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a few days ago, i attended a cremation .

the man died from lung collapse.. he was rushed to hospital and the doctors declared him dead on arrival.

now there is a new thing in india.. there is an official procedure before you can get the death certificate.

they forced a postmortem .

anyways , just before the dead body was created , i noticed a hole on the head with blood oozing and a small bit of brain popping out.

this meant that the skull’s integrity was gone.

the skull would not pop during cremation causing a soliton wave , on which carrier wave the soul takes a ride to one of the seven astral layers.

so after the cremation was over, i asked his elder brother to break a coconut with intention, so that the soul which was trapped on earth could be released.

breaking of a coconut created a similar soliton wave , as that of the skull popping .
“ om, release the soul of xxxx “ is the intention before breaking the coconut.

no other soul trapped on earth can take a piggy back ride .

if your intact skull does not pop dring cremation your eldest son must break your skull with a heavy rod to generate that soliton wave while being cremated.

hindus must remember, if any hindu drowned at sea, and his body could not be located , can use the coconut method to release his soul.

the coconut on kalasha kumbham  , is the topmost spire of every ancient hindu temple..
the kalasha kumbam as a living visual metaphor ( cornucopia ) goes beyond rational language and expressions.

it defines purnatatva or fullness and is an eloquent reminder that only from fullness can fullness arise.

om purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnamudachyate
purnasya purnamadaya purnamevavashisyate ..  isha upanishad , 5000 bc

from infinity is born infinity.
when infinity is taken out of infinity, only infinity is left over.
om, the brahman is infinite, whole and complete

the invisible brahman is infinite; the visible universe is also infinite. from infinite brahman, infinite universes come out. the infinite brahman still remains infinite, even though infinite universes come out of it.

this 7000 year old verse is the most profound verse ever written or will be written by man- it is pregnant with profound truths. it contains the whole secret of the mystic approach towards life.

ever since burial religions judaism/ christianity/ islam etc were created this planet has not known any peace..  the souls of the dead people who were cremated , are all trapped on planet earth, lonely and miserable forever.

in hindusim we don’t create the dead bodies of small children of less than 27 months age and that of jivanmukts ( sages ).

this is because they don’t have an ego.. this means their soul are of the same frequency as that of brahman ( the morphogentic consciousness field ) of the seventh layer.. they are in reality gods on earth.

the higher your soul frequency –the more conscious you are.

a jivan mukt whose soul has the highest frequency while living on planet earth has all 7 colour auras ( like ranbow ) the whole aura enclosed in a golden sheath. a person who is a jivan mukt already has his kundalini raised. once your kundalini is raised to the 7th chakra --it means that you are a "moksha soul"

as you evolve ( soul frequency rises  ) your kundalini rises

there is no instant kundalini bungee jump from mooladhara to sahasrara chakra -- because laws are karma are attached

never illtreat a small child less than 27 years of age.. this is bad karma. after the age of 27 months the child starts developing an ego.  his soul frequency new drops and he is subjected to the laws of karma.

the soul of a liberated sage ( jivanmukt ) , is of highest frequency same as the field of brahman.. his karmic baggage is zero.. he has zero ego.. in hindusim we do not cremate such a human , as his soul has already merged with brahman while on earth .

a jivan mukt has transcended worldy matters and has attained cosmic consciousness... this is the meaning of liberation..

he is now a sage , a witness sitting at the bindu and looking outwards ..

lot of fake gurus have been buried by their followers ..  the souls of such cheats will be trapped on earthforver.

muslims have this concept of dargah  where they pray to the souls of dead holy men .. ye the soul of that person is hanging around the grave.. praying to that “trapped and miserable” soul is of no use..

in ancient days jivan mukts were buried “above” the ground in a sitting position inside a dolmen. jivan mukts sage soul is already enmeshed with the brahman field-- it does not require a soliton wave boost of skull popping in fire

 a dargah is not a dolmen.. there is no trapped miserable soul soul hanging around at a dolmen

in the post below  i have shown some pictures of dolmens

every living thing on planet earth has a soul within.

 the purpose of man getting moksha and his soul merging with the mother field of brahman ( seventh astral layer ) is for a closed feedback loop .. this is quantum physics.
a moksha soul is not reborn on planet earth in a female womb. that is the final end of endless rebirths..

with moksha you soul just merges with the mother field , negative karmic baggage  being shed , and seeds of ego being burnt. this is real homecoming..

only cremated bodies get moksha.

moksha can happen only in the holy land of india..

sanatana dharma says “ you are not your body,you are the soul within”

remember -- the only difference between your soul ( you ) and brahman ( god ) is the difference in frequency.

soul is god within.. this is why we do namaste even to our enemies. you body which you see in the mirror like a rented house..

during creation, this rented house is burnt down, you ( soul ) remains outside .. te soul must now take a trip to an astral layer, be parked there for a while before it is re-inducted back on earth..

you ( soul ) will soon reside in a new rented house , which you cannot choose .. the quality of this new house and its location will be decided  by brahman ( mother field of soul ) based on your karma while you lived in the last collapsed house..

once you are born as a conscious human , you cannot go back to lower forms of animal life ..

conscious creatures like dolphins, elephants, chimps ( who pass the mirror colour test ) are in line for promotion to humans. 

it is a sort of spiritual evolution.

idiot darwin did not understand this .

darwins evolution is not from monkey to man, as the freemasons told him after misunderstanding indian sanskrit texts.

evolution is up the seven astral layers .

the human soul is a tiny ball of energy which gives perpetual motion to your heart .
only the field of brahman an give perpetual motion.

the human soul is part of brahman the field.. it excites – nay powers the perpetual motions within the human body .. the blood circulation in the heart itself is mobius.
when the soul exits the body the human aura disappears.    much before you get cancer the human aura shows black holes.

the human aura is powered by the 7 chakras.

for animals and human criminals / homosexuals only the root chakra ( muladhara ) exists .. rest of  the outer aura layers are weak or don’t exist.

this is why after death,   souls of human criminals/ homosexuals (though conscious mammals ) keep company with lower forms on life non-conscious forms on the first astral layer  ..

"you" are a ball of energy within your cadaver called "soul"

"soul" gives perpetual motion to your heart . 

you-  soul of lower frequency due to negative karmic baggage was once part of the mother field of brahman of highest frequency   ..

it years to merge back --it yearns for moksha ( home coming )

only brahman ( the field on seventh layer ) can give perpetual motion.
the human soul after death gets parked in astral layers one to six, for the next induction on earth..

souls parked in astra layer six, have higher frequency than souls parked in lower layers

human souls parked in the first astral layer has maximum negative karma and lowest soul frequency

human souls parked in the sixth layer has least negative karmic baggage and hence higher soul frequency

atsral layers  two to six have only human souls .. yama is in charge and he decides which layer your soul deserves to be parked...    yama propels the soul when the skull pops during cremation to a suitable astral layer ( two to six ) .

souls remains individually isolated in layers one to six..  but a soul which reaches astral layer seven merges with the mother field of brahman, the frequencies matching.
all souls in first to sixth astral layers --await re-birth.

astral layers one ( lower level ) to six ( higher level ) have ascending frequencies ..
the lower the negative karmic baggage the higher the soul frequency..

yama is not ruler of hell.

yama does not hold the "final judgement" like in christianity. this goes against the laws of karma.

in sanatana dharmathere is no heaven or hell.

the higher the astral layer, the higher the soul frequency..

astral layer one holds criminal/ homosexual conscious human souls and lower species..

there is no permanent heaven or hell in hindusim. the first astral layer is a semi temporary hell --the pope stole this idea as "purgatory"

all souls in first to sixth astral layers --await re-birth.

this is soul evolution

ganesha is in charge of the mooladhara bandhan ( brahma granthi knot )   stopping kundalini rise.    only he can make a man out of you. 

no expansion of consciousness is possible without ganesha’s express permission.  ganesha’s karma adhyaksha sets the wheel of karma into motion- he knows every subtle thing of your mind and past deeds.

ganesha decides if the animal soul should enter a conscious body.

ganesha is in charge of the first astral layer..   yama is in charge of astral layers two to six..

ganesha decides if you are worthy of astral layers two to seven

you soul shoots up to one of the six astral layers depending on soul evolution-- your karmic baggage balance…

mad man charles darwins mind is too shallow --he can only think of monkey to man evolution--   and that zebras neck became longer because leaves went higher on tree branches,  because the muff ate all them lower leaves ..

when you get moksha your soul has merged with brahman ( mother field ) and you are now free from endless rebirths

your soul gives feedback to brahman of your lifes experiences-- brahman knows everything..

as long as brahman gets positive feedback , the cosmos will thrive..

the day the feedback becomes stagnant , there will be pralaya ( dissolution ). when creator brahma breathes in there is pralaya – cosmic dissolution..

breathing in has to be assisted by destroyer shiva ( dark energy ) ..

mediator vishnu decides what time pralaya must take place..

moksha is purely karma based. there is no short cut or jugaad possible

only souls can enter all seven astral layers --not the physical body ..

when the 5 pandava brothers and draupadi decide to climb mount meru --it is an allegory for death and souls parking at one of the seven astral layers

yama ( dharma ) in the form of a dog joins this group ..

yama ushers in --
draupadi into the second astral layer
nakula into the third astral layer
sahadeva into the fourth astral layer
bhima into the fifth astral layer
arjuna into the sixth astral layer

and then yuddhistra looks back and sees the dog.. he knows that no dog can get past the first astral layer --and he is puzzled..

the dog represented dharma ( yama ) — yudhishtra was “son of dharma “..
at the seventh astral layer ( equivalent of heaven ) yuddhistra sees all hundred kauravas already there -- along with the stalwarts like bhishma/ drona /karna etc

he is shocked and angry

at that time yama ( the doorkeeper of astral layers 2 to 6 ) declares that he is yuddhistras father with kunti .. and that yuddhistra still has seeds of ego within hims which makes him unfit for moksha ..

yamas explanation: whoever krishna killed --all got moksha .. krishna had the unwritten task of killing all 100 test tube kaurava babies-- he did it and how..

cremation fire ( agni ) is yamas priest as per vedas .   
yama propels the soul when the skull pops during cremation to a suitable astral layer .

yama is also the son of vivasat , the keeper of dharma.. yama is not the lord of hell
in sanatana dharma there is no hell or heaven.

for a soul trapped on earth forever- lonely and miserable , this is living hell.. a dargah soul is in hell.

pandavas would have had albino blood if mother kunti has sex with pandu ( an albino)--  and in that case krishna would have killed all 5 pandavas too..

after reading the mahabharata epic -- all wondered why krishna played foul—

if you really look at it dispassionately -- he gave all 100 test tube babies moksha-- the ultimate gift from vishnus avatar

remember doing puja , visiting temples , doing shraddh for ancestors , dipping in ganges --    is all to put you in a mental framework of "gratitude"

it is the laws of karma that compels hindus to behave righteously as per the universal moral order or laws of dharma..

the hindu knows that karma is in his own hands .. this is why a hindu is the same outside doors and within doors.. karma catched up behind closed doors.

karmic baggage has been accumulated over many births as a human..

there is no permanent hell in sanatana dharma. you get a chance to redeem yourself.. zindagi zaroor milegi doobara. this "one life only" theory applies only to single holy book, single messiah religions..

in sanatana dharma we have countless lives.-- till we attain moksha and the soul merges with brahman ( the mother field )

what is the worth of a religion if it does not allow redemption ?

true redemption happens when guilt ( judged by own conscience --not by someone at the pearly gates or hour of judgement ) leads to good. sanatana dharma is a noble religion because it believes that no human is beyond redemption.

in sanatana dharma your soul ( conscience ) guides you --  not some stupid dogma ridden single holy book or single messiah..

you ( your soul ) is re-inducted back on earth , from any of the bottom 6 astral layers to give you another chance to reduce your karmic baggage .. you are not condemned for one bad life.. this is the charm of sanatana dharma.. it gives man hope.

the belief in karma and reincarnation brings to each hindu inner peace and self-assurance. the hindu knows that the maturing of the soul takes many lives, and that if the soul is immature in the present birth, then there is hope, for there will be many opportunities for learning and growing in future lives.

your present life is nothing, when compared with the whole soul-life. it is momentary - a mere fragment.

vishnu avatars were not born with the stars like you and me . their souls were created and sent down for a purpose on earth.

after their mission on earth was accomplished  , their souls merged back to brahman on seventh astra layer ( vaikunta ).

vishnu avatars did not leave any offsprings behind.

it is impossible for con-men to claim that they are descendants of rama or krishna..

every living and growing entity on planet earth has a soul.   we were all part of the mother field named brahman on the seventh astral layer

the god of sanatana dharma is a "morhogeneteic consciousness field- brahman " which cannot he picked up by the 5 senses--on micro and macro scale.

on micro scale this empty space ( intelligent field ) provides perpetual motion within an atom.

in hinduism we cremate dead bodies for two reasons .

no 1 reason is that the soul has to travel on a solition carrier wave created by skull popping , to an astral plane .

the second reason is earth is not polluted by a cremated body .. the ashes enrich the soil.. only a small pot of selected pure carbon ash is thrown into the flowing water body or sea .

the immersed in water ashes provide dna memory to the sea or river .

the buried dead cadaver pollutes the ground water and underwater aquifers , causing prion diseases  .

the basis of all religions except hinduism is to fill you with guilt -- this heaven and hell concept .

hinduism does not subscribe to hell .

hinduism does not subscribe to you being a sinner who has to be saved .

if your accumulated karma is bad, when you get re-inducted back on earth you will suffer.

these lying christian psychologists talk about past life regression ( which cannot take off unless you believe in hindus concept of re-incarnation and re-births ) --

they have lifted everything from our ancient scriptures-

it takes a capt ajit vadakayil to take down their lying pants .

in sanatana dharma it is not your current birth which decides your fate-- all the extra baggage of your past lives add up

after death your soul is parked in one of the bottom six astral layers in hibernation , without kriya shakti.

only when you are re-inducted back on earth in another body form ( as human ) do you regain your power over karma.

sanatana dharma urges you to shed your ego and lead a simple life while on earth.

your ego is your ( souls ) greatest enemy.

evolution is your ( souls ) evolution up the ladder -- to the 7 layers. not mad man darwins stupid theory..

yama does not hold the "final judgement" like in christianity. this goes against the laws of karma.

the opium drug running partners of jew rothschild/ sassoon ( calcutta ) gambled on dhanteras , first day of diwali to please yama.  

kubera is the opposite direction -guardian of north.

only conscious "human souls"  are bound by the laws of karma.

if a white christian man is cremated in the west his soul will shoot up to one of the bottom six astral layers--but not to the seventh --that can happen only in the holy land of india.

a white man in the west whose soul is evolved and worthy of the seventh layer is born as an indigo child. indigo is same color of the sixth astral layer.

the human soul evolves -- with difefrent births inside different humans it gets a chance to increases its frequency and wipe out past karmic baggage

 a criminal or homosexual has only one aura ( red in colour --riddled with black holes ).    he has not risen above his mooladhara chakra ( root --survival seat like animals )

the tendency of gays to impale their assholes ( has a reason behind it )

again, there is no heaven or hell in hinduism.

there is no permanent hell in sanatana dharma. you get a chance to redeem yourlself

ramana maharishi made a great show of giving moksha to his own mother and got her buried.

sorry ramana baby-- you cannot reduce the karmic baggage of anybody , including your own mother

in any case , women cannot get moksha, seeds of ego remain.. they have to be reborn as men in india.

karmic baggage has been accumulated over many births as a human ..

by burying his mother , ramana maharishi ensured that his mothers soul is trapped on earth, miserable and lonely forever

ramanas followers say --that he was egoless .

listen he was silent , his whole life. he hardly spoke any words from birth till death

lot of fake gurus pretend to be jivan mukhts.. when they die without specifying they want to be cremated--their followers bury them . these gurus have screwed themselves--ideal punishment

rothschild fooled shiva worshipers veerashaiva lingayaths into burying their dead.

rothschild fooled pisharodys of kerala ( vishnu worshippers ) to bury their dead
you cant lessen your karmic baggage by praying endlessly to god...

karmic baggage can be lessened only by good deeds and being creative --so that you prove that you made a difference to this planet for the better

pilgrims who go for sabarimala after a strict 41 dat vrat lower their karmic baggage ..this is the only pilgrimage which fords this—not even kumbh mela..

you are given chances to lessen your karmic baggage once you become human. this is why god has given you free will.

god does not punish animals with bad karma-- as animals behave on pure survival instincts.  animals have only mooladara chakra..

once you become human you do not go back to being an animal by baad karma.

it is obvious all are not born equal— some are brainy and handsome, some are ugly and retarded .

obviously there is a divine reason for this , right ?

we do shraddh / immersion of ashes , hoping that the deceased jumps up by one astral layer-- due to love shown by the people he left behind.

human souls of lowest frequency parked  in lowest first layer  with lower forms of life ( only mooladhara chakra party ) --   cannot get a boost by shraddh.   
when you are dead and gone , your children must remember you with gratitude.  it is good for them to reduce their own karmic baggage..  this is why we do pitru tarpanam and amavasya shraddh every year.

yama is not the devil, as what is discussed in literary fests by desh drohi white men .

yama like rudra is a god in vedas. 

vedas desribe yama as the regent of the departed.

yama is lord of pitris – the guardian of the ancestors souls in astral layers two to six.

yama is lokapala , the regent of the south as per vaastu.

sanatana dharma urges you to shed your ego and lead a simple life while on earth.

your ego is your ( souls ) greatest enemy.

as your soul frequency increaes you shed your ego

curses and blessings from high frequency souls have effect

when it comes to reducing negative karmic baggage only you can help yourself .. you forge the hinges of your destiny on your own terms.

only conscious "human souls" are subjected to the laws of  karma.

the white invader injected poison that hindus believe in fate ( destiny )

an intelligent man will note that karma and destiny are at loggerheads.

conscious man has been granted free will by god

although bad karmic baggage usually results in suffering it is not a punishment for punishment's sake; nor is it divine retribution. 

karma is simply an opportunity to make good by change –  it neither punishes nor rewards; it simply guides.

the law of karma is not the cause of suffering,  it is merely the change agent.

karma is self-balancing divine justice; it is 100% fair and absolutely infallible.  it doesn't matter if a criminal seems to get away with it

there is no getting away with it – karma will eventually catch up with him  -if not in this life then the next life

caste has nothing to do with karma — it is all about human suffering .

ask kancha iliah if he would be a handsome dalit with a mighty “pathar peh marengga tog tungg bolenga “  prick and a tattu brahmin with a wee oozing prick affected by leprosy…

we are in control of our destiny but have no control over our fate.     destiny cannot be forced on us; if we are forced then it is our fate.  fate is determined by god who has overriding powers. you were born into your mother’s womb by fate

every choice we make affects our future and therefore our destiny

when a soul gets moksha it merges with brahman. it gives back its experience it picked up as within every possible living body--  insect-plant animal - human.

brahman the mother field wants constant information --as a closed feedback loop

shearing off parts of his own field body ( after reducing frequency to lowest ) and sending them to earth to experience and the merging back these evolved moksha souls ( of highest frequency ) by a feedback loop is gaining knowledge

brahman sends down souls to earth ( sheared off parts of his body ) and receives back souls from earth

remember brahman the field, knows everything -- by way of this closed feedback loop.

life is the means by which brahman understands himself.    – capt ajit vadakayil

the ancient maharishi judged your worth by just looking at your aura. he needs no written or oral exams.

the maharishi can hear cosmic sounds.. he can download vedas from akasha ..

you cant lessen your karmic baggage by praying to god and displaying bhakti like other single holy book religions.

a hindu cultivates shraddha --not bhakti

shraddha belongs to spirituality of sanatana dharma .. bhakti belongs to dogma based single messiah religions..

shraddha is enlightened faith after self verification which factors in human conscience. blind devotion is not allowed in hinduism..

jew rothschild cooked up the bhakti movement and all its heroes..including dasas, of which kabir das is a small part..

the whole idea was to wean away hindus from shraddha and get them entangled in bhakti, like the abrahamic religions..

jew rothschild went around removing shraddha and inserting bhakti inour vedas/ upanishads and bhagawad gita..

sanatana dharma is based on spirituality which happens due to shraddha --it is not like any other stupid religion which advocates mindless dogma based bhakti.

in bhagavad gita, krishna uses the word shraddha more than a dozen times in different places in his conversation with arjuna. in these places, krishna clearly stresses the importance of shraddha in knowing him..

sprirituality is impossible without shraddha.. shraddha is enlightened faith coming from within, not blind faith being pounded in from outside..

bhakti movement cooked up by jew rothschild injected kirtan ( in vernacular ) into sanatana dharma..

chanting sanskrit mantras is not kirtan or bhajan..

no guru can give you deeksha for moksha

dont ever think you can do endless puja , visit hundreds of temples, dip in ganges and obtain moksha

as your karmic baggage becomes less , your soul frequency rises -- your kundalini rises proportionately and your aura layers increase .

the kundalini rises chakra to chakra only if the soul frequency increases .

with every rise of the kundalini on the seven chakra steps , the body aura increases by one colored layer, of the seven rainbow colours.

7 chakras are aligned to seven astral layers

if your karmic baggage is too high, you will take re-birth to suffer.

the field of brahman ( god ) , does not treat all the same.

this is why some are beautiful having brains who are respected , while some are ugly lepers with nil brains who are despised . a certain black elephant kumari must not bitch that she is not beautiful like aishwarya rai.

again, a man who has raised his kundalini to sahasrara ( crown ) chakra , has 7 clear large vibgyor auras --enveloped in a golden sheath --his karmic baggage is zero,  ego is zero,  his  soul at highest frequency

the white invader gave bull that calling yourself a brahmachari by abstaining from sex with a woman will give you moksha..

as a result  filthy and evil homosexuals who engage in anal sex wore saffron robes and called themselves seers in connivance with benami media and foreign funded  ngos .

in reality their souls have the lowest frequency and can only be stuck in the first astral layer –  to be re-inducted into bad wombs for extreme suffering on planet earth

one day your pet dog will be a human. respect the soul within the dog. you and your dog came to existence at the same split second along with the stars

plants and animals get killed or die as part of the grand plan of evolution of soul.     they will be humans in due course of course with samskaras ( soul impressions ).

understanding the way karma works, the hindu naturally seeks to live a good and virtuous life through right thought, right speech and right action.

crime is least  in hinduism .

in sanatana dharma even vishnu avatars were not spared of laws of karma.

king vali was killed by lord rama.

in his next avatar krishna was killed by vali as a hunter named jara.  being a god krishna knew it was coming and accepted it.

in hindusim we cant kill and then pray 5 times a day with you ass upwards —to wash the sin away

at sea we do not become captain of ship just like that

we go through all lower jobs on ship including cleaning toilets, painting etc

as a captain you have experienced everything. nobody can pull the wool over your eyes.

experience is the best teacher. the tiny soul gets stretched by god experience and increases its frequency..

once the frequency is same as the mother field on the seventh astral layer , it merges back , giving back to the field, its richness of experience

brahman ( field / god ) knows everything

 soul has to evolve by self education , by experience .
sanatana dharma urges you to shed your ego and lead a simple life while on earth.

your ego is your ( souls ) greatest enemy.

evolution is your ( souls ) evolution up the ladder -- to the 7 layers.

the weight of karmic baggage is simply what we do in a conscious manner . if you do something wrong inadvertently it does not count as karma..  

this is why small children without ego ( less than 27 months age ) are not cremated .. they are buried.. 

their souls go back to the same astral layer they came from.. their karmic baggage is unchanged as their ego has not caused them to do deliberate mistakes.

your karmic baggage is with you in your next life too. suicide will not eliminate the karmic baggage –rather the weight of karmic baggage increases as your soul gets inducted to another  human form in your next rebirth..

a human being is not a totally different entity than its experiences in its previous lives.  you are the old soul within your current mortal coil.  the soul is indestructible.

it is the essence of karma to bring forth the actions of the past to the present
in each incarnation we suffer the consequences of some of our previous bad karma –and every human soul has a  resultant karmic baggage plus some picked up samskaras , which affect current life on the planet , like phobias , deep rooted vices etc .

as per quantum physics we humans are cogs of the universe.

as per stupid newton we humans are insignificant specks of matter  .

the awareness of vice and virtue is inherent in the soul. 

gratitude is inherent and woven into hinduism, which makes this religion noble. hinduism does not allow you to breach a trust.

so if a hindu goes to sabarimala after a rigorous 41 day vrat, -- his whole idea is to get inspired to lessen his karmic baggage.

sabarimala pilgrimage works like a miracle--drunken wife beaters and total nalayaks come back reformed --all know this

taking a dip in pampa river is compulsory --or sabarimala pilgrimage does not work.. water holds memory

pampa holy water can measure the increase or decrease of karmic baggage between two dips over different years .

there is a conspiracy to kill the sabamimala pilgrimage by making the pampa river go dry..

a guruswamy has been measured 18 times..

remember doing puja , visiting temples ,  doing shraddh for ancestors , dipping in ganges --is all to put you in a mental framework of "gratitude"

when you are " grateful " your body becomes a wonderful machine

when you do reiki --you have to be in a feeling of gratitude to the supreme force --if you are unable to do that, because you are a cunt, even being grateful to your mother or pet cat works

both brain lobes have to be synchronized by spirit level ( inner ear cochlea ) sitting posture--with legs in a mobius coil circuit. immediately your body emanates scalar waves faster than light

hindus must know that our puranas are cosmic alegories personalised.. of course there are stories of vishnus mortal avatars ..

all hindu gods are cosmic allegories except mortal avatrs of vishnu raa/ krishna/ ayyappa

karma operates as a self-sustaining mechanism as natural universal law, without any need of an external entity to manage them.

in sanatana dharma only accumulated karmic baggage decides moksha

before moksha, the soul must go through all the experiences of life in the physical world from bacteria to plant insect to bird to animal to conscious man to jivanmukt.

if all world religions combined is a drop of stinking dirty water —  sanatana dharma is the deep pristine blue ocean.

all ancient maharishis were jivanmukts..

only jivanmukhts can download vedic srutis from akasha.. it is not possible for any other human to do that.

women cannot be jivanmukts.

the white nvader lied that some women wrote the vedas.


when men have not written vedas—how can women write it ?

veda srutis have no mortal authors.  they are downloaded from akasha by maharishis.

all these fake female maharishis like gargi, lopamudra , ghose etc are all cooked up and injected into our ancient vedas and puranas

karma is not religion or even spirituality..this is about consciousness and advanced quantum physics. there is no dogma or superstition here..

the universe is woven from consciousness .. it knows what goes on in your mind..

idiots like parsi priest cum judge nariman , must not talk about karma ( butterfly effect ) , which is advanced quantum physics.. a human action creates an invisible quantum motion of force at the subatomic level.

karma is "intention based " not action based.. if you do a bad deed with good intention, you dont get bad karma-- and vice versa. .

you can hide your intentions from others but not from yourself or the universe. you are a small cog within many other cogs. when you move, you move all the other cogs.

karma is that catalyst that connects actions and thoughts with the quantum ripples of energy that in essence creates this dynamism in life here and hereafter.

this is why intention ( when breaking a coconut ) is such a powerful thing. it moves the cosmos.

karma is a universal law; it cannot be broken.

the doctrine of karma teaches: "do not blame anybody when you suffer. do not accuse god. blame yourself first. you will have to reap what you have sown in your previous birth.

an individual’s karma is based on their thoughts, words, and intentional actions and the choices they make.

we hindus were the first to pray on this planet.. we were the first to understand the meaning of intention and concsiousness

karma is not punishment or retribution but simply an expression or consequence of natural acts.

karma is like a seed, most of the times karma does not fructify immediately after the seed is sown.

“law of karma” is like a universal law say “law of gravity” -   it applies whether you accept or reject the law. whether you are muslim of jew or christian.

karma means you create your own life. karma is an unbreakable law of the cosmos. you deserve everything that happens to you, good or bad. you created your happiness and your misery.,

the whole universe is observing you..

karma treats everyone equally. you won’t get special treatment.

karma plants a seed. over time it will grow. at just the right moment, the exact moment, you will receive your karma. karma makes you experience what you have done to others.

the doctrine of karma only can bring solace, contentment, peace and strength to the afflicted and the desperate. it solves our difficulties and problems of life.

it gives encouragement to the hopeless and the forlorn. it pushes a man to right thinking, right speech and right action

the most important part of your life will be the unseen random acts of kindness you performed.

the thing with karma is that it doesn’t always happen immediately. sometimes we have to wait for years. sometimes our karma arrives without us even knowing it, or knowing what form it has taken.

remember the purpose of karma is not revenge. the universe is not vengeful. the purpose of karma is to help you become a better person..

there can be no moksha even if you have an iota of ego within you.

as ego reduces , karmic baggage lightens, and your soul frequency increases..
karma is simply an opportunity to make good – it neither punishes nor rewards; it simply guides.

again, laws of karma give hope..this is quantum physics, you are at nobody’s mercy.
the aim of every religion is to give hope.. 

but the single messsiah / single holy book religions put you under servility. the mullahs and popes want to save you--because they have a hot line with god

in sanatana dharma there is no middle man between you and god..

the purport of the term karma is to make individuals take ownership for their conscious actions

the doctrine of karma brings hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless, joy to the cheerless and new strength to the weak. it braces up a sunken man. it is an ideal "pick-me-up" for the depressed and gloomy.

the doctrine of karma teaches: "do not blame anybody when you suffer. do not accuse god. blame yourself first. you will have to reap what you have sown in your previous birth.

your present sufferings are due to your own bad karma in your past life. you are yourself the author of the present state.

guilt is a form of punishment. guilt deprives man of rem sleep. painful results in your life come from actions you took that clashed with the laws of the universe. the pain drives home the lesson.

karma is the physical manifestation of the law of balance and harmony, as it applies to the results of decisions reached and attitudes held by beings capable of free will and choice

your intentional actions create your future. what you are experiencing right now is what karma wants you to experience

you can’t escape from your past, but learning from it will change your future.

karma is real. karma is your bond with the past. karma teaches you and makes your knowledge of the world more complete.

your present sufferings are due to your own bad karma in your past life. you are yourself the author of the present state.

a jivanmukt can access akashik records .. every ancient maharishi was a jivan mukt.. they downloaded the veda srutis from akasha ..

the jivanmukht does not need to think .. his brain does sphota— which is consciousness minus thinking

vedas which went on oral route by 330 centuries ( kerala namboodiris ) was penned down 70 centuries ago , again by kerala namboodiris in the grantha script..

that is why parashurama gave the 4 vedas and 108 upanishads to kerala namboodiris and brought them safely from saraswati river banks to tirunavaya 6000 years ago-- after sarswati river dried up..

this does not mean sanskrit texts were written down only 7000 years ago..

written veda srutis are no use at all.. this is not like some english poetry or some vernacular bhajan..

the power of a sanskrit veda sruti or mantra lies in the sound..

most of the times the meaning is just to induce a sense of gratitude which is a powerful energy . the mobius coils within the body get activated..

when a sanskrit veda sruti is read from the book and uttered the wrong way, the kerala namboodiri who hears it-- can hear it wrong / see it wrong / feel it wrong
divine math is embedded in the veda sruti verse ..

vedic srutis have golden mean (1.618 ) , fibonacci series , pascals triangle, lucas numbers , sri yantra ( geometry of om ), ulam spiral, prime number verifier , isotope magic embedded in it ..

danava civilization stalwart kerala namboodiri bhartrhari ( 7000 bc ) wrote his sphota theory in sanskrit..

kerala namboodiri manu ( 8300 bc ) wrote the first laws for the planet in sanskrit. every company today has a blue book or code "manual" .. manual is derived from manu..

there are many manus in our history.. the first manu was a cosmic allegory..
human consciousness is why we are able to see ourselves in the mirror and see colour.. unlike lower species like animals and birds. only humans can do swadhaya or contemplation.. we can take subjective decisions approved by our conscience .

sanatana dharma is advanced quantum physics..it can never be explained by classical physics..


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