The new Master must be familiarized with the following. It shall be via a walk around and relevant brief notes. What is more important is what happened in your tenure----
Officers / crew chemical endorsements
Charterers blue book or commercial manual
Charterers contact list
Charterers reporting formats
USCG blue book
Class approved P&A manual
Charter party and special clauses
SIRE Vetting/ CDI filled out questionaire including matrix
Tank cleaning machines list
Tank cleaning heater auto temperature control
High level/overflow alarm status defects
Ballast unpumpables/ auto strip
Use of TC pump for deballasting
Ballast stripping systems
Manifold steam blow arrangement
Diffuser nozzles
Recirc molasses flange or spider/ octopus
Rob of tank cleaning chemicals
Cargo tank history
Last 3 cargoes handled by cargo hoses
Leaky cofferdam seals
Rob of wall wash chemicals
FWG capacity and current generation
TCFW tank rob and condition
Fixed ventilation
Dehumidifiers and heater
U,Y pieces list
Portable vents and capacities
Gas measuring instruments and calibration gases
Draeger tubes expiry list
Certificate of fitness and addendum
Tank lining manufacturers resistance list
Owners and charterers P&I address book
MMC UTI and sampler list
Sample locker
Cargo hoses certificate list and resistance tables
Steam hoses list
Butterworth hoses list
Superstrip hoses list
Nitrogen bottles list
Thermal oil heating system
Nitrogen generator room, lowest ppm Oxygen content obtained for padding.
Graphite bursting disc
Latex blanks
Cooler machinery.
Deck Sprinklers
Stern loading arrangement
Eyewash & thermal tracing
Chemical dosing tank
Wilden pump list
Graco barrel pump list
Graco injection points
Splash suits
Gas suits
IBC sets
Comp air trolley for Methanol spray
Walkie talkie lists
Splash couplings
Standard library
MFAG list
ETAs reporting
FOSFA lists
MSDS sheets
Verveys book
Brake test kit
Load lines zone chart
Vapor recovery system
DI water filters
pH paper and chloride meter
Passivation kits
Oxygen resuscitator and charge bottle with coupler
Tank pitting / coating failure details
Framo power pack
Hydraulic leaks
Framo spares
Ballast pumproom
Steam coils leaks
Steam return line siphoning drum
Sweeping ( veg oils ) gear
Passivation history
Tank coating paint ROB
Fixed gas detectors
Shadow sectors after tankcleaning high MP cargoes
Full face masks and organic filters
Vacuuming machines—tank
TIG set
MIG set
MIG set
Plasma cutter
Portable Framo , hoist and hoses
Stainless steel grinding tools
Camera and charger
Booster pump
Local readouts ( defective )
Manifold liquid Pressure gauges
Vapor pressure gauges
Class approved vapor pressure manual
Class approved stability book
PV maintenance done and PV test kit
Setting temp /ullage alarms in CCR
CCR line systems
Thermal laggings spare and copper tube tracers
Deck compressor
Silicon tubes
Gasket sheets spare
Cofferdam blow hoses
Stack stripping hoses
FW tankcleaning line
Kew machine
Enclosed spaces mannenquin
MFAG antidotes
Tankcleaning line connection to ballast line
Framo video
Projector on monkey island
Ballast water flow through system
Is there sufficient light at the manifold
Is there vacuum in the accommodation
Is there any oil / water carry over from the N2 compressor
Are there any dents or protrusions on the shipside
Are the hawsers floating type
If there is an online cargo system is trim correction being applied
If the UTI tube is NOT on the aft bulkhead is there sighting glass ports with wiper.
Do the PV stacks have stays to prevent N2 leak due to vibrations
Are all the overflow / high level alarms working
At atmospheric pressure are all tanks showing zero pressure
Do the tanks aft of the manifold have superstrip arrangements or a tilt of deck dischg pipe away from manifold
Are there sufficient hoses and U Y pipes for the charter
Are all items on forecastle and main deck streamlined
Is there a problem with SBT ROB or fast deballasting for heavy cargoes like Sulphuric acid
Are the UTI extension pipes perforated
Do the drops face forward for Tsunami recirc to avoid extensive sweeping of cargoes
Is there a sump or a saucer under the Framo bellmouth
Is it possible to give a water plug at good flow rate and pressure
Are there any leaky cofferdams for cargo AND for hydraulic oil
Are there any bunker tanks forward—if yes—is the heating inlet and return same as for cargo heating
Are there fixed drain pipes from manifold drip trays to slop tanks
Are there any accessories like ballast pump, crane, gas freeing fan –which derive juice from the Framo power pack and will restrict discharge rate
Are there any salt water pumps including engine room with cast iron casings
Anti piracy projector
Cargo pipeline gaskets with bolt holes or inserts.
Sufficient steam blow at manifold.
Does the galley have a natural inlet vent with wire mesh.
Sampling / sighting ports for SBT ballast
Metal to metal contact avoided for cargo hoses.
Hose cradle having curvature for self draining
Phenol fresh water heating arrangement
Bonding wire/ Teflon suppressors for high level alarms
Accumulator bottle for medical oxygen
Clear view screen on bridge—double chamber has heating to remove mist?
Sufficient blanks for steam inlet and return pipes
Harbour condition for loadicator
Side tanks SBT for fast list correction—list correction lines in pumproom
ODME tried out in flow rate mode
Dehumidifier and heater for fixed fan
Tanks not having delivery pipe block valves for internal recirc
Can the common collector be blanked into compartments
Can fixed vent fan be connected to the common collector to blow dry sump of non accumulator cargoes
Do the purge pipes ( if any ) have wiremesh
Sufficient spider/ octopus flanges
Deckpipes of forward tanks having MEG fg drain cocks at manifold area
Double defence packing Teflon inner / rubber outer for ports
All hyd stubs and couplings denso taped
Receptacles for 200 litre chemical drums –lashing without crushing drum body.
Equaliser line between port and stbd slops?
Any drain tanks for manifold tray contents?
Methanol spray airline BA
On every PV stack—N2 gas reception valve
Connection between TC line and ballast line
All deck steam lines insulated with Polyster resin
DI water set
N2 connection to VRS
Removable connection from slop pump dischg to TC line
Removable connection N2 to SBT for Propylene oxide
Sprinkler cooling on main deck
2 nos VRS banks for California trade
Deck air compressor
PV stack to have pressure guage fitting housing
Thermal oil heater with auto temp regulator
Anemometer repeater in CCR
Portable vents which can be fitted to the manifold for air extraction from tank bottom.
Gracco injection point after TC heater
Splash couplings for manifold—SS –Polypropylene
At least 800 tons of TCFW capacity
FW gen capacity—actual production , difference
Training video for deepwell pump model.
Calibrator master --for temp/ pressure
Siphoning chamber for steam return
Molasses filter
Separate drop line for each tank
Molasses booster pump at manifold with shelter from salt spray
Local LCD readouts for ullage working
Drain tank for stern line with vent led away from accdn
Lathe in ER
Secondary welds inside tanks
Tank cleaning lines are SS
Graphite bursting disc arrangement—with guage for space between
Arrangement to purge N2 in steam coils
Wolf air turbo lamps with anti static hose
Small Teflon insert wilden pump—larger Neoprene insert
Welding return cable
Annex 1 line at manifold to use any tank as slop tank
Airblow orifice inboard of manifold for super strip tanks
Drop lines led to middle of tank
97% 98% welded stubs to see from peephole
No damage at locks—all items on deck sufficiently recessed from ship side
Drain cock at lowest point of VRS pipes aft
Parasol for security and wall wash
Closed chock aft for STS operations
UV shelter for cargo hoses
Sample locker to have SS trays
Urinal and wash at accomodation entrance
Anti static bare patches at ladder rails
Foot type safety trips for grinder and lathes
Antisplash tapes
Non return valve for water plug line at manifold –to avoid ingress into SBT
Locking nut for steam coil clamps.
Few important dates to note--
1)Portable fire extinguishers last serviced
2)Fixed CO2 last serviced
3)Fixed foam sample analysis
4)SCBA last serviced
5)Cargo gear register last annual
6)Last quarterly listing recd on board
7)Daily steering gear compartment inspection
8)Weekly DSC test
9)Last dischg of engine room bilges as per ORB
10)Ships articles last entry
11)ER ORB last entry
12)Suptd's last visit
13)Crew certification status spread sheet last sent to office
14)Last update in PMS
15)Last transfer to office of PMS data
16)Last record of tests prior arr port Solas ch 5
17)Rest hours last update
18)Appraisal reports sent
19)Stowaway search in decklog
20)Vsl checked for contraband last entry
21)Last SQEMS review by master
22)Last signature of Mate in cadets record book
23)Fixed CO2 blowing ext lines
24)Pressure test of cargo / ballast lines
25)LB falls end to end/ renewed
26)Launching resue boat/ LB
27)Last ERP drill
28)Last safety commitee meeting
29)Last revision of SOPEP/ and SMS manuals
30)Last SOPEP drill
31)Last plastics landed/ incineration
32)Expired medicines / batteries last stow
33)Last of all company checklists incl small craft for bunker barge
34)Last LEL/ pH of void/ ballast tanks
35)Last SOPEP inventory
36)Last inventory of medicines and antidotes with expiry dates
37)Accomodation gangway wire renewal
38)Crane wires renewal
39)Lifting appliances inspection log entry
40)Brake rendering test--with torque value tag at screw
41)Galley hood cleaned ( verbal from cook )
42)Last fire drill scenario--verbal from one crewmember from each dept.
43)Random alcometer
44)Last shore alcohol test
45)Last shore based drug test
46)Bridge equipment maintenance register--last entry
47)Last weekly NM
48)Last sights in sight register by Mate/ Second Mate/ Third mate/ Cadet
49)Masters night orders
50)Last filed EGC/ Navtex
51)Last deviation curve
52)Last compass adjusted
53)Inspection round after bridge watch and reported log entry
54)Last entry on course recorder paper
55)Last entry on echo sounder paper
56)33 CFR 164.25 entry prior entering US ports
57)Astern propulsion log entry
58)Master has the con log entry
59)Last gyro servicing--as dymoed on equipment
60)Last Magnetron renewal as marked on radar
61)Chronometer error rate
62)Clocks synchronised log entry
63)Daily/ weekly/ monthly tests of GMDSS
64)Battery banks renewal dates
65)Current ALRS last correction
66)Loadicator calibration printout
67)Last bar diagram for loading/ discharging
68)Electronic LAN port log --last entry
69)Testing high/ overflow level alarms log entry
70)Remote shut down of Framo power pack log entry
71)Last ODME function test
72)Last HO/ DO/ Lub sample landed
73)Last hotwork permit
74)Bunker soundings last entry
75)Remote trips QCV tested
76)Defect list register last entry or NIL entry date
77)Last functon test/ calibration of gas measuring instruments
78)Pressure guages / temp guages/ loop calibrations with master calibrator. Tell Chengr to demonstrate the pressure test kit
79)Last near miss report
80)Last report to DPA
81)Last report to QI
82)Status of observations last sent
83)Last removal report
84)Last crew video training signed sheet
85)24 hr/ 3 day/ 15 day familiarisation forms last ones
86)UTI annual calibration
87)Heating coils pressure test 6 monthly--stencil/ log entry
88)Testing of cargo hoses to MaWP--stencil-dates
89)Alcometer calibration shore/ ship
90)Bomb search drill
91)Sludge burning entry in machinery Annex 1 ORB
92)Oily rags incineration in Garbage register
93)MOB drill
94)SCBA compressor use
95)Fire wallet stowage plan- date
96)Last bond issue in bond register
97)Last entry date in medical log
98)Electrical continuity test hoses/ mast wires
99)Hyd vvs timing log entry
100)Power pack oil change record
101)PV vent vacuum wire mesh clean date
102)Cargo tank last inspection date
103)Ballast tank last entry date
104)Navarea register--last entry date
105)ECDIS certificates of Nav Officers.
106)Bilge suctions tried out
107)ME tried out from emg stations
108)Galley comminutator last used -verbal from cook
109)Weather fax printout
110)Oldest sample in sample locker
111)ERP contact list displayed at Satcom B phones
112)Barometer shore calib
113)Last VEF update
114)PV valves last overhauled log entry date
115)Look out during darkness hours
116)Verbal information from lookout--when last tankcleaning with deck lights on
117)Monthly inventories posted in all stores update
118)Talk back system test
119)Spare part inventories
120)Last VRS training
121)Last rescue from encl spaces with dummy and breathing app.
122)Last cargo ops meeting with crew ( verbal from Bosun and AB )
123)Last energy conservation meeting
124)Last Synergi SMS report
125)Last time sewage treatment plant stopped for maintenance
126)Last passivation
127)Last filling up of hospital scupper water traps
128)Last laundry drier lint removal-verbal steward
129)Last aldis lamp battery charged
130)Last Framo portable tried out
131)Last Graco pump tried out
132)Last cofferdam blow
133)USCG records
Master when taking over to check the ship side and bows for hull dents and damages.
Cargo and ballast history , Use of N2 plant and tankcleaning procedures history must be available on board.
The last class survey status report must not be > 4 months old.
Existence of doublers anywhere within vsls structure and deck strapping must be reported by taking over master.
There must be annual reports of inspections of vessels tanks and DB with profile of 6 faces—structural deterioration and failure, corrosion, pitting, wastage, coating breakdown, leakages, condition of cargo handling and monitoring equipment, striker plates , sumps, sediment build up etc
The above Chemical specific list, is by no means comprehensive.
30 years in command.