to "complete" when compared to more common sources of proteins such as meat, milk, eggs and soy. 

Hemp protein contains all 21 known amino acids, including the 9 essential ones adult bodies cannot produce. Proteins are considered complete when they contain all the essential amino acids in sufficient quantities and ratios to meet the body's needs. Hempseed oil has a relatively low smoke point and is not suitable for frying.

Concrete-like blocks made with hemp and lime have been used as an insulating material for construction. A mixture of fibreglass, hemp fiber, kenaf, and flax has been used since 2002 to make composite panels for automobiles.

Various car makers are beginning to use hemp in their cars, including Audi, BMW, Ford, GM, Chrysler, Honda, Iveco, Lotus, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Porsche, Saturn, Volkswagen and Volvo. The Lotus Eco Elise has hemp in it. The Mercedes C-Class has up to 20 kg of hemp in each car.

Hemp paper from Russian mills were used for bank notes, stamped paper, credit bills, postal stamps, bonds, stocks, and other watermarked paper. Hemp paper is stronger and less environmentally destructive than paper made of trees.

Hemp rope was used in the age of sailing ships, though the rope had to be protected by tarring. Hemp rope was phased out when Manila, which does not require tarring, became widely available. Hemp-fibres were also used as part of a caulking that made the hull of sailing ships watertight. 

Sailors made hemp shoes and baskets.  The male plants were used for making linen and sails because the fibers are finer then those of the female plant. Or the coarser fibers of the female were used for making more heavy canvas and rope.

We sailors know that Hemp ropes retains more strength when the yarn is twisted to the right. This resulted in a left hand strand, and a right hand rope. It wasn't until modern times that microscopic examination of the plant illustrated that the structure of the plant has a natural twist that causes this effect." This explains why Left Hand Strands twisted together as Right Hand lay ("Z" twist) make stronger hemp rope.

Hemp can be used as a "mop crop" to clear impurities out of wastewater, such as sewage effluent, excessive phosphorus from chicken litter, or other unwanted substances or chemicals. Hemp is being used to clean contaminants at the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site. This is known as phytoremediation - the process by the cleaning radiation as well as a variety of other toxins from the soil, water, and air.

The dense growth of hemp helps kill weeds, even thistle. Hemp, because of its height, dense foliage and its high planting density as a crop, is a very effective and long used method of killing tough weeds in farming by minimizing the pool of weed seeds of the soil.Using hemp this way can help farmers avoid the use of herbicides, to help gain organic certification and to gain the benefits of crop rotation per se. 

Hemp seeds are 44% oil and can be used to create natural organic ethanol or methanol. Ethanol blends of 10%-15% blend massively reduces emissions. Pure Ethanol releases no black soot like how oil dirties car engines and exhaust pipes. 

Hemp can produce 10 times more methanol than corn. Hemp fuel burns clean. Petroleum causes acid rain due to sulfur pollution. The use of hemp fuel does not contribute to environmental pollution nor “global climate change”.

Biofuels, such asbiodiesel and alcohol fuel, can be made from the oils in hemp seeds and stalks, and the fermentation of the plant as a whole, respectively. Biodiesel produced from hemp is sometimes known as "hempoline" or Hemp oil Methyl Ester.

Filtered hemp oil can be used directly to power diesel engines.  Rudolf Diesel, the inventor of the diesel engine, designed it to run on seed oils like hemp. He actually ran the thing on peanut oil for the 1900 World's Fair. 

Henry Ford used hemp to not only construct cars but also fuel them. Hemp fuel is biodegradable; so oil spills become fertilizer not eco-catastrophes. Hemp fuel does not contribute to sulfur dioxide air poisoning. Other noxious emissions like carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons are radically slashed by using “biodiesel.”.

Henry Ford’s first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the car itself was constructed from hemp. On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields. The car, ‘grown from the soil,’ had hemp plastic panels whose impact strength was 10x stronger than steel; --Popular Mechanics, 1941.
Hemp is relatively insensitive to cold temperatures and can withstand frost down to -5 degrees C.  The soil invading roots  can access ground water supplies from deeper soil layers.

Industrial hemp methanol would be an inexpensive, healthy alternative – giving us freedom from using hydrocarbon fuels and replacing them with healthy carbohydrate fuels. There are some commercial kitchens stoves that can use methanol without upgrading the equipment. It’s  clean, efficient, inexpensive energy…and a renewable one at that.

Hemp benefits crops grown after it. For this reason it is generally grown before winter cereals. 

Advantageous changes are high weed suppression, soil loosening by the large hemp root system and the positive effect on soil tilth. 

Hemp could serve as a replacement for many petroleum-based products like fuel and plastics. Many countries are re-instituting hemp studies and hemp cultivation as part of the "green" movement. Hemp gave high-grade food oil that was also used for lamp oil, the production of paint and eco soap.

Hemp is 77% cellulose, which is the main component for fuel. Methanol from hemp is clean, renewable, and does not require large amounts of dangerous chemicals to process.

Now you get the drift why Lord Shiva gave this Cannabis plant as a gift, to this planet? 

And how greedy multi-national corporates "lobbied" with politicians to paint a boon as a bane.

People who have sailed with me under my command will have NO problems in taking in this potent advice " Medical researchers of the West will do well to probe the effects of THC (Cannabis)  in solving the prevalent disgraceful Alzheimers disease, which happens due to your life style,  where the old  die from the side effects of the synthetic medicines they take . Probably this is what their younger family members want --good riddance to old rubbish --if not think about it "


Just a little pure awareness relieves a soul of great fear.” - Bhagavad Gita

Grace and peace! ( listen with headphones )


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