someone called me up and cried ,, CAPTAIIN YOU WROTE THE FOLLOWING BRILLIANT WORDS ..QUOTE: ... a culture is a time tested means to an end-- the culture ( or way of life ) of the more highly developed nation MUST NOT BE “imposed” upon the less developed peoples . culture should be appreciated in terms of itself. what is moral in one culture might be immoral or ethically neutral in another …. culture could be a logical construct, or a psychic defense mechanism or even an abstraction from behavior. once established, culture has a life of its own. it flows down through time from one generation to another. it is the most highly developed means of promoting freedom from worry and continuity of life, in a series that began with the simple reflex. man's immediate prehuman ancestors had societies, but they did not have culture. CULTURE can cause a person to die of hunger, though nourishment is available, because some foods are branded unclean by the culture. and it can cause a person to disembowel or shoot himself to wipe out a stain of dishonour. all know how america force fed pork to their islamic prisoners at guantanamo bay prison. culture is stronger than life and stronger than death. culture triumphs over death and offers man eternal life.. cultures themselves must never ever be evaluated or graded as higher and lower, superior or inferior.. i was a successful captain at sea ( for 30 years ) because i respected culture. RESPECT CULTURE! UNQUOTE ..captain, we never though in this lucid way.. can you expound?.. lady gaga sang the us national antherm at the joe biden swearing in ceremony. #### ####... i have see live videos of lady gaga throwing herself into the audience and allowing both men and women to suck her exposed cunt.. see this is normal.. will afghans allow this pathetic american culture?.. wives of british mps go for dogging— train sex on the road side with strangers.. black men with dirty long dicks are most welcome, the more the merrier .. will afghan culture ever accept this? happiest nation finland there are animal brothels where sheep with front teeth removed give blow jobs to men.. these perverted men can get a hop only this way.. i have put a picture in one of my blogs where ten nen are sitting in line with ten sheep sucking their pricks.. you see they wont get a hop alone.. WHY DO AFGHAN WOMEN WEAR BURKHA? .. BECAUSE ATTRACTIVE WOMEN GET KIDNAPPED. THERE ARE NO SECURITY CAMS/ MOBILE PHONE TOWERS/ POLICE STATIONS .. PUTTING ON A BURQA CHECKMATED THE WHOLE THING. NOBODY KNOWS IF THE WOMAN INSIDE IS OLD/ YOUNG OR UGLY/ ATTRACTIVE. let american women wear mini skirts with no panties underneath and show their beavers to strangers.. It becomes impossible to lift up each individual loose fitting burqa and check out what is underneath. The sunshine heat absorbent black color was a deterrent for women to go out in the sun. AFGHANS DON’T WANT THIS AAARRGGHH PPTTHHEEEOOOOYY “WESTERN WAY OF LIFE”. SHOVE IT AND SHOW IT GOOD. #### ####.. MY WIFE GOT HER BCOM DEGREE.. SHE DOES NOT WANT TO GO TO AN OFFICE AND WORK 9 TO 5.. SHE IS HAPPY THE WAY SHE IS, SERVING HER HUSBAND AND SONS.. EVERY MEAL I ATE IN THE LAST 38 YEARS OF MARRIED LIFE, (WHEN NOT ON SHIP ) HAS BEEN COOKED BY MY WIFE, AS A LABOR OF LOVE.. dont ever think vadakayil who commanded ships for 30 years is a pauper. the west and indian yuppies change their cars often.. i still drive my 22 year old baleno.. it has priceless memories/ nostalgia attached. THE IDEA OF BURQA WAS TO PROTECT WOMEN IN A HARSH ENVIRONMENT.. NOT TO SUPPRESS THIE HUMAN RIGHTS ( LIKE WESTERN FLASHING PUSSY TO STRANGERS )…. ##### KORAN CHAPTER 33, VERSE 59:-- O Prophet, enjoin your wives and your daughters and the believing women, to draw a part of their outer coverings around them.110 It is likelier that they will be recognised and not molested… #### .. The first verse from soorah Ahzab is applicable when women venture out of their homes for shopping etc. among strangers. In that situations, they have been commanded to cover their body with a big sheet, called jilbaab, and covering their faces with a portion of jilbaab, leaving open only eyes to see, hands and feet. The second verse is about women in their own homes, when they have relatives and family friends visiting them. In that case, it is enough to cover their upper body with their head cover, thus leaving open only their faces, hands and feet. mohammad the prophet was the son of the younger brother of the kerala namboodiri priest at temple at mecca oasis owned by the calicut king.. the elder brother aryan namboodiri brahmins could marry 4 times.. the younger prother could not marry at all, he could only do SAMBANBHAM—FUCK AND FORGET. mohammad created islam and derives parity.. this is why muslims can have four wives.. #### ####.. CHECK OUT AMERICAN PROPAGANDA. ..QUOTE:While in power in Afghanistan in the 1990s, the Taliban’s rights record was characterized by systematic violations against women and girls; cruel corporal punishments, including executions; and extreme suppression of freedom of religion, expression, and education. UNQUOTE.. TALIBAN EXCUTED TRAITORS.. WHICH NATION DOES NOT HAVE SUCH A LAW THAT?.. AMERICA HAS ONE.. .. read the 15 taliban specific polls in the post below—first. .. #### ####...
VADAKAYIL ON RISE OF PATRIOTIC TALIBAN TO DESTROY THE AMERICAN CREATED HEROIN AND METH LABS AND GIVING FARMER TEN TIMES MORE REMUNERATION BY SWITCHING TO SAFFRON, POLL……desperate afghan people saw taliban as a messiah for restoring law and order and stopping the production of heroin and meth sponsored by america and their lackeys the tajiks / mujahedeen . farmers forced to grow opium during american rule got more remuneration by cultivating saffron. saffron cultivated and produced in afghanistan has been recognized as the best in the world in terms of its quality.. saffron is one of the most prized spices in the world, termed by some as “red gold.” it is the most lucrative crops in the world, with one kilogram of afghan opium selling for 4100 usd.. taliban forced people to stop cultivating opium for america ..saffron production as a way to incentivize farmers to transition away from poppy cultivation. saffron can earn a farmer nine times more than poppies. american soldiers stood guard over opium fields. american drones gave overhead protection , to keep taliban away. in july 2000, patriot taliban leader mullah mohammed omar declared that growing poppies was un-islamic, resulting in one of the world's successful anti-drug campaigns. america lost their supply of opium. soon taliban executed traitor tajiks and mujahideen arabs who were clandestinely mining rare earths for america to cart away. in the seven years (1994–2000) prior to a taliban opium ban, the afghan farmers' share of gross income from opium was divided among 200,000 families sponsored by america—most of the tajjiks. now the “international community” is clamouring for human rights.. sorry , traitors have no human rights, especially aliens like arab mujahideen and tajiks who were re-settled in afghanistan by america so that they can steal. there is an important nexus between drugs and jewish hawala (informal money transfer system) in afghanistan. unknown to all there is a jew controlled meth drug industry in afghanistan.. domestic production of ephedrine from ephedra bushes growing wild in the mountains and its subsequent chemical conversion to methamphetamine has never caught the public eye thanks to rothschild controlled main stream media. ephedra—known as oman/ bandak —has grown wild and abundantly across afghanistan’s mountainous central highlands for centuries- initially planted by jew rothschild. gandhi was rothschild’s opium agent. #### ####... the counter narcotics police of afghanistan (cnpa) is packed with america’s bribed agents. methamphetamine is the fastest-growing illicit drug in afghanistan sponsored by the jewish deep state. the ephedra plant is legal in afghanistan, and other chemicals used in meth production, including iodine, red phosphorus, and sulfuric acid, are also unregulated and widely available in afghanistan, provided by america... the united nations office on drugs and crime (unodc) is packed with bribed/ honey trapped jewish agents.. afghanistan has in a short period under american rule become a producer and supplier of large quantities of low-cost ephedrine and methamphetamine. plant extraction is cheaper and requires little chemical knowledge . the labs were all mud huts . just 120 kg is required to produce 1 kg of ephedrine, which in turn yields about two-thirds of a kilogram of methamphetamine. there are few places where such large-scale harvesting, transport, processing, and cross-border trade would be possible other than afghanistan . afghanistan produces meth at a tenth of the price of production elsewhere .. ephedra is harvested in at least eight afghan provinces, dried in the central highlands, and then sold to labs.. there are 329 ephedrine labs in the district of bakwa in farah province alone-protected by america armed mujahideen merceneries. the dried ephedra is ground into a flour that is soaked in a mixture of water, gasoline, salt, and caustic soda for 24 h. this solution is then filtered and transferred into a metal tank. the next stage involves heating with salt, sulfuric acid, and xylene, creating a residue with the appearance of dried yogurt. this is ephedrine, which can be sold or converted into meth through a reaction with iodine and other chemicals.. american jewish deep state is the back bone of this cartel. patriots taliban is gonna kick the traitor tajik/ mujahideen asses. taliban has started executing thousands of traitors / criminals employed in meth labs. american dea/ cia/ pentagon knows the location of every meth labd in afghanistan. the transition from heroin to meth by american jews was because opium fields were destroyed by taliban.. #### ####... during the america led resistance against soviet union, the arab islamic mercenaries ( more crule than isis ) kidnapped young girls and boys to sodomise.. after this war , when soviets retreated, there was a hue and cry for justice as these foreign warlords were hiding in afghanistan. the taliban was born out of this, to protect women and give justice to afghan people.. patriotic taliban had no foreign islamic arabs in their force.. neighbours of two girls kidnapped and raped by mujahedeen warlords asked the taliban's help in freeing the teenagers. taliban had zero islamic agenda other than forcing women to wear bukha .. it was only the good looking women who got kidnapped.. relatives and neighbours of two girls kidnapped and raped by kandahar warlords asked the taliban's help in freeing the teenagers. the taliban attacked a mujahedeen military camp, freed the girls, and executed the arab mercenary commander. mujahedeen arab mercenaries and traitor tajiks were in america’s payroll. the rothschild owned main stream media is always trying to club taliban with mujahedeen. every history written about anti-america taliban is fake. later, another squad of taliban freed a young boy over whom two mujahedeen warlords were fighting for the right to sodomize. a robin hood myth grew up around patriot mullah umar resulting in victimized afghans increasingly appealing to the taliban for help against local oppressors. taliban got overwhelming public support as a ragtag army who severely punished traitors and tyrants of arab mujahedeen. honourable afghans are not arabs.. like any resistance movement to survive and succeed, two types of support are essential namely internal public support in the form of sympathy and shelter and external assistance in the form of finances and training. being pashtun, taliban did not need any training; they learn the art and craft of warfare right from their childhood. present lot of the taliban are the descendants of those who fought against the british and the sons of mujahedeen who were trained by the cia/isi/mi6 and mossad in the 1980s during the so-called jihad. the first large scale illegal mining was done by cia agent osama bin laden’s contruction company, saudi binladin group .. he brought in huge american made mountain drilling machines. they were not drilling to make train tunnels—it was all about stealing are earths, mostly lithium. #### ####... forty million years ago the tectonic plates of india-europe, asia and africa collided in a massive upheaval. this upheaval created the region of towering mountains that now includes afghanistan. this diverse geological foundation has resulted in a significant mineral heritage with over 1,400 mineral occurrences recorded to date, including gold, copper, lithium, uranium, iron ore, cobalt, natural gas and oil. afghanistan's resources d makes it the richest mining regions in the world. #### ####... mining in afghanistan was controlled by the ministry of mines and petroleum, packed with bribed by america traitors, prior to the august 15th 2021 takeover by the Taliban.. the united states geological survey (usgs) and the british geological survey were doing resource estimation work in the country using abandoned soviet geologic records maps prior to taliban takeover.. . #### ####... taliban has never operated outside afghanistan.. patriots taliban is not jewish deep state created/ funded/ armed alien arab isis or mujahidden .. #### ####... whenever the jews of America wants to steal rare earths, they use their lackey agent UN as a propaganda / disinformation machine. Many of my officers at sea were serbians and Croatians – I know more. #### ####... #### ####... so extensive is afghanistan’s untapped mineral wealth that the pentagon dubbed afghanistan the “saudi arabia of lithium,” referring to a critical metal in electric vehicle batteries. rare earths have long been the source of political rifts between the united states and afghanistan’s neighbor, china, because beijing controls the majority of the world’s production. rare earths are 17 elements used in electric vehicles as well as advanced weaponry. america wants regime change in north korea so that they can grab the rare earths. afghanistan and north korea are the poorest nations today—in reality they are the richest. #### ####... america never expected this sudden taliban take over.. to steal rare earths american jews had planned a new route would allow afghan exporters to transport minerals and other goods into europe by a mazar-i-sharif railway route.. mazar-i-sharif-kabul-peshawar railway line is a proposed rail project with an estimated length of 603 kms. . on 14 august 2021, mazar-i-sharif was seized by taliban fighters, becoming the twenty-fifth provincial capital to be captured by the taliban.. china shares a small border with afghanistan called the wakhan corridor that is just 210km long and between 20 km and 60 km wide. china hoped to buy afghan minerals. its location is crucial for the security and viability of the china-pakistan economic corridor (cpec), a key part of china's larger belt road initiative (bri). YOU WILL GET ALL THESE TRUTHS ONLY FROM BAAD BOY VADAKAYIL.
VADAKAYIL says G7 NATIONS ARE HOLDING A SECRET MEETING TODAY , ON HOW TO HELP TRAITOR TAJIKS OF AFGHANISTAN, so that they can continue stealing rare earths , POLL.. IT IS JUST A WET DREAM-- THIS WONT HAPPEN IN PUTIN’S WATCH.. today g7 countries are holding a secret meeting , how to help traitor tajiks of afghanistan. usa could have never got a toe hold in afghanistan without the help of traitor tajiks. the whole idea of america invading afghanistan was to steal rare earths and grow opium to make heroin.. #### ####... jewess michelle bachelet is a chilean politician is the current united nations high commissioner for human rights since . she also previously served as president of chile from 2006 to 2010 and 2014 to 2018. she is the first woman to hold the chilean presidency. she is a agent of the jewish deep state and dances to the tune of america regarding afghan affairs. her french ancestor started chassagne-montrachet wine in chile for jew rothschild. my chilean charterers would give me cases of this wine free. #### ####... sponsored by america afghanistan’s vice-president amrullah saleh ( he is a tajik ) has declared himself president.. this american agent he is assisted by tajik ahmad massoud ( a pussy ) and tajik general mohammadi.. ahmad massoud is the son of tajik ahmad shah massoud- a traitor agent of the jewish deep state who was assassinated by patriot taliban in 2001. ahmad shah massoud was born in the traitor tajik packed panjshir valley of northern afghanistan.. he has been described as one of the greatest guerrilla leaders of the 20th century by rothschild’s media.. HE WAS BRAVE , BUT HIS SON IS A PUSSY. ahmad shah massoud’s father dost mohammad khan was a rothschild agent who was made colonel in the royal afghan army.. the royal afghan army created by rothschild served the jewish mugha emperors.. all mughal emperors after humayun were jews.. akbar and his on jehangir were fucking the same jewess whore anarkali .. tajik ahmad shah massoud created the united front (northern alliance) against taliban , funded and armed by america. TAJIKS ARE LIKE SIKHS WHO SUPPORTED THE WHITE INVADER FROM CREATION OF THE RELKIGION TILL INDEPENDENCE IN 1947.. rothschild created sikhism and his agent max arthur macauliffe wrote the sikh holy book guru granth sahib.. .. #### ####... all ten sikh gurus ( jewish circumcised ) and their wives were peshawari khatri jews.. #### .. In 1857 and 1942 Sikh regiment supported British.. In Jallianwallah Bagh massacre 54th Sikh infantry regiment selectively fired on Hindus/ Muslims, including women and children at the Baisakhi fair.. .. all sikh kingdoms had crypto jew peshawari khatri rulers.. all muslim kingdown n 1947 were ruled by pashtun khan jews..Tipu Sultan and Nizam of Hyderabad were jews.. #### ####... from the taliban conquest in 1996 until november 2001, the united front ( led by cia payroll white merceneries ) controlled territory in which roughly 33% of afghanistan's population was living. massoud's soldiers held some 1,300 taliban prisoners in the panjshir valley.. in september 2000, massoud signed the declaration of the essential rights of afghan women drafted by afghan women.( read as drafted by america ).. women and girls was banned from wearing the afghan burqa by law. this was the first time whore houses popped up in afghanistan.. cia tried to prop up their stooge traitor tajik papa ahmad shah massoud as a che guevara type icon.. it is a terrific lie that pakistan had funded, directed and supported the taliban's rise to power in afghanistan.. the propaganda was to brainwash india.. ON THE CONTRARY INDIA ( WHO IS ENEMY OF PAKISTAN ) SUPPLIED MASSIVE AID TO TALIBAN.. uniforms, ordnance, mortars, small armaments, refurbished kalashnikovs, combat and winter clothes, as well as funds.. in april 2001, the president of the european parliament, nicole fontaine (who called massoud the "pole of liberty in afghanistan"), invited papa massoud with the support of french and belgian politicians to address the european parliament in brussels, belgium. in his speech, he asked for humanitarian aid for the people of afghanistan. cia agent papa massoud further went on to warn that his intelligence agents had gained limited knowledge about a large-scale terrorist attack on u.s. soil being imminent. india had run a field hospital at farkor on the tajik-afghan border to treat wounded fighters of taliban. it was at the very same hospital that the northern alliance leader papa ahmed shah masood was pronounced dead after being assassinated just two days before the 9/11 terror strikes in 2001.. a street in new delhi, india, is named after papa ahmad shah massoud to please the jewish deep state . for being an tajik agent of america, magpul massoud was a 7.62 nato rifle produced by magpul .. traitor tajik massoud's byname, "lion of panjshir" is a rhyming play on words in persian, as the name of the valley means "five lions". sorry, ask any afghan or tajik, they will rexitel the names of the five lions – the five pandava brother of mahabharat war. #### ####... in september 2019, his son ahmad massoud was declared as his successor.following the 2021 taliban offensive and the fall of kabul, massoud allied with self-proclaimed acting president amrullah saleh and established the panjshir resistance to the taliban in the panjshir valley. pro-american sonny tajik massoud called for immediate west's support to resist the anti-american taliban.. traitor papa massoud's reputation for fearlessness is cock and bull cooked up by america. one of his six brothers, traitor tajik ahmad zia massoud, was the vice president of afghanistan from 2004 until 2009- an american stooge .. another brother, traitor tajik ahmad wali massoud, was afghanistan's ambassador to the united kingdom from 2002 to 2006.. america could have never got a toe hold in afghanistan without the help of traitor tajiks.. operation enduring freedom would never have been successful without tajik support. operation enduring freedom (oef) was the official name used by the u.s. government for the global war on terrorism. on 7 october 2001, in response to the september 11 attacks president george w. bush announced that airstrikes targeting al-qaeda and the taliban had begun in afghanistan.. taliban has nothing to do with world trade centre collapse.. #### ####... AL-QAEDA IS NOT TALIBAN.. ONLY VADAKAYIL WHOSE BRAIN DOES SPHOTA TRIANGULATION, WHILE SITTING AT THE BINDU LOOKING OUTWARDS, CAN TELL YOU ALL THIS.. #### ####... after 13 years, on 28 december 2014, president barack obama announced the end of operation enduring freedom in afghanistan subsequent operations in afghanistan by the united states' military forces, both non-combat and combat, occurred under the name operation freedom's sentinel supported by traitor tajiks.. as of january 2021, there were still approximately 18,700 military contractors, engages in stealing rare earths and growing opium to convert to heroin .. #### ####.. the patriot pashtuns–from whom afghanistan’s traditional rulers have come– constitute 52 percent of the population. the traitor tajiks in the north constitute 19% percent. the united states relied primarily on the northern alliance, which had just lost papa massoud but had regrouped under other commanders, including tajik leader mohammed fahim.. in 1992, ethnic tajik mujahidin forces captured kabul and unseated the communist president sponsored by soviet union. in 1929, ( for nine months ) rothschild had placed tajiks in a predominant position in afghanistan..
ISIS was created/funded/ armed by the jewish deep state. america creates wars to steal.. they are nostril deep in debt. #### ####.. white helmets was created to do NAYIRAH ONE.. they used professional film actors and directors to create a false narrative. #### ####.. i am writing all this because ajit doval and raw know fuck shit. mea does not know if they are coming or going in afghan matters. #### #####.. TALIBAN PROTECTS THE WATAN OF AFGHANISTAN.. MUJAHIDEEN FUNDED BY THE JEWISH DEEP STATE AND AMERICA PROTECTS THE POISON INJECTED WAHABBI/ SALAFI BRAND OF ISLAM.. taliban uses islam sharia to protect their women.. good looking women were raped by both soviets/ americans and foreign alien half breed arab mujahideen.. the rape and murder of boys and girls of a single family who were travelling to kandahar by mujahideen bandits aroused mullah omar, who is credited with the formation of taliban, and his students to take a vow to rid afghanistan of these foreign criminals. mujahideen groups fought against the pro-soviet afghan government during the late 1970s.. this org was created/ funded and armed by america and the jewish deep state. MUJAHIDEEN HELPED AMERICA STEAL RARE EARTHS FROM AFGHANISTAN.. once when i was staying in a hotel at montreal awaiting to join my ship, the restaurant waiter was an afghan refugee . he told me what western media will never write. taliban is a pashto word meaning students. taliban’s ideology can be seen as departure from the islamism of mujahideens. in the harsh conditions of afghanistan only taliban brand of sharia law works – western democracy does not work here where there are no telephones or police stations. the mujahideen ideology can be termed as extreme islamic fundamentalism. TALIBAN IDEOLOGY IS ALL ABOUT DEFENDING THE WATAN..IT IS A LIE THAT TALIBAN OPPRESSES THEIR WOMEN. afghan women don’t want to dance in discotheques or do adultery.. jewish deep state darling , childless modi has legalized adultery / homosexuality and living together in india.. india is no longer a noble nation.. taliban or patriots ruled afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 until they were ousted from power by the us military. TALIBAN DID NOT ALLOW AMERICA TO STEAL RARE EARTHS AND GROWN OPIUM.. #### ####... THE TERM TALIBAN IS SPECIFICALLY USED FOR PATRIOT FIGHTERS FIGHTING UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF MULLAH OMAR, WHILE MUJAHIDEEN CAN BE USED FOR ANY HALF BREED ARAB MERCENARY MUSLIM FIGHTER WHO BELIEVES IN JIHAD (ISLAMIC HOLY WAR). isis fighters fighting in syria are called mujahideen. by definition, the taliban means those who seek education. the word is derived from talib—a persian word for student. today, the term taliban is used specifically for patriot afghan fighters working under the banner of taliban movement that originated in afghanistan during early 1990’s. taliban is the biggest groups fighting against american and nato troops in afghanistan. nato is the private army of jew rothschild mainly to do regime change for stealing . just like the french foreign legion created by french branch of jew rothschild family. #### ####... #### ####... THE TALIBAN, A NEW GROUP, OPPOSED THE MUJAHIDEEN, SAYING THEY DID NOT CARE FOR THE PEOPLE OF AFGHANISTAN. THE TALIBAN THEN PUSHED BACK MUJAHIDEEN GROUPS AND CAPTURED OVER 92% OF AFGHANISTAN WITHIN JUST TWO YEARS. both taliban and mujahideen have originated from the time when the soviets invaded afghanistan and forcibly occupied it for a number of years. MUJAHIDEEN HAS ALWAYS RAPED AND KIDNAPPED LOCAL WOMEN..TALIBAN STOPPED THIS.. afghan populace was fed up with the endless war situation and they wanted peace at all costs. they yearned for a political class that could provide good governance and could bring peace to the war torn country. the word taliban was coined for such people the word taliban comes from talib, which in urdu means student. the reason why this group was created was to portray them as being different from foreign agents mujahideen armed and funded by jews. THE MAIN OBJECTIVE OF CREATION OF PATRIOTIC TALIBAN WAS TO BRING PEACE TO WAR RAVAGED COUNTRY AND SHOVE OFF THE FOREIGN AGENTS MUJAHIDEEN WHOSE MERCENERIES WERE ALL HALF BREED ARABS.. taliban came to power after the soviet withdrawal in the south-east of the country, where among their first acts were summary justice courts for several cases of rape by half breed mujahideen , which gave them local credibility and allowed them to build a power base ..#### ####... when patiot taliban had gained control of most of the country, mujahideen leader ahmad shah massoud’s forces remained safely cloistered in one of afghanistans many mountain ranges the taliban could not penetrate. ahmad shah massoud was a tajik and had no love for the motherland. he was killed the day before the world trade center attack by a pair of taliban operatives disguised as a tv news crew (a bomb was smuggled in inside the camera). the remains of massoud’s forces went on to be dubbed ‘the northern alliance’ by western militaries and media during the nato-afghan war. his son ahmad massoud is now propped up by america at inpenetrable panjshir valley packed with traitor tajiks. AS PER MY SOURCES AMERICAN ARMS AND WESTERN MERCENERIES AND MUJAHIDEEN MERCENERIES ARE POURING INTO THE PANJSHIR VALLEY TO FIGHT TALIBAN.. mujahideen groups ( funded by the jewish deep state )have spread to various countries like india, chechnya, bosnia and herzegovina, kosovo and macedonia, iran, iraq and somali. coming to the etymology, mujahideen have been derived from two words jihad and mujahid. this struggle was for wahabbi brand of islam hijacked by jews.. BOTH KORAN AND HADITHS ARE POISON INJECTED BY JEWS . MOSES, WHO NEVER EXISTED IS 136 TIMES IN THE KORAN AS PROPHET MUSA, JESUS WHO NEVER EXISTED IS MENTIONED 187 TIMES, ABRAHAM 69 TIMES, ADAM 25 TIMES, GABRIEL 3 TIMES – ALL THESE 5 CHARACTERS WERE COOKED UP BY JEWESS HELENA IN 325 AD. WHILE HERO OF ISLAM PROPHET MOHAMMAD IS MENTIONED ONLY 4 TIMES .. #### ####.. today if you want to visit the dargah of mohammad , you will be killed and buried under desert sand.. the graves of entire family of mohammad lies uncared for—see photos in the post below ..#### ###.. jihad means to struggle and mujahid means struggler. the particular verb stem from which both the terms are derived means ‘to struggle’ or “to exert effort against”. mujahideen was used for various armed fighters who subscribed to fake poison injected militant islamic ideologies. the mujahideen’s have based their ideology completely in propagating extreme poison injected wabbahi/ salafi brand of islam. IN INDIA/ PAKISTAN AND BANGLADESH ALL MADRASSAS ARE CREATED/ FUNDED BY JEWISH DEEP STATE. mainstream mujahideen factions included hezb-e-islami headed by gulbaddin hekmatyar, jamiat-e-islami headed by slain ahmad shah masood, and other smaller groups like hezb-e-wehdat and commanders such as sayyaf and rabbani (who was assassinated ).. hard core islamists mujahideen were trained by the pakistani isi with money from the us.. united nations islamic movement mujahideen was created and funded by the us, because of its strategic interests in the area.. they included providing weapons and military training to these mujahideen. the PDPA prodded on by america claimed on coming to power that ‘afghanistan shall be free of islam within a year’ and regularly disrupted mosque services, marriages, et cetera. the people's democratic party of afghanistan (pdpa) was a marxist–leninist political party in afghanistan established on 1 january 1965. german jew marx was rothschild’s blood relative. america is now looking to divide and rule and create two afganistans like what they did in korea and vietnam.. sponsored by america afghanistan’s vice-president amrullah saleh ( he is a tajik ) has declared himself interim president as he joined the remnants of the erstwhile northern alliance withdrawing to their sanctuary in the panjshir valley. The Taliban has a goal and that is to establish a prosperous and peaceful state .. The Mujahideen worked with more plans because they know exactly what they would like to get- their thinkers were the jewish deep state.. AMERICA GREW OPIUM IN AFGHANISTAN WITH THE ACTIVE HELP OF MUJAHIDEEN. DRONES WERE USED TO BOMB TALIBAN WHO TRIED TO STOP IT.. AMERICAN / NATO SOLDIERS PROVIDED SECURITY FOR OPIUM FIELDS AND HEROIN LABS.. indian main stream media owned by jew rothschild is now doing NAYIRAH TWO. baad boy vadakayil , the condor who has seen this planet for 40 years , is right behind them.. #### ####...
#### ####... taliban must take panjshir valley.. the valley is packed with tajiks who have no loyalty to afghanistan.. WHEN IT COMES TO WORLD INTRIGUE VADAKAYIL HAS NEVER BEEN WRONG.. #### ####... OSAMA BIN LADEN HELPED AMERICA TO DRILL FOR RARE EARTHS USING HIS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WHICH SPECIALIZED IN MOUNTAIN TUNNEL DRILLING.. AMERICA CREATED OSAMA BIN LADEN.. in rambo 3 , the hero rides away into the sunset with osama bin laden.. taliban ( afghans ) did not fights soviets.. the mujahideen created/ funded/ armed by america fought soviets.. mujahideen consisted of half breed arab mercenaries--like the ones in isis. islamist osama bin laden madehis first documented trip to afghanistan to aid anti-soviet fighters in 1984. in september 1988 , osama bin laden and 15 other islamists form the group al-qaida, or “the base”, to continue their jihad, or holy war, against the soviets.. TALIBAN, PLAYED NO ROLE IN THE 9/11 ATTACKS, HAD NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF THE ATTACKS AND PUBLICLY CONDEMNED THE ATTACKS— THEY TOLD THAT OSAMA BIN LADEN IS HIDING IN PAKISTAN NOT AFGHANISTAN, AND THESE PEOPLE DON’T TELL LIES.. in 2011 u.s. forces overtook a compound in abbottabad, pakistan, and killed al-qaida leader osama bin laden on may 2, as he turned against america. in 2012 president hamid karzai called for american forces to leave afghan villages and pull back to their bases after a u.s. soldier kills 16 afghan civilians inside their homes. the taliban fought their war alone. they did not have the backing of some superpower providing arms and money. it did not have the moral support of the western media which had portrayed osama bin laden as a freedom fighter during the 1980s. the taliban have always been labeled as terrorists and extremists. they are not.. they are honorable freedom fighters.. if indians had 1% of the balls and honor of taliban we would not have been slaves for 800 years.. when the soviets left afghanistan in 1989, the mujahideen turned their guns on each other instigated by the jewish deep state.. mujahideen fought against the soviets in the 1980s and the taliban fought against the americans. while the mujahideen’s defeat of the soviets was quite a momentous task, it dwarfs in comparison to what the taliban just did. the mujahideen killing the soviets was hailed as the noble work of jihad while the taliban killings are labeled as terrorism.. you see this is the way american exceptionalism works. the taliban were not welcomed and hosted inside the white house by the incumbent president and equated with the founding fathers of the us. most importantly, the taliban defeated the mightiest army in the history of mankind plus the coalition of allied countries that had occupied their land, plus the local government in kabul. the taliban did is what nobody before has been able to do in afghan history. usually, the first book or movie is better than the sequel that follows. but in this case, the reverse is true.. the two organizations mujahideen ( opportunist mercenary arabs with zero honour ) and taliban ( afghan patriots ) are distinct and have very different goals, ideologies, and sources of recruits. mohammed omar led the taliban..he founded the taliban movement in 1994 .. he became wanted by the united states government after being accused of harbouring osama bin laden—a terrific lie—because osama was in pakistan. muslim mercenaries from other countries to fight soviets , were popularly known as "arabs in aghanistan "--. the mujahideen. al-qaeda follows wahhabism ( created by jew rothschild ) – an extreme form of sunni islam that insists on a literal interpretation of the koran. the group was founded in 1987 in pakistan by osama bin laden and mohammad atif when soviets were occupying afghanistan. most al-qaeda militants received a secular education, instead of a religious education and many attended american universities (some of osama’s comrades drank alcohol, gambled, and enjoyed strip clubs).. many al-qaeda members were highly educated and some could speak many different languages. the mujahids who fought in afghanistan, were mostly from middle east and pakistan. they felt like crusaders for islam.. taliban has not fought for islam, they fought against america for freedom of their motherland. the mujahids viewed themselves “as a borderless posse empowered by god to defend the entire muslim people.. death and martyrdom particularly attracted martyrdom and paradise seemed a lot more appealing than the pains of life fight in the jihad provided a deeper meaning for their otherwise frivolous or mundane lives this group included “pampered kids from the persian gulf who came on excursions, staying in air conditioned cargo containers ( like pakistani pm imran khan ) ; they were supplied with rpgs and kalashnikovs, which they could fire into the air, and they could return home, boasting of their adventures.” most of them were dumbo high school or college students.. although the mujahideen were aided by the pakistani, american, british, chinese and saudi governments, the mujahideen's primary source of funding was private donors and religious charities throughout the muslim world—particularly in the persian gulf.. every gulf oil rich nation is ruled by jewish bloodlines set up by rothschild’s agent lawrence of arabia. read all 5 parts of the post below…. #### ####. kashmiri farooq abdullahs mother was the jewess wife of jew lawrence of arabia- daughter of french jew and rothschild’s agent michael harry nedou.. his wife molly is a white british jewess nurse. WONDER WHAT MAKES OMAR ABDULLAH A MUSLIM WHO KEEPS REPEATING INSHAL ALLAH LIKE JEW IMRAN KHAN OF PAKISTAN.. the al-qaeda operatives were not popular with the taliban or other afghans because al-qaeda members were wealthy, sophisticated, and cosmopolitan. they were quite racist and viewed the afghans as uneducated barbarians. the afghans resented the arrogance with which they drove their air-conditioned, shiny new vehicles that had blacked out windows and dubai license plates .. the taliban’s priority is to build their own state, not attack other states. most of those afghans, who would make-up the recruits of the taliban, were orphans who grew up in refugee camps.. a solution for these orphaned boys was to enroll them in islamic madrasas, funded by the jewish deep state . you want them to learn physics and math? .. taliban has never been in kashmir.. never mind the propaganda of the sold out indian media. IF VADAKAYIL DOES NOT TELL THIS NOW IT WILL NEVER BE TOLD. #### ####... the taliban had three goals from 1994 to 2001: cleanse afghanistan of the corrupt warlords and bring order to afghanistan, create a functioning government for the islamic emirate of afghanistan grounded in sharia law.. the first curbs on liberty of women were imposed by the mujahideen much before the taliban was created. the taliban had softened their ban on girls' education and were turning a blind eye to the expansion of informal "home schools" in which thousands of girls were being taught in private flats. the medical faculty was about to re-open for women to teach midwives, nurses, and doctors since women patients could not be treated by men. the ban on women working outside the home was also lifted for war widows and other needy women. OSAMA BIN LADEN AND AL QAEDA WERE BENEFICIARIES OF CIA ASSISTANCE, TALIBAN NEVER GOT A PENNY FROM AMERICA.. photographs of us president ronald reagan with mujahideen leaders in 1980s say a lot about us foreign policy and the monsters it has often ended up creating. as a byproduct, the us also empowered the rogue state of pakistan that eventually became the ‘terror factory’ of the world. al qaeda, at present, is headed by egyptian ayman al-zawahiri. . ayman al-zawahiri is a jew with zebiba mark in wrong place. #### ####... in his book, knights under the banner of the prophet, zawahiri calls for global jihad (landscapes of jihad 61).. the entire globe is their field of islamic seeding and operations. egyptian zawahiri succeeded saudi osama bin laden. department has offered a us$25 million reward for information or intelligence leading to al-zawahiri's capture. operations carried out by al-qaeda members are similar to those of risks in the global market (the global market dictates the strategies of al-qaeda and alliances they build, just like any company in the global economy . martyrdom means to “witness oneself” and the Arabic word for martyrdom is shahadat, which means to “translate one term into the other,” thus; bearing witness is to be martyred (Landscapes of Jihad 94). IN THE MOVIE MAD MAX , FURY ROAD- MANY WONDERED WHY PEOPLE WITH DEATH WISH CRIED “WITNESS ME “.The word shahid in Arabic means "witness". #### ####... the Arabic shahadat means martyrdom or witnessing. poison injected ( by jews ) koran says that a martyr never dies and lives forever. thus, martyrdom in the koran is a very noble act of sacrifice of one's life; it places a martyr along with siddiquinwa al-salihin, i.e. upholders of truth and doers of good deeds. it is not an act of killing but rather getting killed to uphold the truth. those who witness suicide bombings or other acts of martyrdom on tv, other media outlets or in person are active participants in the rites of martyrdom, making martyrdom a social and inclusive act that excites pity, anger, sadness and compassion in those who witness the act (those who bear witness also participate in the suicide bomber’s jihad either as friends or foes .. the goals, operations, ethnic, cultural, and geographical backgrounds of al-qaeda and the taliban are entirely different and they are two very distinct organizations .. when the soviets left afghanistan after ten years of a bloody and costly war in 1989, afghanistan descended into anarchy and chaos. what was left of najibullah’s regime did not wield any significant power and it collapsed in 1992. the pakistani isi helped institute a transitional government comprised of former mujahideen commanders in 1992, but soon the commanders competed for power and civil war ensued the mujahideen who were semi-united during the war and fought the soviets had splintered and each mujahideen commander became warlords ruling over specific regions of afghanistan. mullah omar started his movement with less than 50 armed madrassah students who were simply known as the taliban (pashtun for 'students'). his recruits came from madrassas located in afghanistan the practice of bacha bazi ( sodomising young boys ) by jewish warlords was one of the key factors in omar mobilizing the taliban .. taliban unlike america does not allow homosexuality .. homosexuality was rampant among half bed arabs of mujahideen.. by november 1994, omar's movement managed to capture the whole of the kandahar province and then captured the herat province in september 1995. in september 1996, kabul fell to omar and his followers. in october 1997 the nation was named the islamic emirate of afghanistan and recognized by pakistan, saudi arabia and the united arab emirates. described as a "reclusive, pious and frugal" leader, mullah omar rarely left his residence in the city of kandahar, and he only visited kabul twice between 1996 and 2001 during his tenure as ruler of afghanistan. in november 2001, during a radio interview with the bbc, omar stated: "all taliban are moderate. there are two things: extremism ['ifraat', or doing something to excess] and conservatism ['tafreet', or doing something insufficiently]. so in that sense, we are all moderates – taking the middle path." n 1998, despite receiving a personal invitation from king fahd of saudi arabia, omar refused to make a pilgrimage to mecca and would not do one in his lifetime. mullah omar was not a islamic zealot, he was a patriot.. in extremely harsh environments like afghanistan democracy does not work. mullah omar said—“i did not want to destroy the bamiyan buddha. in fact, some foreigners came to me and said they would like to conduct the repair work of the bamiyan buddha that had been slightly damaged due to rains. this shocked me. i thought, these callous people have no regard for thousands of living human beings – the afghans who are dying of hunger, but they are so concerned about non-living objects like the buddha. this was extremely deplorable. that is why i ordered its destruction. had they come for humanitarian work, i would have never ordered the buddha's destruction”. mullah omar knew that the mujahideen prospected for are earths in afghanistan.. what was osama bin laden’s construction companies mountain drilling machines doing in afghanistan? to make train tunnels? tee heee. osama bin laden’s family was close to the jewish al saud saudi royal family and his family owned the very successful multi million-dollar company the saudi binladin group.. in july 2000, taliban leader mohammed omar, in an effort to eradicate heroin production in afghanistan, declared that growing poppies was un-islamic, resulting in one of the world's most successful anti-drug campaigns the result was a 99.6 % reduction in the area of opium poppy farming in taliban-controlled areas, roughly 83% of the world's supply of heroin at the time. mullah omar knew that only america gained from opium production in afghanistan.. the ban was effective only briefly due to the deposition of the taliban in 2002.. opium cultivation resumed as soon as the taliban regime of mullah omar fell. us soldiers used drones to deter the taliban from destroying opium fields over which american soldiers stood guard.. taliban never had any heroin drug labs , all this is foul jewish deep state controlled main stream media propaganda. u.s. president reagan met with afghan mujahideen at the white house in 1983. Oh there was so much of bacchanalia. SNIFF ! western media always painted taliban black.. taliban representatives made appeals to foreign diplomats to recognize their government. one appeal was titled “time to recognize afghanistan’s legitimate government,” in which abdul hakim mujahed objected to foreign critics’ accounts of events in afghanistan and selective attention to human rights. he argued that the taliban are committed to the protection of human rights, international law, and individual rights, according to sharia law. mujahed added that the taliban government is grounded on “a traditional style of afghan self-rule that honors and protects all afghan women, who enjoy a proposition of dignity and honor and represent the crucible of our culture”. unlike the taliban who had a vision and a coherent plan for the future of their motherland afghanistan, al-qaeda packed with half breed arab merceneries ( like isis ) did not have a prescribed vision and plan for the future. they did not care for nation building.. it is imprudent and wrong to treat each group as if they are the same entity..
whenever an important person is assassinated the first question to ask yourself is “WHO GAINED “ ? and then after the dust settles and WITH 20/20 HINDSIGHT ASK YOURSELF AGAIN “ WHO GAINED “. ISRAEL GRABBED THE PRISTINE AND ABUNDANT FRESH WATER OF GOLAN HEIGHTS FROM SYRIA BY A FLASE FLAG ATTACK.. ISRAEL ATTACKED ITSELF ( FIRED AT A LONE ISRAELI FARMER ) AND THEN GRABBED GOLAN HEIGHTS.. AND WE HAD DONALD TRUMP DECLARE THAT GOLAN HEIGHTS BELONG TO ISRAEL.. #### ####... AND THEN TRUMP GAVE AWAY JERUSALEM TO ISRAELI JEWS. #### ####... ISRAEL SHIFTS “AMALEK GOAL POSTS “ AT WILL , TO SUIT THEIR OWN SELFISH MOTIVES. #### ####... i have told modi/ ajit doval/ amit shah/ defence minister at least 80 times that “FALSE FLAG ATTACK” AND “HEGELIAN DIALECTIC” must be part of the indian police / army academy syllabus.. they ignored it. ANY INDIAN CAN ASK HIMSELF—WHICH INDIAN RSS HINDU INDIVIDUAL SPONSORED BY MOSSAD GAINED BY THE MURDERS OF SYAMA PRASAD MUKHERJEE AND DEENDAYAL UPADHYAYA??.. same way who gained by the murder of the american ambassador in kabul, adolph “spike” dubs, who was kidnapped and killed on valentine’s day 1979. i am stressing on valentine’s day.. i wont reveal the truth as it will cause heart ache to his wife and adopted daughter. #### ####... WHATEVER IS WRITTEN ABOUT HIS MURDER IS BULLSHIT.. on february 14, 1979, on the same day that iranian militants attacked the u.s. embassy in tehran, iran, and several months before the soviet invasion of afghanistan. is this coincidence ?.. an autopsy showed that he had been shot in the head from a distance of six inches by 0.22 calibre bullets.. only professional cia trained hitmen use 0.22 bullets from point black range.. so so so the carter administration was outraged by the murder of the us ambassador. adolph “spike” dubs was in moscow during the 1962 cuban missile crisis, translating messages between president kennedy and soviet leader nikita khrushchev- A DISGRACEFUL SESSION IN WHICH NIKITA CUT JOHN BABY’S HAT AND TIE, WHILE A DRUG PUMPED KENNEDY WAS CRYING FROM ONE EYE. . read all 4 parts of the post below— .. #### ####... bruce flatin, the us embassy's political counselor, was allowed to call out to dubs through the door of hotel room 117. in german, which both men spoke, spike was able to say he was all right. but after two brief exchanges, his captors broke off the discussion. it is still not known who fired the "phantom" 0.22 pistol rounds, or even who the kidnappers were.. ten months later, soviet forces invaded afghanistan, triggering four decades of war. after the door was broken open there was one man who did not have a single would.. there men including the us ambassador lay dead. a brown paper bag was put on his head and taken away kicking and screaming .. he was killed by four 0.22 bullets in his head fired at point blank range mysteriously... DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES.. the official afghan incident report in the form of a diplomatic note to usa , had listed weapons found in the room, and none of them were .22 caliber. POLICE AND TROOPS DON’T USE .22 CALIBER—ALL KNOW THIS. . CIA TRAINED PROFESSIONAL ASSASSINS USE .22 CALIBER POISON TIPPED BULLETS AS A FAVORITE WEAPON…. after ussr invader afghanistan on christmas day premier alexei kosygin declared : “we must not lose afghanistan.” soviets feared that an islamic government might inflame 41 million muslims living in the soviet union. on december 24, 1979, the soviet union invaded afghanistan, under the pretext of upholding the soviet-afghan friendship treaty of 1978. ... after an emergency national security council meeting on dec. 27 1979 , carter signed a secret order: “our ultimate goal is the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan. even if this is not attainable, we should make soviet involvement as costly as possible.”.. on 27 december 1979 the exiled leader of the parcham faction of the marxist people’s democratic party of afghanistan (pdpa), babrak karmal, was installed as afghanistan’s new head of government . by jan. 21, 1980, the cia was shipping at hundres of tonnes of guns, grenades and mines to pakistan’s intelligence service, which delivered them to the mujahideen rebels. the saudis began buying millions of dollars of soviet-bloc arms from egypt, and the cia flew them into battle. the chinese trucked missiles for the afghans over the world’s highest mountain pass. afghan communists, backed by the soviets, had seized power in a coup one year before the murder of . adolph “spike” dubs.. he was killed during a deliberately botched rescue attempt after his kidnapping. the cia nonetheless singled out the grim-faced gulbuddin hekmatyar as the most effective killer of communists. he would receive a huge share of the cia’s guns and money over the next decade. the united states and its allies gave him more than 2.1 billion usd in armaments. us president carter initiates a programme to arm the mujahideen through pakistan’s intelligence service. saudi arabia agrees to match america’s contributions. funnelling money and weapons through pakistan leads to fraud, and pakistan would pick which of the mujahideen factions would receive the most support, favouring only those with extreme islamic fundamentalist views. by 1981 the us started the first of two packages of economic assistance and military sales to support pakistan’s role in the war. under president reagan us support increased. named operation cyclone, it became the largest covert operation ever and the total cost to us tax payers was 3 billion usd.. you wont find all this in jewish deep state mouthpiece wikipedia.. THE TALIBAN NEVER FOUGHT THE SOVIET UNION AND WERE ONLY CREATED IN THE MID-1990S. the taliban differ from mujahideen/ al-qaeda as many of their principles stem from the traditional pashtun tribal way of life in afghanistan. the group came to prominence in afghanistan in the autumn of 1994, and governed in the country for five years, from 1996 to 2001. LOCAL PATRIOT AFGHAN TALIBAN IS NOT ALIEN ARAB MUJAHIDEEN MERCENERIES CREATED BY AMERICA .. THE WORD MUJAHIDEEN, A WORD THAT MEANS ‘THOSE ENGAGED IN JIHAD’ IN ARAB ARABIC. AMERICA CALLED THEM FREEDOM FIGHTERS. contrasted to the cosmopolitan arabs who formed the member base of al-qaeda, afghan taliban as representing “humanity in a pristine state – a righteous, pious, pre-industrial people – struggling against the brutal, soulless, mechanized force of modernity. the taliban developed as a pashtun movement because the original taliban were pashtun, the movement started in the kandahar area which is predominantly pashtun, the pashtuns are one of the largest tribal societies in the world and they are proud of it. understanding pashtun culture is crucial to understanding the taliban. pashtunwali is their ancient set of tribal customs and is an “honor based behavioral code that still regulates all social intercourse” defending pashtun culture from foreign intrusion and protecting it from disintegration by external threats is paramount (because the taliban movement is deeply rooted in rural, tribal culture, they hold very rigid perspectives of urban culture. they don’t care for the values of the “international communist”.. they are happy the way they are.. they don’t need whorehouses, discotheques and golf courses .. once they came to power, they taliban generally tried to govern by consensus. the ministry for the promotion of virtue and the provision of vice enforced these policies quite subjectively and arbitrarily—only this works in a harsh environment. any good looking woman is marked for kidnapping- and there are no telephones to call for help. #### ####... a culture is a time tested means to an end-- the culture ( or way of life ) of the more highly developed nation is “imposed” upon the less developed peoples . culture should be appreciated in terms of itself. what is moral in one culture might be immoral or ethically neutral in another . he use of culture depends upon an ability for rational or abstract possessed by humans alone. animals dont have it. culture could be a logical construct, or a psychic defense mechanism or even an abstraction from behavior. once established, culture has a life of its own. it flows down through time from one generation to another. it is the most highly developed means of promoting freedom from worry and continuity of life, in a series that began with the simple reflex. man's immediate prehuman ancestors had societies, but they did not have culture. it can cause a person to die of hunger, though nourishment is available, because some foods are branded unclean by the culture. and it can cause a person to disembowel or shoot himself to wipe out a stain of dishonour. all know how america force fed pork to their islamic prisoners at guantanamo bay prison. culture is stronger than life and stronger than death. culture triumphs over death and offers man eternal life.. cultures themselves must never ever be evaluated or graded as higher and lower, superior or inferior.. i was a successful captain at sea ( for 30 years ) because i respected culture. RESPECT CULTURE!
JEW ROTHSCHILD CREATED THE LIE OF SATI WHEN HINDU WIDOWS WERE FORCED TO JUMP INTO THE CREMATION FIRE OF HER DEAD HUSBAND.. WE NEVER HEARD OF “SATI” TILL THE WHITE INVADER CAME TO INDIA.. SO SO SO.. when i was married i had a dinner ( in a swank restaurant ) with my wealthy american agent and wife in usa in 1983 .. they were very worried about my “slave wife” since i had an arranged marriage.. they wanted to know ( LOADED QUESTION ) that if i died my wife will jump into the fire .. i kicked my wife under the table , and i gave a LOADED ANSWER.. “ i expect her to jump”.. and my wife said with a dead pan face “ of course it is my duty to jump “. you should have seen their appalled faces.. it was priceless. TEE HEEEEE .. #### ####.. BAAD is a medieval islamic afghan method of settlement and compensation whereby a female from a criminal's family is given to the victim's family as a bride. BAAD IS ILLEGAL UNDER AFGHAN LAW .. TALIBAN HAS BANNED IT .. in 1998, the taliban issued decrees banning the practice of baad (the selling of young girls in marriage as a means of dispute resolution) on the grounds that ’urf did not apply and that certain pashtun practices violated islamic law. the taliban also banned levirate marriages on the grounds that widows had the right to choose their own husbands, whether or not they belonged to the husband’s family or tribe.. EXCHANGE MARRIAGES ARE CALLED (BADAL).. the practice of baad has been eclipsed by offers of land and money. that the traditional practice has been replaced by a similar practice, wherein the victim’s family demands the perpetuator’s family pay the price of a dowry and marital costs of a girl the victim’s family has chosen from within the victim’s respective community.. the female is given in arranged marriage to a male in the victim's family. IN PRACTICE, THE FEMALE GIVEN IN BAAD BECOMES AN EQUAL MEMBER OF THE NEW FAMILY – NOT A CHILD SLAVE.. the practice of baad has no islamic basis. it is rather considered un-islamic and illegal. as per the hadith, "a non-virgin woman may not be married without her command, and a virgin may not be married without her permission; and it is permission enough for her to remain silent (because of her natural shyness)." [al-bukhari:6455, muslim & others]. BAAD is a criminal offense under Article 517 of the 1976 Afghan Penal Code. ACCORDING TO AFGHAN LAW, THE SENTENCE FOR PERPETRATORS OF BAAD TWO YEARS OF PRISON. baad is enacted in the event of a death, when a villager kills a member of a rival clan. sometimes clans have fatal fight over land, or resources like water. the elders of the community then form a jirga, or council, to mediate the conflict and try and prevent further bloodshed. the jirga typically chooses a young woman from the perpetrator’s family and orders her to marry a man from the victim’s clan. in theory, the resulting bond between the two families is meant to stop further turmoil. my elder son had an arranged marriage.. WE NEVER HEARD OF SATI TILL THE WHITE INVADER CAME TO INDIA. KAYASTHA VIVEKANDNA PLAYED ALONG WITH JEW ROTHSCHILD LIKE PIR ALI MUSLIM RAJA RAM MOHAN ROY AND PIR ALI MUSLIM DWARAKNATH TAGORE .. #### ####... #### ####... #### ####... JEW ROTHSCHILD FORCED MAHARAJA RANJITH SINGH’S MUSLIM CONCUBINES TO DO SATI. read the last part of the post below .. #### ####... the original source of the eternal flame is the fire which emanated from shiva’s wife shakti ( sati ) , when SHE CAUSED HER OWN BODY TO SELF COMBUST when her own father daksha prajapati insulted her husband.. SATI WAS CHASTE , ONLY SHE COULD DO IT.. mind you shiva and wife shakti ( sati ) are cosmic allegories.. jew rothschild created the lie of sati—where hindu women jumped into the funeral fire in which her husband was cremated.. rothschild had everybody including his agent vivekananda promoting this terrific SATI lie.. THERE IS NO INCIDENT IN ANY PURANA OR HINDU SCRIPTURE , WHERE A WIDOW JUMPED INTO THE FIRE OF HER HUSBANDS FUNERAL.. german jew rothschild caused ( threat of snatching away the kingdom ) jew maharaja ranjit singh’s harem ( including muslim and jewess whores ) to jump into the cremation fire… gruesome pictures were splashed all over europe by his media .. sikh king ranjit singh was a rothschild agent, whose army was armed and led by white generals…the sikh kingdom was a buffer to keep islamic afghans away from giving pin pricks to rothschild.. NO HINDU WOMAN IS ALLOWED INTO THE CREMATION YARD AS PER RULES OF SANATANA DHARMA.. IF SO, HOW CAN SHE JUMP? PRAY? PRITHEE??.. amba frustrated with bhishma , jumped into a homam fire , whose flames has its source in the fire from sati’s body. .this is the source of three flashes at sabarimala pilgrimage.. #### ####.. HINDU WOMEN JUMPED INTO THE FIRE TO FUSE THEIR VAGINAS AS THE ISLAMIC INVADERS WOULD RAPE EVEN DEAD BODIES OF HINDU WOMEN WHO HAD COMMITTED SUICIDE.. This is not SATI cooked up by Jew Rothschild.. this is a group practice called JAUHAR with the husbands alive awaiting their last fight to death with the islamic invader....
VADAKAYIL SAYS, TO STEAL RARE EARTHS, AMERICA WANTS TO SPLIT AGHANISTAN INTO TWO, BUT IT WONT HAPPEN IN PUTIN’S WATCH , POLL … america has given up its mann ke tamanna of regime change in north koear to steal rare earths.. #### ####... north korea has more submarines then america and has massive second strike capability.. check out the link below- #### ####... as usual america is lying.. the biden administration has suspended all arms sales to the government of afghanistan after the taliban took control over the country. but america is arming and funding amrullah saleh.. #### ####... as per my sources american arms are pouring into the panjshir valley.. this is called the valley of the five lions, the five pandava brothers of mahabharata. 6000 years ago afghanistan was part of india.. the mother of the 100 kauravas slain in the war of mahabharata, gandhari was from kandahar, afghanistan.. #### ####... the panjshir valley is just 150 kilometres north of kabul, near the hindu kush mountain range.. #### ####... america is now looking to divide and rule and create two afganistans like what they did in korea and vietnam.. sponsored by america afghanistan’s vice-president amrullah saleh ( he is a tajik ) has declared himself interim president as he joined the remnants of the erstwhile northern alliance withdrawing to their sanctuary in the panjshir valley. the northern was created by america to take on the taliban. the saga of cycle of violence in afghanistan is far from over. . on august 17, 2021, saleh declared himself afghanistan’s interim president, citing the afghan constitution where the first vice-president would take over in the case of the ‘absence, escape, resignation or death’ of the president. saleh, whose twitter descriptor reads ‘spies never quit’, is currently at an undisclosed location. he is joined by ahmad massoud and general mohammadi. the panjshir valley, where the trio are believed to be in, is the only one of 34 not to fall to the taliban.. western merceneries hide here.. this valley is packed with tajiks ( sponsored by america ) who have no loyalty to afghanistan.. they are aliens planted there by america. during the soviet occupation.. tajiks are a persian-speaking iranian ethnic group.. never allow national demographics to be changed by illegal aliens.. in kerala malappuarm distric is packed with illegal muslim bangladesis and rohingyas.. nsa ajit doval does not know his own powers.. ajit doval is allowing traitor judiciary to deal with traitors.. the word treason is not mentioned in the constitution.. afghan ambassador to tajikistan zahir aghbar has said that this province will serve as a stronghold for resistance against the taliban by amrullah saleh, the afghan embassy in dushanbe in tajikistan put up the portrait of amrullah saleh as the caretaker head of state. ahmad massoud, amrullah saleh, bismillah khan mohammadi are the leaders of the panjshir resistance. northern alliance was the coalition of rebel groups that opposed the taliban rule between 1996 and 2001. apart from ahmad shah massoud, amrullah saleh, the alliance included karim khalili, abdul rashid dostum, abdullah abdullah, mohammad mohaqiq, abdul qadir, asif mohseni etc.. the taliban have not attacked panjshir and many believe that it is because of the location of the valley, which makes it a natural fortress and the people are well armed with sophistcated american weapons.. yesterday opposition fighters loyal to afghanistan's ousted government retook three northern districts from the taliban .. the former vice president claimed to be operating out of panjshir with the support of ahmed massoud, the son of slain afghan commander ahmed shah massoud.. panjshir valley is now the epicentre of what is being called the national resistance front of afghanistan or the second resistance. ahmad massoud, amrullah saleh, bismillah khan mohammadi are the leaders of the panjshir resistance.. on august 15, 2021 , as the taliban completed its takeover of kabul, a video posted on social media showed saleh, ahmad massoud and general bismillah mohammadi taking off in a american helicopter for an unknown destination. all three are ethnic tajiks.. saleh was earlier head of counter-intelligence in the afghan intelligence service, the national directorate of security (nds). like his mentor massoud.. he remains an implacable foe of the taliban as head of the nds, saleh accumulated files and addresses on the taliban and seeded pashto-speaking traitor agents into the taliban.. amaerica has to do monkey business all over the planet where they do regime changes so that jews can steal.. libya/ iraq/ syria were proesperous nations till america decided to do regime change to steal. #### ####.. #### ####...
AMERICANS STILL BOAST HOW STINGER SHOULDER HELD MISSILES GIVEN BY AMERICA TO AFGHAN MUJAHIDEEN TO SHOOT DOWN RUSSIAN HELICOPTERS TURNED THE TIDE OF THE WAR.. my russian officers father was a helicopter pilot in afghanistan from 1985 till the soviet withdrawal on february 15, 1989. HIS FATHER SAID THAT STINGER MISSILES WERE USELESS AND WERE FIRED BY ILL TRAINED MUJAHIDEEN.. #### ####.. the american propaganda is -- according to the 1993 us us air defense artillery yearbook, the mujahideen gunners used the supplied stingers to score 270 total aircraft kills in about 340 engagements, a 79-percent kill ratio.. with 53% of soviet helicopters shot down.. THIS IS THE GREATEST BULLSHIT IN THE ANNALS OF WAR. according to soviet figures, , only 23 aircraft and 49 helicopters were destroyed by all causes. the pakistan army fired 44 stingers at enemy aircraft without a single kill. INDEED WHEN SOVIET HELICOPTERS WERE FIRST SHOT DOWN ( BY TRAINED WESTERN MERCENERIES – NOT MUJAHIDEEN ) THERE WAS GREAT CONSTERNATION. SOVIETS IMMEDIATELY TOOK EFFECTIVE COUNTERMEASURES TO PROTECT THEIR HELICOPTERS. helicopter crews switched their operations to night raids since the mujahideen had no night-vision equipment. pilots made bombing runs at greater height, thereby nullifying the accuracy of shoulder held stinger attacks, measures included flares, beacons, and exhaust baffles to disorient the missiles, along with night operation and terrain-hugging tactics to prevent the rebels from getting a clear shot. soviet choppers and planes were not allowed to land with a long trajectory. while taking off and landing they were escorted by choppers which released heat flares to divert any potential missiles. all cargo flights were rescheduled for nighttime. in september 1986, a trained western mercenary team fired its first stingers at three soviet mi-24 hind helicopter gunships attempting to land at jalalabad airfield. locked onto the infra-red signatures of their targets, the five-foot-long, 35-pound missiles raced after the ill-fated helicopters at speeds of over 1,500 mph, smashing into them with "the kinetic force of a mid-sized car traveling at sixty miles per hour, over the next three years, the mujahideen, who received stingers from washington and extensive training on their use in pakistan, staged dozens of attacks that brought down nearly 270 aircraft ( terrific lie ) contributing in no small part to the soviet union’s decision to withdraw from afghanistan in 1989. fake jihadists presented u.s president ronald reagan with the remains of a missile used in the attack. TEE HEEE. by 1988, , the mujahideen had stopped firing expensive shoulder launched stinger missiles. anti-aircraft guns were better .. SOVIET DECISION TO WITHDRAW FROM AFGHANISTAN WAS MADE MUCH BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF USELESS STINGER MISSILES IN AFGHANISTAN.. THE SOVIET DECISION TO WITHDRAW FROM AFGHANISTAN WAS MADE IN OCTOBER 1985.. the soviet withdrawal was fully completed in a phased manner on february 15, 1989.. Soviet, and later, Russian, accounts give zero significance to the Stinger for strategically ending the war.. ALL THIS IS AMERICA’S RAMBO 3 FIXATION AND PROPAGANDA THAT IT IS A FIRE-AND-FORGET WEAPON. U.N. joined in with american propaganda that that "mujahadeen" fighters were destroying one soviet aircraft a day and stingers are slowly and surely turning the tide of the war BRAAAYYYYYY.. stinger missiles did not bring down any more aircraft than chinese heavy machine guns and other less sophisticated anti-aircraft weaponry.. the 5-foot-long stinger missile travelled at twice the speed of sound and destroys its target with fragmentation explosives. the stinger's effective range is about 2.8 miles.. stinger missiles used passive ir/uv sensors. the missiles look for the infrared light (heat) produced by the target airplane's engines and track the airplane by following that light. the missiles also identify the uv "shadow" of the target and use that identification to distinguish the target from other heat-producing objects.. soviet union managed to capture a few stinger missiles , did reverse engineering and produced hundreds of such useless missiles to protect their helicopters .. russian vladimir kovtun a decorated retired colonel captured eight fim-92 stinger missile in 1986. lieutenant igor ryumtsev, claimed to be the first to capture a stinger in 1986.. after studying the american stinger missiles , soviet aviation designers modified the su-25 jets, improving their defense capabilities and heat flare feature – these measures helped to eliminate casualties for the ussr. the stinger missile functioned at low altitudes -- under about 4,500 feet – and was not effective against aircraft traveling at low altitudes but high speed.. the stinger missiles were useless in night fighting. . if the stinger operator can't see the approaching aircraft and launches at the missile at an that angle that takes it far from the aircraft, its chances of striking the target are virtually zero.. soviets used decoy rockets in their mi-24d helicopter gunships that were fired at intervals to provide a heat source that fooled the stinger. the soviet military also has developed powerful strobe lights that throw off the stingers' sensors in daytime.. russians had far better shoulder held missiles.. the strela-2 was the first soviet man-portable sam – it entered use in 1968. it was used extensively in vietnam.. 64 us helicopters were shot down by various strela-2 variants.. the soviet sa-7 grail playing a major role in neutralizing the american air force in the final communist offensive in 1975 in Vietnam . new generation of soviet sam systems entered service in the 1980s. these included the sa-10 grumble, a mach-6 mobile system with a 60-mile range deployed in both strategic and tactical versions; the sa-11 gadfly, a mach-3 semiactive radar homing system with a range of 17 miles; the sa-12 gladiator, a track-mobile replacement of ganef; the sa-13 gopher, a replacement for gaskin; and the sa-14, a shoulder-fired grail replacement. ACCORDING TO DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS, THE SOVIET POLITBURO WAS DISCUSSING WAYS OF DISENGAGING FROM AFGHANISTAN, AND ACTUALLY REACHED THE FIRM DECISION ON OCTOBER 17, 1985. gorbachev made the public announcement on february 8, 1988, and the first troops started coming out in may 1988.. the soviet withdrawal was completed on february 15, 1989, and afghanistan returned to nonaligned status. ..gorbachev himself, in his book (mikhail gorbachev, ponyat’ perestroiku … pochemu eto vazhno seichas. (moscow: alpina books 2006)), cites at least two factors to explain why it took the reformers so long to withdraw the troops. according to gorbachev, the cold war frame held back the soviet leaders from making more timely and rational moves, because of fear of the international perception that any such withdrawal would be a humiliating retreat. in addition to saving face, the soviet leaders kept trying against all odds to ensure the existence of a stable and friendly afghanistan with some semblance of a national reconciliation process in place before they left. the u.s.-built stinger antiaircraft missiles, was supplied to the mujahideen in very large numbers beginning in 1986. the total supply is in excess of 2615..pakistani officers traveled to the united states for training on the stinger in june 1986 and then set up a secret mujaheddin stinger training facility in rawalpindi, complete with an electronic simulator made in the united states. the simulator allowed mujaheddin trainees to aim and fire at a large screen without actually shooting off expensive missiles,. the screen marked the missile's track and calculated whether the trainee would have hit his airborne target. #### ####… stinger anti-aircraft missiles, were channelled by the pakistanis to the hezb-i-islami faction of the mujahideen led by gulbuddin hekmatyar. after the 1989 soviet withdrawal from afghanistan, the u.s. attempted to buy back the stinger missiles, with a $55 million program launched in 1990 to buy back around 300 missiles (us$183,300 each). the u.s. government collected most of the stingers it had delivered, but by 1996 around 600 were unaccounted for and some found their way into croatia, iran, sri lanka, qatar, and north korea .. taliban forces in afghanistan still have about 130 u.s.-supplied stingers the taliban has purchased later-model russian versions of the same weapon. us trained mujahids spawned, al-qaeda and likes of osama bin laden..
OPERATION NAYIRAH 2 IS GOING ON FULL THROTTLE LED BY DEEP STATE AGENT AND CLOSET COMMIE ARNAB GOSWAMI OR REPUBLIC TV.. TALIBAN HAS NEVER EVER SEND AFGHAN TERRORISTS TO KASHMIR.. maulana masood azhar was the founder and leader of the pakistan-based terrorist organisation jaish-e-mohammed, active mainly in the pakistani-administered portion of the kashmir region.. his terrorist outfit did not have a single afghan it leave alone taliban.. many indians are made to believe that indian airlines flight ic814 was hijacked to khandahar by taliban.. balls it was taliban.. on friday, 24 december 1999, the plane was hijacked and flown to several locations before landing in kandahar, ...khandahar was not the original destination.. IS TALIBAN CRAZY TO ASK FOR RELEASE OF PAKISTANI TERRORIST MAULANA MASOOD AZHAR ALONG WITH 35 OTHER NON-TALIBANI MILITANTS WHO WERE CAPTURED AND INCARCERATED IN INDIAN PRISONS.. in addition, a ransom of $200 million was demanded. taliban had nothing to do with this hijacking.. TALIBAN HAS ALREADY CLARIFIED ITS POSITION ON KASHMIR SEVERAL WHICH CONSIDERS THE K-ISSUE AS A BILATERAL AND INTERNAL MATTER.. maulana masood azhar is the founder and leader of the pakistan-based terrorist organisation jaish-e-mohammed, active mainly in the pakistani-administered portion of the kashmir region.. MAULANA MASOOD AZHAR’S TERRORIST OUTFIT DID NOT HAVE A SINGLE AFGHAN IT LEAVE ALONE TALIBAN.. shortly after his release, azhar made a public address to an estimated 11,000 people in karachi. he proclaimed, "i have come here because this is my duty to tell you that muslims should not rest in peace until we have destroyed india," vowing to liberate the kashmir region from indian rule.. jaish-e-mohammed carried out a string of deadly attacks against indian targets, including the attack on the indian parliament in december 2001.. jem is run by azhar's family like a family enterprise. TALIBAN WOULD NOT EVEN FAART OF JEM’S FACE.. jem maintained close relations with al-qaeda in afghanistan. jem was created with the support of pakistan's inter-services intelligence (isi).. jem was responsible for several terror attacks: the 2001 attack on jammu and kashmir legislative assembly, the 2001 indian parliament attack, the 2016 pathankot airbase attack, the 2016 attack on the indian mission in mazar-i-sharif, the 2016 uri attack, and the 2019 pulwama attack, each of which has had strategic consequences for india–pakistan relations.. taliban had declared again and again that the soil of afghanistan will not be used against 'any other country'- leave alone india.. HONOURABLE TALIBAN IS NOT HALF BREED ARAB ISIS.. TALIBAN PROTECT WOMEN WITH THEIR LIVES. DURING THE KHALISTANI INSURGENCY IN PUNJAB SIKHS TERRORISTS WERE HUNDRED TIMES WORSE THAN ISIS.. the khalistani sikhs would just walk into any home where good looking women are seen.. i t could be hindu/ muslim or sikh—it did not matter. they herded the rest of the family into a room locked it and raped the woman. #### ####... the taliban have always been labeled as terrorists and extremists. the mujahideen killing the soviets was hailed as the noble work of jihad while the taliban killings invader americans and thei afghan traitor agents are labeled as terrorism. the taliban were not welcomed and hosted inside the white house by us president and equated with the founding fathers of the us. the taliban defeated the mightiest army in the history of mankind plus the coalition of allied countries that had occupied their land, plus the local government in kabul. THE TALIBAN DID IS WHAT NOBODY BEFORE HAS BEEN ABLE TO DO IN AFGHAN HISTORY.. #### ####.. WHAT IS RAW AND OLD FAART AJIT DOVAL WORTH? is this antique fellow working for bharatmata or the jewish deep state ? he should be put out to pasture.. he got an extension because all he does is to give modi an ego massage..
VADAKAYIL on STEELY RESOLVE OF AFGHAN FREEDOM FIGHTERS who raped mighty Soviet Union and America IS ROOTED IN DHARMA OF ANCIENT HINDUISM not barbarism of medieval islam, POLL ######### somebody called me up and cried.. CAPTAIN, SHAKUNI IS CONSIDERED AS THE MOST EVIL MAN IN THE EPIC OF MAHABHARATA PENNED 6000 YEARS AGO BY KERALA MAHARISHI VYASA.. IF SO WHY IS THERE A TEMPLE FOR SHAKUNI IN KERALA?.. #### ####... KERALA THIYYA KING SHAKUNI WAS THE BROTHER OF PRINCESS GANDHARI THE MOTHER OF THE KAURAVAS.. gandhari was born to subala, the king of gandhara - modern kandahar of afghanistan the de facto capital of the taliban.. .. on 12 august 2021, kandahar fell to the control of the taliban. GANDHARI IS CONIDERED AS THE MOST CHASTE WOMAN IN HINDU PURANAS ( ALONG WITH QUEEN TARA WHO CURSED VISHNU AVATAR RAMA ) , SO MUCH THAT HER CURSE OF VISHNU AVATAR KRISHNA TOOK EFFECT.. alexander the great visited this ancient city of gandhara as his hindu mother was a kerala thiyya woman whose ancestral roots were in this place.. on greek maps this city was named alexandria of arachosia.. alexander the great was asked by his mother polyxena to visit two places.. one was gandhara and the other was the 12,400 year old hindu temple of the oracle at siwa oasis egypt built by kerala thiyya king swarbanu jr.. #### ####.. LATER ALEXANDER’S CREMATED ASHES WERE SCATTERED IN THE PRISTINE WATERS OF SIWA OASIS.. #### ####.. beautiful princess gandhari had large expressive eyes, the most potent charm of her great beauty.. she was also terrified of the dark and could not sleep at night unless the bed room was lit up by lamps.. her marriage was arranged to blind king dhritarashtra, the eldest prince of the kuru kingdom, by grandsire bhishma .. In those days nobody dared to object when respected Bhishma took a decision.. When she found out that her would-be husband was born blind, she decided to blindfold herself in order to be like her husband as a wedding ritual. SHE WOULD BEAR A HUNDRED SONS ( TEST TUBE BABIES KAURAVAS ).. the covert reason for krishna to come on earth as an avatar of vishnu was to decimate all 100 test tube babies who would be a burden of earth, as people without conscience .. the official reason was to kill kerala kings shishupala ( jaya ) and dantavakra ( vijaya ) .. gandhari would be dying a thousand deaths every moment of her awake life.. this caused her brother shakuni ( duryodhana's maternal uncle) to be very upset.. the moment she blindfolded herself, brother shakuni who loved her too much, plunged his dagger deep into his thigh till the bone.. he would the keep the festered wound unhealed ( vow was till he got bhishma killed ), using his dagger again and again at the same spot.. he sliced the healed ligaments again and again, a very painful process. HE DEVELOPED A PERMANENT PAINFUL LIMP. shakuni was angry that his sister’s blind husband dhritarashtra was denied the throne because of his blindness, despite being eldest son and rightful heir as per our dharma. the throne went to albino pandu, the younger brother of dhritarashtra.. gandhari never complained.. when war was declared she lost her stately composure , ran and took her sword ( she was a good kalari sword fighter ) .. .. suddenly knowing the futility of wielding a urumi sword blindfolded , she cried out aloud - OFHH GOD, I AM AS MUCH AFRAID OF THIS WAR AS I AM AFRAID OF THIS ENDLESS DARKNESS.. #### ####... during the mahabarata war shakuni had plans to kill bhishma-- provided gandhari takes off her blindfold - but this chaste woman refused -- as her blindfolding herself was under her own oath.. during the last and 18th day of kurukshetra war, shakuni was killed by pandava sahadeva who smashed his head with his mace.. shakuni was a illusionist and that was how he could manipulate the game of dice. in kerala shakuni is considered as a man of virtue , but he became a bad man only because of his extreme devotion to his own sister gandhari ---there is a temple dedicated to shakuni at pavithreswaram in kollam district, kerala.. GANDHARI COULD NOT SEE ANY OF HER 100 DEAD SONS . . they kept dying every day of the mahabharata war. krishna watched her mourning each of her dead 100 CLONED sons. just before krishna blew his conch to kick start the kurukshetra war , he ordered yuyutsu ( the only non-cloned son of dhritarashtra to defect from the kaurava camp to the pandava camp. yuyutsu was one among the eleven warriors to survive the terrible war. after the war, krishna crowned him the king of indraprastha.. this is what is written in mahabharata - queen gandhari’s ( mother of kauravas ) foetus was broken up and put in 101 mudpots by maharishi vyasa . these test pots were carefully attended to by trained morphic field resonator parichaarakas for 'incubating' these test tubes ‘.. this is the first written example of test tube babies and 'stem cell technology' . . dridharashtra's wife gandhari gave birth to a lumpen mass of flesh which vyasa cut into 100 pieces and kept each one in a pot. at the appropriate time, each piece was born as a son and thus a 100 sons were born to gandhari. (mahabharata, aadhiparvam, chapter 114, sloka 17).. that the cells from broken pieces of foetus because of totipotential nature of embryonic cells could be 'cultured ' into compete human forms in a morphogenetic field is expounded here.. texts about cloning in ayurveda was carried away by german hermann gundert from kerala-along with texts on math, astronomy , surgery etc. .when the first jar was opened gandhari took the baby out and named him duryodhan. but alas! as soon as the baby started crying all the beasts of the jungle started howling , jackals bayed- and many signs of ill omen were seen.. everyone was shocked and disappointed as this meant that the baby was not auspicious and would bring harm on the entire clan of the kauravas.. the mahabharata world war was pre-ordained.. kerala king maya danava ( the illusionist architect, who was a master of panch mahabhutas ) ran away to mexico by vimana, before the war started, as he was afraid that krishna would make undue demands on him.. mayan calendar span is from death of krishna 4000 BC to 2012 AD ..##### #####.. maya danava knew that duryodhana would be tricked into falling into the pool, inside the hall of illusions. he knew the secret acoustic spot where draupadi would stand and scream andhasya putra andahah ( son of blind parents is blind too ), but along with duryodhana , bhishma heard it too. angered by the insult to his chaste mother gandhari who was not blind ( only blindfolded ) duryodhana climbed out of the pool dripping wet swore this insult will cost you my dear.. it was insult to his chaste mother not to himself that angered him. king duryodhana knew that the hall of illusions had a greater purpose, probably to trigger a world war.... evert time he saw a pool, he first tested it gingerly with his toes and it proved to be dry floor.. and every time draupadi would scream and taunt him of at focal points of acoustic concave spots , being a stupid coward which only he could hear.. duryodhana maintained his composure swallowing all insults . later when draupadi was disrobed in full court, bhishma made a terse statement DHARMA IS INDEED SUBTLE. only vidura supported draupadi, no one else did, till krishna came to her rescue.. after the war yudhishthira approached gandhari mourning over the dead duryodhana .. he cried.."queen, the cruel yudhishthira, who killed your sons, stands before you fit to be cursed. do curse me who have committed great sin. i care not for life or for kingdom." saying this, he fell on the ground and touched her feet… all gandhari had to do was to remove her blindfold .. if her her vision fell on the prostrate yudhishthira he would be reduced to ashes on the spot.. this was the power of her chastity.. gandhari was was rambling in extreme grief , her speech slurred. “duryodhana , my son , open your eyes. speak to me my first born…a hundred did we bear, all fine and proud. was it for such a foolish end? her husband, the blind king dritharashtra stood by, looking lost. sanjaya, the blind king’s escort, gently bent down to gandhari, to inform the blindfolded woman of the arrival of krishna. her grief turned to a burning rage . gandhari cried out to krishna “you, who i worshipped as vishnu and you, known as an avatar of the supreme godhead. aren’t you ashamed of your doings? could you not have averted this war with your divine will and power? is this how you answer my prayers? ask your mother, devaki, the pain of losing a child. she had seven of her children being killed at birth and now i have seen a hundred sons of mine being butchered to death” . . krishna laughed gently. she now vented her steam “ oh mocking god , if my years of shraddha to vishnu have been true, and if i have been true to my husband with this blindfold, then, MAY YOU DIE IN 36 YEARS FROM TODAY. GANDHARI’S CUSP WAS 36 YEARS.. THE KALKI AVATAR CUSP IS 30 YEARS DEOM DEC 21ST 2012. MAY DWARAKA BE FLOODED , MAY EVERY ONE OF YOUR YADUVA KIN PERISH BY KILLING EACH OTHER, just as you made the kins of kuru kill one another. may the yaduvas perish “.. suddenly the gravity of her words dawned on her . her anger vaporized and she fell at krishna’s feet begging for forgiveness .. krishna smiled and gently lifted her up. he whispered “ oh mother , your curse will take effect, not only because of your true devotion towards me and your husband, but also due to the ever changing sands of time. in the mean time, let’s attend to the tending of the dead and sending them away on their journey to the heavens.” krishna walked past the stunned pandavas.. I ASK— IF THE RESOLVE OF GANDHARI TO BLINDFOLD HERSELF ( AND NOT EVEN SEE HER 100 DEAD SONS WHO FELL EVERY DAY IN BATTLE ) AND THE RESOLVE OF HER BROTHER SHAKUNI TO KEEP HIS SELF INFLICTED THIGH BONE WOUND FESTERED AND PAINFUL IS NOTA STEELY RESOLVE ROOTED IN DHARMA THEN WHAT IS IT? ..CAN YOU DO THIS?.. alexander the great wrote that 99.9% of afghans were hindus.. those days christianity and islam did not exist.. there were no jews in this area. the 0.1% were buddhists , followers of the real buddha not the fake one cooked up by german jew rothschild.. rothschild deleted ayyappa as the ninth avatar of vishnu and inserted the fake pali speaking , pig eating buddha who did not believe in soul.. like how in ncert books we still learn about edison and not tesla …the real buddha, whose statues are found in ancient rock cut temples, was born in 1900 bce in india, kikita, gaya, bihar, to parents anjana/ hemajit- he spoke sanskrit, was a vegetarian, and believed in the soul - the fake buddha, cooked up by jew rothschild as the 9th avatar of vishnu, was touted to be born in 480 bce in nepal, lumbini, kapilavastu, to parents mayadevi/ shuddodhana… krishna was shot under his foot by an arrow by hunter jara .. krishna consoled him and told him how his death was inevitable and things are going as per divine plan . krishna says that in his previous birth as lord rama. rama killed powerful kerala king vali from behind as a bystander from behind a tree . this curse to maryada purush rama was from the most beautiful and chaste woman in our puranas , queen tara, wife of kerala thiyya king, krishna has now reaped the price for the same through jara who was king vali in his previous birth. the taliban of afghanistan who have honor in their blood, is not half breed arab savage ISIS created / funded/ armed by jewish deep state. #### ####... WE DON’T WANT AMERICA TO SAVE AFGHAN WOMEN.. THEY ARE HAPPY THE WAY THEY ARE.. #### ####.. ARNAB GOSWAMI OF REPUBLIC TV INDIA IS LEADING “OPERATION NAYIRAH 2” FOR A PIECE OF KOSHER SILVER .. THE AFGHAN AMBASSADOOR TO INDIA/ TALIBAN MUST TAKE A NOTE .. PEOPLE LIKE THIS CLOSET COMMIE ARNAB GOSWAMI ARE A BURDEN ON PLANET EARTH.. #### ####...
somebody called me up and cried.. captain you have written that king solomon ( with a kerala namboodiri mother bath sheba ) fell for his wife kerala thiyya queen of sheba because he saw her hairy legs , as she strode up the sandal wood staircase ( donated by her ) to his throne , with two tiger cubs struggling to keep pace.. LISTEN-.. first he saw her bullet type nipples , as she was bare chested, as was kerala style.. AROUND HER NIPPLES WAS AQUAMARINE BLUE POWDER ( GROUND RAJWART/ LAPIS LAZULI ) SPECKLED WITH GOLD . then he saw her anklet made of gold and red carnelian worn to balance the mooladhara chakra .. only then did he see her silky hairy legs which caused him to drool and fall for her.. queen of sheba removed a a gold ring inset with a lapis lazuli stone from her thumb and presented it to king solomon.. in kerala astrology, blue rajwart it is a stone of planet saturn ( shani ) remove shani’s son gulika’s bad effects. lapis lazuli boosts the immune system and lowers blood pressure.. MUCH LATER KERALA THIYYA EGYPTIAN QUEEN CLEOPATRA WOULD DO THE SAME TO ENTICE EMPEROR JULIUS CAESAR. the blue colour in ancient ajanta caves is ultramarine.. MOSES WAS COOKED UP BY JEWESS HELENA IN 325 AD.. HE WAS MODELED AFTER KERALA THIYYA EGYPTIAN PHAROAH AKHENATEN ( AMNEHOTEP IV ).. HIS KERALA THIYYA WIFE NEFERTITI HAD A SCARAB OF LAPIS LAZULI WHICH WAS FOUND IN HER TOMB.. ##### #####.. the tombs of tutankhamun is in reality his mother queen nefertiti’s tomb.. #### ####... DURING 20 YEARS OF OCCUPATION AMERICA HAS STOLEN MORE THAN 2.3 BILLION USD WORTH RARE EARTHS AND LAPIS LAZULI FROM AFGHANISTAN’s NORTHEASTERN BADAKHSHAN PROVINCE .. these “exceptional “ thieves must return this money.. LIKE NORTH KOREA AFGHANISTAN HAS THE PLANET’S LARGEST RESERVES OF RARE EARTHS. #### ####.. the main lithium deposits of afghanistan are in three regions — ghazni province in the east and herat and nimroz provinces in the west. american drones kept watch and if taliban approached these illegal mines operated by america they were bombed from air. dead men tell no tales. there are videos ( russian hd satellite ) of american geologists working with the pentagon team conducting ground surveys on dry salt lakes in western afghanistan , which have large deposits of lithium.. russians were upset because americans stole their rare earths map. thse maps were in a vault at the library of the afghan geological survey in Kabul. armed with the old russian charts, the united states geological survey began a series of aerial surveys of afghanistan’s mineral resources in 2006, using advanced gravity and magnetic measuring equipment attached to an old navy orion p-3 aircraft that flew over about 75 percent of afghanistan.. the data from those flights was so promising that in 2007, the geologists returned for an even more sophisticated study, using an old british bomber equipped with instruments that offered a three-dimensional profile of mineral deposits below the earth’s surface. it was the most comprehensive geologic survey of afghanistan ever conducted. it is estimated that afghanistan has five trillion usd worth of rare earths which can be mined easily.. afghanistan holds 70 million metric tons of copper, 3.1 billion tons of iron ore, 2.1 million tons of rare earth elements (rees) such as lanthanum, cerium, neodymium, and veins of aluminium, gold, silver, zinc, mercury, and lithium. the copper mine at mes aynak in logar province has the world’s -largest copper deposit, valued at 80 billion usd . in 2019, the us imported 83 per cent of its rare earth minerals from china, while the eu states got 99 per cent of these materials from china. lithium is a key component in building the lithium-ion batteries that power everything from mobile phones to electric vehicles to new generations of submarines.. BALLS AMERICA WENT TO AFGHANISTAN TO SECURE WOMEN’S RIGHTS.. BRAAAAYYYYYYYYY. The piracy in Somalia is all about the white man stealing thorium. #### ####...
#### ####... below false flag attack on afghan sikhs is just one among hundreds in the last month to discredit talinban.. #### ####.. JEWESS NAYIRAH BROUGHT DOWN SADDAM HUSSAIN .. SHE READ OUT A FOUL SPEECH PREPARED BY THE JEWISH DEEP STATE TO BRING DOWN SADDAM HUSSIAN.. NAYIRAH IS THE QUEEN OF DISINFORMATION— IF ROTHSCHILD’S AGENT JEW JOSEPH GOEBBELS IS THE KING OF DISINFORMATION. jewess nayirah is the 15 year old daughter of jew jew saud nasser al-saud al-sabah the kuwaiti ambassador to us at that time.. nayirah claiming to be a kuwaiti nurse lied to the the congressional human rights caucus that she had witnessed iraqi soldiers tear hundreds of babies from hospital incubators and leave them “scattered like firewood across the floor” suing bayonets impaled into babies assholes , at kuwait city maternity hospital.. #### ####.. it was the lying testimony of jewess nayirah on october 10, 1990, which caused america to kill millions of iraqis and saddam hussain who has done no harm to america.. she lied that she was in kuwait when she was actually in america all the while. WANNA KNOW HOW THE JEWISH DEEP STATE MILKED MONEY IN IRAQ -- AS VULTURES OF WAR?.. #### ####.. GOOGLE/ FACEBOOK/ TWITTER/ QUORA/ INSTAGRAM/ WIKIPEDIA ARE ALL INVOLVED IN DISINFORMATION TO DISCREDIT TALIBAN.. FALSE FLAG ATTACKS AND HEGELIAN DIALECTIC IS ON THE BOIL.. honorable afghan freedom fighters taliban are not evil arab mercenary scum isis.. isis was created/ funded/ armed by the jewish deep state. #### ####... AFGHANS PROTECT THEIR WOMEN WITH THEIR LIVES … THEY ARE NOT RAPISTS.. THE MAN IN THE VIDEO BELOW IS AN HALF BREED ARAB WITH ZERO HONOUR.. HE CAN NEVER BE A AFGHAN.. CAN A HINDU EVER BE LIKE THIS EVIL HALF BREED ARAB DEVIL IN THE VIDEO BELOW ?.. #### ####.. #### ####... WANNA KNOW HOW THE JEWISH DEEP STATE MILKED MONEY IN IRAQ -- AS VULTURES OF WAR?.. #### ####... below is just one of the hundreds of false flag attacks done by the jewish deep state to make taliban look like shit.. #### ####.. INDIA WILL RECOGNIZE THE TALIBAN AFGHAN GOVT.. #### ####.. #### ####.. war weary afghans need respite..
#### ####... the western world does not know why harsh rules were created by muhammad the prophet.. it was for survival in a hostile environment in those times.. #### ####.. the family of muhammad the prophet was from my hometown calicut.. the king of calicut still owns mecca oasis.. #### ####.. the people of india love the people of afghanistan.. men of honor.. jew rothschild used naive kabuliwaalas to do reject opium retail selling on the streets in baskets of fry fruit which had secret compartments inside for opium. majority of bollywood khan actors are descendents of these drug runners.. today nigerians do street drug pushing in india. taliban is now at its strongest point in history militarily.. all us arms given to the afghan govt soldiers are now with taliban.. DO NOT EQUATE TALIBAN WITH ISIS TERRORISTS.. TALIBAN OUSTED THE WHITE AMERICAN INVADER.. AFGHANISTAN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WORLD TRADE CENTRE TWIN TOWERS COLLAPSE.. we indians were slaves for 800 years as we did not have balls of steel like taliban.. and sorry- afghan woman dont want the american way of life.. they are happy the way they are.. this is like indian supreme court ruling that menstruating women can enter kerala sabarimala temple-- and all kerala women declaring we are happy the way we are.. my wife graduated in poddar college mumbai.. she did not want a job.. she was happy to be in the kitchen being a house wife radiating happiness at home... she did not collect her university bcom certificate.. finally after three years of marriage i got her classmate to collect it for her.. after 38 years of marriage, my wife has made every meal i ate at home.. serving her husband and children is bliss for her.. she does not care for the American Way Of Life.. she will not be caught dead in a discotheque or tattered jeans .. taliban will punish traitors who sided with the white invader .. traitors to the motherland do not deserve anything better.. translators my ass. TALIBAN WAS CREATED BY CIA AND PAKISTANI ISI .. taliban's top leaders are still pashtun jews who dont have ZEBIBA MARK or have it in the wrong place. we all saw the hollywood movie rambo in afghanistan.. #### ####.. TALIBAN IN PASHTUN MEANS "STUDENT OF MADRASSA ".. ALL MADRASSAS IN PAKISTAN / INDIA/ BANGLADESH ARE RUN BY JEWISH MONEY.. taliban entered kandahar in november 1994 to pacify the crime-ridden city, and by september 1996 seized the capital, kabul, from corrupt president crypto jew burhanuddin rabbani, an ethnic tajik an agent of the jewish deep state. taliban jurisprudence was drawn from the pashtuns’ pre-islamic tribal code and interpretations of sharia colored by the austere wahhabi doctrines of the madrassas’ saudi benefactors. wahhabi money is jewish deep state money.. the saudi royal bloodline is jewish like every other gulf oil rich kingdom.. imran khan of pakistan is a pashtun jew.. the number of u.s. troops in afghanistan was 117,000 in 2011. nato had more than 142,000 troops from fifty nations stationed in afghanistan. sorry afghan women do not want to wear miniskirt without undies underneath..balls to american way of life.. the taliban is now under investigation in the international criminal court for alleged abuses of afghan civilians, including crimes against humanity, carried out since 2003. hey how about crimes against humanity by american president obama who used drones to recklessly bomb civilian populations of afghanistan.. muslims are expendable right? will they use drones on jews ?this hardened the resolve of taliban.. #### ####... taliban has the support of 95 % of afghan population today.. smell the coffee , rothschild controlled main stream media.. fake / doctored polls by jewish deep state created asia foundation cuts no ice.. asia foundation conducted a fake poll in 2019, and declared ( a lie ) only 13.4 percent of afghans had sympathy for the taliban.. russia and china supports taliban.. the “international community” ( teee heee ) can eat humble pie.. for the taliban, peace doesn’t mean an end to the fighting, it means an end to the evil u.s. occupation and american exceptionalism, taliban is a creation of american policy and ridiculous american exceptionalism run amok. it was a case of kosher chicken coming home to roost. afghans have been humiliated by america.. these brave simple people don’t mind dying.. LTTE was created because the sri lankan buddhist govet sprayed hindu tamil villages with air compressor pulverised shit from helicopters. beeeg mistake. #### ####... the 1907 anglo-russian convention that formally ended this "great game" finalized afghanistan's role as a buffer between the russian empire's holdings in central asia, and the german jew rothschild’s holdings in india. bolshevik revolution was conducted by jews controlled by rothschild.. #### ####...
jew zahir shah, ruler of afghanistan between 1933 and 1973, belongs to the jewish muhammadzai clan of the barakzai subtribe of the durrani tribe.. zahir shah took the throne of afghanistan in 1933 after the assassination of his father, jew nadir shah of the afshar tribe. jew rothschild installed jew nadir shah as shah of iran.. king mohammed zahir shah reigned as an agent of jew rothschild but did not rule for twenty years.. it was during this period that afghanistan and the united states first exchanged ambassadors on orders from german jew rothschild.. even today nobody knows that all ottoman sultans after sulaiman the magnifient were jews.. #### ####.. MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATÜRK WAS A DONMEH JEW.. #### ####... ROTHSCHILD CREATED FAE LOST JEWISH TRIBE TO CONTROL KHYBER PASS.. #### ####... in 1953, zahir shah's first cousin, the 43-year-old muhammad daoud khan became prime minister.. he tilted towards russia. daoud's government sought to buy arms, and approached the united states several times between 1953 and 1955 but all military aid had kosher strings attached. the baghdad pact was a defensive organization ( like nato ) for promoting shared political, military and economic goals founded in 1955 by turkey, iraq, great britain, pakistan and iran. in 1956, afghanistan purchased $25 million in tanks, airplanes, helicopters, and small arms from the soviet bloc, while soviet experts helped construct or convert to military specifications airfields in northern afghanistan. the cold war had come to afghanistan. the root of the pushtunistan problem begins in 1893. it was in that year that sir henry mortimer durand, foreign secretary of india, demarcated what became known as the durand line, setting the boundary between british india and afghanistan, and in the process deliberately dividing the pushtun tribes into two countries.. the pushtunistan issue continued to simmer into the 1950s, with afghanistan-based pushtuns crossing the durand line in 1950 and 1951 in order to raise pushtunistan flags. daoud, prime minister from 1953 to 1963, supported the pushtun claims. as pakistan ensconced itself more firmly in the american camp, the soviet union increasingly supported afghanistan's pushtunistan agitations.. in march 1955, mobs attacked pakistan's embassy in kabul, and ransacked the pakistani consulates in jalalabad and kandahar. pakistani mobs retaliated by sacking the afghan consulate in peshawar. afghanistan mobilized its reserves for war. kabul and islamabad agreed to submit their complaints to an arbitration commission consisting of representatives from egypt, iraq, saudi arabia, iran, and turkey. arbitration failed, but the process provided time for tempers to cool. in september 1961, kabul and islamabad severed diplomatic relations and pakistan attempted to seal its border with afghanistan. the soviet union was more than happy to provide an outlet, though, for afghanistan's agricultural exports, which the soviets airlifted out from the kabul airport. between october and november 1961, 13 soviet aircraft departed kabul daily, transporting more than 100 tons of afghan grapes.. the soviet union "saved" the afghan harvest, but pakistan's blockade effectively ended the u.s. aid program in afghanistan.. on march 9, 1963, daoud stepped down. two months later, with the mediation of the shah of iran ( jew agent of rothschild ), pakistan and afghanistan reestablished diplomatic relations. in 1973, daoud overthrew his cousin zahir shah and declared afghanistan a republic. soviet premier leonid brezhnev, embracing a strategy of third world activism, sought to exploit daoud's coup to retrench soviet regional interests.. while pakistan had been founded on the basis of islamic unity, the 1971 war reinforced the point that in pakistan, ethnicity trumped religion. accordingly, pakistan viewed daoud's pushtunistan rhetoric (and his simultaneous support for baluchi separatists), as well as his generally pro-india foreign policy, as a serious threat to pakistani security. pakistani prime minister zulfiqar ali bhutto supported an islamist movement in afghanistan, a strategy that islamabad would replicate two decades later with the taliban.. pakistan would be better able to influence succession should the elderly daoud die. it was thus in the mid-1970s, while both the united states and the soviet union continued to ply the kabul regime with aid, that pakistani intelligence -- with financial support for saudi arabia -- first began their ties to the islamist opposition in afghanistan. the american defeat in vietnam had emboldened the soviet union to push harder and compromise less. the soviet union threw its encouragement behind the people's democratic party of afghanistan (pdpa), on april 27, 1978, pdpa seized power in a bloody coup. on april 30, a revolutionary council declared afghanistan to be a democratic republic. the soviet union welcomed the new regime with a massive influx of aid. having lost in iran's islamic revolution their staunchest regional ally, the united states sought to engage afghanistan. #### december 1979, soviet premier leonid brezhnev, not willing to lose the tenuous soviet advantage in afghanistan, sent the red army pouring into the country. jew hafizullah amin was an afghan communist revolutionary, an agent of rothchild. when hafizullah amin refused to relinquish power, soviet units stormed his palace and executed him. he organized the saur revolution of 1978 and co-founded the democratic republic of afghanistan, ruling afghanistan as general secretary of the people's democratic party from september 1979 until his assassination in december 1979. while the red army and its client regime in kabul controlled the city, the soviets were never fully able to gain control over the countryside. pockets of resistance ( aided by america ) continued despite all attempts to stamp them out. the decision to arm the afghan resistance ( taliban ) came within two weeks of the soviet invasion, and quickly gained momentum.. american aid to taliban was in billions, not millions.. the soviet union contributed approximately $5 billion per year into afghanistan in an effort to support their counterinsurgency efforts and prop up the puppet government in kabul. by 1985, the occupying soviet 40th army had swollen to almost 120,000 troops and with some other elements crossing into the afghan theater on a temporary duty basis.. in march 1985, puppet of the jewish deep state ronald reagan decided to switch their strategy from mere harassment of soviet forces in afghanistan to driving the red army completely out of the country. the deep state wanted to cultivate opium. reagan provides the mujahidin ( taliban ) with stinger anti-aircraft missiles.. the cia coordinated purchase of weapons and the initial training, but pakistan's inter-services intelligence (isi) controlled their distribution and their transport to the war zone. upon the weapons' arrival at the port of karachi or the islamabad airport, the isi would transport the weapons to depots near rawalpindi or quetta, and hence on to the afghan border. afghanistan was a bleeding wound for the soviet union. each year, the red army suffered thousands of casualties. numerous soviets died of disease and drug addiction. in 1988, soviet premier mikhail gorbachev announced his intention to withdraw soviet troops. cia directly supported arab volunteers who came to afghanistan to wage jihad against the soviets, but eventually used those american arms to engage in terrorist war against the west. rise of islamic fundamentalism was due to u.s. involvement based on american exceptionalism. by delegating responsibility for arms distribution to pakistani isi, the united states created an environment in which radical islam could flourish. mullah muhammad umar, an afghan pushtun jew of the ghilzai clan and hotak tribe who had been wounded toward the end of the conflict with the soviet army, became talibans leader. a robin hood myth grew up around mullah umar resulting in victimized afghans increasingly appealing to the taliban for help against local oppressors. taliban maintained their momentum and quickly seized large swathes of afghanistan. on september 26, 1996, the taliban took kabul. pakistani isi provided the taliban with a constant flow of new recruits brainwashed in madrassas funded by the jewish deep state.. in rish khor, on the outskirts of kabul, operated a training camp for the harakat ul-mujahidin, a pakistani-supported terrorist group waging a separatist campaign against india. it was members of this group that hijacked an air india flight from nepal to kandahar in december 1999, eventually releasing the hostages after taliban mediation and escaping. afghanistan provided a useful base not only to train pro-pakistani militants and terrorists, but also to give them field experience. while politicians in islamabad repeatedly denied that pakistan supported the taliban, the reality was quite the opposite. pakistan remained the effective diplomatic and economic lifeline for the taliban's islamic emirate. senior isi veterans like colonel "imam" sultan amir functioned as district advisors to the regional taliban leadership. guarding ministries in kabul in march 2000 were taliban officials who only spoke urdu, and did not speak any afghan language. in 1971, there were only 900 madrasas (religious seminaries) in pakistan, but by the end of president zia ul haq's administration in 1988, there were over 36,000 madrassas funded by jewish wahabbis and salafis.. by january 2000, these madrassas teaching cooked up koran and hadiths were educating more than 700,000 children . martyrdom and the reward of 72 virgin houris were drilled into their heads. – the legend of 72 virgin houris in jannat for martyrs does not exist in koran but only in poison injected ( by jews ) hadiths.. 72 number is lifted from hindusim which talks about 72 clear prana flowing major nadis of sages with raised kundalini to sahasrara chakra whose beej mantra is ALL AH .. only in 1996 did osama bin ladin relocate from refuge with the sudanese government to the taliban's afghanistan.. the reality is that osama bin laden was always in pakistan protected by isi with the knowledge of cia.. jewish deep state did propaganda that taliban sheltered osama bin ladin, even after his involvement in the 1998 bombings of the u.s. embassies in kenya and tanzania. american policymakers had a very stark choice in the 1980s: either the united states could support an afghan opposition, or they could simply cede afghanistan to soviet domination, an option that might result in an extension of soviet influence into pakistan. 2000 YEARS AGO THE POPULATION OF AFGHANISTAN WAS 99.9 % HINDU.. THIS IS AS PER RECORDS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT.. #### ####...
TODAY THE BRAVE PATRIOTS OF VIETNAM AND AFGHANISTAN HAVE BEEN AWARDED THE WORLDS MOST PRESTIGIOUS AWARD “THE VADAKAYIL PRIZE” FOR MAKING “AMERICAN EXCEPTIONLAISM” EAT CROW. america invaded vietnam, quoting a bizarre nay foul “COMMUNIST DOMINO THEORY “, so that jews can make money . .there was nothing like communist domino theory.. it was all about protecting german jew rothschild’s opium fields in vietnam, cambodia, laos , thailand , myanmar and arunachal pradesh ( india) ... THE POPE WANTED ALL ANCIENT HINDU TEMPLES IN VIETNAM/ LAOS/ CAMBODIA TO BE BOMBED FROM THE AIR AND PULVERSIED.. pope pius xii was directly responsible for the american war in vietnam. he used rothschild's drug trade money power to put a vatican puppet and staunch roman catholic president ngo dinh diem ( in reality a crypto jew ) , as president of vietnam in 1955. the vietnam war was an excuse to bomb and destroy, ancient 12,000 year old hindu temples in the middle of dense jungles.. they defoliated with agent orange and then when majestic stone hindu temples popped out (vietnam/ cambodia/ laos ) , they were flattened by bombs.. wherever the american military saw huge tall banyan trees in the dense jungle they defoliated exposing ancient hindu temples and dropped bombs from hovering helicopters --in vietnam cambodia and laos. the rationale was that viet cong guerillas hid their weapons and ammunition inside these ancient rock temples.. this is bullshit because most of the bombing in cambodia and laos was very far away from the scene of battle in vietnam. and after bombing the americans dropped land mines all around those areas.. #### ####.. THE VIETNAM WAR ITSELF WAS TRIGGERED BY A FALSE FLAG ATTACK.. the gulf of tonkin attack was a false flag attack to kick start the war so that jews can make opium money.. #### ####.. heroin came to america in body bags of dead us soldiers in vietnam.. drug baron black skinned frank lucas ( a mere front for white jew mafia ) was busted in 1975, when his source in vietnam dried up, the week america closed its embassy in saigon and fled from vietnam.. frank lucas hired young women to mix the imported pure vietnam heroin with mannite and quinine. the biggest american camelot hero president john f kennedy was in the drug business . president johnson allowed frank lucas to flourish. nixon stopped it.. this is why jewish commie deep state calls nixon a baad president. in reality america had only three good presidents since the nation was born…nixon / trump and andrew jackson.. the “international community” , ( read as the cowboy riding posse after the baad outlaw ) , declared pol pot as the most evil man on the planet.. WELL , POL POT GOT THE “VADAKAYIL PRIZE” FOR BEING A HERO .. #### ####... NICHOLAS SAND SECURED THE WORLD’S NO 1 AWARD, THE VADAKAYIL PRIZE.. THE PEOPLE’S AWARD .. unknown to all, american nicolas sand single handedly stopped the vietnam war.. he hid in osho ( rajneesh ) ashram in pune india and oregon usa and manufactured millions of lsd pills for eight years called orange sunshine.. bollywood actor vinod khanna was his assistant, pretending to be a gardener . later nicholas sand and vinod khanna shifted operations to oregon usa .. as long as america killed more vietnam soldiers than american dead, the war was fruitful for president kennedy and johnson.. the problem was that american dead was being reduced to half, for american public consumption.. NICHOLAS SAND WENT TO VIETNAM AND ARRANGED FOR 6.3 MILLION LSD ORANGE SUNSHINE PILLS TOO BE DISTRIBUTED FREE TO US SOLDIERS IN VIETNAM.. THIS PILL KILLED THE “HUMAN EGO” AND “FIGHT AND FLIGHT” RESPONSE.. 90% of us soldiers in vietnam were addicted.. us soldiers took off by helicopter in the morning, soldiers got off in some peaceful jungle, they slept till evening, spent their ammunition by burying it in the ground, or firing into thin air, and came back to base camp in the evening.. and reported killing dozens of vietcong soldiers.. america invaded afghanistan giving a ridiculous nay foul lie that afghanistan was responsible for world trade centre twin towers falling down.. #### ####... since the past 50 years i have been reading about how pakistan's north west provinces are un-governable... why?.. pray? Prithee? .. this is where pashtun jews like pakistan pm imran khan thrive, growing opium in partnership with the jewish deep state.. north-west frontier province (nwfp) known since 2010 as khyber pakhtunkhwa was created by german jew rothschild , two centuries ago, whose leaders are all pashtun jews.. jew rothschild sourced his opium here. jew gandhi was rothschild’s opium agent.. #### ####... parsis were radhiwaalas ( garbage recyclers ) till rothschild took them as his opium agents. #### ####... THE BOSTON BRAHMINS WHO RULE AMERICA VIA THE JEWISH DEEP STATE ARE DESCENDANTS OF ROTHSCHILD’S OPIUM DRUG AGENTS.. #### ####... PUSHKALAVATI ( lotus city in sanskrit ) is an ancient city where gandhari, the mother of kauravas was born. the calicut king had a university at pushkalavati whose professors were all kerala namboodiri sages from kodungallur unversity .. the sanskrit word / malayalam word gandha, meant "aroma" and referred to the spices bazar there exported by the calicut king.. alexander the great, has established a garrison in it- for storing horses, arms, food and water.. it is just 79 km from khyber pass.. #### ####... the city of pushkalavati was situated at the confluence of swat and kabul rivers. three different branches of kabul river meet there. that specific beautiful place is still called PRAYAG and is considered sacred.. it is a lie that king ashoka ( cooked up by jew rothschild ) built a stupa at pushkalavati which was described by xuanzang ( chinese traveller who never existed ) when he visited in 630 ad.. none of the buddhist chinese travelers who came to india and wrote false history of nalanda university ( of fake pali speaking pig eating buddha born in nepal ) and tales of st thomas in kerala existed.. when religions like judaism and christianity are rooted in deceit— what are the believers worth?.. jew rothschild seeded the valley of peshawar with jewish whores.. this is how the pashtun jews like pakistani pm imran khan’s ancestors came. the valley takes its name from the city of peshawar. peshawari khatri jews include all ten circumcised sikh gurus and their wives .. the ancestors of the bollywood star kid pashtun khans are from here.. AMERICA IN THE CONTROL OF THE JEWISH DEEP STATE PRODUCED OPIUM IN AFGHANISTAN TO MAKE MONEY ( WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL ) TO DO REGIME CHANGE ALL OVER THE WORLD.. evil iran ( sic ) has not done a single regime change till today.. AFTER THE FOREIGN WHITE INVADER TOOK OVER AFGHANISTAN, THERE WAS A RESISTANCE MILITIA TO TAKE THEIR COUNTRY BACK.. THIS PATRIOTIC MILITIA IS TALIBAN.. IF YOU LOOK AT IT DISPASSIONATELY -- FREEDOM FIGHTERS.. so so so .. taliban enforces extreme sharia.. what does saudi Arabia ( whose royal bloodline is jewish like all the rest of the oil rich gulf kingdoms ) , the darling of " international community " do ? .. #### ####.. TALIBAN DOES NOT ALLOW ADULTERY/ HOMOSEXUALITY/ LIVING TOGETHER-- LIKE DEEP STATE DARLING CHILDLESS MODI.. SO WHAT?... the jewish deep state establishment was forced to come up with a new way to deal with anyone who challenges the system. so they gave birth to the term “terrorist” . the term ‘terrorist’ is an empty distinction designed for any person or group that chooses to challenge the establishment or big brother zionist bankers. the original taliban leaders were all pashtun crypto jews in muslim garb .in the hollywood movie rocky, after defeating the soviets in afghanistan and pulverizing them with fire and fist power , rambo rides away into the sunset with “allies” or “ cowboy posse” or “coalition” bin laden and bearded and turbaned taliban party behind him. the true terrorists of our world, do not meet at dark nooks ,for some violent action. the true terrorists of our world, wear 5000 dollar suits, and work in the highest positions of finance, government and business in plush offices. there are covert institutions, like the bilderberg group, which behind closed doors collude to control the political, financial, social, and environmental elements of our lives? recently people have got wiser, and this group were exposed after some eaves –dropping in golf courses . . #### ###.. NCW in india was created by bilderberg club to convert indian women to whores and drive a wedge between man and woman.. they tried the same in afghanistan and got screwed.. #### ####... the illusion of democracy is an insult to our intelligence—when media , UNELECTED house of Lords ( Rajya Sabha ) and collegium judiciary are controlled by zionist jews. you have two political parties owned by the same set of corporate lobbyists, and whoever goes into the white house dare not rub the zionist jew bankers the wrong way. . objective information is impossible, with almost all tv , media and newspapers are controlled by zionist bankers. . this where the information super-highway afforded by the free internet, comes in . the big brother establishment is steadily losing control because of this free flow of information. today zionist jews have infilrated the internet with millions of hasbaras—these crypto jews sitting in pakistan and india abuse bharatmata. #### ####... trojan horse ngos are now owned by benami indian media barons-who create news and trigger race riots. learn not to trust the free encyclopedias like wikipedia or quora on first page of google search, which is nothing but zionist propaganda. VADAKAYIL KALKI ARMY IS INVOLVED IN A MASS MOVEMENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS FOR SOCIAL CHANGE ON THE PLANET.. ITS AIM IS TO EXHUME LONG BURIED TRUTHS, MOBILIZE AND EDUCATE EVERYONE ABOUT THE INHERENT CORRUPTION OF OUR CURRENT WORLD SYSTEM. you can continue to be a slave to this rotten financial system and watch the continuous wars, depressions and injustice across the globe while placating yourself with gross entertainment dished out as “opium for the masses” outside your homes.. you can lump in this materialistic garbage; or you can focus your energy on true, meaningful, holistic, lasting change which has the realistic ability to support and free all humans with no one left behind. the choice lies with you. GOD HAS GIVEN YOU CONSCIENCE, PERCEPTION AND FREE WILL. the most relevant change must occur first inside of you. THE REAL REVOLUTION IS THE REVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. eliminate the divisionary materialistic noise you have been conditioned to think is true from childhood. every award given by desh drohis carried a cash incentive-which is nothing but a bribe to sell your soul. bribes received by politicians from foreign conglomerates are called “lobbying money”–basically a supari.. why do you think traitor modi is a slave to the jewish vaccine lobby ( to dumb down indian brain power ) and climate change lobby , ( to moth ball india;s abundant reserves of coal )? this was what nira radia was doing for the rich industrialists. so once the bribe is taken, the politician has to deliver. money is already deposited into a kick back overseas account. if the politician develops cold feet, then retribution is very severe. it could be a kidney failure or a helicopter crash. the job is done by professional economic hit men -also known as jackals. the jewish vaccine cartel who is 100 times more vicious than the heroin cartel, has now started assassinating world rulers who don’t play kosher vaccine ball.. #### ####.. INDIANS WERE SLAVES FOR 800 YEARS BECAUSE WE DID NOT HAVE BALLS LIKE VIETNAMESE AND AFGHANS.. instead traitors were praising the invaders for a piece of judas silver.. we put our thumbs up our assholes and watched like napunsaks when rothschild reduced india from the richest nation of the planet to the poorest in 200 years flat.. rothschild built railways and bridges to cart away our wealth, not for indians to travel in comfort as this cunt suhel seth says... #### ####.. vadakayil with write suhel seth’s legacy..
AT SCO SUMMIT 2021 JEWISH DEEP STATE AGENT MODI BRANDED AFGHAN FREEDOM FIGHTERS WHO PICKED UP THE GUN TALIBAN, TERRORISTS, NOT FREEDOM FIGHTERS ( LIKE VIETNAMESE) WHO MADE AMERICA EAT CROW. and imagine india has come out of 800 years of slavery. maybe modi wants afghans and vietnamese to turn kathiawari jew gandhis ” charkha”.. gujju no 2 modi be spent hundreds of crores to project gujju no 1 gandhi as india’s prime freedom fighter with dandi salt march road shows and distribution of lakhs of charkhas as a symbol of our struggle against the white invader.. #### ####.. i was shocked to see modi declaring on national tv “ gandhi turned the charkha and delivered freedom to india” .. this is the pound of flesh rothschild extracts for giving modi a sikh turban to wear in 1976.. MODI HAS GIVEN BACK TO ROTHSCHILD HIS BANKS WHICH INDIRA GANDHI NATIONALIZED.. TODAY ROTHSCHILD SITS ON THE DRIVERS SEAT OF INDIAN BANKING AND INSURANCE .. gujju no 1 gandhi asked enslaved indians to turn the charkha when they feel frustrated and angry with the white invader. today in india, people have woken up.. the indian people ( except for traitors in foreign payroll ) call assassin godse the patriot and german jew rothschild’s agent jew gandhi the traitor) .. check out the poll below—97% voters call gandhi the traitor.. #### ####... in the poll below zero percent voters disagree when i demanded that godse must be honoured as a hero and a patriot who assassinated a foreign controlled traitor gandhi. i do not control these polls.. #### ####... godse by killing traitor gandghi , fullfilled his dharma to his motherland. BHAGAWAD GITA DOES NOT AGREE WITH THIS PASSIVE MEEK SURRENDER TO A FOREIGN INVADER WHO ENSLAVED YOUR MOTHERLAND . we indians have a dharmic duty to the motherland –our watan.. KRISHNA DID NOT PREACH GANDHIAN NAPUNSAK AHIMSA TO ARJUNA IN BHAGAVAD GITA.. dharma and satya were at stake in kurukshetra. preventing adharma from gaining victory over dharma was the purpose of mahabharata war and fighting for dharma against adharma is the message of bhagavad gita… dharmao rakshati rakshitah - dharma protects those who protect it - is our creed. . violence was not prohibited in this fight for satya and dharma. . violence committed for ensuring dharma by a kshatriya is no violence. KRISHNA ASKS ARJUNA IN EACH AND EVERY CHAPTER OF THE GITA “ARISE ARJUNA, PICK UP YOUR WEAPON AND FIGHT TO DEFEAT ADHARMA”. WAR IS JUSTIFIED ONLY WHEN IT IS MEANT TO FIGHT EVIL AND INJUSTICE AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SELF AGGRANDIZEMENT.. krishna is not really commanding arjuna to fight as it is commonly understood by the white men. arjuna, following his dharma, had come to the battlefield to fight. he refused to fight on account of his erroneous perception of the true nature of the soul and the body. the efforts of krishna are towards removing this unawareness and leave him to do what he (arjuna) considers to be right.. IN THE POLL BELOW AMONG A LIST OF SEVEN GREATEST HEROES OF INDIA, GODSE WHO KILLED GANDHI GETS 98% VOTES.. GANDHI GETS ZERO PERCENT. #### evr periyar/ 0.28% … br ambedkar/0.19% … gandhi/0.00% … godse/97.93% … nehru/0.09% … bhagat singh//0.94% … bose/0.56% … ###..#### ####... THIS IS THE TRUE MEANING OF THE KALKI REVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS WHICH BAAD BOY VADAKAYIL LEADS.#### ####... german jew rothschild hung indian freedom fighter who chose the violent path as terrorists and murdered them.. the white invader converted india from the richest nation on the planet to the poorest in 200 years flat. taliban stopped exceptional america from looting their national wealth ( rare earths ) and destroyed thousands of heroin/ meth producing labs , run by the jewish deep state.. #### ####...a judge who tries to save a traitor is a traitor himself and he must be tried by militry courts even is he is the chief justice of india.. the word treaason is not found in the indian constitution.. only nsa ( ajit doval ) can deal with traitors in foreign payroll.the “INNTTERRRNNASSANNALL KOMMOONNITEE” ( read a crypto jew rulers whose elections were rigged ) wants traitor tajiks to be part of the taliban government .. it wont happen.we want all gandhi statues in india to be pulled down.. there must be no reference to gandhi in our school books.. the new parliament building should not have any vestige to remind us of gandhi., we wants gandhi’s face to be removed from indian currency and postage stamps.. stop this nonsense of taking all foreign rulers to visit sabarmati ashram to ghumao the ridiculous charka and the taking them to rajghat, and then forcing them to write good words about evil gandhi.. we ask that naturam godse be honored as a patriot and a valuable child of bharatmata.. kathiwari jew gandhi is not the father of our nation,we the people choose aryan kerala namboodiri chanakya who raped alexander the great... balls to gandhi !.. as soon as a ruler from a foreign country reaches india modi goes hoppety hop and takes him to sabarmati ashram, where he is made to spin charka with rothschild’s agent kathiawari jew gandhi’s portrait with halo around the head in the back ground.. the foreign ruler is forced to make a positive comment in the visitors log book.. then gujju no 2 modi takes him skippety skip to rajghat where he has to pray to gujju no 1 kathiawari jew gandhi and again make a positive entry in the visitors log book. .then the foreign ruler is taken by modi to the ostentatious swaminarayan temple where modi lies that swaminarayan ( ghanshyam pande ) who died 191 years ago, a fellow with down’s syndrome ,who died two centuries ago is a hindu god.. cnn conducted a poll “ after gandhi who is the most popular indian?” the doctored poll result?.. hold your breath -br ambedkar.. you see jew rothschild has decided already that gandhi is the most popular indian on our behalf.. we indian monkeys can only vote for the second spot.. we the people want gandhi jayanti to be renamed as shastri jayanti and all gandhi monuments/ roads etc to be renamed in honour of abdul kalam. . gandhi was an agent of german jew rothschild, this planets greatest slave trader, drug runner and thief.. a jew who ruled india and this planet as “britannia”.. kathiawari jew gandhi ( gujju no1 ) , who quelled opium farmer revolts never mentioned or wrote the word opium even once.. gandhi called opium, as indigo.. we are keeping a count as to how many times gujju no 2 modi has uttered the world "gandhi" since he sat on the pm’s chair.. thousands of times.. the jewish deep state sponsors gandhi and builds gandhis statues all over the world.. there are thousands of gandhi statues on this planet.. APOSTLE OF PEACE GANDHI RECRUITED 13 LAKH ( 1.3 MILLION ) INDIAN SOLDIERS IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR.. THE INDIAN CAUSALITY OF WW1 WAS 1.24 LAKHS ( 124,000 ) , FIGHTING IN TRENCHES WITH SPEARS AND SWORDS WHILE THE COWARDLY THE MAN STOOD IN SAFE PLACES .. GANDHI RECRUITED 25 LAKH ( 2.5 MILLION ) INDIAN SOLDIERS IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR. THE INDIAN CAUSALITY OF WW2 WAS 4.18 LAKHS ( 418,000 ) .. #### ####... gandhi copied his charkha thingy from old ladakh men/ women who don’t waste a single minute of their awake time.. they use a small hand held charkha within their palm , fed with wool , to spin into fine thread .. they multitasked paying little heed to the spinning charka held in one unused hand ..they knitted sweaters and sold it .. gandhi concentrated on his charkha while spinning .. the ladakh people did their spinning as a beautiful subconscious job even while walking . VADAKAYIL’S POLLS ARE THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE.. WE THE PEOPLE WILL GUARD OUR WATAN WITH OUR LIVES .. WE DON’T NEED OUR ELECTED OR UNELECTED LEADERS OR THE JUDICIARY TO SAVE BHARATMATA.. WE DON’T TRUST THEM.
capt ajit vadakayil
capt ajit vadakayil
capt ajit vadakayil
capt ajit vadakayil