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CHILDLESS MODI WITH HIS PET LIBERAL JUDGES LIKE CHANDRACHUD/ NARIMAN HOPE TO MAKE INDIA THE HAPPIEST NATION ON THIS PLANET ( BY WESTERN STANDARDS ).. DO YOU WANT SUCH HAPPINESS ?https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/world-happiness-report-india-ranks-139-out-of-149-finland-tops-for-4th-yr-121031901409_1.html#:~:text=%C2%ABBack-,World%20Happiness%20Report%3A%20India%20ranks%20139%20out%20of%20149,Finland%20tops%20for%204th%20yr&text=India%20has%20been%20ranked%20139,which%20is%20topped%20by%20Finland. ##### . IN THE WEST HIGH RANKED WORKPLACES ARE THE ONES WHICH HAVE SEPARATE TOILETS FOR GAYS/ LESBIANS WITH "GLORY HOLE" BETWEEN THEM -- FOR SUCKING ANONYMOUS PRICKS AND CUNTS AND ASSHOLES.. IN FINLAND THEY KNOCK OUT THE FRONT TEETH OF SHEEP, SO THAT IMPOTENT GAY MEN CAN GET A HARD ON BY ORAL SUCTION BEFORE THEY PUT THEIR ERECT PRICKS INTO THE ASSHOLES OF GAYS OR EVEN THEIR WIVES…. IN INDIA ROTHSCHILD'S OPIUM FIELD GUARDING CLAN KNOCKED OFF THE FRONT TEETH OF BABY DEER.. #### https://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2018/04/salman-khan-chinkara-poaching-jail-term.html ####.. A GUJARATI KATHIAWARI JEW ( UPPER HOUSE ) HAD HIS FOUR FRONT TEETH SURGICALLY REMOVED BY A GAY GERMAN JEW , WHO OWNED TOLSTOY FARM. #### https://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2017/01/mahatma-gandhi-and-his-endless.html #### . NO MIR ALI DID NOT KNOCK OUT GANDHI'S FRONT TEETH.. I HAVE SPOKEN TO THE OLD MAN WHO HELPED THE DENTIST AT TOLSTOY FARM SOUTH AFRICA.. #### https://twitter.com/girishs2/status/1112973278501470208 #### .. TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION..






all over india people are prevented from travelling/ opening their businesses/ entering malls and restaurants etc unless they have a covid vaccination certificate… the people enforcing it are at the level of illiterate peons and pandu havaldars … now the armed forces have started arm twisting soldiers to take covid shot.. we ask vaccine lobby agent and deep state darling pm modi—make an announcement on tv, what is the govt position.. one way or the other we the people want to know.. not a single vaccine ( as of today ) worlds against covid virus mutants.. IVERMECTIN MUST BE ADMINISTERED TO ALL VACCINATED PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET, AS EVERY VACCINATED HUMAN IS A DEVIL’S WORSHOP TO MUTATE LAB SPLICED COVID VIRUS.. ivermectin is nothing but a strain of neem ( azadirachta indica ) found in kerala snake groves which is mentioned in 6200 year old charaka samhita as a potent broad spectrum anti-parasite. macrocyclic lactones are a group of complex compounds with high parasiticidal efficacy that are natural products produced by special snake grove soil microorganisms.. the neem-based extracts are harmless to birds, mammals and beneficial insects.. azadirachtin does not affect priceless pollinator stinging bees.. THE SOIL OF SNAKE GROVES HAS MILLIONS OF HEALTHY MICROBES. WHEN WE PLUCK ANY HERB FROM A SNAKE GROVE, WE DO NOT WASH IT THOROUGHLY—JUST A CURSORY RINSE TO GET RID OF SOIL.. THE MICROBES ON THE PLANET AND ITS ROOTS REMAIN INTACT.. any drug that kills germs in your body is technically an antibiotic.. the avermectins are macrocyclic lactones isolated from the fermentation broth of the soil actinomycete, streptomyces avermitilis. . included in this avermectin group is ivermectin, which is used for parasite control in humans .. ONLY IVERMECTIN CAN PREVENT A THIRD COVID PANDEMIC WAVE IN INDIA.. The first patient for DEADLY DELTA PLUS COVID VARIANT is a Bhopal woman who was vaccinated twice. DR SOUMYA SWAMINATHAN HAS BEEN CHOSEN AS CHIEF SCIENTIST OF WHO TO SABOTAGE INDIA ECONOMICALLY.. her father dr ms swaminathan ( agent of kosher evil pharma ) was a traitor who imposed the green revolution on india, destroying our top soil, making Indians lose our natural body immunity.. ... ONCE YOU START VACCINATING HERD IMMUNITY IS IMPOSSIBLE... HERD IMMUNITY DEALS WITH NATURAL PURE BODIES WHO CREATE THEIR OWN GOD GIVEN HUMAN IMMUNITY... evil racketeers for the jewish deep state , WHO and US CDC hide the truth that herd immunity does not apply to a case like today , where many are vaccinated by different types of vaccines





Recently there was this BUMBLE DATING APP in which Priyanka Chopra starred.. #### https://www.marketingmind.in/priyanka-chopra-bumble-justifies-women-characterisation-equalnotloose-campaign/ ####... As per the advertisement Priyanka walks into a pub where a young stranger male is sipping alcohol.. She introduces herself as his blind date .. This is her “blind date for the day” for pure no strings attached lust laden sex.. The Bumble Youtube advertisement shifts to the next day morning where the Pickle John is cooking with “kanth langot” nay tie ready to go to office for work.. He is cooking “stir fry “ mushroom angrezi breakfast .. Chutney Mary Priyanka Chopra ( with purulent twat full of semen ) is sitting by his side is sipping champagne while surfing the internet on Bumble app for her next fruitful blind date .. She intends to go from BUMBLE SEH BUMBLE THAKK till the day she puts on a demure ghoonghat and fools an innocent man into marrying her.. This is what Modi and his pet liberal judges Chandrachud/ Nariman has planned for India.. This is the gruesome threesome who kicked Bharatamata into the adultery/ living together/ homosexuality kosher mandi.. #### https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/06/23/vadakayil-on-india-becoming-a-happy-place-like-finland-poll/ ####.. Capt Ajit Vadakayil will etch the legacy of this gruesome threesome on rock.







recently SUPREME COURT JUDGE CHANDRACHUD overstepped his limits , ordering pm modi to give 900 tonnes extra oxygen to delhi cm kejriwal.. this unconstitutional fiat deprived twelve states of oxygen and hundreds of indians died of covid.. an ordinary judge had the gall to taunt the elected pm of india , see the link below.. judge chandrachud taunted modi, we cannot sit in a ivory tower like you.. judges have no powers to rap the pm of india on his knuckles , as imagined by pea brained main stream media.. #### https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/delhi/we-cant-be-blind-when-people-are-dying-delhi-hc-raps-centre-7301661/ #### .. judge chandrachud is in line to the cji.. he is not fit to be a supreme court judge , leave alone cji.. chandrachud is considered as a top traitor of india.. check out this poll below where 27,700 people have voted.. #### https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/03/28/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no-136/ ####.. recently traitor judiciary taunted the central govt.. YOU CAN AFFORD TO BURY YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND--WE CANNOT.. #### https://hwnews.in/news/national-news/you-can-bury-your-head-in-sand-like-ostrich-but-we-cant-delhi-hc-slams-centre-over-oxygen-shortage-in-delhi/156265 ####.. JUDICIARY IS THE ONLY ORG IN INDIA WHO HAS ITS HEAD BURIED IN THE SAND.. JUSTICE IS BLIND ! .. why is president/ pm/ law minister allowing supreme court to play god?.. abolish collegium judiciary.. zstupid judiciary does not know the difference between treason and sedition.. the word treason is not found in the indian constitution.. we ask pm and law minister to immediately formulate a national policy for the judiciary. .this must be etched on a large brass plaque in large letters and placed in every court room , behind the judge’s chair , and the offices of the chief justices of lower courts/ high courts and supreme court.. inscription on large brass plaque .. #### “ JUDICIAL POLICY-- THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION DOES NOT DEAL WITH ISSUES INVOLVING TREASON. . IF ANY BODY CAN PROVE THAT A CASE BEING HANDLED INVOLVES TREASON, THEY MUST GIVE A COMPLAINT TO THE JUDGE IN WRITING COPIED TO CHIEF JUSTICE , LAW MINISTER, NSA AND PM.. THE JUDGE SHALL THEN IMMEDIATELY RECUSE HIMSELF , TILL HE GETS A GREEN SIGNAL FROM CJI TO PROCEED” #### … when someone calls for dismemberment of the watan ( motherland ) , wedging off khalistan , secession of kashmir to pakistan, it is high treason.. treason affects the entire nation and all its law abiding citizens .. INDIAN JUDICIARY IS NOT EMPOWERED TO DEAL WITH TREASON... ONLY STATE AGENCIES LIKE NSA ( AJIT DOVAL ) CAN HANDLE IT.. judges save traitors again and again and again, by providing technical loopholes.. the punishment for high treason is death and this is beyond the scope of constitution or judiciary .






Twitter blocked Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad’s account on the faalthu grounds that he violated the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act.  This was over a Youtube video of AR Rahman’s patriotic song “Ma tuhje salam” which he posted a few years ago in a tweet .. Was the Youtube video clearly marked for copy right infringement ?  Not at all.  Then whose fault is it? EVEN IF THE YOUTUBE VIDEO CONTAINED A CLEAR COPYRIGHT WARNING, ALL THAT TWITTER CAN DO IS TO EXPUNGE THAT PARTICULAR VIDEO OR MAXIMUM DELETE THE ERRANT TWEET CONTAINING THE VIDEO .. TWITTER CANNOT BLOCK THE WHOLE ACCOUNT..  Deep state racketeers Twitter/ Google/ Facebook/ Quora / Youtube/ Instagram  has blocked the word “VADAKAYIL” because I supported Trump against Biden during US elections..  Now,  I have penned 1734 blogposts and published 2.45 lakh comments in my Google blogsite over 12 years .. IF I WERE TO USE THE VIDEO “MA TUJHE SALAAM” VIDEO ON AN INDEPENDENCE DAY GREETINGS POST ( WHICH I HAVE DONE THRICE ), GOOGLE CAN EXPUNGE THAT PARTICULAR VIDEO ( PROVIDED IT CONTAINED A CLEAR COPYRIGHT WARNING ) OR AT THE MOST DELETE THAT ERRANT BLOGPOST ..   BUT GOOGLE CANNOT BLOCK MY WHOLE BLOGSITE , THE FRUIT OF 12 YEARS OF RELENTLESS BLOGGING 16 HOURS A DAY.. The truth is Google has red flagged my blogsite for supporting anti-covid drug Ivermectin.. The first time Google red flagged my blogsite was for supporting Donald Trump over Joe Biden.. Today I cannot even put a link of any of my own 1734 blogposts in the main blog , the whole blogpost gets deleted .  If I put a link of my own blogpost in any blog comments window the comment gets deleted. WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL THIS ?? THE REASON IS WE HAVE A NOBEL PRIZE KA BHOOKA NAPUNSAK TATTU MODI AS OUR PM WHO HAS SURRENDERED INDIA’S SOVEREIGNTY TO THE JEWISH DEEP STATE...





reckless justice is being slapped around SUO MOTO on the basis of the personal whims and fancies of low mental caliber judges with non-technical minds . mind you these judges are the bottom dregs of the school cerebral barrel and the loser dregs of the lawyer pool.. supreme court judge chandrachud unconstitutionally has given direct orders to pm modi to suppy delhi with extra 900 tonnes of oxygen depriving 12 other states causing hundreds of deaths. ####   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/06/25/vadakayil-on-indian-judges-playing-moses-nay-god-poll/   ####...  another example ?-- in this covid pandemic, an unconstitutional order was given by supreme court to the private laboratories not to charge the covid-19 test .  under the essential commodity act, such powers are the sole prerogative of the elected and accountable  government,  to regulate the prices of testing done by private labs..  so so so -what is SUO MOTO cognisance?..   in law, suo motu ( latin term for -"on its own motion") describes an act of authority taken without formal prompting from an aggrieved  party.  in simple terms, it means taking total control over a matter like the captain of a ship at sea.   suo moto cognizance is when the courts take it upon themselves to interfere in any MANN KE TAMANNA matter , sometimes at the behest of india’s external enemies or foreign funded traitor ngos.. This is unconstitutional judicial tyranny or the dictatorship rule of the unelected and unaccountable.. JUDICIAL ADVENTURISM VIDE SUO FUCKIN’ MOTO CLAUSE is an overreach into the executive domain , a blatant intrusion into the proper working of democracy..  article 32 and article 226 of the indian constitution impute down the provisions for FILING PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION (PIL) in supreme court and high court respectively. THIS IS NOT A LICENCE FOR SUPREME COURT JUDGES TO PLAY GOD.  article 32 in the constitution of india 1949 deals with the power of  supreme court to issue narrow spectrum directions or orders or writs  . suo moto in india is being pushed by judges under article 32 & article 226 of the constitution..  in india, article 32 and article 226 of the indian constitution provide the provisions for public interest litigation (pil) which connects the public with the judiciary. ... the concept of pil or suo moto cognizance reflects the unconstitutional judicial adventurism nay tyranny of unelected and unaccountable collegium  judiciary..  article 226 in the constitution of india 1949 deals with the. power of high courts to issue certain narrow spectrum writs.. the power conferred on a high court by this article shall not be in derogation of the power conferred on the supreme court by clause ( 2 ) of article 32, this is where it begins and ends to an intelligent man..  article 131 in the constitution of india 1949 allows the supreme court to, have original jurisdiction in any dispute  between the government of india and  states; or between two states--: provided repeat provided that the said jurisdiction shall not extend to a dispute arising out of any treaty, agreement, covenant, engagements..  under article 131 of the indian constitution, suo moto cognizance of the supreme court is given.. this article gives power to the supreme court to initiate cases directly in the highest court of the country without going through the lower court or reviewing the judgment of lower courts.. to initiate the suo moto cognizance, the prior consent of the attorney general is not required..  article 131 merely gives the supreme court the power to take up such cases straight instead of going through a lower court or reviewing a lower court's judgement.. this is not a licence to play low flying messiah moses or play god..  SUO MOTO’S ACTIONS BY INDIAN COURTS ARE A REFLECTION OF EXTREME JUDICIAL ADVENTURISM IN CONTEMPT OF THE CONSTITUTION/ WE THE PEOPLE / THE WATAN / DHARMA..  judicial review of executive or legislative actions is  unconstitutional , unlike the judicial review of judicial actions.  . judicial activism has flourished  in india and acquired enormous legitimacy with the naïve indian  public aided and abetted by desh drohi media in the payroll of the jewish deep state and pakistani isi/ chinese commie party.  the seven judge bench of the supreme court declared in p ramachandra rao’s case that:- “the primary function of the judiciary is to interpret the law. they cannot entrench upon in the field of legislation properly meant for the legislature”..  article 21 of the constitution of india provides that no person shall be deprived of its life and liberty except  according to the procedure established by law..  this article is grossly misused by traitor judges to hijack the constitution ..  a whole new set of rights which were not explicitly provided by the constitution were read into article 21..  the term pil was introduced by a traitor judge justice p.n. bhagwati,  who is a darling of the jewish deep state , traitor ndian main stream media and pakistani isi funded ngos.  traitor journalist rajdeep sardesi got pasted by the indian public in new york when he taunted them with pn bhagwati’s ridiculous PUJA CULTURE taunt on patriotic American diaspora Indians.. the original proponents of unconstitutional  judicial activism were deep state darling judges like v r krishna iyer, p n bhagwati, chinnappa reddy and d a  desai, who have rendered many judgments touching upon  basic rights of the people based on their flights of fantasies.. this inflicted frequent and unwarranted judicial  interventions  in the form of judicial ‘adhocism’ / judicial tyranny…  Judicial adventurism using suo moto bullshit severely weakens the legistature and elected executive who are expected to perform by  themselves without any prodding by the mentally inferior and unaccountable/ unelected judges..  the adoption of such an all powerful messiah moses nay YHVH god attitude by the  judiciary does not augur well for a healthy democracy.  the reckless use of the power of contempt by judiciary is unconstitutional and  uncalled for.  “the  naked  truth is that the traitor judiciary ,  has it nose knotted into their own twisted stinking undies ,  ridiculously struck with its own image of authority and hijacked truth-  backed by the JEWISH DEEP STATE AND PAKISTANI ISI..  the primary function of the judiciary is to interpret the laws but rather than interpreting them, they start doing the work of legislature i.e. making the laws, issuing guidelines and direction. judicial overreach kills the separation of powers on which the democracy is based..  extreme judicial activism nay adventurism is based on political and personal prudence nay whims nay leftist commie political leanings of the judges .  it factors ulterior motives rather than existing legislation.  in the words of black’s law dictionary, judicial activism is the conviction of judicial pledges whereby judges give their personal views about public policy .. the decision of bribed and honey trapped judges becomes a standard for deciding other cases via sTARE DECISIS..   the time has come for "we the people" to declare --whatever laws have been created by stupid judges via stare decisis and attached to the constitution like a tail ( addendum ) are all null and void .. we cant have the judicial tail wagging the constitutional dog.. "stare decisis" is a deep state sponsored system where you build upon past lies… past judgments made by "we are blind judges" -- is being used as the gospel--to judge future cases.. WAH RAAJAH WAAH !..  any laws can be overridden by the judges that clearly indicate the violation of the constitution..  we the people who are above the constitution will not allow the unaccountable judges to ride rough shod over the constitution and the parliament..  in india pils have a hidden agenda. stupid unqualified judges are taking major decisions about environment ( striking down defense related navy requirements or nuclear requirements ) , finance ( bitcoin ) , scrapping cars, cultural terrorism ( homosexuality/ adultery/ living together ) etc .. judiciary even tried to distribute all indian mineral rich ( uranium ) forest lands to christian convert / commie naxal tribals..  supreme court and the high court today mostly deals with pil rather than the other cases, thus, leaving pending cases creating a humongous backlog.. judges die, lawers die of old age, yet the mad TAAREEK, PEH TAAREK PEH TAREEK goes on.. what about the lost lawyers fees of a poor harassed citizen ? this is why peaceful law abiding citizens become violent.. according to stupid judges, police can be stoned, but no judge can be stoned and slashed with sword ( remember 26th jan 2021 ? …. today the farmers led by traitor rakesh tikait , touted by media as descendant of emperor harshvardhan ( who never existed ) are gheroeing raj bhavans. you can block the road to the pm’s office but you cannot block the road to a court or a judge’s home.. they are LORD FUCKLANDS, right?.. excessive activism on the part of the judiciary ( judicial adventurism must be severely punished ) .. judges have no right to step on rights of the other arms of the government. the word treason is not mentioned in our constitution.  why is the no 1 crime not mentioned?.. simply because judiciary cannot deal with treason.  indian judiciary can only deal with sedition.. sedition is conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of an elected govt , treason is the ultimate offense of actively levying war against the motherland . chanting BHARAT TERE TUKDE HONGE INSHAAL ALLAH , is treason.. the us congress holds the power to declare the punishment of treason, not the judiciary , which is usually death..  RIGHT TO EQUALITY DOES NOT MEAN THAT A DONKEY CAN ASK FOR SAME RIGHTS AS A HORSE.. horse is a horse, donkey is a donkey. we have wheel chair athlete cheat deepa malik raking in crores by claiming equality as per the constitution.. merit must rule.. we cant have rotten stinking mangoes with worms inside selling at the same price as good mangoes.. where is the intelligence?..we cant run the nation on sentiments. we cant sent elephant kumaari for miss world contest..the meaning of independence of the judiciary is the independence of the exercise of the functions by the judges in an unbiased manner i.e. free from any external force. read this line a zillion times.. judges cannot rule the nation, as is happening in india..  judiciary can only interpret the provisions of the constitution… us constitution is a four page document. it has only 4543 words , almost like a POLICY STATEMENT.. in contrast the ridiculous indian equivalent ( splitting pubic hairs ) is the longest written constitution of any sovereign country in the world, containing 444 articles in 22 parts, 12 schedules and 115 amendments, for a total of 117,369 words, the social engineering section written by rothschild’s agent jew john dewey for br ambedkar.  india is not a nation governed by constitutional supremacy as is touted by desh drohi judiciary and the lackey media .. the constitution is a dynamic document to move with changing times.. the constitution can be amended by “we the people” using their elected representatives. indian constitution is not etched in rock.. .. it is nonsense that the parliament can exercise its functions being only within the bounds of the indian constitution. SORRY, WE THE PEOPLE, WILL NOT ALLOW THE WATAN TO BE A POTTED PLANT.  THE CONSTITUTION CANNOT STRAIT JACKET “WE THE PEOPLE” WHO ARE ABOVE THE CONSTITUTION.. parliament is the supreme legal authority in india which can create or end any irrelevant law. THERE IS NOTHING CALLED CONSTITUTIONAL PATRIOTISM AS THE JEWISH DEEP STATE AND THEIR TRAITOR AGENTS SUGGEST.. PATRIOTISM IN INDIA IS TO THE WATAN ALONE .. PERIOD





capt ajit vadakayil asks modi to stop his useless mann  ke baath..  will putin ever talk to his countrymen russians looking down at them like retarded kids dripping from the nose  ? ..  WE THE PEOPLE WANT MODI TO GIVE TWO ASSURANCES  …  ####  AAA) THE RT –PCR SAMPLES TAKEN FROM INDIANS AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN, ARE NOT BEING SOLD TO THE JEWISH DEEP STATE .. THERE IS A DARK CLANDESTINE GENOME SEQUENCING GOING ON TO IMPROVE THE CORRUPTED JEWISH GENETIC POOL, AS A RESULT OF THEIR ANCESTORS BEING CANNIBALS.. ####   https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/pcr-testing-and-the-genome-beast   ####.. the first people’s crusade was an attempt to repair the corrupted jewish dna ( homosexuality/ auto immune chrons disease / autism etc… manipuri indians were fooled into being a lost jewish tribe ( for jewish dna repair ) and taken to israel.. after a brief photo shoot of theme lost no more ( hugs and tears ) , the shocked manipuris were housed in most dangerous areas ( hamas rocket prone ) of jew settlers,  and asked to clean streets and toilets the next day.. what was the reason of the first people’s crusade led by jew peter the hermit under instructions of the jewish pope urban ii ?.. the jewish pope urban ii sacrificed an entire "peoples army " of 43,000 , carrying sticks and shovels , led by his agent jew peter the hermit , to draw the european nobility into his attempt to capture jerusalem and drive all those who did not submit to the authority of pope away … seljuk turks were bribed by the french jewish pope to ambush the peasant crusade army.. all men died ( women were kidnapped ) except pope’s agent, peter the hermit.. the pope’s plan had two ulterior goals.. the MAJOR GOAL WAS TO IMPROVE THE GENETIC POOL OF THE JEWS ( WHOSE DNA WAS CORRUPTED DUE TO CANNIBALISM ) BY FRESH STOCK OF GOOD LOOKING YOUNG CHRISTIAN WOMEN .. the seljuk turks who ambushed them to kill christian men selectively were jews – not muslims.. the purpose of slaughtering 32,000 men and kidnapping 11,000 YOUNG WOMEN peasants was to create outrage among the european elites and knights into popes crusade , with an ulterior motive of handing over jerusalem to jews.. jew peter the hermit declared that he had seen the holy grail which contained the blood of jesus christ ( who never existed ) collected by joseph of arimathea while on the wooden cross… crypto jew monk peter the hermit , produced a letter written to him by god and delivered personally to him by jesus. this letter was cooked up by crypto jew pope urban ii . this impressed the illiterate christian masses .pope urban ii held a meeting in clermont, attended by more than 200 bishops ( most were crypto jews ) on 27th nov 1095. the pope declared that it is gods will for christians to kill the muslims and pagans amalekites in jerusalem ( while in reality it was to kill orthodox christians of jerusalem who defied him).. all those who joined the crusade would be assured a place in heaven as their past sins would be forgiven spake the pope, the middleman in fancy robes , holding curved staff, between god and the believer.. POPE URBAN II SCREAMED LIKE A MAD WOMAN AGAIN AND AGAIN DEUS LO VOLT , GOD WILLS IT AND WHIPPED UP A FRENZY NEVER SEEN BEFORE ON THIS PLANET . GOD WOULD BE THEIR GUIDE AND THEY WOULD SET OFF AS SOON AS THE ICE MELTS .. not a single jew in jerusalem was killed in the first crusade ( 1096 to 1099 ) , as all the jews went out of jerusalem quietly before the arrival of the knights.. only hindus, muslims and orthodox christians were slaughtered.. ####  BBB- WE THE PEOPLE WANT AN ASSURANCE THAT THE VEDIC SEENS IN OUR FROZEN HIMALAYAN SEED BANK ARE PURNAM ( HOLOGRAPHIC ) WHOLE..  take out 10% seeds and grow them physically to verify that they reproduce..  once verified replace the 10% seeds with new vedic seeds ( ensure no GMO SEEDS are stored )... ####   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Seed_Vault   ####...




WE THE PEOPLE ASK MODI TO BURNT ALL NCERT HISTORY BOOKS FULL OF JEWISH LIES AND REWRITE THEM AGAIN.. my wife told me once—“when you are in an expansive truth exhuming mode you sing a corny malayalam song –  NIRRMALANAAYA DAAWOOD YUDHATHINU PURAPATTU,  TIRICHU VEESHI TIRICHU VEESHI ERINJUU--  BLAH BLAH FUCKIN’ BLAH” .. ( young tender boy david set out to war .. david twirled his sling and killed goliath with a single stone) …. well, when i was four years old my mom sent me with my two elder sisters to the local church to learn handicraft hobby ( summer vacations ) .. i was a naughty boy.. but instead the nuns were trying hard to brainwash us to convert to christianity”.. this was one of the songs i learnt , about jewish hero david…  in india our school books teach is “nero fiddled while rome burnt”,  “boy david killed giant goliath “ etc—all jewish deep state lies..  sorry – both are foul lies cooked up by jewess helena the mother of hindu roman emperor constantine the great in 325 ad..  AAA -  DAVID NEVER KILLED GOLIATH..  KERALA THIYYA SOLDIER ELHANAN SENT BY DAVID’S GENERAL KERALA THIYYA URIAH KILLED GOLIATH..   QUOTE :2 Samuel 21:19/ 19 And there was again war with the Philistines at Gob, and vElhanan the son of Jaare-oregim, the Bethlehemite, struck down Goliath the Gittite, wthe shaft of whose spear was like a weaver’s beam. UNQUOTE .. jewish hero david was a most evil bastard.. his best friend kerala hindu thiyya uriah , the general of his army, made him king.. but ungrateful david lusted after uraih’s wife kerala hindu namboodiri woman bath sheba and got uraih killed to usurp his wife..####   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/03/01/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no102f/   ####.. BBB- NERO NEVER FIDDLED WHEN ROME BURNT .. well hindu emperor nero never had a fiddle..  nero punished traitor roman jews who set rome on fire.. roman emperor nero knew only how to play the sitar ( kithara ).. hindu roman emperor nero was a wise, efficient , compassionate king.. it is a lie that nero watched rome burn from the tower of maecenas on the esquiline hill, as this was one of the first places to be gutted in the fire ..  hindu nero was painted as a tyrant by jewess helena , the mother of roman emperor constanine the great in 325 ad, when she cooked up jesus who never existed, at the first council of nicea.. jewess helena wanted to hide the fact that nero built the roman colloseum for kerala hindu sage apollonius of tyana on whom jesus who never existed was modelled..  hindu etruscan king rama was the first king of rome.. i am an etruscan..  the glory of ancient rome before 337 ad , was hindu glory.. all roman emperors before constantine ii were hindus and so were all 800 kerala thiyya elite bloodline roman senators..  the jewess mother helena of roman emperor constantine the great, personally destroyed all hindu temples in jerusalem and built christians monuments on its foundation , to erase hinduism from jerusalem history.. jewess helena caused her son hindu son constantine the great to shift the capital of rome to istanbul. this was to decimate the hindu royal bloodline and bloodline of hindu senators..  rome was set on fire by the jews ..  the jews set rome on fire when hindu emperor nero went to his summer resort palace, and the wind was in the right direction..  his mother empress agrippina ( the younger ) was a very kind and compassionate woman..  neros mother agrippina is a favorite character in all xxx porn stories cooked up by jews..pedophila/ incest –the works..   nero ruled from 54 ad to 68 ad.. nero is credited with persecuting christians and feeding them to the lions in the colosseum ..  sorry, christianity did not exist those days.. those days rome has majority hindus and minority jews.. christianity / bible/ jesus was cooked up by jewess helena ( mother of hindu roman emperor constantine the great ) in 325 ad at the first council of niceae.. when the great fire of rome started on 18th july 64 ad, nero was not in rome.. he was at his summer palace in cool resort antium ( anzio ).. horsemen came rushing to inform nero of the fire.. and nero rushed off to be in direct charge of firefighting incognito , without his guards.. the fire soon became too big to be controlled .. nero noticed jews using torches and spreading the fire..  nero noticed hundreds of jews running with expensive items on their heads , to the jewish quarters of rome.. ( east of circus , near capena gate )..  nero was eyewitness to this..  it is a lie that nero started the fire.. after the fire burnt itself out– nero went to inspect the jewish quarters of rome with his army commanders and senators..  the jewish quarters was packed chock a block with stolen goods–all expensive ..he got some jews arrested , as he himself was eye witness..  later nero would torture them and get the whole criminal jewish plot out of the bag .. nero got eye witnessa count that a bunch of jews started the fire in three jewish merchant shop around rome’s chariot stadium, circus maximus..  the most beautiful and ancient hindu temples of rome were gutted.. 850 year old temple of jupiter stator ascribed to romulus / temples of vesta and diana etc .. 75 % of rome was gutted.  neros own palace , the glorious domus transitoria was gutted..  out of rome’s 14 districts , only 4 were intact– one was the jewish district.. for the relief of the homeless, fugitive masses nero threw open the field of mars, including agrippa’s public buildings, and even his own gardens. nero also constructed emergency accommodation for the destitute multitude.  food was brought from ostia and neighboring towns, and he gave away corn for free . the fire burned for 6 days and seven nights.  after a quick inquiry nero rounded up 800 jews ( only men ) , most were hiding in deserted areas, outside rome..their homes in the jewish quarters of rome , were empty ..  these bastards were made to wear shirt impregnated with tar and set on fire- with almost the whole of rome watching –and cheering..  their execution (in a circus on the vatican hill, where nero’s family possessed a villa and a park) was a kind of comic relief to the badly hit romans..  nero did not waste his time while rome burnt.. he got his senators and architects together writing a stronger fire code and designing a new city. nero started reconstruction two days before the fires died..  the fake eye witness account of a jew cassius dio ( that nero was fiddling ) , was cooked up by jewess helena in 325 ad..  nero was a great builder and a visionary. rome was rebuilt “in measured lines of streets, with broad thoroughfares, buildings of restricted height, and open spaces, while porticoes were added as protection to the front of the apartment-blocks… nero also established building codes that required new houses to be built with fire walls, and organized a fire department. from the ashes of the fire rose a most spectacular rome. . a city made of marble and stone with wide streets, pedestrian arcades and ample supplies of water to quell any future blaze. the debris from the fire was used to fill the malaria-ridden marshes that had plagued the city for generations.  narrow streets were widened, and more splendid buildings were erected.. nero was murdered by jews ( stabbed by a bribed jew guard ) in 68 a.d. at the age of 30. . with the death of nero, the imperial line which traced its descent from julius caesar and augustus became extinct.. nero , was a great-grandson of hindu caesar augustus. all senators of rome were hindu.. it is a lie that nero murdered his own mother agrippina, 5 years into his rein.. she was murdered by jews, and nero knew about this plot..  why did jews set fire to rome?..  jew were expelled from rome from 41 ad to 53 ad. the spies of hindu emperor claudius found that jews were plotting against the emperor in synagogues.. he warned jews not to engage in politics in a house of prayer –but the jews under a rabble rouser jew chrestus ignored him.. every time jews ran away from rome they would come to calicut ( my hometown ) by ship–half way around the planet.. kerala was the only place on the planet where jews were never persecuted .. because these jews just came home.. kerala created judaism and hebrew ..  according to the jewess helena’s cooked up history — in a.d. 67, in the last year of nero’s reign, st. peter was hung upside down and beheaded at the circus maximus . peter baby never existed –like jesus.. their kosher goal was to destroy ancient hindu temples in rome like, the 850 year old temple of jupiter stator ascribed to romulus / temples of vesta and diana etc, and nero’s own palace , the glorious domus transitoria..  after the fire which ran for 6 days and 7 nights, out of rome’s 14 districts , only 4 were intact– one was the jewish district east of circus , near capena gate ..  sorry jews– the lie of “nero fiddled while rome burnt ” will soon be removed from every school text book all over the planet.. a brown blogger is in town..





jewish deep state darling modi has allowed jewish CIPLA to import jewish moderna mRNA vaccines to india.. i was waiting for this to happen, it happened today.  the great kosher lie is that cipla is a islamic company..  sorry cipla has always been a jewish company initally started by german jew rothschild using his agent jew khwaja abdul hamied .  khwaja abdul hamied’s parents were both jews , uzbekistan jew  khwaja abdul ali and jewess masood jahan begum.  jew khwaja abdul ali’s uncle was jew sir syed ahmed khan.  jew  khwaja abdul ali   was a close friend of jew zakir husain , who went on to become the president of india.  hamied and hussain were sent to germany sponsored by german jew rothschild to pursue graduate studies.  german jew rothschild educated his agent jew khwaja abdul hamied in berlin germany alomgh with jew zakir hussain. salman khurshid is the grandson of jew zakir hussian who used to openly pray at the jewsih synagogue at khan market new delhi..  jew khwaja abdul hamied’s son, jew  yusuf hamied headed cipla after him for the next 52 years.  jew yusuf hamied was born in poland to lithuanian commie jewess  luba derczanska.. she married jew khwaja abdul hamied in the choral synagogue in wilno.. jew yusuf hamied  commissioned statues of kathiawari jew gandhi and his lithuanian jewish gay partner hermann kallenbach in vilnius. german jew rothschild educated his agent jew khwaja abdul hamied in berlin germany and made jhim the sheriff of Bombay..  jamia millia islamia university,  was founded by german jew rothschild in  1920 ad using his agents  jew mohammad ali jauhar, jew hakim ajmal khan, jew mukhtar ahmed ansari, jew abdul majeed khwaja, and jew zakir hussain under the presidentship of jew mahmud hasan deobandi .. jew abdul majeed khwaja was the son of jew khwaja muhammad yusuf whose sidekick was jew motilal nehru..  jew khwaja muhammad yusuf’s nephew, was jew khwaja abdul hamied the founder of cipla..  aligarh muslim university was founded by german jew rothschild in 1875 ad using his agent jew sir syed ahmad khan.  jew rothschild used sir ahmad khan to create the first madrassas, to sow the seeds of hatred to hindus at a young age... this drohi sir ahmad khan sided with jew rothschild during the 1857 first war of independence..  crypto jew sir syed ahmad khan openly wrote that muslims must loyally serve the british empire, which shocked all muslims in india .. jew rothschild used sir syed ahmad khan to propagate urdu to divide muslims.   as per rothschild historians crypto jew sir syed ahmad khan , crypto jew mohammad ali jinnah,  crypto jew allama iqbal ( poet ) and crypto jew mohammad ali jauhar are responsible for wedging away pakistan. . .jew jinnah lived on pig sandwiches and neat whisky during the last decade of his life … pakistanis call sir syed ahmad khan as one of their founding fathers. . . jew rothschild used jew syed ahmad khan, jew jinnah and jew iqbal ( poet ) to propound the two nation theory…  sir syed ahmad khan is buried inside aligarh university campus—a rothschild fiat !. jew zakir hussain is buried in the campus of jamia millia islamia in new delhi—a rothschild fiat.  in october 1920, jew maulana abul kalam azad was elected as a member of foundation committee to establish jamia millia islamia at aligarh in u. p. to propagate urdu ( divide and rule )..  star kid swami vivekanandas father , vishwanath data was a a stooge of rothschild and a freemason —  rothschild used kayastha vishwanath datta to propagate urdu.    he was attorney to sir barnes peacock..   he was the first chief justice of the calcutta high court in india.    peacock crushed the 1857 mutiny as a rothschild agent..  urdu has more than 105 million speakers today.. urdu has been given official language status in up, bihar, telangana and of course kashmir . in mecca signs and boards are written in arabic, and urdu.  rothschild used khadiboli as the base and threw in some persian and arabic words as a hotch potch—and hey presto rothschild had a new language urdu,to divide north india from south india.  rothschild created urdu language for his crypto jew sayyids who claimed to be descenants of mohammad the prophet.. saayyids wrecked the mughal empire from within for rothschild..  many of the early crypto jew sufi saints that came to uttar pradesh claimed to be  sayyid . urdu was created for muslim kayasthas in mughal courts who worked in the payroll of jew rothschild..  rothschild wrecked the mighty mughal empire from within using his urdu speaking kayastha agents.. the kayasth effortlessly became a brown sahibs during british  rule.. in modern times, kayasthas sponsored by kosher deep state have attained success in politics. jyoti basu, lal bahadur shastri, netaji bose , rajendra prasad etc were kayasthas .  the muslim kayastha community  adapted to changes, such as the advent of the british raj. they learned english, the more affluent ones sent their children to the united kingdom, they became civil servants, tax officers, junior administrators, teachers, legal helpers and barristers, and rose to the highest positions accessible to natives in british india.  some of these powerful men were crypto jews who occupied the muslim seats of indian national congress. the divide between urdu and hindi was created by jew rothschild to drive a wedge.  lot of muslim kayasthas migrated to pakistan in 1947.  in pakistan, urdu is the official language used in instruction at government schools, at the district level administration, and in the mass media. literally, the word urdu (originally turkish) means camp, or the royal camp..  hardly anybody knows that moghul emerors after humayun ( baburs son ) were all jews..   humayuns wife was a jewess..  humayun’s wife and akbar’s mother was hamida banu begum..  jew mirza zul quarnain, was an adopted son of akbar and his armenian jewess wife. he was well versed in malayalam and portuguese..   emperor jahangir conferred on him the title of amir. mirza baby was a conduit for jesuit jews in goa. mirza was also a poet, singer and playwright, and he composed verses in urdu .  98% OF INDIAN MUSLIMS IN INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS TILL 1947 WERE JEWS WITH MUSLIM NAMES..





recently in kerala a man killed a cobra who was sleeping inside his kitchen.. he beat the  dangerous reptile with a stick in self defence..  he was dragged over burning embers for hurting wild life which is against the constitution ( sic) as per the animal rights NGOs.. .. lawyers in the payroll of the deep state did HOOO HAAAA.. the injured poisonous snake was taken to hospital meant for humans .. this much care is never given even to a baby girl knocked down on the road by a speeding vehicle..  the foreign funded ngos tried to slap section 429 in the indian penal code on the man..  ####   429. Mischief by killing or maiming cattle, etc., of any value or any animal of the value of fifty rupees.—Whoever commits mis­chief by killing, poisoning, maiming or rendering useless, any ELEPHANT, CAMEL, HORSE, MULE, BUFFALO, BULL, COW OR OX, whatever may be the value thereof, or any other animal of the value of fifty rupees or upwards, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to five years, or with fine, or with both.   #### ..  ..  ####   Section 428 in The Indian Penal Code ..  428. Mischief by killing or maiming animal of the value of ten rupees.—Whoever commits mischief by killing, poisoning, maiming or rendering useless ANY ANIMAL OR ANIMALS OF THE VALUE OF TEN RUPEES OR UPWARDS, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.   ####..  STRAY DOGS RUN FREELY IN INDIA BITING SMALL CHILDREN.. HEY A DOG CAN BITE THE CHILD OF PM/ PRESIDENT—BUT CANNOT BITE THE CHILD OF A MELORD JUDGE.. TEE HEEEE. . capt ajit vadakayil demands to know—where is india headed ?.. THE INDIA CONSTITUTION PROTECTS ONLY LAW ABIDING INDIAN CITIZENS WHO PAY THEIR TAXES.. the jewish deep state has bribed/ honey trapped judges to scuttle the indian constitution with main stream media in cahoots.. TODAY THESE TRAITOR JUDGES FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS OF ILLEGAL ROHINGYA INFILTRATORS..   read again about the word “citizens” who constitute “we the people”..   THERE IS NOTHING CALLED “ WE THE ANIMALS”.... ANIMALS ARE NOT CITIZENS OF INDIA..  in the the context of animal rights, the supreme court has unconstitutionally brought animal rights under the ambit of the right to life through a stupid reading in the case of animal welfare board of india v. a. nagaraja & ors. (the jallikattu case).. and now by stare decisis this has been attached to the constitution as a tail ( addendum ) .. now the tail wags the constitutional dog..the supreme court packed with poor metal calibre judges ( bottom dregs of the school cerebral pool/ bottoms dregs of the lawyer loser pool ) held that article 51 a (g) of the constitution is the “magna carta of animal rights” and made several observations to safeguard the “life” of animals under article 21. TEE HEEE.. this is the way half wits nay dim wits think. these stupid judges reckon by using deadly terms like “MAGNA CARTA “, we will say WOW— what a bright and erudite judge.. ####   Article 51A(g) in The Constitution Of India 1949… (g) to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have COMPASSION FOR LIVING CREATURES;   ####..  stupid judges think that article 48a may become judicially enforceable under the ambit of the right to life under article 21. this is the way dripping cunts think..  as interpreted in animal welfare board of india v. a. nagaraja & ors. (2014), compassion for all living creatures includes concern for their suffering and well-being. in the case, the supreme court regarded 51a (g) alongside the duty to develop scientific temperament under 51a (h) as the magna carta of animal rights jurisprudence in india..  ####   Article 21 in The Constitution Of India 1949…  21. Protection of life and personal liberty.. No PERSON shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law   #### ..  article 21 protects life of humans – not snakes..  with the 42nd amendment of 1976, article 51 a of the constitution laid down the fundamental duties of indian citizens..  so so so, hey judges how about banning all animal slaughter?  how about protecting poisonous black mambas in your judicial langot?..  where is the fuckin’  intelligence ? ..  stupid judiciary is now using article 48 like how corny bhaiyyas use chaat masala everywhere..  ####   Article 48 in The Constitution Of India 1949.. 48. Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry The State shall endeavour to organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds, and PROHIBITING THE SLAUGHTER, OF COWS AND CALVES AND OTHER MILCH AND DRAUGHT CATTLE   ####...  today the commies in the payroll of jewish deep state and the church wants to ban thrissur pooram.. they want live elephants to be substituted by statues. .  Google for the blogpost --  ####   THRISSUR POORAM FESTIVAL, THE MOTHER OF ALL CARNIVALS – CAPT AJIT VADAKAYIL   ####..  on may 31st, 2019, the high court of punjab and haryana, in the case of karnail singh and others v state of haryana, recognized all animals in the animal kingdom, including avian and aquatic species, as legal entities..  the stupid court  unconstitutionally ruled that legal personhood has not and should not be restricted to just human beings..  hey chootiya judges, can we catch a fish and eat it ?.. how about chicken ?..  read below—just who the hell is a judge to unconstitutionally decide all this—and then make it law of the land by “stare decisis “?..  ####   http://www.nluassam.ac.in/docs/lex%20terra/Lex%20Terra%20Issue%2032_7.pdf   ####...  traitor indian judges have bled bharatmata again and again by applying BODMAS the wrong way— where insignificant and obsolete constitution clauses and illegal “STARE DECISIS, past judgments sans context, attached to the addendum ” take preponderance over paramount laws.. the time has come for "we the people" to declare --whatever laws have been created by judges via stare decisis and attached to the constitution like a langot ( addendum ) are all null and void ..  we cant have  the judicial tail wagging the constitutional dog.. "stare decisis" is a deep state sponsored system where you build upon past lies... these stupid judgments were made on the system of “justice is blind sans context”.. past judgements made by "we are blind judges" --is being used as the gospel--to judge future cases.. It is a lie that the constitution establishes constitutional supremacy, i.e., the Indian Parliament cannot override the basic structure of the Constitution.. .  india is not a nation governed by constitutional supremacy as is touted by desh drohi judiciary and their lackey media .. the constitution is a dynamic document to move with changing times.. the constitution can be amended by “we the people” using their elected representatives. indian constitution is not etched in rock.. .. it is nonsense that the parliament can exercise its functions being only within the bounds of the indian constitution. SORRY, WE THE PEOPLE, WILL NOT ALLOW THE WATAN OR THE CONSTITUTION TO BE A POTTED PLANT.  THE CONSTITUTION CANNOT STRAIT JACKET “WE THE PEOPLE” WHO ARE ABOVE THE CONSTITUTION.. parliament is the supreme legal authority in india which can create or end any irrelevant law. there is nothing called constitutional patriotism as the jewish deep state and their traitor agents suggest.. PATRIOTISM IN INDIA IS TO THE WATAN ALONE .. PERIOD..




capt ajit vadakayil says that he has not seen one single judge since 1947,  who knows how to  interpret the constitution.    we must abolish the useless collegium judiciary . india is the only nation on this planet , where judges elect judges  .  .the illegal collegium judiciary scuttled NJAC, approved by a rare unanimous decision in both lok/ rajya sabha and signed into law by the president, by a unconstitutional judicial review, . we the people of india do not want loser lawyers to become judges--rather there must be a nation wide exam ( like IIT/ IAS ) to choose judges . … most of these loser lawyers became judges to cock a snook at their successful colleagues who drove mercedes cars while they foot slogged with hawai chappals …. our failed lawyers turned collegium judges do not have the cerebral wherewithal to understand that sane/ fair judgments must be within the perimeter of context --and natural justice must be inherent.... the melords cant even understand the meaning of circumstantial evidence .... . the system has broken down..  ###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/06/30/vadakayil-on-judges-unconstitutionally-declaring-that-constitution-protects-all-living-creatures-poll/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/06/26/vadakayil-on-flights-of-fantasy-by-wanna-be-messiah-moses-low-mental-caliber-judges-misusing-suo-moto-cognisance-clause-poll/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/06/25/vadakayil-on-indian-judges-playing-moses-nay-god-poll/ .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/04/10/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no-155-b/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/04/10/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no-155-a/ .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/04/10/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no-155/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/04/08/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no-151/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/03/25/vadakayils-truthe-exhuming-poll-no-130/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/03/18/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no-121/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/26/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no100/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/25/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no96/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/24/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no95/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/23/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no93l/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/23/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no93k/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/23/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no93j/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/23/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no93i/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/23/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no93h/ .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/23/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no93g/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/23/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no93f/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/23/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no93e/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/23/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no93d/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/23/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no93c/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/23/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no93b/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/23/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no93a/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/22/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no90/  .###   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/02/06/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no54/  …  CHILDLESS MODI STOOD IN THE SHADOWS AND REMOTE CONTROLLED THE JUDICIARY WHEN BHARATMATA WAS KICKED INTO THE KOSHER MANDI OR ADULTERY/  LIVING TOGETHER/  HOMOSEXUALITY..  FIVE UNELECTED/ UNACCOUNTABLE LIBERAL COMMIE JUDGES WITH ULTERIOR MOTIVES ILLEGALLY DECIDED FOR 1380 MILLION INDIANS AND DECIMATED OUR 400 CENTURY OLD PRICELESS DHARMA AND CULTURE.




somebody called me up and cried.. captain your link below is incomplete unless you pulverise the bullshit of “contempt of court”. . ####   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/06/30/vadakayil-says-abolish-the-collegium-judiciary-the-most-useless-on-the-planet-poll-of-polls/   ####...  INDEED ..  telling the truth without being politically correct cannot be termed “contempt of court”.. arbitrary suo moto’s actions by indian courts are a reflection of extreme judicial adventurism in contempt of the constitution/ we the people / the watan / dharma..   the 2006 amendment to the contempt of courts act, 1971 clarifies that the court may impose punishment for contempt only when it is satisfied that substantially interferes, or tends to substantially interfere with the due course of justice. apparently judges get temporary amnesia.  the delhi hc has convicted four senior journalists of mid day daily of contempt of court by publishing certain scandalous articles about former chief justice of india, yk sabharwal..  mid day dated may 19, 2007 had carried news reports that the sealing orders issued by a bench headed by justice yk sabharwal was intended to benefit his sons who had ties with mall developers. .  the court unconstitutionally rejected the contention of the daily newspaper , which had submitted that a judge, after retiring, ceases to be part of the judicial system and writing against him didn’t come within the ambit of contempt of court. .  the contempt jurisdiction should not be used by corrupt judges to uphold their own personal dignity. .  nemo debet esse judex in proporia causa i.e. ‘no person can be a judge in their own cause’ is one of the most fundamental tenets of justice. .  the famous SULLIVAN DOCTRINE that public persons must be open to stringent comments and accusations as long as made with bonafide diligence, even if untrue..  a fair criticism of the conduct of a judge, the institution of the judiciary and its functioning cannot be contempt if made in good faith as a patriot and in public interest..  contempt powers can be only used if there is a clear imminent and present danger to the disposal of a case..  abuse of the authority by the courts as contempt of court has become a mercurial jurisdiction over time giving unconstitutional sweeping discretionary powers to the courts..  this certainly is not a positive development especially in the backdrop of several cases of alleged corruption, partisanship and nepotism in the judiciary.. courts exercise restraint and approach the contempt cases subjectively and not stifle the legitimate criticism of the judiciary. .  justice kurian joseph of the supreme court of india has said that the trial by the media on pending cases is tantamount to contempt of court.  sorry this SUBJUDICE bullshit applies only when the system is jury ( not judge ) .. a confused litigant ( brow beaten by a cunning lawyer and not familiar with the language ) refusing to answer a question put to him by the court does not constitute criminal contempt of court.  a corrupt lawyer without a soul who becomes a judge is eminently fallible – the court clerks will vouch how many times the judge when he was a lawyer bribed them. a tiger cannot change his stripes so fast.  judges in the superior courts routinely misuse the power to punish for contempt of court more to cover up their own misdeeds than to uphold the majesty of the law..  the criminal contempt law in india does not recognise the lack of intention i.e. mens rea as a defence to the act of contempt..  india  has ratified the international covenant on civil and political rights which provides that the freedom of expression can be curtailed by law  only when it is essential for a legitimate purpose. this cannot include a judge’s faalthu personal ego. the united nations human rights committee has stated that any contempt of court proceeding must be justified in the exercise of the court’s jurisdiction to sustain orderly proceedings.  in the united kingdom, the offence of scandalizing the courts was abolished in 2013 after a law commission report. this is interesting to note since the indian law of contempt of court is derived from the common law. the contempt law in england has been abolished and the last contempt proceedings occurred in 1930.  the united states of america currently has watered down the contempt law by numerous judgments which affirm that the dignity of the courts cannot be established by silencing public opinion or by restricting the free discussions about the court. in the united states of america, justice hugo black had observed in the case of bridges in 1941, that american public opinion could not be silenced in the pretext of contempt of court..  the criminal contempt powers of the courts must be abandoned at least in the form it is currently manifest in. the courts have overlooked that the terms, “scandalizing the courts and obstruction of administration” cannot have the same connotation today as it had in the british india,when we were slaves of german jew rothschild.  misuse of contempt jurisdiction could erode the public confidence in the judiciary..  judges, like everyone else, will have to earn respect. they cannot demand respect by demonstration of ‘power’ (of contempt).” this is not like a ship at sea in a storm where captain is  king..  the power of judiciary lies, not in deciding cases, nor in imposing sentences, nor in punishing for contempt, but in the trust, confidence and faith of the common man.”..  in 1866, the  high court of allahabad was established under the indian high  courts act, 1861 and was constituted as a court of record with  the power to punish slave indians for contempt. , the court observed that the power to punish  for contempt was “arbitrary, unlimited and uncontrolled”, and  therefore should be “exercised with the greatest caution..  prior censorship on institutional criticism in a democracy not just curtails the freedom of speech but also causes injury to the very institution.  the best way to sustain the dignity of the court and earn respect from the public is by the quality of their judgment, the fairness and objectivity in their approach, and subjective application of dharma ( natural justice )  and by the restraint and decorum which they observe in their judicial conduct.  justice ranjan gogoi, in its judgment,  permitted the use of photographs of the president, prime minister, chief justice of india, in the advertisements issued by the government and its agencies. Just who the hell is elected unaccountable CJI?  Pray? Prithee? .  our constitution does not define the expression “contempt of court”, as per the contempt of courts act 1971 . high court justice karnan said that some judges are corrupt and some are TRAITORS .… only law makers can deal with traitors and THE CONSTITUTION DOES NOT HAVE THE WORD TRAITOR IN ITS TEXT. instead of treating him as a whistle blower and thanking him -- the higher judges closed ranks and targeted this whistle blower….. whither truth ?……. THE CJI SENTENCED JUDGE KARNAN TO SIX MONTHS JAIL FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT… sorry-- if you know the indian law or even world law --contempt of court does not apply here"…… you can abuse the elected pm ( i abuse modi daily ) --but cant point a truthful finger at a corrupt and stupid lawyer turned judge ?…. SUPREME COURT HAS NO LEGAL RIGHT TO IMPOSE A BAN ON PRESS ( KARNAN CASE ) …. THIS IS MORE DAMAGING TO INDIA’S IMAGE THAN THE "EMERGENCY OF 1975 "… contempt of court applies when the court is in session and someone in the court related to the case undermines the judge’ s authority repeatedly.. contempt of court cannot be applied along the length and breadth of india ( on land / under ground/ in space ) , as it is meant within the confines of a wee brick and cement building court room …  article 19(1)(a) of the constitution gives the right of freedom of speech and expression to all citizens…  articles 129 and 215 give the power of contempt of court to the higher judiciary, and this power limits the freedom granted by article 19(1)(a). .  the law of contempt has a vague and wandering jurisdiction with uncertain boundaries. such a law, regardless of public good, will unwittingly trample upon civil liberties. .  respect for the judiciary cannot be won by  shielding traitor judges ( bribes/ honey trapped by the deep state ) from .  such enforced silence, in the name of preserving the dignity of the judiciary, causes resentment, suspicion and contempt, more than it would enhance respect. ..  both civil and criminal contempt share the same punishment under the contempt of courts act 1971. the act allows for a maximum term of imprisonment for six months, and this can be supplemented with a fine of up to Rs 2000. .  in section 7, a person shall not be guilty of contempt of court for publishing a fair and accurate report of a judicial proceeding or any state thereof…  in india, the offence of contempt of court is committed when a person either disobeys a court order (civil contempt), or when a person says or does anything that scandalizes, prejudices, or interferes with judicial proceedings and the administration of justice (criminal contempt)… section 2(c) in the contempt of courts act, 1971..  (c) “criminal contempt” means the publication (whether by words, spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise) of any matter or the doing of any other act whatsoever which— (i) scandalizes or tends to scandalize, or lowers or tends to lower the authority of, any court; or..  (ii) prejudices, or interferes or tends to interfere with, the due course of any judicial proceeding; or..  (iii) interferes or tends to interfere with, or obstructs or tends to obstruct, the administration of justice in any other manner;…  capt ajit vadakayil declares that the definition of contempt in the contempt of court act should be restricted to civil contempt, i.e., willful disobedience of judgments of the court. so that the system does not break down.. criminal contempt law, has inadvertently trampled upon civil liberties ..  the supreme court holds constitutional powers under article 129 read with article 142 (2) of the constitution of india and subsequently, the high courts also have powers vested in them under article 215 of the constitution to punish for contempt. ..  article 142(2) in the constitution of india 1949 ..  (2) subject to the provisions of any law made in this behalf by parliament, the supreme court shall, as respects the whole of the territory of india, have all and every power to make any order for the purpose of securing the attendance of any person, the discovery or production of any documents, or the investigation or punishment of any contempt of itself ..  article 215 in the constitution of india 1949 ..  215. high courts to be courts of record every high court shall be a court of record and shall have all the powers of such a court including the power to punish for contempt of itself..  contempt can essentially be of two kinds: ..  being disrespectful and rude to the judge or an attorney or subsequently causing any form of a disturbance in the courtroom particularly even after being warned by the judge .. willfully failing or refusing to obey an order given by the court such as failure to pay alimony or child support…  commie traitor iyengar jew n ram stole "classified military secrets " to screw pm modi over the rafale deal.. at court the attorney general told cji gogoi that the evidence presented by commie n ram is a stolen military secret -- and is a crime which entails 14 years of jail.. but hey what does deep state darling cji gogoi tell the attorney general? they wont consider that the document was stolen.. they will check if the document holds water.. what the hell is all this ?..we ask pm modi - are you a babe in the fuckin’ woods ?.. stupid cji gogoi jumped into forbidden subjective territory and argued on behalf of deep state agent commie n ram --quote-- " if an accused stole a document to prove his innocence, it should be admitted in court" -- unquote.. the supreme court is in "contempt of the constitution" and in "contempt of we the people " who are above the constitution.. judiciary has no power to review laws created by the elected law makers.. this is unconstitutional ..  section 12 in the contempt of courts act, 1971 ..  12. punishment for contempt of court.—  (1) save as otherwise expressly provided in this act or in any other law, a contempt of court may be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to two thousand rupees, or with both: ..  but hey juhi chawla was fined 20 lakhs for a genuine pil abot 5g which decimates pollinator bees. we have 1380 million people and we cannt feed them if bees get decimated.. the stupid judge will never understand this.. he got provoked because he heard a juhi chawla film song in the back ground while doing the video court session. ####   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/06/06/vadakayil-on-an-ignoramus-delhi-hc-judge-fining-my-batchmate-veeresh-malik-and-juhi-chawla-20-lakhs-for-their-petition-on-5g-poll/   ####..  judges are allowing unreasonable fines like private org ima ( darling og jewish vaccine lobby ) suing baba ram dev 1000 crores for protecting ayurveda and yoga which THE CHRISTIAN EVANGELIST CUM IMA CHIEF DR JOHN ROSE AUSTIN JAYALAL was abusing ghadi ghadi.  people who sue ( ego based ) for 1000 crores for defamation -- must first deposit 50% of the amount sued for ( 500 crores ) of the money with the court , which must be called “aukaat deposit”.. if the ego maniac loses 50% of the aukat deposit ( 250 crores ) must go to the harassed whistle blower who was falsely sued.. the remaining 50% of the aukat deposit money ( 250 crores ) must go to the govt coffers…if the egomaniac wins he will get back his aukat deposit of 500 crores along with the 1000 crores he sued for ..there must be a fixed ceiling based on conditions in india..  the purpose of the power to punish for criminal contempt is to ensure that the faith and confidence of the public in administration of justice is not eroded. such power, vested in the  courts, carries with it great responsibility. care should be taken to ensure that there is no room for complaints of ostentatious exercise of power. .  there still exists a high number of civil and criminal contempt cases pending in various high courts and the supreme court. .  it is a very dangerous jurisdiction in which judges act in their own vested nay ulterior motived clause  .. unconstitutional suo motu powers of the court to initiate such proceedings only serve to complicate matters.  ####   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/06/26/vadakayil-on-flights-of-fantasy-by-wanna-be-messiah-moses-low-mental-caliber-judges-misusing-suo-moto-cognisance-clause-poll/   ####..  it was rothschild’s agent(  mentored by jew john dewey ) br ambedkar presided over the drafting committee that proposed and successfully defended the inclusion of contempt of court as a restriction on freedom of speech despite vehement opposition from almost all  members of the constituent assembly..  the judiciary and judges may be corrected only by public criticism when we have an unconstitutional collegium system where judges are chosen by the jewish deep state.. the best answer to abuse of judges is not frequent or ferocious contempt-sentencing but fine performance. : like a hero cricketer states—let the bat/ ball do the talking for me not cheers or boos of the spectators .  right now the supreme court is relying on the wrong weapon, i.e. criminal contempt in a criminal and unconstitutional manner ..  in the era of social media ( kalki revolution of consciousness ) , besides the need to revisit the law on criminal contempt, even the test for contempt needs to be evaluated. there is an ocean of difference between well informed and ill informed criticism. what is said  in regard to a matter concerning the judiciary by a thinker like capt ajit vadakayil should be viewed differently from a similar statement by an uninformed cunt.”..  an inclusive, diverse, accountable, open and transparent supreme court would be able to administer justice without fear or favour, without needing criminal contempt to preserve its faalthu honour. .  if the court “delivers justice which is its professional, fundamental duty, criticism by cunts  loses its sting..  in a country as large and diverse as india, the supreme court continues to have its seat only in delhi. this is despite having the constitutional permission to establish benches elsewhere in the country. ..  people who have  researched extensively on the supreme court of india, know this – “ of the 36 men who had manned the supreme court as justices from 1950 to 1967— they was a GANG OF DEEP STATE DARLING COLLEGIUM FAMILIES,  the “SURMA IN AANKH “ kayasthas/ parsis/ chitpavan jews/ peshawari khatri jews.. the adage “change is the only constant” does not apply to india’s supreme court. for it continues to be the bastion of the privileged few, who are controlled by foreign forces. no judge has ever been impeached in india.





T cells or T lymphocytes originate from haematopoietic stem cells within the bone marrow. Vaccine-induced antibodies sit in our airways and float in our blood. As they encounter the virus, they immediately recognise and neutralise its spike protein blocking it from invading our cells.  antibodies are not the only immune response vaccines can elicit. There are T cells, too. Read this line twice.  COVID VACCINATED PEOPLE HAVE DIMINISHED T-CELL RESPONSES AGAINST THE SARS-COV-2 VARIANTS.  to effectively prevent infection, antibodies need to match the spike protein.  if this varies even slightly, antibodies might not recognise it, and the virus is free to make its way to cells and replicate.  current COVID-19 vaccines are based on the original strain first identified in Wuhan, so they elicit antibodies that perfectly fit the spike protein of that strain.   VACCINE-INDUCED ANTIBODIES DO NOT STICK PERFECTLY TO THE MUTANT SPIKES AND LOSE EFFICACY.  the antibodies that vaccines generate act against the spike protein SARS-CoV2 uses to invade our cells. BUT AS VARIANTS EMERGE, ANTIBODIES’ REDUCED ABILITY TO STOP THE INFECTION WILL MAKE VACCINES INEFFECTIVE.  uninfected people have no memory T cells and therefore no protection from a COVID-19 infection.  When antibodies wane over time or are not effective against a specific variant, some cells are infected. That is when T cells come to the rescue.  these T cells sit in our lymph nodes – the glands under the arms, and at the base of the neck, that are part of our immune system. during a viral infection, T cells can identify cells that have been infected and kill them. this mechanism prevents severe disease and ends the infection. but, unlike antibodies, it takes a few days before T cells kick in.  while antibodies limit infection, T cells clear the virus-infected cells. It’s a team effort..  in a natural infection, a virus enters a cell, seizes its machinery and starts replicating itself. However, the invaded cells can sneakily flag the invader’s presence by sticking many random fragments of the virus on its membrane.  T cells recognize these flags and kill the cell to stop virus replication.  antigen-specific, long-lived memory T lymphocytes form following an infection.   memory T lymphocytes are important because they can quickly proliferate into large numbers of effector T lymphocyte upon re-exposure to the antigen and have a low threshold for activation.  they provide the immune system with memory against previously encountered antigens. memory T lymphocytes may either be CD4+ or CD8+.. to be protected against the COVID-19 virus, you don’t necessarily need a whopping neutralizing antibody response, you need a whopping adaptive immune response – and that includes both antibodies and T cells.  antibodies work by binding to the virus itself and preventing it from entering cells. IF THE PART OF THE VIRUS TO WHICH THE ANTIBODY BINDS IS ALTERED, ITS ABILITY TO “HANG ON” AND THUS PREVENT IT FROM ENTERING A CELL IS DIMINISHED.   one big advantage of T cells is that they are highly specific and react to a much broader portion of the virus than antibodies, including areas outside of the spike protein. THIS IS WHY T CELLS MIGHT PROVIDE PROTECTION AGAINST THE VARIANTS, EVEN WHEN NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY LEVELS ARE LOW.  NATURAL T-CELL RESPONSE IS NOT SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECTED BY THE VARIANTS. READ THIS LINE TWICE..  T cells roles include directly killing infected host cells, activating other immune cells, producing cytokines and regulating the immune response..  A T cell is a type of lymphocyte.  T cells are one of the important white blood cells of the immune system and play a central role in the adaptive immune response..   each T cell has a unique T cell receptor (TCR) that recognizes a specific antigen. TCRs recognize an antigen when they bind with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules on the surface of other cells.   MUTATION THAT HAS ARISEN IN THE SPIKE PROTEIN HAS ESCAPED RECOGNITION BY CD8 T-cell RESPONSES IN BOTH CONVALESCENT PATIENTS AND RECIPIENTS OF COVID VACCINES. Read this line twice..  the host adaptive immune system protects against viral infection by selecting specific antigen receptors present on B-cells and T-cells.  SARS-CoV-2 CAN READILY ALTER ITS SPIKE PROTEIN VIA A SINGLE AMINO ACID SUBSTITUTION SO THAT IT IS NO LONGER RECOGNIZED BY CD8 T-cells TARGETING THE MOST PREVALENT SPIKE EPITOPE..  cytotoxic T lymphocytes kill their target cells primarily by releasing cytotoxic granules into the target cell.  COVID-19 VACCINES THAT CONTAIN INACTIVATED VIRUS OR SPIKE PROTEIN CANNOT PRODUCE A T CELLS RESPONSE, READ THIS LINE THRICE..  NEW VIRAL LINEAGES CONTAIN MUTATIONS THAT HELP THE VIRUS TO ESCAPE THE ANTIBODY RESPONSE GENERATED BY VACCINATION.  RECENT SARS-CoV-2 VARIANTS CONTAIN CHANGES, OR MUTATIONS, AT A KEY SITE ON THE SPIKE PROTEIN CALLED THE RECEPTOR-BINDING SITE (RBS).  SOME OF THESE MUTATIONS RENDER ANTIBODIES ELICITED AGAINST EARLIER VIRUS STRAINS LESS EFFECTIVE. THIS ALLOWS THE VARIANTS TO PARTIALLY ESCAPE THE IMMUNE RESPONSE PRODUCED AFTER VACCINATION OR PRIOR INFECTION. THESE VACCINES CANNOT EXTINGUISH THE COVID PANDEMIC...  proteins like the SARS-CoV-2 spike consist of long chains of building blocks called amino acids that fold into a specific shape.   a mutation in the viral genome can lead to an amino acid getting replaced by one of a different type. this can, in turn, alter the protein’s structure and function.  the spike protein mediates the initial stage of the SARS-CoV-2 infection process and is the structure that COVID-19 vaccines have been based on.   because of the intricate nature of the immune system, the innate system also provides cues in the forms of chemical signals (cytokines) or degraded products of infectious organisms (antigens) to activate the adaptive immune system, using a process known as “antigen presentation”. without these cues, the adaptive immune system cannot be activated.  the adaptive immune system has evolved to provide a more versatile and highly target-specific defence with an ability to distinguish very subtle differences in the make-up of infectious agents.   but the adaptive immune system is slow and can take several days before two key cell types – B cells and T cells – are brought into play.  CD4+ are helper T cells that help the activity of other immune cells by releasing cytokines.  the cytokines prime the maturation of b cells, which become plasma cells and produce antibodies to neutralise the pathogen. CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, on the other hand, directly kill infected cells..  once the adaptive immune system has vanquished the invader, a pool of long-lived memory T and B cells are made.   these memory lymphocytes remain dormant until the next time they encounter the same pathogen. This time, though, they produce a much faster and stronger immune reaction. memory is the key feature of the adaptive immune system, enabling long-term protection.  some of these multipotent cells subsequently become lymphoid progenitor cells that leave the bone marrow and travel to the thymus via the blood.  Once in the thymus, T lymphocytes undergo a selection process in which the majority of developing T cells (called thymocytes) will not survive.  #### .. AAA-  mRNA VACCINE ..  vaccines include: pfizer-biontech, moderna ..  number of doses required: 2 doses, intramuscular ..  vaccine consists of mRNA molecules made in a lab that code for parts of the SARS-CoV-2 virus – specifically the virus’ spike protein.  once injected into the body, the mrna instructs the cells to produce antigens – such as the spike protein mentioned – which are then detected by immune cells, triggering a response by the body’s lymphocytes. ..  the killer T-cells destroy the infected cells, while the B-cells and helper T-cells support antibody production. whoever is exposed to the same non-mutated COVID-19 coronavirus in the future would have an immune system that recognises it, and in turn fight off the infection.  challenges: as an unintended immune reaction ultra low temperature storage issues, this type of vaccine has never previously been licensed for humans…  ##### .. BBB- NON-REPLICATING VIRAL VECTOR ..  Vaccines include: Oxford-AstraZeneca, Sputnik V ..  Number of doses required: 2 doses, intramuscular ..  this type of vaccine introduces a , modified version of the virus – known as “the vector” – to deliver genetic code for the antigen. in a covid-19 vaccine, the “vector” is the spike proteins found on the surface of the coronavirus.  once the body’s cells are “infected”, the cells are instructed to produce a large amount of antigens, which in turn trigger an immune response. . can trigger a strong immune response as it also involves both B cells and T cells..  challenges: previous exposure to the vector could reduce effectiveness..  ###### ..  CCC- DNA vaccines work by injecting genetically engineered plasmid containing the dna sequence encoding the antigen(s) against which an immune response is sought, so the cells directly produce the antigen, thus causing a protective immunological response. DNA vaccines induce an adaptive immune response. the basic working principle behind any dna vaccine involves the use of a DNA plasmid that encodes for a protein that originated from the pathogen in which the vaccine will be targeted.





OM is the opening word in every Sanskrit vedic sruti or mantra .. ####   http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2016/12/108-numerical-equivalent-of-hindu-king.html   ####..  Muslims say 786 = Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim.  Printed on the cover of every Koran.  it is  the first word in the Koran . It is nothing but the symbol of OM shown into a mirror and then read from right to left. .  ####   http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2009/07/vedic-practises-in-mecca-ajit-vadakayil.html   ####..  AMEN is derived from the Hebrew āmēn, which means “ supreme truth,” It is found in the Hebrew Bible, and in both the Old and New Testament.  SHALOM is a Hebrew word meaning wholeness can be used idiomatically to mean both hello and goodbye ..  Adam and eve is atman ( consciousness ) and jiva ( energy ) of the Indian vedas downloaded 400 centuries ago and penned down 70 centuries ago. . Vedas  deal with atman and brahmAn—the individual soul and its mother field ( god ) from where it was splintered off.  ####   http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2020/10/god-of-abrahamic-religions-yhvh-yahveh.html   ####..  Abraham and sara are nothing but hindu gods brahma and saraswati which are cosmic allegories.. the breath of brahma exhalation is creation of cosmos, the inhalation is pralaya or dissolution of cosmos.. saraswati is the primordial quasar which has the brilliance of a trillion suns from which we derive prana ..  One woman Jewess Helena , the mother of Hindu roman emperor Constantine the great , cooked up the Torah and the Bible with all its fake characters like Abraham/ Sara/ Moses/ Jesus/ Gabriel/ Adam/ Eve / Jacob / Noah etc in 325 ad at the first council of niceae. ####   http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2018/12/helena-mother-of-roman-emperor.html   #### … Jewess Helena founded the bullshit concept of Single Messiah ( middle man with god ) and Single Holy Book..  The problem is that she never envisaged an Internet age.. She could never imagine that a brown Blogger named Capt Ajit Vadakayil will tear asunder her lying , deceitful Kosher ass apart.  There was no religion on the planet other than Sanatana Dharma before 2950 years . Every ancient structure in Jerusalem is Hindu.. Today Muslims/ Jews/ Christians are fighting for it.  Hagia Sophia mosque in Istanbul was a Hindu temple.. Muslims and Christians must stop fighting over it.  ####   http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2019/09/istanbul-deep-seat-of-jewish-deep-state.html    ####..  Objective moral values of Abrahamic religions are independent of the conscience of human beings. Natural justice or dharma is totally scuttled .. On the other hand subjective spirituality like Sanatana Dharma is rooted in natural justice and conscience.. No Hindu carries the subjective Bhagavad Gita around the way Muslims carry around their objective dogma laden Koran threatendendending blasphemy and death .. No Hindu will rush out of a temple after Friday noon prayer to kill non-beleiever kaffirs enmasse. Mehbooba Mufti told on TV that Muslims don’t rape, only Hindus rape.. she can watch this video below and then CATCH AND SWING .  ####   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECJqr3HN6_Q   ####.. Hindu women jumped into the fire to fuse their vaginas as the Islamic invaders would rape even dead bodies of Hindu women who had committed suicide.. This is not SATI cooked up by Jew Rothschild..  Abrahamic religion priests can stop ridiculing that we Hindus worship a prick ( penis ) inset in a vagina .. Indeed we worship it an we are proud of it....  This is the divine phallus which provided the seed ( DNA ).. Imagine, the purpose of Haj pilgrimage in Mecca is just to kiss this prick ( black stone ).. Crypto Jew Zakir Naik who insults Hindu godscan fuck himself.. ####   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_57tZFuW-8   ####.. Imagine he was the sidekick of Freemason and Turk Jew Adnan Oktar ( Harun Yahya )..who is now in jail for 1075 years .. ####   http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2019/07/shiva-lingam-meterorite-hit-65-million.html   ####.. 33 vedic deities is the reason why the Islamic rosary called Misbahah , to keep track of counting of Tasbih has 33 beads, to perform dhikr ( tasbeeh/ tahmeed/ takbeer ).. 33 vedic deities is the reason why in precise Torah,  Elohim is written 33 times,  genesis' story of creation .. According to the Biblical numerology, the number 33 is used as a symbol of giving a promise to someone.. The 33rd time Noah's name is used in Abrahamic Scripture is when God makes a special covenant or promise with him. ####   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/03/09/vadakayils-truth-exhuming-poll-no-103-l/   ####...Lies wont work anymore.. A brown blogger is in town.. I can give hundreds of examples.. But what I said above is good enough..





somebody called me up and asked .. captain is PAKISTANI TERRORIST HAFIZ MUHAMMAD SAEED  who is a co-founder of lashkar-e-taiba (let) and the chief of jama'at-ud-da'wah (jud)  a jew ?  captain, you are the only human on this planet who can triangulate while sitting at the bindu looking outwards, factoring in the time axis.. INDEED HE IS A DALIT GUJJAR CRYPTO JEW.. sayyids are touted by jews as the descendants of mohammad, to grab power .. today 98 % of saayids are fake and their lineage cooked up by jew rothschild.. 85% of these cooked up sayyids are crypto jews..  MEHBOOBA MUFTI’S FATHER IS A CRYPTO JEW SAYYID.. THE MOTHER OF FAROOQ ABDULLAH IS THE JEWESS DAUGHTER OF ROTHSCHILD’S AGENT FRENCHMAN MICHAEL HARRY NEDOU.. SHE WAS THE WIFE OF JEW LAWRENCE OF ARABIA... JEWS ARE FIGHTING FOR MUSLIMS? WAH RAJAH WAAH.  sayyid is an honorific title like “sir”  denoting people who are descendants of the islamic prophet muhammad and his cousin and son-in-law ali ibn abi talib through his grandsons, hasan ibn ali and husayn ibn ali,31 sons of muhammad's daughter fatimah and ali.. these sayyids commanded immediate respect as very holy men who are stalwarts of islam... german jew rothschild created his own instant crypto jew sayyids to control the islamic world. so what else is new ?  I HAVE NEVER SEEN A SAYYID WHO HAS A ZEBIBA MARK ON HIS FOREHEAD OR HAS IT IN THE RIGHT PLACE.. ####   http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2011/07/cracked-heels-and-prayer-marks-capt.html   ####... female sayyids are given the titles sayyida.. in shia-islam the son of a non sayyid father and a sayyida mother claim the title mirza, whereas in sunni islam a son of a non sayyid father and a sayyida mother can claim the title sayyid or sharif. almost all mirzas and sharifs are crypto jews.. today there are millions of sayyids on this planet—all fake.  APUN BHI SAYYID, easy way to grab faalthu illegitimate power.. like i too saw babaji when i went to himalayas.. they don’t even know that mohammad the prophet’s father was the younger brother of the kerala aryan namboodiri priest ( in the payroll of the calicut king ) of the hindu shiva temple at mecca oasis..  prophet mohammad described his grandsons, hassan and hussain, as sayyids ( with malayali blood ).  THE SAYYIDS ARE BY DEFINITION A BRANCH OF THE HINDU BANU HASHIM CLAN..  rothschild’s historians write that sayyids are direct descends from ishmael , and collaterally descends from his paternal half-brother isaac, the sons of abraham (ibrahim)- who never existed..  the original koran penned down at the kodungallur mosque owned by the calicut king after the death of malayali mohammad , does not contain abrahamic religion heroes like moses/ jesus/ gabriel/ abraham / sara  etc.. on calicut king’s orders this original koran was buried under the hot dry desert sands of mali ( timbuctoo ) and is hence the most expensive book on the planet.. rothschild tried his best to destroy this original koran using french mercenary legionnaires , but failed…  rothschild has been doing hegelian dialectic in india since 1657 ad when he first infiltrated the royal court of shah jehan using crypto jews ..  THE SAYYID BROTHERS SYED HASSAN ALI KHAN BARHA AND SYED HUSSAIN ALI KHAN BARHA WERE CRYPTO JEWS AND AGENTS OF JEW ROTHSCHILD ..  ROTHSCHILD USED THE SAYYID BROTHERS TO GRAB POWER AFTER AURANGZEB'S DEATH IN 1707.  jew rothschild gave fake propaganda that the sayyid brothers were the descendants of the prophet muhammad through his daughter fatima . the sayyid brothers ensured that there was no strong mughal emperor after jew aurangazeb. . aurangzeb's son jew bahadur shah i defeated his brothers to capture the throne with the help of sayyid jew brothers..  bahadur shah i died in 1712, and his successor jahandar shah was assassinated on the orders of the sayyid jew brothers--who took orders from jew rothschild.. in 1713, the sayyid brothers installed farrukhsiyar as king. in 1719, the sayyid brothers blinded farrukhsiyar and installed rafi ud-darajat as king.  then the sayyid brothers poisoned king rafi ud darajat and installed rafi ud-darajat as king in 1719.. rothschild made muslims believe that jewish sayyid brothers held the authority of the prophet --after all he was same blood..  the sayyid brothers then poisoned king rafi ud-daulah and installed a 16 year old boy muhammad shah as puppet king.  jew rothschild now found that the sayyid brothers were not listening to him.  sayyid brothers were sons of jew syed abdullah khan who claimed to be of banu hashim clan of prophet muhammad and fooled aurangazeb by claiming he is descendant of ali-- fatimah's husband .  rothschild  got  crypto jew qamar-ud-din khan, asif jah i to murder the sayyid brothers .  ASIF JAH'S GRANDFATHER JEW KILICH KHAN WAS INJECTED INTO THE COURT OF SHAH JEHAN BY JEW ROTHSCHILD ..  JEW ASIF JAH WAS INSTALLED AS NIZAM OF HYDERABAD BY JEW ROTHSCHILD AND HE RULED FROM 1724 TO 1748.  TIPU SULTAN AND HIS FATHER HYDER ALI WERE BOTH FAKE SAYYID JEWS, CREATINS OF JEW ROTHSCHILD.. exactly 100 years after german jew rothschild infiltrated the royal court of shaj jehan , he conducted a hegelian dialectic by way of battle of plassey in 1757 ..  Jew Oswal Jagat Sheth was Rothschild’s opium drug runner. In the 1757 battle of Plassey the Seth sided with Rothschild and played a key role in bringing down Siraj ud-daulah . Opium trader Rothschild took over India vide the battle of Plassey in 1757..  The Battle of Plassey in 1757 was a BIG LIE..  The battle never took place. Siraj Ud Daula was killed before even a single shot was fired by his brother-in-law and army Commander Mir Jaffar, who was bribed by Rothschild employee Robert Clive..  Mir Jaffar was made a stooge Nawab and in return he gave a lot of Siraj Ud Daula's gold and diamonds for Robert Clive to take home personally in secrecy. .  BANU HASHIM CLAN WAS HINDU.  THE ORIGINAL SAYYIDS WERE ALL KERALA MALAYALIS ..  jew rothschild destroyed the graves of the original banu hashim sayyids at mecca and medina:--  --all graves of banu hashim in mecca.   .  --mahhalla complex of banu hashim, in mecca.  .  --the mosque at the grave of sayyid al-shuhada’ hamza ibn ‘abd al-muttalib.   . --mosque and tomb of sayyid imam al-uraidhi ibn ja‘far al-sadiq, destroyed by dynamite on august 13, 2002.   . --bayt al-ahzan of sayyida fatima, in medina…..    persecution of hindu banu hashim( direct descendents of the prophet) were done  initially by umayyads and later by abbasids who took them as a threat to their power. the prophet muhammad,  was born in mecca around 570 ce.  his namboodiri father died before he was born, and muhammad was put under the care of his grandfather, head of the prestigious banu hashim pagan clan.   his mother died when he was six, and his grandfather when he was eight, leaving him under the care of his namboodiri uncle abu talib, the new head of the clan and the head priest of the mecca shiva temple.  . his uncle was also in charge of the customs free trade post. the quraysh pagan ( hindu ) tribe monopolized the spice route.  banu hashim was the sub-clan( of  banu quraysh)  of banu abd manaf, clan of hashim, the prophet muhammad's great-grandfather..  ####   http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.in/2009/07/vedic-practises-in-mecca-ajit-vadakayil.html   ####...  the quraysh were a rich and powerful pagan  merchant tribe that controlled mecca oasis .  the islamic prophet, muhammad was born into the banu hashim clan of the quraysh tribe. access  to the pagan  idol was controlled by the quraysh tribe ..  muhammad in 630 ce, he removed all idols of  pagan ( hindu ) gods from the temple at mecca oasis.  abū ṭālib ibn ‘abd al-muṭṭalib( 539 – 619) was the namboodiri uncle of muhammad and chief priest of mecca shiva temple and respected  leader of the banu hashim, a clan of the pagan hindu quraysh tribe of mecca ..   abu talib was known for his wisdom ..  abu talib did not convert to islam despite muhammad’s best efforts .   both uncle and nephew loved each other dearly..  abū ṭālib was a brother of muhammad's father, 'abdullāh ibn abdul-muttalib, who had died before muhammad's birth..  the hindu quraysh elicited the support of other hindu tribes to boycott trading with or marrying members of the banu hashim lineage. .  this boycott started seven years after muhammad first received revelation and lasted for three years..  abū ṭālib's died in 619, at more than 80 years of age. muhammad was protected for 42 years by his namboodiri uncle abu talib, a powerful brahmin who never accepted islam..  abu talib was married to fatimah bint asad. . they had four sons and two daughters..  after aminah's death when muhammad  was six, he was taken care of by his namboodiri grandfather, `abdul muttalib.   after namboodiri hindu `abdul muttalib's death when muhammad was eight years old, his uncle, abu talib, became his guardian.   abu talib used to take muhammad on his mercantile spice trips to as far as syria to oman .  at the deathbed of abu talib, muhammad urged his uncle to confesse to allah, even though deathbed confession is not acceptable in islam.  .  abu talib died a pagan hindu ..  abu bakr was the the father-in-law of prophet muhammad. .  he became the first muslim caliph following muhammad's death.   abu bakr was born in mecca some time in 573, to a very rich spice trade hindu family in the banu taym, clan of the quraysh tribe..  bahadur shah i died in 1712, and his successor jahandar shah was killed on the orders of the sayyid brothers.   bahadur shah's death followed a war of succession among his four sons, jahandar shah, azim-us-shah, jahan shah and rafi-is-shah. jalandar shah killed his 3 brothers to ascend the throne .  azim-us-shah's son farrukhsiyar killed his uncle and ascended the throne.  in 1719, the brothers blinded, deposed and murdered farrukhsiyar..  sayyid brothers were soon killed by muhammad shah.   ahmad shah, son of muhammad shah, was blinded in 1754 by the wazir ghazi-ud-din imad-ul-mulk.. alamgir ii (1754 - 1759) was killed by ghazi-ud-din imad-ul-mulk's orders.   shah alam ii (1759 - 1806) blinded by the afghan chief gulam qadir.   bahadur shah-ii was falsely accused by the british of treason and rebellion and exiled to burma. his descendants were beheaded and heads presented to him on a platter –  -- and the glorious mughal empire was swept away once and for all..  HARDLY ANYBODY KNOWS THAT MOGHUL EMERORS AFTER HUMAYUN ( BABURS SON ) WERE ALL JEWS..   humayuns wife was a jewess..  humayun’s wife and akbar’s mother was hamida banu begum..  jew mirza zul quarnain, was an adopted son of akbar and his armenian jewess wife. he was well versed in malayalam and portuguese..   emperor jahangir conferred on him the title of amir. mirza baby was a conduit for jesuit jews in goa. mirza was also a poet, singer and playwright, and he composed verses in urdu and persian…    jew sir thomas roe was planted in jehangir’s court from 1615 to 1618,  as british ambassador to  jahangir.   at the mughal court, roe got jehangir addicted to laudanum ( opium / alcohol/ codein mix )—and extracted all his secrets during  their daily night drinking sessions.    he sweet talked him into employing fake crypto jew sayyids as clerics and poets.   british jewess frances steele webbe  was a secret mistress of emperor jehangir.    he gave kosher company to jahangirs  mother  jewess dona maria mendes  ( mariam uz zamani )  , wife of akbar..  when shah jahan  knew he was dying, he praised jew sayyid sayyid muhammad qanauji for his faithful service and asked if there was any way he could reward him. sayyid asked him to forgive his son aurangzeb (1618–1707), and the emperor reluctantly agreed. .  the syed can be found among both shia and sunni muslims double wah rajah waah. sayyid boys' names generally end in "ali" or "husain," and occasionally in "shah.".  MANY OF THE PASHTUN KHAN JEW  PATHAN TRIBES, CLAIM SAYYID ORIGIN.  SIR SYED AHMAD KHAN WAS  A JEW..  in afghanistan the crypto jew sayyids control much of the commerce, as their holy character allows them to pass unharmed..  the sayyids had a short-lived dynasty in india, which reigned at delhi during the first half of the fifteenth century. their name again figures in indian history at the breakup of the mogul empire, when two sayyid brothers created and dethroned emperors at their will. in 1901 the total number of sayyids in india was 1,339,734. this number included many well-known and influential families. the first muslim appointed to the council to india and the first appointed to the privy council were both jewish sayyids..  PAKISTAN IS INFESTED WITH FAKE SAYYIDS 99% ARE DALITS CONVERTS—GIVEN THE TITLE BY JEW ROTHSCHILD.  pakistan was safe place for syeds after the independence from british rule.. never mind they did not get ZAKAT DOLE.  in saudi arab and egypt their is no culture of using sayyid as family name. rather these crypto jews  use al-shareef or al-shareefah before their name. .  rothschild created urdu language for his crypto jew sayyids who claimed to be descenants of mohammad the prophet.. saayyids wrecked the mughal empire from within for rothschild..  many of the early crypto jew sufi saints that came to uttar pradesh claimed to be  sayyid . urdu was created for muslim kayasthas in mughal courts who worked in the payroll of jew rothschild..  rothschild wrecked the mighty mughal empire from within using his urdu speaking kayastha agents..  patriot gaddaffi had ousted a crypto jew king of libya king idris ( el sayyid prince muhammad idris bin muhammad al-mahdi as-senussi) --installed by rothschild..  british collector henryvalentine_conolly is credited for planting the nilambur teak plantation- we are taught this in school– to be grateful . this plantation existed since antiquity..  the guy who got him killed was a fake jew sayyid imported by jew rothschild..  the father sayyid son duo are heroes for north kerala muslims.. mambaram is a major pilgrimage centre .  german jew rothschild who ruled India used his agent sayyid fazal pookoya thangal to drive a wedge between hindus and mappilas ( half breed muslims ) in north Malabar Kerala… he did it well and as a reward was made king of dhofar ( south of oman / north of yemen ), but locals drove him away after a few months ..   sayyid fazal pookoya thangal got the white collector of calicut hv conolly murdered for writing a detailed report that his father mamburam sayyid alavi thangal was the spearhead of hindu/ muslim riots and grabbing hindu lands .. . fazals father sayyid alavi thangal ( a koran expert at age 8 – and who was fluent in malayalam ) from dhofar , was first introduced by jew rothschild to north kerala , at the age of 17 as a 30th descendant of mohammad the prophet . . He drove wedges between peacefully co-existing hindus and muslims. He masterminded several riots where lands of hindus were grabbed ( example eranad/ paruthan riots ) ..  jew rothschild cooked up “sayyid” and imported to kerala mamburam sayyid alavi thangals dargah ( died 1845 ) at mambaram jama masjid , malappuram is now the largest islamic pilgrimage centre for indian muslims.  rothschild make the sayyid son Fazal  , the king of dhofar ( south coastal belt of oman –north coastal belt of yemen ) .. the king of calicut owned dhofar and twin ports salalah and gwadar .  the kingdom of dhofar ( south of oman to north of yemen ) was owned by the calicut king — — the calicut king owned the mecca oasis– the calicut king owned gwadar port( balochistan / pakistan )..  the ports where the spice laden ships of the calicut king unloaded spices was at salalah and gwadar.. from salalah ( in modern day oman ) spices went by overland camel route to mecca oasis where there was a shiva temple ( kaaba today ) . this oasis was a free trade spice outpost..  from here spices went to the mediterranean by camels–to palestine ..  from the sea ports of palestine white jews took over the spices to be taken in ships to europe.. these ships were owned first by the family of portuguese jewess gracia mendes nasi and german jew rothschild..  ships of gracia mendes nasi family loaded spices from constantinople ( turkey ) for sale in Europe..  ships of rothschild loaded spices from palestine and batumi ( georgia — khazaria) for onward transmission to europe.  after calicut kings ships unloaded spices in gwadar, the overland mules and camels took over for transport to batumi ( georgia ) and constantinople ( turkey )..  these ports in israel/ turkey / georgia prospered as spices were more valuable than gold those days –when there was no refrigeration and meat became putrid..like baku, there was a temple ay gwadar with eternal flame .. this temple was swallowed up by an upheaval..  from gwadar port ( privately owned by the calicut king –like salalah in oman ) spices went by overland route right up to constantinople ( turkey ) and batumi in georgia ).  this devi temple ( where satis head fell ) at gwadar was a shaktipeetham like baku.  this spot is not the temple of hinglaj mata , the patron goddess of aghoris ( sic ) — as tom tommed by the white invader.



sometime ago when jayalalithaa was already dead and hooked on to an ECMO machine i watched india’s no 1 celebrity doctor naresh trehan with an ECMO machine explaining the function.. a kerala nurse could have done better.  i then posted a blog on ecmo machine , warning all not to pull the wool over the eyes of the public.. within hours of publishing the post below, apollo hospital declared jayalalithaa dead… ####   http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2016/12/extracorporeal-membrane-oxygenation.html   ####..  celebrity doctors who come on tv to give faalthu funda about covid pandemic be warned..   you can impress the chutney mary / pickle john pot hole journalists.. vadakayil will tie you up in knots which will remain till you reach your grave. i will disgrace you forever… check out the link below..  ####   https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/pharma/health-ministry-adds-steroid-dexamethasone-in-covid-19-treatment-protocol/76661091   ####..  indian doctors have been recklessly administering  corticosteroids (i.e. dexamethasone, hydrocortisone or prednisone) orally / intravenously for the treatment of patients with covid-19..  capt ajit vadakayil says that it is wrong to administer corticosteroids in the treatment of patients with non-severe covid-19 ..  steroid treatment should be reserved for sickest covid-19 patients who are drowning in the cytokine storm syndrome and on the verse of kissing their asses goodbye.. as a last resort.  the need of the hour would be s a fast, reliable, and inexpensive test to measure cytokines and identify patients who are most likely to benefit from dexamethasone treatment.  cytokine storms develop when excess or abnormally regulated levels of cytokine proteins in the body lead to hyperinflammation and tissue damage.  ####   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xAcQwrb6iE   ####..  ####   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrnrRefuZCM   ####..  while dexamethasone and other steroids are prescribed to treat CYTOKINE STORMS, they said these drugs can backfire in patients whose immune response is already suppressed..  corticosteroids are a class of steroid hormones released by the adrenal cortex, which includes glucocorticoids. the term “corticosteroids” is generally used to refer to glucocorticoids.  corticosteroids decreased low affinity memory t cells by suppressing fatty acid metabolism essential for memory t cells .  glucocorticoids suppress the immune system in numerous ways and by interfering with the function of multiple cell types including suppression of T CELL function . glucocorticoids prevent B CELL lymphocytes activation, proliferation and release of immunoglobulins ..  the short-term early use of corticosteroid could suppress the immune cells, which may prolong sars-cov-2 shedding in patients with covid-19 ..  dexamethasone  is a corticosteroid. it is used to treat inflammation of the skin, joints, lungs, and other organs ..  corticosteroids reduce/ suppress  the activity of the immune system.  people taking steroids,  will have a slower, weaker response to covid vaccination..  spike proteins, found on the surface of the virus, are what enable the virus to attach to and enter human cells, and all current vaccines are directed against them ..  WHO / US CDC/ NIH/ IMA/ ICMR/ DGHS/ DCGI/ dr soumya swaminathan / dr antony fauci/ bill gates are criminally suppressing the use of ivermectin..  heads wll roll, we the people watch every inch of your movements.   ivermectin docked in the region of leucine 91 of the sars-cov-2 spike protein and histidine 378 of the host cell ace-2 receptor blocks its entry into the host cell.  only ivermectin can prevent the third wave.. the vaccinated people who are devil’s workshops to mutate the virus need it more. ####   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/07/02/vadakayil-on-dont-fuck-with-my-t-cells-poll/   ####.. ####   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/06/24/vadakayil-on-compulsory-unproven-emergency-use-only-covid-vaccination-being-enforced-in-india-poll/   ####... ####   https://captajitvadakayil.in/2021/06/10/vadakayil-on-conspiracy-to-convert-indian-children-to-mutant-virus-strain-covid-carriers-for-the-massive-third-wave-poll/   ####...



BBC WAS RIDICULING YOGA AND AYURVEDA A FEW HOURS AGO, SHOWCASING INDIAN HINDUS AS SAVAGES.. bbc showed half naked hindus doing surya namsakar ( a yoga asana ) smeared with cow shit on face and body.  sorry , surya namaskar is done with clean body.. it prevents covid.  then they showed a hindu who said he eats cow shit to prevent covid. Listen PANCHGAVYA is a organic fertilizer not a medicine for humans..  we indian sip a teaspoon of fresh humped cow serum urine which has biodegradable NANO GOLD COLLOIDS ( to prevent cure covid ) . recently deep state agent trisha shetty, who rubs shoulders with us presiden/ queen of england/ un chief etc ( for throwing shit on india/ hindus )  implied that yoga is gymnastics, while ayurveda is “snake oil” fraud. .  yoga is not gymnastics like what the west thinks when you tie yourself into pretzel knots.  yoga is an alchemical process of balancing and transforming energies of the psyche..  the science of brain breathing is known as swara yoga.. the two hemispheres of our brain do not work in a synchronised way. when the left (the analytical, rational and logical brain) is working at full speed, the right side (the synthetic, irrational and intuitive brain) slows, and vice versa..  the ancient rishis called the negative flow ida and the positive flow pingala. the maharishis of yore knew the techniques to channelize bio-energy or prana throughout the body. . ida rules the left nostril. pingala rules the right nostril..  the objective of yogas deep diaphragmatic pranayama breathing training is to restore proper breathing biochemistry (co2 levels), establish proper rhythm of breathing (reducing breath holding), lower respiratory rate, increase breathing depth, transfer the focus of breathing from chest to diaphragm, encourage nasal breathing, relax diaphragm during exhalation, reduce accessory muscle activity, and establish a high vagal tone..  deep diaphragmatic breathing exercises (e.g. pranayama breathing) can enhance parasympathetic (inhibit neural responses) tone, decrease sympathetic (excitatory) nervous activity, improve respiratory and cardiovascular function, decrease the effects of stress, and improve physical and mental health.. the MMMMMM GENERATES NITRIC OXIDE–the magic molecule.. the bhramari pranayama breathing technique derives its name from the black indian bumblebee called bhramari.  NITRIC OXIDE IS PRODUCED BY EPITHELIAL CELLS IN THE PARANASAL SINUSES. . lack of prana makes you lose REM sleep..  ONLY NITRIC OXIDE CAN PREVENT COVID, NOT VACCINES.  yoga must be done when your body is earthed, it is about electrically neutralising FREE RADICALS. yoga to cleanse the lymph nodes..  ayurveda relies on a “natural” and holistic approach to physical and mental health.. ayurveda is a complete way of life.  ayurveda improves not only a person's health, but also their well being, behaviour and state of mind.  ayurveda uses only organic herbs grown in snake groves and nano gold colloids which breach the BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER and are biodegradable.   ayurveda is prevention-oriented, is free from harmful side-effects and treats the root cause of a disease rather than just the symptoms.  ayurveda views illness as caused by an imbalance in a person's physical or mental constitution and therefore seeks to gently bring a person's body and mind back into a healthy balance.. in ayurveda, body, mind and consciousness work together in maintaining balance.  ayurveda taught how to plug prana leaks and redirect it.. lack of prana makes you lose rem sleep and behave like a chrons laden asshole.  throughout the human body are 108 secret marma points that are used for healing in ayurveda ( or to destroy in kalari ).. .. marmas are used therapeutically in ayurveda/ kalari to bring in a shift of consciousness in the cells..  ayurveda was the first to write about AUTOPHAGY.. literally self eating -- it’s the body’s system of cleaning house: your cells create membranes that hunt out scraps of dead, diseased, or worn-out cells; gobble them up; strip them for parts; and use the resulting molecules for energy or to make new cell parts…  autophagy makes us more efficient machines to get rid of faulty parts, stop cancerous growths, and stop metabolic dysfunction like obesity and diabetes.. the process plays a hand in controlling inflammation and immunity.  jew edward jenner stole his vaccination from ancient ayurveda. we used leeches as injection syringes to vaccinate egyptian pharoahs 12000 years ago.... this ides was stolen by jew edward jennner.there is no better medicine for jaundice ( liver regeneration ) than kizhar nelli , even today.  or papaya leaf juice for increasing the blood platelet count in a jiffy- like magic.  surya namaskar is a way to absorb vitamin d and generate nitric oxide.   surya namaskar boosts your body immunity. this post below is the most widely read post among my 1738 blogposts—93% by foreigners. ####   http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.in/2011/10/surya-namaskar-11000-year-old-vedic-sun.html   ####... suryanamaskar without its associated sanskrit mantras aint no suryanamaskar at all.  it is most important to utter the mantras which secrete nitric oxide with every suryanamaskar pose. it improves REM sleep.  uttering OMMMMM ( drag the MMMM ) in low altitude sunrise facing the sun boosts the production of NITRIC OXIDE , the magic molecule.   surya namaskar gives a massage to your VAGUS NERVE, due to the deep diaphragmatic belly breathing involved. yoga mastered the VAGUS NERVE and drove body LYMPH FLUIDS WHICH HAVE NO PUMP like the heart .  nitric oxide is involved in the regulation of cardiovascular, pulmonary, and central nervous system function..  in 6000 year old mahabharata there is a reference to arjuna being told to do surya namaskar by lord krishna to overcome his depression,  sleep problems and general alertness .  after the first day the whole army ( both sides joined in )..  people who do suryanamaskar will never get decadent. suryanamaskar does dna repair. modern doctors and allopathy do not know of cellular level medicine. endocrinology is in its infancy…  surya namaskar  helps your body maintain its circadian rhythm.  your circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle that regulates biochemical, physiological, and behavioral processes and makes you feel tired when it’s dark outside. .  exposure to low altitude sunlight by suryanamaskar  in the makes it easier to fall asleep. the key to quality rem sleep is optimizing the secretion of melatonin. the pineal gland is responsible for the secretion of melatonin..  many diseases which modern doctors call “ genetic “ ( auto immune diseases ) can be cured by surya namaskar. vitamin d along with surya namaskar mantras will optimize > 20% ( > 4000-  6,000) of your total genes - even if you inherited a rotten “deck of gene cards”..  white jews with thin upper lip, jews who have inherited warped dna because their ancestors were cannibals must know this. even homosexuality can be cured by suryanamaskar.  jews do not have to suffer from chron’s disease where they use toilet paper on 5 assholes on their bottom after a shit.  surya namaskar triggered vitamin d is able to enter cancer cells and trigger apoptosis (cell death). if your body has ample vitamin d levels, it helps reduce bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.   our 400 centuryies old vedas  expound the chakra system which  has recognized light energy frequencies in the body..  every chakra correlates functioning of specific ductless endocrine glands to a color in the light spectrum (and to musical notes), thus effecting the body’s hormonal production..   we are human photocells and without sunlight as a biological nutrient, there is no health. your body requires vitamin d to absorb calcium. when we don’t get enough calcium for our body’s needs, it is taken from our bones causing osteoporosis . calcium helps our blood clot, nerves send messages and muscles contract . about 99 percent of the calcium in our bodies is in our bones and teeth. each day, we lose calcium through our skin, nails, hair, sweat, urine and feces, but our bodies cannot produce new calcium. obesity is associated with vitamin d deficiency with the human body accumulating fat as vitamin d levels fall. having enough vitamin d in your body is essential to reducing your risk of every disease that we know of. every single one, -- mind you.  vitamin d and calcium work in tandem as PER 6200 YEAR OLD AYURVEDA TEXT CHARAKA SAMHITA .  suryanamaskar prevents onset of diabetes type 2 as sunlight controls blood sugar level.  latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) is a highly heterogeneous disease and the most common form of adult-onset autoimmune diabetes. ####   https://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2016/12/lada-latent-autoimmune-diabetes-of.html   ####... when the sun shines on the skin, the nerve endings absorb energy and send it throughout the entire body.  this calms the nerves. when the sun hits your skin it manufactures vitamin d in your body and then works as a great natural aid to calcium absorption. calcium soothes the nervous system..  i had several invitations to take up a shore job in scandinavian and european countries. my stock answer was -  “ Balls I am gonna stay in a place , which is fuckin' cold and dark and screw mE SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS !”..  when your skin is exposed to the sun, it produces vitamin d and sends it to your liver. if you take supplements or eat foods that contain vitamin d, your gut also sends the vitamin d to your liver. from here, your liver changes it to a substance called 25(OH)D..  at 70 years of age, the average person has approximately 30% of the capacity to generate vitamin d from sunlight that a 20-year old has. .  the “master clock” that controls circadian rhythms consists of a group of nerve cells in the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or scn.    the scn contains about 20,000 nerve cells and is located in the hypothalamus. the scn receives information about incoming light. when there is less light—like at night—the scn tells the brain to make more melatonin so you get drowsy.  even if you eat foods that contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus, without enough vitamin d, you can’t absorb them into your body.  when your doctor talks about your vitamin d levels, he means the amount of 25(oh)d you have in your blood.  to know your vitamin d level, there is a simple blood test called 25(OH)D, or 25-hydroxyvitamin D.  the biologically active form of vitamin d is 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2 D).  decreased levels of 1,25(OH)2 D can result from chronic kidney disease, and severe vitamin D deficiency. the decrease of 1,25(OH)2 D level is more prominent when kidney failure progresses..  the active form of vitamin d, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3], has been shown to inhibit the development of autoimmune diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and several asshole disease chrons ( monopolized by jews ) . .  in fact, vitamin d does nothing by itself; it’s completely inactive. . vitamin d travels through the bloodstream to the liver, where it’s turned into 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25(OH)D or calcidiol).    This is a prohormone or precursor for the vitamin D hormone.  the vitamin d prohormone travels through the bloodstream to the kidneys, where it’s turned into the active form, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25(OH)2 D3 or calcitriol).  1,25(OH)2 D3 is the active vitamin d hormone. it is released back into the bloodstream where it then regulates how your body uses calcium and phosphorus. because the liver and the kidneys are involved in the production of calcitriol, diseases of these organs may affect your ability to make this hormone.  kidneys produce most of the calcitriol that ends up in the blood.   the best understood role for calcitriol is in the control of how your body uses calcium and phosphorus to make strong bones.  vitamin d isn’t a vitamin at all. it’s a steroid hormone that influences virtually every cell in your body.  those with low vitamin d levels were more likely to have type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, or metabolic syndrome, regardless of their weight. vitamin d and calcium supplementation in combination ( CHOONA LIME IN PAAN / yoghurt of humped cow a2 milk ) with suryanamskar exercise can prevent pre-diabetes from progressing into full-blown diabetes. vitamin d fights infections, as it regulates the expression of genes that influence your immune system to attack and destroy bacteria and viruses.  the immune cells use vitamin d and that they activate vitamin d. the immune system is primed with vitamin d in order to help fight infections.  vitamin d is a potent immune modulator, making it very important for the prevention of autoimmune diseases, like inflammatory bowel disease. as per 6200 year old ayurveda text charaka samhita 85% of diseases originate in the human gut.  countries with the highest calcium consumption like sweden have the highest rates of osteoporosis -known as the "calcium paradox”. western civilization vastly overconsumes calcium.  useless humpless western cows giving toxic a1 milk .  ####   https://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2020/05/warnings-issued-to-amul-milk-marketing.html   ####...  THE IDEAL CALCIUM TO MAGNESIUM RATIO FOR THE HUMAN BODY SHOULD BE 1:1.  .  too much calcium, depletes magnesium levels.  HUMPLESS COW A1 MILK'S CALCIUM/ MAGNESIUM RATIO IS 10:1.    every 1 part of calcium will use up 1 part of magnesium, in order to be assimilated.   by relying on such HUMPLESS cow's milk for calcium, you will have magnesium deficiency and imbalance.  too much calcium can contribute to depression and irritability, whereas magnesium helps your brain make the calming and feel good chemical called dopamine.  depression and anxiety can begin with an imbalance of calcium and magnesium.  magnesium is anti-inflammatory and a de-toxifier. magnesium is the master molecule of the human body and is needed in over 300 different process the body performs. it is the catalyst of life.  stress causes magnesium to be flushed out through the urine or bowels . deficiency of magnesium causes the body to accumulate toxins, degenerate quickly and premature aging leading to a host of other diseases.  72% of migraines are related calcium magnesium imbalance. magnesium is required for the body to produce and store energy. without magnesium there is no energy, no movement, no life. it is that simple .  magnesium permits a small amount of calcium to enter a nerve cell, just enough to allow electrical transmission along the nerves to and from the brain, then forces it back outside. even our thoughts, via brain neurons, are dependent on magnesium.  magnesium compounds keep calcium in solution.  if you are deficient in magnesium, you can get kidney or gall stones that contain insoluble forms of calcium. calcium represents a congealing or cementing quality, while magnesium represents dissolution or flexibility.  i know when to use calcium and magnesium in my green lawn.  Serotonin is a natural antidepressant, but your brain needs magnesium in order to make serotonin.  Low serotonin production can cause a number of symptoms including depression, obsessive thinking, and anxiety. When you're under stress your body loses more magnesium than usual.  vitamin d is the gatekeeper, while vitamin k as the traffic cop, directing the traffic to where it needs to go.  vitamin d is fat-soluble--meaning some dietary fat is necessary for its absorption like virgin coconut oil  or humped cow ghee.  the ratio of calcium to magnesium has to be 1:1, as compared with a 15:1 ratio in present-day diets.  magnesium is essential for thousands of enzymes in the body and may be said to represent enzyme strength, while calcium represents structural strength or bone strength. .  6200 year old ayurveda text charaka samhita dwelled on the calcium magnesium ratio. some of kerala women festivals were all about calcium/ magnesium ration food intake and easing menstrual pain.  ####   https://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2014/02/thiruvathira-karva-chauth-of-kerala.html   ####...  magnesium is essential for proper insulin levels. you cannot produce insulin, you cannot secrete insulin, and your cells cannot recognize insulin without proper levels of magnesium. excess calcium reduces magnesium.  calcium and magnesium work together in muscle contraction and relaxation.  if magnesium isn't available, the mineral ion channels in cells are left wide open and calcium floods in leading to it's calcification. loss of magnesium leads to a relentless increase of sodium and calcium which ultimately becomes the greatest form of cellular "stress”.  . refined gm oils and refined sugar  remove all magnesium.   the human body is equipped to absorb dietary magnesium sources from organic foods and not from pills , tablets and processed foods.  In tv reality shows like BIGG BOSS they keep the contestants low in magnesium so that they fight and behave in a stupid manner in the name of entertainment. .  GREEN REVOLUTION HAS BROUGHT DOWN THE LEVEL OF MAGNESIUM.   the father of green revolution was a deep state agent tamil iyengar jew ms swaminathan. his daughter dr soumya swaminathan ( agent of vaccine lobby ) is now the chief scientist of who pushing india into mRNA vaccines. mass bathing in ganges during kumbh mela is to INCREASE THE POPULATION OF BACTERIOPHAGES in the river water.. we hindus sip the ganges water as bacteriophages give us immunity. ganges is the only river on this planet which have bacteriophages. the west is inundated by allergy problems due to C-SECTION , IVF DELIVERIES and lack of breast feeding .. in hindu tradition when a baby boy is born, the father is not allowed to handle the baby till the 16 day.. On the 16th day, the father takes a bath, puts some ganges water ( containing bacteriophages ) on his scalp and squeezes some water from his hair from his kudumi ( shika ) into the babys mouth .. after that he will cuddle the child allowing skin to skin contact.. this is no savage superstition.  BALLS TO JEWISH DEEP STATE RACKETEER BBC..BASTARDS ! WE ASK MODI TO PUNISH EVIL BBC.




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