Somebody called me up and cried “CAPTAIN, YOU HAVE WRITTEN THAT IF ALL 4200 RELIGIONS ON THIS PLANET IS A DROP OF DIRTY STINKING VERMIN LADEN WATER, SANATANA DHARMA IS THE ENDLESS PRISTINE BOTTOMLESS OCEAN..” Can you authenticate yourself?.. Listen… Jewess Helena and Jew Rothschild never imagined that a blogger named Vadakayil would be born who would expose their evil attempts to drag down lofty spirituality of Sanatana Dharma to the KEECHAD LEVEL of single holy book, single messiah dogma laden religions.. Rothschild kidnapped Indian Sanskrit scholars to England and Europe to poison inject our scriptures, cook up fake scriptures and gods/ heroes.. None of the unfortunate men came back to India.. After their job was over they were murdered and denied their right to cremation with Hindu rites.. Three millenniums ago there was only ONE single religion on this planet—SANATANA DHARMA ( Hinduism ).. Today there are more than 4200 religions , almost all of them created by German Jew Rothschild, including Atheist Communism.. The Veda sruti / verses in Sanskrit have Golden mean (1.618 ) , Fibonacci series, Pascals triangle, Lucas numbers , Sri Yantra ( 3D geometry of OM ), Ulam spiral, prime number verifier , isotope magic embedded in it. If any poison is injected or fake srutis are cooked up, it will stick out like a sore thumb.. The Hindu is under no compulsion to strictly follow what is written in our scriptures.. Rather a Hindu is afforded CARTE BLANCHE to follow his own soul voice or conscience… bhūtaṁ bhavyaṁ bhaviṣhyaṁ cha sarvaṁ vedāt prasidhyati (12.97)[v12] Manu Smriti , 8300 BC.. “The authenticity of any spiritual principle of the past, present, or future, must be established on the basis of the SPIRIT of the Vedas.”. . Sanatana Dharma has zero dogma inherent and is open to self inquiry. . A Hindu cannot go against his own conscience – this how deep rooted the concept of SHRADDHA is in Sanatana Dharma… Shraddha cannot be blind faith, it is ENLIGHTENED FAITH— self verification is involved in every inch of your spiritual progress.. Shraddha implies total self reliance , an independent sense of right or wrong , reliance on own souler powered conscience alone and courage of one’s own convictions.. Only Sanatana Dharma affords this unbridled freedom to a human .. Hey Jack Dorsey, when a Hindu does not have to be afraid of God why should he be afraid of a brahmin or BRAHMINICAL PATRIARCHY?.. Only Sanatana Dharma offers SPIRITUALITY among the 4200 odd religions which exist today... ALL RELIGIONS LEAD YOU TO BE A DENIZEN OF HEAVEN.. SANATANA DHARMA MAKES YOU GOD .. ### इतितेज्ञानमाख्यातंगुह्याद्गुह्यतरंमया|.. विमृश्यैतदशेषेणयथेच्छसितथाकुरु|| 63|| Bhagavad Gita 18.63, 4000 BC…. iti te jñānam ākhyātaṁ guhyād guhyataraṁ mayā.. vimṛiśhyaitad aśheṣheṇa yathechchhasi tathā kuru…Translation:-.. BG 18.63: Thus, I have explained to you this knowledge that is more secret than all secrets. Ponder over it deeply, and then DO AS YOU WISH…##### .. In the verse above , Krishna advises Arjuna to think and reflect over what all he said , telling clearly that there is no DOGMA indoctrination which must be accepted blindly... There is no compulsion involved and Arjuna is given free choice.. God does not do the climbing for us but merely serve as guide posts and supports us whenever we stumble, comfort us when we fall . God’s approach is counseling but not commanding. The scriptures serve the purpose of GUIDE POSTS TOTHE MAN. It is up to man himself to choose the right and to reject the wrong… Sanatana Dharma steeped in spirituality invites you to reason it all, to question it all and to decide your actions and assume the consequences.. Single messiah , single holy book religions threatens and terrifies. Spirituality of Sanatana Dharma gives you inner peace.. Religion invents and cooks up. Indian spirituality discovers. Religion does not investigate and does not question- nor is any devotee allowed to question. Spirituality requires you to question everything.. Sanatana Dharma is the only religion tailored for the individual, not the masses. Below is a poison injected verse where the words “PRAMANAM” and “VIDHANA” are hijacked .. I challenge anybody on this planet to prove me wrong .. Surf the internet, read every single translation of this verse made by all expert individuals since the past 6000 years .. ##### तस्माच्छास्त्रंप्रमाणंतेकार्याकार्यव्यवस्थितौ|.. ज्ञात्वाशास्त्रविधानोक्तंकर्मकर्तुमिहार्हसि|| 24|| Bhagavad Gita 16.24 , 4000 BC… tasmach chhastram PRAMANAM te karyakarya-vyavasthitau.. jnatva shastra-VIDHANOktam karma kartum iharhasi…. tasmāt—therefore; śhāstram—scriptures; pramāṇam— NOT DOGMA “authority” BUT A SHRADDHA BASED TOOL FOR OWN INFERENCE AND PERCEPTION ; te—your; kārya—duty; akārya—forbidden action; vyavasthitau—in determining; jñātvā—having understood; śhāstra—scriptures; vidhāna— NOT “injunctions” OR “FIAT” OR “ORDINANCE”- BUT CONSCIENCE BASED GUIDE ; uktam—as revealed; karma—actions; kartum—perform; iha—in this world; arhasi—you should… Translation:--…BG 16.24: Therefore, let the scriptures be your PRAMANAM in determining what should be done and what should not be done. Understand the scriptural VIDHANA , and then perform your actions in this world accordingly……#####.. The Bhagavad Gita doesn’t teach dogma of objective commandment ethics. It is a subjective book.. Religion is based on humanity, an organization with military type rules from a book of law. Hindu Indian spirituality is divine, without rules.. Religion is cause for bitter division. Hindu spirituality is cause for harmonious union.. Rothschild used his agent Jew Monier Williams of Oxford University to create a Sanskrit dictionary.. This is the book pretender CUNTS like Wendy Doniger, Sheldon Pollock, Audrey Truschke carry with them in their pockets.. This dictionary contains only 45% of Sanskrit words.. Sanskrit has no synonyms and this includes proper nouns .. Sanskrit is not a stupid language like English were a word like SET can have more than 120 different meanings.. Monier Williams did REVERSE ENGINEERING. For example he found out the real meaning of word PRAMANAM and VIDHANA and inserted the poison injected meanings into the dictionary.. My mother tongue is Malayalam.. High literature Malayalam is 80% Sanskrit. We in Kerala created the Sanskrit language. Kerala Maharishis downloaded Vedas 400 centuries ago .. Kerala Maharishis penned down Vedas 7000 years ago.. From the time Vedas were downloaded in 40,000 BC till 5000 BC, Vedas were conveyed on oral route by Kerala Aryan Namboodiris.. The Hindu must act not from instinct, not from law , not from DOGMA FIAT, but from a deep insight into the spirit of all life.. India is not a study to be made superficially by ignorant and shallow minded people in western universities. . Hindu India is a phenomenon of possibilities, though a cauldron nay matrix of multiple cultural, ethnic, religious and linguistic perspectives .. What hold it all together by a single thread of seeking the truth . The tremendous longing has been nurtured into the peoples of the land, the longing to be free in thought – unharnessed by dogma- free from the very process of life and death.. India cannot be studied from outside . To behold India you must be at the centroid of the matrix and willing to dissolve yourself . . You cannot look at a river from top and that too on a map — and cry out like a Western CUNT — .. I GAAT IT !! .. I GAAAAT IT !!!. Jump into the river, dive to its depth , see the bottom contours all along , taste the water — experience the river — this is the only way– and if you cant do this , you cannot understand Sanatana Dharma… Spirituality of Hinduism insists that you use your own conscience, which is the greatest task master.. Sanatana Dharma is the only religion which used words like SOUL and CONSCIOUSNESS. . Religion continues the teachings of a RIGID sacred book, Spirituality requires sacredness in books within the fold .. Religion is in charge of the “to do”. Spirituality is in charge of the “to BE”.. Religion is a dialectic soaked in rigid ethos. Spirituality is truth and logic.. Religion feeds the ego. Spirituality burns ago – it makes you transcend.. Religion is to continue adapting to the psychology of a template—to jump into the bandwagon . Hindu spirituality is individuality. Single messiah religions live in the past and in the future. Hindu spirituality lives in the present, in the here and now.. Religion lives in the confinement of your memory. Spirituality is LIBERTY in AWARENESS.. The major difference between religion and spirituality is one of believing versus being and experiencing. . Single messiah religions makes you bow on terms and timetable which is NOT your own – Hindu spirituality sets your free like a bird – to choose what you want on your terms and time table—subservient to NO mortal past or present.. Organized religion tells you what to FEAR and tells you dire consequences like drug cartels . Hindus spirituality makes you aware of the consequences but does NOT allow you to focus on the fear. . It shows you how to act on love and not on fear, it shows you how to control fear and use the best of it.. Organized religion arm twists or brainwashed you to believe truths etched on rock – Hindu spirituality slows you to discover truths. . It lets you Connect With Your Higher Self and see with your own mind what truth is because the truth as a whole is same for each one of us. It lets you believe in your own truth through your own perception of your heart.. Single messiah religion makes you dependent and a potted plant – Hindus spirituality makes you independent. . Happiness is always found deep in ourselves and only we are responsible for it. Divinity is in us and that is why we are always worthy. You can never be a piece of shit.. Organized religion applies severe retribution method at the hour of judgment – Sanatana Dharma applies the doctrine of KARMA. Under the doctrine of karma, the ability to make choices remains with the individual-and NOT what is being told as gospel in a holy book or a conman messiah.. Karma , which is advanced Quantum physics, is a matter of basic cause-and-effect without the need of a deity to mediate the effects.. Intention based karma is a universal law; it cannot be broken. .Karma doctrine makes Sanatana Dharma a great religion. Karma gives hope. There is NO eternal hell in Sanatana Dharma.. Today churches are empty. Muslims are scared what will happen if they do not toe the line.. In Calicut if some Muslim shopkeeper does not attend Friday noon prayers, his shop is vandalized. If a Muslim flees his suffocating religion he is killed. Zakir Naik preached “ If a Muslim goes back to his parent religion Hinduism and starts to preach his old religion, then he can be put to death”.. Muslims don’t care anymore.. Many have written in their wills that they want to be cremated , away from their hometowns. Muslims go to Kedarnath to worship the original ( heavier than steel ) black meteorite stone, not the FAKE black pumice stones( which float on water ) cemented together at the SE corner of Kaaba. Mecca.. Muslim women in burqa visit Hindu astrologers.The sad part is most of them want to know if their husband swill take on another more attractive wife and discard her.. Increasing number of people in postmodern Western culture view spirituality as good and religion as bad. Freedom and ambiguity is IN today; slave mentality dogmatism is OUT.. Even the Pope has allowed cremation.. If you cant beat them, join them..
Somebody called me up and cried “CAPTAIN, YOU HAVE WRITTEN THAT IF ALL 4200 RELIGIONS ON THIS PLANET IS A DROP OF DIRTY STINKING VERMIN LADEN WATER, SANATANA DHARMA IS THE ENDLESS PRISTINE BOTTOMLESS OCEAN..” Can you authenticate yourself?.. Below is CHRISTIAN BULL…. #### ####... Below is MUSLIM BULL…. #### ####... ..“Atmano mokshartham jagat hitayacha”… ‘Pursue moksha while keeping in view the welfare of the world.’- Rig Veda 5000 BC…… When you get moksha – your soul merges back nay reunites with the supreme creator ( the morphogenetic consciousness field of BrahmAn ). YOU ARE NOW GOD… Sanatana dharma does not require any Hindu to pray to God, like in every other 4200 odd religions .. A Hindu does not have to fear god or beg for forgiveness/ mercy or repent for his sins..Everything is taken care of by the laws of karma.. This is quantum physics.. Only you can save yourself.. All other dogma single holy book single messiah religions assure you of either heaven or hell after death.. THERE IS NO HEAVEN OR HELL IN HINDUISM…. #### #####.... “Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhnam Urvvarukamiva Bandhanaan Mrityormuksheeya Maamrataat Om”- Rigveda (RV 7.59.12) / Yajurveda (TS 1.8.6.i; VS 3.60) – 5000 BC…. ॐत्र्यम्बकम्यजामहेसुगन्धिम्पुष्टिवर्धनम्।.. उर्वारुकमिवबन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीयमामृतात्।।…. OM / hindu king mantra which opens quantum tunneling.. triyambakam / lord with third eye open… yajamahe / worthy of adoration… sugandhim / fragrance ( of virtue)… pushti / nourished… vardhanam / increased ( to purnam -fullness )… urva / powerful… rukam / affliction… iva / such bandhanam / addicted… mrityor / death… mukshiya / liberate.. ma / not… amritat / immortality…. WE ADORE OUR GOD WHOSE THIRD EYE IS OPEN, WHO NOURISHES US TO PURNAM . .. MAY WE BE LIBERATED FROM POWERFUL AFFLICTIONS WE ARE ADDICTED TO – WHICH CAUSE ENDLESS RE-BIRTHS - BUT NOT FROM IMMORTALITY ( MOKSHA )….. ######.. In Maha Mrityunjay mantra “URVARUKAM “was converted by the white invader to “CUCUMBER”.. In reality URVA means powerful and RUKAM means affliction.. when merged together urvarukam means “ADDICTION”… Sanskrit has no synonyms …Cucumber in Sanskrit is karkkati .. In malayalam at home , and in vegetable markets we say karkkari -ka (colloquial )… In Sanatana Dharma you can have heaven while living here on earth it self, as a JIVAN MUKT.. Cremation is symbolic of burning negative ego laden samskaras …jivan mukht sages can do astral travel. their soul leaves the body takes a ride at faster than light speed and then re-enters the body…When you achieve Turiya you are now a Jivan mukt , entitled for moksha. Your third eye is open. Your soul is free even while inside your body . The soul can levitate and watch its own cadaver . Acceptance of God prepares a Hindu for our real goal of life, called Moksha. Sanatana Dharma is not an atheist religion.. The Upanishads are not philosophy but are darshanas, “something seen” and therefore to be realized. It is in the Upanishads we find all the fundamentals that are central to Hinduism — the concepts of ‘karma’ (action), ‘samsara’ (reincarnation), ‘moksha’ (nirvana), the ‘atman’ (soul), and the ‘Brahman’ (Absolute Almighty- the morphogenetic consciousness field )… Once your accrued karma log is cleared , on god’s sanction alone, you attain moksha, which is the final end to endless earthly sojourns ( re-births)… Dharma embraces every type of righteous conduct covering every aspect of life essential for the sustenance and welfare of the individual and society and includes those rules which guide and enable those to attain moksha (eternal bliss)…Videha mukti is MOKSHA or “liberation attained by a person after death”. .. In contrast Jivanmukti refers to achieving “liberation while alive” ( ancient Maharishis whose souls could leave their bodies and come back at will ).. People who will get Moksha ( zero karmic baggage/ soul at highest frequency/ zero karmic baggage/ zero ego ) have huge auras…As ego reduces karmic baggage lightens and your soul frequency increases.. Karmic baggage can be lessened only by good deeds and being creative –so that you prove that you made a difference to this planet for the better.. Moksha can happen only when the soul frequency and frequency of the mother field Brahman ( morphogenetic consciousness field – seventh astral layer ) is the same.. Moksha is purely karma based. There is no short cut or jugaad possible– like Rothschilds creation BABAJI ( or some rascal like Sri Sri Ravishankar/ Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev ) giving you deeksha .. Remember we are all immortal. We all were born with the stars . You , your great grandfather and you would be great grandson were all born at the same split second… Soul’s journey IS from earth to a suitable astral layer of same soul frequency, then again back on earth , till the soul frequency rises to highest to be the same as the seventh layer , for final merge with brahmAn ( moksha –final stop).. “Soul” gives perpetual motion to your heart . Your soul was once part of the mother field BrahmAn.... It yearns to merge back –it yearns for moksha ( home coming ).. When you get moksha your soul has merged with Brahman ( mother field ) and you are now free from endless rebirths.. What you see in the mirror is not you, you are your soul . . Your body is like a rented home or a pair of jeans .. You are your SOUL – a ball of energy once a part of BrahmAn the field.. . No tears are shed at the Hindu cremation ceremony ( women cannot enter the cremation yard ) - after all the soul will either get Moksha ( merge with the universe ) or be re-inducted to one of the 7 astral layers awaiting next induction onto planet earth ( re-birth ).. For a Hindu , cremation is a must – he will not compromise on this.. When you die, and if you have not got moksha your soul is parked on any of the bottom 6 astral layers– corresponding to the lowest 6 chakras ..As long as you have accumulated negative baggage of karma , your soul is parked in one of the bottom 6 astral layers .. You ( your soul ) is re-inducted back on earth , from any of the bottom 6 astral layers to give you another chance to reduce your karmic baggage -from the bottom 6 layers. You are not punished for a single incident of bad karma.. The field of brahmAn ( god ) , does not treat all the same.. This is why some are beautiful having brains who are respected , while some are ugly lepers with NIL brains who are despised .. Unlike what fake gurus have been spreading– you ( soul ) are forging your destiny on your own terms while on planet earth .. Karma is not fate, for we act with what can be described as a conditioned free will creating our own destinies. DESTINY is commonly regarded as FATE - but both are as different as chalk and cheese. In Sanatana Dharma we forge the hinges of our destiny on our own terms.. We are in control of our destiny but have no control over our fate. Destiny cannot be forced on us; if we are forced then it is our fate. Fate is determined by GOD who has overriding powers.. Karma is something that you get based on what you put out. On the other hand Fate, is that will happen inevitably.. Fate is something that has been written in your life even before you were born.. By fate, it has been already decided that you should be born to certain parents, born at a certain place- say – Somalia.. My genome tells me Rothschilds are in Somalia.. Karma is related to the soul whereas fate is not. When karma is related to one’s actions, fate is related to god’s will.. Fate ( vidhi )is the outcome of your past karmic baggage before you were born into your mother’s womb– and god has decided in advance this is what you deserve.. GOD , has tracked your soul path ever since you became a conscious human being.. This is why my wife matched more than 500 horoscopes for my elder son when he had to choose a wife. It has been explained in Vedanta that we human beings are partly free and partly determined. It nonsense to say that fate places obstacles in the way of free will. Hindusim does NOT allow man to escape responsibility by blaming fate,( for fate is of his own making in his previous lived ), nor by blaming God, for He is but the dispenser of fruits in accordance with the merits of past actions.. Fate chose your blood relatives not your friends... We reap what we sow. We harvest our karma. Animals like humans are NOT exempt from fate . BrahmAn decides fate by factoring in past soul samskaras . Once you evolve and become human, you do NOT take re-birth as an animal .if your karmic baggage is too high, you will take re-birth to suffer. Karma deals in energy. It is NOT actions alone which increases you karmic baggage but bad intentions too. Our intations are scalar , our thoughts are electric , our feelings are magnetic. Fate ( vidhi )is the outcome of our past karmic baggage – and god has decided in advance this is what you deserve. Karmic negative baggage has to be lived and worked out. There is no way of avoiding it. Humans are the result of their deeper mind and its store of countless impressions ( soul samskaras ) from the past. Bear in mind that every small act that you perform is the resultant of triple conjoint forces, viz., freewill, character and FATE. Life is 1% of what happens and 99% of how you react to it.. Kumari Mayawati cannot bitch why Aishwarya Rai is more beautiful than her—these are matters of FATE.. Your fate is not passed on to the next life — read this a BILLION times.. FATE DOES NOT SNOWBALL.. DESTINY SNOWBALLS THROUGH SUCCESSIVE RE-BIRTHS AS A HUMAN.. The concept of broker pope or middlemen padre or mullah or rabbi is not there in Hinduism.. There can be no moksha even if you have an iota of ego within you. Hindus must cremate the dead body.. While the body burns , your skull pops and creates a personal tsunami wave ( solition carrier wave ) and your soul rides up to any of the 6 astral layers . No other soul trapped on earth can take a piggy back ride . If your skull does not pop your eldest son must break your skull with a heavy rod to generate that soliton wave while being cremated. Your soul leaves your cadaver when the skull POPS in the cremation fire causing a SOLITON CARRIER WAVE which shoots your soul into any of the bottom six of the seven astral layers ( if you do NOT have moksha – or NIL bad karma baggage ) . Cremation is symbolic of burning negative ego laden samskaras . Burial religions trap your soul on earth to wander forever lonely and miserable . Ever since the burial religions came has the world known any peace ?.. When a son does shraddh for his dead father , he helps his fathers soul rise by one astral layer.. This is a one time affair. Moksha can happen only in the holy land of India—and only to men.. Women ( cannot be devoid of ego ) whose souls are parked in the sixth astral layer have to take re-birth as man to get moksha. Karma controls moksha –which means your soul goes to the 7th astral layer — and you are now god yourself as you ( soul ) matches the mother fields highest frequency -never to be re-inducted again back on planet earth.. Once you become a conscious human and your soul is parked in astral layers two to six—you will not be re-inducted as a lower form of life in astral layer one like animal or criminal/ pedophile homosexual.. Pedophile homosexuals are made out to be the salt -nay-bounty of the planet by Rothschild’s media. Sorry after death, their souls go to the first astral layer ( zoo party )..Homosexuals have never risen beyond the mooladhara chakra ( like animals )..All this kosher glorification of homosexuals will not work.. The second astral layer meant for souls with lowest frequency ( high negative karmic baggage ) and the sixth astral having parking space for souls of higher frequency ( low negative karmic baggage ). Yama is in charge of layers two to six.. All souls in first to sixth astral layers –await re-birth.. Only souls can enter all seven astral layers –not the physical body ..
Somebody called me up and cried.. Captain, why would Jew Rothschild convert URVARUKAM meaning from POWERFUL AFFLICTIONS to BIG KERALA CUCUMBER ?.. #### #####… Well,.. For the same reason Jew Rothschild converted the goad of ASHWAMEDHA YAGNA from VOTE OF CONFIDENCE to declare oneself as King of Kings ( EMPEROR ) to cutting of a dead horse’s prick for the Queen to use as huge DILDO ( like Swara Bhaskar TRRR PRRR ) in her bottom two orifices.. This foul version is supported by Jewess Wendy Doniger.. ###### ####.. Or for the same reason Jew Rothschild converted Shiva’s DAMARU to skull with MONKEY SKIN coated on one side with a 16 year old boy’s SPERM and 12 year old girl’s first MENSES BLOOD on each die.. At every literary fest Indian traitors sang the praise of the white invader while denigrating Sanatana Dharma.. People like Narayana Murthy sponsors wolves in sheep’s clothing like Sheldon Pollock and have given him millions of US Dollars to inject poison into our scriptures. .. ###### ######… Monier Williams of Oxford University created the Sanskrit dictionary .. It has only 45% Sanskrit words.. He introduced fake synonyms ( paryayam ) in Sanskrit.. Sanskrit is unique because it has no synonyms.. One word one meaning.. and this includes proper nouns.. My name AJIT means UNCONQUERABLE in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is not a stupid language like English where the word SET can have 120 different meanings.. #### ####.. So Jew Rothschild would call up Monier Williams and command him convert URVARUKAM to BIG KERALA CUCUMBER , to be used as DILDO UP THE ASSHOLE.. Rothschild had his agents like VIVEKANANDA supporting all this FOUL poison injections.. Mind you the whole idea was to inject poison into the Hindu concept of MOKSHA.. ### ####.. ### ####.. ### ####.. ### ####.. IF Jew Rothschild could cook up a reason why NANDI the bull sits facing the SHIVA ALTAR , that it was a MUTUAL ASSHOLE HUMPING PACT BETWEEN MAN AND ANIMAL gone awry.. what is not possible??. ### ####.. I hard all 18 puranas from my old ayah when I was aged eight.. There was not a single mention of SEX or SEMEN.. Subramanian Swamy sponsors DHARMAWIKI.. This drohi from within who does propaganda for fake Rothschild's Agama and fake Yajnavalkya was there at the inauguration… Read the post below and count the number of times FUCK and SEMEN is mentioned.. #### ####.. Our own PM Modi sponsors every fake God and hero cooked up by Jew Rothschild.. Modi lied that Rothschild agent Ghanshyam Pande ( of Indian Jew diamond traders ) a fellow who died 191 years ago is a Hindu God.. Hindu Gods are all cosmic allegories except 13 strand DNA mortal avatars of Vishnu Rama/ Krishna ? Ayyappa.. Drohi Modi would take foreign rulers to Akshardham Temples and make them pour water on Ghanshyam Pande’s golden idol.. Modi lies that Rothschild cooked up Basava is a Hindu god.. He ran like Usain Bolt to Thames river banks London to inaugurate the statue of Basava.. Our own President sponsors Rothschild cooked up God Shirdi Sai Baba, a dirty uncouth Muslim vagabond who died 103 years ago.. ### ####.. There is no heaven or hell in Hinduism.. We have seven astral layers.. Layer seven is equivalent to heaven ( moksha ) .. Layer one is equivalent to purgatory.. You cannot get instant moksha by dipping in Ganges or endless prayers . No Guru can give you deeksha for moksha.. The soul is a part of the mother field of Brahman ( on the 7th astral layer ).. Long ago– Brahman the field sheared you off from his own body– send you on earth at the lowest frequency a tiny ball of energy as his learning agent via experience.. You went through every life form on earth — to fungus to bacteria to plant to bird to animal to conscious mammal ( can pass colour and mirror test like elephant/ dolphin/ bonobo etc ) –to human.. When moksha souls merge with brahman , they give feed back as a closed loop . The instant this feedback stops there will be pralaya.. Souls give feed back to brahman about their experiences on earth–brahman knows everything. Non-moksha evolving souls are parked in one of the six lower astral layers , awaiting re-induction .. Before Moksha, the soul must go through all the experiences of life in the physical world—in every form from bacteria to bird to animal to human.. It is the soul which evolves ( from lowest frequency of unicelled fungus to highest moksha human Jivan Mukt frequency ) according to 400 century old Vedanta.. We still study the fake Darwin’s evolution from monkey to man in our NCERT school books. How the Giraffe’s neck became longer because it ate off all the leaves on the lower branches of a tree.. BRAAAYYYY.. The magic of Sanatana Dharma is that there are no losers who go to hell . It is win-win , though the worst souls take some more time for moksha . This is the hallmark of a good religion . Abrahamic religions give you just one chance and you are doomed forever , if you cant make it at the hour of judgment or sent back from the pearly gates to hell. Priests and mullahs thus have a vested agenda . . Hinduism believes in a just world in which every soul is guided by karma to the ultimate goal of Self Realization, leading to moksha, freedom from rebirth.. Change is the only constant— BrahmAn does not allow stagnation.. In Sanatana Dharma there are no circles—only spirals. When the closed feed back loop of information from moksha souls to mother field of brahmAn becomes stagnant , there is pralaya , dissolution of the cosmos.. Brahma breathes in and dissolves the cosmos .. Brahma breathes out and creates.. This is also a closed mobius loop like a Klein bottle.. Moksha happens only from holy land India , and that too to a dead man who is cremated. Excessive negative karmic baggage while born in India , can propel you to be reborn in some other god forsaken nation –say in Somalia .. Ganesha controls the Mooladhara Bandhan knot, CUNT Zakir Naik does not know this.. Ganesha is the gate keeper of astral layer No 1, the purgatory where souls criminals and homosexual pedophiles keep company with lower forms of animal life. Yama is the gatekeeper of astral layers two to six.. BrahmAn controls the gates of astral layer seven , Vaikunta.. The astral layers where the five Pandavas and Draupadi followed by a dog ( Mahabharata epic end ) fell in described in the link below.. #### ####.. Charvaka branch of Hinduism was cooked up by Jew Rothschild.. The FAKE Sarvasiddhanta Samgraha states the Charvaka position on hedonism as follows-.. “ The enjoyment of heaven lies in eating delicious food, having sex with young women, using fine clothes, perfumes, garlands, sandal paste… .. the wise ought not to take pains on account of moksha. Only a fool wears himself out by penances and fasts. Chastity and other such ordinances are laid down by cunning weaklings” — Sarvasiddhanta Samgraha, Verses 9-12 … Charvakas school teaches that there is nothing beyond the senses, consciousness is a lie, and that it is foolish to seek what cannot be picked up by the 5 senses .. Charvaka philosophy rejects karma/ moksha/ re-birth theory which is the bed rock of Sanatana Dharma.. The Deep state sponsors Amish Tripati who called himself a Charvaka.. He is a valued guest in every desh drohi literary fest.. Kayastha Amitabh Bachchan releases his books denigrating Shiva… Understanding the way karma works, the Hindu naturally seeks to live a good and virtuous life through right thought, right speech and right action. . Crime is less in Hinduism . America knows that only the Indian Hindu is crime free.. If at all there has been a crime by a Hindu in USA , it is to establish dharma or knee jerk reaction due to extreme provocation.. Recently we had a Hindu student killing his gay Jewish professor because he gave away his PHD project he worked on for years , secretly to a gay Jewish student.. We do namaste to the great soul in the enemy , even before we are about to kill him… Alexander the Great’s generals and historians had written that the army of King Porus never retaliated with dirty tactics even when dirty tactics were used on them. The Greeks recorded that Indians fought a dharma yudha ( war with ethics ) respecting the enemy soldier’s life.. The Western historians lied that Alexander defeated Porus. It was actually the other way around. King Porus spared and even saved Alexander’s life and helped him to get out of India in one piece. This was because the Indian wife of Alexander tied a rakhi around the wrist of Porus and made him her brother, as per advise of the oracle at Delphi. She warned Alexander not to take his homosexual teacher Aristotle to India with him, or he would lose his life..#### ####.. WELL ROTHSCHILDs GAANDMASTI WILL NOT WORK IN INDIA, A BROWN BLOGGER IS IN TOWN.
Somebody called me up and cried. Captain , you are the first person on the planet to write categorically that all Hindu gods are cosmic allegories except Vishnu mortal avatars Rama/ Krishna/ Ayyappa.. Jew Rothschild has used his agents to poison inject our Puranas. Subramanian Swamy , an enemy of Sanatana Dharma from within, sponsored DHARMAWIKI, who soaked our Puranas in SEMEN.. #### ####.. How do people in Kerala Know Hindu Puranas better than the rest of India.. For example you wrote that Queen Tara ( wife of Kerala King Vali ) was not a MONKEY WITH A TAIL, but the most beautiful, chaste and stately woman in our 18 Puranas.. Well .. The Sabarimala pilgrimage has been going on for 5900 years.. There is a tradition of a GURUSWAMY who is allowed to be the leader of 108 pilgrims.. This Guruswamy should have made 18 pilgrimages to Sabarimala and then planted a coconut tree while on the jungle trek on this 18th trip.. There are 18 steps to the sanctum .Each represents a PURANA.. On every trip the Guruswamy narrates at least one Purana to his folllowers.. #### ####... Now regarding Queen Tara .. Jew Rothschild not only reduced Tara to be a monkey with a tail, but also a whore.. Jew Rothschild asked Monier Williams of Oxford University to change words in his Sanskrit dictionary whenever he injected poison into our scriptures.. In the case it was changing MONKEY to means VARANA. Sanskrit has only one meaning for one word.. There are NO synonyms even for proper nouns.. The real Sanskrit word for monkey is MARKATAH . VAN + NARA ( VANARA ) means human forest denizen not monkey with tail. . Queen Tara being a chaste woman cursed Rama , the Vishnu avatar . Rama , the Maryada Purush killed her husband in a foul manner by shooting an arrow on his back, hiding behind a tree when Vali was engaged in a mortal combat with Sugriva. You expect a female monkey’s curse to work on a Vishnu avatar Rama?.. BRRAAYYYY .. Vali would take rebirth as hunter Jara and kill Rama in his next birth as Krishna.. Rama would smile when Tara cursed him, as he knew this was exactly the way things were meant to transpire. Everything was going as per the original divine plan. Kerala King Vali could NOT be killed in single combat from the front, due to a boon . Rama being 13 strand DNA mortal god could have VETOED this boon any time , but in Sanatana Dharma such things do NOT happen.. Tara was reputed for her levelheaded behavior. Her regard is so great that her counsel to husband Vali sometimes have a commanding tone. "a beautiful chaste woman of unusual intelligence, foresight , devotion and confidence” is what the ancient scriptures say about Tara. . Her father was a Ayurvedic surgeon Sushena who gave her a virtuous upbringing .. Rama consoled a disconsolate Tara .. Rama said, "Wives of great heroes never sink into despair.". "You will get paramount appeasement as before, and your son will become the crown prince, God has ordained destiny only in that way. Wives of the valiant ones will not mourn emotionally.". Lord Rama said “O Vali, if you still feel that I have wronged you than I can give you back your life right now.”. When Rama showed Vali his VISHWAROOPAM, Vali realized in an instant that Vishnu was moving in a pre-ordained manner to liberate his beloved Jaya , the doorkeeper of Vaikunta ( Ravana ). Vali cried “My dear Lord, I’ll get many lives, but a death like this when will I get again. To die in Your presence is the greatest fortune and it is a perfection of life. I seek only that I can behold Your face and die in your presence.”. Vali said that when someone has Rama’s approval, he can rule any kingdom, and so Sugriva, who has Rama’s blessings, would make a good king –better than his own son Angada. Vali, then removed his own necklace, which was given to him by Indra, a source of his power, not to his own son, Angada, but to Sugriva. Before giving that necklace Vali told his son, 'don’t bear any animosity against Sugriva or Rama because they have not killed me. It is my own Karma that has caused my death. Please serve Sugriva as you have served me and please serve Lord Rama as The Supreme Lord.' . Vali requests Rama to take care that Tara is not insulted and advises Sugriva to unquestioningly follow her advice. Vali dies in the embraces of Tara, who mourns his death in a most painful manner. If Queen Tara was NOT careful there would be a BLOOD BATH AND REVOLUTION. The powder keg was there, all it needed was a spark in the form of a knee jerk abuse. Everything her husband Vali built would be ripped asunder. . Tara suddenly turned into a statesman showing amazing presence of mind ( with Rama watching ) as if trying to stabilize the kingdom after King Vali's death . . She declared to the on looking confused and angry citizens "With his last breath, King Vali begs you, his faithful subjects, to follow his brother Sugriva as your rightful king." . Extraordinary Tara continued “The gods have used Rama as their instrument to perform their judgment in this matter. Long live Rama the Righteous One!” . The crowd erupted in cheers and applause.. They began to chant the name of their new king: “Long live King Sugriva!”. Queen Tara had stabilized her beloved husband's kingdom. Angada cremated Vali, aided in the funeral rites by Tara and Sugriva.. #### #####... KRISHNA WOULD TAKE ON HIS VISHVAPOOPAM TWICE.. The first time to make a despondent Arjuna pick up arms and start fighting.. The second time to make unbeatable Bhishma to stop fighting.. AT THE END OF THE POST BELOW, I HAVE PUT A PICTURE OF KRISHNA ATTACKING BHISHMA WITH A CHARIOT WHEEL, WITH ARJUNA HANGING ON TO HIS LEG, BEGGING HIM TO STOP LIKE A LIMPET.. #### ####.. This is poison injected by Jew Rothschild.. Krishna was Arjuna’s charioteer and cannot fight.. It is a LIE that Krishna told Arjuna to hide behind a woman Shikandi and shoot arrows at Bhishma who would never fight a woman as per his personal Dharma.. Even if Arjuna did that he could not kill Bhishma. Bhishma could be killed in battle only of he agreed to be killed.. Yes, Shikandi was lying on the floor of Krishna’s chariot wounded and bleeding.. Bhishma who did not know FEMALE “SHIKANDIni” WAS DRESSED UP AS A MAN had mortally wounded her few minutes ago.. “SHIKANDIni “ WAS THE SISTER OF ARJUNA’S WIFE DRAUPADI.. When Krishna was driving the chariot towards Bhishma in the thick of battle, Arjuna heard his wife’s sister’s desperate call for help.. Krishna drove his chariot to her lying on the ground next to her broken chariot, stopped her bleeding picked her up and put her on the floor of the chariot. That was all..But this was done for a good reason.. Krishna knew how things would transpire.. SHIKANDI WITNESSED THE FINAL FALL OF BHISHMA as she had vowed in her previous birth as AMBA.. This was on the tenth day of battle. Shikandi would pick up her sword again to fight.. Ashwatthama killed her on the 18th day of the war.. SHIKANDINI was the daughter of King Draupada.. She was princess AMBA in her previous birth who had taken an oath to kill Bhishma in her next birth.. Shikandini did not know that she was Amba in her previous birth.. King Draupada who wanted a son, found that his daughter Shikandini was better than men in battle and he encouraged her to master the art of war.. Krishna took on his VIHWAROOP and froze KALA CHAKRA ( the wheel of time- not a stupid chariot wheel ).. What Bhishma saw was that TIME HAS COME TO A STANDSTILL. ARROWS FROZE IN MID AIR.. And then he realized Krishna was Narayana ( Vishnu ) himself.. He knew he would get MOKSHA if Krishna was the reason for his death. Bhishma dropped his weapons and loosened his body armor.. At that time Arjuna exhorted by Krishna peppered him with arrows, tears streaming down his face.. This was the only way to kill the greatest warrior on the field of Kurukshetra , grandsire, Bhishma. .WHY DID PRINCESS AMBA WANT BHISHMA TO DIE?.. Princess Amba is the eldest daughter of Kashya, the king of Kashi and the sister of Ambika and Ambalika. The Adi Parva of the Mahabharata narrates about Princess Amba's Swayamvara at the Kingdom of Kashi. Amba and Salva, the king of king of Saubala were secretly in love and Amba had promised to place the Swayamvara mala on his neck alone.. Bhishma had a step brother King Vichitravarya who was the apple of his eye and he had decided years ago that beautiful Amba would be the best bride for him.. Bhishma consecrated Vichitravirya, as king of Kuru Kingdom when he was a small boy when his elder brother King Chitrāngada died in battle. Bhishma was terribly upset that King Vichitravirya was not invited to the swayamvar of Amba at Hastinapur.. Bhishma announced his intention to abduct Amba . He picked her up and put her on his chariot.. Bhishma challenged all the assembled suitors to stop him and rode away.. The kings followed and showered Bhishma with arrows; however, Bhishma returned the attack and defeated them all . Salva then challenged Bhishma to a one on one duel; Bhishma overpowered and wounded Salva, but spared his life on seeing Amba in tears .. Amba told Bhishma in no uncertain terms that she would marry only her lover King Salva.. Bhishma was an honourable man, and he had no desire to cause adharma by separating lovers, so he sent Amba back with due honours and a royal escort .. Vichitravarya married Ambika and Ambalika, the beautiful sisters of Amba. Amba went to her lover Salva, skippety skip . Dhakkan Salva rejected Amba, saying, “You have been abducted by another man. I cannot accept you as my wife. Go away!”. Salva declared that she was rightfully won by Bhishma, who defeated and insulted him and other kings and accused her of happily leaving hoppety hop with him. He pointed out that Amba ( who was not tied up ) could have run away from Bhishma’s chariot when Bhishma was fighting Salva. If she has done that Bhishma would have smelt a rat and would not have pounded him to pulp.. Amba pleaded with Salva, whom she considered her true love, to accept her. But Salva reiterated Kshatriya dharma and refused to accept her.. Totally humiliated Amba, went back to Bhishma and begged, “You have besmirched my reputation, and now nobody will marry me. I beseech you, clear my name by marrying me to Vichitravarya. Bhishma asked Vichitravarya, who showed haughtiness, “She rejected me for she was in love with another. How can I take her as my wife, now? Send her back to where she came from.” Amba, who heard all this, said, “Bhishma, it is all your doing that I am in this position. You must marry me, yourself, for where else would I go?”.. “I have taken a vow of celibacy to my father , and I cannot break it under any circumstances. Go back to your parental home in Kashi, there is no place for you in Hastinapur,” declared Bhishma. . Amba appealed to various kings to defeat Bhishma and do her justice, but all of them refused knowing Bhishma's fighting prowess.. Thoroughly frustrated and humiliated, Amba sought refuge in the forest and contemplated what to do next. She determined that Bhishma was the entire cause of her misery, and she wanted justice.. Sage Hotravahana (of the Srinjaya race), a former king and Amba's maternal grandfather, passed by the place. Upon listening to the tale of Amba's ordeal, the sage advised her not to return to her father and instead approach the warrior sage Parashurama whom they reckoned could defeat Bhishma.. Hotravahana introduced Amba to Akritavrana ( Parashurama’s disciple ) and both of them explained Amba's ordeal to him. Parashurama gave his word to Amba that he would defeat Bhishma, who was his disciple in the past, and destroy his pride. On the 24th day of the fight between Bhishma and Parashurama, Bhishma sick and tired , lifted his deadly astra and armed it with a mental password.. The gods keeping keen vigilance ( KV ) recoiled in horror and begged Parashurama to stop fighting. Parashurama promptly ended the fight and the gods hastened to declare a draw.. A dejected Amba jumped into the Homam eternal fire. This fire is what is shown as three flashes at Sabarimala at the exact moment Bhishma’s soul rose up to heaven for Moksha after 51 nights on a bed of arrows.. SHIKANDI WAS NOT A TRANSGENDER EUNUCH.. Vichitravarya’s sons were named Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidura ( from a maid ).. It is a LIE that sage Vyasa fucked sterile Vichitravarya’s wives ( NIYOGA ) and produced Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidura.. The lie is that Sage Vyasa had come from years of intense meditation and as a result, he looked terribly unkempt and smelly. SO SO SO when Vyasa was fucking Ambika, she closed her eyes in revulsion and her son Dhritarashtra , the FATHER OF KAURAVAS, became blind. ... SO SO SO, when Vyasa was fucking Ambalika, her face turned white like a sheet and her son Pandu became an albino, the FATHER OF PANDAVAS.. BRRAAYYYYY.. At every literary fest the anti-Hindu traitor bastards have to discuss NIYOGA, how Hindu Queens got fucked by servants while the cuckold TATTU king peeped from behind a screen , masturbating ... We have a short rope and a lamp post ear marked for these bastards.. What do we Hindus know— we only know ROTHSCHILD’S POISON INJECTED BULLSHIT, right?..
A fake Sanskrit language white skinned scholar hiding the Monier Williams dictionary in a flash drive inside his pocket, can never understand subjective Vedanta.. It is difficult to explain consciousness to the LCD ( lowest common denominator ).. I will try… The fake Charvaka branch of Sanatana Dharma cooked up by Jew Rothschild teaches that there is nothing beyond the senses and that consciousness is a big lie.. The Jewish Deep state sponsored Amish Tripati who called himself a atheist Charvaka , who wrote that Shiva ( PURUSHA ) was a sex starved tribal mortal born in 1900 BC.. His books denigrating Shiva was the toast of every literary fest , with mega star Amitabh Bachchan doing the book launches.. The planet’s oldest religion and the sole religion till three millenniums ago, Sanatana Dharma is rooted in consciousness, the only religion among 4200 odd religions to do so.. After Vedas were penned down 7000 years ago, till today nobody has understood consciousness .. CONSCIOUSNESS IS ADVANCED QUANTUM PHYSICS.. Imagine Indian Hindu sages dabbled in consciousness 400 centuries ago.. It was considered as savage superstition till the white Quantum physicists conducted the DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT of the conscious observer… Shell shocked with the results, the entire Quantum physicists threw away their Bibles and Torahs and picked up Bhagavad Gita penned down 6000 years ago.. They learnt Sanskrit to do their own interpretation of the CONSCIOUS OBSERVER called PURUSHA in Bhagavad Gita ( Sankhya Vedanta ).. They found out that in the Vedas were downloaded 400 centuries ago and penned down 70 centuries ago it is very clearly mentioned again and again that MIND IS OVER MATTER.. It was proved amply by the double slit experiment the consciousness of the observer brought the observed object into being. That our intentions ( scalar energy ) create our reality. . Scalar waves from your mobius supercoil DNA couples with intention and consciousness. Intentions enhance the body’s natural flow of scalar energy produced by DNA. Your DNA can send and receive powerful data through the universal network of ether.. The arrogantly named ‘pure sciences’ such as physics, chemistry and biology regard consciousness and scalar energy as some philosophical backwater of savage superstitious Hindus.. Blinded by reductionism, neuroscience persists in attempting to reduce the action of consciousness to the physical laws that govern matter.. That there is a deep connection between consciousness and matter. . The baffling implication of double slit experiment was that each particle passes simultaneously through both slits.. These particles can behave like waves. That means they can undergo diffraction when a stream of them passes through the two slits, producing an interference pattern. Simply by observing a particle's path – even if that observation should not disturb the particle's motion – we change the outcome.. The quantum double slit experiment has shown that a measured electron can appear either as a particle or a wave, but not both at the same time. The ancient Maharishis and the modern Quantum physicist has now arrived at the same conclusion; one starting from the inner realm, the other from the outer world.. If you are not shell shocked by the video below – you have not understood it.. ##### ####.. How could a single electron – which is a particle – display a wave-like pattern? How could one electron appear in areas such as directly behind the middle of the two slits or way off to the side? Shouldn’t single electrons being shot through two vertical slits only make two vertical lines on the detector wall behind it?.. Pray?.. Prithee? .. The double slit experiment. demonstrates, with unparalleled strangeness, that little particles of matter have something of a wave about them, and that the very act of conscious observation of a particle has a dramatic effect on its behavior.. The very act of conscious observation makes sure that the electrons travel like well-behaved little tennis balls. it's as if they knew they were being spied on and decided not to be caught in the act of performing weird quantum shenanigans.. An act of simple observation as shown in the double slit experiment is an action of consciousness—as expounded in the Vedas 400 centuries ago.. Any observer must be conscious, and therefore the consciousness of the observer is critical to the outcome of any quantum experiment. It is no great coincidence that ALL the great quantum scientists were proficient in Sanskrit and Vedanta. Why would an intelligent white man learn the language if savages , Sanskrit?.. Why would the greatest Western Universities have a Sanskrit Dept ? The timeless principles of Vedanta is expressed in the technical language of quantum mechanics and the philosophy of science, even today with little or no attenuation of meaning. When modern science meets ancient Vedanta eye to eye, there will be pralaya.. In the two-slit experiment, if the physicist looks for a particle (uses a particle detector), he will find a particle; if he looks for a wave (uses a screen), he will see a wave pattern before him. Physical objects only “appear” due to the collapse of their probability waves by a conscious observer.. In Sankhya Vedanta , male Purusha ( Shiva ) is a CONSCIOUS OBSERVER ( witness ) while female Prakriti ( Shakti / scalar energy ) is observed.. Wikipedia wont give blogger Capt Ajit Vadakayil a page because I write about SCALAR energy.. These CUNTS do not know that ALL ENERGY IS SCALAR.. Vedas declared 400 centuries ago that energy cannot be destroyed ( only transformed ) and that matter and scalar energy are interchangeable.. CUNT Wikipedia does not know that potential energy and kinetic energy are scalar as they have no direction… I knew it as a eight year old boy.. Energy is a scalar quantity as it has only magnitude. Since force has a direction it can be regarded as a vector quantity. Work is a scalar quantity, it has only magnitude not direction.. Velocity, acceleration, force, and momentum are vector.. Kinetic energy is energy possessed by a body by virtue of its movement. Potential energy is the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position or state. While kinetic energy of an object is relative to the state of other objects in its environment, potential energy is completely independent of its environment.. Potential energy isn't transferable and it depends on the height or distance and mass of the object. Kinetic energy can be transferred from one moving object to another (vibration and rotation) and is dependent on an object's speed or velocity and mass.. John Stewart Bell showed that if the two observers randomly and independently choose between measuring one or another property of their particles, like position or velocity, the average results cannot be explained in any theory where both position and velocity were pre-existing local properties.. If you rotate an electron by 360 degrees, its state will be inverted, just as an arrow, when moved around a 2D Möbius strip, comes back around pointing the opposite way. Brahmanas ( Part 2) and Aranyakas ( Part 3 ) of Vedas , stolen by Jew Rothschild, was the first to deal with MOBIUS COIL OF TVASTA ( DNA ) and that electrons and particles have a scalar field generating Mobius movement… Again, scalar quantities have only magnitude; vector quantities have both magnitude and direction. Time is completely separated from direction; it is a scalar. . The quantum world cannot be observed by our 5 senses, and they do not follow the cause and effect laws of classical physics the distinction between the self and the universe is a false dichotomy.. Any observer must be conscious, and therefore the consciousness of the observer is critical to the outcome of any quantum experiment. It is no great coincidence that almost all the great quantum scientists were proficient in vedanta. ..#### ‘om isha vasyam idam sarvam, yat kincha jagatyam jagat’…. “ All this- whatever exists in this changing universe, is pervaded by consciousness”.. Isa Upanishad- 5000 BC.. ####.. The timeless principles of Vedanta is expressed in the technical language of quantum mechanics and the philosophy of science, even today with little or no attenuation of meaning.. An atom is pure scalar energy held together by a intelligent force. The conscious intelligent field lies in the empty space in between the electrons.. 99.99999 % of every atom is empty space. What we perceive as physical dense matter is actually empty space which is actually a plenum.. We live in a universe created of “objects” that are actually 99.99999 % space.. We Hindus call this empty space within the atom—Brahman, our Advaita god, which has the power to boil off entire oceans in seconds.. Unlike electric waves, magnetic waves and electromagnetic waves, scalar waves possess a pattern that no known device can yet measure. Because the wave pattern is circular and non-linear, the energy does not decay with the passing of time or space. This means that scalar energy travels faster than the speed of light, penetrates all matter and carries a plethora of information. The zero-point field is essentially an entropic mess of scalar energy vibrating through an infinite number of possible frequencies until that energy is observed or the subject of consciousness, whence that energy becomes organized and transforms into matter. Scalar waves can be used in “precursor engineering” and can be coupled with intention and consciousness, and be used for healing and also to bring back the immune system in a previous blue print state. This is the principle of VEDIC REIKI.. Scalar waves are not electromagnetic but composed of pure ZERO POINT ENERGY.. Scalar waves can pass through solid metal objects without loss of strength.. Reiki energy is scalar and cannot be blocked by FARADAY CAGES .. Quantum entanglement is the basis for storage and processing of quantum information.. Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which pairs or groups of particles that have been in contact with each other seem to remain connected over vast distances. When actions are performed on one of the particles, corresponding changes are observed on the others. The blurring of boundaries between consciousness and matter challenges everything taught in western systems.. Sapt Rishis ( great bear constellation ) and their wives (Pleiades constellation/ seven sisters ) are in Quantum entanglement. There is no way cosmic allegory Shiva can fuck these seven women from behind their husbands’ backs, as is tom tommed in every literacy fest. Shiva cant even look or have a bad intention on these wives without their husbands getting whiff of it.. TEE HEEEE. . Through a trick of quantum mechanics, you can link two particles in a special way, separate them, and then observe the effects of one upon the other over large distances. This is known as QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT — placing two objects in the same entangled quantum state.. Quantum entanglement breaks the bedrock rules of standard physics: that nothing can travel faster than light , that objects are only influenced by their immediate surroundings—that we need to verify by using our limited bandwith five sense for scientific approval.. Through quantum entanglement, seemingly independent particles become intertwined. Entangled atoms can no longer be considered separate entities, but make sense only as part of a whole — even though the atoms may be far apart.. Quantum entangled particles can be used for “quantum communication” — a means of sending super secure messages that doesn’t rely on cables, wireless signals, or code.. Entanglement can be demonstrated in the lab with particles of light. When these two particles, or photons, are separated over large distances, they are still correlated with each other. If you measure one particle, the other particle’s state will be determined immediately no matter how far it is away.. Because any interference with an entangled particle, even the mere act of observing it, automatically affects its partner.( remember Shiva showing his erect prick to the wives of the meditating Sapt Rishis ) -- these missives can’t be hacked.. To hear quantum physicists tell it, entangled particles could help build a “quantum internet,” give rise to new kinds of coding, and allow for faster-than-light communication — possibilities that have powerful appeal in an era where hospitals, credit card companies, government agencies, even election systems are falling victim to cyber attacks.. Quantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated. This leads to correlations between observable physical properties of the systems.. Western science like Vedanta never devoted itself to who’s observing, and a science that does not take into account the observer, who is so fundamental to the observation, because without the observer there would be no observation – is an incomplete and mindless science.. By conscious observation we ourselves produce the results of measurements. Stupid Isaac fuckin’ Newtons’s objective reality picked up by 5 human senses goes out of the window. Our 5 human senses have deliberate narrow bands and are squelched to prevent human mind breakdown with excess information.. Newton would have fainted if he saw the remote control of a simple laptop computer mouse or a child’s video game—leave alone a satellite bringing down a war drone by hijacking its chip.. Stupid Newton’s classical objective science is devoted only to that which is observed by 5 narrow band squelched human senses… soon psychology touted by mad Jews like Sigmund Freud came along, to the process of observation.. Mind and matter are both made of the same basic stuff. The difference has to be found in the composition of vibration or ripples. Quantum physics like Vedas tell us that particles and waves are the same thing. Your conscious intention determines whether you see a particle or a wave.. Matter belongs to larger and slower waves, which implies that it possesses less scalar energy of the absolute. Mind is made out of much finer ripples, which indicate that it contains more of the consciousness of the absolute..
The wave function collapses only in the presence of an observing system and becomes a particle.. If there is no observer the particle will remain as wave. Vedanta penned down 7000 years ago declares it is the CONSCIOUS DRASHTA (observing system ) that makes this srishti / DRISHYA ( observed system ) to appear or exist.. When under conscious observation, electrons are being "forced" to behave like particles and not like waves.. In the microscopic world quantum physics rules. Nothing is certain. In the quantum realm the conscious observer is king, as he creates reality. This is the principle of MAYA.. The act of observing, of measuring, a maya controlled quantum system has a profound effect on the system. . Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, is just another equation of maya.. It tells us that there is a fuzziness in nature, a fundamental limit to what we can know about the behavior of quantum particles and, therefore, the smallest scales of nature. Werner Heisenberg came to India to study Sanskrit and Vedanta ( Upanishads ).. As described by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, each individual particle exists in a superposition – a probabilistic state of being everywhere and nowhere at once. As with the earlier experiment, the act of measurement – the act of pinning down the exact location and speed of the particle seemed to ‘force’ it to pick a spot and lose that probabilistic wave-like behavior.. Reality is a big question mark until something or someone interacts with it. Matter, which is made up of quantum particles, can’t exist in a definite state unless the wave function is collapsed.. In the effort to suck up to Jew Rothschild’s Communism — scientists were reticent to implicate consciousness. They could be excommunicated . After all German Jew Rothschild controlled modern science.. Material science is based on objective forces in our universe that obey strict laws of behavior. Were consciousness proven to exist, it would imply a force unknown to science and it has shades of religiosity that scientists recoil in horror.. If consciousness were proven to affect matter at the most basic level all of materialist science would collapse.. Human consciousness can affect the very fabric of reality with no proximity limitation. From anywhere in the world, a 12 strand DNA Maharishi’s , or a 13 strand DNA Vishnu avatar’s intentions can collapse a particle wave function into a definite state.. Quantum physicists had to admit that at the smallest levels of known reality, our universe is not objective or predictable.. You intentions and consciousness play a huge role. This explains the POWER OF PRAYER and the placebo effect.. The whole of material creation is conscious. What our consciousness can conceive , it can also create.. Indians introduced PRAYER to this planet. Indians introduced ASTROLOGY.. Consciousness is a form of matter just as matter is a form of consciousness. All atoms in the entire universe are capable of mind reading and communicating with other atoms–the basis of ASTROLOGY.. The Kerala school of math used math as a spiritual activity –based on which astrology thrived. They used math as a most subtle and rigorous form of thought.. Each individual mind has access to the universal mind. Human perception occurs because of interactions between the subatomic particles of our brains an the quantum energy sea. . We literally resonate the Cosmos. We know the principle of astrology are in consonance with the science of the future.. The quantum field or pure consciousness is influenced by intention. Longitudinal scalar waves from your mobius supercoil DNA couples with intention and consciousness. . Intentions enhance the body’s natural flow of scalar energy produced by DNA. Your DNA can send and receive powerful data through the universal network of ether.. Today we find so many rationalists ( atheists in the payroll of NWO, and Christians ) trying to run down astrology.. My wife matched more than 500 horoscopes to choose a bride for my elder son. Do I look like a CUNT to you ? To get the perfect theory of everything TOI, consciousness has to be factored in by science. It will NOT be possible to understand gravity without doing this. Every atom within us depends on the rest of the cosmos.. This is the basis for Vedic Jyothish or astrology. There are very few real astrologists nowadays, most are pretenders as they were forced to starve during 800 years of slavery. The moment a dimwit rationalist in the pay roll of the NWO or the Christian evangelists say that astrology is nonsense the deep state owned BENAMI media makes him an instant EMINENT INTELLECTUAL. . Imagine pea brained Girish Karnad / Kalburgi / Pansare / Gauri Lankesh / Dhabolkar/ UR Ananthamurthy / BR Ambedkar / EVR Periyar/ Romila Thapar and their ilk had a problem only with Sanatana Dharma, never the other 4200 cooked up useless religions .. In Sanatana Dharma, astrology can discern past samskaras.. The astrologer can weed out your inner demons.. Don’t ever pooh pooh this.. Through past-life regression, it’s possible to heal your mind, body and soul, as well as strengthen your present-day relationships.. Astrology, has helped the Hindu in identifying important components of his karma and destiny. In Kerala if you have made your horoscope for your child forget about getting a groom/ bride from a good decent Hindu home.. You can go ahead and marry Chutney Mary whores.. Astrology connects our world and our physical organisms with the vast cosmos uniting the microcosm and the macrocosm.. Astrology is the interaction of micro particles and energy that invisibly fills our universe.. ### “Purushyo’yam loka sannidah” . “Man is a miniature universe” –(Charaka Samhita IV) 4200 BC. ####.. A Jivan Mukt sage went into the TURIYA state beyond the veil of maya.. Turiya holds the real secret of our existence—In the OM symbol, the curve is the Quantum Maya screen and the DOT on top is Turiya.. Transcendence is a state of being that has overcome the limitations of physical existence. Turiya consciousness is the ultimate goal of spirituality for here you know what freedom and bliss is all about.. In Turiya stateyou experience detachment and joy . . Turiya or pure consciousness, where the mind is not engaged in thinking but just observes the thoughts.. Actions in the turiya state do not create karma.. A Jivan Mukt sage whose soul is at same highest frequency as BrahmAn the field, does not dream, because he has no polarity. He’s just a witness. In turiya state , the self does not think, feel, or do, but rather observes thought, emotion, and action capable of truly understanding the totality of the universe. Reality and truth become more clearly defined, allowing you to perceive that which lies above, below, and beyond the human experience. Turiya has no limits and no endpoint. it is infinitely transcendent, which means its potential is forever expanding.. You are now a unique individual and you are a vital part of a larger universal life force that transcends everything on earth.. Reality and truth become more clearly defined, allowing the Jivan Mukt to perceive that which lies above, below, and beyond the human experience.. Piercing the Bindu finally allows one to attain the highest experience, and this comes after following the process of Kundalini awakening. Turiya is synonymous with videhamukti, liberation without a body. . When you become a witness in your life, life becomes absolutely simple. . You cannot call it waking, because this witness never sleeps; you cannot call it dreaming, because for this witness no dream ever appears; you cannot call it sleep, because this witness never sleeps. It is eternal awareness, this is nirvana or enlightenment.. Potential is manifested only when we provide the frequency information, through our thoughts and intentions—the concept of “mind over matter”.. Author LYNN MCTAGGART, has written a book ” THE INTENTION EXPERIMENT” and another one called “ THE FIELD “ and she has minted huge money. There is not a single original idea in the entire book every thing is stolen from Vedas and Sanatana Dharma . Yet this white skinned BITCH has not made a single mention of Vedas or India.. She mentions several tribal clans worldwide who has not left a word in writing as their legacy.. I wish I could kick her thieving ass. Hinduism puts forward a fourth state of being called Turiya or pure consciousness, where the mind is not engaged in thinking but just observes the thoughts.. The white man repackages whatever they can understand out of Vedanta, now they are wowing the world—while we Hindus remain dirty, savage coolies !. The Jewish deep state and Vatican are using their paid agents in Kerala to shut down Trissur Pooram festival and Sabarimala pilgrimage.. Both are exercises in Consciousness of Brahman the field.. This is why people attend it ( even Muslims and Christians ).. The animal lover foreign funded NGOs want Hindu Kerala temples to substitute live CONSCIOUS ELEPHANTS ( who can watch themselves in mirror and see colour ) with elephant statues.. #### ####.. #### ####.. MAYA is mentioned 72 times in Rigveda penned down 7000 years ago.. It is because of maya or illusion that we are not able to recognize the absolute. It was very difficult for the shallow minded westerners to grasp the Hindu concept of maya .. Through the power of maya, cosmic illusion, the creator has caused the manifestations of matter to appear so distinct and specific that to the human mind they seem unrelated in any way to spirit.. Vedanta points out that god is the only reality; all creation or separate existence is maya or illusion.. Vedanta has told 7000 years ago that the scalar field of brahmAn is the fundamental entity from which everything else has come.. Deluded belief (maya) is that one’s existence is independent of everything and everyone else. With this poor understanding of maya, the individual forgets not only his or her own divine nature, but the presence of that same divine nature in the rest of existence.. The mistaken belief in an individual’s own autonomy from the rest of existence is what drives them to act selfishly or in a fashion that generates KARMA, and this karma, in turn, keeps the individual tied to the endless cycle of samsara ( re-births ). .. “ He is the one god, the creator. He enters into all wombs. The one absolute, impersonal existence, together with his inscrutable MAYA, appears as the divine lord, endowed with manifold glories. With his divine power he holds dominion over all the worlds ” ( Shvetashvatara Upanishad 3.1- 5000 BC)… Classical physics became outdated at the atomic and subatomic levels.. If you watch electrons using a electron microscope you will be stunned.. Sub atomic particles behave in unpredictable ways ( maya )..#### ####.. Vedanta teaches us that the MIND IS MADE OF WAVES or ‘VRITTIS’ and these MIND WAVES BECOME THE OBJECTS ‘ ( “manomatram jagata”, “manahkalpitam jagata” ), which we see around us in this physical universe…
When German Chancellor Angela Merkel came to India, she said that the only languages taught in Germany are SANSKRIT AND MALAYALAM.. #### ####.. Both Malayalam and Sanskrit have 54 alphabets corresponding to Sri Yantra.. #### ####.. Tamils pride ( Christian convert stooges of German Jew Rothschild ) were joyfully crying out that Malayalam was a tapeworm in the stomach of Tamil.. Tamil is a vastly inferior folk language with 12 vowels and 18 consonants – I can understand Tamil . There are NO Sanskrit words in Tamil ( unless borrowed from Malayalam ), unlike high literature Malayalam where 80% words are in Sanskrit.. If we Indians are savages why teach Sanskrit in every in major Western University?.. Why learn the language of superstitious Hindus.. Why did the white invader steal technical sections Part 2 ( Brahmanas ) and Part3 ( Aranyakas ) of the Vedas?.. Why did Rothschild’s agent German Jew Hermann Gundert run away to Germany with our Malayalam Math / Astronomy books?.. ##### #####.. When Hermann Gundert stole our technical books , we in Kerala hid our books whatever was left from the library of Kodungallur University.. Nobody knows that Tirunavaya is one of the oldest temples of India, part of the Danava civilization which preceded the Vedic civilization by several millenniums…It is far older than the 6000 year old Guruvayur temple.. Parashurama has consecrated an Ayyappa idol in this temple .. The river spot was holy and Indians from all over came there to do shraddh .. This spot is known as southern Kashi.. It had the largest library in India (Sanskrit and Malayalam ) which Rothschild stole and carted away to Germany and set the balance on fire in 1743 AD... Same was done to the Sringeri Library containing original Vedas and Upanishads owned by the Calicut king.. Chitpavan Jew Peshwas ( Laman , 100% Jews / Jewish holy warriors) were sent from Poona on horseback.. They were assisted by Jew Nizam’s horsemen ( with hardcore German speaking Hessian Rothschild’s mercenaries providing logistics ) and Pindari mercenary Pashtun Jew horsemen... Rothschild had 58,000 Pindari mercenaries ( fought for Moguls Kings ) in his payroll. Some of these Pindaris were Peshawai Khatri Jews specializing in FALSE FLAG ATTACKS .. Wives of Pindaris were used as decoys.. All ten Sikh Gurus and their wives were Peshwari Khatri Jews.. Pindaris ( Bederia / Bidaris ) ) kidnapped beautiful underage girls for Jew Rothschild.. They also looted Shiva Lingams and iridium infused Hindu black stone idols which were taken to Europe and buried under the foundations of Christian Cathedrals.. When Sringeri Mutt was looted ( Vedas/ Upanishands/ black stone idol of goddess Sharada ), in April 1791, it was micro managed by Jew Rothschild. JEW TIPU SULTAN ACTED AS A DOUBLE AGENT, SHOCKED ?.. The loot was so heavy that they needed temple elephants to cart it away.. The Sringeri Pontiff fasted without water and died.. Today on Republic day march parts commie media praise the traitor Poona horse regiment.. Pindaris led by Amir Khan , Muhammad Khan , Namdar Khan were allowed to rule their own kingdoms in Malwa ( growing Opium ) by Jew Rothschild… This horse regiment led by Chitpavan Jew Peshwas and Pashtun Khan Jews was used by Rothschild in 1857.. Rothschild’s agent President VV Giri honoured this desh drohi horse regiment with the 'Guidon' on 31 March 1971 at Babina ... The Maharaja of Bharatpore, Baldeo Singh was murdered by this regiment and his four year old son Balwant Singh was made king by the Governor-General of India, Lord William Pitt Amherst.. son of Rothschild’s agent Lieutenant General William Amherst.. Rothschild’s 14 Horse (Scinde Horse) regiment used Jew Afridis to control Bolan and Khyber passes. President Zakir Hussan was a Jew Afridi. His grandson is Salman Khurshid , who made the Italian waitress cry bitterly showing pictures of Batla House encounter..Whoever whitewashes Rothschild’s atrocities gets awards and positions of Professor in western universities.. We all know what Amartya Sen, Ashok Swain and Abhijit Sarkar are doing, right ?..The ancient Mamankam festival on Tirunavaya temple river banks was AN INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL FEST where all ancient Greeks who studied in Kodungallur university participated–.. All ancient Greeks scholars except Aristotle.. they have written about Kathakali dances the whole night .. CALICUT KINGS WERE THE REAL DEAL, BRIMMING WITH COURAGE AND HONOUR.. #### ####... TODAY THERE IS A SECRET DEAL. CRYPTO JEW RISHI SUNAK ( THE SON IN LAW OF NARAYANA MURTHY ) WILL BE MADE THE PM OF UK BY JEW ROTHSCHILD , IF THE HIDDEN BOOKS ARE DELIVERED TO AGENT SHELDON POLLOCK, WHO IS AN ENEMY OF HINDUS AND INDIA FROM WITHIN... KAANIYA THINKS WE ARE IDIOTS..
It is a lie that Vishnu killed a Kerala Danava king Panchajanya on a mountain named Chakravan constructed by Vishwakarma and STOLE his shankh.. It is a lie that Danava Panchajanya kidnapped the Sankasura son of Sandipani, the guru of Krishna, six millenniums ago… Divine architect Vishwakarma ( Tvastri) is mentioned in Rig Veda several times as the maker of divine weapon VAJRA.. Indra the thunderbolt called Vajra and split Danu’s ( progenitor of Danavas ) fetus into many pieces.. It is a lie that monkey Nala with a tail , son of Vishvakarma was the chief engineer of Ram Setu bridge.. #### ####.. Panchajanya conch was the fruit of Samudra Manthan which happened in antiquity… The GOD OF AYURVEDA DHANWANTARI rose up from the cosmic waters as the fruit of Samudra manthan holding a bounty in each of his 4 hands.. Leech ( vaccination), CONCH ( golden spiral and golden mean 1.618, stolen by Italian thief Fibonacci) , Amrit ( scalar powered natural chemical medicine factory of the human body without side effects) , and Sudarshana chakra ( the ultimate scalar interferometry weapon ) which can boil off entire oceans in seconds.. ##### ######.. Shiva drank the halahala poison ( polymerized toxin due to Vasuki the snake vomiting ) of the cosmic waters from PANCHAJANYA SHANK .. and this is why we celebrate Shiva Ratri.. Not because of some bullshit stars / planets were in alignment as that CONMAN AND DROHI SADGURU JAGGI VASUDEV whom Modi gave Padma Vibhushan award said a couple of weeks ago on Shivaratri day.. Shiva drinking halahala using the Panchajanya shank is depicted as a fresco in Angkor Wat temple built 12400 years ago.. #### ####.. We Hindus keep awake the whole of Shivarati night because we re-enact the night of anxiety where the Sapt Rishis did not allow toxin Halahala affected Shiva to sleep, lest he dies in his sleep… During this night vigil, the fate of the cosmos hung in balance.. On Shivaratri night we keep awake out of gratitude chanting Shiva mantras.. The golden spiral of the shankh partly neutralized the poison.. #### ####.. Nandi the bull lapped up whatever poison spilt out from Shiva’s lips when a desperate wife Parvati pressed Shiva’s neck. #### ####.. It is a lie that Nandi and Shiva had a mutual asshole humping pact, and Shiva pounded bull Nandi’s tight asshole and then breached the contract when he saw the gargantuan size of Nandi’s lustful prick in full blood engorged tumescence. .. And this is the reason why huge Nandi unable to enter the altar with narrow door waits outside— TU BAAHAR AAJAH , MEIN TERA GAAND PHAAD DOONGA.. ( Cheat Shiva , you come out, I will rape your asshole apart ) … It is a lie that Nandi’s pastime was to listen to pillow talk between Shiva and his wife Parvati—and that Nandi was a peeping tom while Shiva humped his wife . Jew Rothschild wrote over brandy and cigars , seconded by their Indian stooges like EVR Periyar and BR Ambedkar that Nandi the bull , the vahana ( vimana ) of Lord Shiva was the ORIGINAL author of KAMASUTRA… KAMA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SEX.. The Kamasutra you know was penned by Jew Rothschild’s agent Sir Richard Burton to make the Indian self loathing and convert to Christanity.. Richard Francis Burton did NOT know about Kerala Danava Maharishi Vatsayana the original author of Kamasutra a honorable life manual which had nothing to do with sex of semen.. Kama sutra had a deep impact on ancient Indian society meant for the GRIHASTHA stage of life ( age 25 to age 50).. The Kama Sutra teaches you what the other person’s needs are (physically and mentally) and how to fulfill them. KAMA IS “DESIRABLE ACTION WITH INTENTION ” .. Let me quota a verse from Rig Veda (10:129), Nasadiya Sukta downloaded 400 centuries ago and penned down 7000 years ago in Sanskrit…. #### कामस्तदग्रॆसमवर्तताधिमनसॊरॆत: प्रथमंयदासीत्।.सतॊबन्धुमसतिनिरविन्दन्हृदिप्रतीष्याकवयॊमनीषा॥४॥..KAMAstadagre samavartatadhi | manaso retah prathamam yadasit |..sato bandhumasati niravindanna | hrudi pratishya kavayo manisha || 4 ||---- “In the great cosmic mind all pervading.. Vibrations of KAMA sprout from conscious thought.. The seers who have searched within with wisdom.. Have witnessed the conscious equation between matter and energy”.. ####.. It is a lie that Basaveshwara ( God of lingayaths cooked up by Jew Rothschild ) is a re-incarnation of Nandi the bull.. Lingayaths have been fooled into burying their dead.. Most Lingayaths were traitors during Rothschild’s rule.. It is a lie that after Samudra Manthan cosmic allegories Shiva fucked Vishnu’s asshole and produced mortal Vishnu avatar Ayyappa as told by CONMAN AND DROHI SRI SRI RAVISHANKAR whom Modi gave Padma Vibhushan award.. Ayyappa was born 5900 years ago. Samudra Manthan happened in antiquity.. #### पाञ्चजन्यंहृषीकेशोदेवदत्तंधनञ्जय: |.. पौण्ड्रंदध्मौमहाशङ्खंभीमकर्मावृकोदर: || 15||.. Bhagavad Gita 1.15 , 4000 BC.. panchajanyam hrishikesho devadattam dhananjayah.. paundram dadhmau maha-shankham bhima-karma vrikodarah… pāñchajanyam—the conch shell named Panchajanya; hṛiṣhīka-īśhaḥ—Shree Krishna, the Lord of the mind and senses; devadattam—the conch shell named Devadutta; dhanam-jayaḥ—Arjun, the winner of wealth; pauṇḍram—the conch named Paundra; dadhmau—blew; mahā-śhaṅkham—mighty conch; bhīma-karmā—one who performs herculean tasks; vṛika-udaraḥ—Bheem, the voracious eater… Translation:- BG 1.15: Hrishikesh blew his conch shell, called PANCHAJANYA, and Arjun blew the Devadutta. Bheem, the voracious eater and performer of herculean tasks, blew his mighty conch, called Paundra. ####… At every literary fest foreign funded commies denigrate Shiva.. We know who they are.. A short rope and a lamp post is earmarked for all of them.. Just see the sheer vehemence of this commie JNU female professor.. She is a Malayali.. Is she fit to mold young minds ?..#### ###.. We know the ugly OLD commie female professors of JNU who have sex with young HUNK male commie / Islamic students and pass their useless plagiarized projects….
TILL TODAY NOBODY HAS BEEN ABLE TO EXPLAIN SOMA.. If I don’t reveal this in my last post, it will remain a mystery till the sun goes supernova.. Soma was an LSD millions of times more potent, with 159 verses dedicated to it in Rig Veda.. The Maharishis with 12 strand DNA and Vishnu avatars with 13 strand DNA and king sized pineal glands, did not need Soma a creeper juice, which has nano colloid Iridium inherent in it.. Soma breached the blood brain barrier.. The lesser rishis consumed SOMA TO PEEK BEYOND THE VEIL OF MAYA, THE QUANTUM SCREEN..The sages could separate the self from the body and do astral soul travel faster than light.. They could use their brains like laser beams. Jivan Mukts who knew SWARA YOGA could do this without Soma .. They offered certain molecules to their brain receptor sites by breath flow alone, more satisfying than Soma.. They could see you as MATTER as who you are, and by modulating their breath or see you as WAVES ,a quantum soup... If you are not shocked you have not understood what I said.. Akasha, the macro morphogenetic consciousness field , as per Vedanta is the source of everything that exists, and in which the memory of the cosmos is encoded. By consuming Soma, lesser rishis were able to access the Akashik knowledge bank. Consciousness ( brahman ) is the only element in creation that knows itself.. “prajnānam brahma”– brahman knows everything.. In the two verses below Krishna becomes a mouth piece of BrahmAn the morphogenetic field of consciousness ..the Hindu Advaita God.. #### मयाततमिदंसर्वंजगदव्यक्तमूर्तिना|..मत्स्थानिसर्वभूतानिनचाहंतेष्ववस्थित: || 4| Bhagavad Gita 9.4, 4000 BC.|.. maya tatam idam sarvam jagad avyakta-murtina.. mat-sthani sarva-bhutani na chaham teshvavasthitah…..mayā—by Me; tatam—pervaded; idam—this; sarvam—entire; jagat—cosmic manifestation; avyakta-mūrtinā—the unmanifested form; mat-sthāni—in Me; sarva-bhūtāni—all living beings; na—not; cha—and; aham—I; teṣhu—in them; avasthitaḥ—dwell… Translation:-. BG 9.4: This entire cosmic manifestation is pervaded by Me in My unmanifest form. All living beings dwell in Me, but I do not dwell in them… #####.. #### नचमत्स्थानिभूतानिपश्यमेयोगमैश्वरम्|..भूतभृन्नचभूतस्थोममात्माभूतभावन: || 5|| Bhagavad Gita 9.5, 4000 BC ….na cha mat-sthani bhutani pashya me yogam aishwaram..bhuta-bhrin na cha bhuta-stho mamatma bhuta-bhavanah…—never; cha—and; mat-sthāni—abide in Me; bhūtāni—all living beings; paśhya—behold; me—My; yogam aiśhwaram—divine energy; bhūta-bhṛit—the sustainer of all living beings; na—never; cha—yet; bhūta-sthaḥ—dwelling in; mama—My; ātmā—Self; bhūta-bhāvanaḥ—the Creator of all beings…Translation:-- BG 9.5: And yet, the living beings do not abide in Me. Behold the mystery of My divine energy! Although I am the Creator and Sustainer of all living beings, I am not influenced by them or by material nature…####.. Some strange inconsistency this-- Verse 4 admits the existence of beings in Brahman while Verse 5 denies the existence of beings in Brahman.. AIYOO IPPIDI NAAN PAAKKAVAI ILLAI!.. The ghost is not in me nor I am in the ghost. In fact, there never was a ghost. The ghost you perceive is only your fuckin’ imagination and not based on any fact or reality. The existence of beings admitted in Verse 4 has only an illusory appearance to the eyes of the deluded. Beings do not actually exist, Brahman alone exists. While in dream state we do not see the connection between the dream world and our mind. Only on waking up we understand such connection. Our mind alone projected the dream world which on waking up disappeared. In Turiya state upon realizing the Self, you can see the relation between the universe and God, Brahman. Infinite brahmAn ( ZPF ) cannot be contained in a finite universe.. BrahmAn (Advaita Vedanta ) is neither the container nor the contained. In this ZERO POINT FIELD there is not the slightest trace of duality.. In brahmAn’s purest essence He is above the law of cause and effect. In the final realization, the object and the subject become one; the whole universe merges in the field .. In that state brahmAn remains as One ( singularity - Bindu of Sri Yantra ) without a second, a homogeneous concentration of consciousness.. The concepts of container and contained, cause and effect, apply to the realm of manifestation or maya. Through maya even though brahmAn manifests in the tangible, relative universe, and appears to be its cause and support, yet He is always One without a second, transcendental, incorporeal and unattached. This is His eternal mystery - ‘My Divine Mystery’ as the Krishna as a mouthpiece of BrahmAn ( not mediator Trinity god Vishnu of Dvaita Vedanta ) puts it in the Verse 5… In the Bhagavatam ( 5000 BC ) , the Vedas praise brahmAn :-- vilajjamānayā yasya sthātumīkṣhā-pathe ’muyā (2.5.13)…. “Maya feels embarrassed to even stand before God.” Although God pervades Maya, the material energy, yet He is aloof from it.. Krishna tells Arjuna that BrahmAn is the Ultimate Cause of All, the Uncaused Cause. His unmanifested form is Consciousness.. . Nothing can exist in this world unless the brahmAn the field of consciousness , forms its substratum. Upanishads declare that BrahmAn after creating the objects entered them as their indwelling consciousness to enliven them.. Brahman, God, exists as the unmanifest Reality and pervades everywhere. Nothing exists other than Brahman. Yet because of delusion ( maya ) we see only the manifested world of beings and not it’s underlying Reality. We superimpose the illusory world on the eternal Reality, Brahman the field. Brahman exists without the world, but the world’s existence depends upon Brahman. A thing devoid of inner reality cannot exist or be an object of experience. BrahmAn is the inner reality of everything.. The reality of brahmAn makes real everything in this world. But the reality of brahmAn does not depend upon the world. He always exists whether the universe of names and forms exists or not. BrahmAn is incorporeal and therefore has no real contact with the material world. He cannot be contained in any object. He is self-existent and self-luminous. Only a fraction of brahmAn illumines the sun, the moon and the universe. But brahmAn himself is transcendental. As per vedanta we are essentially holographic energy beings existing in a state of resonance with the scalar field of the cosmos.. Consciousness is the intelligence, the organizing principle behind the arising of form, unlike what mad man Charles Darwin says.. ###### #####… The quantum field or pure consciousness is influenced by intention and desire. Consciousness is the intelligent force that started the blueprint which ultimately manifested itself as a particular form.. There is a consciousness in every molecule of matter. All atoms in the entire universe are capable of mind reading and communicating with other atoms. The expanded abilities of self awareness is abstract reasoning, free will, creativity, foresight etc. Your thoughts have power; they can set up circumstances for our success or our demise, hurt or help others and lead us into journeys of enlightenment or toil. Our consciousness literally creates the universe around us. In Sanatana Dharma prayer is a form of intention while being in a frame of gratitude to the supreme force.. Prayer is not begging for mercy like in other single messiah / single holy book religions.. When a Hindu prays he does not need to listen to someone hollering brainwash stuff on loudspeaker — that only my god is CHENGA , EKDUM AWWAL — No 1 , baki religions ka gods sab chootiya…all this at an unearthly hour before sunrise, depriving all of REM sleep.. .#### ####… In 1905, German Jew Albert Einstein discovered that light acts as both a particle and a wave. Every single thing –100% for which Einstein was awarded is stolen from the Vedas. Einstein just gave them a math veneer .. Remember Jew Albert Einstein was very poor in math and he outsourced his math to India.. #### ####… The shishya of a gurukul broke free of ordinary human conditioning and attained a state called awakening by NIDIDHYASANA . He broke through into universal consciousness itself, and beyond that even, into the pure awareness of the absolute. Don’t ever think that laws are karma are savage superstition. Vedas provided the springboard for quantum physics.. It is scalar energy intention that creates karma. Good intentions will always create “good karma”. You can hide your intentions from others but not from yourself or the universe.. Karma is a universal law rooted in quantum physics ; it cannot be broken. You are a small cog within many other cogs. When you move, you move all the other cogs. This is about consciousness and quantum physics. There is no dogma or superstition here. Sanatana Dharma is enmeshed with karma— karma gives us hope, in this lifetime. Karma doctrine makes Sanatana Dharma a great religion. There is no eternal hell in Sanatana Dharma. A criminal soul parked in the first astral layer ( temporary purgatory ) is let out by Ganesha, to give the soul a chance to break through the barrier to astral layers two to six and finally into the seventh astral layer.. Karma is the physical manifestation of the law of balance and harmony, as it applies to the results of decisions reached and attitudes held by beings capable of free will and choice. Karma is an unbreakable law of the cosmos. You deserve everything that happens to you, good or bad. You created your own happiness and your misery. We don’t have the SAVIOR JESUS or MERCIFUL ALLAH concept.. Your intentional actions create your future. What you are experiencing right now is what your karma wants you to experience . .. You can’t escape from your past, but learning from it will change your future. Karma is real. Karma is your bond with the past.. YOUR PAST LIFE KARMA DECIDED WHICH WOMB YOU WILL BE BORN AND WHICH PART OF THE WORLD YOU WILL BORN IN, AS YOUR FATE .. The whole universe is observing you. Karma treats everyone equally. You won’t get special treatment. No one can harm you when your intentions are pure. The universe wants harmony. It seeks balance. Karma plants a seed. Over time it will grow. At just the right moment, the exact moment, you will reap the fruit of your karma. Karma makes you experience what you have done to others. Remember the purpose of karma is not revenge. The universe is not vengeful. The purpose of karma is to help you become a better person. The consequences of your actions good or bad may will follow you into the next life. God has not treated all the same. Destiny is created by man’s thoughts, habits and character. There is every chance for his correction and improvement by changing his thoughts and habits. The scoundrel can become a saint.. The Doctrine of Karma only can bring solace, contentment, peace and strength to the afflicted and the desperate. It solves our difficulties and problems of life. It gives encouragement to the hopeless and the forlorn. It pushes a man to right thinking, right speech and right action.. The most important part of your life will be the unseen random acts of kindness you performed. A person who will put money in a box only if cameras are on him—or will donate for charity only if his name comes in the donors list in a newspaper—this fellow’s negative karmic baggage increases.. Remember, when you give charity—let it be unknown to all.. Give when you can without hesitating. You don’t have to be seen by others.. Kindness gives others hope. Your inconvenience is minor if you stop to help someone. But for them it means a great deal. Kindness is the most valuable gift you can give to someone. It changes them. By lifting up someone in need you automatically lift yourself.. In that instant, you make the world a better place. . Next time when you are driving, try giving a lift to someone whom you always ignored—someone who cannot give you any help. You have free will. Therefore your future cannot already be written. That would not be fair. Life gives you chances.. Rewriting your karma involves becoming conscious of your inner thoughts, feelings and beliefs..
Mindfulness is the most powerful technique of all. Spend time every day learning how to observe your inner chatter without identifying with it. This leads to self-awareness.. Develop a sense of gratitude. Count your blessings –not your sorrows.. Stop resisting life and other people. Get out of your own way. Learn to flow with life and all of its lessons, painful or not.. Be fair. As a ship captain at sea, I was always FAIR— and sailors remember me for this. They knew that captain cared a flyin’ fuck for any rulebook when it came to be fair.. Having a sense of purpose gives us direction, hope and empowerment. Listen to your soul and the mission it has for you.. Our thoughts create our reality. Think negative thoughts, and our lives will be full of negativity.. The universe is woven from consciousness .. It knows what goes on in your mind.. Karma is “intention based ” not action based.. If you do a bad deed with good intention, you dont get bad karma– and vice versa. . Karma is that catalyst that connects actions and thoughts with the quantum ripples of energy that in essence creates this dynamism in life here and hereafter.. This is why intention is such a powerful thing. It moves the cosmos.. The thing with karma is that it doesn’t always happen immediately. Sometimes we have to wait for years. Sometimes our karma arrives without us even knowing it, or knowing what form it has taken.. Don’t dwell on your past mistakes or worry about what might happen in the future because that will attract negativity into your life. When you are unconcerned about what life deals you, you will probably find that you achieve success effortlessly. . We need to use our intuition to guide us when to stand up for ourselves and when to just accept things as they are. If we are honest with ourselves and put our egos to one side we will know.. Karma catches up behind closed doors, unlike what charlatan Padma Vibhushan guru Sadgu Jaggi Vasudev told on TV, gay men can have anal sex behind closed doors.. If you don’t support homosexuality and anal sex you cannot come in a main stream media studio or news outlet.. Karma is a universal law; it cannot be broken.. The doctrine of karma teaches: “do not blame anybody when you suffer. Do not accuse god. Blame yourself first. You will have to reap what you have sown in your previous birth.. An individual’s karma is based on their thoughts, words, and intentional actions and the choices they make.. Karma is not punishment or retribution but simply an expression or consequence of natural acts.. Karma is like a seed, most of the times karma does not fructify immediately after the seed is sown.. “Law of karma” is like a universal law say “law of gravity” – it applies whether you accept or reject the law.. Karma means you create your own life. Karma is an unbreakable law of the cosmos. You deserve everything that happens to you, good or bad. You created your happiness and your misery. The whole universe is observing you.. Karma treats everyone equally. You won’t get special treatment.. The doctrine of karma only can bring solace, contentment, peace and strength to the afflicted and the desperate. It solves our difficulties and problems of life.. It gives encouragement to the hopeless and the forlorn. It pushes a man to right thinking, right speech and right action. The most important part of your life will be the unseen random acts of kindness you performed. The thing with karma is that it doesn’t always happen immediately. Sometimes we have to wait for years. Sometimes our karma arrives without us even knowing it, or knowing what form it has taken. Remember the purpose of karma is not revenge. The universe is not vengeful. The purpose of karma is to help you become a better person.. As ego reduces , karmic baggage lightens, and your soul frequency increases.. Karma is self-balancing divine justice; it is 100% fair and absolutely infallible. It doesn’t matter if a criminal seems to “get away with it”, because there is no getting away with it – karma will eventually catch up with him.. Karma is simply an opportunity to make good – it neither punishes nor rewards; it simply guides. The aim of every religion is to give hope.. But the single messiah / single holy book religions put you under servility. The mullahs and popes want to save you–because they have a hot line with god you see. In Sanatana Dharma there is no middle man between you and god.. The purport of the term karma is to make individuals take ownership for their conscious actions. The consequences of your actions good or bad may will follow you into the next life. . ZINDAGI NA MILEGI DOOBARA hedonism is a concept of single messiah burial religions.. The doctrine of karma brings hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless, joy to the cheerless and new strength to the weak. It braces up a sunken man. It is an ideal “pick-me-up” for the depressed and gloomy. The doctrine of karma teaches: “do not blame anybody when you suffer. Do not accuse god. Blame yourself first. You will have to reap what you have sown in your previous birth. Your present sufferings are due to your own bad karma in your past life. You are yourself the author of the present state. All 4200 religions except Sanatana Dharma infused you with guilt and fear.. Guilt is a form of punishment. Guilt deprives man of REM sleep. Painful results in your life come from actions you took that clashed with the laws of the universe. The pain drives home the lesson. Karma is the physical manifestation of the law of balance and harmony, as it applies to the results of decisions reached and attitudes held by beings capable of free will and choice.. Your intentional actions create your future. What you are experiencing right now is what karma wants you to experience.. You can’t escape from your past, but learning from it will change your future… Karma is scalar energy based quantum physics and is real. Karma is your bond with the past. Karma teaches you and makes your knowledge of the world more complete.. Your present sufferings are due to your own bad karma in your past life. You are yourself the author of the present state.. Our traitor Indian judiciary has never followed Sanatana Dharma which is enmeshed with karma.. Karma gives us hope, in this lifetime.. Sanatana dharma does not advocate fatalism- what will be is not what must be.. Hinduism leaves man quite free to act, using his own conscience ( which is not afforded by any other single holy book / single messiah religions ). Sanatana Dharma just guides by pointing man in the right direction. Hinduism states that we are the masters of our own destiny. It is for us to make it, to better it or to spoil it. This is our privilege. This is our responsibility. You have control over karma but generally you don’t have control over fate. GOD HOLDS THE FATE SWITCH IN HIS POCKET. If you utilize the sannyasa ashrama stage to its full potential, you can alter your fate for the future rebirth life too. Such is the wonder of Sanatana Dharma.. Remember, it is impossible to avoid your karmic destiny. .. this is energy absed quantum physics.. Karma exists to protect us and to guide us back on track when we go astray. There is NO authority in Hinduism . The Shankaracharya of original four mutts do not wield any power like the pope. The tools of Sanatana Dharma like Karma and Moksha makes the Hindu ethical and moral. You find white tourists coming to India and writing when they go home: “Hindus do NOT care for the beggar on the street “.. Hey mister tourist — DID YOU CARE ? YOU TOOK A PHOTO FOR YOUR OWN SELFISH REASONS, RIGHT?.. This is like BR Ambedkar moaning to the white invader —the Brahmin did NOT drink from my cup .. HULLLOOO Ambedkar paaji —did you check out if the white man would drink from the brahmin’s cup ( leave alone your cup ).. Thiru EVR Periyar , Mahatma Phule saab , Kancha Ilaiah SQUEAK etc do NOT know that in ancient times Brahmins lived by begging ( except in Kerala where they were protected by Parashurama ) Aryan Namboodiris who knew Vedas on oral route owned all the land . . Every ancient Purana and Panchatantra story started off with there was a POOR Brahmin living in a hut.. No Hindu ever fights in the name of god. . Whatever divisions are fissures are there ( more than 1000 of them ) were all created by German Jew Rothschild who ruled India, as a DIVIDE AND RULE POLICY.. There are NO inquisitions where the Christian priests revel in torture and killing of Kaffirs by FATWA of Mullahs . Hindus do NOT rush out of temples on Friday noon as a murderous mob to lynch people of other religions . Hinduism has never advocated conversion, all are aware of this truth. The exodus has already started. I predict in another 10 years almost all Christians will cremate their bodies . People of other religions now ponder about the SOUL.. Their evangelists lecture on the soul, though it is not mentioned in their holy book.. Bhakti movement laid total emphasis on Bhakti or devotion to God as the ONLY means to achieve moksha. The word SHRADDHA was replaced by BHAKTI in our scriptures. This kicked laws of karma and thus Sanatana Dharma in the teeth . Lot of fake gurus came out of the woodwork or fake mutts created by Jew Rothschild.. There are fake gurus who claim they are re-incarnations of some guru who got moksha before. These pathetic idiots must know that once a soul gets moksha , it wont be re-inducted back on earth.. EARTH IS A SCHOOL FOR BRAHMAN.. LIFE IS THE MEANS BY WHICH BRAHMAN UNDERSTANDS HIMSELF.. Every bad act ( bad karma ) lowers the soul vibrations.. Every good act ( good karma ) raises the soul vibrations. Soul is a ball of energy. Karma is thus scalar energy.. A brahmin can go to the lowest purgatory astral layer and a dalit/ shudra can rise to the highest astral layer seven get moksha . It is about soul frequency and not which mortal body ( shudra / brahmin ) this soul dwelt in while on earth .. Only within the broad framework offered by just such a sacred science can we hope to truly grasp the “whole elephant” of synchronicity, and not simply one of its appendages, as exemplified by the rare and dramatic coincidence.. Western science has operated for centuries on the assumption that we can understand the universe without understanding ourselves. We are just now seeking to make the necessary connection between the general laws of nature the those of our own (inner) nature. But the job won’t be done with “massive injections of the new consciousness”; we cannot democratize the sacred by cheapening its demands.. We Hindus were the first to pray on this planet.. We were the first to understand the meaning of intention and consciousness intention and , meditation can affect and influence quantum particles – the smallest components of matter that form our physical universe.. We were the first to break a coconut inside a temple with intention.. When you break the coconut you must shut off your internal mind-monkey chatter, be in the moment for the brief ALPHA STATE without ego , make your ” intention” ring the tuning fork of your consciousness — to resonate to the quantum level energy matrix — and unleash the scalar waves at the speed of thought , like a tsunami — nay –soliton– into the fabric of space time , to do its own miracle. The soul of a Hindu who drowned at sea can be propelled by the solition wave of a coconut bust into a suitable deserving astral layer.. The whole of the west ridiculed the power of consciousness of Hindu Vedanta, as coolie verses and mumbo jumbo–about conscious observation, human intention and coconut breaking in rituals.. not anymore!.. The Vedic system speaks of interconnectedness between the observer and the observed. Erwin Schrodinger (1961) wrote that the Vedic slogan “ALL IN ONE AND ONE IN ALL” was a vedic holographic idea that led him to the creation of quantum mechanics.. It was Erwin Schrodinger and his fellow scientist Werner Heisenberg who first said “QUANTUM THEORY WILL NOT LOOK RIDICULOUS TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE READ INDIAN VEDANTA”.. Vishnu avatar souls ( Rama / Krishna / Ayyappa ) are BrahmAn himself– the highest frequency souls. They have more than 13 strand DNA ( nil junk ) and are supermen. While on earth , they did not disturb the laws of karma , though they could. They subjected themselves to laws of Karma. Krishna was cursed by Queen Tara ( wife of Kerala King Vali ) and by Queen Gandhari ( wife of blind King Dhritarashtra ).. Krishna waited for his vulnerable foot to be pieced by an arrow sent by hunter Jara ( King Vali in his previous birth ) .. RAM knew that he would be killed by King Vali in his next birth as Krishna . He knew it was coming and he welcomed it. There is no speculation in Vedanta. Srutis were picked off from Akasha by 12 strand DNA Maharishi seers . This is why 400 century old Vedas has stood the test of time.. IT IS ETERNAL –SANATANA DHARMA.. IT IS NOT COCK AN BULL OF SINGLE HOLY BOOK RELIGIONS TOUTED AS WORD OF GOD ..
45 years ago I had a white Christian padre sitting next to me.. He started ridiculing Hinduism.. He started off with Vishnu avatar Vamana taking giant strides , Krishna showing his viraat roop to Arjuna.. So I told him “ You are a CUNT with a shallow brain.. You wont understand.. You can go no further than the church in your miserable life.. The best brains among white man don’t have a problem with Vedabta “.. Vishnu avatars had 13 strand
What is in the macrocosm is in this microcosm.- Chandogya Upanishad 5000 BC.. This profound statement can be understood only by intelligent people who understand the holographic concept.. The microcosm-macrocosm analogy of Vedas declares a structural similarity between the human being (the microcosm, i.e., the small order or the small universe) and the cosmos as a whole (the macrocosm, i.e., the great order or the great universe).. Truths about the nature of the cosmos as a whole are congruent and hence may be inferred from truths about human nature, and vice versa.. The cosmological functions of the seven classical planets ( leave out Uranus/ Neptune /. Pluto ) are analogous to the physiological functions of human organs, such as the heart, the spleen etc . The microcosm-macrocosm analogy is from where we get the 108 marmas used in Ayurveda and Kalari and of course the 72 major Nadis.. #### CHAKRA NAME / CHAKRA SANSKRIT NAME/ CHAKRA PLANET/ GLANDS….. Root Chakra/ Muladhara / Mars/ Gonads…Sacral Chakra / Svadhishthana/ Venus / Adrenal gland ..Solar Plexus Chakra/ Manipura /Sun / Pancreas .. Heart Chakra/ Anahata /Moon/ Thymus .. Throat Chakra/ Vishuddha /Mercury/ Thyroid gland .. Third Eye Chakra/ Ajna /Saturn/ Pineal gland .. Crown Chakra/ Sahasrara/Jupiter/ Pituitary gland….….. #####.... The cosmic hologram reveals the unity of consciousness and its macrocosmic expression as our Universe, all-pervasive and essentially unified while being played out on all levels and scales of existence and myriad levels of awareness. The universe is an organized as a system of ‘nested hierarchies’ within an overall unity. We have BEEJ mantras for every chakra. The same mathematical concepts and equations for atoms and light also govern musical instruments and tones.. Our Maharishis pondered on quantum reality and have has revealed that the world of everyday matter, embodies concepts of extraordinary beauty and harmony.. Ordinary matter is built up from atoms that are, in a rich and precise sense, tiny musical instruments. In their interplay with light, they realize a mathematical Music of the Spheres. In molecules and ordered materials, those atomic instruments play together as harmonious ensembles and synchronized orchestras.. Mathematical patterns are universal throughout the natural world, with the same archetypal patterns occurring in many different contexts ..Symmetry is pervasive in nature, creating order and beauty and a sense of wonder.Although symmetries are hidden from us, we can sense that they are latent in nature, governing everything about us. The universe is based on order, design and pattern rather than accident and randomness. Snowflakes exhibit perfect six-sided symmetry: each fragile branch is identical to the others. Ever wondered about the perfect Hexagonal bee hive created by the BUZZZ longitudinal wave sound of honey bees?.. Symmetry leads to economy and nature, like human beings, seems to prefer economy. There is a deep underlying holographic cosmic unity linking life on earth with the greater universe.Life on earth would not exist but for the features of the distant universe. The elements which compose our bodies were hewn in the stars. We all were born with the stars at the same split micro second.. The Vedas reiterate that you, your grandfather and your grandson were all born at the same instant of time..The process of evolution is dependent on being fueled by a certain frequency of mutations, which are caused in large measure by the bombardment of life forms by cosmic rays from outer space. Were it not for this invisible, silent rain, life as we know it on earth would not exist.. Our DNA itself emanated from a DIVINE PHALLUS black meteorite stone known as Shiva Lingam which landed on planet earth 65 million years ago.. #### ####.. We would not be here now, nor could we continue without the universe around us. Not only are we materially and morphologically tied to the ecology of the universe, the physical behavior of our bodies and all about us is contingent on its large-scale features .The physical laws governing each step we take, even the blinking of an eye, are determined by the composition of the cosmos.An organism is a highly organized, relatively independent entity, in dynamic relationship with its environment. It maintains its form, its life, by selectively taking in the materials it needs and transforming them into its constituents, and excreting things it does not need, or exchanging them for those it does..To grasp the power of the idea of the microcosm governed by the same laws and principles evident in the larger universe, we can study the various levels and cosmic expressions of the natural world. I kicked NASA on their collective balls and twats as they do not know the grand symphony of the cosmos, in the post below penned 11 years ago-- #### ####.. Indeed BHARATA is the land from where BHAva- RAga and TAla originated.. 54 devas and 54 danavas churned the cosmic ocean. The number 108 represents the Hindu King Mantra OM which sustains this universe.. 54 Sanskrit alphabets, 108 elements of the Periodic table of Dimitri Mendeleyeev .. The leader of the Danavas Swarbanu was beheaded giving us Rahu and Ketu without which no horoscope can be cast. Upanishads penned own in 5000 BC, declare that we are holistic beings: not a sum of our parts. Our brain stores information in the holographic form. Every cell in our body carries all information to produce a copy. Each point within our hologram contains all of the information of the whole. The complete blueprint for our existence is contained and infinitely accessible in every one of our cells. Each organ in our body renews itself after a few days or weeks. For instance, in six weeks, each cell of the liver would have died, to be replaced by new cells. Our eye cells regenerate every two days, our skin cells regenerate about every 20 to 30 days, and our stomach lining regenerates about every four days. DNA is a self-calibrating antenna working by phase conjugate ( scalar waves and phase conjugation) adaptive resonance capable of both receiving and transmitting quantum holographic information stored in the form of diffraction patterns-quantum holograms.. Classical science of idiot Isaac Newton ,must stick to the 5 human senses, ( at it can only unravel a miniscule percentage of cosmic phenomena ) . Anything beyond that , especially if it is microscopic like DNA –belongs to holographic Quantum science.. We see incredible order and harmony and pattern which no accident – a moron like Charles Darwin can never understand all this. To hell with evolution in this DNA age. The brain and DNA are governed by the laws of quantum physics rather than the laws of biology or neurophysiology. Our billions of cells and DNA have memories that influence our behaviour and traits. The DNA blueprint functioning as a bio-hologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organizing physical form.. Modern Quantum physics and Vedanta address the same immeasurable and immanent nature of Absolute Reality, of which the observable phenomenological cosmos is a small bit. The ancient 7000 year old Vedanta and quantum physics approach the subject from widely divergent points of view and use vastly different language to treat it. Yet they can reconcile without diminishing the importance or subtlety of either.. The natural world and human realm reflect the greater cosmos, and the microscopic level of reality reveled by quantum physics also interacts with the life of humanity.The impact of our consciousness lies both in the direction of the very small and the very large. The sword of consciousness cuts both towards the galaxy and the atom.In the flowing connectedness that exists across all levels of organization in the cosmos, in which consciousness affects and is affected by events in the universe, it appears as might a mysterious divine sword in the act of cutting, it cuts and is cut at the same time.. Science has come to recognize that each entity and structure in the universe is part of a greater unity, with each part reflecting and interacting with the larger whole: “Each pattern, whether it is a crystal, an organism, a community, a solar system, or a spiral nebula, possesses its own internal order, so that the Universe is recognized as a System of systems, a Grand Pattern of patterns. The development of all forms and patterns in the universe have their own organizing fields which are derived from an all-encompassing primal holographic unified field.. Matter is scalar energy bound within fields – the quantum matter fields and the fields of molecules and so on.. HINDU GOD BRAHMAN IS THE MORPHOGENETIC FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS.. This morphic field, exist at all levels of complexity at micro and macro scale.. There is always an indeterminism or spontaneity at all levels of organization. There are two principles: a formative principle, which is the fields, and an energetic principle. Energy is the principle of change, and pure change would be chaos. Tantra is not deviant sex between Shiva and Shakti, with Nandi the bull peeping though a hole and lusting for Shiva’s asshole... Morphic resonance, the mysterious telepathy-type interconnections between organisms and of collective memories within species.. A morphogenetic field is a group of cells able to respond to discrete, localized biochemical signals leading to the development of specific morphological structures or organs. Morphic resonance is a process whereby self-organising systems inherit a memory from previous similar systems. Biological inheritance need not all be coded in the genes, or in epigenetic modifications of the genes; much of it depends on morphic resonance from previous members of the species. Thus each individual inherits a collective memory from past members of the species, and also contributes to the collective memory, affecting other members of the species in the future.The concept of a ‘holographic universe’ based on archetypal geometric forms confirms the information held within Veda srutis downloaded 400 centuries ago...As per Vedanta we are essentially holographic energy beings existing in a state of resonance with the scalar field of the cosmos. Life is fundamentally electromagnetic than biochemical, the DNA blueprint functioning as a biohologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organizing physical form. . DNA can be influenced by acoustic, electromagnetic and scalar waves our DNA can even be “read” or “rewritten” as a textual (and acoustic!) genetic code. DNA is a biological Internet that links all human beings. . The human brain is a holographic storage device. Holograms encode distributed information as multi-scalar interference of coherent vibrations, e.g. from lasers. . Jews stole OM and converted it to useless SHALOM.. Christians converted it to useless AMEN.. Muslims went one step further , showed OM to a mirror and read it off in number value right to left as 786.. 088 was converted to 786—TEE HEEE. Yet these bastard ridicule Hindus as superstitious savages.. #### ####.. It is obvious that the ancient Maharishis embraced the concept of a holographIcally in-formed universe and an underlying order, purpose, and meaning to the Cosmos.. It has taken four milliniums and the advent of computers to rediscover how profound was the ancient Hindu understanding of universal geometric relationships.. The analytic power of powerful modern computers is now enabling us to see the deceptively simple geometric patterns that underlie the diversity of complex systems. The self-similarity and scale invariance of their fragmented geometric patterns – FRACTALS – are also the basis of holograms. And fractals – the signature of the holographic principle – are being revealed as the basic patterns, the fundamental structures that underlie the appearance of the entire manifest world. DNA exhibits quantum spiral fractal holographic transducer properties. Laser light produces holograms when transmitted through DNA. The hologram in physical reality follows the numeric codes of the fibonacci sequence or golden ratio. The brain is a computer run by binary code which aligns with the holograms grids of experience.. Brain information patterns repeat over spatiotemporal scales in fractal-like, nested hierarchies of neuronal networks, with resonances and interference beats. AMRIT the fruit of Samudra Manthan reveals the fractal nature of consciousness. Amrit is not external, it is produced inside your head. The cobra on Shiva ‘s shoulders depict raised kundalini and open third eye. This self realisation (of opening the third eye) , is the ultimate goal of consciousness. The 12 strand DNA maharishis with raised Kundalinis , could read Akashik records , convert them from fractal geometry, for daily life use. Let the shallow minded white man ridicule.. Who cares ! ..The hologram in physical reality follows the numeric codes of the Fibonacci sequence or Golden ratio. The brain is a computer run by binary code which aligns with the holograms grids of experience.. IF YOU HAVE A FRACTAL BRAIN—YOU CAN SEE VEDIC SRUTIS ARE HOLOGRAMS..The white Jew stole the diary of Ramanujan and claimed several Nobel prizes for Math.. We know who they are..,.### ####.. The pineal gland shoots a spark into the pituitary, and the door of BrahmAn ( consciousness ) , the brahmarandhra, is opened, never to close . You become highly perceptive and can see complex problems as fractal geometry. Raising the kundalini can be equated with the awakening of the silent areas of the brain . Our present consciousness is not independent, as the mind depends on the information supplied by the senses. If you have no eyes, you can never see. however, when the super consciousness emerges, experience becomes completely independent and knowledge also becomes completely independent, as you can access akashik records.
DHARMA IS MORE ABOUT DECIMATING EVIL THAN SUSTAINING GOODNESS. Bhagavad Gita expounds Dharma.. German Jew Rothschild used his German agent Jew Leo Tolstoy to brainwash Jew Gandhi into NON-VIOLENCE .. GUJJU NO 1 Gandhi in turn brainwashed Indians that our DHARMA is AHIMSA to the white invader.. We watched like TATTUS with our thumbs up our assholes while Rothschild shat on shackled Bharatmata’s face and robbed her blind.. India was converted from the richest nation on the planet to the poorest in 200 years flat.. In Hindu dharma we prefer to be losers that be IMMORAL thieves.. Hindu Dharma teaches us NOT to exploit vulnerability. Jew Gandhi who sat of the driver’s seat of Indian Independence only to make the right noises but to always steer away from the goal. Jew Rothschild used Gandhi to make Indians forget the message in Bhagavad Gita about Hindu Dharma.. GUJJU NO 2 Modi is now in his eight year as PM.. Ever since he sat on the PM’s chair he has uttered the name of GUJJU No 1 Gandhi thousands of times.. At every opportunity Modi tells us how Gandhi ghumaoed the Charkha and gave India independence.. This is the pound of flesh Rothschild extracts for giving Modi a Sikh turban to wear in 1976.. Modi has given back to Rothschild his banks which Indira Gandhi nationalized.. Today Rothschild sits on the drivers seat of Indian banking and insurance.. Patriot Naturam Godse established Dharma by assassinating traitor Gandhi.. Wanna see the results of my poll?.. This is people’s voice. . Gujju No 1 Kathiwari Jew Gandhi has not secured a single vote in the poll below ….. while Godse who killed Gandhi gets 98.2% votes. . #### #####… GODSE BY KILLING TRAITOR GANDGHI , FULLFILLED HIS DHARMA TO HIS MOTHERLAND.. Main stream media voice is Rothschild’s voice. Rothschild ruled India, not the British Queen or Parliament.. Below is another poll. Poll No:8.. Gandhi was assassinated by Naturam Godse.. among these two men, who was the traitor to the watan ?. 96.4% people voted that Gandhi is the traitor.. #### ####.. When dharma is protected and wickedness destroyed, society lives according to dharma . It connotes cosmic and moral order.. Sanātana dharma, is the overall, unchanging and abiding principals of dharma which are not subject to change.. SANĀTANA DHARMA meaning "ETERNAL ORDER" is the REAL name for Hinduism.. To establish order by defeating evil, sometimes violence and bloodshed is necessary.. The root of the word dharma is "dhri", which means "to support, hold, or bear". If dharma is the common regulator, moksa or is the common aim.. Godse will be in the seventh astral layer, while Gandhi who was a traitor to his own watan and countrymen will be rotting in the first astral layer.. Here is a verses from Bhagavad Gita… #### परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् |.. धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे || 8||… Translation:- .. BG 4.8: To protect the righteous, to annihilate the wicked, and to reestablish the principles of DHARMA I appear on this earth, age after age… ####.. Vishnu incarnates Himself whenever righteousness (Dharma) declines and un-righteousness (adharma) gets an upper hand, to restore the balance - to protect the Good and to destroy the wicked. Dharma is what we must do; to decimate evil .. Our inner compass must guide us… For a Hindu Dharma is a PURUSHARTHA.. Purushartha implies “Objective of human existence” or SOULS PURPOSE .. Purushartha means those actions which are proper and correct. The aim of life of a Hindu is determined by the doctrine of Purushartha. It also decides the course of life of man and lays down norms and values for the behaviour patterns. The theory of Purushartha determines the values and a measuring-rod according to which human actions are to be performed or avoided. Dharma is the foremost Purushartha , the rest being Artha, Kama ( this is not sex ) and Moksha. The Purusharthas serve as pointers in the life of a Hindu.. Dharma is considered the first of the Purusharthas because without it, Artha and Kama can easily become self-destructive. However, Artha and Kama, when balanced, also serve to support your Dharmic Path and eventually your outward Dharma leads you to inner Moksha.. Dharma is knowing that Kama and Artha are means and not ends. Dharma is responsible for order, regularity, harmony, control, predictability and accountability. If Dharma is ignored, Artha and Kama profit and pleasure respectively lead to social chaos. If Artha and Kama are consumed within parameters of Dharma, he shall not feel miseries.. Dharma provides direction to the acquisitive and emotional drives in man Dharma brings about harmony between temporal interest and spiritual freedom. It provides a code of conduct through which man has to conduct his day-to-day life.. We have been brainwashed by Judas Indian stooges ( of the white invader to believe that AHIMSA is the greatest virtue - so that the invader can rule by trampling over all Indian aspirations and sovereignty.. Today in climate change conferences Modi just capitulates to the white Jew who holds the Nobel Prize carrot in from of him. Bhagawad Gita does NOT agree with this passive meek surrender . We Indians have a DHARMIC duty to the motherland –our WATAN.. Bhagavad Gita says, “The greatest dereliction of DHARMA is to desert the helpless in their time of need and to exploit the vulnerable.” Jew Gandhi allowed the white invader to exploit vulnerable Indians.. Tuning into the inner guide allows a person to identify their Dharma, their true calling. You can do this by finding and aligning your life purpose and soul purpose.. Without dharma to guide us a moral compass, man is no better than an animal. . The distinction between human life and animal life is that a man can think and has a conscious free will, which an animal does not. Animal has only survival instincts. . Sanatana Dharma aims to elevate man from the animal platform to the human platform.. Without the Dharma, man is no different than an animal. Dharma is free from religious dogma and doctrine. Dharma cannot be imprisoned within the theory of single holy book/ single messiah religion.. Happiness is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna counsels a doubting and confused Arjuna: “It is better to do one’s own dharma, however imperfectly, than to do another’s, however perfectly.”. Dharma encompasses not only our responsibilities to our watan, families and society, but also the inner lessons we’ve come to learn and the qualities we are here to embody. It is our offering of self to the world that no other person can express in quite the same way.. DHARMA is the most elusive word to translate into the English language. Terms like righteousness, good conduct, duty, noble quality, etc. only describe an aspect of its meaning. Dharma comes from the root word dhṛi, which means ḍhāraṇ karane yogya, or “responsibilities, duties, thoughts, and actions that are appropriate for us.”. In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna refers to the war about to take place as ‘Dharma Yuddha’, meaning a righteous war for the purpose of justice. He also states that he incarnates in each age (yuga) to establish righteousness in the world.. KRISHNA DID NOT PREACH GANDHIAN NAPUNSAK AHIMSA TO ARJUNA IN BHAGAVAD GITA.. Dharma and satya were at stake in Kurukshetra. PREVENTING ADHARMA FROM GAINING VICTORY OVER DHARMA WAS THE PURPOSE OF MAHABHARATA WAR and fighting for dharma against adharma is the message of Bhagavad Gita… Dharmao rakshati rakshitah - dharma protects those who protect it - is our creed. . Violence was not prohibited in this fight for satya and dharma. . VIOLENCE COMMITTED FOR ENSURING DHARMA BY A KSHATRIYA IS NO VIOLENCE. KRISHNA ASKS ARJUNA IN EACH AND EVERY CHAPTER OF THE GITA “ARISE ARJUNA, PICK UP YOUR WEAPON AND FIGHT TO DEFEAT ADHARMA”. War is justified only when it is meant to fight evil and injustice and not for the purpose of self aggrandizement.. Krishna is not really commanding Arjuna to fight as it is commonly understood by the white men. Arjuna, following his Dharma, had come to the battlefield to fight. He refused to fight on account of his erroneous perception of the true nature of the soul and the body. The efforts of Krishna are towards removing this unawareness and leave him to do what he (Arjuna) considers to be right.. #### स्वधर्ममपि चावेक्ष्य न विकम्पितुमर्हसि |. धर्म्याद्धि युद्धाच्छ्रेयोऽन्यत्क्षत्रियस्य न विद्यते || 31|| Bhagavad Gita 2.31, 4000 BC . . Translation:-.. BG 2.31: Besides, considering your duty as a warrior, you should not waver. Indeed, for a warrior, there is no better engagement than fighting for upholding of DHARMA / righteousness. ####… Swa-dharma is one’s duty as an individual, in accordance with the Vedas. There are two kinds of swa-dharmas, or prescribed duties for the individual—para dharma, or spiritual duties, and apara dharma, or material duties.. Krishna tells Arjuna that fighting is the natural duty of a Kshatriya or the one born in the ruling class. His svadharma or law of action requires him to engage in battle for upholding law, justice and righteousness. To him nothing is more ennobling than a fair fight. Arjuna should therefore wage the war to defeat ADHARMA and ought not to waver from his duty.. #### अथ चेतत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि |.. तत: स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि || 33||.. Bhagavad Gita 2.33 …. atha chet tvam imam DHARMYAM sangramam na karishyasi.. tatah sva-dharmam kirtim cha hitva papam avapsyasi… Translation:--. BG 2.33: If, however, you refuse to fight this DHARMIC / righteous war, abandoning your social duty and reputation, you will certainly incur sin. ##### … Hindus have never proactively started violence. . Today a Hindu will REACT with courage if violence is imposed on him. Bhagwad Gita teaches up that courage is a biggest virtue after honor and character . What the waitress calls SAFFRON TERROR — is just the Hindus making a free choice NOT to be cowards anymore and giving back as good as they got.. Today when a patient and tolerant Hindu gets outraged and decides to retaliate, out of honor , rivers of blood flows on the streets .. Dharma protects all. Dharma preserves all that is created. Dharma is for the welfare of mankind. Dharma is that force which protects man from all kinds of dangers.. Our understanding and practice of dharma changes throughout life and involves a continuous commitment to self-discovery. Dharma is an obligatory duty as prescribed by the Vedas to be performed by an individual in accordance with the rules prescribed for the VARNA to which he or she belongs.. There is NO caste system in Sanatana Dharma. There was a Varna system which was applicable in ancient days.#### ####.. The white invader injected poison and used his FAKE must to create divides . He injected poison into Manusmriti to make the unskilled worker feel bad. Manu was NOT a bigot but a noble maharishi.. These four Varnas were literally 4 pillars of the society.. On a ship everybody cannot be captain. Then the ship will never reach the next port. Everybody has duties and responsibilities .. If everybody wants to be an architect no building will ever be made and even if it comes up, it will fall soon.. An elephant must NOT try to overtake a horse. A horse must NOT attempt to lift more weight than an elephant. This is commonsense.. The Vedic Sanatana Dharma system has the 4 varnas , or graded inequality to sustain society. Nobody was born into a Varna.. Dharma brings stability and order, a life that is lawful and harmonious, and the striving to do the right thing, to be virtuous, to be helpful to others, and to interact successfully with society.. Bhishma’s advice on Dharma to Yudhishthira while on a bed of arrows is contained in the Anusasana Parva of the Mahabharata, which is the longest section in the epic.. Each and every activity of people should be non-harming, non-irritating for other. The work, duty or activities which are favorable for one-self and other is said as Dharma. People mistakenly believe that they should do spiritual work, prayer, worship etc to do dharma….Dharma keeps the body, mind, society, and reasoning in balance and one feels as a complete being.. Dharma the cosmic cow, has 4 legs in Satya yuga, 3 in Treta, 2 in Dwapara and just 1 leg in Kali yuga.
Quantum healing works outside the fabric of space and time. True natural healing takes place at the quantum level. The holographic brains extension throughout the body is the nervous system. The pineal gland has a lot to do with the placebo effect, as it has to do with the energy body. The only reality is consciousness. It is our intent that affects reality. Mind can wipe off mistakes or deviations of the blueprint . DNA protein scientists may not agree, that in natures perfect design nothing ever dies. Brain is the ultimate pharmacy. It produces the ultimate body friendly antibiotics, painkillers, tranquilisers etc with perfect dosage. This is the reason why there are no side effects. Consciousness affecting reality is the placebo effect. The placebo effect demonstrates that there is a true “mind over matter” impact. Quantum healing works outside the fabric of space and time. True natural healing takes place at the quantum level. The holographic brains extension throughout the body is the nervous system. The only reality is consciousness. It is our intent that affects reality.. The observer is an intrinsic part of the main formulation of quantum mechanics, and what differentiates the observer from physical particles has to be mind and consciousness. The nine shaktis of reclining Vishnu is depicted by nine spiraling cones of 3D Sri Yantra . It can be seen to consist of nine concentric layers that radiate outward from the bindu. The nine interlocking triangles centered around the bindu (the central point of the yantra) are drawn by the superimposition of five downward pointing triangles, representing Shakti ; the female principle and four upright triangles, representing Shiva ; the male principle. The 54 triple intersections formed are the 54 alphabets of the Sanskrit language… 54 is SHIVA/ SHAKTI FORMAT is 108, the digital value of OM.. #### ####... Sri Yantra represents the union of Masculine and Feminine Divine. The Shri Yantra's 9 constituent triangles vary in size and shape and intersect to form 43 smaller triangles, organized in 5 concentric levels. Because of its nine triangles, Sri Yantra is also known as the Navayoni Chakra. The NINE AVARANAS ( CIRCUITS ) of the Sri Yantra are--.. 1. PRATHAMAVARANA (BHUPURA/ EARTHWORKS)/ FEET .. Trailokyamohana Chakra (“The Wheel That Enchants the Three Worlds”). The Bhupura is the earth level, where srishti is completely manifested and separateness is felt. Our five senses enable us to interact with the world, leading to pleasant as well as unpleasant experiences that agitate our mind.These diverse agitations are represented by the matrika shaktis who inhabit the second wall of the Bhupura. The mudra shaktis who help us to overcome these disturbing influences are represented within the third wall of the Bhupura. The attainments (siddhis) that we attain by controlling the disturbing influences are represented within the first wall of the Bhupura. Dram means vibration or sound. Sankshobana means intercourse. It is a request to speak openly, without inhibitions, and listen to her response.. 2. DVITEEYAVARANAM (SHODASHA DALAPADMAM/ SIXTEEN-PETALED LOTUS)/ THIGHS… Sarvasaparipuraka Chakra (“The Wheel That Fulfills All Desires”). With the completion of the evolution procedure, we not only start experiencing things statically but also dynamically. Just as a woman menstruates every 28th day, the Cosmos has its own cycles and periods that are governed by the lunar calendar (as the Moon is the second-fastest moving object in the sky besides the Sun). We sometimes resonate with the cosmic cycles; at other times, we remain tone-deaf to it. At times we are sane, at other times lunatic. The lunar clock is divided into sixteen digits or phases of the moon. These phases are represented by the sixteen petaled lotus… Drim means touch. Vidravana means melting profusely; like the orgasmic flow which can happen in intercourse. Usually these are mental feelings.. FROM NOW ON IT IS THE SEVEN CHAKRAS.. #### ####... 3. TRITEEYAVARANAM (ASHTA DALAPADMAM/EIGHT-PETALED LOTUS) / MOOLADHARA .. Sarvasamkshobana Chakra (“The Wheel That Agitates All”). Upon completing the evolutionary process, we begin experiencing interactions. The cosmic wealth of our experience is called the ananga devatas, which are eight in number. They take the form of wealth; the wealth of experience, of God, of the cosmos. The eight-petaled lotus is the cosmic wealth, the wealth of God; the eight forms of aishwarya. Klim means attraction. Expanding oneself into the other and into the whole world is sarva akarshana. Dissolving the entire world into oneself is a function of manmata’s shaktis who are all forms of intercourse. 4. CHATURDHAVARANAM (CHATURDASARA/ FOURTEEN TRIANGLES)/ SWADHISTHANA.. Sarvasaubhagya Dayaka Chakra (“The Wheel That Bestows All Auspiciousness”). The explosion which leads to the creation process is best explained in terms of three stages: (1) the explosion of the interface between the inner self and outer worlds, manifested by the ashtakona; (2) the explosion of the outer universe, manifested by the inner 10 triangles (antar-dashara); and (3) the explosion of the inner self – the ego, manifested by the outer 10 triangles (bahir-dashara). This explosion is completed in 14 different stages of one’s existence. After having passed through seven worlds are in the Bhu, the eighth world and you have to pass through six more worlds, after leaving your body so as to complete the explosion (evolution) process leading to the Fourth Chakra. The fourteen-cornered figure represents the 14 phases of evolution, corresponding to which there are 14 powers (Goddesses). Blum means a taste of wonder. Looking at all the 14 worlds (namely, athala, vithala, suthala, rasathala, thalathala, mahathala, paathala, earth, ocean, fire, air, space, time and transcendence), coming out of the mother’s womb creates this taste of wonder and awe.. 5. PANCHAMAVARANAM (BAHIRDASARA/ OUTER TEN TRIANGLES) / MANIPURA . Sarvarthasadhaka Chakra (“The Wheel that Bestows All Wealth”). The outer set of ten triangles, described as the Bahirdasara, represents the five sensory and five motor organs of an individual through which our mind can be disturbed. In order to attain the yogic state, the mind has to be decoupled from these disturbing sensory inputs.. Saha means the perfume which maddens. This whole world that we see is created out of memories. There is only a reflection of truth in it; it is only imaginary. Just as when we wake up from a dream, the dream dissolves, so also does this world dissolve when we wake up from a state called Samadhi. Knowing that the world is temporary, like a dream or a thought, and that being attached to it can only bring misery, moves the devotee from the muladhara and svadhishtanna chakras. This is called kulotheerna.. 6. SHASHTAVARANAM (ANTARDASARA/ INNER TEN TRIANGLES) / ANAHATA.. Sarvarakshakara Chakra (“The Wheel of Complete Protection”). The process of exploding the Cosmos – through space-time interaction – results in the cosmos expressing itself in terms of the five elements (states of aggregation) which are the solid, liquid, plasma, gaseous and vacuum states. These are the five elements and their properties are sound, touch, form, taste, and smell. This set of five elements and their properties constitute the set of inner ten triangles of the Sri Chakra. Krom means anger against the six enemies known as lust, anger, possessiveness, delusion, pride, jealousy. All these binding negatives come from the fixation that “I am this body, mind and intellect and these are mine.” Wanting something that is not mine is lust. The object of lust not coming to me creates anger. The object of my lust comes to me and the emotion that I should not lose it creates possessiveness. The feeling that I cannot live without it is delusion. The sense that only I have it and no one else has it is pride. The sense that others have it and I don’t have it is jealousy. Anger against these children of “I” and “mine” pushes them away. Thus we become a life in everyone. We become mothers to this illusory world giving the positive elements protection and nourishment. Protecting the good and disciplining the evil and helping the needy is the function of the Sarvarakshakara Chakra. It eliminates the conceptions of all feelings of guilt, as well as the diseases that come out of negativities; it enhances the powers of knowledge, abundance and bless; and it fulfills all desires. 7. SAPTAMAVARANAM (ASHTAKONA/ EIGHT TRIANGLES) / VISHUDDA.. Sarvarogahara Chakra (“The Wheel that Destroys All Illness”). Once space and time have come into existence, they start interacting with the result of creating matter, as matter is formed when time curves around space. This expansion process continues, forming more matter. It is represented by the eight triangles of the ashtakona. Each triangle is a yoni. The Cosmos becomes an individual through the yoni of birth, while an individual becomes the Cosmos through the yoni of death. Death is simply a yoni that causes time to stop for an individual. Khechari means moving astrally. Through this it is possible to travel in time and space and experience the big-bang and explore the invariants (aksharas formed into eight groups of Sanskrit alphabets). Khechari makes you nada brahma, expanding into the entire sky. 8. ASHTAMAVARANAM (TRIKONA/ TRIANGLE) / AJNA .. Sarvasiddhiprada Chakra (“The Wheel That Bestows All Powers”). The triangle represents the creation of the space-time interval. When an interval is generated about a point then there arises a new point as well as the space-time separation between the two. From one we move to three which the triangle represents. Expansion of Bindu into the triangle is the projection of cosmic awareness into separateness by a wave-like phenomenon called ‘Maya.’ The point and the triangle are the most fundamental things. The emanation of the triangle from the point is called Tripura Bhairavi. The triangle is the yoni, the gate through which everyone comes into being. Siva is called Bhutha Natha, Lord of the Past. He kills the present and pushes it into the past. Shakti is called the Supreme Mother. She manifests the future into the present. The intercourse of Shiva and Shakti is the union of the past and future. The flow of time against life keeps on creating, nourishing and withdrawing continuously. Bija means seed whose content is knowledge. Keeping the attention always at the eyebrow center can bestow the knowledge of past, present and future… 9. NAVAMAVARANAM (BINDU/ POINT/SHIVA-SHAKTI IDENTITY) / SAHASRARA.. Sarvanandamaya Chakra (“The Wheel of Complete, Pure Bliss”). Creation of individuality from the state of a cosmic being by providing a space-time interval is the function of Shakti while dissolution of individuality back to cosmic being by the removal of the interval is the function of Shiva. At the Bindu the creator and the creation is in a combined state. Siva gives birth to cosmic consciousness while Shakti gives birth to individual consciousness. Hence what we interpret as birth is the generation of individual awareness while death the generation of cosmic awareness. On the contrary birth can be interpreted as dissolution of cosmic awareness while death the dissolution of individual awareness. At the Bindu Siva and Shakti are co-creators having equal potency and equal powers which is Shiva-Shakti identity.. #### ####..... Siva gives birth to cosmic consciousness while Shakti gives birth to individual consciousness .. THE ANGKOR WAT TEMPLE DEPICTS THE NINE CIRCUITS.. AND JEW ROTHSCHILD COOKED UP PALI SPEAKING PIG EATING BUDDHA WHO NEVER BELIEVED IN SOUL WANTS TO HIJACK IT—OH YEAH?.. THINK AGAIN !!.. #### ####....
Somebody called me up and cried.. Captain you are the only person on the planet to call POL POT a hero.. rest all say that he is the devil.. #### ####... We know that you are the only thinker on this planet. But you must authenticate.. Listen.. Jew Rothschild has tried his level best to hide the fact that KERALA DANAVA CIVILIZATION which created Sanskrit and downloaded the Vedas 400 centuries ago, never existed.. The reason is KERALA DANAVA CIVILIZATION CIVILIZED THE WHITE MAN.. Their ancient kings were all Kerala Thiyya Kings.. All the megalith structures built between 10600 BC to 10400 BC were all built by Calicut kings.. All our ancient heroes were kicked forward in time because as per the Bible cooked up in 325 AD by Jewess Helena , the big bang happened in 4004 BC at 9 AM on 23rd Oct.. When my ship was in Saigon for a month, I had to do heavy steel repairs inside my ballast double bottom tanks, involving 18 welders working at a time.. The chief of this workshop was very friendly with me.. I had dinner in his home.. He was a Colonel in the Viet Cong army.. While I was in his home, he told me that his family is Hindu, not atheist commie or Buddhist.. I had figured this out even before he told me because of Ganesha idol at the altar...It was he who told me the real truth about the Vietnam war.. #### ####...He said that the main purpose of the war was to protect huge land tracts of Opium fields of the white Jew in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos .. In Vietnam the Americans dropped bombs from helicopters on every Hindu temple.. He said that there were ancient Hindu temples far grander that Angkor Wat or Prambaran temples.. Cambodia and Laos were neutral nations in the war.. Yet these nations were bombed heavily.? Why?.. He drove me to an ancient Shiva temple in Vietnam with the Shiva Lingam till in place. Wherever the American military saw huge tall Banyan trees in the dense jungle they dropped bombs in Vietnam Cambodia and Laos. My friend’s spies attached with the American military said the rationale was that Viet Cong guerillas hid their weapons and ammunition inside these ancient rock temples.. He said this is bullshit because most of the bombing in Cambodia and Laos was very far away from the scene of battle in Vietnam. And after bombing the Americans dropped land mines all around those areas.. Only those areas were not sprayed with AGENT ORANGE to defoliate.. When I think about it, it made real sense to me.. You will find Rothschild historians going GA GA about the bullshit NAZCA LINES made on flat soft soil .. BUT THEY NEVER TALK ABOUT THE PALPAS LINES CARVED ON “MOUNTAIN SIDE” HARD ROCK IN INACCESSIBLE PLACES. . These mandalas are not gouged out from flat surfaces.. There lies the mystery.. Any idiot can create CROP CIRCLES on flat grain fields.. I penned the post below 11 years ago.. #### ####...These were Hindu mandalas which can be seen only from high up in the air , from hovering helicopters. .and that too from correct and perspective..#### ####.. Even retarded children will not argue about ancient Hindu mandalas like Sri Yantra. Jew Rothschild’s historians hid the truth that God Viracocha of Peru and his son are Kerala Danava Thiyya kings Virochana and Mahabali who built the Machu Picchu 12,500 years ago.. Trillions of words have been written about the Stonehenge in England.. Nobody knew what it was till a brown blogger wrote that its 27 portals represented the 27 nakshatras.. Why? The white man did not know how to count till 27 till today? . It took vadakayil to write that the Stonehenge is a representation of OM ( whose digital value is 108 , as per Sri Yantra geometry ) with 27 nakshatra portals. . Recently the scientists found 56 “Aubrey holes”.. Why 56? Why not 54? Pray? Prithee? The shallow minded white men has been breaking their heads over it and are still in deep fog. 56 factors in Abhijit. The 56 equally spaced aubrey holes around the edge of stonehenge are an eclipse predicting system. The Aubrey holes are 108 cm in diameter . In the Atharvaveda (shaunakiya recension, hymn 19.7) which was downloaded by 12 strand DNA Kerala Maharishis 400 centuries ago and penned down 70 centuries ago a list of 28 stars or asterisms is given.. These are the 28 Nakshatras—which includes Abhijit. . In the 6000 year old Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjun, that among Nakshtras he is Abhijit. Hence Abhijit Nakshatra is an auspicious time in the Hindu Calendar.. Abhijit is the Sanskrit name for Vega, the brightest star in the northern constellan of Lyra. Abhijit’s longitude starts from 06° 40′ to 10° 53′ 20 in sidereal Capricorn i.e. from the last quarter of nakshatra Uttara Ashādhā to first 1/15 th part of Shravana.. Yajur Veda and Atharvana Veda both mention Abhijit as a Nakshatra after Uttara Ashadha and before Shravana.. 6000 years ago Kerala Danava Maharshi Vyas has recorded in Mahabharat, Vana Parva (Chap.230, Verses 8-11), a dialogue between Indra and Skanda wherein it is stated that: “Contesting against Abhijit (Vega), the constellation Krittika (Pleiades) went to ‘Vana’ the Summer Solstice to heat the summer. Then the star Abhijit slipped down in the sky. It took a brown blogger to point out that the AUBREY HOLES contained water to measure LUNAR STAND STILLS. This is a magical Karva Chauth moment for Hindu women.. The CUNT Pope filled up these holes with human bones and declared that these are burial pits.. At the Italian island of SARDINIA , 3600 years ago, Kerala Malayali Thiyya Queen Dido dug a well- called today as THE SACRED WELL OF SANTA CRISTINA.. Once every 18.6 years (i.e. the lunar cycle), there is a lunar standstill, where the moon reaches a high point in the night sky and appears to stop… The well is oriented so that sunlight shines upon the water on the equinoxes, and moonlight shines upon the water at the maximum declination of the moon, which occurs every 18.6 years.. Every 18.6 years, there is one day in the equinox of spring, when the moon is at the highest distance towards north from the eastern cardinal point. Every 18.6 years, the full moon sacred well of Santa Cristina reflects through the hole on to the water… Similarly ,THE LAKE OF NEMI near Rome had the pagan temple of Diana Nemorensis ( Kali ).. Nemi Nathan is called Shiva in Kerala and Tamil Nadu--husband of the "black hole" cosmic force Kali ( nemesis ).. The lake Nemi was called the mirror of Nemi-- where women from all over Italy came for the annual Shravan Purnima festival -- August full moon-- a Karva Chauth type festival. The women looked at the reflection of the moon in the volcanic lake called Speculum Dianae and chanted the Gayatri Mantra 108 times .. On SHRAVAN month on PURNIMA day-- the rich Hindu ladies from whole of Europe went to Lake Nemi for the annual Karva Chauth carrying earthen pots on their heads ( with oil and Diyas ) for the TRINITY goddesses . The festival of Nemoralia (aka Festival of Torches) was celebrated by the ancient Romans either on the August Full Moon ( Shravan Purnima ) , in honor of the goddess Diana Nemorensis. During the night, the heavenly reflection of the moon on the surface of the volcanic pond could be perfectly seen from the Nemi temple. . That magical view gave the lake an additional name - “Diana’s Mirror” and turned it into a perfect place for worshiping Diana.. This festival was later adopted by Catholics as The Feast of the Assumption. There is a reason why on Karva Chauth Hindu women view the moon through a sieve or its reflection in water.. This is science not superstition.. EVERY WOMAN WHO LOOKED INTO THE NEMI LAKE ( WITH VERY LIGHT RIPPLES ) ON KARVA CHAUTH FELT AS IF THE MOON SHONE FOR HER ALONE.. IT IS ABOUT SPECULAR AND DIFFUSE REFLECTION.. Specular is the type of reflection that preserves an image of the light source. Diffuse is the type of reflection that scrambles the light source.The reflectivity of STILL pure water surface is generally specular. But the water inside the Nemi volcano is non-homogeneous..Clean water is homogeneous because it has no dirt particles. The dissolved salt doesn’t matter because the salt ions are smaller than the wavelength of light . DURING KARVA CHAUTH WHEN A MARRIED WOMAN LOOKS AT THE MOON THROUGH THE SIEVE AND THEN ON HER HUSBAND’S FACE, THIS IS TIME SHE SEES HER HUSBANDS FACE REALLY WELL ABLE , TO READ HIS EMOTIONS.. Each perforation allows only a very narrow beam of light to enter the eye which reduces the size of the circle of confusion on the retina and increases depth of field.. In eyes with refractive error, the result is a sharper image. It reduces the “blur circle” on the back of the retina. Does this sound like savage superstition to you?.. Ekadashi fasting is done when the pull of the moon is the highest on water—and we humans are full of water.. This day produced high water springs ( tides ) where waters in harbours are highest.. This happens three days after full moon and three days after new moon.. Do you think the stupid pope can understand these things ?. The stupid John Bull even claimed that Stonehenge was made by aliens as human cannot build this megastructure.. till a brown blogger POOH POOHED and declared ( 10 years ago ) that you give me four strong men, I will build the same structure in a jiffy.. #### ####... Bastard Emperor Constantin II , the grandson of Jewess Helena ( who cooked up Bible and Jesus ) , sank the Nemi ships ( owned by the Calicut king to celebrate Kerala sage Apollonius of Tyana on whom Jesus was modeled ) in 337 AD . He destroyed the Temple of Diana at Nemi grove . It was done to persecute Hindus – to stop a Hindu pilgrimage which ran since antiquity.. The Nemi ships remained underwater until the early 1930s, when dictator Benito Mussolini ordered engineers to drain Lake Nemi and recover the ships. . The anti-paganism policy of Constantius II lasted from 337 till 361 AD. It was marked by laws and edicts that punished pagan practices.. Laws dating from the 350s prescribed the death penalty for those who performed or attended pagan yagna and pilgrimages, and for the worshipping of Hindu idols. Every Hindu temple was shut down and churches built over it—like Babri Masjid.. We gave code 19 to the Koran. And today the Muslims have the gall ridicule Hindus.. Code 19 incorporated in the Koran if part of mount Meru mysticism, it represents the 19 year metonic cycle , where the sun , moon and earth line up in the same relative positions once every 19 years , as a result of the Hindu king mantra OM ( digital representation 108 , geometrical representation of Sri Yantra constructed with divine golden mean 1.618 ).. Simplex code prime number 19 was enmeshed into Koran verses by Hindu sages from Kodungallur university to prevent fudging later by Jewish / Christian enemies of Islam.. These ungrateful Muslims now call Hindus kaffirs , fit only to be killed. CHECK OUT A SAUDI MUSLIM KICK AN INDIAN MALAYALI MUSLIM, BECAUSE THE ARAB CUNT THINKS HE IS A SUPERIOR MUSLIM. He does not know that his Al Saud king is a Jew.. ######## ######.. The fact remains that Mohammad the prophet was a Malayali.. The second mosque on the planet is the Cheraman Perumal mosque where the original Koran was written by a Malayali named Malik Deenar.. The Kaaba Shiva temple and the Mecca oasis belonged to the Calicut king ( my hometown ).. Like i said— let traitor commie Romila Thapar dig under the soil for forged artifacts planted decades in advance , and dug out later with great peer reviewed fanfare .. BLOGGER VADAKAYIL LOOKS INTO THE HEAVENS TO UNDERSTAND HISTORY.. POOR GERMAN JEW ROTHSCHILD.. HE COULD NOT FORGE THE HEAVENS.. HIS KNOWLEDGE OF ASTRONOMY WAS PURELY PEDESTRIAN.... Blogger Capt Ajit Vadakayil has a master’s degree in celestial navigation..
Below is CHRISTIAN WORD OF GOD…BRAAAYYYY… #### ####… Below is MUSLIM WORD OF GOD… BRAAAYYYY… #### ####… BRRAAYYYYY… Again, there is no escape from laws of karma. It is energy based -and rooted in advanced quantum physics .. The problem with Sanatana Dharma is that we have allowed Sanskrit language pundits to interpret the great religion. This is equivalent to English literature masters interpreting Math / Physics–just because the text book is written in English. Most of the white Indophiles do not even understand Sanskrit– they keep Monier Williams Sanskrit dictionary with them.. These are not “UNPOLLUTED” people who can see the invisible of feel the intangible, CUNTS like Wendy Doniger/ Sheldon Pollock/ Audrey Truschke etc. You can understand Sanatana Dharma only if the spirit is involved along with the mind.. Laws of Karma and Dharma has guided the Hindu since time immemorial . There was never any DOGMA lumped down the Hindu’s throat. Morals are encouraged by living in a moral society or community. But they are birthed in each person, each individual. They are also spurred on by what we choose to expose our minds to. Moral subjectivity is not the enemy to the progress of any society; moral homogeneity is.. Moral homogeneity says that everyone needs to see everything the same way, to fit into neat little boxes, and it is used to marginalize those who don’t. Moral subjectivity leads a society to embrace diversity by seeing that a particular worldview isn’t the only right one.. A subjective morality is one rooted in human feelings and conscience . Natural justice is inherent. These are the things that are most important to us, indeed the only things important to us!. CONSCIENCE IS THE VOICE OF THE SOUL .. Sanatana Dharma only awakens your conscience allows you to interpolate and extrapolate . This is the charm of this great spiritual way of life.. Follow your soul –that is really “you”–.. Soul knows the way.. SANATANA DHARMA HAS NEVER ASKED A HINDU TO GO AGAINST HIS CONSCIENCE .. Objective morality ignored context .. Christian / Islam morality is objective, the single messiah and single holy book dictates dogma. Atheist communists and single messiah / holy book religions are objective with morality. They have failed . Religion is doing what you are told regardless of what is right or fair. Rules don’t make us moral. Sanatana dharma is subjective.. Subjective is strictly within humans beings –it derives from our intangible conscience alone.. In subjective morality perception within perimeter of context is paramount. Subjective is dependent on peoples’ opinions. Sanatana Dharma is based on conscious human conscience. No man can manipulate or silence his conscience. We are not the source of our own conscience. SUBJECTIVE BHAGAWAD GITA IS OUR GUIDE NOT OBJECTIVE ASHTAVAKRA GITA cooked up by Jew Rothschild with DOs and DONTs— doodh peena maangtha, mundi peh tel daalna maangtha, gaand mein ungli nahin daalna manghta … Enemies of Hinduism uses fake gurus nay conmen like Sri Sri Ravishankar and Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev to convert Sanatana Dharma to an objective religion. Sorry, it wont work.. Spiritually soaked Hindus are subjective with morality. Only this works.. Morality is doing what is right, regardless of what you are told.. Subjective morality has no scope for excuses. Love , compassion and fairness make us moral.. Hinduism was developed along spiritual lines, NOT religious lines—the reason why 800 years of slavery could NOT stamp out this amazing way of life.. There was no head to cut off.. Spirituality of Sanatana Dharma is holographic.. Because space time is holographic, the 12 strand DNA Maharishis could access it by quantum processes inside their fractal brains.. The interference patterns of the scalar waves form a huge hologram that permeates the whole of the universe.. The non-linear Akashik field is holographic and holds information of not only past history by even every thought , emotion and feeling held in the right hand subconscious lobe of your brain. . Sri Yantra ( DIVINE GEOMETRY OF OM ) which follows the Fibonacci series and the Golden ratio ( lifted from 7000 year old Vedic Mathematics ) is the mystical 3D holographic construct of the Cosmos by 9 VIRTUAL SPIRALLING VORTEX CONES — 4 pointing upwards and 5 pointing downwards, as a sort of ying-yang balance.. #### ####…. Sanatana Dharma was the first to understand the holographic nature of the cosmos.. . In the quantum holographic DNA-wave bio-computer theory, DNA is a self-calibrating antenna working by phase conjugate ( scalar waves and phase conjugation) adaptive resonance capable of both receiving and transmitting scalar energy .. DNA blueprint functions as a bio-hologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organizing physical form.. The body is holographic— when you influence one bio marker , you influence all.. Our brain stores information in a holographic form. Each cell in our body carries all the information’s needed to produce a copy. A beam of coherent intention is split into two—past and future. They meet in the present moment of NOW in the holographic universe.. ### .. VERSE NO 5:-- 10TH MANDALA OF THE RIGVEDA (10:129)..तिरश्चीनोविततोरश्मिरेषामधःस्विदासीदुपरिस्विदासी. रेतोधाआसन्महिमानआसन्स्वधाअवस्तात्प्रयतिःपरस्तात्.. Rig Veda 5000 BC….tirashchino vitato rashmireshamadhah | svidasi duparisvidasi |..retodha asanmahiman asanna | SVADHO AVASTAT PRAYATIH PARASTAT || 5 ||.. An oblique ray cut Being from Non-being . What was described above, and what below this screen? Above was the power of conscious intent , Below was the strength of creative discipline…… .. ### Meanings : AVASTAT – before time / PARASTAT - beyond, further on……… ##### VERSE NO 6.. कोअद्धावेदकइहप्रवोचत्कुतआजाताकुतइयंविसृष्टिः.. अर्वाग्देवाअस्यविसर्जनेनाथाकोवेदयतआबभूव.. ko addha veda ka iha pravochat | kut ajata kut iyam visrushtih |.. arvagdeva asya visarjanaya | atha ko veda yata ababhuva || 6 ||.. Who really knows? Who in this world may declare it! .. When was this holographic exhalation , whence will be the pralaya inhalation?.. Only after this holographic projection ( ADVAITA )came the field gods.. Who move nature’s opposites ( DVAITA ) . Who truly can say !…. ####. The past is a memory of our experiences and our experiences don’t happen in a linear pattern… What we actually go through are cycles of energy – not passages of time. It’s because of our consciousness that we keep seeing things as we do. Our consciousness is a point of attention where we watch the movement of energy through a single point of perception. It is by this understanding that things appear to be… In fundamental reality, everything is existent, without any movement. Movement only comes when we decide to fix our consciousness in the past, present and future… The past, present and future, are all one and the same thing. This linearity is referred to as the OBLIQUE RAY OF TIME.. It only progresses this way because CONSCIOUS humans exist to observe its passing. Singularity ( the Bindu of Sri Yantra divine geometry of OM ) , the is the point at which everything we experience arises from and ultimately falls back into. It is where consciousness resides…. The future doesn’t exist until we create it. We CONSCIOUS humans are the catalysts, the factors that decide whether our minds realize something or not…. The reality is, we can never isolate ourselves from the universe, because we form part of the equation, always… Your consciousness creates space, time and matter. According to physics when your mind observes something, you change that something. It’s called “THE OBSERVER EFFECT“. You make the future happen. Humans are on the highest level of consciousness in the reachable universe yet. Because besides socializing, we understand time. Past, present, and future. We have temporal consciousness in addition to spatial and social… Hinduism is NOT a religion, it is the practice of spirituality by elevating human consciousness in the personal quest for truth. Islam and Christianity are religions. These religions had Inquisitions.. Jews were too busy following their VULGAR and racist Talmud.. Ahimsa ( non-violence ) even vegetarianism , is a characteristic of Hinduism—due to which vile foreign invaders took advantage.. What the waitress calls SAFFRON TERROR — is just the Hindus making a free choice NOT to be cowards anymore and giving back as good as they got like our heroes Arjuna , Bhishma etc. Hinduism has a total lack of compulsions. You cannot get ex-communicated for NOT toeing the line. The diversity, the range, and the lofty metaphysical aspirations of Vedanta are mind boggling. Loaded truth is delivered or revealed from a divine source and enters the world through a single agent: for example, Abraham in Judaism, Jesus Christ in Christianity, and Muhammad in Islam. These truths are then recorded in scriptures that serve as a source of knowledge of divine wisdom: the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament of the Christian Bible, and the Koran. In the Hindu tradition, by utter contrast, there is no single revelation.. The Hindu spirituality tradition , unlike other religions — has always concerned itself with the “human” situation rather than the “our religion “ situation.. Ask the Jews—they will say India is the only place where they never got persecuted over thousands of years—they always ran here for refuge.. The reason ?. This country had denizens steeped in spirituality — NOT religious bigots. Hebrew religion and Hinduism co-existed. Yet today foreign funded Indian TV and Kayastha Amartya Sen ( with a Rothschild wife ) calls all Hindus bigots –what a fuckin’ joke !. I am lucky to be born in India— having seen what shit the rest of this planet has to offer for 40 years .! Only a mind dipped in Sanatana Dharma can be a change manager. This is why white men come to India for life management which involves CHANGE.. Karma is simply an opportunity to make good by CHANGE – it neither punishes nor rewards; it simply guides. The law of karma is not the cause of suffering, it is merely the CHANGE agent. Karma is self-balancing divine justice; it is 100% fair and absolutely infallible. It doesn’t matter if a criminal seems to GET AWAY WITH IT – see Jew Rothschild has got away with it. There is no getting away with it ( not getting caught ) – karma will eventually catch up with him -if not in this life then the next life.. Caste has nothing to do with karma — Foreign funded CUNT Kancha Ilaih SQUEAK comes on TV GHODI nay GHADI GHADI and moans – Brahmins are always enjoying and dalits are always suffering– Violent Hindu gods are always killing dalits. BOOO HOOOO.. Hey Kancha Ilaiah SQUEAK— what stops dalits from studying ( education is free ), passing exams and getting jobs in a fair manner ? You want ISRO to have a dalit quota?.. You want elephant Kumaari to have a Bollywood heroine Quota ? You want 33 year old Kanhaiya Kumar ( whom Romila Thapar , salutes with LAAL SALAAM and addresses as COMRADE ) to become a Ship Captain– with PhD in AFRICAN STUDIES? .. After doing intentional sins no dip in Ganges, no puja, no pilgrimage , no endless prayers to god can lessen the weight of your karmic baggage. . It can be reduced only by GOOD KARMA. You cant lead a world revolution, by making followers lump your dogma .. You must allow them to find their “what the fuck moment “ themselves on their own terms and timetable..
Somebody called ,me up and cried.. Captain, you have written that Jews have only three heroes.. AAA- JEWESS HELENA the mother of Hindu Roman emperor Constantine the Great…. BBB- HINDU WOMAN GRACIA MENDES NASI married to a Jew….. CCC- GERMAN JEW ROTHSCHILD BLOODLINE…. What was the need for Jewess Helena to cook up Jew Moses and Jew Jesus ?… Listen Judaism kicked off during the reign of King Solomon, the hero of Jews. . King Solomon had a Hindu mother Bath Sheba and a Hindu wife Queen of Sheba , both were from Calicut my hometown.. Sheba is another name for North Kerala ( Sheba/ Punt/ Malabar/ Ophir/ Mittani ).. #### ####… Crafty Jewess queen Helena , found a blind sector of 17 years in the list of Egyptian kings ( in reality ruled by king Akhenaten / Amenhotep IV- died 1334 BC ) and filled that spot with a cooked up Jew Moses.. The whole idea was to allude that Jews built the pyramids of Egypt and Moses led the Jews out of Egypt to Israel after the good job was done.. Moses is shown in the Hebrew Bible as the half brother of Pharoah Ramesses II who reigned from 1279–1213 BC.. Baby Moses was floating in a basket on the river Nile where Queen Tuya , the Mother of Ramesses II saved him from drowning and adopted him.. #### The cock and bull story of baby Moses and old Moses is lifted from the life of Karna and Krishna .. AAA….Queen Kunti left her new-born baby KARNA IN A BASKET and made it FLOAT IN THE RIVER. The basket floated from the river Aswa to the river Charmanwati, and from the Charmanwati it passed to the Yamuna, and so on to the Ganges (3:306) and reached the city called Champapuri the capital of Anga Kingdom…. The baby in a basket was found by a charioteer's wife Radha, who takes the baby Karna to her husband Adhiratha Nandana .. These two episodes are mixed up in a most cunning manner by Jewess Helena with the story of Krishna.. BBB…. When Krishna’s biological father Kerala Namboodiri Vasudev escaped from prison with baby Krishna on his head in a BASKET, and reached the river bank of Yamuna, the river was in spate. A distressed Vasudev cried out to God for deliverance .. Suddenly a miracle happened, the YAMUNA RIVER PARTED and Vasudev walked through the river. This was lifted as “MOSES PARTING THE RED SEA ).. Yeshoda is the foster mother of Krishna .. Evil King Kansa of Vrishini kingdom the cousin of Krishna’s biological mother Devaki became King Ramesses II of Egypt..BRRAAAYYYYY .. As a child I saw the Hollywood movie THE TEN COMMANDMENTS starring Yul Brynner ( Ramesses II ) and Charton Heston ( Moses ) produced and directed by Jew Cecil B. DeMille.. He also made a movie on Jew Jesus “King of Kings “.. I saw the Ten Commandments nearly six decades ago.. There is only scene imprinted on my spleen-- the scene where Moses raises a huge stone obelisk using rope and tackle.. This is a SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE for all to imagine that Jews, the elite master race , the chosen people from the promised land, built the Pyramids and Sphinx…. Jews Moses and Jesus never existed.. Both were cooked up by Jewess Helena in 325 AD at the First council of Niceae where she sat on the Pope’s chair.. All Popes till Islam was born were Jews.. A Jesuit missionaries were Jews.. St Francis Xavier who did the Goan Inquisition was a Jew. He distributed Small Pox blankets as gifts to Hindu children and ran away to China.. #### ####.. Imagine Jewess Helena prevailed on her Hindu son Constantine the Great to shift the Capital of the mighty Roman Empire from Rome to Istanbul.. In one swift stroke she changed the bloodlines of Roman royalty and senators from Hindu to Jewish.. After Hindu Constantine was poisoned to death by his own Christian convert son Constantine II , on 22nd May 337 AD, within an hour the propped up dead body was baptized with great fanfare to convince the gullible masses… #### ####.. #### ####.. The Jewish pope was left behind to rule Rome.. The pope destroyed all evidence of Kerala sage Apollonius of Tyana on whom Jesus was modeled.. Every Hindu temple was smashed by importing Jewish cannibal goons the VANDALS and VISIGOTHS .. Rome was sacked by the Jewish Pope three times.. The First Roman Emperor Romulus ( King Rama ) was an Etruscan from Calicut.. I am an Etruscan from Calicut.. #### ####.. Jewess Helena , an individual , just a Queen Mother, was an evil woman with criminal DNA, the grandmaster of deceit.. How many of you can cause the Capital of the mighty Roman Empire to be shifted from Rome to Istanbul? How many of you can convert the Royal Roman bloodline and the Senator bloodline from Hindu to Jewish –in a jiffy?.. One woman did this.. One woman cooked up the Torah and the Bible with all its fake characters like Abraham/ Sara/ Moses/ Jesus/ Gabriel/ Adam/ Eve / Jacob / Noah etc.. The problem is that she never envisaged an Internet age.. She could never imagine that a brown Blogger named Capt Ajit Vadakayil will tear asunder her lying , deceitful Kosher ass apart.. Hindu woman Gracia Mendes Nasi widow of a Jew merchant operated from Antwerp and later at Istanbul.. During her time the Jews prospered without cheating and deceit.. She was the middleman of spices of the Calicut king who trusted her .. Then came the criminal bloodline of German Jew Rothschild.. Rothschild is the reason why Israel is now occupied by white Jews with razor thin upper lip.. If Jewish converts with thin upper lips from Europe can claim Jerusalem, then by the same argument black Nigerian Christian converts with thick upper lip can claim Vatican.. Rothschild became the richest man on th planet by stealing Jew Tipu Sultan’s gold in 1799 AD.. This was Kerala temple gold, the fruit of several millenniums of spice trade.. #### ####.. Jew Rothschild had a fixation.. He had this kink of trying to prove that shit ass Jews are a master elite race – that the JEWS ARE THE MOST INTELLIGENT/ BEAUTIFUL AND PHYSICALLY SUPERIOR RACE on the planet.. never mind that they shit through multiple chrons assholes because their ancestors were cannibals.. Jew Rothschild succeeded till a brown blogger named Vadakayil came on the scene.. To prove that weird Jewish ugliness is the REAL DEAL beauty , Rothschild monopolized Hollywood.. And he had his monopolized media doing the foul propaganda.. ” JEWS ARE THE BEST”.. #### ##### .. #### ####.. Jew Rothschild succeeded in establishing that Jews are the most intelligent race on the planet, till a brown blogger named Capt Ajit Vdakayil spoilt his party.. nay MANN KA TAMANNAH.. An example is THIEF Jew Albert Einstein.. Jew Rothschild created PATENT HOUSES and PEER REVIEW HOUSES .. The whole idea was to STEAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY and kill the person from whom it was stolen if he is the type who will not doe very soon…. When immoral murder is involved, what is all this deceit worth ?.. German Jew Albert Einstein was himself a lowly clerk in a Patent House.. for what????.. 100% of average brained Jew Einstein’s award winning theories are lifted from Vedas downloaded 400 centuries ago by Kerala sages… #### .. #### ####… Math Genius SRINIVASA RAMANUJAN died at a young age.. During his funeral his young level headed wife started crying loudly.. A few well wishers who smelt a rat took her to a room and there she revealed that the white man was constantly stealing her husband’s work and patenting it in their own names, and she showed the proof in personal letters .. #### ####.. Even today the lost diary of Ramanujan is a Wikipedia article.. The white Jew stole the diary of Ramanujan and claimed several Nobel prizes for Math.. We know who they are.. The diary with dozens of torn pages missing has been located. #### ####.. I can give hundreds of such examples where the white Jew stole intellectual property.. AAA ..The intellectual property of JC BOSE was stolen by Jew Marconi.. Thief Jew Maroni stole the brief case of Bose.. He was seen in the hotel lobby just before the brief case was stolen.. JC Bose should have received Nobel prize twice as a brown Indian. One for radio and the other for P and N type Semiconductors.. If he was a White European Jew he would have got several Nobel prizes… #### ####.. BBB.. The intellectual property of SATYENDRANATH BOSE was stolen.. The BOSON particle of CERN collider is named after him.. #### ####.. CCC… We all know how JEW MARK ZUCKERBERG stole Divya Narendra’s intellectual property.. I conducted a poll on this issue.. #### ####… #### ####.. Jews have cornered all Nobel Prizes , though they are a minuscule part of the world population.. Muslims who constitute a major part of the world population has got only a handful of Nobel Prizes.. And the best part is whichever Muslim got a Nobel prize was actually a CRYPTO JEW.. Example?… DDD… The intellectual property of ECG SUDARSHAN was given away to PAKISTANI JEW ABDUS SALAM with a Muslim name.. #### ####… Do you think Pakistani MALALA YOUSAFZAI would have got a Nobel prize if she was not a Jewess?.. Do you thing mental and physical midget GRETA THUNBERG would have climbed to such dizzying heights if she was not a Jewess?.. #### ####.. Or for example paintings which fetch millions.. #### ####.. Thank god Jews could not cheat Usain Bolt.. Whichever sport entailing a bribed / honey trapped Judge’s subjective opinion ( say a bullshit synchronized swimming ) is stolen by Jews.. #### ####…
KING AKHENATEN EXISTED.. MOSES DID NOT EXIST.. THEIR CONNECTION IS PURELY BY BOTH ADOPTING YHVH ( YAHVEH ) THE GOD BRAHMAN THE FIELD OF VEDAS AS THEIR SOLE GOD.. There are several verses in Vedas penned down 7000 years ago praising / in gratitude to God YAHVAH.. In Hebrew created by Kerala semites there are no vowels.. Sanskrit has one meaning for one word, and this extends to proper nouns.. There are no synonyms in Sanskrit. THE SANSKRIT MEANING OF YAHVA , GOD IN VEDAS, IS A WORD FOR MAHAT ( BRAHMAN THE FIELD ),OR COSMIC INTELLIGENCE.. #### ####..The GOLDEN DISK mentioned in the history of Kerala Thiyya King Akhenaten Amenhotep IV is not the sun, but the field of morphogenetic consciousness. Jewish historians lie that Moses studied in the University of Heliopolis situated inside the temple complex ( dedicated to BrahmAn the field ) , created by Kerala King Kalanemi who also built the Bent and Meidum pyramids 12,500 years ago.. King Amenhotep IV ( Akhenaten revived this temple and erected giant stone Obelisks in his name, his wife Nefertiti’s name and his son Tutankhamun’s name ..German Jew stole King Akhenaten’s 220 tonne obelisk and brought it to New York USA, changed the name to King Ramesses II and erected it in New York Central park. After all King Ramesses II chased Jew Moses and his gang who never existed , right?.. Jew Rothschild also forged the name of King Thutmose III on the north face of the obelisk , with the bullshit that he constructed this at Heliopolis.. Sorry, the temple of Atun at Heliopolis which housed the three obelisks, was constructed by King Akhenaten who died in 1336 BC..#### ####...More than 256 statues of King Amenhotep III was found in Egypt. Yet his more powerful son King Akhenaten ( Amenhotep iv ) statues were missing and his name did not exist in the list of kings.. Crafty Jewess queen Helena , found a blind sector of 17 years in the list of Egyptian kings ( in reality ruled by king Akhenaten ) and filled that spot with a cooked up Moses .. With an ulterior motive most foul.. Crafty Jewess Helena filled in this royal bloodline gap with Moses.. – Jewess Helena , cooked up Moses , to give patriarchy to Judaism , and this is the reason why Palestinians have lost their homeland… If Jewish converts with thin upper lips from Europe can claim Jerusalem, then by the same argument black Nigerian Christian converts with thick upper lip can claim Vatican..It is a lie that King Khafre constructed the Sphinx..THE FACE ON THE SPHINX BELONGS TO KERALA THIYYA KING KALANEMI JR, THE MAN WHO MADE IT 12, 500 YEARS AGO..… SPHINX LOOKED AT IT'S CONSTELLATION OF LEO IN 10500 B.C AS IT ROSE IN THE EAST.. You can never ever contest this truth.. This occurred exactly at sunrise on the vernal equinox.. Sorry German Jew Rothschild’s knowledge of Astronomy is purely pedestrian and HE CANNOT FORGE THE HEAVENS.. Let Jew Rothschild continue planting forged artifacts and exhume them two decades later with great PEER REVIEWED fanfare.. #### ####...No foreign student could enroll in Kodungallur University unless he was vetted for one full year at Heliopolis University whose professors were all on deputation from Kerala on the payroll of the Calicut King.. All Greeks who studied in Kodungallur University were vetted at Heliopolis University except Aristotle ( teacher of Alexander the Great ) who was black balled due to homosexuality ( humping party ).. Queen Nefertiti’s father Kerala Aryan Namboodiri Jethro was a priest in the temple of Heliopolis.. Wife of Moses ( who never existed ) Zipporah is modeled after Nefertiti.. Helios has nothing to do with the sun.. Helios is the son of Hyperion ( god of prana ) and Theia or Euryphaessa or Aethra. Homer in the Odyssey calls him Helios Hyperion, BrahmAn the field of consciousness ( YHVH ).. I am an Etruscan.. THE ETRUSCAN GOD , EQUIVALENT TO HELIOS, WAS USIL THE CHARIOTEER OF THE COSMOS.. SUN IS JUST A SPECK OF DUST ON THE MASSIVE COSMOS.. On Etruscan ( Aranmula ) mirrors , he appears with a halo.Helios is same as Iao, a name derived from that of the God of Moses YHVH (Yahveh ).. Biblical literature cooked up by Jewess Helena in 325 AD, pivots around the relationship between YHVH and Israel. By “YHVH” , she refers to the name of the biblical Israelite deity that, in its shorter forms yah and yahu (Greek IAO), and appears in numerous theophoric names, such as Hizki-yahu (“IAO is my strength” in Greek ) and in expressions of praise (hallelu-yah). Jewess Flavia Julia HELENA WAS A 16 YEAR OLD GREEK WHORE who honey trapped the father of Roman Emperor Constantine the Great inside his horse stable..YHVH particularizes Israel as the nation of YHVH. . The Bullshit SONG OF MOSES reviews the benefactions Israel received from its god only to abandon him later on, causing YHVH to threaten the Israelites with “being scattered” and their memory to be obliterated. But then YHVH reverses himself for fear of Israel’s perdition being misinterpreted as the victory of Israel’s adversaries rather than YHVH’s actions (vv. 26-27).. The historical books of the Deuteronomistic school shape the view into a coherent narrative based on the idea of a covenant that binds Israel to YHVH, and YHVH to Israel and makes the nation’s ups and downs readable in light of loyalty and disloyality of the Israelites (Judges) and their kings (Samuel-Kings) to YHVH alone.. BAAP REH !.. According to the Book of Kings King Solomon is charged with abandoning the ways of his father David when he introduced the Pagan gods of others to Jerusalem. (See 1 K 11:7.33). At the end of that historical narrative, King Josiah of Judah is praised for having rectified the offense that led to the downfall of Israel, its partition into two kingdoms, thereby its weakening and eventual destruction, and the “evil” that king after king committed “in the eyes of YHVH.” (See 2 K 23:13).. AIYYOOOO !.. As per the Jews the name YHVH means, I AM WHO I AM , like Popeye the sailor man who says often I YAM WHO I YAM.. TEE HEEEEE.. Judaism is less than 30 centuries old.. God Yahvah of Vedas was downloaded 400 centuries ago, and the verses penned down 70 centuries ago..YHVH appears 41 times in 33 of the Rig veda’s 1028 hymns ~ in mandala I (5x), II (2x), III (9x), IV (5x), V (5x), VI (1x), VII (4x), VIII (2x), IX (3x), and X (5x) ~ with forms of the masculine yahva appearing 21 times, and forms of the feminine yahvI appearing 20 times. And there are 16 hymns with yahva, 16 with yahvI, and only one with both (RV 3.1) ~ making 33 hymns altogether.Why did the followers of Abraham ( lifted from Hindu Brahma ) and Moses, both who never existed, refer to their god as YHVH ?.. BATAO NAH PLEAJJEE..Yahvah, the name of the God in the Judaic tradition, occurs as an epithet for Agni in the Rig veda a total of 21 times (yahva in RV 10.110; yahvah in RV 3.1, 3.5, 4.5, 4.7, 4.58, 5.1, 7.6, 7.8, 9.75, 10.11; yahvam in RV 1.36; 3.3; 4.5; 5.16; 8.13; 10.92; yahvasya in RV 3.2 and 3.28). The Jewish and Christian God is called YHVH in Hebrew and spelt as Yehweh or Yahvah.. Jewish historians write that this idea came from the powerful Kings of MITTANI ( NORTH KERALA/ MALABAR/ PUNT/ OPHIR/ SHEBA / LAND OF WORLD NAVIGATORS- CANAANS/ ETRUSCANS ) who ruled Egypt since antiquity.. It is written in the Torah, "The Children of Israel journeyed... 600,000 adult males on foot, besides the children." (Exodus 12:37).. Since the verse only includes the number of men who were 20 years of age and over, we can extrapolate the total population by including the women and children as well.. According to an Aramaic translation of the Five Books of Moses), there were 3 million Jews in total who witnessed the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. (see Targum Yonasan – Exodus 12:37).. Balls King Ramesses II who chased Moses was drowned in Red Sea.. #### ####..BrahmAn the field, the god of Akhenaten was YHVH, who could not be picked up by the 5 humans senses. This god was invisible to all. This is not some bullshit solar disc.. Ddivine communication was reserved for Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti’s Hindu priest father .. Kerala Thiyya Queen with beautiful long black hair, Tiyi was mother of Akhenaten and wife of Amenhotep III . She introduced her son Akhenaten to BrahmAn the field.. Queen Tiye brought up her son in the lap of luxury at the Malqata palace . This palace that extended over 80 acres and was situated on the west bank of the Nile River was built by Akhenaten’s father Amenhotep III. #### ####.. Similarities between the Hebrew Bible’s Psalm 104 attributed to King David and Akhenaten’s hymn to the Aten. I have put Psalm 104 in the post below-- #### ####.. Rothschild’s agent Jew Sigmund Freud wrote that Moses ( who never existed ) grew up in Akhenaten’s royal house.. Freud LIED that Jew Moses was a governor of the frontier province Goshen .. KV55 mummy is being cooked up as that of King Akhenaten, by liar Zahi Hawass .. #### ####.. .The Jews have found ( sic ) DNA genetic link with KV55 (Akhenaten ) and the boy king Tutankhamun. The results state that Tutankhamun’s parents were siblings – brother fucking sister... BRRAAYYYY.. The ‘Upper Egyptian Heliopolis’ erected by Akhenaten, saw a series of temples in honour of the Aten which were dismantled and became fill material for the construction work of later pharaohs .. Heliopolis, temple is referred to as ‘OM’ in the Bible .. OM is the sound body of BrahmAn the field.. A few years after Amenophis Ш’s death Akhenaten decided to abandon Memphis, the administrative capital and Thebes the religious capital, the Pharaoh’s new domain would be his new city Amarna devoted entirely to the deity Aten ( field of BrahmAn / YHVH ).. Not long after Akhenaten’s ascension to the throne, he abandoned his allegiance to Amon and changed his name from Amenhotep ІV to Akhenaten, his wife Nefertiti was renamed Nefer-Nefru-Aten ‘Beautiful is the beauty of Aten’. The couple abandoned Thebes to begin their new city in the desert called Amarna.. After Akhenaten’s death, the abandoned city was left uninhabited, eventually covered by the sands of time until its rediscovery in the nineteenth century .. Thutmosis ІV erected a great obelisk to honour Rē-Herakhte the YHVH god ( brahmAn ) of Heliopolis. Temple of Re-Herakhte was not Built for Ramses II.. Abu Simbel Temple was not constructed king Ramses II. This temple was dedicated to Re-Herakhte.. Four 67 feet high seated figures two on either side of the entrance – are carved directly into the rock face of the cliff. This has nothing to do with King Ramesses II.. The rays of the sun penetrate into the temple and lightening the three statues twice a year; once in February 22 celebrating agriculture and cultivation season, and the second in October 22 celebrating flooding season. These dates have nothing to do with King Ramses II birth and his coronation.. To its north is the relatively smaller temple dedicated to Hathor. Two colossal standing figures of Queen Neferteri ( sorry she was not a pharaoh like Kerala Thiyya Queen Hataheput ) depicted as the goddess and flanked by four of her husband grace the facade.. King Akhenaten studied in Heliopolis University.. Moses ( who never existed ) did not found the city of Hermes in Heliopolis. Atum ( Shiva )was a god of Heliopolis who was represented by his sacred animal in the form of a bull Merwer ( Nandi ) .. The black meteorite Benben stone ( Shiva lingam with unusually high amounts of cobalt, germanium and Irridium ) , was installed in the temple complex of Heliopolis by Kerala Thiyya King Jalanemi Jr 12500 year ago.. It has been reshaped mutilated and stolen as a capstone by Jew Rothschild. What you see today is a poor duplicate .. The temple at Heliopolis was called ‘OM’ by the Egyptians… A meteorite dagger was found in Tutankhamun’s tomb ( actually his mother’s Nefetiti ) belonged to his father King Akhenaten.. There is a letter from King of Mittani ( Kerala ) which details the dowry of King Tushratta’s daughter, who was to be sent to Egypt to marry Amenhotep III . One of the items is a meteorite dagger a dagger blade of habalkinu.. At Heliopolis, the Heliopolitan priests saw Brahman the field ( YHVH ) the as the highest god and creator of all. Akhenaten proclaimed him to be the one and only god..Poor Jewess Helena.. A blogger named Vadakayil can fit her entire deceitful kosher intellect under the foreskin of his uncircumcised prick and still have space for 99.99 % more.
THE NEXT REVOLUTION MUST BE TO DESTROY EVIL ON THIS PLANET AND IT MUST BE A REVOLUTION OF KALKI CONSCIOUSNESS USING THE INTERNET AS THE MEDIUM - Capt Ajit Vadakayil ### …. 6000 years ago, when Arjuna shot an arrow into the ruby red eye of a revolving fish overhead by looking at its unsteady reflection in a shimmering pool of water below, it was an ULTIMATE TEST OF SKILL AND CONSCIOUSNESS. Burn all school and college text books in India which teach MAD man Charles Darwin’s evolution in this DNA age.. We demand that this be substituted by intelligent design by BrahmAn— the morphogenetic consciousness field. None of the quantum scientists have categorized Vedanta as a religious work. They have perused and found that it is a subtle mathematical or scientific analysis. . Vedanta and Quantum Mechanics describe the same subject—ultimate reality—from opposite points of view and perspective. Vedanta examines evidence, asserts hypotheses, quotes established authorities both pro and con its thesis, and closely reasons its way to a well-substantiated conclusion.. Even a half wit can figure out Sanatana Dharma is far far above the 4200 KEECHAD single messiah single holy book religions.. The gap is wider than the one between the brilliant sun and a battery dead hand torch.. Below is CHRISTIAN BULL…. #### #### … Below is MUSLIM BULL…. #### ####… Sub atomic particles behave in unpredictable ways. Sometimes, a particle is a ‘wave’ and at some other times it is a ‘particle’. This starting discovery marked the starting point of quantum physics. This was mentioned in Veda srutis 400 centuries ago. Without factoring in consciousness there can be NO Theory of Every Thing (TOE) and Grand Unification Theory (GUT). It will NOT be possible to understand gravity without doing this. Every atom within us depends on the rest of the cosmos. When science meets the consciousness field of Vedanta written 7000 years ago, the last frontier can be breached. Consciousness is created by quantum mechanical phenomenon that takes place in brain cells. This is why a supercomputer cannot recognize a joke or tell the moral of a story like “ unity is strength” . This universe cannot exist without vibrations between two poles. To the spiritual eastern mind, the story of Samudra Manthan produces amazing acts of faith like the Kumbh Mela , which has been going on since antiquity. . The mind of god represented by the Sri Yantra is cosmic music resonating through hyperspace—the theory of everything is inherent in this mystic 3D geometry.. The musical analogies of maths , physics , chemistry, quantum particles and contained in this diagram in the form of notation, harmony , melody and notes. Purusha symbolizes consciousness, the masculine principle. Prakriti symbolizes the feminine principle, the activating energy. . The cosmos in all its manifestations, as an act of love. MAD man Zakir Naik calls this rape of a terrified menstruating woman hiding in the toilet .. CUNT Jack Dorsey calls this BRAHMINICAL PATRIARCHY.. Shiva resides in the highest Sahasrāra chakra and Shakti in the lowest mūlādhāra chakra. When Prakriti and Purusha unite in the Sahasrāra chakra ( raising of Kundalini ) , knowledge, knower and the object of knowledge become one.. Sankhya Vedanta is a theory of evolution and understanding the universe. Prakriti cannot be perceived, not because of its non-existence, but because of its subtlety. It is perceived in its effects.. The eternal and indestructible union between Shiva ( Purusha ) and Shakti ( Prakriti ) gives birth to the whole macrocosm, in its stable, static aspect as well as in its dynamic one. Not only is Shakti responsible for creation, it is also the agent of all change .. Shakti ( Prakriti ) is manifested by Shiva ( Purusha ) only during creation and is withdrawn into himself at the end of creation.. The union of Shakti with Shiva by Kundalini rise is the liberation of seeker from the cycle of endless birth and death. Hinduism is not a religion, it is the practice of spirituality by elevating human consciousness in the personal quest for truth. Human perception occurs because of interactions between the subatomic particles of our brains and the quantum energy sea. When you get moksha – your soul merges back nay reunites with the supreme creator ( the morphogenetic consciousness field ). For any healing to be complete, it needs to take place at all levels – the body, the mind and the spirit. The smallest particles known to man are vibrations. Thoughts are vibrations. Words are vibrations. Sounds are longitudinal vibrations like scalar waves . Light is a vibration. Our planet is a vibration. Molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings. ’Living water’ is an organized state of matter and energy, and capable of storing and transmitting information. This is the concept of THEERTHAM.. This is the reason why our cremated ashes are scattered into the rivers and oceans.. This non-linear field is holographic and holds information of not only past history by even every thought , emotion and feeling held in the right hand subconscious lobe of your brain. This explains the power of prayer and intention. The whole cosmos is interconnected in this field.. DNA is capable of rearranging itself intelligently in response to changing environmental conditions. Brain is a hologram that is a part of an even larger hologram – the universe itself. We all have roots in the universe. CONSCIOUS mental activity exerts measurable effects on the physical world.. Matter is NOT an inert substance. It is conscious and active. Experts in organic and inorganic chemistry know what I mean. Matter constantly makes choices for alternate possibilities. All orderliness that we find exhibited in all levels of nature – from the smallest atom, through the living organisms, to the largest cluster of galaxies – is the expression of the infinite orderliness that is contained in consciousness. Quantum coherence in the microtubules of every cell is the key to consciousness. There are structures inside the brain neurons called microtubules, which are sources of laser-like coherence for the brain’s vibrational hierarchy. Consciousness resides, in the microtubules of the brain cells, which are the primary sites of quantum processing. Upon death, this information is released from your body, meaning that your consciousness goes with it. Quantum coherence and quantum entanglement are both rooted in the superposition principle—the phenomenon in which a single quantum state simultaneously consists of multiple states—but in different ways. Quantum coherence deals with the idea that all objects have wave-like properties. If an object's wave-like nature is split in two, then the two waves may coherently interfere with each other in such a way as to form a single state that is a superposition of the two states. Coherence also lies at the heart of quantum computing, in which a qubit is in a superposition of the "0" and "1" states, resulting in a speed-up over various classical algorithms. Like coherence, quantum entanglement also plays an essential role in quantum technologies, such as quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography, and super dense coding. Mathematically, a physical system – for instance an atom or photon – is described by a quantum state that contains all the information about it. Superposition is a property of the quantum world that allows a physical system to exist in two or more quantum states, until a measurement is made on it. Quantum tunneling, meanwhile, involves a particle passing through an energy barrier despite lacking the energy required to overcome the barrier, as would be defined by classical physics. Before and after every Sanskrit mantra in Vedas we Hindus utter OM.. This is to open and close the tunnel. Christian AMEN, Jewish SHALOM and Islamic Bissmillah ( 786 ) lifted from Hindu King mantra OM, does not work. Quantum entanglement is no longer mumbo jumbo of savage superstitious Hindus.. Chinese scientists engaged in quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation and networks for distributing quantum information know what I mean.. Chinese physicists have been able to transmit pairs of entangled photons over increasing distances, both in the air and along optical fibres. Migratory birds and honey bees ( waggle dance ), use quantum effects to accomplish their feats of navigation. Honey bees alert their nest mates, and have a symbolic communication in the form of a Mobius pattern waggle dance.. This dance is packed with detailed quantum information about where to find food; both the distance and direction of the food source from the hive. Stinging honey bees navigate complex mazes with cues they store in short-term memory.. Traitor Modi has ignored dozens of my messages to him about stinging honey bees,.. In Egyptians mummy vaults Kerala Western Ghats wild orchid honey is still edible after 4000 years , the effect of scalar waves . STINGING HONEY BEES HAVE COLLECTIVE BRAINSTORMING AND DECISION-MAKING SKILLS.. ### ###.. MAD fellow Charles Darwin, in an 1881 book on earthworms, wanted “to learn how far the worms acted consciously and how much mental power they displayed.” TEE TEEE.. This CUNT’s theories are 100% bullshit.. Darwin can shove his goody bag of finch beaks and toes up the kosher chrons asshole of Karl Marx.. #### ####.. This quantum compass relies on the interaction of electron spin with the geomagnetic field. The quantum body resonates with any atom of the cosmos. The resonance brings about the direct knowledge of the universe. What kind of action is a simple observation? It is nothing but the act of consciousness , a field of scalar energy. All orderliness that we find exhibited in all levels of nature – from the smallest atom, through the living organisms, to the largest cluster of galaxies – is the expression of the infinite orderliness that is contained in consciousness.. All spacetime events are conscious: they are conscious of other space time events.. Longitudinal Scalar waves which TRAVEL FASTER THAN LIGHT from your mobius supercoil DNA couples with intention and consciousness. Intentions enhance the body’s natural flow of scalar energy produced by DNA. . Zero Point Field is an information field as it encodes everything that has left its traces in the form of Scalar waves in this universe. This boils down to the recording of every little thought that was ever thought and every little move that was ever made. It is from this field that Maharishis downloaded the Vedas.. Sanatana Dharma is the only religion which is not man made.. Consciousness creates our space time. Since quantum stuff reacts to consciousness, the universe is constructed by consciousness. By adding the dimension of time to 3D space, our consciousness is given the ability to evolve.. Without change there is NO evolution, hence the vortex golden spiral. What appear to us as fundamental dimensions and attributes of the physical world—space, time, matter and energy—are but the fundamental dimensions and attributes of the forms appearing in consciousness. Thus the smallest item would be a unit of perception, a unit of experience. It would be a quantum of consciousness, a quantum of chitta. Cells themselves have the ability to perfectly reprogram their own DNA when the external environment demands it. How were the ancient maharishis able to record the distances between planets and their diameters? Why is 108 a divine number in Sanatana Dharma? #### ####.. The morphogenetic field or BrahmAn , has a self organizing nature. This is a merged grand Akashik field of several morphic fields of different nature by resonant coupling. This inductive field has consciousness and self initiating nature.
Somebody called me up and cried.. Captain how do you know so much about ancient Egyptian royalty.. We know you do not reveal ,more that 5% , as is your style.. but please allow us to wet our beaks , gala gheela… Well.. I am from the same clan who provided all 100% Egyptian Kings and queens since antiquity – THE KERALA THIYYA HINDU.. the proudest of all world clans.. Never mind Jew Rothschild converted us from world rulers, the clan who civilized the planet, the first world navigators, who downloaded Vedas, created Sanskrit, to COCONUT TREE CLIMBING TODDY TAPPING MONKEYS.. #### ###.. The only clan on the planet in ancient period who had a MATRILINEAL system was Kerala Thiyya. The ancient Egyptian royal families were almost expected to marry within the family by a system known as MURAPENNU.. It is a foul lie by Rothschild’s historians that Egyptians kings and queens committed incest and married each other.. brothers marrying own sister. Like in Malabar, they followed the matrilineal system.. On Thiruvathira nights women sing Vadakkan Pattukal ( Ballads of North Kerala ), the stories of Queens who ruled North Kerala ( Malabar ) and the planet.. One of them is deadly Thiyya Urumi fighter UNNIYARCHA of the Chekavar Tharavadu who was famous for her great beauty… #### ####… In Kerala every body knows of the Thiyya female warrior Queen Unniyarcha , she was the MURAPENNU of Chandu whom she did not like… If some Malayali has not heard of Unniyarcha , he is a pseudo Malayali.. In North Kerala, Hindu Thiyya clan you can marry your cousin – with a caveat—only if she is your father's sister's daughter or your mother's brother's daughter. Ancient Ayurveda had a deep understanding of mitochondrial DNA. All other cousins are considered to be your brothers and sisters. Unlike nuclear DNA, which comes from both parents, mitochondrial DNA comes only from the mother.. In sexual reproduction, mitochondria are normally inherited exclusively from the mother; the mitochondria in mammalian sperm are usually destroyed by the egg cell after fertilization. … The fact that mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited enables genealogical researchers to trace maternal lineage far back in time.. Marumakkathayam was a system of matrilineal inheritance prevalent in what is now Kerala, India. Descent and the inheritance of property was traced through females. A matrilineal society is one where inheritance is counted through the female line. Kerala Thiyya society was a matriarchial society is one where women rule. Females have political power. Queen of Sheba burst into the court of King Solomon. She climbed up the sandalwood stairs ( which she has gifted ) with her voluptuous breasts with bullet type nipples swing freely, as she swung her wide hipped ass, long black hair flowing behind with three cute tiger cubs running to keep pace with her .. On her waist was coiled the most deadly weapon known those days, the Kerala Urumi made of Wootz steel.. By tradition you cannot carry this Urumi around your waist unless you are a champion among champions.. Then she lifted her dress a wee bit and King Solomon fell for her hairy legs.. Solomon’s father King David had fallen for Kerala woman Bathsheba for her bushy twat and wide hipbones . She was bathing nude . It was a sin to peep and she was the wife of his best friend and army general , Kerala Thiyya Uriah. King David murdered Uraih to usurp Bathsheba..Sheba was the name of Malabar ( North Kerala/ Ophir/ Punt/ Mitanni ).. Getting back—.. The joint family under the matrilineal system is known as Tharavad and formed the nucleus of the society in Malabar.. BY ANCIENT TRADITION A MAN HAD THE FIRST RIGHT TO HIS MURAPENNU.. HIS FATHER'S SISTER'S DAUGHTER OR HIS MOTHER'S BROTHER'S DAUGHTER..Again, the Egyptian royalty never married their own brother of sister.. It was between cousins ..There was a caveat in Egyptian Royalty that you cannot marry far out of the family.. For a boy Prince - his dad's sisters daughter and mom's brothers daughter are his MURAPPENNU. This led to inbreeding and a peculiarity , the elongated royal skull. Queen Nefertiti, considered by Egyptians as their most beautiful Queen ever, had an elongated skull and was considered a great charm of her beauty… There was a time in Bollywood where the heroines would elongate their heads by hiding a black bun in the back of their heads under the hair.. Marumakkathayam Act stood repealed by the Kerala Joint Hindu Family System Abolition Act 1975 (Act 30 of 1976).. this system ran for millenniums.. In 1912, Kingdom of Travancore controlled by Jew Rothschild, gave its first boost to nuclear families, modeled on the patriarchal style.. By 1923 the call was final: matriliny should be abolished and individual partition was to be the weapon of choice. INDIA’S NO 1 PROBLEM IS SUB-DIVISION AND FRAGMENTATION OF FERTILE LAND.. THIS WAS STOPPED BY PARASHURAMA 6000 YEARS AGO.. #### ####.. The elder male was considered the head known as karanavar and the entire assets of the family were controlled by him as if he was the sole owner. The properties were not handed to his sons but to the daughters of his sons or to their sisters… The KARNAVAR who had the final say in all matters- there was no bullshit Khap or Court system.. When two family karanavars , men of honour, clashed one thing was 100% sure—blood would flow. Today Kerala is ruled by commie beggars ( atti mari gang ) dressed up as kings.. In the system of matrilineal society (not to be mistaken for matriarchy) descent was traced through females and the succession of property was from mothers to daughters.. In Kerala in ancient time no man stepped out of house without his long sword. If it was raining he might neglect his umbrella, but not his sword.. It was commonplace for a man to die early.. His code of conduct was 100% focuses on his motherland’s honor and then his own honor.. Family, succession, children and economic resources were left to women to take care of simply because men had different priorities at the time.. Boys were sent off to train in military gymnasiums ( Kalari ) from the age of eight, and their sole occupation thereafter was to master the art of warfare. For them death by any other means than at the end of a sword on the battlefield was a mortifying ignominy and in their constant zeal for military excellence and glorious bloodshed, they had no time to husband women or economic resources.. Now check out a Kerala Muslim man being kicked by a shit ass Saudi man who thinks he is senior Muslim.. In antiquity the Saudi Arab would be made to eat his own balls.. He does not know that his Al Saud king is a Jew.. ######## ######..The fact remains that Mohammad the prophet was a Malayali.. The second mosque on the planet is the Cheraman Perumal mosque where the original Koran was written by a Malayali named Malik Deenar.. The Kaaba Shiva temple and the Mecca oasis belonged to the Calicut king ( my hometown ).. This is why the Calicut king was never defeated in battle, till German Jew Rothschild used Jew Tipu Sultan and his father Jew Hyder Ali to surprise attack the Calicut king with long range rockets. The Calicut king when he was defeated by Jew Hyder Ali, committed suicide by blowing himself up inside his palace.. It was the first time a Calicut king had been defeated in battle since antiquity.. #### ####.. When it came to personal honor the Calicut King was the REAL DEAL.. he proved in public that he was worthy to sit on the throne of Calicut.. He hung out his own life for anybody to take at the 12 yearly Mamankam fest and thousands including foreigners watched him become PERUMAL the undisputed CHAMPION KING…… This was NOT some bullshit Ashwamedha Yagna .. #### ####… Kerala Thiyya Queen Hatshepsut was a full fledged powerful Pharoah.. This is because the Egyptian royalty was a matrilineal clan. #### ####… There were many other full fledged powerful female Pharoahs like.. SOBEKNEFERU , NEITHHOTEP, MERITNEITH, CLEOPATRA etc. The Egyptian throne succession was matrilineal: One became pharaoh by marrying the throne princess, the daughter of the previous throne princess and her Pharaoh husband. Egyptian kings claimed a right to the throne through marriage to the eldest Egyptian princess. By marriage, she transmitted the crown to her husband, but he only acted as her executive agent. The pharaohs, as well as the leaders of smaller localities, adhered to this matriarchal system. If the pharaoh/leader had no daughters, then a dynasty ended and a new dynasty began, with a new revered maiden woman as a new seed for a new dynasty.. When I went To Kannur for my wedding my father gave me an envelope containing money.. He said it is MACHOONAPANAM .. This was BRIBE cash to be given to my first cousin , as he had the first pecking rights to his murapennu .. This is just in jest.. Sometimes the wedding would be held up for a few minutes, if the cash was not good enough.. all part of the ritual, not to be taken seriously.. In my case he just said MACHOONAPANAM KURANJU POYI KETTO! ( hey, you gave me a mere pittance ) ..
Rothschild’s agent Jew Gandhi, brainwashed Indians not to be violent against the white invader who enslaved us and robber our watan blind.. India was converted from the richest nation to the poorest nation in 200 years falt. Gandhi along with BR Amebdkar and EVR Paeriay called Bhagavad Gita an EVIL book as it promoted violence.. Gujju no 1 Gandhi wanted enslaved Indians to turn the charkha when they feel frustrated and angry. I was most surprised to see on TV, Rothschild’s agent Gujju No 2 Mod also telling the same thing.. Modi told on TV, GANDHIJI NEY CHARKHA GHUMAAKE HUMKO AAZAADI DILWAAYA.. Sorry, this was not the purpose of Krishna mentoring Arjuna just before the start of the Mahabharata at Kurukshetra battle field.. Arjuna wrongly thought that he would be committing a grave sin by killing his grandsire Bhishma , teacher Drona and his beloved relatives/ friends who were fighting on the Kaurava side.. Krishna tells Arjuna that the soul is real.. The body inside which the soul exists is unreal.. The souls of Bhishma , teacher Drona and his beloved relatives/ friends cannot be killed.. Krishna begins with the tenet that the soul (Atman) is eternal and immortal. The human body is like the clothes being worn for the day.. Any 'death' on the battlefield would involve only the shedding of the body, whereas the soul is permanent.. Arjuna shrinks from the act of killing and is in the throes of depression. Krishna reminds him that, in the absolute sense, there is no such act called killing.. KRISHNA himself came as Vishnu’s avatar of earth to kill Kerala Kings Shishupala and Dantavakra.. Inside Sishupala’s mortal carcass was Vishnu’s beloved gatekeeper of Vaikunta, JAYA. .Inside Dantavakra’s mortal carcass was Vishnu’s beloved gatekeeper of Vaikunta, VIJAYA .. #### ####... Same way inside King RAVANA’S mortal carcass was Vishnu’s beloved gatekeeper of Vaikunta, JAYA.. Vishnu mortal avatar RAMA was born on earth to release Jaya by killing Ravana .. #### ####... Krishna tells Arjuna , the soul within is the only reality. This cadaver body is simply an appearance; its existence, its destruction, is likewise, illusory.. Krishna tells Arjuna , sustaining Dharma is to kill evil.. It is Dharmic to fight a righteous war, it is a sin to flee from it as a Kshatriya.. Running away from a just battle to kill evil, is avoiding duty and escapism. If we go to the sea shore waves rise and fall. DO WE CRY AND MOURN FOR THE WAVE WHICH HAS FALLEN? The wave is unreal , the real thing is the water in the ocean ..Waves are like the physical bodies which appear and disappear while the indweller of the body, the self or soul is like the water.. Krishna tells Arjuna , look at all on the opposing Kaurava side as souls.. don’t look at their mortal carcass.. The soul within their bodies is immortal; you cannot kill the soul.. The soul never ceases to be and the body is ever perishable. Indeed the only thing 100% sure on this planet is that all humans will die one day.. if not today then some other day.. Krishna declares that the embodied soul in every one identifies itself with varied forms temporarily to gain preordained experiences.. The soul is a splinter of BrahmAn the field ( God ) sent on earth at a lower frequency.. It goes through every form of life ( endless rebirths ) and then one day as a conscious human the soul ( at highest frequency same as mother field BrahmAn / zero karmic baggage / zero ego ) gets moksha . The soul then merges with brahmAn at the sevent Astral layer ( Vaikunta ) and becomes god, becomes immortal, with no more earthly sojourns.. The individual soul gives closed loop experience based information feed back to BrahmAn.. BrahmAn knows everything.. Indeed , the earth is brahmAn’s school.. Neither Krishna himself nor Arjuna nor the other kings who have assembled in the battlefield are mere accidental happenings nor shall they cease to exist in future. Prior to the pot, in the pot and after the pot it was only the clay which has continuous existence. Arjuna should not grieve for his relatives out of fear of their destruction. . One should not worry or get himself deluded over when the soul passes over to another body at physical death..When Ravana was killed the soul ( JAYA ) entered Sishupala’s mortal carcass. Krishna then killed Sishupala and released JAYA to join back Vishnu as his gatekeeper in Vaikunta.. Birth and death are spoken of with regard to the physical body and not the soul. CUNT Kancha Ilaih once sputtered on TV white spittle at either ends of lips, and croed “ OOOHHHH.. Hindu Gods are so violent, they are always killing dalits”.. The CHOOT does not know that all Hindu Gods are cosmic allegories except Vishnu avatar mortal gods with 13 strand DNA, Rama/ Krishna/ Ayyappa.. Only Vishnu can have mortal avatars.. If the man does not identify himself with the body he is not at all doer of any activity. The soul remains unaffected and unchanged. Only that which is perishable and changeable can be slain. How could the imperishable and unchangeable be slain?. Krishna clarifies that it is the desire for and attachment to the result of an action that create bondage; but when an action is performed without any such desire, it leads to freedom of the soul. The injunction to fight is only incidental.. ALARMED BY RISE OF HINDUSIM, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH BANNED BHAGAVAD GITA FOR PROMOTING VIOLENCE.. SORRY, BHAGAVAD GITA PROMOTED ONLY KILLING OF EVIL FORCES, AS OUR HINDU DHARMA.. BALLS TO JEW GANDHI / JEW MARTIN LUTHER KING JR/ JEW LEO TOLSTOY.. #### ####... #### देहिनोऽस्मिन्यथादेहेकौमारंयौवनंजरा| . तथादेहान्तरप्राप्तिर्धीरस्तत्रनमुह्यति|| 13||.. Bhagavad Gita 2.13 , 4000 BC .. dehino ’smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara . tatha dehantara-praptir dhiras tatra na muhyati .. Translation :-- BG 2.13: Just as the embodied soul continuously passes from childhood to youth to old age, similarly, at the time of death, the soul passes into another body. The wise are not deluded by this. ####... #### वासांसिजीर्णानियथाविहाय . नवानिगृह्णातिनरोऽपराणि|. तथाशरीराणिविहायजीर्णा. न्यन्यानिसंयातिनवानिदेही|| 22|| … Bhagavad Gita 2.22, 4000 BC…vasansi jirnani yatha vihaya.. navani grihnati naro ’parani.. tatha sharirani vihaya jirnanya.. nyani sanyati navani dehi..
Translation:- . BG 2.22: As a person sheds worn-out garments and wears new ones, likewise, at the time of death, the soul casts off its worn-out body and enters a new one. ####... #### अच्छेद्योऽयमदाह्योऽयमक्लेद्योऽशोष्यएवच | . नित्य: सर्वगत: स्थाणुरचलोऽयंसनातन: || 24||, Bhagavad Gita 2.24, 4000 BC .. achchhedyo ’yam adahyo ’yam akledyo ’shoshya eva cha.. nityah sarva-gatah sthanur achalo ’yam sanatanah …. Translation:- BG 2.24: The soul is unbreakable and incombustible; it can neither be dampened nor dried. It is everlasting, in all places, unalterable, immutable, and primordial.. ####... #### देहीनित्यमवध्योऽयंदेहेसर्वस्यभारत|. तस्मात्सर्वाणिभूतानिनत्वंशोचितुमर्हसि|| 30||… Bhagavad Gita 2.30 , 4000 BC … dehi nityam avadhyo ’yam dehe sarvasya bharata .. tasmat sarvani bhutani na tvam shochitum arhasi … Translation:- BG 2.30: O Arjun, the soul that dwells within the body is immortal; therefore, you should not mourn for anyone. ####.. #### स्वधर्ममपिचावेक्ष्यनविकम्पितुमर्हसि |. धर्म्याद्धियुद्धाच्छ्रेयोऽन्यत्क्षत्रियस्यनविद्यते || 31||.. Bhagavad Gita 2.32, 4000 BC… swa-dharmam api chavekshya na vikampitum arhasi.. dharmyaddhi yuddhach chhreyo ’nyat kshatriyasya na vidyate … Translation:- BG 2.31: Besides, considering your duty as a warrior, you should not waver. Indeed, for a warrior, there is no better engagement than fighting for upholding of righteousness. ####... #### अथचेतत्त्वमिमंधर्म्यंसंग्रामंनकरिष्यसि|.तत: स्वधर्मंकीर्तिंचहित्वापापमवाप्स्यसि|| 33|| Bhagavad Gita 2.33, 4000 BC.. atha chet tvam imam dharmyam sangramam na karishyasi.. tatah sva-dharmam kirtim cha hitva papam avapsyasi .. Translation: - BG 2.33: If, however, you refuse to fight this righteous war, abandoning your social duty and reputation, you will certainly incur sin…. ####... Since Jewish deep state darling Gujju no 2 Modi sat of the PM’s chair he uttered the name of Gujju No 1 Gandhi , in praise, thousands of times.. We are keeping a count!.. …. AFTER READING AND UNDERSTANDING THE TRUTH ABOVE, I WISH TO..
Somebody called me up and cried.. Captain, at every literary fest a white ISKCON agent comes from Udipi Mutt , Karnataka to talk about KRISHNA AS SAGUNA BRAHMAN.. What the hell is this?.. Listen – There is nothing called SAGUNA BRAHMAN.. The morphogenetic field of consciousness , the Hindu Advaita Vedanta god is NIRGUNA BRAHMAN who cannot be picked up by the five human senses.. The Udipi Mutt was created by Jew Rothschild .. The 5900 year old Ayyappa idol ( Vishnu’s ninth avatar ) was shifted to the nearby Shiva Temple and replaced by a Krishna idol found by Madhavacharya at the Udipi beach sea shore.. Rothschild deleted Ayyappa as the ninth avatar of vishnu and inserted the fake Pali speaking , pig eating Buddha who did not believe in soul.. like how in ncert books we still learn about Edison and not Tesla …The real Buddha, whose statues are found in ancient rock cut temples, was born in 1900 BCE in India, Kikita, Gaya, Bihar, to parents Anjana/ Hemajit- he spoke Sanskrit, was a vegetarian, and believed in the soul - The fake Buddha, cooked up by Jew Rothschild as the 9th avatar of Vishnu, was touted to be born in 480 BCE in Nepal, Lumbini, Kapilavastu, to parents Mayadevi/ Shuddodhana… Madhavacharya never existed.. ISKCON controlled by the white man does propaganda for Madhavacharya and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ( the BHAKTI movement hero )who never existed. ISKCON founder Srila Prabhupada was poisoned and the whole financial empire taken over by criminal white men who run it today weaponising Krishna and Radha .. Radha , Krishna’s mistress never existed.. Rothschild created the FAKE Swaminarayan sect where inside the super opulent Akshardham temples ( funded by Indian Antwerp / Dubai diamond mafia Kathaiwari/ Palanpuri/ Marwari Jain Jews ) have idols of Krishna , Radha and the fake Rothschild cooked up god Ghanshyam Pande, an autistic fellow who died 190 years ago.. Modi does propaganda for Ghanshyam Pande calling him a Hindu God .. Modi has taken several foreign rulers to Akshardham temples to pour water on the golden idol of Ghanshyam Pande ( Swaminarayan ).. Modi is an enemy of Sanatana Dharma from within.. Modi lies that Akshardham temples are Hindu temples.. ALL HINDU GODS ARE COSMIC ALLEGORIES EXCEPT VISHNUs MORTAL AVATARS RAMA/ KRISHNA/ AYYAPPA.. Krishna is a mere mortal avatar of Vishnu, with 13 strand DNA ( nil junk ) who was subjected to laws of Karma.. Ancient Kerala Maharishis who downloaded the Vedas 400 centuries ago has 12 strand DNA.. Adi Shankaracharya who died 4000 years ago was the last of the Maharishis.. Imagine Rothschild converted an evil Chitpavan Jew Dhondo Keshav Karve to a Maharishi.. This Jew who died in 1962, supplied girls to the white elite officers .. He ran a WIDOW ASHRAM packed with attractive YOUNG WIDOWS.. Mysteriously husbands of beautiful young women would die.. Bharat Ratna Karve himself married a beautiful widow from his own ashram.. Krishna’s job on earth was to liberate the souls of Vishnu’s beloved gatekeepers of Vaikunta- JAYA and VIJAYA from the mortal carcasses of Kerala Kings Sishupala and Dantavakra 6000 years ago. Krishna had the Sudarshan Chakra which he used at lowest power setting 1 out of 108 to behead Sishupala. During the Mahabharata war Krishna would used the Sudarshan Chakra at a slightly higher setting to cause severe atmospheric refraction by using the scalar interferometry weapon at endothermic and exhothermic mode to kill King Jayadrata. Krishna caused to sun to dip below the horizon causing darkness , got Arjuna to kill Jayadrata ( who stopped fighting ) and then caused the sun to rise above the horizon to cause daylight again. . At full power setting of 108, the Sudrashan Charkra could boil off all planet earth’s oceans in seconds.. This weapon obtained by Samudra Manthan, harnessed the power of brahmAn ( empty space in all 108 atom elements ).. #### ####.. IN BHAGAVAD GITA KRISHNA ACTS AS THE MOUTHPIECE OF “ NIRGUNA BRAHMAN “..#### ब्रह्मणोहिप्रतिष्ठाहममृतस्याव्ययस्यच|..शाश्वतस्यचधर्मस्यसुखस्यैकान्तिकस्यच|| 27||.. Bhagavad Gita 14.27, 4000 BC..brahmano hi pratishthaham amritasyavyayasya cha.shashvatasya cha dharmasya sukhasyaikantikasya cha..Translation:-BG 14.27: I am the basis of the FORMLESS BRAHMAN, the immortal and imperishable, of eternal dharma, and of unending divine bliss. ####... Sometimes in Bhagavad Gita spoke as himself, Krishna the mortal avatar of Vishnu.. SOMETIMES IN BHAGAVAD GITA BECAME THE MOUTHPIECE OF VISHNU, THE COSMIC ALLEGORY.. #### नतुमांशक्यसेद्रष्टुमनेनैवस्वचक्षुषा|. दिव्यंददामितेचक्षु: पश्यमेयोगमैश्वरम्|| 8||.. Bhagavad Gita 11.8. 4000 BC.. na tu mam shakyase drashtum anenaiva sva-chakshusha. divyam dadami te chakshuh pashya me yogam aishwaram.. Translation:-- BG 11.8: But you cannot see my cosmic form with these physical eyes of yours. Therefore, I grant you divine vision. Behold my majestic opulence! ####... According to BULLSHIT DVAITA VEDANTA of Madhvacharya ( who never existed ) and Vishistadvaita of Ramanujacharya ( who never existed ) , Brahman is conceived as Saguna Brahman (personal deity) or ishvara (Lord of the universe) with infinite attributes, including form ( sic).. Subramanian Swamy an enemy of Sanatana Dharma from within, does propaganda for Ramanujacharya who never existed .. #### ####… There is NO Sanatana Dharma without Brahman the field ( Advaita Vedanta base template ), Trinity gods Brahma/ Vishnu/ Shiva ( Dvaita Vedanta second template and Purusha- Shiva / Prakriti- Shakti interplay ( Sankhya Vedanta third template ).. ADVAITA VEDANTA represents our Hindu God which cannot be picked up by the 5 senses. Islam has lifted this as Allah and then ridiculed Hindus as idolator kaffirs.. The Hindu Advaita god is Brahman, the morphogenetic field of consciousness. At a micro scale it is the empty space within an atom in which electrons whizz around in Mobius perpetual motion , which is 99.9999 % of the atom .. At macro scale it is the Akasha ( Zero Point Field ) of the vast cosmos… By itself Advaita field cannot do much.. This is why we superimpose the Dvaita template on the Advaita template.. Dvaita Vedanta ( it has nothing to do with fake Madhavacharya cooked up by Jew Rothschild ) has the Hindu god trinity ( with their wives Saraswati/ Laxmi Parvati ) inherent.. Brahma ( creator ) / Vishnu ( mediator ) / Shiva ( destroy )..In reality nothing is being created or destroyed, it is only transformed ( energy) .Vishnu holds the FULCRUM in a dynamic manner as explained by the Planetary gear. .Brahma and Shiva are merely opposite forces , like evaporation and condensation.. Vishnu decides when , with what force as mediator and for how long as sustainer.. Sankhya Vedanta is about the observer and the observed , advanced Quantum physics.. The observer is PURUSHA ( Shiva as consciousness ) and the observed is PRAKRITI ( Shakti as energy ) . . The white Quantum scientists conducted the DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT and were shell shocked to discover that what was mentioned in the Vedas downloaded by Kerala Danava Maharishis 400 centuries ago about THE CONSCIOUS OBSERVER was spot on.. When the insentient Prakriti comes in contact with the sentient Purusha matter forms the universe evolves.. SAGUNA means “with attributes.” NIRGUNA means “without attributes.”.. While Dvaita Vedanta of Madhvacharya and Vishistadvaita of Ramanuja ( both never existed and wee cooked up by Jew Rothschild.. ) considers SAGUNA Brahman as the ultimate reality and liberation (moksha) is attained only by BHAKTI to God.. Saguna is focused on BHAKTI while Nirguna is focused on SHRADDHA . .. BHAGAVAD GITA DOES NOT AGREE WITH THE CONCEPT OF SAGUNA BRAHMAN.. Adi Shankaracharya allows only NIRGUNA BRAHMAN ( Brahman the field without qualities or attributes ) .. He wrote that everything one sees is not Brahman, but Maya, or the power of illusion.. At every literary fest the traitor bastards they went overboard with Saguna BrahmAn.. with all and sundry giving mindless bull.. They replaced SHRADDA with BHAKTI.. They have been secretly recorded . We know who they are.. A short rope and a lamp post is earmarked for all of them.. Hinduism allows only shraddha never bhakti.. Shraddha is faith emanating from own conscience or soul voice…. #### … … … … ####…. Modi used enemy from within ISKCON to provide noon school meals, depriving young children of Onion and Garlic .. #### ####… Atheist Charvaka school ( Amish Tripathi does propaganda ) teaches that there is nothing beyond the senses, consciousness is a lie, and that it is foolish to seek what cannot be picked up by the 5 senses . Morphogenetic field of consciousness ( brahmAn ) of which our soul is a part with lowered frequency, is the only element in creation that knows itself. ”prajnānam brahma”– brahmAn knows everything. The field of brahman ( god ) has limitless power and is the key to everything: creation and transmutation.. ALLAH concept of Islam is lifted from NIRGUNA BrahmAn.. For Adi Shankaracharya the absolute reality is brahmAn , the morphogenetic consciousness field, attributeless and impersonal,– — while for Rothschild created fake Madhava and fake Ramanuja, ( dualists ) the absolute truth is Vishnu. DVAITA Vedanta of fake Madhavacharya has nothing to do with the DVAITA TEMPLATE of Sanatana Dharma.. Even a retarded child can read both the links below and figure out.. #### ####.. This post below about DVAITA Vedanta about Trinity gods, was penned 8 years ago. Vishnu and his wife Laxmi is a mere part of this trinity.. ### ###..
Somebody called me up and cried.. Captain you cleared the air about BrahmAn without Gunas.. Can you clear the air about PRAKRITI with gunas.. The traitor female judge Indu Malhotra launched into a foul and extravagant explanation about Prakriti and VIKRITI to justify legalizing HOMOSEXUALTY in India.. Listen this FEMALE JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT INDU MALHOTRA is a greater traitor than Zakir Naik.. The Jewish Deep state gears are turning to make this traitor Judge the CHIEF JUSTICE OF INDIA.. Homosexuality pushing judge Indu Malhotra ( catapulted mysteriously from Rothschild’s darling “activist lawyer” to supreme court judge ) made a great show of describing homosexuality using words like PRAKRITI and VIKRITI. This is what this “baffling with bull ” female judge is worth ! VIKRITI is a Sanskrit Malayalam word used in Ayurveda.. Vikriti is the imbalance that results when we are not living in harmony with nature. In Malayalam we use the word Vikriti to describe mischief – something that is altered from its natural state.. THERE ARE NO SYNONYMS IN SANSKRIT—ONE WORD , ONE MEANING.. The Monier Willaims dictionary has only 45% words and that too supercharged with fake synoniums.. This is how Mahamritunjaya Mantra calls URVARUKAM as Kerala CUCUMBER— not its real meaning “ POWERFUL AFFLICTION”..Cucumber in Sanskrit is karkkati .. I can call stupid Judge Indu Malhotra on TV for a LIVE debate and ask her 1000 questions on PRAKRITI, she will get ZERO percent marks.. Indu Malhotra lied inside Supreme court that most species on this planet exhibit homosexual tendencies.. You give me a hall full of 500 females and 500 males between the ages 14 to 45.. I will put a spray into the AC ventilator duct and cause all 1000 inside the hall to start kissing and groping the private parts boy to boy and girl to girl.. Once all judges are convinced I will put another spray and cause all 1000 inside the hall to start hugging, then kissing then groping the private parts girl to boy and then wild uninhibited sex ..... One constituent of this spray will be oxytocin.. the other two hormones in this mixture, I will not reveal.. I can make a bull hump the sprayed vagina of a dummy plastic cow.. This is the way it is done all over the planet today ( including India ) to collect sperm, which is immediately frozen cryogenically.. Our Indian judiciary is the worst on this planet..My Dutch Chief Engineer showed me a video of his mother wanking the bulls in his farm.. Then one day they caught his 13 year old sister wanking bull’s dong with her knickers down to her ankles, and then they stopped wanking and started using a mannequin cow.. See the video below.. The bull ejaculates in seconds.. #### ####... The Jewish Deep state is hell bent on proving that homosexuality is normal human behavior… #### ####... European Jews have a problem because their ancestors were cannibals.. 99.9% homosexuals are pedophiles.. INDEED SINCE BHAGAVAD GITA WAS PENNED DOWN 6000 YEARS AGO, NOBODY HAS UNDERSTOOD WHAT KRISHNA MEANT BY PRAKRITI AND THE THREE GUNAS.. At every literary fest Indian traitors are chosen to run down their own watan and praise the invader who enslaved us for 800 years.. My father was born a slave.. #### ####... I will explain for the LCD ( lowest common denominator ) or nobody will understand on this planet.. If you find me wanting in my explanation, I will eat my own head.. I will first explain Prakriti and the three gunas for the MACROCOSM .. For the MICROCOSM the soul within is Purusha and Prakriti plays the game of Maya... The ‘union’ of Purusha ( consciousness ) and Prakriti ( scalar energy ) brings about the creation of the cosmos .. Sankhya Vedanta is about the observer and the observed , advanced Quantum physics.. The observer is PURUSHA ( Shiva as consciousness ) and the observed is PRAKRITI ( Shakti as energy ) . When the insentient Prakriti comes in contact with the sentient Purusha matter forms the universe evolves.. Prakriti is made up of the three Gunas or qualities— Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. . As long as the world is manifest, the three gunas are always in flux. They assert themselves in various proportions, giving rise to ever-changing world of manifest forms.. At the beginning of evolution, Purusha ( brahmAn ) comes in contact with Prakriti which disturbs the equilibrium state of the three gunas.. At the time of evolution, names, forms and life arise from Prakriti and at the time of dissolution they go back into it. But Prakriti, independent of BrahmAn the field cannot generate anything. Prakriti is the BrahmaAn’s instrument of creation, preservation and dissolution. Hence BrahmAn is the ultimate cause of the Universe.. Gunas are always present in Prakriti. The unmanifest state is one of equilibrium of the three gunas. At the time of dissolution, when the objects merge back into Prakriti, there is no dissolution for the gunas; they just merge back into Prakriti. Samkhya cosmology , the third template of Sanatana Dharma, elucidated in Bhagavd Gita combines the three guṇas with primal energy/ matter ( Prakriti). These are present in all things and beings in the world, and it is their interplay that defines the physical and psychological character and nature.. Purusha, or consciousness, is separate from Prakriti and changeless.. Prakriti is the potency that brings about evolution and change in the empirical universe. It is described in Bhagavad Gita as the "primal motive force". It is the essential constituent of the universe and is at the basis of all the activity of the creation.. The three gunas ( Tamas/ Rajas/ Sattva ) are the constituents of nature, the substance of Prakriti. The tendency to inertia is Tamas.. The tendency to movement or action is called Rajas. Sattva is a equilibrium state which supervenes when both the conditions of tamas and rajas subside. . Purusha is solitary because even though as consciousness he is the Witness to the effects produced by Prakriti and her three gunas, Purusha remains pure and untouched. The three gunas are born of Prakriti. It is their imbalance that causes the wheels-within-wheels to turn and produce the hologram. After a cyclical Dissolution of the world the gunas return to and remain in a state of perfect balance until next time of Creation. Purusha abides in Prakriti (prakritsthas) as Witness to the effects of her gunas.. Purusha is the Witness and experiencer. Prakriti works through the three gunas and the five senses to produce what Purusha experiences.. #### मयाध्यक्षेणप्रकृति: सूयतेसचराचरम्|. हेतुनानेनकौन्तेयजगद्विपरिवर्तते|| 10||..Bhagavad Gita 9.10, 4000 BC… mayadhyakshena prakritih suyate sa-characharam.. hetunanena kaunteya jagad viparivartate.. Translation:-. BG 9.10: Working under My direction, this material energy brings into being all animate and inanimate forms, O son of Kunti. For this reason, the material world undergoes the changes (of creation, maintenance, and dissolution).. As Prakriti consists of the three gunas, every object in Prakriti is compounded of these three gunas..Purusha, or supreme consciousness ( BrahmAn ) , is the impassive observer of all phenomena. Prakriti, excited in response to Purusa’s attention , has her gunas ( Yin-Yang or Tamas –Rajas ) thrown out of equilibrium. . She moves from transcendence to immanence and undergoes a series of transformations through which the multiform world comes into being. Purusha, was never really in bondage, or enmeshed with Prakriti. Sankhya philosophy unified the Advaita and Dvaita forms of Hinduism in a most interesting manner. Here when the insentient Prakriti ( female –Dvaita ) comes in contact with the sentient Purusha (male –Advaita ) , the universe evolves. Check out the allegory- Purusha is bewitched nay entranced by Prakriti . Prakriti is only too eager to oblige by displaying her subtle charms..Just like a stage dancer, after having performed for the observer , stops dancing, so does Prakṛiti cease to perform for the Puruṣha when her task is accomplished. Female Prakirti has danced for male Puruṣha, and as he is no longer interested in her (“I have seen her”), she stops forever (“I have already been seen”)..Sankhya thus is an intelligent theory of evolution and understanding the universe. The dancing girl dances as long as the male observer is there. The moment the observer ceases to look at her and understands the dance perfectly, she fails to amuse him anymore.All three gunas ( Rajas/ Sattva / Tamas ) are the domain of the matrix, Prakriti’s temporal illusionary HOLOGRAM ( Maya ). 54 TRIPLE INTERSECTIONS of Sri Yantra relate to the 3 gunas ( Rajas/ Sattva/ Tamas ).. Sanskrit has 54 alphabets. Veda srutis and matras ( only in Sanskrit ) can affect the entire cosmos.. The three gunas exist in Dvaita vedanta as well as Sankhya vedanta –two templates super imposed on Advaita vedanta .. Gunas cause change .. When the system becomes stagnant, there will be pralaya.. These are the nine dravyas ( 9 triangles of the Sri yantra ) and these alone describe everything existing in the universe. These are the building blocks of the cosmos world described through their gunas/attributes and karma/motion.. #### ####... Dravya are the building blocks of 108 elements which is inherent in the Sri Yantra . . Kerala Danava sage Kanada Muni in his sutras enumerates real entities irrespective of whether they can be perceived through the sense organs or not. These are conceivable by the mind of the observer who is central to his world. Among nine dravyas, the first four compose the non-eternal matter, mind is the eternal but invisible dravya and the remaining four are eternal and incapable of motion as per Kanada Muni ( 6500 BC ).. Space is one among these nine and Kanada recognizes it as an independent positive entity which is neither absence of matter nor an abstract concept. Spatial separation can only apply to matter since eternal dravyas which are incapable of motion can neither be separated nor brought together. Although mind can move, it is invisible. Therefore all that remains in Kanada’s classification of dravyas is matter. The separation is an identifier and the identification is with reference to the observing mind. It is also significant that the displacement of matter is observed relative to another piece of matter.. His sutra says that mind recognizes space when matter is displaced relative to another piece of matter.. Both space and time are characterized by their guna/attribute of – partva-aparatva/ being together – separated. In Kanada’s definition, the dravyas are understood and defined through their gunas/attributes and each of these dravyas is non-repetitive and unique. Therefore time and space can be recognized as two separate entities if and only if their difference is established. . Space for Kanada is devoid of motion and therefore it is only the matter in motion when the cosmos is mentioned and space is still.. This fits with the idea of cosmological model of Vedanta in which time is said to collapse in the rest period between the cosmic creation and dissolution, and that must be true if time is a function of ‘state of motion’ of the cosmos which comes to a rest in this period between creations and dissolutions.. The Sankhya school of philosophy, which follows Prakrti – Parinama-vada, describes the origination and evolution of universe through its theory of Satkāryavāda , the theory of causation. The manifested effect is pre-existent in the cause; and the original cause of everything that is perceived (Prakriti) is Purusha, which is eternal consciousness.. In evolution the total energy always remains the same redistributed between causes and effects, the totality of effects exists in the totality of causes in the potential form. The collocations and regroupings of the three Gunas (attribute ) induce more differentiated evolutes; they constitute the changes leading to evolutions i.e. from cause to effect, which process is based on Satkaryavada, the doctrine the effect is existent in the cause even before the causal process has started to produce the effect operating in accordance with the two laws of conservation of matter and energy. According to Satkaryavada theory the effect is existent in the cause; the original cause of everything that is perceived is Prakriti. Satkaryavada is a hypothesis according to which the effect pre-exists in a potential state. The causal process involves a modification of a stable underlying reality. The effect is not produced as a reality that is distinct from its underlying cause. It is a specific rearrangement of that causal substrate.. TILL TODAY NOBODY –REPEAT–NOBODY HAS UNDERSTOOD SANKHYA VEDANTA .. CUNT Wikipedia calls it saMkhya , they don’t even know the spelling of saNkhya which is empirical enumeration in Sanskrit and Malayalam.. People pretend they understand what Krishna told Arjuna in Bhagavad gita about the 3 gunas and Prakriti , and that too in a limited manner of MICROSCOPIC SCALE.. .. I shall explain Sankhya ..and this explanation will hold good till the sun goes supernova.. throw everything else in the garbage bin.. IF I WERE THE PM , I WOULD HAVE FORMED MILITARY COURTS THE SAME DAY, JAILED JUDGE INDU MALHOTRA FOR LYING IN COURT ON BEHALF OF THE JEWISH DEEP STATE..
I was a successful CHANGE MANAGER at sea.. I have secrets, because of which I was most effective.. It involved knowing the GUNAS.. It is the ultimate.. There is nothing beyond this.. #### ####.. As a CHANGE MANAGER I used Rajas to break up Tamas— because Sattva, being a condition of harmony, does not always have the ability to do so. It is often necessary to move from Tamas to Rajas in order to return to Sattva, like needing to stimulate or shock a person into awakening to their repressed pain. #### ####.. Sattva works at “self actualization” level, Rajas as esteem where as Tamas at only the “basic needs” level. Let me get back to the MACRO LEVEL.. Witness (upadrashta) means that the purusha perceives everything–nothing is left unknown to it. This applies both macrocosmically and microcosmically. Prakriti is eternal, but its modifications are always changing. Prakriti is eternal, though mutable. Prakriti is composed of three extremely subtle and intangible substances (gunas) called Sattva-guna, Rajo-guna, and Tamo-guna. The process of creation starts when Prakriti borrows consciousness from Purusha ( by induction ) and starts acting like a conscious entity. Prakriti is the fundamental substance out of which the cosmos evolves… Prakriti evolves under the influence of Purusha.. Purusha is an inactive, unchangeable, universal and eternal entity. It is innumerable as there are human beings with a soul. Prakriti simply means nature. Prakriti is the principle of matter or substance. It is a non self without consciousness. Prakriti is active, changeable, earthly and eternal entity. It represents the female aspect of creation. The entire universe is created out of Prakriti or the fundamental matter. According to Sankhya the world is created as a result of the union ( by induction ) between Purusha and Prakriti.. Purusha is always observing, but itself is never the actor nor does it become somehow transmuted into what it witnesses. In no way does it become part of what it sees. This eternal objectivity is a prime trait of the spirit. Prakriti is described in Bhagavad Gita as the “primal motive force”. All action is entirely done by the gunas of Prakriti. Purusha cannot be Prakriti and Prakriti cannot be Purusha. Prakriti is the non-self. It is devoid of consciousness. Prakriti can only manifest itself as the various objects of experience of the Purusha. Purusha ( Brahman / morphogenetic consciousness field ) is static. Prakriti is the dynamic side of Brahman. Sankhya is not a godless system as written by the shallow minded white man. In each cycle of creation, Purusha enters into Prakriti and this union unfolds as the cosmos. In the pralaya or dissolution at the end of the cosmic cycle or Kalpa, all creation withdraws into the now formless Prakriti. Both purusha and prakriti are eternal. Purusha remains perpetually changeless. Prakrti goes on ceaselessly changing, due to the interaction between its own gunas of sattva, rajas and tamas. Earth, water, fire, air and ether; their counterparts smell, taste, sight, touch and sound; the senses of perception and organs of action; mind, intelligence, consciousness and ego are all parts of nature. Ego, consciousness and intelligence are sensitive and elusive. They pile up experiences of objects perceived through the senses of perception, organs of action and mind. These experiences differ according to their relation to circumstances. In this way, consciousness is throttled by the qualities of nature. It is also linked with time, because it fluctuates with thoughts of past, present and future. By disciplined study and effort, experiences are observed to move qualitatively towards the best. While Prakriti is an insentient energy ( can be transmuted to matter ) , Purusha is a sentient energy ( consciousness ) . The body is the modification of the three Gunas. Prakriti is called by the Sânkhya philosophers indiscrete, and defined as the perfect balance of the materials in it; and it naturally follows that in perfect balance there cannot be any motion. In the primal state before any manifestation, when there was no motion but perfect balance, this Prakriti was indestructible, because decomposition or death comes from instability or change.. It is the presence of Purusha in proximity to Prakriti and her gunas that kindles, impels, and instigates the emergence of her effects in the hologram. . When there is no creation, the three Gunas remain in tranquility. However, when Purusha interacts with Prakriti, there is a vibration in Prakriti. This vibration results in the three Gunas intermingling, and mixing in different proportions.. Prakriti is the ‘final substratum of all empirical realities, however her unmanifest is not different from her effects. ‘What was subtle and undifferentiated is called effect when it becomes manifest and differentiated.. Purusha is eternal, something that does not create, uncreated, passive, absolute, infinite, pure, neither the cause nor the effect, consciousness and indestructible. Prakriti is eternal, uncreated something that creates, dynamic absolute, infinite, cause and active.. The creation or evolution of the world begins with the samyoga or EFFECTIVE CONTACT by induction of purusha (consciousness) and prakriti( energy-matter).. According to Sankhya the cause is always subtler than the effect. Prakriti is said to be feminine while Purusha is masculine. Yet Prakriti as a creative force is only feminine in a metaphoric sense. Similarly, Purusha as transcendent awareness is only masculine in a metaphoric sense. Both biological male and female energies are manifestations of Prakriti, which contains and transcends both. Purusha is beyond any biological dualities and has its own Shakti or power of seeing. Prakriti is composite and Purusha as homogenous, with Prakriti as the basis of the diversity and multiplicity of the outer world, and Purusha as the basis of the unity and homogenous nature of consciousness. Prakriti is dependent and Purusha as independent, with Prakriti not existing for itself but to fulfill the will of the Purusha, yet with the Purusha having no instrument of expression apart from Prakriti. The relationship between Purusha and Prakriti is sometimes said to be that of the lame and the blind. Purusha has no power of action and so is metaphorically lame or incapable of moving. Prakriti has no power of knowledge and so is metaphorically blind. The combination of the two is necessary for cosmic evolution. This is not to be taken literally, just to make LCD party understand.. While the Purusha can exist in its own right apart from Prakriti as the transcendence consciousness, Prakriti cannot function apart from the Purusha.. In evolution, Prakriti is transformed and differentiated into multiplicity of objects. Evolution is followed by dissolution. In dissolution the physical existence, all the worldly objects mingle back into Prakriti, which now remains as the undifferentiated, primordial substance. This is how the cycles of evolution and dissolution follow each other.. According to Sankhya the radical interactions among the three gunas disturb the state of equilibrium in Prakriti. Then there may be dominance of one or the other guna. This disequilibrium, with certain other influencing factors, prompts Prakriti to differentiate into world-objects. Before the creation of the world these three gunas remain in a state of perfect equilibrium. . #### नतदस्तिपृथिव्यांवादिविदेवेषुवापुन: |. सत्त्वंप्रकृतिजैर्मुक्तंयदेभि: स्यात्त्रिभिर्गुणै: || 40||.. Bhagavad Gita , 18.4, 4000 BC… na tad asti prithivyam va divi deveshu va punah.. sattvam prakriti-jair muktam yad ebhih syat tribhir gunaih .. Translation: - . BG 18.40: No living being on earth or the higher celestial abodes in this material realm is free from the influence of these three modes of nature. ####.. If we compare the pre-creation state of Prakriti to a river, then Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas are three streams flowing side by side in it. At that state there is perfect harmony among them, they flow without overlapping one another. When they start intermingling and overlapping, the state of harmony is lost and creation starts. The first sign of Prakriti’s conscious activity is seen in its tendency to change itself. It undergoes a process of gradual transformation, the final outcome which is this manifold world. In other words, primordial energy becomes the world through a process of evolution.. Everything in nature goes back to un-manifested infinite energy (shakti) known as Avyakta or Prakriti at the time of dissolution . At the outset of Creation, the Being appears as Hiranyagarbha due to the outstanding merits acquired by him during the previous cycle.. According to Samkhya philosophy, there is Purusha and Prakriti… their combination so to speak produces a womb from which the universe is born.. Hiranyagarbha, the first born Jeeva of a cycle, is endowed with infinite powers of knowledge, will and action. The rest of Creation is his doing.. ‘Hiranya’ means ‘Golden’, ‘Garbha’ means ‘Womb’… The Rigveda mentions the Hiranyagarbha (“golden embryo”) as the source of the creation of the Universe The Samkhya texts state that Purusha and the Prakriti made the embryo, from which the world emerged. Again, Prakriti has three qualities: sattva (purity or preservation), rajas (creation) and tamas ( destruction). When the equilibrium between these qualities gets broken, the act of creation starts. Rajas quality leads to creation. If Prakriti is the fabric of the universe, then the three gunas, Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas, would be the threads that make up the fabric. And like a fabric, the gunas are not seen as individual threads standing alone. They are always woven together to form a whole. The primordial Prakriti consists of the three gunas in a state of equilibrium. In this state, Prakriti is unmanifested. The manifested universe consists of an infinite number of transformations of the gunas into various combinations. In these transformations, one guna predominates, and the other two are present in lesser degrees. Unmanifest prakriti is a reservoir of limitless potential consisting of three fundamental forces called the gunas. While the gunas themselves are permanent in essence— having emerged from primordial nature (prakriti)—their interactions are transitory and afford only a false impression of permanence. In this way, the play of the gunas obscures the real (sat), and attracts and binds us to what is ultimately unreal (asat). . Maya is the principle the Absolute creates to take on the temporal illusory appearance of limitation. Prakriti is the sphere of the insentient Matrix and the unmanifest primordial source of objects of perception. Brahman is the Reality. Maya is the illusion power of Brahman and it is dependent on Brahman. Maya is also said as mulaprakriti or primordial nature or the original principle. The supreme most principle of the consciousness remains untouched and aloof from all the acts of Maya. #### नाहंप्रकाश: सर्वस्ययोगमायासमावृत: | . मूढोऽयंनाभिजानातिलोकोमामजमव्ययम्|| 25||.. Bhagavad Gita 7.45, 4000 BC.. naham prakashah sarvasya yoga-maya-samavritah .. mudho ’yam nabhijanati loko mam ajam avyayam.. Translation:-. BG 7.25: I am not manifest to everyone, being veiled by my divine YogMAYA energy. Hence, those without knowledge do not know that I am without birth and changeless. ####.. The theory of Maya is one of the grand pillars upon which Vedanta rests. The word origin of MAYA is derived from the Sanskrit roots MA ( not ) and YA ( that ). The term MAYA is mentioned 72 times in Rigveda written down in Sanskrit in 5000 BC. Maya is mentioned 29 times in the Atharva Veda. In Puranas and Vaishnava theology, Maya is described as one of the nine shaktis of the reclining Vishnu. MAYA is the veritable fabric of duality, and she performs this role at the behest of BrahmAn, the morphogenetic consciousness field.. The Supreme God is not bound by Maya just as magicians do not believe the illusions of their own magic.. Maya is invisible and beyond sense-perception. No human can see beyond the quantum screen . What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter. What is the difference between a quantum physicist and an ancient Indian maharishi seer of 9500 BC ? .. The mystics took existence for granted, and knew how to get from here to there. They got to see beyond the apparition of MAYA. The distinction between the self and the Universe is a false dichotomy. It is written in the Vedas downloaded 400 centuries ago, that scalar ENERGY AND MATTER ARE INTER CONVERTIBLE. Albert Einstein lifted from Vedas and remarked, “We have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”.. The concept of Maya –was used by the white man to prove that Hindus are superstitious savages .. Not anymore ! Maya is advanced quantum physics.. The sun cannot be seen from outer space ..but its energy can be drawn by solar panels of satellites.. This is an example of Maya.. Maya is invisible- no human can see beyond the quantum screen.. Our 5 narrow band senses are squelched for our own survival.. NASADIYA SUKTA, RIG VEDA ( 5000 BC ) VERSE NO 1.. #### नासदासीन्नोसदासीत्तदानींनासीद्रजोनोव्योमापरोयत्।.. किमावरीवःकुहकस्यशर्मन्नम्भःकिमासीद्गहनंगभीरम्॥१॥.. nasadasinno sadasittadanim | nasidrajo no vyoma paro yat |.. kimavarivah kuhakasya sharmann | ambhah kimasidgahanam gabhiram \1||.. There was NO existence then , nor non-existence.. No realm of air yet , nor etheric aakasha beyond.. What cloaked all, where, by whose MAYA ?.. Did not the cosmic waters pervade dark and deep !. ####.. Maya is the complex illusionary power of BrahmAn , the field, which causes the Brahman to be seen as the material world of separate forms.
LET ME PUT DOWN SOME BHAGAVAD GITA VERSES FOR PRAKRITI AND THREE GUNAS ON THE MACRO SCALE. ….. #### येचैवसात्त्विकाभावाराजसास्तामसाश्चये|. मत्तएवेतितान्विद्धिनत्वहंतेषुतेमयि|| 12||.. Bhagavad Gita 7.12, 4000 BC.. ye chaiva sattvika bhava rajasas tamasash cha ye.. matta eveti tan viddhi na tvaham teshu te mayi.. Translation:-. BG 7.12: The three states of material existence—goodness, passion, and ignorance—are manifested by my energy. They are in me, but I am beyond them. ####.. #### त्रिभिर्गुणमयैर्भावैरेभि: सर्वमिदंजगत्|. मोहितंनाभिजानातिमामेभ्य: परमव्ययम्|| 13||.. Bhagavad Gita 7.13, 4000 BC.. tribhir guna-mayair bhavair ebhih sarvam idam jagat.. mohitam nabhijanati mamebhyah param avyayam.. Translation:- BG 7.13: Deluded by the three modes of Maya, the people in this world are unable to know me, the imperishable and eternal. ####.. #### सर्वभूतानिकौन्तेयप्रकृतिंयान्तिमामिकाम्|. कल्पक्षयेपुनस्तानिकल्पादौविसृजाम्यहम्|| 7||.. प्रकृतिंस्वामवष्टभ्यविसृजामिपुन: पुन: |. भूतग्राममिमंकृत्स्नमवशंप्रकृतेर्वशात्|| 8||.. Bhagavad Gita 9.7-8, 4000 BC ..sarva-bhutani kaunteya prakritim yanti mamikam.kalpa-kshaye punas tani kalpadau visrijamyaham.prakritim svam avashtabhya visrijami punah punah.bhuta-gramam imam kritsnam avasham prakriter vashat.. Translation:-. BG 9.7-8: At the end of one kalp, all living beings merge into My primordial material energy. At the beginning of the next creation, O son of Kunti, I manifest them again. Presiding over My material energy, I generate these myriad forms again and again, in accordance with the force of their natures. ####.. #### मयाध्यक्षेणप्रकृति: सूयतेसचराचरम्|. हेतुनानेनकौन्तेयजगद्विपरिवर्तते|| 10||.. Bhagavad Gita 9.10, 4000 BC.. mayadhyakshena prakritih suyate sa-characharam.. hetunanena kaunteya jagad viparivartate.. Translation:-. BG 9.10: Working under My direction, this material energy brings into being all animate and inanimate forms, O son of Kunti. For this reason, the material world undergoes the changes (of creation, maintenance, and dissolution). ####.. #### पुरुष: प्रकृतिस्थोहिभुङक्तेप्रकृतिजान्गुणान्|. कारणंगुणसङ्गोऽस्यसदसद्योनिजन्मसु|| 22||.. Bhagavad Gita 13.22, 4000 BC.. purushah prakriti-stho hi bhunkte prakriti-jan gunan.. karanam guna-sango ’sya sad-asad-yoni-janmasu.. Translation:-. BG 13.22: When the puruṣh (individual soul) seated in prakṛiti (the material energy) desires to enjoy the three guṇas, attachment to them becomes the cause of its birth in superior and inferior wombs. ####.. #### कार्यकारणकर्तृत्वेहेतु: प्रकृतिरुच्यते|. पुरुष: सुखदु:खानांभोक्तृत्वेहेतुरुच्यते|| 21||.. Bhagavad Gita 13.21, 4000 BC.. karya-karana-kartritve hetuh prakritir uchyate.. purushah sukha-duhkhanam bhoktritve hetur uchyate.. Translation:-. BG 13.21: In the matter of creation, the material energy is responsible for cause and effect; in the matter of experiencing happiness and distress, the individual soul is declared responsible. ####.. Brahman is the Reality. Maya is the illusion power of Brahman and it is dependent on Brahman. Maya is also said as mulaprakriti or primordial nature or the original principle.. The Bhagawad Gita has dwelt on the three properties of Prakriti known as the gunas – sattva, rajas and tamas. It is on the basis of this distinction of the three properties of Prakriti manifested both cosmically and individually.. At the end of the time-cycle, the names and forms of the manifested universe go back into the seed state and remain merged in Prakriti. At this state the three gunas of Prakriti remain in equilibrium. When this balance is disturbed, again creation takes place. This process of creation and dissolution is without beginning. Thus the better terms to indicate creation and dissolution are manifestation or evolution and mergence or involution. BrahmAn , in His pure essence, remains unaffected by the activities of His maya, though the insentient maya is activated because of its proximity to Purusha.. Living beings come out of Prakriti which remains dormant at the end of the previous cycle. Dissolution or the state in which the three gunas remain at perfect balance is called the sleep (dormant state) of Prakriti.. The beings at the end of the previous cycle merged in Prakriti are still under the influence of maya or ignorance. As Prakriti becomes active at the beginning of the next cycle, the beings also assume appropriate births according to their past karma. The creation belongs to the realm of maya and Purusha is beyond maya. There is no relationship between Purusha and creation just as there is no contact between the desert and the mirage. He is totally free from any desire, purpose, motive or agency so far as the creation is concerned.. The magnet is indifferent although it makes the iron pieces move on account its proximity.. Similarly, Purusha remains indifferent although He makes the nature-Prakriti- create the world. He presides over the world which consists of moving and unmoving objects as a witness. By His presence the wheel of the manifested and unmanifested beings revolves round and round.. Energy (Prakriti) and Consciousness (Purusha) are both beginningless. They are the two aspects of Brahman. . The play of energy and Consciousness causes the origin, preservation and dissolution of the Universe.. Krishna says that there is no creature either on the earth or among the cosmic forces in the heaven who is free from the influences of these three Gunas. The play of these three Gunas is the very expression of Prakriti. . Purusha is neither produced nor does it produce. Prakriti is not produced but it produces. . Krishna declared, among sages I am Kapila.. Maharishi Kapila ( 11,500 BC ) said that the universe arose through the union of prakriti ( energy ) and Purusha ( consciousness )… . Sankhya unified the two concepts of science and religion by demonstrating its equivalence through axiomatic laws. The Sankhya system is an evolutionary theory of matter beginning with primordial matter. In evolution, Prakriti is transformed and differentiated into multiplicity of objects. Evolution is followed by dissolution. In dissolution the physical existence, all the worldly objects mingle back into Prakriti, which now remains as the undifferentiated, primordial substance. . Prakriti cannot be perceived, not because of its non-existence, but because of its subtlety. It is perceived in its effects. . Tantric system borrows the abstract dualism of Sankhya and modifies it into a personified male–female dualism. There is NO deviant sex involved here, unless you are traitors Romila Thapar or Zakir Naik…. Purusha and Prakriti is expressed as Shiva and Shakti in the same body 50:50 – this is NOT a she boy or a transgender . It is a mindboggling, intelligent concept. Purusha symbolizes consciousness, the masculine principle. Prakriti symbolizes the feminine principle, the activating energy. The cosmos in all its manifestations, as an act of divine love..
Somebody called me up and cried.. Captain since Bhagavad Gita was penned 6000 years ago, nobody has been able to explain PRAKRITI AND THE THREE GUNAS , not even Adi Shankaracharya , the last of our Maharishis who lived 4000 years ago… Trillions of words have been written by stupid Sanskrit language scholars who don’t have the cerebral wherewithal …. This is like an Arabic language scholar trying to explain a book on Quantum physics translated to Arabic.. He should stick to his Koran, which tells him how to sell bad dates and buy good dates.. We Hindus gloss over the SUBJECTIVE Bhagavad Gita verses and pretend to understand.. It made us self loathing.. Frustrated, most people migrated to the FAKE Ashtavakra Gita, OBJECTIVE bullshit like a company manual, cooked up by Jew Rothschild.. Captain, have made it crystal clear on the MACRO scale.. Can you explain on the MICRO scale.. The hidden wisdom of Bhagavad Gita is indeed unparalleled.. Indeed! .. ### NOW LET ME PUT DOWN SOME BHAGAVAD GITA VERSES FOR PRAKRITI AND THREE GUNAS ON THE MICRO SCALE. I WILL EXPLAIN IN GREAT DETAIL FOR THE LCD ( LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR ) , AFTER THIS.. #### येचैवसात्त्विकाभावाराजसास्तामसाश्चये|. मत्तएवेतितान्विद्धिनत्वहंतेषुतेमयि|| 12||.. Bhagavad Gita 7.12, 4000 BC.. ye chaiva sattvika bhava rajasas tamasash cha ye.. matta eveti tan viddhi na tvaham teshu te mayi.. Translation:-. BG 7.12: The three states of material existence—goodness, passion, and ignorance—are manifested by my energy. They are in me, but I am beyond them. ####.. #### त्रिभिर्गुणमयैर्भावैरेभि: सर्वमिदंजगत्|. मोहितंनाभिजानातिमामेभ्य: परमव्ययम्|| 13||.. Bhagavad Gita 7.13, 4000 BC.. tribhir guna-mayair bhavair ebhih sarvam idam jagat.. mohitam nabhijanati mamebhyah param avyayam.. Translation:- BG 7.13: Deluded by the three modes of Maya, the people in this world are unable to know me, the imperishable and eternal. ####.. #### सर्वभूतानिकौन्तेयप्रकृतिंयान्तिमामिकाम्|. कल्पक्षयेपुनस्तानिकल्पादौविसृजाम्यहम्|| 7||.. प्रकृतिंस्वामवष्टभ्यविसृजामिपुन: पुन: |. भूतग्राममिमंकृत्स्नमवशंप्रकृतेर्वशात्|| 8||.. Bhagavad Gita 9.7-8, 4000 BC ..sarva-bhutani kaunteya prakritim yanti mamikam.kalpa-kshaye punas tani kalpadau visrijamyaham.prakritim svam avashtabhya visrijami punah punah.bhuta-gramam imam kritsnam avasham prakriter vashat.. Translation:-. BG 9.7-8: At the end of one kalp, all living beings merge into My primordial material energy. At the beginning of the next creation, O son of Kunti, I manifest them again. Presiding over My material energy, I generate these myriad forms again and again, in accordance with the force of their natures. ####.. #### मयाध्यक्षेणप्रकृति: सूयतेसचराचरम्|. हेतुनानेनकौन्तेयजगद्विपरिवर्तते|| 10||.. Bhagavad Gita 9.10, 4000 BC.. mayadhyakshena prakritih suyate sa-characharam.. hetunanena kaunteya jagad viparivartate.. Translation:-. BG 9.10: Working under My direction, this material energy brings into being all animate and inanimate forms, O son of Kunti. For this reason, the material world undergoes the changes (of creation, maintenance, and dissolution). ####.. #### पुरुष: प्रकृतिस्थोहिभुङक्तेप्रकृतिजान्गुणान्|. कारणंगुणसङ्गोऽस्यसदसद्योनिजन्मसु|| 22||.. Bhagavad Gita 13.22, 4000 BC.. purushah prakriti-stho hi bhunkte prakriti-jan gunan.. karanam guna-sango ’sya sad-asad-yoni-janmasu.. Translation:-. BG 13.22: When the puruṣh (individual soul) seated in prakṛiti (the material energy) desires to enjoy the three guṇas, attachment to them becomes the cause of its birth in superior and inferior wombs. ####.. #### कार्यकारणकर्तृत्वेहेतु: प्रकृतिरुच्यते|. पुरुष: सुखदु:खानांभोक्तृत्वेहेतुरुच्यते|| 21||.. Bhagavad Gita 13.21, 4000 BC.. karya-karana-kartritve hetuh prakritir uchyate.. purushah sukha-duhkhanam bhoktritve hetur uchyate.. Translation:-. BG 13.21: In the matter of creation, the material energy is responsible for cause and effect; in the matter of experiencing happiness and distress, the individual soul is declared responsible. ####.. #### दैवीह्येषागुणमयीमममायादुरत्यया|. मामेवयेप्रपद्यन्तेमायामेतांतरन्तिते|| 14||.. Bhagavad Gita 7.14, 4000 BC.. daivi hyesha guna-mayi mama maya duratyaya.. mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te.. Translation:- . BG 7.14: My divine energy Maya, consisting of the three modes of nature, is very difficult to overcome. But those who have SHRADDHA unto me cross over it easily. ####… #### उपद्रष्टानुमन्ताचभर्ताभोक्तामहेश्वर: |. परमात्मेतिचाप्युक्तोदेहेऽस्मिन्पुरुष: पर: || 23||.. Bhagavad Gita 13.23, 4000 BC .. upadrashtanumanta cha bharta bhokta maheshvarah.. paramatmeti chapy ukto dehe ’smin purushah parah.. Translation:-. BG 13.23: Within the body also resides the Supreme Lord. He is said to be the Witness, the Permitter, the Supporter, Transcendental Enjoyer, the ultimate Controller, and the Paramātmā (Supreme Soul). ####.. #### श्रीभगवानुवाच|. अक्षरंब्रह्मपरमंस्वभावोऽध्यात्ममुच्यते|.. भूतभावोद्भवकरोविसर्ग: कर्मसञ्ज्ञित: || 3||.. Bhagavad Gita 8.3, 4000 BC.. aksharam brahma paramam svabhavo dhyatmam uchyate.. bhuta-bhavodbhava-karo visargah karma-sanjnitah.. Translation:-. BG 8.3: The Blessed Lord said: The Supreme Indestructible Entity is called Brahman; one’s own self is called adhyātma. Actions pertaining to the material personality of living beings, and its development are called karma, or fruitive activities. ####.. ### त्रैगुण्यविषयावेदानिस्त्रैगुण्योभवार्जुन|. निर्द्वन्द्वोनित्यसत्त्वस्थोनिर्योगक्षेमआत्मवान्|| 45||.. Bhagavad Gita 2.45, 4000 BC.. trai-gunya-vishaya veda nistrai-gunyo bhavarjuna.. nirdvandvo nitya-sattva-stho niryoga-kshema atmavan.. Translation:-. BG 2.45: The Vedas deal with the three modes of material nature, O Arjun. Rise above the three modes to a state of pure spiritual consciousness. Freeing yourself from dualities, eternally fixed in truth, and without concern for material gain and safety, be situated in the self. ####… #### यएवंवेत्तिपुरुषंप्रकृतिंचगुणै: सह|. सर्वथावर्तमानोऽपिनसभूयोऽभिजायते|| 24||.. Bhagavad Gita 13.24, 4000 BC.. ya evam vetti purusham prakritim cha gunaih saha.. sarvatha vartamano ’pi na sa bhuyo ’bhijayate.. Translation:-. BG 13.24: Those who understand the truth about Supreme Soul, the individual soul, material nature, and the interaction of the three modes of nature will not take birth here again. They will be liberated regardless of their present condition. ####.. #### यस्मात्क्षरमतीतोऽहमक्षरादपिचोत्तम: |. अतोऽस्मिलोकेवेदेचप्रथित: पुरुषोत्तम: || 18||.. Bhagavad Gita 15.18, 4000 BC.. yasmat ksharam atito ’ham aksharad api chottamah.. ato ’smi loke vede cha prathitah purushottamah.. Translation:--. BG 15.18: I am transcendental to the perishable world of matter, and even to the imperishable soul; hence I am celebrated, both in the Vedas and the Smṛitis, as the Supreme Divine Personality. ####… #### नतदस्तिपृथिव्यांवादिविदेवेषुवापुन: |सत्वंप्रकृतिजैर्मुक्तंयदेभि: स्यात्त्रिभिर्गुणै: || 40|| .Bhagawad Gita Chapter 18.40 . 4000 BC.. na tad asti pṛithivyāṁ vā divi deveṣhu vā punaḥsattvaṁ prakṛiti-jair muktaṁ yad ebhiḥ syāt tribhir guṇaiḥ.. Translation: No living being on earth or the higher celestial abodes ( souls parked in astral layers in this material realm ( prakriti ) is free from the influence of these three modes of nature (gunas) . ####.. #### प्रकृते: क्रियमाणानिगुणै: कर्माणिसर्वश: |. अहङ्कारविमूढात्माकर्ताहमितिमन्यते|| 27||.. Bhagavad Gita 3.27, 4000 BC.. prakriteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvashah.. ahankara-vimudhatma kartaham iti manyate.. Translation:- BG 3.27: All activities are carried out by the three modes of material nature. But in ignorance, the soul, deluded by false identification with the body, thinks itself to be the doer ####.. #### तत्त्ववित्तुमहाबाहोगुणकर्मविभागयो: |. गुणागुणेषुवर्तन्तइतिमत्वानसज्जते|| 28||.. Nhagavad Gita 3.28, 4000 BC.. tattva-vit tu maha-baho guna-karma-vibhagayoh.. guna guneshu vartanta iti matva na sajjate.. Translation:-. BG 3.28: O mighty-armed Arjun, illumined persons distinguish the soul as distinct from guṇas and karmas. They perceive that it is only the guṇas (in the shape of the senses, mind, etc.) that move amongst the guṇas (in the shape of the objects of perception), and thus they do not get entangled in them. ####.. #### मांचयोऽव्यभिचारेणभक्तियोगेनसेवते|. सगुणान्समतीत्यैतान्ब्रह्मभूयायकल्पते|| 26||.. Bhagavad Gita 14.26 , 4000 BC.. mam cha yo ’vyabhicharena SHRADDHA-yogena sevate.. sa gunan samatityaitan brahma-bhuyaya kalpate.. Translation:--. BG 14.26: Those who serve me with unalloyed SHRADDHA rise above the three modes of material nature and come to the level of Brahman. ####.. #### गुणानेतानतीत्यत्रीन्देहीदेहसमुद्भवान्|. जन्ममृत्युजरादु:खैर्विमुक्तोऽमृतमश्रुते|| 20||.. Bhagavad Gita 14.20.. gunan etan atitya trin dehi deha-samudbhavan.. janma-mrityu-jara-duhkhair vimukto ’mritam ashnute.. Translation:-. BG 14.20: By transcending the three modes of material nature associated with the body, one becomes free from birth, death, old age, and misery, and attains immortality. ####.. #### सर्वेन्द्रियगुणाभासंसर्वेन्द्रियविवर्जितम्| . असक्तंसर्वभृच्चैवनिर्गुणंगुणभोक्तृच|| 15||.. Bhagavad Gita 13.15, 4000 BC.. sarvendriya-gunabhasam sarvendriya-vivarjitam.. asaktam sarva-bhrich chaiva nirgunam guna-bhoktri cha .. Translation:- BG 13.15: though he perceives all sense-objects, yet he is devoid of the senses. he is unattached to anything, and yet he is the sustainer of all. although he is without attributes, yet he is the enjoyer of the three modes of material nature. ####.. #### बुद्धिर्ज्ञानमसम्मोह: क्षमासत्यंदम: शम: |सुखंदु:खंभवोऽभावोभयंचाभयमेवच|| 4||अहिंसासमतातुष्टिस्तपोदानंयशोऽयश: |भवन्तिभावाभूतानांमत्तएवपृथग्विधा: || 5|| Bhagawad Gita 10.4/ 5– 4000 BC .. buddhir jñānam asammohaḥ kṣhamā satyaṁ damaḥ śhamaḥsukhaṁ duḥkhaṁ bhavo ’bhāvo bhayaṁ chābhayameva chaahinsā samatā tuṣhṭis tapo dānaṁ yaśho ’yaśhaḥbhavanti bhāvā bhūtānāṁ matta eva pṛithag-vidhāḥ .. Translation:- – From me ( Brahman , field of consciousness of which soul is a tiny part of reduced frequency ) alone arise the varieties in the qualities amongst humans, such as intellect, knowledge, clarity of thought, forgiveness, truthfulness, control over the senses and mind, joy and sorrow, birth and death, fear and courage, non-violence, equanimity, contentment, austerity, charity, fame, and infamy. ####.. #### मयाततमिदंसर्वंजगदव्यक्तमूर्तिना| . मत्स्थानिसर्वभूतानिनचाहंतेष्ववस्थित: || 4||.. Bhagavad Gita 9.4, 4000 BC.. maya tatam idam sarvam jagad avyakta-murtina . mat-sthani sarva-bhutani na chaham teshvavasthitah .. Translation: BG 9.4: This entire cosmic manifestation is pervaded by me in my unmanifest form. All living beings dwell in me, but I do not dwell in them. ####..
The purpose of the gunas on MICRO SCALE is to provide experience for liberation. These gunas are present in all phenomena in different proportion. The gunas are said to be the fetters that keep the free soul in bondage and pain. Guna is a Sanskrit word which translates as “quality, peculiarity, attribute, or tendency”. Patanjali ( 5000 BC ) explains in the Yoga Sutras that you have to deal with the three psychic forces of the mind called the gunas, which govern the subconscious of all Prakriti.. The three gunas are the most subtle qualities of Nature that underlie matter, life and mind. They are the energies through which not only the surface mind, but our deeper consciousness functions. When Purusha ( consciousness ) interacts with Prakriti ( energy ) , there is a vibration in Prakriti. This vibration results in the three Gunas intermingling, and mixing in different proportions. Thus, according to Samkhya philosophy, the coming together of Purusha and Prakriti is responsible for the creation of both tangible materil along with the intangible elements such as the mind, intellect and ego. This entire universe and all its myriad worlds are produced by Prakriti’s gunas operating on their objects via the senses. The concept of the gunas is a simple one, but it’s a powerful and practical tool for understanding and navigating through the sea of life. Spirituality is all about finding and seating your consciousness in that which is eternal and unchanging. Prakriti functions through the reflection of the consciousness of the Purusha that occurs through the medium of the mind, Prakriti’s main power of manifestation. The Sanskrit / Malayalam word “guna” literally means quality, attribute, or characteristic.This universe is constituted of three Gunas. The combination of the three Gunas has produced this universe. It is subject to modifications. A disturbance in the equilibrium of the three Gunas has projected this universe. When one guna in an object reaches a predominant state that the other two gunas cannot affect it, we have creation.The relation between Purusha and Prakriti may be compared to that between a magnet and a piece of iron. Purusha itself does not come into contact with Prakriti. But it influences Prakriti by induction . Thus, the Prakriti is prompted to produce. As the gunas undergo more and more changes, Prakriti goes on differentiating into numerous, various world-objects. Thus it becomes more and more determinate. This is what is termed as evolution.All the levels of manifestation of the human (gross and subtle) are Prakriti, but have life due to the infusion of Purusha.. It is the primordial state of matter, even prior to matter as we know it in the physical sense. Prakriti manifests as the three gunas and the other evolutes. The individual soul or Purusha bound to the mind must progress through the realm of Prakriti in order to return to its true nature as part of the cosmic evolution of consciousness. To attain spiritual liberation, a spiritual aspirant has to transcend these three gunas.. As the gunas are part of prakriti (the subtlest matter) we need to transcend them all. Purusha, the Self, is never an object of experience; purusha is the subject—the one who is aware, the one who knows. Prakriti, on the other hand, encompasses everything that comes before us in the objective universe—whether psychological or material. Prakriti is all that can be known. . By apprehending the “feel” of each guna ( by svadhyaya ) and using that knowledge as a guide, you can move toward recognition of the knower—the purusha ( soul , piece of brahman ) —in you. . Sankhya philosophers say that life exists for the purpose of acquiring experience and knowing the Self. The gunas are meant to facilitate this spiritual endeavor. They reveal, conceal, and stir us up—all for the purpose of drawing us closer to purusha, the knower. These three qualities ( gunas ) of Tamas/ Rajas/ Sattva , delude the soul and make it forget its true nature, which is one with God. . Rajas denotes restlessness or active principle. Tamas is the principle of inertia and Sattva, serenity and harmony, is the equilibrium between rajas and tamas. Samsara is the realm of the gunas. Freedom is beyond these gunas.. Apavarga means a state in which the empowerment of gunas can be abandoned and transmigration into cycles of birth and rebirth etc can be terminated. Hence the word apavarga has been used for ‘liberation’. Liberation, means to transcend these three modes.. Prakriti expresses Herself through the three gunas.. The threads or qualities of all creation. Unlike Prakriti, the Purusha is only a Drashta or Sakshi (witness) of events in this universe. It merely plays the role of a spectator and does not create anything. All that exists in nature is divided into three gunas. Samkhya philosophy includes a theory of gunas (qualities, innate tendencies).. Prakriti does not cease once realization is attained, the material world does not disappear. But the union of Prakriti and Purusha is broken.. The yogi now lives liberated, remembering the experience of Purusha, keeping it lively in material consciousness. So as the gunas do their work, pulling us from extreme to extreme, the yogi stands in their true nature and the gunas no longer hold sway. The Jivan Mukt is a spiritual being living in the material world, peaceful and free.. A Jivan Mukt with soul of highest frequency is beyond all the three Gunas. Therefore, having fulfilled their part in his life, the gunas recede back into the essence from which they have come. They, which means, the world of three Gunas, no more undergoes any transformation in the experience of the enlightened sage. The Purusha had jumped from the Divine into the world of prakriti. There he learnt all the lessons that prakriti had to offer; He was covered by the Maya, of the three Gunas, which were constantly transforming his world. But, as yogi, he began coming out from one barrier after another, set for him by the Maya. The ultimate barrier of dharma megha also having been transcended, the Purusha is back into the divine. The whole prakriti of the three Gunas, cannot any more, set any barriers for him. He is now a muktha Purusha. Also resulting from that dharma-meghah samadhi, the three primary elements or gunas will have fulfilled their purpose, cease to transform into further transformations, and recede back into their essence.. Kaivala, liberation, comes when the Jivan Mukt has fulfilled the purusarthas, the fourfold aims of life, and has transcended the gunas. Aims and gunas return to their source, and consciousness is established in its own natural purity. Since the gunas no longer have any purpose to serve for the Atman, they resolve themselves into Prakriti. This is liberation. The Atman shines forth in its own pristine nature, as pure consciousness. When the highest purpose of life is achieved the three basic qualities do not excite responses in the mind. That is freedom. In other words, the Perceiver is no longer colored by the mind. When those primary elements involve, or resolve themselves back into that out of which they emerged, there comes liberation, wherein the power of pure consciousness becomes established in its true nature.. Indifference to the subtlest elements, constituent principles, or qualities themselves (gunas), achieved through a knowledge of the nature of pure consciousness (purusha), is called supreme non-attachment (paravairagya).. Gunatita is onewho has transcended mind to his true nature. One who is balanced, not shaken by any circumstances. The mind is the Known. The knower is different than the known. The one who is aware of this is Gunatita . Krishna is unequivocal that three gunas are to be transcended, even as we journey among them. Rather than outright rejection of the gunas, balanced transcendence means accepting them and watching them as they continue to pass through the psyche in various permutations. Transcending them does not mean that they stop happening, only that we are not unduly encumbered by their influence. One who has transcended these gunas do not try to change an object, being or circumstance. Instead, they fully accept them as they are. So everything that happens or that we perceive are merely joinings and disjoinings of the gunas. The gunas alone do anything. Realizing this we should be stimulated to look beyond the gunas to the transcendent Spirit which is absolute Unity. By achieving equanimity, we can break free from the clutches of Prakriti. We would transcend the three Gunas completely. It is then that we would discover the seat of consciousness or Purusha within ourselves. We lose discernment between happiness and sorrow, good and bad, and eventually ‘me’ and ‘not me’. We hence remain unperturbed and unscathed by the ups and downs of life–heaven or hell, rain or sun, pleasure or pain. We become enlightened and virtuous, yet unstoppable, fearless and free. The objective of yoga is to harmonize rajas and tamas back into sattva which needs to dominate before Purusha can realize it own true nature. This is self-realization. When self-realization is attained through a dominant sattva, the other two gunas are not ‘dead’. They are just not active; however, they can be called upon into action if the sattva so desires. So, for a realized person, the gunas are under the control of sattva and come into play when the consciousness is projected outward. At the microcosmic level, the three gunas manifest themselves at different levels of consciousness. The evolutionary scale is representative of different organizations of three gunas, with one guna being predominant, overshadowing the remaining two. It is this predominance which characterizes an object- a thing being good, bad or indifferent; a thing being pure, impure or neutral. Prakriti is manifest in everything that we see and experience with all of our senses, that with name and form. It is finite, mutable, and manifold with multiple features and elements that are always changing. Prakriti is dependent, perishable, governed and subordinate.. Prakriti is the physical realm – the external realm of our senses. It is what we see, hear, touch, taste and feel. Everything, our nature and behavior – our very minds – are affected by the innate qualities of Prakriti. These principles are called the gunas. As the gunas churn together, the manifest world of Prakriti evolves out of the primordial matrix. All gunas create attachment and thus bind one’s self to the ego. The ego along with the gunas rajas and tamas causes identification with the body and make us forget our true Self (Atman, Consciousness). The gunas are constantly at work. The mind is thrown out of balance. While the yogi’s goal is to cultivate sattva, his or her ultimate goal is to transcend their misidentification of the self with the gunas. Krishna says to Arjuna that the Supreme Entity is called the Brahman. Time, space, the chain of cause and effect, etc., are all characteristics of the material realm. However, the Brahman is beyond these, as He is transcendental to the material plane. Brahman indicates the one changeless and imperishable Essence behind the phenomenal world. It is the Self or the Principle of Consciousness which illumines the body, mind and intellect. Its presence in each individual body is called ADHYATMA, THE INDIVIDUAL SOUL. The soul within you was once part of BRAHMAN ( PARAMATMA ) THE MOTHER FIELD at the seventh astral layer .. You have been sent on planet earth to gain experience as every form of life .. As you graduated from lower forms to highest forms of life your soul frequency increased.. As a Jivan Mukt your soul is at highest frequency, same as brahman the mother field.. Your karmic baggage and ego is now zero..You get moksha from endless re-births and your soul merges with brahman.. You are now GOD .. This is real homecoming.. You give your experiences to brahmAn as a closed feedback loop.. Planet earth is a school for brahman..You are given infinite attempts to get moksha… When feedback from soul to brahmAn become stagnant , there will be pralaya.. Release (moksha) consists in the spirit’s extrication from prakriti by its own recognition of its total difference from it and non-involvement in it. In these extremely subtle experiences or realizations, one comes to see that there is really very little to know, and gradually the three gunas recede back into the prakriti from which they arose, along with the realization of liberation or kaivalya . The Purusha had jumped from the Divine into the world of prakriti. There he learnt all the lessons that prakriti had to offer; He was covered by the Maya, of the three Gunas, which were constantly transforming his world. But, as yogi, he began coming out from one barrier after another, set for him by the Maya. The ultimate barrier of dharma megha also having been transcended, the Purusha is back into the divine. The whole prakriti of the three Gunas, cannot any more, set any barriers for him. He is now a muktha Purusha. Also resulting from that dharma-meghah samadhi, the three primary elements or gunas will have fulfilled their purpose, cease to transform into further transformations, and recede back into their essence. The three gunas are called: sattva (goodness, calmness, harmonious), rajas (passion, activity, movement), and tamas (ignorance, inertia, laziness). All of these three gunas are present in everyone and everything, it is the proportion that is different, The living being or substance is viewed as the net result of the joint effect of these three qualities.. The balance of Gunas of everything and everyone can change and does. The force to change comes from the Rajas guna, the Sattva guna empowers one towards harmonious and constructive change, while Tamas guna checks or retards the process. Basically it is the dance of opposites ( Brahma/ Shiva ) controlled by a mediator Vishnu. The Hindu Advaita god is Brahman, the morphogenetic field of consciousness. At a micro scale it is the empty space within an atom in which electrons whizz around in Mobius perpetual motion , which is 99.9999 % of the atom .. At macro scale it is the Akasha ( Zero Point Field ) of the vast cosmos… By itself Advaita field cannot do much.. This is why we superimpose the Dvaita template ( second ) on the Advaita Vedanta ( base ) template.. Dvaita Vedanta ( it has nothing to do with fake Madhavacharya cooked up by Jew Rothschild where soul was never part of Brahman ) has the Hindu god trinity ( with their wives Saraswati/ Laxmi Parvati ) inherent.. Brahma ( creator ) / Vishnu ( mediator ) / Shiva ( destroy )..In reality nothing is being created or destroyed, it is only transformed ( energy) . Vishnu holds the FULCRUM in a dynamic manner as explained by the Planetary gear. . Brahma and Shiva are merely opposite forces , like evaporation and condensation.. Vishnu decides when , with what force as mediator and for how long as sustainer.. Vishnu can change scalar energy to vector… In the state of sattva, we are neither urged towards an external object, nor are we unconscious.. Tamas ( Shiva ) and Rajas ( Brahma ) are opposite poles like CONDENSATION and EVAPORATION.. It cannot be called CREATION or DEATH.. Sattva ( Vishnu ) is the mediator/ preserver.. Only Vishnu can have mortal avatars.. Purusha and Prakriti are Sankya Vedanta ( third template ) concepts.. From the point of view of pure consciousness, the mind is also an object; it is not a subject, though it appears as a subject in respect to physical objects outside. Inasmuch as the mind also stands in the position of an object, it comes within the law of nature and is conditioned by the gunas constituted of sattva, rajas and tamas. In this movement of the three gunas, the mind is also set in motion. That is why the mind is restless. The mind never rests for a moment, because it is urged by the law of evolution. When the universe evolves, moves forward, the mind and body and every blessed conceivable thing is drawn, dragged together by the force of the evolutionary urge. In this motion, the gunas of prakriti are not in a state of balance. They are perpetually moving. There is up and down, progression and retrogression, coming down and going up, etc., so that there is an unintelligible activity going on both outside and inside oneself. Gunavritti virodhat – on account of the opposition of the gunas, , there cannot be permanent equilibrium in this world. This is what drives evolution.
6000 years ago on the battle field of Kurukshetra Krishna told Arjuna.. “Among sages I am Kapila “. . Kapila was a Kerala Danava Maharishi born 13500 years ago.. CUNT Wikipedia declares that Kapila existed 2600 years ago..Wanna know why?.. Christian historians have been trying to date Rig Veda to 1500 BC ( instead of 5000 BC ) because as per the Bible ( cooked up by Jewess Helena in 325 AD ) THE BIG BANG HAPPENED IN 4004 BC ON 23 RD OCT AT 9 AM ..BRAAAYYYYY.. while Vedanta and the modern quantum theory agrees that it is around 15 billion years .. #### गन्धर्वाणां चित्ररथ: सिद्धानां कपिलो मुनि: || 26||..Bhagavad Gita , 10.26. 40000 BC.. gandharvanam chitrarathah siddhanam kapilo munih.. Translation:-- BG 10.26: Amongst the Gandharvas I am Chitrath, and amongst the siddhas I am the sage Kapil. ####.. Sage Kapila wrote on Sankhya Vedanta.. Sankhya philosophy and its doctrines are found all over Bhagavad Gita ( 4000 BC ).. Vedas downloaded 400 centuries ago and penned down 70 centuries ago, expound the principles of Sankhya Vedanta and the concept of Purusha ( observer ) and Prakriti ( observed ).. Sankhya philosophy talks of dual realism, metaphysics, evolution, and causality. METAPHYSICS OF SANKHYA VEDANTA STANDS FOR ‘TAKING INTO ACCOUNT , ENUMERATING EMPIRICALLY ’. 13,500 years ago , Kapila preached about the five PANCHAMAHABHUTAS.. #### ####… Kerala sage Kapila was a genius philosopher tuned into the analysis of Reality.. He talked about Purusha ( Shiva/ consciousness ) and Prakriti ( Shakti / energy ).. Kapila added Purusha to the system for the Prakriti to become “aware of itself and its workings.” This is like completing a circle or circuit in Cybernetics giving a component to form a feedback loop.. Cybernetics is a transdisciplinary approach for exploring regulatory and purposive systems—their structures, constraints, and possibilities.. Genius Kapila’s Sankhya philosophy can be turned inside out or upside down.. It does not matter.. Modern scientists no longer look down on Sanatana Dharma.. They have realized that it will take another 500 years to understand the concepts of Sanatana Dharma.. Science is approaching a paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions, to bridge the gap between ancient Hindu wisdom and modern science, and reconcile the differences between Eastern spirituality and Western objective pragmatism. It will be difficult unless Science embraces the Subjective.. The science of Chemistry is at a level of atoms and molecules and is comparatively gross (large scale) compared to quantum physics in the realm of science.. Our Pancha mahabhutas are smaller than the Quantum world.. At the subtler level dark matter is the “information” that attains mass to keep the order or that which causes the disorder and dissolution of the material reality. Dark matter is composed of particles that do not absorb, reflect, or emit light, so they cannot be detected by observing electromagnetic radiation. Dark matter accounts for the unexplained motions of stars within galaxies.. Dark energy is the name given to the mysterious force that's causing the rate of expansion of our universe to accelerate over time, rather than to slow down.. ON THE MACRO SCALE SHIVA IS “DARK ENERGY”.. Dark energy and dark matter is uncharted territory.. The universe is full of matter and the attractive force of gravity pulls all matter together. About 70 % of the universe is dark energy ( SHIVA ) — 26% is dark matter . Normal matter is around 4 % of the universe. Sarvam shivam mayam jagatham i.e. the whole Universe is held by Shiva. Shiva is Param Sunya means nothingness. Everything emerges from him and returns into him.. Shiva is dark matter and dark energy.. ( Shakti is recreative energy).. The Vedic philosophers called the universe Brahmanda, meaning infinite cosmic egg.. The whole universe was in a concentrated form which is mentioned as a point, or Bindu of Sri Yantra ( singularity ) .. Purusha sukta is hymn 10.90 of the Rigveda, dedicated to the Purusha, the “Cosmic Being”. It gives a description of the spiritual unity of the universe. It presents the nature of Purusha, or the cosmic being, as both immanent in the manifested world and yet transcendent to it.. From this being, the original creative will ( Hiranyagarbha) proceeds which causes the projection of the universe in space and time. All manifestations, in past, present and future, is held to be the Purusha alone.. #### ####.. The Rig Veda (RV 10.121) uses a name for the source of the universe: Hiranyagarbha (हिरण्यगर्भ) which literally means "golden fetus" or "golden womb" and is associated with the universal source Brahman where the whole of all existence is believed to be supported.. 13.8 billion years ago, the entire mass of the universe was compressed into a gravitational singularity, a so-called ‘cosmic egg’ from which it 'hatched', expanding to its current state following the Big Bang.. In Rig Veda hymns 1.32 and 1.33, Rishi Hiranyastupa Angirasa describes a battle between two opposing forces inside the cosmic womb as a battle between INDRA and VRITRA.. Purusha transcends his creation. Creation is described to have started with the origination of Virat, or the cosmic body from the Purusha. In Virat, omnipresent intelligence manifests itself which causes the appearance of diversity… Rigveda 10.90.3 – All that is born is just his one fourth, the other 3/4th cannot born or die… Rigveda 10.90.4 – 3/4th of him ( Purusha ) is beyond and only 1/4th of him is born again and again… NASADIYA SUKTA, RIG VEDA VERSE NO 3-.. तम आसीत् तमसा गूळमग्रेऽप्रकेतं सलिलं सर्वमाइदम्.. तुच्येनाभ्वपिहितं यदासीत् तपसस्तन्महिनाजायतैकम्… tama asittamasa guhlamagre praketam | salilam sarvamaidam | tuchchenabhvapihitam yadasit | tamasastanmahina jayataikam || 3 ||… Dark energy concealed in darkness.. A continuum of dark cosmic ocean.. Then That which lay in void thus covered.. Burst forth in glory self excited by intent….#####.. The Nasadiya Sukta despite being a hymn transcends the limits of logical thinking– for only in poetry can such a profound message be conveyed — invoking in splendid verses the Primal Mystery that transcends both human and divine… Hindu philosophy is able to envisage beyond the point of ‘singularity’, at which modern scientific theories have stopped. The Hindu philosopher alone seems to have had any clear perspective of the origin of universe. The Vedas are mankind’s oldest scriptures. They are regarded by Hindus as direct revelation from God (Apourusheyas) absorbed by seers .. Modern science says that this Universe is 13.7 billion years old. This is in consonance with the Na asat na sat concept of Vedas which describes zero state or total single black hole concept. From this state, the next stage of ‘ambhas’ ( cosmic waters ) is formed… It was in a concentrated form which is mentioned as a point, or Bindu of Sri Yantra ( singularity ) ..### एको देवः सर्वभूतेषु गूढः सर्वव्यापी सर्वभूतान्तरात्मा |. कर्माध्यक्षः सर्वभूताधिवासः साक्षी चेता केवलो निर्गुणश्च || .Shvetashvatara Upanishad, Sl. VI.11, 5000 BC.. "BrahmAn is hidden in the hearts of all…The eternal witness, pure consciousness,..He watches our work from within, beyond..The reach of the gunas (attributes of mind)."…. ###… Advaita Vedanta proclaims that the truth, that brahman is the only reality.. #### ज्ञेयं यत्तत्प्रवक्ष्यामि यज्ज्ञात्वामृतमश्रुते |..अनादिमत्परं ब्रह्म न सत्तन्नासदुच्यते || Bhagavad Gita 13.13 , 5000 BC..jneyam yat tat pravakshyami yaj jnatvamritam ashnute.. anadi mat-param brahma na sat tan nasad uchyate…. Translation:-.. BG 13.13: I shall now reveal to you that which ought to be known, and by knowing which, one attains immortality. It is the beginningless Brahman, which lies beyond existence and non-existence…. ####… The modern Big Bang cosmologists want to get the Universe out of nothing. It’s like asking us to believe that nothing made everything out of nothing.. When you have a big bang which created the cosmos, you need to have a black hole singularity too…The Bindu of the Sri Yantra represents singularity. The cosmos expands and contracts at regular cycles as explained by Krishna in the Bhagawat Gita– just like inhalation and exhalation.. Singularity existed before the big-bang… #### अहं सर्वस्य प्रभवो मत्त: सर्वं प्रवर्तते |..इति मत्वा भजन्ते मां बुधा भावसमन्विता: || 8||..Bhagavad Gota 10.8, 4000 BC…aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate.. iti matva bhajante mam budha bhava-samanvitah.. Translation:--.BG 10.8: I am the origin of all creation. Everything proceeds from me. The wise who know this perfectly worship me with great SHRADDHA. ####… The Cosmic Egg of Vedanta is akin to the point of ‘Singularity’ in astrophysics. It is a point or ‘Bindu’, at the centre of the Sri Yantra. The Vedas said that this universe and everything in it are a singularity. Bindu , is a point of pure awareness– a point which encompasses all-there-is. Because energy can’t be created, all of the energy in the universe must have been in existence from the beginning of time, just squeezed into itself, in an impossibly small point called a singularity. In Vedanta there is NO big bang- we have the inhalation and exhalation of Brahma.. The universe was created… by transformation of something which was latent before that. Creation is just a manifestation of what was unmanifest before… In the Singularity of Source, there is no time – only an Infinitely Conscious Presence of Being that exists in all forms and all spaces at once. The mind in the 3rd dimension cannot perceive directly the Timeless Singularity of Source, for the mind exists within duality, and within duality all things appear distinctly separate. In order to perceive all of these distinctively separate phenomena, the mind projects a ‘holding space’ for these phenomena called space-time.. The point of singularity is the navel of Vishnu or the Bindu in Shri Yantra.. The Vedic thinkers tried to understand the beginning, growth and end of life, and they tried to learn the truth, which controls not only our life, but the related planets too. … Sanatana dharma cannot be discerned by mere Sanskrit language knowing white skinned Indophiles hiding the Monier Williams Sanskrit dictionary in their pockets or chargers deep inside asshole..
Somebody called me up and cried.. Captain, why is Banyan tree a symbol of Sanatana Dharma and India’s national tree?.. Nobody on the planet has the cerebral wherewithal to explain this.. 6000 years ago, Krishna tells Prince Arjuna before the great Mahabharata war. ” Whoever knows the secret of the Banyan tree is the knower of the Vedas”.. IN EVERY HINDI TEMPLE WE HAVE A WATER BODY WITH A BANYAN TREE BY ITS SIDE ON THE EAST SIDE, SHOWINGS ITS REFLECTION IN THE WATER.. THERE IS A PROFOUND MEANING TO THIS.. Rightly after Independence the Indian Govt has chosen Banyan tree as our national tree, for here is a tree that regenerates unlike other trees, and is immortal . The Banyan tree symbolises eternal life and CHANGE , due to its unending expansion.. This is a tree that does NOT grow out of the soil. It grows out of its own branches. The seed alights on the branch, germinates from there and produces handing roots that invade the soils to grow into a new tree. After a couple of centuries the host tree does NOT exist any more.. Today white Jews of Israel do not know that their progenitors and founders were from Kerala.. The real form of this tree cannot be perceived in this world. No one can understand where it ends, where it begins, or where its foundation is.. The tree of this material world is only a REFLECTION OF THE REAL TREE of the spiritual world. This reflection of the spiritual world is situated on desire, just as a tree’s reflection is on water. A reflection is temporary, for it is sometimes seen and sometimes not seen. But the origin from whence the reflection is reflected is eternal. THE MATERIAL REFLECTION OF THE REAL TREE HAS TO BE CUT OFF.. The wisdom here is that the tree of this material world is only a REFLECTION of the real tree of the spiritual world. This reflection of the spiritual world is situated on desire, just as a tree’s reflection is situated on water. Desire is the cause of things’ being situated in this reflected material light. One who wants to get out of this material existence must know this tree thoroughly through analytical study. Then he can cut off his relationship with it.. The material world is the perverted reflection,. A reflection is temporary, for it is sometimes seen and sometimes not seen. But the origin from whence the reflection is reflected is eternal.. The material world thinks and perceives in an upside down manner. To explain the nature such material world, upside down tree is used by Krishna… We are presently entangled in this reflection of the real tree, or the upside down banyan tree, and we cannot see or access the real tree. We are living in the illusory reflection of the real thing.. The tree of this material world has no end, and for one who is attached to this tree, there is no possibility of liberation.. Every single village in India has a Banyan tree who stood as a mute spiritual witness to deeds conducted under it. Every village held court, without written records under it, the tree being the sole witness. .It was rather an outdoor temple, with the main trunk having a platform built around it. . Under this tree people do NOT tell lies.. . Instant justice was provided under the canopy of this majestic sacred tree of wisdom. People behaved themselves and did not tell lies under a Banyan tree, where the village deity is installed.. Instant KHAP justice was provided under the canopy of this majestic sacred tree of wisdom. . It is written in the Rig Veda written in Sanskrit in 5000 BC, that the VAT VRIKSHA ( belittled by the white invader as the banyan tree , under which BANIAS held their petty shopkeeping business ) has a spiritual role in human life and must be revered.. One who understands the existence properly can understand the tree properly. . #### श्रीभगवानुवाच | . ऊर्ध्वमूलमध:शाखमश्वत्थं प्राहुरव्ययम् |. छन्दांसि यस्य पर्णानि यस्तं वेद स वेदवित् || 1||. Bhagavad Gita 15.1 , 4000 BC .. shri-bhagavan uvacha.. urdhva-mulam adhah-shakham ashvattham prahur avyayam.. chhandansi yasya parnani yas tam veda sa veda-vit …. Translation:-. BG 15.1: The Supreme Divine Personality said: They speak of an eternal BANYAN tree with its roots above and branches below. Its leaves are the Vedic hymns, and one who knows the secret of this tree is the knower of the Vedas. ####… Banyan tree is the last of PLANT LIFE FORMS.. After that the soul takes next re-birth as low animal forms.. Same way conscious elephant is the last of ANIMAL LIFE FORMS.. After that the soul takes next re-birth as human… This is why our Hindu temples have Banyan trees and elephants.. EVOLUTION IS SOUL EVOLUTION NOT FROM MONKEY TO MAN ( WITH MISSING LINK STILL MISSING ) AS WRITTEN BY MAD MAN CHARLES DARWIN …. Energy sensitive people can correspond with the soul of large banyan trees ( alive for thousands of years ) which we find in ancient Hindu temples like Angkor Wat.. If you have LSD the Banyan tree leaves turn blue, and you can talk to the tree.. #### ####.. #### अधश्चोर्ध्वं प्रसृतास्तस्य शाखा..गुणप्रवृद्धा विषयप्रवाला: |…अधश्च मूलान्यनुसन्ततानि कर्मानुबन्धीनि मनुष्यलोके || 2|| ####..adhash chordhvam prasritas tasya shakha..guna-pravriddha vishaya-pravalah..adhash cha mulany anusantatani.. karmanubandhini manushya-loke… Translation:-.. BG 15.2: The branches of the tree extend upward and downward, nourished by the THREE GUṆAS, with the objects of the senses as tender buds. The roots of the tree hang downward, causing the flow of karma in the human form. Below, its roots branch out causing (karmic) actions in the world of humans. ####.. Krishna explain how the human form is similar to the Banyan ( aśhvatth tree) . While in the human form the soul performs karmas, which is the trunk of the tree, and its branches (śhākhās) extend both upward (ūrddhva) and downward (adhaḥ). Based on how the soul performed in its past and present forms it is reborn.. This world is a Banyan tree whose roots are above and branches below, and whose attractive leaves are promises of enjoyment. He who knows this tree well knows the methods of gaining such enjoyment. Watered by the three qualities of nature ( gunas ) , its branches expand in all directions, upwards and downwards, finally producing buds of enjoyable sense objects. From these branches, roots also fall downwards and find nourishment in the selfish deeds of the mortal world”. You must search out what is beyond it; some place from which no one ever strays. There, finally, seek for that Original Person – the ancient one from whom the true tree grows – and give yourself to him with SHRADDHA.. A man disentangles himself from the REFLECTION OF THE TREE by cutting it with the WEAPON OF DETACHMENT. If one can understand this indestructible tree of MAYA (illusion) , then one can get out of it.. Krishna tells Arjuna , the one who understands the secret (of cutting) this tree of samsara is the knower of the Vedas (VEDA VIT).. #### न रूपमस्येह तथोपलभ्यते.. नान्तो न चादिर्न च सम्प्रतिष्ठा |.. अश्वत्थमेनं सुविरूढमूल.. मसङ्गशस्त्रेण दृढेन छित्त्वा || 3||.. तत: पदं तत्परिमार्गितव्यं.. यस्मिन्गता न निवर्तन्ति भूय: |.. तमेव चाद्यं पुरुषं प्रपद्ये.. यत: प्रवृत्ति: प्रसृता पुराणी || 4||.. Bhagavad Gita 15.3-4, 4000 BC … nanto na chadir na cha sampratishtha..ashvattham enam su-virudha-mulam..asanga-shastrena dridhena chhittva..tatah padam tat parimargitavyam..yasmin gata na nivartanti bhuyah..tam eva chadyam purusham prapadye..yatah pravrittih prasrita purani…. Translation:--..BG 15.3-4: The real form of this tree is not perceived in this world, neither its beginning nor end, nor its continued existence. But this deep-rooted aśhvatth tree must be cut down with a strong axe of detachment. Then one must search out the base of the tree, which is the Supreme Lord, from whom streamed forth the activity of the universe a long time ago. Upon taking refuge in Him, one will not return to this world again. ####… The entanglement of this material world is compared to the REFLECTION of the banyan tree.. When it is said that a person knows the Vedas, it is assumed that he knows how to cut off attachment to this material world. If one knows that process, he actually knows the Vedas.. The purpose of the Vedas, as disclosed Krishna is to CUT DOWN THE REFLECTED TREE and attain the real tree of the spiritual world.. Banyan tree is a tree that does NOT grow out of the soil. It grows out of its own branches. The seed alights on the branch, germinates from there and produces handing roots that invade the soils to grow into a new tree. After a couple of centuries the host tree does NOT exist any more, like how the human race changes form.. Krishna says that the mystery of the aśhvatth tree is not easy to understand for the embodied souls, as they are deeply entangled in the continuous cycle of life and death. The buds of the tree, which are the objects of the senses lure them into developing desires. Ignorant souls keep working hard towards fulfilling these desires, which only keep increasing and nourish the tree to grow further. When such desires are fulfilled, they return with double the intensity forming greed. But when obstructed it causes anger, which fogs the intellect and further deepens the ignorance. . Several lifetimes have passed, and the soul continues to work towards material enjoyment. This has caused the tree to expand its roots of desire farther and has become huge. Yet, this tree can be cut with dispassion says, Krishna.. One who wants to get out of this material existence must know this tree thoroughly through analytical study. Then he can cut off his relationship with it.. Because the banyan tree spreads out laterally and ‘drops’ roots that form into trunks, it is almost impossible to determine the original trunk of the tree. Similarly the workings of the material world are so complex that it is very hard to know their origin. There are many subsidiary ‘prop roots’ that are almost indistinguishable from the original root. As the branches of a real banyan tree produce offshoots that grow down into roots and further trunks, this reflected tree similarly has endlessly complicated, intertwined trunks, roots and branches. One can picture neither its beginning nor its end. A soul situated within the complexities of this incomprehensible tree remains trapped. All existence beyond the tree is forgotten, and he is fully enamored with the tastes of its fruits and berries. By a figure of speech the transmigratory cycle or Samsara is compared to an Asvattha tree with the roots in the 'Above', i.e., the Supreme Being. The Vedic hymns, meant for elevating oneself, are called the leaves of this tree.. The reflected tree is a mere replica of the real tree, the spiritual world. Everything is there in completeness in the spiritual world, but in the spiritual world, it’s in its pure form. In the material world, it’s in a form contaminated by material desire.. With determination one must cut down this tree with the WEAPON OF DETACHMENT.. Vedas used banyan tree reflection in water to explain Maya ( illusion ) and consciousness.. The goal of spiritual enlightenment is to perceive BrahmAn and Maya and distinguish between them. Conversely Maya gets destroyed for a person when they perceive Brahman with transcendental knowledge. . The microcosmic world of human affairs is but a reflection of the macrocosmic world of BrahmAn..
Sankhya and Yoga sprang from a common nucleus. Yoga is indebted to Sankhya… Mahabharata described the two as ’ancient twins’ (sanatane dve)… #### साङ्ख्ययोगौ पृथग्बाला: प्रवदन्ति न पण्डिता: |. एकमप्यास्थित: सम्यगुभयोर्विन्दते फलम् || 4||.. Bhagavad Gita 5.4. 4000 BC… sankhya-yogau prithag balah pravadanti na panditah.. ekamapyasthitah samyag ubhayor vindate phalam … Translation:--. BG 5.4: Only the ignorant speak of sānkhya (renunciation of actions, or karm sanyās) and karm yog (work in SHRADDHA) as different. Those who are truly learned say that by applying ourselves to any one of these paths, we can achieve the results of both. ####.. There are two ways of making an ordinary action into a divine action of dedication and worship viz. 1. By renouncing the idea of agency or doership in every action or 2. By performing actions without any anxiety for their fruits and maintaining equanimity in success and failure… The former is called Sankhya method and the latter is Karma Yoga. The wise who have lived through either of the paths say that both the paths lead to the same goal viz. liberation or God consciousness… #### यत्साङ्ख्यै: प्राप्यते स्थानं तद्योगैरपि गम्यते |. एकं साङ्ख्यं च योगं च य: पश्यति स पश्यति || 5|| Bhagavad Gita 5.5 , 4000 BC.. yat sankhyaih prapyate sthanam tad yogair api gamyate.. ekam sankhyam cha yogam cha yah pashyati sa pashyati …Translation: - BG 5.5: The supreme state that is attained by means of karm sanyās is also attained by working in shraddha . Hence, those who see karm sanyās and karm yog to be identical, truly see things as they are. ####.. Krishna emphasizes that the goal reached by the Sankhya method is also reached by those who practice Karma technique.. Through Sravana (hearing of Vedantic texts). Manana (reflecting on what is heard) and Nidhidhyasana (profound meditation) they attain liberation directly.. Nidhidhyasana refers to the contemplative state which is induced by the Veda sruti verse a student has listened to and understood. He will chew the cud over this by meditation and now can interpolate and extrapolate to glimpse the magic of that verse.. In ancient gurukul system there was a “CHEWING THE CUD” end session called NIDDHIDYASANA .. Upanishads ( Vedanta ) was the fruit of niddhidyasana – where the guru and students exchanged wisdom ( this is not a fish market debate like in an Arnab Goswami TV studio ) in dignified two way traffic….Disciple of Adi Shankaracharya Suresvara wrote what his Guru taught him 4000 years ago :-
शास्त्रचार्यानुभवनैर्हेतुभिश्च समर्थितः|.. ईदृगैकात्म्यसंबोधो निदिध्यासनमुच्यते || ####.. “”Nididhyasana is so called when, instruction about the uniqueness of the Atman is justified .. By (proper) reasons viz. the Sruti, (the instructions of) teachers and (one’s own) experience (of the same).”… Nididhyasana is a state in which a knowing is present without needing words. The words used during contemplation, can fall away and will lead the seeker to silence. It is a silence filled with knowing. The seeker can rest in this knowing… Gurus in a Gurukul didn’t want their students to believe; they wanted their students to understand., unlike a evangelist preacher who wants listeners to believe. . NIDDHIDYASANA SOWED SEEDS OF INTUITION FOR SOUL GUIDANCE. IT WAS “TWO WAY TRAFFIC”.. One of the famous shlokas of the Vivekachudamani written by Adi Shankaracharya 4000 years ago, defines SHRADDHA as follows…“shAstrasya guruvAkyasya satyabuddhyavadhAraNam |sA shraddhA kathitA sadbhir-yayA vastUpalabhyate ||”.. “Holding with conviction the words of shastra and guru to be true is called SHRADDHA by the Holy. By her (shraddha) is attained reality.”.. The goal, as understood by the ancient rishis, is not to merely believe in God, but to know God directly though the workshop of your own soul.. The Upanishads teach the philosophy of absolute unity. The goal of men, according to the Upanishads, is realization of Brahman.. By the time a student left the gurukul after his learning period—he was a master — IN THE ZONE – in full flow.. For philosophical subjects followed by Niddhidyasana , the final convocation ceremony of Kodungallur University where all Greeks studied ,used the words AHAM BRAHMASMI ( I am brahmAn ) by students and TAT TWAM ASI ( Indeed thou art that ) by teacher , as a grand pronouncement, before they part, never to see each other again.. Vedanta taught the technique of self-development. The ultimate destiny of man is to discover within himself the true Self as the changeless behind the changing, the eternal behind the ephemeral, and the infinite behind the finite. . Greater wisdom was never compressed into pithy words than by the Upanishads which proclaimed the true Self of man as part of the Infinite Spirit AHAM BRAHMASMI ( I am brahmAn ) by students and TAT TWAM ASI ( Indeed thou art that ) by the Guru.. This was the short final convocation ceremony at Kodungallur University where ancient Greeks studied…. The guru led his students to their own soul.. The purpose of the Vedas was to ensure the true welfare of all beings, worldly as well as spiritually. Before such a synthesis could be achieved, there was a need to penetrate the inner worlds to its depth.. This is what the Upanishads did with precision and gave us the science of the self, which helps man leave behind the body, the senses, the ego and all other non-self elements, which are perishable. The Upanishads tell us the great saga of this discovery — of the divine in the heart of man.. The Upanishads are not meant for the masses, as they contain the highest speculations of philosophy. They are meant only for the select few, who are fit and worthy to receive the instructions. .The Upanishads are humanity’s most profound philosophical inquiry and the first perceptions of the unity of all, the oneness of man and God— the greatest truths known to mankind. The Upanishads tell us that there is a Reality underlying life which rituals cannot reach, next to which the things we see and touch in everyday life are shadows. . They teach that this Reality is the essence of every created thing, and the same Reality is our real Self so that each of us is one with the power that created and sustains the universe. The Upanishads are not philosophy but are darshanas, “something seen” and therefore to be realized.. The Rishis had repeatedly emphasized that the ultimate reality lies beyond the realms of the senses and the grey matter beneath our skulls. Hark again to the Upanishads:-- “There the eye goes not Speech goes not, nor the mind. We know not, we understand not, How would one teach it?”.. Upanishads gave us the science of the self, which helps man leave behind the body, the senses, the ego and all other non-self elements, which are perishable. The Upanishads tell us the great saga of this discovery — of the divine in the soul of man… In the Upanishads we get a glimpse into the workings of the minds of the great Indian thinkers who were unhampered by the tyranny of religious dogma, political authority, pressure of public opinion, seeking truth with single-minded devotion, rare in the history of thought… The Upanishads have given us a body of insights that have a universal quality about them and this universality derives from their impersonality. The sages who discovered them had depersonalized themselves in the search for truth. . Unlike modern Western philosophers who lift ideas and patent it in their names. The rishis wanted to go beyond nature and realize the transcendental nature of man. . They dared to take up this challenge and the Upanishads are the unique record of the methods they adopted, the struggles they undertook and the victory they achieved in this astonishing adventure of human spirit. And this is conveyed to us in verses of great resonance power and poetic charm.. In seeking the immortal, the Vedic seers conferred the immortality upon the literature that conveyed it. In the Upanishads we can study the graceful conflict of thought with thought, the emergence of more satisfactory thought and the rejection and UNLEARNING of inadequate ideas.. In the Upanishads we get a glimpse into the workings of the minds of the great Indian thinkers who were unhampered by the tyranny of religious dogma, political authority, pressure of public opinion, seeking truth with single-minded devotion, rare in the history of thought. The Upanishads have given us a body of insights that have a universal quality about them and this universality derives from their impersonality. The sages who discovered them had depersonalized themselves in the search for truth. Hypotheses were advanced and rejected on the touchstone of experience and not at the dictate of a creed. Thus thought forged ahead to unravel the mystery of the world in which we live. Upanishads deal with atman and brahmAn—the individual soul and the mother field . The concept of God, or the Ultimate Reality, that we encounter in the Upanishads is markedly different from our transcendent conception of God in single holy book religions.. There is no book in the whole world that is so thrilling, soul-stirring and inspiring as the Upanishad.. The human intellect has not been able to conceive of anything more noble and sublime in the history of the world than the teachings of the Upanishads.. The Upanishads form the core of Indian philosophy. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna , those who see that Sankhya and Yoga are one and that both lead to the same goal, are the ones who really understands the Truth of the Vedas. Both paths ultimately produce the same result, viz. liberation through Self-Knowledge. SANKHYA WAS THE FIRST SYSTEM TO FOCUS ON THE STUDY OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Bhagavad Gita expounds Sankhya Vedanta.. It has never been explained the right way by mere Sanskrit language knowing people or Indophiles like Sheldon Pollock/ Wendy Doniger/ Audrey Truschke hiding a flash drive of Monier William dictionary in their pockets. Sankhya explains its theory of manifestation and withdrawal of the manifest world through the analogy of a tortoise that extends its hidden limbs out of its shell and again draws it back into its shell. Nothing was created and nothing is lost. Since prakriti is the root cause of all existence, it must contain in itself, in a potential form, all the possibilities and all the characteristics of infinite numbers and infinite varieties of sensations, feelings, attributes, actions, forms etc. But, one thing that prakriti does not possess is consciousness. Sankhya therefore variously describes prakriti as: inert (jada); non-conscious principle (a-chetana), unintelligible etc. Purusha and prakriti are two totally unrelated and totally diverse principles: purusha is un-generated and un-generating; a-vyakta is un-generated but generating; and vyakta is generated and generating. Prakriti is dynamic non-conscious and is that which is seen; purusha is consciousness, the passive un-seen seer. It is the proximity ( induction ) of these two diverse principles that sums up and makes man and his world. The object of the Sankhya exercise is to segregate every evolute of prakriti and view the purusha the consciousness in isolation. Sankhya considered human being as a psycho-physical unity. It examined the human body-mind complex from the point of view of consciousness. The question framed by sankhya is: how to understand the various forms of experience, including that of the objective world, with reference to the consciousness of man? Sankhya kept away from idealism; its approach was rather unemotional, clinical and analytical.. Sankhya puts forward the premise, that the translucent consciousness adds nothing to the world ; and it can therefore be understood only in terms of what it witnesses: the un-manifest and manifest world viz, everything that is not consciousness. The sankhya method of enquiry could be described as an individual’s quest for his true identity ; a journey deep into the very core of his existence guided by buddhi (viveka) ; travelling from the gross outer peripheries of his being into his subtlest inner core; going past the body, mind, senses, urges , etc ; shredding away every identity , every emotion and every thought ; all along the way, at each stage, rejecting what is not-consciousness and stepping into the next inner zone which is more subtle than the previous one; until he sheds away every aspect of prakriti . The Sankhya method of enquiry could be described as an individual’s quest for his true identity ; a journey deep into the very core of his existence guided by buddhi (viveka) ; travelling from the gross outer peripheries of his being into his subtlest inner core; going past the body, mind, senses, urges , etc ; shredding away every identity , every emotion and every thought ; all along the way, at each stage, rejecting what is not-consciousness and stepping into the next inner zone which is more subtle than the previous one; until he sheds away every aspect of prakriti . The stringent economy in use of words sadly lent scope to multiple stupid interpretations by shallow nay CHOOTIYA white minds..
Scientific Vedanta factoring in the morphogenetic consciousness field or Brahman is indeed the last frontier . Vedanta had recognized the transcendental nature of consciousness, and the practical ability of directed consciousness to act, in effect, as co-creator of the universe to realize its full potential.. None of the quantum scientists have categorized Vedanta as a religious work. Who cares for Rothschild’s agents BR Ambedkar and EVR Periyar!. . Quantum scientists have perused and found that it is a subtle mathematical or scientific analysis. . Vedanta and quantum mechanics describe the same subject—ultimate reality—from opposite points of view and perspective. Vedanta examines evidence, asserts hypotheses, quotes established authorities both pro and con its thesis, and closely reasons its way to a well-substantiated conclusion.. Vedas were the first to deal with consciousness 400 centuries ago. Vedanta delves deeper into the immovable permanent reality. it continues and completes the puzzle created by quantum physics.. When the Gita says “the universe produced phenomenally in me, is pervaded by me. . . from me the world is born, in me it exists, in me it dissolves.” it can only be understood if we understand consciousness.. #### विष्टभ्याहमिदं कृत्स्नमेकांशेन स्थितो जगत् || 42||… vishtabhyaham idam kritsnam ekanshena sthito jagat .. viṣhṭabhya—pervade and support; aham—i; idam—this; kṛitsnam—entire; eka—by one; anśhena—fraction; sthitaḥ—am situated; jagat—creation… Translation:--.. BG 10.42: simply know that by one fraction of my being, i pervade and support this entire creation…#####.. The transcendent light of BrahmAn dwells beyond all this cosmos, beyond time and space.. In Sankhya Vedanta we male PURUSHA ( consciousness ) observing the dance of female PRAKRITI ( energy)… Kerala Sages gave Jewess Helena masala from Vedas to write the blue print about ADAM and EVE in 325 AD at the First Council of Niceae.. ADAM and EVE story is just lifted from our Upanishads – this story is the basis of the Abrahamic religions Judaism/ Christianity / Islam. . All three religions draw upon this STOLEN story from MUNDAKA Upanishad III, 1, 1-3 ( Genesis of the Old Testament ).. This story and speaks of the tree of knowledge and God’s commandment that its fruit shall not be eaten. Adam at first did not eat it but Eve did. After that Adam too ate the forbidden fruit. . The Upanishad ORIGINAL story is about two birds sitting on a peepal tree. The birds are PURUSHA (atman )and PRAKRITI ( jiva )– with Purusha being the witness. . HEY PRESTO– ATMAN becomes ADAM. JIVA becomes EVE.. ( J is silent in most areas ) –people call me AIT ( ayit ) instead of AJIT. . The FIG which eve ate is the fruit of the peepal tree ( FICUS ) — the true botanical name today is FICUS RELIGIOSA. In Koran poison injected by Jews it is AT TIN, the ninety-fifth sura of the Qur'an with 8 ayat. Poor Muslims , always getting screwed by Jews.. Muslims see Adam as the first Muslim.. Koran then says that God commanded that Adam and Eve not eat from one tree in the garden of Eden, The story of Adam and creation is pieced throughout the Quran. There are references in chapters: 2, 4, 5, 7, 15, 20, 21, 38 and others.. Satan deceives Adam and Eve into eating of the fruits of the forbidden tree: (2:36).. Koran describes the two sons of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel… The old testament NEVER spoke of apple ( from a fig tree ) !.. The Tree of Jiva and Atman appears in the Vedic scriptures, as a metaphysical metaphor concerning the soul. These verses of Vedas went on oral route for 330 centuries before being penned down 70 centuries ago.. The Rig Veda samhita 1.164.20-22, Mundaka Upanishad 3.1.1-2, and Svetasvatara Upanisad 4.6-7, speak of two birds, one perched on the branch of the tree, which signifies the body, and eating its fruit, the other merely OBSERVING. Rig Veda samhita says: 1.164.20 Two birds associated together, and mutual friends, take refuge in the same tree; one of them eats the sweet fig; the other abstaining from food, merely looks on…. 1.164.21 Where the smooth-gliding rays, cognizant, distil the perpetual portion of water; there has the Lord and steadfast protector all beings accepted me, though immature in wisdom….. 1.164.22 In the tree into which the smooth-gliding rays feeders on the sweet, enters, and again bring forth light over all, they have called the fruit sweet, but he partakes not of it who knows not the protector of the universe… The first bird is PURUSHA ( consciousness ) -HE is ATMAN . The second bird is PRAKRITI ( energy ) – SHE is JIVA .. When the jiva becomes distracted by the fruits (signifying sensual pleasure), she momentarily forgets her lord and lover and tries to enjoy the fruit independently of him. This separating forgetfulness is maha-maya, or enthrallment, spiritual death, and constitutes the fall of the jiva into the world of material birth, death, disease and old age.. This concept of ATMAN AND JIVA have been personified and taken into the Bible as ADAM AND EVE and the fall of man in a most stupid manner.. In Sankhya Vedanta Prakriti as a dancer, after having performed for the observer Purusha , stops dancing, when her task is accomplished. He is no longer interested in her (“i have seen her”), she stops forever (“i have already been seen”). . SANKHYA VEDANTA is a theory of evolution and understanding the universe. The female dancing girl dances as long as the male observer is there. The moment the observer ceases to look at her and understands the dance perfectly, she fails to amuse him anymore.. Purusha, or supreme consciousness ( brahman ) , is the impassive CONSCIOUS OBSERVER of all phenomena. OBSERVED female prakriti, excited in response to purusha’s attention , has her gunas ( tamas –rajas ) thrown out of equilibrium. She moves from transcendence to immanence and undergoes a series of transformations through which the multiform world comes into being. OBSERVER PURUSHA, was never really in bondage, or enmeshed with OBSERVED PRAKRITI.. Prakriti cannot be perceived, not because of its non-existence, but because of its subtlety. It is perceived in its effects. . Vvedas penned down in 5000 BC says that the only constant in the cosmos is change, everything is in a state of flux, nothing is static-- everything is vibratory. This is what guarantees growth and evolution. It is a cosmic spiraling dance of separate opposing forces, which sustains this universe… SAKSHI witnesses all thoughts, words and deeds without interfering with them or being affected by them. Sakshi ( observer ) or Shiva / Purusha , along with Shakti (will /energy/motion), represents the Brahman, the totality itself in its most fundamental state, the panentheistic concept of all mighty, revealed in ancient philosophical texts of Hinduism. The field of mind (chittakasha) involves the duality of the seer and the seen, the observer (drg) and the observed (drshya), which duality is overcome in the field of pure consciousness. drg-drshya-viveka ( 5000 BC ) tells us:-- "when form is the object of observation or drshyam, then the eye is the observer or drk; when the eye is the object of observation, then the mind is the observer; when the pulsations of the mind are the objects of observation, then sakshi or the witnessing-self is the real observer; and it is always the observer, and, being self-luminous, can never be the object of observation. when the notion and the attachment that one is the physical body is dissolved, and the supreme self is realized, wherever one goes, there one experiences samadhi. ".. The sankhya Vedanta school was expounded by Kapila, a Kerala maharishi who lived 13500 years ago… ####.. गन्धर्वाणां चित्ररथ: सिद्धानां कपिलो मुनि: || 26||..
gandharvanam chitrarathah siddhanam kapilo munih.. .. gandharvāṇām—amongst the gandharvas; chitrarathaḥ—Chitrarath; siddhānām—of all those who are perfected; kapilaḥ muniḥ—sage Kapil.. ranslation :-- BG 10.26:. Amongst the Gandharvas I am Chitrath, and amongst the siddhas I am the sage Kapil… bastards Wikipedia puts Kapila as 600 BC, while Kuruskhetra war and Krishna was in 4000 BC.. Sankhya asserts that it is incorrect to ascribe a teleology to either Prakriti or Purusha; they are both eternal essences - which exist, and will exist, for all time. The world is to be understood through their interaction, and personal liberation is ultimately achieved through a form of their separation.. Prakriti is the primary cause behind every manifested element in the material universe. In its fundamental state, it is imperceptible; containing an even arrangement of its three intrinsic qualities (known as the three gunas)… OBSERVER Purusha’s presence is what “disturbs” the otherwise dormant Prakriti, instigating its transformation into the countless material configurations we see throughout the known universe.. In Sanskrit, SANKHYA translates to “EMPIRICAL”.. the name is apt, when you consider the mechanics that underpin the evolution of prakriti, upon exposure to purusha. once moved into a state of flux, prakriti is said to evolve in accordance with 23 interdependent structures (known as tattvas). The first evolutes produced are the material intellect (mahat) and ego (ahamkara); these are then followed by the development of the conventional mind (manas), the sense organs, and the organs of action; which develop alongside the subtle elements of objects (e.g., their taste, smell, sound), and the classical elements of reality - air, fire, ether, water, and earth. when prana, mixes with the five elements or pancha mahabhutas ,, the tri doshas are formed.. In tantra, consciousness is called Shiva, and manifestation, which is also seen as power, is called Shakti. In Brahman, Shakti only exists as a potential. . Shiva as an OBSERVER is called PARA SHIVA and the OBSERVED is called PARA SHAKTI. Tantra has nothing to do with deviant sex … Collective consciousness is a life force flowing through the universe. Consciousness of the observer brought the observed object into being. Nothing in the universe existed as an actual thing independently of our perception of it. All orderliness that we find exhibited in all levels of nature – from the smallest atom, through the living organisms, to the largest cluster of galaxies – is the expression of the infinite orderliness that is contained in consciousness.. Unlike Vedanta western science never devoted itself to who’s observing, and a science that does not take into account the observer, who is so fundamental to the observation, because WITHOUT THE OBSERVER THERE WOULD BE NO OBSERVATION – is an incomplete and mindless science. But we cannot call it a science; unless we include consciousness. The Upanishads are not philosophy but are darshanas, “something seen” and therefore to be realized. Consciousness is the intelligent force that started the blueprint which ultimately manifested itself as a particular form. The Upanishads form the concluding portions of the Veda and therefore called the “VEDANTA” or the end of the veda and contains the essence of vedic teachings. The vedas in its unchanged unabridged format in Sanskrit verses , have guided the Indian’s religious direction for ages and will continue to do so till our sun goes supernova. . The vedic metaphysician was a sort of super scientist, unlimited in his curiosity and gifted with a capacity for putting together other people’s findings with a skill and imagination that none of them individually commands. The Sanskrit word for philosophy is DARSHAN or ‘seeing’, which implies that Sanatana Dharma is is grounded firmly on human consciousness and perception. . Vedas introduced consciousness , the most valuable thing on this planet , to western philosophical thought.. Vedas are considered to be eternal, without beginning and end as they represent the divine truth itself as perceived through the elevated consciousness of great seers.. The ancient vedic rishis in all their wisdom said that our universe is not woven from matter but consciousness.. The vedic sages who discovered Brahman had depersonalized themselves in the search for truth. unlike modern western philosophers who lift Vedic ideas without any understanding , and patent it in their own names.
Somebody called me up and cried “CAPTAIN, YOU HAVE WRITTEN THAT IF ALL 4200 RELIGIONS ON THIS PLANET IS A DROP OF DIRTY STINKING VERMIN LADEN WATER, SANATANA DHARMA IS THE ENDLESS PRISTINE BOTTOMLESS OCEAN..” Can you authenticate yourself?. Our brain can store unlimited data, because our brain is holographic. In holography, a three dimensional image of an object is filmed with a laser. The amazing part is that any part of the holographic picture may be used to recreate the whole image.. Holograms are all about changing the angle at which two lasers strike a piece of photographic film- to record many different images on same surface. Any image thus recorded can be retrieved simply by illuminating the film with a laser beam possessing the same angle as the original two beams.. Our free choice is about finding the right angle to call up the image / memory of what we want or search. This is why a person seconds away from suicide can be given a tight slap across his face , to force change this angle– and then he would not want to commit suicide at all.. Maharishis could access Akashik records because space time is holographic, they could access it by quantum processes inside their brains. The morphogenetic field or BrahmAn has a self organizing nature. This is a merged grand akashik field of several morphic fields of different nature by resonant coupling. This inductive field has consciousness and self initiating nature. This non-linear field is holographic and holds information of not only past history by even every thought , emotion and feeling held in the right hand subconscious lobe of your brain. Vedanta says that brain is a holographic storage device… This model allows for important aspects of human consciousness, including the fast associative memory that allows for connections between different pieces of stored information and the non-locality of memory storage (a specific memory is not stored in a specific location, i.e. a certain neuron) device.. In a hologram, any part of the hologram with sufficient size contains the whole of the stored information. In this theory, a piece of a long-term memory is similarly distributed over a dendritic arbor so that each part of the dendritic network contains all the information stored over the entire network. Holographic processing is accomplished with the brain acting as a phase conjugating device (e.g. a phase gate) which is type of logic circuit where the inputs are sensitive to the phase of the input signal producing.. A laser hologram is that it exhibits the distributive property. This means that even a small part of an entire holographic record contains the entire record of the recorded image . Consciousness derives from deeper level, finer scale activities inside brain neurons. There are quantum vibrations in “microtubules” inside brain neurons.. EEG rhythms (brain waves) also derive from deeper level microtubule vibrations, and that from a practical standpoint, treating brain microtubule vibrations could benefit a host of mental, neurological, and cognitive conditions.. The DNA blueprint functions as a bio-hologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organizing physical form. . DNA can be influenced by longitudinal acoustic, and longitudinal SCALAR WAVES. Chromosomes that are damaged by X-rays, for instance, can be repaired by simply applying vibration and language, or sound combined with intention, or words, to DNA!. We are holistic beings: not a sum of our parts. Each point within our hologram contains all of the information of the whole. The complete blueprint for our existence is contained and infinitely accessible in every one of our cells.. Ayurveda, rely on a “natural” and holistic approach to physical and mental health.. Ayurveda is a complete way of life. As a holistic health system comprising diet, Yoga, massage, detoxification, herbal remedies, meditation and daily lifestyle, Ayurveda improves not only a person's health, but also their well being, behaviour and state of mind. Ayurveda uses only organic herbs and nano gold colloids which are biodegradable. Ayurveda is prevention-oriented, is free from harmful side-effects and treats the root cause of a disease rather than just the symptoms. Ayurveda views illness as caused by an imbalance in a person's physical or mental constitution and therefore seeks to gently bring a person's body and mind back into a healthy balance. In Ayurveda, body, mind and consciousness work together in maintaining balance.. Sri Yantra ( divine geometry of OM ) which follows the Fibonacci series and the Golden ratio / spiral is the mystical 3D holographic construct of the Cosmos.. It contains THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING.. To get the perfect theory of everything TOI, consciousness has to be factored in by science. It will NOT be possible to understand gravity without doing this.. In the quantum holographic DNA-wave bio-computer theory, DNA is a self-calibrating antenna working by phase conjugate ( scalar waves and phase conjugation) adaptive resonance capable of both receiving and transmitting scalar energy .. We live in a time obstructed world using 5 senses — and also a timeless realm in the quantum dimension, where what you see is NOT what you get.. Your DNA can send and receive powerful data through the universal network of ether.. DNA is a self-calibrating antenna working by phase conjugate ( scalar waves and phase conjugation) adaptive resonance , capable of both receiving and transmitting quantum holographic information , stored in the form of diffraction patterns-quantum holograms.. The interference patterns of the scalar waves form a huge hologram that permeates the whole of the universe.. Scalar electromagnetics is a unified field theory, of electromagnetics and gravitation, as per the Sri Yantra divine geometry. The language of the soul and the subconscious is of symbols and holograms.. All thoughts- attitudes, decisions, concepts, alignments, agreements, polarized struggles etc are constructed holographically in the brain. Identities that create experience are created holographically as personas, sub personalities, and archetypes, and as polarised constructs in the deeper mind.. Our brain can store unlimited data, only because our brain is holographic. Most of us are operating on roughly 5% brain capacity (which is all we need to survive). The language of the soul and subconscious is comprised of symbols and holograms.. Vedic Tantra is about powerful cosmic symbols and highly accurate measuring holograms. Sri Yantra which contains the elusive theory of everything is a Tantric symbol. Yajurveda reveals the truth: “Yatha pinde tatha brahmande, yatha brahmande tatha pinde“–“As is the individual, so is the universe, as is the universe, so is the individual.” .. Rig Veda says– “As it is anywhere, so it is everywhere.” You are the embodiment of all the Laws of Nature. You are the constitution of the Universe.. The cellular memory is the complete blueprint for your existence. It is the energetic expression of you as a holistic being. The labels “mind”, “body” and “spirit” are artificial labels that exist to make it easier for you to comprehend your multidimensional existence on earth. . This info-energy is comprised of physical, mental and emotional data that comes from all of your life experiences, genetic heritage, and past generations. Nothing we experience escapes being imprinted into our cellular hologram in the form of a cell memory. . What we commonly refer to as “The Cellular Memory” is the collective energy field generated by these individual cell memories. It operates behind the scenes of our subconscious mind.. Therefore, for any healing to be complete, it needs to take place at all levels – the body, the mind and the spirit.. Water holds memory, th principle of THEERTHAM… Latest generation computer robotic research is investigating water’s capacity to order and transmit information, as an improvement to silicon.. Subconscious mind has a memory of more than 100 trillion images, all our experiences, emotions and feelings are stored as an image or a sound in a digitised or rather a holographic manner .. Zero Point Field is an information field as it encodes everything that has left its traces in the form of Scalar waves in this universe. This boils down to the recording of every little thought that was ever thought and every little move that was ever made.. When properly activated by sound combined with intention, the superconductor that is DNA is designed to re-harmonize the entire bioenergy blueprint. The seemingly magical operations of psychoenergetics, sometimes called “psychotronics,” cannot be achieved with ordinary transverse EM wave energy. But they are possible with longitudinal scalar waves because the mind itself is scalar in nature.. We cannot observe the quantum world using our limited narrow band squelched five senses. Instead we must imagine particles as they really are– structures of matter waves (like quantum waves) in their wave medium, the quantum ether.. All thoughts- attitudes, decisions, concepts, alignments, agreements, polarized struggles etc are constructed holographically in the brain. Identities that create experience are created holographically as personas, sub personalities, and archetypes, and as polarized constructs in the deeper mind.The frequencies of the deeper mind lies in the dormant parts of the brain. These higher brain functions contain memory of everything that can possible be known including soul memory ( past life memory ). The holographic brains extension throughout the body is the nervous system. The pineal gland has a lot to do with the placebo effect, as it has to do with the energy body. The only reality is consciousness. It is our intent that affects reality. Matter constantly makes choices for alternate possibilities. Quantum coherence means that subatomic particles are able to cooperate. These subatomic waves or particles not only know about each other , but are also highly interlinked by bands of common scalar fields, so that they can communicate together. They are like a multitude of tuning forks that all begin resonating together. As the waves get into phase of sync, they begin acting like one giant wave and one giant subatomic particle. It becomes difficult to tell them apart. The language of the soul and the subconscious is of symbols and holograms. Ancient maharishis knew these signs and created mudras and kolams. Only consciousness can explain consciousness. We have unlimited and immediate access to the radiant field of consciousness which is infinite active universal intelligence. Akasha, the mother of all fields—provides the ultimate holographic blueprint of the world for all time, past and future. It is this that we tap into when we see the past or future. This is the foundation of Astrology. The brain and DNA is governed by the laws of quantum physics rather than the laws of biology or neurophysiology. Scalar waves ( made famous by Nikola Tesla ) is the point of fundamental intersection where matter and consciousness influence each other .. All spacetime events are conscious: they are conscious of other space time events. The curvature of space time is caused by the presence of matter and energy. A sufficiently dense concentration of matter or energy will curve spacetime so extremely that it rends, forming a black hole. The point of no return, is called the event horizon of the black hole.. Kali the wife of Shiva who devours entire galaxies in seconds, is the black hole in Vedanta.. Within any point in a holographic image, no matter how small, all knowledge of the whole image is present. In other words, it has the potentiality of projecting the whole from which it emerged.. Morphogenetic fields, they are invisible fields that shape and form every system in the Holographic Universe, such as stars, planets, and the human body.. Morphogenetic fields are living thought form fields that act as templates upon which matter is manifested. They also allow consciousness to create structure so that it can experience itself. Holograms encode distributed information as multi-scalar interference of coherent vibrations, e.g. from lasers. Structures inside brain neurons called microtubules as sources of laser-like coherence for the brain’s vibrational hierarchy. The brain processes and stores information holographically as a massively parallel processing and associative computer system. A laser hologram is that it exhibits the distributive property. This means that even a small part of an entire holographic record contains the entire record of the recorded image . The fact that living cells in any organism evolve and grow from more simple stem cells, implies quantum entanglement throughout the organism and its composite parts, with an associated instantaneous exchange of information through PCAR. PCAR is necessary for the brain to perceive objects as they really exist in three dimensional space. If the brain had to rely solely on the visible light spectrum that was reflected off the external object and onto the retina of the eyes, the object would appear two dimensional just as it would be if a picture of the object was recorded photographically with a camera. Contrary to the popular opinion that we see objects in three dimensions entirely because of binocular vision, just close one eye and observe an external object with the remaining open eye. The object appears “out there” and not as an image “in the brain” because of PCAR. This clearly presents a survival advantage to an organism allowing it to accurately see and locate objects (especially predators and food) in three dimensional space. The Quantum Hologram is a model of how reality works. Like all models it enables us to make predictions and create interpretations about how nature operates. Every one of our cells contains the same genetic blueprint of DNA and clearly that DNA and environmental influences exert major influences over the development and functioning of our cells. But cells are not only subordinate to DNA; they also function and maintain homeostasis by communicating and cooperating simultaneously with many other cells of the body and by the information they receive from the environment. In higher organisms with brains, the massively parallel processing capabilities of the brain structures are capable of simultaneously resonating with QUANTUM HOLOGRAM information at an incredible range of frequencies.. Max Planck who got himself cremated, knew Sanskrit and read the Vedas.
That Vedanta is available in the “soap is civilization” white Christian west primarily through religious interpreters in pagan saffron robes has prejudiced their evaluation of its relevance to scientific concerns… These uppity white cannot fathom the depth of Vedas of Sanatana Dharma or Bhagavad Gita.. ### इन्द्रियाणि पराण्याहुरिन्द्रियेभ्य: परं मन: |.. मनसस्तु परा बुद्धिर्यो बुद्धे: परतस्तु स: || 42||..Bhagavad Gita 3.42 , 4000 BC.. indriyani paranyahur indriyebhyah param manah.. manasas tu para buddhir yo buddheh paratas tu sah.. Translation:-- BG 3.42: The senses are superior to the gross body, and superior to the senses is the mind. Beyond the mind is the intellect, and even beyond the intellect is the soul… ####.. The Self is superior to even the intellect because the intellect draws its power to illuminate from the Self alone. The Self ( SOUL ) is the indweller in the body, the Witness of the activities of the body, senses, mind and intellect… Your consciousness is powered by your soul. You can be in a coma but as long as your soul is within you, you are conscious.. If the Consciousness is withdrawn from the body, mind and intellect the perception, emotion and thought necessarily end.. Mind can only access experience thought by thought, because it is not possible to have more than one thought at a time. Consciousness has no such limitation (it is dimensionless), several thoughts occur at the same time which is always ‘now.’ .. All things happen in consciousness at the selfsame instant; experienced simultaneously and sequentially–with each new experience ‘erasing’ the old. and so it is as if the old never happened. The mind is charged with consciousness, as a copper wire may be charged with electricity. The wire becomes live when it allows the movement of electric energy through it. The mind knows in the same way as a wire is to electricity. The electricity is not wire; even so, consciousness is not mind. The power to create and control all this lies somewhere deep inside us, but so long as we are looking outwards, we do not have the subtlety and acuity of mind required to turn within and see what it is. Mind is like a finite kind of consciousness. Consciousness can only do this by identifying itself with a finite object called a body. As a body-consciousness it can then know and experience the finite world. .. Consciousness is infinite and can never become finite. Mind is the localization or precipitation of consciousness; it is an apparent activity of consciousness. Mind is a tool of consciousness /self used to experience the world. Mind is an outgrowth of the basic laws of quantum physics together with the actions of the observer, which are the acts of consciousness. Feelings ( magnetic ) and thoughts ( electric ) show the same type of duality as waves and particles. The true Self ( soul ) is not the doer but only the witness. It is the spectator, not the actor. Actions affect the mind and understanding and not the Self. Body, mind and intellect are mere inert matter till Consciousness enlivens them. Consciousness merely illumines the world of objects, the body, the mind and the intellect. Consciousness functions through body equipment’s and illumines them but never gets contaminated by the actions of the body or by the emotions of the mind or by the thoughts of the intellect. Thoughts are like images on the screen of consciousness. One should not identify oneself with the functions of one's own mind, intellect, senses and body. One should not confuse one's real nature, Pure Consciousness, with the products of Prakriti.. #### समं पश्यन्हि सर्वत्र समवस्थितमीश्वरम् |. न हिनस्त्यात्मनात्मानं ततो याति परां गतिम् || 29|| Bhagavad Gita 13.29, 4000 BC .. samam pashyan hi sarvatra samavasthitam ishvaram . na hinasty atmanatmanam tato yati param gatim.. Translation:- BG 13.29: Those, who see God as the Supreme Soul equally present everywhere and in all living beings, do not degrade themselves by their mind. Thereby, they reach the supreme destination. ####… Because of this lack of understanding, we do not recognize the one Eternal Divine everywhere and identify ourselves with the body and the mind and thereby feel that they alone are real. Consequently, we come to the conclusion that sensuality, materialistic pursuits and selfish satisfactions are the only goals worth pursuing in life. Krishna says, because of lack of understanding, we do not recognize the one Eternal Divine everywhere and identify ourselves with the body and the mind and thereby feel that they alone are real. Consequently, we come to the conclusion that sensuality, materialistic pursuits and selfish satisfactions are the only goals worth pursuing in life. Yoga is control of the mind, restraint of the mind-stuff. Patanjali says-yoga is chitta-vritti-nirodhah. As a word, vritti means literally vortex (of consciousness), or “circular activity with no beginning and no end”. What the mind serves up are the images designed to entertain consciousness. the mind never sees ‘the thing in itself.’ Mind is immaterial when compared with matter but it is a subtle material when compared with consciousness. Since mind is an object for a subject (mind or thoughts can be known), it is considered non-intelligent or inert. Mind is not self-revealing. Mind has its seat in the physical brain, during the waking state, mind gains experiences of the physical universe in and through the vibrations of the brain. It is mind’s function to act as a limiter to the vision of the self/consciousness so that the experience is experienced vividly. A mind without desire becomes calm and serene. A disturbed mind cannot execute any action with efficiency. Thus renunciation is the goal to be reached through abandoning the anxiety for the enjoyment of the fruits of actions. When a man performs his obligatory duties without the spirit of doership and selfishness, his mind is purified and becomes fit for Self Realization . In Vedantic parlance, there are four dimensions or categories to mind (thought) in its function. These dimensions of mind are known as ego (ahamkaara), reasoning and determining faculty, buddhi (self-consciousness, higher mind, working mind or impersonal mind), lower mind or intellect (manas) and memory (chittha or chittham). When the soul identifies itself with the modes of nature, it forgets its own reality and uses the mind, life and body for the egoistic satisfaction. Vedanta tells us that liberation comes to those who know brahman as that which is the origin and end of all things, the universal principle behind and at source of everything that exists, and the consciousness that pervades everything and everyone. Such realization comes from self-knowledge and self-discipline. moksha is self-discipline that is so perfect that it becomes unconscious, second nature, an unworldly understanding, and a state of bliss. This liberation comes from a life lived with inner purity, alert mind, led by reason, intelligence, and realization of the supreme self who dwells in all beings .. Spirituality is directly associated with soul. It connect the soul to the supreme energy- the field of Brahman. The soul and mind are in the quantized state which modulate the physiological and psychological processes on creativity and consciousness of mind in the function of human body. General anaesthetic, which switches off consciousness, does this through quantum means, measured by changes in electron spin. all biological systems are quantum mechanical, being composed of atoms and thus subject to the quantum theory of atomic structure. Cosmic consciousness takes place in Sahasrara chakra. The human brain is still in an organic state of evolution toward higher levels of consciousness. With elevated consciousness you develop wisdom is discriminating between right and wrong.. The Jiva enjoys the world of objects through sense organs and mind. Consciousness never directly illumines any object but when reflected upon mind and intellect It becomes Intelligence in which the sense objects become illumined. The Jiva, using the mind along with sense organs, enjoys the sense objects such as sound, touch, taste, smell etc. True happiness of human beings lies not in the possession of outward things but in the fulfillment of the higher mind and spirit, in the development of what is most inward in us. It may mean pain and restraint but it will lead us to joy and freedom. Pursuing the path of creative action a seeker drops the bulk of the vasanas, desires. His mind becomes purified. His intellect becomes sharp. He rises to the path of knowledge and acquires spiritual values. Work becomes worship, by aligning the mind through the performance of activity, to the consciousness of the Self. This change of attitude towards work removes drudgery in work.. The quantum physicists know of the observer’s conscious awareness of the characteristics of the physical objects under experiment. The static collapse caused by minds affect the quantum-mechanical states of physical systems and the objective, observable properties of the cosmological world as well. The basic notion of the relationship between mind and matter is participation rather than interaction .. The conscious man of high soul frequency has a body-soul duality that is an extension of the wave-particle duality of subatomic particles. both dualities participate in the element of subjectivism in explaining reality. This element of reality represents the philosophical aspect but has been neglected by contemporary cosmologists, who focus on the results of observation. The metaphysics of this duality can be derived from the laws of nature. quantum computers have shown to have the ability to perform processes that conventional computers cannot, which reminds us of how our brains can achieve things that are far beyond artificial intelligence. CAPT AJIT VADAKAYIL SAYS AI MUST MEAN “INTELLIGENCE AUGUMENTATION “ IN FUTURE ..
The fabric of the universe, the primal Field, was created by consciousness and is held in existence by consciousness. The entire universe is the consciousness of the Creator. Consciousness creates energy, it creates matter, and it creates the perspectives of space and time. The Taittiriya Upanishad ( 5000 bc ) speaks of Maharishi Bhrigu, the son of Varuna, approaching his father with the following prayer: -- ‘Adhihi bhagavo brahmeti. Sir, teach me Brahman.’ .. Varuna says, ‘Yato va imani bhutani jayante; yena jatani jivanti; yatprayantyabhisamvishantiti; tadvijijnasasva; tadbrahmeti”. .. Know That from which all beings originate, emerge; That in which all beings rest; and That into which all beings finally merge – That is Brahman.’ (3.1.1).. Purusha is solitary because even though as consciousness he is the Witness to the effects produced by Prakriti and her three gunas, Purusha remains pure and untouched. The three gunas are born of Prakriti. It is their imbalance that causes the wheels-within-wheels to turn and produce the hologram. After a cyclical Dissolution of the world the gunas return to and remain in a state of perfect balance until next time of Creation. #### कार्यकारणकर्तृत्वे हेतु: प्रकृतिरुच्यते |. पुरुष: सुखदु:खानां भोक्तृत्वे हेतुरुच्यते || 21||.. Bhagavad Gita 13.21 , 4000 BC.. karya-karana-kartritve hetuh prakritir uchyate. purushah sukha-duhkhanam bhoktritve hetur uchyate.. Translation:- BG 13.21: In the matter of creation, the material energy is responsible for cause and effect; in the matter of experiencing happiness and distress, the individual soul is declared responsible. ####.. The Vedas state that there are 8.5 million species of life in the material world. All these bodily forms are transformations of the material energy.. Prakriti (nature) is the material from which the body and the sense organs are produced. The five elements out of which the body is made and the five sense-objects are included under the term ‘body’ or ‘karya’ used in the Verse. The sense organs are thirteen namely five organs of perception, five organs of action, the mind, intellect (buddhi), and I-consciousness (ahamkara). Pleasure, pain, delusion and the rest, which are born of three gunas of prakriti, are included under the term organs or ‘karana’ since they cannot exist independently of the sense-organs. Purusha and Prakriti are stated to be the cause of samsara or phenomenal existence. Prakriti transforms itself into body and senses, as also into pleasure, pain and so on and Purusha experiences pleasure and pain. This union between Purusha and Prakriti makes relative life possible. Even though the Purusha, the Soul, identifies Himself with the body and appears to experience pleasure and pain, yet in reality He remains unchanging. It is this apparent experience which constitutes His illusory world or samsara and which makes Him a samsari or phenomenal being. The individualized soul, or Kshetrajna, the Knower of the Field, or bhokta, the enjoyer, it should not be confused with the Paramatman or Brahman or the Highest Self. In the Gita, no distinction is made between the knower of the Field and the Supreme Lord, Paramatman, Brahman. . THE RIDICULOUS ADAM AND EVE THEORY OF ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS IS LIFTED FROM THE PROFOUND HINDU CONCEPT ( ATMAN AND JIVA ) WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING .. The Bhagavad Gita identifies the bird that eats and enjoys as the field (kshetra) and the other as the field-knower, the foundation (kshetrajna).. The central act of Hindu worship, from the point of view of the lay person, is darshan, is to stand in the presence of the deity and to behold the image with one’s own eyes, to see and be seen by the deity.. The notions of seeing and being seen figure prominently in the Sankhya karika. Here, the seer is Purusha; and he sees or witnesses the inert and un-manifest Prakriti (a-vyakta). The fact of seeing and be seen is highly purposeful and is of vital importance in Sankhya. It is the fact of Purusha seeing the a-vyakta that triggers the process of evolution, the unfolding of the a-vyakta. Even thereafter it is because of the illumination by the Purusha the inert matter appears to be alive. The reverse process of absorption concludes with a-vyakta seeing the Purusha. The relation between the unseen seer (kshetrajna) and the field (kshetra) forms an important issue in the Sankhya darshana, the Samkhya way of seeing. The basic cause for suffering and bondage, according to Sankhya, is to mistake the seer for the seen (the field). That principle also forms the basis for many practices outlined in Yoga. Both Sankhya and Yoga speak of the seer and the seen; both stress suffering as the reason to seek release from bondage. Sankhya focuses on knowledge as the means of liberation; while Yoga accepts Sankhya position and in addition advances several techniques that ensure that seer is not mistaken for the seen (the field). According to the Sankhya Karika, the passive, disinterested Purusha merely sees or witnesses or comes into proximity of the inert (acetana) a-vyakta, the Prakirti in its un-manifest or latent form. The Purusha is the “seer”; and, that which is “seen” is Prakriti. The Sankhya Karika says, the very presence or proximity or the mere seeing by the Purusha who is the fact of consciousness, enlivens and activates the constituents of the dormant or un-manifest (avyakta or mula- prakrti) Prakrti. The mula-prakrti, in other words, is simply the undifferentiated, unconscious thing-ness, which is witnessed. The Purusha does nothing and is unable to act; but his mere proximity or seeing, somehow, disturbs the equilibrium (samyavastha) of the potent forces of avyakta or mula-Prakrti made up of three Gunas: sattva, rajas and tamas. This disruption of equilibrium caused by the proximity (samyoga) of two diverse principles triggers the struggle for ascendency among the constituent Gunas; and that sets in motion the process of unfolding or evolution of the man and the world, flowing out of the a-vyakta. That is, when these Gunas are in equilibrium or in balance, no creation or modification is possible. It is only when this equilibrium is disturbed the manifest world (vyakta) emerges out of the un-manifest (a-vyakta). The karika clarifies that just because the presence of the individual Purusha results in the appearance or the emergence of the world, it should not be construed that the world is derived from Purusha (because Purusha does not generate or create anything); but, it only means that without the presence of Purusha, the Prakriti would remain in un-differentiated, un-manifest state (a-vyakta). The world in and of itself is simply un-manifest avyakta when not in the presence of Purusha. It is only when it is illumined Purusha the world appears to be alive. Purusha the seer is a sort of translucent emptiness, a pure witness. Inactive (akartrbhava), isolated (kaivalya), pure consciousness (chetana): and Prakrti the seen is matter ( from energy ) that is witnessed is inherently non-conscious or non-intelligent. Neither can be reduced to the other. The Karika says that the Purusha is understood in terms of what it witnesses. Karika therefore describes everything that appears to Purusha (consciousness), which in other words is the whole of the a-vyakta and vyakta. Ultimately, everything that appears to consciousness is eliminated, leaving Purusha as the sole reality. What we call the universe is what we see, and that is only this little plane of consciousness and reason; beyond that we do not see at all. Our 5 senses are of narrow bandwidth and even this is squelched, to prevent overload and breakdown.. Wisdom is finding the association about things which are not readily apparent to the non-perceptive—peeking beyond the screen of MAYA ( prakriti ). Sankhya is a dualistic philosophy, which postulates two interdependent, simultaneously existing realities purusha (Consciousness) and prakrti (nature or matter). Apart from the purusha, which forms the inner core of the personality, everything in the universe, physical and psychological, including the mind, are regarded as originated from prakriti, which is constituted of three gunas viz. sattva, rajas and tamas. According to Sankhya School the world has two parts—Spirit (Purusha) and Matter (Prakriti). Prakriti is composed of three extremely subtle and intangible substances (gunas) called Sattva-guna, Rajo-guna, and Tamo-guna. Everything is possessed of the three gunas (itriagunatmaka). These gunas are present in all phenomena in different proportion. The gunas are said to be the fetters that keep the free soul in bondage and pain. . There is no living being on earth or god in the heaven who is not pervaded by the three gunas produced from Prakriti. The gunas bind the immortal self to the corporeal body. The three gunas predominate differently at different times. The three gunas are bom of Prakriti and they constitute our experience stuff. The gunas are regarded as the general characteristics of all mental inclinations. These are also the sources of different kinds of action. The yogi’s mind becomes indifferent to the gunas because the power of consciousness is situated in its own essential nature. The ongoing permutations of the gunas cease, their purpose fulfilled. Without an impetus to provide stimulation, the gunas dissolve back into the primordial matrix. The three gunas in an individual are in perpetual conflict with one another, each one trying to subdue the others in order to become predominant. Krishna advises Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita: “Go beyond the three Gunas”. In other words go beyond matter and manifest your divine spirit.. The three states of goodness, passion and ignorance are solely material in nature. The principle behind the operation of the three gunas is that when one is active, the other two are inactive. The gunas are not considered as static and set. Hindu literature, such as the Bhagavad Gita, state it to be dynamic and changeable with knowledge, introspection and understanding of sva-dharma.. Guna is also a concept in Ayurvedic medicine, as a system to assess conditions and diets. For this reason Triguna and tridosha are considered to be related in the traditions of Ayurveda.. Kshetra means field and Kshetrajna means knower of the field in Sanskrit and Malayalam. The body is the field (kshetra) wherein seeds of karma is sown, grown and harvested. The one who is the witness is kshetrajna ( soul/ brahman).. Kshetrajna , the witness of the field, is pure consciousness purusha, (gambhirananda). The soul is a small part of Brahman the field of consciousness albeit at a lower frequency.. The body ( kshetra) is made up of the five great (maha) elements (bhutas).. These elements are: prithvi ( earth), jal ( water), agni (fire), vayu ( air), akasha ( ether) . All that which is seen, observed is called kshetra.. Krishna says — i am the Kshetrajna in all the kshetras.. Kshetra is modified Brahman and KSHETRAJNA IS BRAHMAN WITHOUT ANY MODIFICATION. Kshetra is brahman’s prakriti.. Atman (soul) is only conscious of its own body, while brahman the field is conscious of all bodies.. Both the soul ( atman ) and the supersoul ( brahman ) are khetrajna.. Knowledge of the kshetra in its gross (sthoola) and subtle (sookshma) aspects is kshetrajna. The respository of all karma of a kshetra resides in the atma.. However, when prana leaves, the body (kshetra) loses its ability to perform karma and the atma has to reconcile its debts and get another body (kshetra).. #### श्रीभगवानुवाच |. इदं शरीरं कौन्तेय क्षेत्रमित्यभिधीयते |. एतद्यो वेत्ति तं प्राहु: क्षेत्रज्ञ इति तद्विद: || 2||.. śhrī-bhagavān uvācha. idaṁ śharīraṁ kaunteya kṣhetram ity abhidhīyate. etad yo vetti taṁ prāhuḥ kṣhetra-jña iti tad-vidaḥ.. Translation:-- BG 13.2: The Supreme Divine Lord said: O Arjun, this body is termed as kṣhetra (the field of activities), and the one who knows this body is called kṣhetrajña (the knower of the field) by the sages who discern the truth about both. ####.. #### इच्छा द्वेष: सुखं दु:खं सङ्घातश्चेतना धृति: |. एतत्क्षेत्रं समासेन सविकारमुदाहृतम् || 7||.. Bhagavad Gita 13.7 , 4000 BC.. ichchhā dveṣhaḥ sukhaṁ duḥkhaṁ saṅghātaśh chetanā dhṛitiḥ.. etat kṣhetraṁ samāsena sa-vikāram udāhṛitam.. Translation:-. BG 13.7: Desire and aversion, happiness and misery, the body, consciousness, and the will—all these comprise the field Kshetra and its modifications. ####.. Krishna explains that the physical body is temporary and perishable whereas the soul is permanent and eternal. The physical body can be destroyed but the soul can never be destroyed . #### क्षेत्रज्ञं चापि मां विद्धि सर्वक्षेत्रेषु भारत |. क्षेत्रक्षेत्रज्ञयोर्ज्ञानं यत्तज्ज्ञानं मतं मम || 3|| ..Bhagavad Gita 13.3 , 4000 BC.. kṣhetra-jñaṁ chāpi māṁ viddhi sarva-kṣhetreṣhu bhārata.. kṣhetra-kṣhetrajñayor jñānaṁ yat taj jñānaṁ mataṁ mama.. Translation:-. BG 13.3: O scion of Bharat, I am also the knower of all the individual fields of activity. The understanding of the body as the field of activities, and the soul and brahman as the knowers of the field, this I hold to be true knowledge. ####… BrahmAns ( God’s) knowledge of each kṣhetra is perfect and complete. Krishna establishes the position of the three entities vis-à-vis each other—the material body, the soul, and BrahmAn.. #### यदा भूतपृथग्भावमेकस्थमनुपश्यति |.. तत एव च विस्तारं ब्रह्म सम्पद्यते तदा || 31||… Bhagavad Gita 13.31 , 4000 BC.. yadā bhūta-pṛithag-bhāvam eka-stham anupaśhyati.. tata eva cha vistāraṁ brahma sampadyate tadā… Translation:-. BG 13.31: When they see the diverse variety of living beings situated in the same material nature, and understand all of them to be born from it, they attain the realization of Brahman. ####.. Kshetra is the matter consisting of equipments of perception and what is perceived by them. Kshetrajna is the knower of what is perceived through the instruments of perception. To distinguish thus the worlds of the subject and the object is what the Krishna tells as true knowledge. Imagine all this was written 6000 years ago when the white man was doing grunt grunt for language.. And today they dare to call Indian Hindus superstitious savages.. Not any more ! Even though the Purusha, the Soul, identifies Himself with the body and appears to experience pleasure and pain, yet in reality He remains unchanging. The three Gunas remain in all the living creatures in varying degrees. The mind and intellect are constituted with these qualities. Going above these temperaments means going beyond the mind and intellect to re-discover one to be the Supreme Self. By transcending the gunas, one unlocks that which binds one to nature. When this is achieved in all the involvements, the soul is fully perceived. The consciousness has now, by the power of wisdom, gained everything that had to be acquired, and tossed away everything that had to be discarded. The sadhaka is liberated from all bondage; there is no feeling of birth and death. Kaivalya is accomplished. This is how you become a sage.. Even though Purusha as Witness remains untouched by the gyrations and effects of Prakriti’s gunas, Purusha temporarily mistakes these ‘transformations’ as his own. Purusha wrongly assumes that he is the ‘agent’ of Prakriti’s manifestations. The Samkhya Karika states that it is his proximity with Prakriti that causes this false impression. In the process of his enjoyment of the world, Purusha begins to consider the polarities of pleasure-and-pain (sukha-duhkha), etc. as his own. This confusion, caused by attachment, eventually makes Purusha realize that he has become bound in the webs of Maya that are produced by Prakriti’s gunas. . Nature consists of five gross elements : earth, water, fire, air and ether with their five subtle counterparts : smell, taste, shape, touch and sound. These interact with the three gunas – satwa, rajas and tamas. Panchamahabhuta theory is in Part 137 below—#### ####... Prakriti goes on ceaselessly changing, due to the interaction between its own gunas of sattva, rajas and tamas. Earth, water, fire, air and ether; their counterparts smell, taste, sight, touch and sound; the senses of perception and organs of action; mind, intelligence, consciousness and ego are all parts of nature. Ego, consciousness and intelligence are sensitive and elusive. They pile up experiences of objects perceived through the senses of perception, organs of action and mind. These experiences differ according to their relation to circumstances. In this way, consciousness is throttled by the qualities of nature. It is also linked with time, because it fluctuates with thoughts of past, present and future.. the moulding of consciousness takes place owing to the changes in the gunas of nature. Patanjali ( 5000 BC ) explains the three phases of consciousness as rising, being restrained and the pauses between the two. Both purusa and prakrti, existed before man appeared. When creation took place, man was empowered with consciousness, intelligence, mind, senses of perception, organs of action and body. At the same time the characteristics or qualities (gunas) of nature, illumination (sattva), action (rajas) and inertia (lamas) entered man’s body. Set on the wheel of time with the spokes of the gunas of nature, man began to function in conformity with these three fundamental, intermingling qualities. Though born with an unpolluted heart, he gradually became caught in the snare of nature and fell victim to the polarities of pleasure and pain, good and evil, love and hatred, the permanent and transient. That is how desires (vasana) and imprints (samskara) rooted themselves in man’s life.. There is nothing in life which is not connected with the three Gunas. In every life form, we can see all the three Gunas but in different proportions . All matter in the universe arises from the fundamental substrate called Prakriti. From this ethereal Prakriti the three primary gunas (qualities of energy) emerge creating the essential aspects of all nature—energy, matter, and consciousness. These three gunas are tamas (darkness & chaos), rajas (activity & passion), and sattva (beingness and harmony). We as human beings have the possibility to consciously change the levels of the gunas in our body and mind. By altering the presence and influence of external objects, lifestyle, and thoughts we can increase or decrease the gunas. Whichever guna is predominating will affect how we perceive the world around us. It will affect behavior, attitude, actions, attachments, and so on. As soon as the commies come to power in Kerala the first thing they do is to destroy, from day one... Only a rare human being can become so totally dominated by one Guna that the other Gunas lose their power. Such extreme types are the hardened criminal or complete Tamasic type.. Tamas manifests from ignorance and deludes all beings from their spiritual truths. Tamasic learn by only contiguity. The main Tamas value is conformity to group norms.. A person influenced by tamas will have negative thoughts, actions, and habits. Even he may do a good deed, his motives will be influenced by tamas. High Tamsic have least intelligence and creativity. Rajsic have very good practical intelligence and moderate creativity; quickly solve social and practical problems. They are good in science and technology. Highly Sattvic people have high flexibility, highly creative and are intuitive. Gunas are present in every part of maya. The Gunas inherited by an individual are liable to change due to physical, psychological and social influences and the behavior of an individual, both overt and covert is determined by the prakriti (Personality) operating at that time. As prakriti governs the perception, cognition, motivation and values of an individual, it also influences well being. Prakriti comes from two Sanskrit roots, “Pra” means the beginning, commencement and source of origin and “Kruthi” means to perform or to form. In addition to the three gunas, Ayurveda teaches that you have three mind-body types, or doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), which manifest out of the five great elements. Each of us has our own unique makeup of the three doshas, which creates our strengths and challenges. . Through the knowledge of the three gunas and the three doshas, you can begin to navigate your body, mind, and life here on earth and start to move toward self-realization. Since the chakras are part of your physical and subtle bodies, they’re also influenced by the gunas and the doshas. The three gunas -sattva, rajas, and tamas-are found in nature and in the mind, paralleling the three doshas of body. In fact, if one goes through the list of qualities of various prakritis, one finds a mixture of both physical and mental qualities. There is no watertight classification at a purely mental or a purely physical level. However, besides the mental aspects of vatta-pitta-kapha prakrities, there is also classification of personalities based purely on mental qualities, into three types as- sattvic, rajasic and tamasic prakrities. The three Gunas-Sattva, Rajas and Tamas- promote different kinds of temperament based on the dominance of one or the other Gunas. According to Ayurveda, the human body (the physical entity) is composed of three fundamental categories called Doshas, Dhatus, and Malas. The Doshas are three in number, the Dhatus are seven, and the Malas are three. The three Doshas (Tridoshas) are Vata ( gas ) , Pitta ( bile ) , and Kapha ( mucus ) . Their psychological correlates which play a role in the functioning and behavior of humans is the Trigunas–Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas.. There is NO rocket science to this . If your body expels too much gas , or phlegm / mucus or you feel like throwing up, it means your system is out of whack. Charaka and Sushruta recognize seven types or categories into which people can be classified, depending on the dominance of the Doshas in their body. Besides the basic seven types of Prakriti (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and their blends), Ayurveda recognizes 16 types of personalities based on the classical Guna theory. While all individuals have mixed amounts of the three, the predominant guna determines an individual’s mansa prakriti. In equilibrium, the three gunas preserve the mind (and indirectly the body), maintaining it in a healthy state. Any disturbance in this equilibrium may results in various types of mental disorders.. According the principle of imitation, mind absorbs the qualities of those with whom one associates because mental qualities are contagious. Thus people should mix with others with a great deal of stability (Sattva). The personality of children gets molded in line with the personality of parents. The psychic field, which develops when people interact, is determined largely by the personality of the people involved and only to a lesser extent by the quality of their interaction. A person with a Sattvic outlook on life will have an abstract memory, realistic and appropriate perception and productive and abstract thinking. A person in whom the Rajas Guna predominates will have a concrete memory, ego involve perceptions, scattered thinking and imagination. In contrast a Tamsic person would have loss-distorted perception and confused thinking. In yoga and Ayurveda, a guna is a tattva or element of reality that can affect our psychological, emotional and energetic states. The three gunas were created as an essential component of Sankhya philosophy but the gunas are now a major concept in most schools of Indian philosophy. The three gunas are described as being constantly influx and interacting with one another, in a playful state referred to as maya or illusion. The patterns of the interplay of the gunas can define the essential qualities of someone or something, and these patterns can highly influence the path and progress of life. We humans have the unique ability to consciously alter the levels of the gunas in our bodies and minds. The gunas cannot be separated or removed in oneself but can be consciously acted upon to encourage their increase or decrease. A guna can be increased or decreased through the interaction and influence of external objects, lifestyle practices and thoughts. The mind’s psychological qualities are highly unstable and can quickly fluctuate between the different gunas. The predominant guna of the mind acts as a lens that affects our perceptions and perspective of the world around us. The 3 modes of material nature - goodness, passion and ignorance - are like the three primary colors. From the three prime colors all other colors and shades of colors are made. Everything in the material world - the body, the mind, the intelligence, the work, the action, the mentality, the situation, is a unique mix of these 3 modes. Ayurveda and Yoga call the Mind in its totality Antahkarana, (the fourfold internal organ), which is our psychological instrument. They call it as fourfold internal organ, because the Mind or Antaharana has four main aspects. The four aspects of Antachkarana (or the Mind in its totality) are:- 1. Manas (external mind).. 2. Buddhi (Intellect, Intelligence).. 3. Ahamkara (Ego, the illusory identity).. 4. Chita (subconscious mind, memory, general field of the mind, conditioned consciousness)… Each one of these four aspects of Antahakarana or Mind has specific functions and the quality of its functioning depends on the guna that is predominant. We identify with the ego, and we function most of the time as the ego.. The rajasotamasic ego functions through identification, projection and imagination, and makes us identify with the body and everything that exists and happens in the body, i.e. mind, senses, vital energy, thoughts, emotions, sensations etc. Due to rajasotamasic ego we feel the strong sense of 'I am the body' or more accurately 'the body is me’. This identification with the body creates the illusion that we are separate entities, living as if we were separate from God—that mind and soul are separate. The ego makes us identify with the external objects and persons. Lower ego make us identify with thoughts, feelings, fantasies, beliefs, memories, opinions and externally with objects, people, situations, teams, religions and collective entities. This causes deceit to convert , Inquisitions and “kill them kaffirs” mentality.. The ego makes us compete in a faalthu manner with the Joneses.. Purusha simply just is. But, because of the presence of prakriti, purusha gets attracted to nature in the way a man is attracted when he watches a beautiful woman dancing. He cannot help but try to get closer. And then the disaster occurs: purusha becomes trapped inside prakriti. Purusha gets more and more entangled in prakriti. Soon purusha forgets that it was ever separate and ceases to struggle to regain its freedom. Atman is intrinsically and unchangeably free, complete, whole. It is pure awareness, self-contained. When Atman manifests as Purush and ‘joins’ with Prakriti, it is playing the Game of Life. The object of the game is Liberation, Salvation, Kaivalya, or complete isolation or freedom from all pain and imperfection. Because of these identifications and the attachment we develop towards them, they become an extension of ourselves. So, we feel everything that we relate with (my car, my wife, my child, my garden, my phone, my tablet, my jacket, etc..) as a part of ourselves (more precisely as a part of our ego). That’s why when we lose them we experience unnecessary pain or suffering. The intensity of suffering depends on how strong is our attachment to them. A sannyasi is FREE as he has NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE. The ego is the root-cause and creator of numerous identifications, projections, attachments and delusions, which cause suffering on a personal and collective level. We must detach and disidentify with Prakriti as body, mind and external world, which is to return to the Purusha or consciousness principle as our true nature. This is what Yoga strives for in its control of the vrittis of the mind. Yoga teaches us to observe Prakriti, including our mind-body complex, so that we can return to the Purusha, our true nature as the Seer. Man deluded by the sense “I”, thinks, “I am the doer.”.. The most powerful practice is svadyaya ( contemplation ) to bring attention to the forms of Prakriti, progressing from the grossest experience of the material world to the subtle aspect of the mind. Animals cannot contemplate , only conscious humans can. Whether it is sattva or rajas or tamas, the gunas are part of Prakriti and responsible for our ignorance, delusion, bondage and suffering on earth. When they are active, we remain bound to one thing or another. We cannot be free, until they are fully resolved. Even though it is pure, sattva is but an instrument of Prakriti, which is meant to serve its ends by keeping us bound to the worldly life under the sovereign control of its sovereign master. Hence, one may cultivate purity (sattva) to suppress the other two, but in the end must rise above all the three and become stabilized in equanimity, sameness, and oneness of the Self. One should go beyond the three gunas to attain immortality and freedom from birth, death, old age and sorrow.. THUS ENDS MY SANATANA DHARMA POLL SERIES.. ALL GLORY TO OUR ANCIENT SAGES. GRATITUDE TO OUR ANCESTORS WHO REMAINED HINDU, RESISTING GREED OF SOPS AND FEAR OF SWORD. HARI OM !!
Capt. Ajit VadakayilMay 22, 2021 at 7:45 AM
There is a forged Latin inscription today at top of west-side , I took a photo with a Zoom HD camera ..– “ SANCTISSIMAE CRVCI SYXTVS V PONT MAX SACRAVIT E PRIORE SEDE AVVLSVM ET CAESS AVG AC TIB I L ABLATVM M D LXXXVI “.. ( relocated by the Pope Sixtus V in 1586. 1586 AD )..
At the bottom of the West side is a fake inscription “DIVO CAESARI DIVI IVLII F. AVGVSTO TI. CAESARI DIVI AVGVSTI F. AVGVSTO SACRVM”.. ( Sacred to Augustus, and to Tiberius, Son (successor) of Augustus)..
Capt. Ajit VadakayilMay 22, 2021 at 7:47 AM
Read all 4 parts of the post below--
Read all 5 parts of the post below-
Capt ajit vadakayil
Capt. Ajit VadakayilMay 22, 2021 at 8:02 AM
John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States, ...
Clarence Thomas, ..
Stephen G. Breyer,..
Samuel A. Alito, ...
Sonia Sotomayor,..
Elena Kagan, ...
Neil M. Gorsuch,
Brett Michael Kavanaugh
Amy Coney Barrett
Capt. Ajit VadakayilMay 22, 2021 at 8:02 AM
Bhagya Suktam Rig Veda भाग्य सूक्तं ऋग्वेद ७-४१(7-41)
परातरग्निं परातरिन्द्रं हवामहे परातर्मित्रावरुणाप्रातरश्विना | परातर्भगं पूषणं बरह्मणस पतिं परातः सोममुत रुद्रं हुवेम ||
परातर्जितं भगमुग्रं हुवेम वयं पुत्रमदितेर्यो विधर्ता | आध्रश्चिद यं मन्यमानस्तुरश्चिद राजा चिद यं भगं भक्षीत्याह ||
भग परणेतर्भग सत्यराधो भगेमां धियमुदवा ददन नः | भग पर णो जनय गोभिरश्वैर्भग पर नर्भिर्न्र्वन्तः सयाम ||
उतेदानीं भगवन्तः सयामोत परपित्व उत मध्ये अह्नाम | उतोदिता मघवन सूर्यस्य वयं देवानां सुमतौ सयाम ||
भग एव भगवानस्तु देवास्तेन वयं भगवन्तः सयाम | तं तवा भग सर्व इज्जोहवीति स नो भग पुरेता भवेह ||
समध्वरायोषसो नमन्त दधिक्रावेव शुचये पदाय | अर्वाचीनं वसुविदं भगं नो रथमिवाश्वा वाजिन आ वहन्तु ||
अश्वावतीर्गोमतीर्न उषासो वीरवतीः सदमुछन्तु भद्राः |घर्तं दुहाना विश्वतः परपीता यूयं पात ... ||
ॐ अवैध मृत्युम न अमृतम न आगम मैव सुतो नो अभै त्रुणोत । वर्णम वनस्पती रिभाभिनष्यी यथागम भयै सदा नस्च जिपदही । ।
परम प्रत्यो अन्पढे एवम धयस्ते श्वेतयो देवाय न आत । तत्क्षुस्मते ब्रह्मणे देव प्रवी विमानव प्रजा ग्म्य निसोमोद विनोद्: । ।
वातम प्राणम वन्सान्त्वा हावामहे प्रजापतिम्यो भुवन्श्य गोप: । स नो रुद्रो: स्त्राय धान्त्वाम त्रध्युम धधयो जीवा: धधा मुचिमहे । ।
अमृत प्रभु या धध: योग्यवस्य वृहश्पते अभिशस्त्रे न रुद्र: । मृत्यो हावा मश्मिना मृत्यो मस्मा देवानामने भि च गाच देवहि: । ।
परिगम धनम च मुचयम च देवा विश्वा शेषानम पृतभम पतीनअ्म । ब्रह्मा सदो च वेदमागा च यधमागा मधिय विक्रमस्य: । ।
सल्के न अग्निम दानभुतौ लोकौ स नै माहम । उपायो भोगयो रुध्रापी मृत्युम जराम्य्हम । ।
मा चिदो मृत्यो मा वधेर मा मे बलम चिदहो मा प्रमोसि: । प्रजाम मा मे रीरिष: समायु रुद्र निरक्ष सन्त्रा: हविषा विधेमा । ।
मा नो महान्त मुत मानो अर्ब्भकम्मन अक्ष्यन्त मुत मान उक्षितम । मा नो व्यधिम पितरम्मोत मातरम्मनम प्रियास्तनवो रुद्ररीरिष: । ।
मानस्तोके तनए मान आयौ मानो अश्वेषु रीरिश: । वीरन्मानो रुद्र भामितो वेधी: हविष्मन्त सदमित्वा हावामहे । ।
namas te narasiḿhāya
hiraṇyakaśipor vakṣaḥ-
ito nṛsiḿhaḥ parato nṛsiḿho
yato yato yāmi tato nṛsiḿhaḥ
bahir nṛsiḿho hṛdaye nṛsiḿho
nṛsiḿham ādiḿ śaraṇaḿ prapadye
tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-śṛńgaḿ
keśava dhṛta-narahari-rūpa jaya jagadīśa hare