somebody called me and cried
you have written that the essence of bhagawad gita is “ be in the moment”..
Even a animal know this.
We are humans—far above monkey level
Vedas mentioned consciusness 400 centuries ago.. Nobody understood it, till the advent of quantum physics .
The pioneers of quantum physics shat in their pants when they saw the “double slit experiment”.
They threw away their torahs and bibles and picked up sanatana dharma. They wrote in their wills that they wanted to be cremated after death with hindu rites..
Till that point they considered sanatana dharma as a savage religion, but discovered that sanatana dharma is advanced quantum physics..
Both shiva and his wife shakti are cosmic allegories not mortals, who created the universe as purusha ( consciousness ) and prakriti ( energy )..
Purusha symbolizes consciousness, the masculine principle. Prakriti symbolizes the feminine principle, the activating energy
Atharva veda downloaded 400 centuries ago, has advanced quantum physics- it will take another 500 years for the planet to come in terms..
Shocking atharva veda ( prati prasava ) matters were never penned down 70 centuries ago.
The current can influence the past at the quantum level.. The 13 strand dna ( nil junk ) supermen could do this.
Vadakayil used the atharva veda quantum erasor method partially.
Consciousness is fundamental and it is directly intertwined with what we call physical material matter. You cannot explain consciousness in terms of the existing fundamentals like space, time, mass, and charge.
In the the quantum double slit experiment tiny bits of matter (photons, electrons, or any atomic-sized object) are shot toward a screen that has two slits in it. When there is no measuring device placed at the screen, the tiny bits of matter act as a “wave” and creates an “interference” pattern on the other side where a wall is placed to catch the pattern.
Because there was no measuring or observation device used to see what slit the matter went through, we cannot know what path it took. When the pattern on the wall is examined to see what path it took, it represents a wave of possibilities, meaning the matter (particle) went through both slits, and one slit, and interfered with itself, which should be physically impossible.
When an observation device is set up to observe what slit the particles goes through, the particle then only goes through one, thus collapsing the wave pattern and forming a pattern that is representative of the particle only going through one slit.
In other words, the behaviour of the matter changes when we decide to measure it, almost acting as if it was aware that it’s being watched. The pattern on the wall set up behind the slit screen will show this pattern. 50 percent of the time the particle will go through one slit, and the other 50 it will go through the other and form a two slit pattern, just as if they were balls lobbed through one slit or the other.
Observations not only disturb what has to be measured, they produce it…we compel (the electron) to assume a definite position…we ourselves produce the results of the measurement
What would happen if we didn’t set up a measuring device to observe what slit the matter went through, and instead, what if behind the back wall there were detectors? One detector is focused on each slit, and just before the particle lands on the screen after it has passed through the slit device, the detectors are pulled away.
When no one could detect which slit the photon had gone through, there was a wave pattern, but when the detectors were in place, there was no wave pattern. Similar to observing the particles before they went through the slit. No observation produced an interference pattern, and observation formed a one line, one slit pattern.
If they collapse to a state of particles from a wave at the moment of detection, after they have gone past the slit device, this means that even though they went through the slit unobserved and should produce a wave (interference) pattern, the very act of observing, still, instantly transforms them into particles and collapses the wave function.
This begs the question, how could these detectors interfere with something that had already happened? It would mean that what happened in the present changed the past. The very act of detecting the particles after they go through the slit determines how they went through the slit, either as a wave or as particles.
erwin schrodinger wrote: “vedanta teaches that consciousness is singular, all happenings are played out in one universal consciousness and there is no multiplicity of selves.”
with consciousness, we can think, judge, feel and experience with awareness.when you inject poison into the subconscious via subliminal messages , a slimy dark art of persuasion, the results are permanent. this was the reason prati prasava was never penned down in 5000 bc.
subliminal messages are signals below the absolute threshold level (atl) of our conscious awareness.. we cannot become consciously aware of subliminal stimuli even if we look for it..
mantra is the sound-body of consciousness.
consciousness becomes energy and then transforms to matter.. consciousness is the creative force of the entire universe.
the field of consciousness contains information about everything that has happened since the dawn of time. our bodies are piezo-electric bio-crystals, resonant transducers of living light and life force. we have unlimited access to the radiant field of consciousness which is infinite active universal intelligence ( mahat/ brahman, the hindu advaita vedanta god which cannot be picked up by our 5 sense ).
it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a quantum object. when one measures the position of an electron it will destroy information about the electrons momentum; your observation disturbs it . all this is lifted from the vedas
parvati asks her husband shiva questions on prana.. shiva responds telling her to keep it a secret.. shiva tells parvati –take your pick– he tells her to choose anyone of the 108 methods.. yoga is suppression with awareness; tantra is indulgence with awareness.. the entire cosmos is a manifestation of prana.
lord shiva gives his wife parvati most profound methods of centering oneself using a lover ( this is not sex) , achieving pure awareness, quantum entrainment, consciousness , prana amplification , focusing the mind like a laser beam using bose condensate method , the meaning of om, channeling the breath for nitric oxide boost, the alpha / theta frequency states, nadis, bindu of sri yantra geometry , shabda brahman, advaita brahman , raising kundalini, the chakras, mudras, tattwas, delusions of maya, core of shakti , shifting dominant nostril etc etc – ..
all this is beyond the intelligence of fake homosexuality pushing padma vibhushan gurus for whom rothschild has opened out hundeds of branches abroad.. the modern man is not intelligent enough or perceptive enough to understand the ancient tantra—which has been reduced to sex and perversion..
marmas are used therapeutically in ayurveda/ kalari to bring in a shift of consciousness in the cells. yoga is an alchemical process of balancing and transforming energies of the psyche. .
the hindu advaita god is brahman, the morphogenetic field of consciousness. at a micro scale it is the empty space within an atom in which electrons whizz around in mobius perpetual motion , which is 99.9999 % of the atom .. at macro scale it is the akasha ( zero point field ) of the vast cosmos…
by itself advaita field cannot do much.. this is why we superimpose the dvaita template on the advaita template.. dvaita vedanta ( it has nothing to do with fake madhavacharya cooked up by jew rothschild ) has the hindu god trinity ( with their wives saraswati/ laxmi parvati ) inherent.. brahma ( creator ) / vishnu ( mediator ) / shiva ( destroy ) reality nothing is being created or destroyed, it is only transformed ( energy) .vishnu holds the fulcrum in a dynamic manner as explained by the planetary gear. .
brahma and shiva are merely opposite forces , like evaporation and condensation.. vishnu decides when , with what force as mediator and for how long as sustainer.. sankhya vedanta is about the observer and the observed , advanced quantum physics.. the observer is purusha ( shiva as consciousness ) and the observed is prakriti ( shakti as energy ) . .
VERSE NO 2 nasadiya sukta Rig Veda 5000 BC--.. नमृत्युरासीदमृतंनतर्हिनरात्र्याअह्नआसीत्प्रकेतः।.. आनीदवातंस्वधयातदेकंतस्माद्धान्यन्नपरःकिंचनास॥२॥.. na mrutyurasidamrutam na tarhi | na ratrya ahna asitpraketah |.. anidavatam svadhaya tadekam | tasmaddhanyannaparah ki~jchanasa || 2 ||.. There was no cycle of birth or decay.. Nor a mediator for darkness and light.. The field of CONSCIOUSNESS breathed , self sustaining .. Apart from morphogenetic BrahmAn , there was none !....
. it’s because of our consciousness that we keep seeing things as we do. our consciousness is a point of attention where we watch the movement of energy through a single point of perception. it is by this understanding that things appear to be… in fundamental reality, everything is existent, without any movement. movement only comes when we decide to fix our consciousness in the past, present and future…
the past, present and future, are all one and the same thing. this linearity is referred to as the oblique ray of time..
तिरश्चीनोविततोरश्मिरेषामधःस्विदासीदुपरिस्विदासी. रेतोधाआसन्महिमानआसन्स्वधाअवस्तात्प्रयतिःपरस्तात्.. Rig Veda 5000 BC….tirashchino vitato rashmireshamadhah | svidasi duparisvidasi |..retodha asanmahiman asanna | SVADHO AVASTAT PRAYATIH PARASTAT || 5 ||.. An oblique ray cut Being from Non-being . What was described above, and what below this screen? Above was the power of conscious intent , Below was the strength of creative discipline…… .. ### Meanings : AVASTAT – before time / PARASTAT - beyond, further on……… #####
it only progresses this way because conscious humans exist to observe its passing. singularity ( the bindu of sri yantra divine geometry of om ) , the is the point at which everything we experience arises from and ultimately falls back into. it is where consciousness resides….
the future doesn’t exist until we create it. we conscious humans are the catalysts, the factors that decide whether our minds realize something or not…. the reality is, we can never isolate ourselves from the universe, because we form part of the equation, always. to get unbeatable bhishma to lay down his arms krishna stopped kala chakra
a change will be happening at the beginning of aquarius... this will be a kalki change in consciousness
as proved amply by the double slit experiment the consciousness of the observer brought the observed object into being. our intentions create our reality. there is a deep connection between consciousness and matter.
sanatana dharma is the only religion which used words like soul and consciousness
when you get moksha – your soul merges back nay reunites with the supreme creator ( the morphogenetic consciousness field of brahman ). you are now god… sanatana dharma does not require any hindu to pray to god, like in every other 4200 odd religions ..
a hindu does not have to fear god or beg for forgiveness/ mercy or repent for his sins..everything is taken care of by the laws of karma.. this is quantum physics.. only you can save yourself.. all other dogma single holy book single messiah religions assure you of either heaven or hell after death.. there is no heaven or hell in hinduism…
in sanatana dharma you can have heaven while living here on earth it self, as a jivan mukt.. cremation is symbolic of burning negative ego laden samskaras …jivan mukht sages can do astral travel. their soul leaves the body takes a ride at faster than light speed and then re-enters the body…
when you achieve turiya you are now a jivan mukt , entitled for moksha. your third eye is open. your soul is free even while inside your body . the soul can levitate and watch its own cadaver . acceptance of god prepares a hindu for our real goal of life, called moksha. sanatana dharma is not an atheist religion.. the upanishads are not philosophy but are darshanas, “something seen” and therefore to be realized.
it is in the upanishads we find all the fundamentals that are central to hinduism — the concepts of ‘karma’ (action), ‘samsara’ (reincarnation), ‘moksha’ (nirvana), the ‘atman’ (soul), and the ‘brahman’ (absolute almighty- the morphogenetic consciousness field )… once your accrued karma log is cleared , on god’s sanction alone, you attain moksha, which is the final end to endless earthly sojourns ( re-births)…
moksha can happen only when the soul frequency and frequency of the mother field brahman ( morphogenetic consciousness field – seventh astral layer ) is the same.. moksha is purely karma based. there is no short cut or jugaad possible– like rothschilds creation babaji ( or some rascal like sri sri ravishankar/ sadguru jaggi vasudev ) giving you deeksha ..
remember we are all immortal. we all were born with the stars . you , your great grandfather and you would be great grandson were all born at the same split second… soul’s journey is from earth to a suitable astral layer of same soul frequency, then again back on earth , till the soul frequency rises to highest to be the same as the seventh layer , for final merge with brahman ( moksha –final stop).. “soul” gives perpetual motion to your heart . your soul was once part of the mother field brahman.... it yearns to merge back –it yearns for moksha ( home coming )..
when you get moksha your soul has merged with brahman ( mother field ) and you are now free from endless rebirths.. what you see in the mirror is not you, you are your soul . . your body is like a rented home or a pair of jeans .. you are your soul – a ball of energy once a part of brahman the field.. . no tears are shed at the hindu cremation ceremony ( women cannot enter the cremation yard ) - after all the soul will either get moksha ( merge with the universe ) or be re-inducted to one of the 7 astral layers awaiting next induction onto planet earth ( re-birth ).. for a hindu , cremation is a must – he will not compromise on this..
when you die, and if you have not got moksha your soul is parked on any of the bottom 6 astral layers– corresponding to the lowest 6 chakras long as you have accumulated negative baggage of karma , your soul is parked in one of the bottom 6 astral layers .. you ( your soul ) is re-inducted back on earth , from any of the bottom 6 astral layers to give you another chance to reduce your karmic baggage -from the bottom 6 layers. you are not punished for a single incident of bad karma.. the field of brahman ( god ) , does not treat all the same..
this is why some are beautiful having brains who are respected , while some are ugly lepers with nil brains who are despised .. unlike what fake gurus have been spreading– you ( soul ) are forging your destiny on your own terms while on planet earth .. karma is not fate, for we act with what can be described as a conditioned free will creating our own destinies. destiny is commonly regarded as fate - but both are as different as chalk and cheese.
in sanatana dharma we forge the hinges of our destiny on our own terms.. we are in control of our destiny but have no control over our fate. destiny cannot be forced on us; if we are forced then it is our fate. fate is determined by god who has overriding powers.. karma is something that you get based on what you put out. on the other hand fate, is that will happen inevitably..
fate is something that has been written in your life even before you were born.. by fate, it has been already decided that you should be born to certain parents, born at a certain place- say – somalia.. my genome tells me rothschilds are in somalia.. karma is related to the soul whereas fate is not. when karma is related to one’s actions, fate is related to god’s will.. fate ( vidhi )is the outcome of your past karmic baggage before you were born into your mother’s womb– and god has decided in advance this is what you deserve..
god , has tracked your soul path ever since you became a conscious human being.. this is why my wife matched more than 500 horoscopes for my elder son when he had to choose a wife. it has been explained in vedanta that we human beings are partly free and partly determined. it nonsense to say that fate places obstacles in the way of free will. hindusim does not allow man to escape responsibility by blaming fate,( for fate is of his own making in his previous lived ), nor by blaming god, for he is but the dispenser of fruits in accordance with the merits of past actions..
fate chose your blood relatives not your friends... we reap what we sow. we harvest our karma. animals like humans are not exempt from fate . brahman decides fate by factoring in past soul samskaras . once you evolve and become human, you do not take re-birth as an animal .if your karmic baggage is too high, you will take re-birth to suffer. karma deals in energy. it is not actions alone which increases you karmic baggage but bad intentions too. our intations are scalar , our thoughts are electric , our feelings are magnetic. fate ( vidhi )is the outcome of our past karmic baggage – and god has decided in advance this is what you deserve.
karmic negative baggage has to be lived and worked out. there is no way of avoiding it. humans are the result of their deeper mind and its store of countless impressions ( soul samskaras ) from the past. bear in mind that every small act that you perform is the resultant of triple conjoint forces, viz., freewill, character and fate. life is 1% of what happens and 99% of how you react to it..
.. consciousness is advanced quantum physics.. imagine indian hindu sages dabbled in consciousness 400 centuries ago.. it was considered as savage superstition till the white quantum physicists conducted the double slit experiment of the conscious observer
the arrogantly named ‘pure sciences’ such as physics, chemistry and biology regard consciousness and scalar energy as some philosophical backwater of savage superstitious hindus.. blinded by reductionism, neuroscience persists in attempting to reduce the action of consciousness to the physical laws that govern matter..
it is no great coincidence that all the great quantum scientists were proficient in sanskrit and vedanta. why would an intelligent white man learn the language if savages , sanskrit?.. why would the greatest western universities have a sanskrit dept ? the timeless principles of vedanta is expressed in the technical language of quantum mechanics and the philosophy of science, even today with little or no attenuation of meaning.
when modern science meets ancient vedanta eye to eye, there will be pralaya.. in the two-slit experiment, if the physicist looks for a particle (uses a particle detector), he will find a particle; if he looks for a wave (uses a screen), he will see a wave pattern before him. physical objects only “appear” due to the collapse of their probability waves by a conscious observer.. in sankhya vedanta , male purusha ( shiva ) is a conscious observer ( witness ) while female prakriti ( shakti / scalar energy ) is observed..
the quantum world cannot be observed by our 5 senses, and they do not follow the cause and effect laws of classical physics the distinction between the self and the universe is a false dichotomy..
any observer must be conscious, and therefore the consciousness of the observer is critical to the outcome of any quantum experiment. it is no great coincidence that almost all the great quantum scientists were proficient in vedanta. ..#### ‘om isha vasyam idam sarvam, yat kincha jagatyam jagat’…. “ all this- whatever exists in this changing universe, is pervaded by consciousness”.. isa upanishad- 5000 bc.. ####..
the timeless principles of vedanta is expressed in the technical language of quantum mechanics and the philosophy of science, even today with little or no attenuation of meaning..
the zero-point field is essentially an entropic mess of scalar energy vibrating through an infinite number of possible frequencies until that energy is observed or the subject of consciousness, whence that energy becomes organized and transforms into matter. scalar waves can be used in “precursor engineering” and can be coupled with intention and consciousness, and be used for healing and also to bring back the immune system in a previous blue print state. this is the principle of vedic reiki..
scalar waves are not electromagnetic but composed of pure zero point energy.. scalar waves can pass through solid metal objects without loss of strength.. reiki energy is scalar and cannot be blocked by faraday cages .. quantum entanglement is the basis for storage and processing of quantum information.. quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which pairs or groups of particles that have been in contact with each other seem to remain connected over vast distances. when actions are performed on one of the particles, corresponding changes are observed on the others. the blurring of boundaries between consciousness and matter challenges everything taught in western systems..
matter belongs to larger and slower waves, which implies that it possesses less scalar energy of the absolute. mind is made out of much finer ripples, which indicate that it contains more of the consciousness of the absolute
material science is based on objective forces in our universe that obey strict laws of behavior. were consciousness proven to exist, it would imply a force unknown to science and it has shades of religiosity that scientists recoil in horror.. if consciousness were proven to affect matter at the most basic level all of materialist science would collapse.. human consciousness can affect the very fabric of reality with no proximity limitation. from anywhere in the world, a 12 strand dna maharishi’s , or a 13 strand dna vishnu avatar’s intentions can collapse a particle wave function into a definite state..
quantum physicists had to admit that at the smallest levels of known reality, our universe is not objective or predictable.. you intentions and consciousness play a huge role. this explains the power of prayer and the placebo effect.. the whole of material creation is conscious.
what our consciousness can conceive , it can also create.. indians introduced prayer to this planet. indians introduced astrology.. consciousness is a form of matter just as matter is a form of consciousness. all atoms in the entire universe are capable of mind reading and communicating with other atoms–the basis of astrology
the kerala school of math used math as a spiritual activity –based on which astrology thrived. they used math as a most subtle and rigorous form of thought.. each individual mind has access to the universal mind. human perception occurs because of interactions between the subatomic particles of our brains an the quantum energy sea. . we literally resonate the cosmos.
we know the principle of astrology are in consonance with the science of the future.. the quantum field or pure consciousness is influenced by intention. longitudinal scalar waves from your mobius supercoil dna couples with intention and consciousness. . intentions enhance the body’s natural flow of scalar energy produced by dna. your dna can send and receive powerful data through the universal network of ether.. today we find so many rationalists ( atheists in the payroll of nwo, and christians ) trying to run down astrology..
my wife matched more than 500 horoscopes to choose a bride for my elder son. do i look like a cunt to you ? to get the perfect theory of everything toi, consciousness has to be factored in by science. it will not be possible to understand gravity without doing this. every atom within us depends on the rest of the cosmos.. this is the basis for vedic jyothish or astrology. there are very few real astrologists nowadays, most are pretenders as they were forced to starve during 800 years of slavery
. the moment a dimwit rationalist in the pay roll of the nwo or the christian evangelists say that astrology is nonsense the deep state owned benami media makes him an instant eminent intellectual. . imagine pea brained girish karnad / kalburgi / pansare / gauri lankesh / dhabolkar/ ur ananthamurthy / br ambedkar / evr periyar/ romila thapar and their ilk had a problem only with sanatana dharma, never the other 4200 cooked up useless religions ..
in sanatana dharma, astrology can discern past samskaras.. the astrologer can weed out your inner demons.. don’t ever pooh pooh this.. through past-life regression, it’s possible to heal your mind, body and soul, as well as strengthen your present-day relationships.. astrology, has helped the hindu in identifying important components of his karma and destiny. in kerala if you have made your horoscope for your child forget about getting a groom/ bride from a good decent hindu home..
you can go ahead and marry chutney mary whores.. astrology connects our world and our physical organisms with the vast cosmos uniting the microcosm and the macrocosm.. astrology is the interaction of micro particles and energy that invisibly fills our universe.. ### “purushyo’yam loka sannidah” . “man is a miniature universe” –(charaka samhita iv) 4200 bc. ####..
a jivan mukt sage went into the turiya state beyond the veil of maya.. turiya holds the real secret of our existence—in the om symbol, the curve is the quantum maya screen and the dot on top is turiya.. transcendence is a state of being that has overcome the limitations of physical existence. turiya consciousness is the ultimate goal of spirituality for here you know what freedom and bliss is all about..
in turiya stateyou experience detachment and joy . . turiya or pure consciousness, where the mind is not engaged in thinking but just observes the thoughts.. actions in the turiya state do not create karma.. a jivan mukt sage whose soul is at same highest frequency as brahman the field, does not dream, because he has no polarity. he’s just a witness
akasha, the macro morphogenetic consciousness field , as per vedanta is the source of everything that exists, and in which the memory of the cosmos is encoded. by consuming soma, lesser rishis were able to access the akashik knowledge bank. consciousness ( brahman ) is the only element in creation that knows itself.. “prajnānam brahma”– brahman knows everything.
the quantum field or pure consciousness is influenced by intention and desire.
you can hide your intentions from others but not from yourself or the universe.. karma is a universal law rooted in quantum physics ; it cannot be broken. you are a small cog within many other cogs. when you move, you move all the other cogs. this is about consciousness and quantum physics. there is no dogma or superstition here. sanatana dharma is enmeshed with karma— karma gives us hope, in this lifetime. karma doctrine makes sanatana dharma a great religion. there is no eternal hell in sanatana dharma.
. listen to your soul and the mission it has for you.. our thoughts create our reality. think negative thoughts, and our lives will be full of negativity.. the universe is woven from consciousness .. it knows what goes on in your mind.. karma is “intention based ” not action based.. if you do a bad deed with good intention, you dont get bad karma– and vice versa. .
karma is that catalyst that connects actions and thoughts with the quantum ripples of energy that in essence creates this dynamism in life here and hereafter.. this is why intention is such a powerful thing. it moves the cosmos.. the thing with karma is that it doesn’t always happen immediately. sometimes we have to wait for years. sometimes our karma arrives without us even knowing it, or knowing what form it has taken.. don’t dwell on your past mistakes or worry about what might happen in the future because that will attract negativity into your life.
when you are unconcerned about what life deals you, you will probably find that you achieve success effortlessly. . we need to use our intuition to guide us when to stand up for ourselves and when to just accept things as they are. if we are honest with ourselves and put our egos to one side we will know..
karma catches up behind closed doors, unlike what charlatan padma vibhushan guru sadgu jaggi vasudev told on tv, gay men can have anal sex behind closed doors.. if you don’t support homosexuality and anal sex you cannot come in a main stream media studio or news outlet..
karma is a universal law; it cannot be broken.. the doctrine of karma teaches: “do not blame anybody when you suffer. do not accuse god. blame yourself first. you will have to reap what you have sown in your previous birth.. an individual’s karma is based on their thoughts, words, and intentional actions and the choices they make.. karma is not punishment or retribution but simply an expression or consequence of natural acts.. karma is like a seed, most of the times karma does not fructify immediately after the seed is sown.. “law of karma” is like a universal law say “law of gravity” – it applies whether you accept or reject the law..
karma means you create your own life. karma is an unbreakable law of the cosmos. you deserve everything that happens to you, good or bad. you created your happiness and your misery. the whole universe is observing you.. karma treats everyone equally. you won’t get special treatment.. the doctrine of karma only can bring solace, contentment, peace and strength to the afflicted and the desperate. it solves our difficulties and problems of life
karma is self-balancing divine justice; it is 100% fair and absolutely infallible. it doesn’t matter if a criminal seems to “get away with it”, because there is no getting away with it – karma will eventually catch up with him.. karma is simply an opportunity to make good – it neither punishes nor rewards; it simply guides. the aim of every religion is to give hope.. but the single messiah / single holy book religions put you under servility. the mullahs and popes want to save you–because they have a hot line with god you see.
in sanatana dharma there is no middle man between you and god.. the purport of the term karma is to make individuals take ownership for their conscious actions. the consequences of your actions good or bad may will follow you into the next life. . zindagi na milegi doobara hedonism is a concept of single messiah burial religions.. the doctrine of karma brings hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless, joy to the cheerless and new strength to the weak. it braces up a sunken man. it is an ideal “pick-me-up” for the depressed and gloomy
clairvoyance is the ability of one person to “tune in” to another person’s field of consciousness and pick up their thoughts – both the conscious and unconscious ones.. vedas say that human consciousness is formed by quantum effects in or between brain cells. structures inside brain neurons called microtubules as sources of laser-like coherence for the brain’s vibrational hierarchy.
the brain processes and stores information holographically as a massively parallel processing and associative computer system. . vedanta is the very science of consciousness at both human and cosmic levels. it recognises consciousness as the ultimate reality and affirms its presence in all existence. mantra is the sound-body of consciousness.. in a hologram, any part of the hologram with sufficient size contains the whole of the stored information. a piece of a long-term memory is similarly distributed over a dendritic arbor so that each part of the dendritic network contains all the information stored over the entire network.
holograms encode distributed information as multi-scalar interference of coherent vibrations, e.g. from lasers. vedas say that brain is a holographic storage device… this model allows for important aspects of human consciousness, including the fast associative memory that allows for connections between different pieces of stored information and the non-locality of memory storage (a specific memory is not stored in a specific location, i.e. a certain neuron) device
both “time” and “space” exist within the realm of our all pervading consciousness .. vedas have told us 400 centuries ago that brahman is the fundamental entity from which everything else has come. cunt charles darwin and his monkey gang may not agree.