The Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi during his address to UN General Assembly on September 27, 2014 asked the world leaders to adopt, June 21, as International Yoga Day.
Indeed it was done.
For India will be No 1 superpower on this planet in just 2 decades and all are tripping over each other to please India and be recorded as one of India’s old friends ..
Yoga, is as old as antiquity. It is NOT 2300 year old Patanjali stuff as the white invader makes it out to be.
Lord Shiva is the first Yoga teacher. Shiva’s first student whom he gave the secrets of yoga was Maharishi Shukracharya , when he got pleased with his severe penance.
There are people who think that secrets of Kalari was imparted to Kerala by Lord Parashurama . Sorry, Maharishi Shukracharya predated Parshurama by several thousand of years.
Lord Shiva gave only Shukracharya the Sanjeevani vidya which included the 108 marmas of Kalari.
Shukracharya was a god in the entire middle east .
Judasim came 3000 years ago, Christianity came 2000 years ago and Islam came 1300 years ago.
Shukravar ( Friday ) is a holiday for Muslims – they will NOT know why .
Shukracharya was the mentor of the Asuras. He was political advisor to Kerala King Mahabali. His bitter rival and class mate Brihaspati was mentor of the enemy camp of devas.
Brihaspati was a god for the entire white Europeans ( Thor/ Zeus ) .
Brihaspativar ( Thursday ) is a holy day for white Christians and they do not know why ( ascension day / Maundy Thursday etc ).
Vishnu took Vamana avatar and killed King Mahabali because he was getting too powerful and did the Ashwamedha Yagna declaring himself Emperor over Deva lands.
Even today we in Kerala do NOT celebrate Diwali ( victory of devas over asuras ), and we are the only state in India who celebrates Onam for our beloved emperor Mahabali.
Festivals carry over millenniums – they say the truth . Mind you , there is an amazing paradox here – Kerala Muslims and Christians celebrate Onam too.
Marmas were vital points on the human body, which could snuff out life or disable in an instant . Yet, the same marmas could revive a dying man too.
Knowledge of marmas in now almost dead with only a few pretenders claiming knowledge . Kalari marmas are part of Yoga.
In the post above , check out the comments column –one of the last comments dated 23rdDec 2014.
One reader has severe long standing pain on his right buttock and I ask for information a spot on his left shoulder blade.
The crusades where Christians and Muslims massacred each other is basically ancient enemity between followers of SHUKRACHARYA and BRIHASPATI.
The devas tried to steal Sanjeevani vidya by making Brihaspati’s son Kacha do a foul LOVE JIHAD with Shukracharya’s daughter Devayani .
Enmity between two rival “PAGAN” clans were deep rooted.
Why June 21st? On June 21st the sun reaches its highest position in the sky as seen from the north pole. The summer solstice occurs during a hemisphere's summer. This is the northern solstice in the northern hemisphere.
Practically the longest day is when the latitude of the sun ( declination ) is same as the latitude of your home. The sun then is directly overhead at noon , provided your home is between the tropic of cancer and tropic of capricon. The sun then rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west.
On Dec 11,2014, The 193-member U.N. General Assembly approved by consensus a resolution establishing June 21 as 'International Day of Yoga'.
Yoga is the only exercise which addressed the complete human being—in terms of body mind and spirit.
Yoga is NOT a physical exercise alone.
Singer Madonna went into hardcore Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and the whole western world suddenly took notice .
Below: It requires a real moron to say that she did Yoga for her FIGURE.
Yes Yoga does wonders for the body . But its effect on mind and spirit is far greater.
No other physical form of exercise does so much for the BODY as yoga
Blood has a pump called heart. The lymph fluid does NOT have a pump. Yoga drives this invisible pump..
The western world of medicine and surgery, has come to know about the human body's lymph node system only 60 years ago. Ayurveda has documented it 6200 years ago .
I am from Kerala, the land of Ayurveda. We have lost 90% of our ayurvedic herbs because the white invader called our snake groves superstition and they destroyed it. These snake groves with a water body filled with poisonous king cobras held the most amazing medicinal herbs on this planet- unmolested.
Despite getting independence successive Christian, Muslim and Communist atheist Kerala governments continues with the destruction of snake groves. Today visiting a surviving snake grove is in the agenda of many white tourists. 100 years ago, Kerala had 30000 Snake temples.
Today hardly 5000 are left – the best ones with huge water bodies were all destroyed..
Yoga is NOT about twisting yourself like a pretzel to stretch and limber up. It had the amazing capability to boost your immunity to almost all diseases, and to help you to recover fast from existing ones. This works like magic, as it has everything to do with your body's lymph system. No other exercise on this planet addresses the lymph node system.
In the West , due to the type of hormone injected non vegetarian food they eat, women suffer needlessly from breast tumours and uterus problems. This category must pay special attention to this post .Main stream science and medicine has NOT caught up yet with the Lymphatic system.
A good yoga teacher is an expert in the lymph system . He can have one look at you, and tell you what is wrong with you. This science is so exact. It is a shame to see middle aged women suffering from excessive bleeding, cramps and PMS.
The lymphatic system in your body is a series of connected nodes, ducts and organs that play a vital part in your immune system.
Whatever Yoga does NOT address, the Ayurvedic massage addresses. This is why a Yoga teacher in Kerala was always an expert in Ayurveda.
The human arteries are like a two-lane highway bringing nutrients, oxygen and fluid to the body part. The vein is a one-lane highway taking away the used blood, and the lymphatic channels are the other one-lane highway draining away the lymph fluid.
Two lanes in together, but two out lanes separate out. Blood is responsible for collecting and distributing oxygen, nutrients and hormones to the entire body where lymph is responsible for collecting and removing waste products left behind in the tissues. Plasma leaks out of the capillaries to surround and bathe the body tissues. This then drains into the lymph vessels.
The circulatory system processes an average of 20 liters of blood per day. Roughly 17 liters per day of that gets reabsorbed directly into the blood vessels. The primary function of the lymph system is to provide an accessory route for these excess 3 liters per day to get returned to the blood.
So colourless lymph is essentially recycled blood plasma. The biggest lymph vessel is the thoracic duct, which empties back into the blood circulation. At the cellular level, the lymphatic system is a pathway through which fluid flows from the intercellular spaces into the blood.
The lymphatic system has vessels just like our circulatory system, but DOES NOT HAVE A PUMP LIKE THE HEART for the circulatory system . In order to clear the “lymph” (the clear extracellular fluid that is collected by the lymphatic vessels and filtered by the lymph nodes), the lymphatic system must be pumped manually.
Now you get a WEE idea why yoga goes into pretzel positions.
Madonna does NOT want to be Manchester Angelina Jolie with both breasts removed - double mastectomy,
Below: Look MA-- NO tits !
Madonna will NOT get breast tumors. Yoga experts do NOT even get diseases.
Madonna will NOT get breast tumors. Yoga experts do NOT even get diseases.
Lymph is a clear fluid that travels through your body's arteries, circulates through your tissues to cleanse them and keep them firm, and then drains away through the separate lymphatic system.
Lymph nodes are the filters along the lymphatic system. Their job is to filter out and trap bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and other unwanted substances, and to make sure they are safely eliminated from the body.
Each cell is nourished by the nutrients, oxygen and proteins that flow across the walls of capillaries into the interstitial fluid. There is a dynamic balance between the forces that help those nutrients to first exit the capillaries, and then get reabsorbed back into the blood stream.
The lymphatic system, because of its physical proximity to many tissues of the body, is responsible for carrying cancerous cells between the various parts of the body in a process called metastasis. The intervening lymph nodes can trap the cancer cells. If they are not successful in destroying the cancer cells the nodes may become sites of secondary tumors.
Lymphatic blockages can result in a swelling at the lymphatic node junctions. This condition results in providing a breeding ground for viruses and pathogenic material. The lymph system acts as a reservoir of infection, churning out billions of infected immune-system cells that eventually spill into the blood stream, where they travel to other parts of the body.
Up to ten times as much virus may reside in the lymph system as in the blood.
Lymph vessels run through the body in much the same way blood vessels do. The capillaries of the circulatory system leak the plasma and nutrients into the tissues of the body to feed the individual cells. Most of that fluid is not returned to the circulatory system, but rather stays in between the tissue layers as interstitial fluid.
This fluid is filtered into the lymph vessels and travels back toward the heart where it will be returned to the circulatory system. When the interstitial fluid enters the lymphatic system the fluid is called lymph.
Lymph nodes lie in specific locations along the lymphatic vessels and perform vital functions for the body's immune system. 6000 years ago, Ayurveda and Yoga realized that many lymph nodes are situated near the region around the joints. Humans have approximately 500-700 lymph nodes distributed throughout the body, with clusters found in the underarms, groin, neck, chest, and abdomen.
All lymph vessels lead to lymph nodes. Lymph nodes can be as small as the head of a pin, or as big as an olive . Half of the lymph nodes in the body, are located in the abdomen, and many are in the neck.
The movements of the limbs and positions held during Yoga , help to act as a pump to move the lymph through the system. They are located in clusters around the knee, groin, elbows, shoulders and neck. Lymph nodes are also found in the central abdominal and chest area to assist with lymph drainage around the vital organs.
Every Yoga movement take this into account. This is why Yoga must not be self inflicted. Because the lymph doesn't have a heart to pump it so good circulation of the lymphatic system depends on getting proper stretching exercise and yogic inverted postures which use gravity.
Human lymph nodes are bean-shaped and range in size from a few millimeters to about 1–2 cm in their normal state. Fats are evacuated through lymphatic vessels. These vessels are located in virtually every area of the body where fats may accumulate. The functioning of the immune system is stimulated through increased lymph flow.
The additional flow carries more antigens to the lymph nodes, thereby increasing antibody/antigen contact. This has been found to help with chronic or subacute inflammatory processes -- chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disease, bronchitis, sinusitis, amygdalitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, arthritis, acne and eczema.
When the lymphatic system becomes blocked or begins working slowly then it effects all of the body. All of the toxins that your body will normally throw away will then be soaked into other organs and can cause other harmful health conditions, including obesity.
The Ayurvedic lymphatic drainage massage works with the filtering and cleaning of the lymph nodes, starting at the arms and legs and moving towards the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes are gently stimulated, encouraging them to discharge their contents throughout the lymphatic network, facilitating the removal of lymphatic waste from the body.
IGNORANT western massues ( happy ending party ) and permanently damaged the non-return valves of your lymph nodes. Think back --when did you do allow a such a spurious massage on your back torso and shoulders.
Approximately 70% are superficial lymphatic capillaries located just under, the skin. The remaining 30%, which are known as deep lymphatic capillaries, surround most of the body’s organs.
Lymphatic drainage massage ( use sesame or virgin coconut oil ) has a positive effect on the following conditions:--
Fluid retention – puffy ankles, legs, eyes, and abdomen.
Arthritis and rheumatism.
Assistance for migraine, headaches, and MS
Constipation and digestive disorders.
Sinusitis and hayfever.
Hormonal imbalance.
Recurring infections – colds, flu, ear or chest.
Skin disorders – acne, scleroderma, eczema and psoriasis.
Wearing a tight compression garment during yoga exercise also provides resistance to further stimulate the lymph flow. This acts like wringing a wet towel. Like body inversions and head stand exercises, twists offer your body new ways to remove toxins and flush important lymph around the entire torso.
Yogic asanas to aid lymph flow includes neck rotation, shoulder shrugs, ankle pumps, leg slides, shoulder blade squeezes etc. Yoga diaphragmatic breathing and many yoga positions open up the chest cavity, while poses like shoulder stands, enlist gravity to help lymph fluid get where it is supposed to go.
Surya namaskar is done for deep Lymph node drainage. Surya namaskar can increase lymph flow 20 fold. Two-thirds of the lymph is produces in the liver and intestines.
Below: The main idea of doing Surya Namaskar is to do sun gazing. This is done when the altitude of the sun is low and the UV effect on the eyes is less.
Because the lymphatic system is a closed pressure system and has one-way valves that keep lymph moving towards the heart, when one turns upside down like in Shirshasan , the entire lymphatic system is stimulated, thus strengthening your immune system.
Lymph fluid is relieved from the legs and ankles and with regular practice prevents the buildup of fluid in the legs and feet. Usually gravity is pulling us down and compressing our bodies, yet when we do inversions this process is completely reversed.
So instead of working against us, gravity is working for us by decompressing our bodies and reversing the flow of the lymphatic system, which does NOT have a pump.
Yoga asanasas help to shift lymph fluids around your body in ways that you would not ordinarily be able to achieve in daily life .
Inverted yoga poses are particularly beneficial to the white collar office workers who have occupations that require prolonged sitting still . These work positions increase the occurrence of fluid build up in the blood vessels and lymphatic channels of the legs.
With light yoga inversions, swelling, discomfort and other chronic conditions can be alleviated. Finally surface lymph drainage massage and yoga asana deep lymph fluid channeling if done properly can cause obese people to lose weight and dimpled cellulite--it is more or less a miracle. .
Kalari marma knock out points can permanently damage certain NON-RETURN valves of the lymphatic system, when means the enemy goes home bloats up and dies.
Below: Pattabhi Jois , Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga guru . Why are the students clapping? Gratitude is inherent in yoga .
Below : Yoga guru BKS Iyengar .
Yoga has timings.
You cannot get up at midnight and start doing yoga. Like how the aerobic Zumba dancers swing their asses arount at night showing off their CAMEL TOES .
The ancient Vedic seers knew this 6000 years ago.
Magnesium and potassium live normally within the human cell, and sodium and calcium are found outside. During the day sodium sneaks into the cell, taking a hydrogen ion with it, which is acidifying. In order to buffer this acidity, which is toxic to the cell, calcium also moves in.
This has the effect of displacing potassium ( by sodium) and magnesium ( by calcium ) which is pushed out of the cell. At night the opposite takes place and potassium and magnesium move back into the cell, pushing out the calcium and sodium, which takes the hydrogen ion with it. This has the effect of cleansing the cell, so you should wake up bright and refreshed.
Surya namaskar needs the rising sun at low altitude. The solar wind at dawn, charges the earth’s magnetic field, and stimulates the pineal gland. This is the best time to meditate , chant and sun gaze as the level of Ultra Violet rays is too low to harm your eyes. At dawn, the negatively charged pineal and the positively charged pituitary combine their essences to create a "light in the head".
Pranayama ( deep breathing ) floods the Pineal gland with oxygen, to make it resonate. If you are right handed you must breathe in via the left nostril. The reddish grey pineal gland is located in the geometric center of the brain. It is located directly behind the eyes.
In Vedic times 10000 years ago, at the banks of the Saraswati river, the crystallised pineal gland of the great Masters was said to be the size of a lemon, and this with evolution, spiritual pollution and change in breathing patterns , has now been atrophied to the size of a very small pea.
In Mahabharata war of 4000 BC, Sanjaya , with awakened Kundalini and 12 DNA strands , sits hundreds of miles away from the scene of battle and gives the blind King Dhritarashtra a blow by blow account.
This gland can be activated by activated by sunlight ( sun gazing ) , and also by sound resonance ( mantra chanting ) during Surya Namaskar. . It controls the various biorhythms of the body.The pineal gland calcifies with age and melatonin production correspondingly decreases.
When the pineal gland does not receive sunlight, it secretes Melatonin, which induces sleep, increases blood sugar, craze for food, leading to obesity, fears
Stop gazing directly at the sun when you feel uncomfortable and resume when you feel you can look again. This timing must be built up day by day. When you do Surya Namaskar, you must be bare footed and if possible be bare chested. Being bare chested increases the sex hormones.
Stillness or steadiness of the eyes is not required, and so you can blink . Do not wear any lenses or glasses while sungazing. Have the firm belief that the sunrays in our eyes are of immense benefit and will not harm you . As the days pass and you are able to look at the sun for more time, you will find find that you don’t eat too much .
Physical and mental diseases will start getting cured. Each day more energy blockages will be dissolved. 70 to 80% of the energy synthesized from food is taken by the brain and is used up in fueling tensions and worries. With a lack of mental stress, the brain does not require the same amount of energy as before.
As you proceed in sun gazing and as your tensions decrease the need for food intake goes down. Hunger comes because of energy requirements of the body, which is a must for its existence. Food is not a necessity for the body to function, only energy is.
You develop a corona of energy around you. As this energy field becomes stronger, diseases don't harm you. The sun is the force of all life, and staring at it can infuse the body with large amounts of energy. Sun gazing also has the added advantage of getting vitamin A and D during the 1-hour safe period window.
When sunlight enters the brain, through your eyes , your good qualities come into appearance replacing negative ones. Eyes receive the entire spectrum of the sunlight while sungazing, which is distributed to the different parts of the body by the brain on a need per basis. Sungazing causes the secretion of “feel good” hormones serotonin beta-endorphins, and dopamine.
Hunger comes because of energy requirements of the body, which is a must for its existence. Food is not a necessity for the body to function, only energy is. . For many people, eating seems like a good solution when there's nothing better to do.
Ancient Vedic scriptures tell us the quickest way to charge the bodies cells is by sungazing. Take away the sunlight and all life on earth would soon perish. Deprived of sunlight, man loses physical vigor and strength and will develop a disinclination for activity. Feed two animals the same diet but keep one in a dark closet and allow the other to be out in the sunshine. The animal that's kept in the closet will be weak, stunted and die prematurely.
Fruits and plants have the ability to trap and store sun energy. We get our energy from eating fruits , veggies and plants.
Surya is one of the principal vedic deities. He is pictured as riding across the sky on a chariot pulled by seven horses. Seven horses and the seven colors of light for each of the seven chakras. The pineal gland (third eye) is equipped with photoreceptor cells.
The rays of the sun with seven VIBGYOR colors have a cure for all kinds of diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, obesity, arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer and others.
The rays of the sun with seven VIBGYOR colors have a cure for all kinds of diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, obesity, arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer and others.
During surya Namaskar, the pineal secretes not only DMT, but other peptides as well that have psychoactive effects. Vitamin D directly from the sun, is an excellent healing agent.
Surya namaskar needs the rising sun at low altitude with a grateful frame of mind.
In Kerala some stupid evangelists started Jesus Namaskar doing the same physical asana with Jesus Christ’s photo in front sans breathing and sans the mental mantras .
A dalit Christian convert, a darling of the Italian waitress and a member of the National Monitoring Committee for Minority Education John Dayal spAke “Yoga, as it is currently practiced in India, is not merely a physical exercise. It has a strong component of faith to it. Some of the exercises, such as surya namaskar, have a strong religious overtone. … It is not possible to purge religious tones from yoga”
Readers must know the purpose of chanting Sanskrit mantras as a prayer.
A muslim Mohammad Salim, national secretary of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, a Sunni Muslim organization in India, spAke “ Muslims will not accept yoga as a compulsory subject. Some forces are using yoga to strengthen their agenda of cultural nationalism. Yoga can’t be made compulsory in India, which is a secular democracy.”
So don’t do it !
Who cares ?
Doing Jesus Namaskar does NOT work .
The solar wind at dawn, charges the earth’s magnetic field, and stimulates the pineal gland. This is the best time to meditate , chant and sun gaze as the level of Ultra Violet rays is too low to harm your eyes.
At dawn, the negatively charged pineal and the positively charged pituitary combine their essences to create a "light in the head".
During the Mahabharata war 6000 years ago, it was a terrific scene to see two opposing camps do Surya namaskar and then pick up their weapons.
Serotonin receptors are activated by DMT and serotonin receptors regulate heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, pupil diameter. DMT is a small molecule and is a brain food that is rapidly transported across the blood brain barrier. Infrared light is not visible to the human eye, it can be felt as heal.
Far Infrared (FIR) penetrates below the skin and increases blood flow and improves white blood cell function. FIR light helps remove toxins from the body and speeds the healing of tissues. FIR increases the metabolic rate and stimulates the hypothalamus. Infrared lights are used to warm newborn infants in hospitals.
Far infrared helps burn calories and reduce obesity. Improved blood flow to the lymph reduces inflammation. FIR can remove a wide variety of metals from the body, including lead, arsenic, mercury, copper, cadmium, urea, nicotine, and the residue of prescription drugs.
The amount of serotonin produced by the brain was directly linked to prevailing sunlight duration. A person low in Serotonin will be inclined to consume greater amounts of sugar in an attempt to increase Serotonin production and this may lead to sugar addiction.
Sunlight exposure decreases adrenaline and noradrenalin levels, reducing their stressing effect, and releases endorphins, which promote the feeling of "well-being". It also increases vitamin D level. The principal male hormone, testosterone, is known to be produced by the effect of sunlight on the skin.
Melatonin levels decreased in some of the blind patients when they were exposed to light, even though they couldn't see that light. But when the researchers blindfolded these patients and then turned on the lights, melatonin levels did not drop. Those findings suggest that although their eyes could not sense light in the normal way, they still were somehow regulating the release of melatonin, providing absolute evidence that the eyes are involved in functions other than vision.
Sunlight has the highest ratio of near-infrared light at sunrise ( Surya Namaskar time ) when the ultraviolet and blue radiation are scattered while red and infrared are passing through the atmosphere. That's why the sun is red at these moments, which are the best for improving the vision.
Near-infrared wavelengths can boost the activity of mitochondria, the crucial powerhouses in cells. When the sun is high in the sky with plenty UV in the light, the eyelids act as filters, letting only the infrared light to reach the retina. Blood exposed to infrared light had less blood cell aggregation (clumping together) which would free up more surface area of red blood cells to transfer nutrients and oxygen to tissues.
Surya Namaskar increases cardiovascular fitness. This is a a combined measure of a number of different parameters, such as resting pulse, rise of pulse after exertion, blood pressure lying and standing, rise in blood pressure after exertion, and time for pulse rate to return to normal after exertion.
Sunbathing also increases the ability of the lungs to absorb more vital oxygen, as well as the blood's capacity to carry and deliver it. Oxygen deficiency has been readily linked to a host of illnesses and discomforts ranging from chronic fatigue to cancer.
Sunbathing also increases the ability of the lungs to absorb more vital oxygen, as well as the blood's capacity to carry and deliver it. Oxygen deficiency has been readily linked to a host of illnesses and discomforts ranging from chronic fatigue to cancer.
Sunlight speeds up the clearance of toxins from the body several times. It catalyses digestion. Pathogenic bacteria is destroyed by sunlight. Before the advent of antibiotics people used sunbathing and sungazing. Vitamin D of sunlight prevents colon cells from proliferating and prompts them to change into more mature cells which are less capable of becoming cancerous.
The same process occurs in breast, skin and prostate cells. Exposure to natural sunlight increases the number of the white blood cells in the body. The main white blood cell increased the most is the lymphocyte. It is the lymphocyte that plays the leading role in defending the body in an invasion by bacteria and foreign organisms.
Because the lymphocytes increase in number after a sunlight exposure, their products of defense, the antibodies like gamma globulins, also increase in the blood. This increase of lymphocytes and gamma globulins greatly increase a person's ability to fight infections.
The lymphocyte is also capable of producing a substance called interferon. This substance has the ability to stop the reproduction of viruses. The ultraviolet light in sunlight increases the enzymes that metabolize toxic chemicals and help to remove them. There are receptor sites for vitamin D on cancer cells that appears capable of converting human leukemia cells back into normal cells.
Vitamin D produces a thirty percent improvement in body's conservation of proteins. The ultraviolet rays from the sun convert skin oil to vitamin D. Sunlight lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood stream in humans
Infertility is associated with low vitamin D. Vitamin D supports production of estrogen in men and women. PMS has been completely reversed by addition of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Menstrual migraine is associated with low levels of vitamin D and calcium.
The excess of melatonin cause alcoholism and whitens the skin. When melatonin was injected into rats turned them into alcoholics. People from northern countries have increased melatonin, during the winter time, due to the weak sunlight, and that’s the reason they have a particular preference for alcohol..
Women with a calcified pineal gland (associated with a low production of melatonin) have a significantly greater risk of developing breast cancer. Breast, prostate, skin and colon cancer have a strong association with low levels of D and lack of sunlight. Most men will develop prostate cancer if they live long enough and lack of vitamin D is a major cause.
Men who live in colder climates have a higher incidence of prostate cancer because they get less sunlight. Vitamin D inhibits the growth of new, undesirable blood vessels that tumors require for nutrient supply and growth.
The world is coming back to Hinduism-- it took this quantum age to understand 7000 year old shepherd's verses , right? These divine Vedic verses were handed over orally and learnt by heart from 30000 BC to 5000 BC.
The ancient Indian Dvau Bhuja Karanam has now been stolen and patented by the immoral west as “ Super brain Yoga “.
Pranayama— where you exhale twice as long as inhale — IS MORE ABOUT DUMPING OLD EXPERIENCES, RATHER THAN MERE OXYGENATION OF BLOOD.
It is always starts with the left nostril for right handers – for left handers it is vice versa ( no book on pranayama talks about this ) .. Left handed people have their sub-conscious in the left lobe of the brain.
Breathe in the new , breathe out the old. Pranayama—inhale and exhale with awareness— long exhales with the sound of MMMMMMMMMMMM.
Humming boosts level of nitric oxide—this in turn ups the oxygen intake by 98%, the biggest secret .
Ordinary breath is a mere 4%.
It is amazing Nitric oxide was discovered by Indian yogis 11000 years ago. For re-inventing this a Nobel prize was given 2 decades ago. nitric oxide is necessary for-
1. Destruction of viruses, parasitic organisms, and malignant cells in the airways and lungs by inactivating their respiratory chain enzymes.
2. Regulation of binding - release of O2 to hemoglobin.
3. Vasodilation of arteries and arterioles (regulation of blood flow or perfusion of tissues).
4. Inhibitory effects of inflammation in blood vessels.
5. Hormonal effects. Nitric oxide influences secretion of hormones from several glands (adrenaline, pancreatic enzymes, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone)
6. Neurotransmission. Memory, sleeping, learning, feeling pain, and many other processes are possible only with NO present (for transmission of neuronal signals).
Obviously, during mouth breathing it is not possible to utilize one's own nitric oxide which is produced in the sinuses. The mouth, was created by Nature for eating, drinking, and speaking. At all other times, your trap should be shut. When there is lack of oxygen in your blood , you living to a small percentage of your potential.
Endurance exercise can increase oxygen utilization from 10 to 20 times over the resting state. This greatly also increases the generation of free radicals, which can cause cancer.
Metabolism, or, more accurately the metabolic rate of the cells, sets the demand for oxygen. At rest, a human consumes about 250 millilitres of oxygen each minute. With exercise this rate can be increased more than 10-fold in a normal healthy individual, but a highly trained athlete may achieve a more than 20-fold increase..
Muscle can do more work, but beyond the aerobic scope they must revert to anaerobic metabolism, which results in waste products, mainly lactic acid. Various mental processes in old people are also found to be improved by breathing oxygen. Any slowed induction of protein synthesis, as from lower oxygen intake, with age is a factor in the deficits of learning and memory of old people.
70% of toxins in your body are released by exhalation— rest by sweat, defecation and urine— surprised? The mind is intimately connected to your breathing. Deep breathing triggers the lymph, your body’s sewage system which will give your cells more efficiency. It keeps the blood fully oxygenated.
Breathe in the ratio 1/4/2.
Because oxygen is vital to life, the body and brain are extremely sensitive to even very small reductions . This is why exercise must be done at least ONE hour after a meal or oxygen required for digestion is used by muscles leading to indigestion and cramps.
Stress, fear and anxiety causes muscles to contract and blood vessels to constrict. When blood cannot be transported freely through the body to provide oxygen, and antibodies and to carry away and dispose toxic wastes, illness sets in.
Mind is non material , but it works in partnership with communicator molecules. With every thought mind moves atoms of hydrogen, carbon , oxygen and other particles in the brain .
Knowing the connection between breath and consciousness, the ancient yogis devised PRANAYAMA to stabilise energy and consciousness. All that vibrates in this universe is the cosmic personality and prime mover Prana, potent in all living beings and non-living beings --- heat, light, gravity, magnetism, vigor , power , vitality,life, spirit.
When a man is contented and happy , he has more Prana inside him. Anxiety vanishes entirely when you are one with the rest of the universe. When your mind is disturbed the fundamental energy Prana leaks . Pranayama just reverses the process.
Yoga says that longevity depends on slow diaphragmic breathing. People who do Pranayama regularly have quieter nerves , less lethargy , better sleep and lower BP. It prevents accumulation of Uric acid which gives joint pains.
Fluctuations of mind are controlled and hence Pranayama prepares you for meditation.
Pranayama was created by the vedic sages who lived on the banks of the river Saraswati in 9000 BC.
Sage Agastya had taught Surya namaskar to Lord Rama just before his fight with Ravana in 4300BC. asically you are greeting a new day with a grateful heart. It is done in open air.
The benefits are:--
1) You raise your consciousness
2) Develop inner peace
3) Rekindle your drooping spirit
4) Detoxification of body and mind
5) Your face glows --balance of mind, body and spirit.
6) Mental clarity and concentration
7) Raise your immunity
8) Reduces biological age.
9) Centring yourself and stoking your inner flame
10) Gratitude and communion with self
11) Awakening at cellular level, improves metabolism, burns fat
12) Expansion of perception
13) Physical exercise , stretching, flexing of spine. Removes stiffness of joints and ligaments.
14) Destress.
15) Good sleep at night.
16) Miraculous delivery from disease -physical and mental.
17) Your skin is cleansed by sunlight and you have less BO. Clears eyesight too.
18) Improves body posture.
19) Drives away phobias.
At the end of Surya Namaskar you must do Shavasana.
Lying down thinking of peaceful nature, to get into the Alpha brainwave mode.
Let me digress –
Recently we had an little piece of turd by the name of Chetan Bhagat insulting Swami Ramdev at the India Today Conclave.
You must know that our main stream media is funded and remote controlled by Big Brother.
Now Chetan Bhagat has a mediocre brain – the type we call "small caliber big bore".
Since he worked for Rothschild’s controlled Goldman Sachs , he has always been pushing the sinister agenda of the Banking Cartel. No wonder he automatically got included in Rothschild controlled Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People .
He was all over TV pushing FDI in multibrand retail.
Chetan Bhagat has self conferred the mantle on himself as “Indian Youth Ambassador”. You should see this to believe .
Every TV show he would cry “This is NOT what young India wants !!”
And then he would push his foreign funded agenda “ Indians want jobs in Walmart and FDI stores , homosexuals want their rights BLAH BLAH “.
His useless low IQ blogs would appear on Rothschild controlled newspapers and magazines.
At the India Today conclave he picked on a fellow guest --a respected Yogi . He insulted him. As if on cue the yuppies in the audience would giggle loudly in sarcasm.
Chetan Bhagat ridiculed Swami Ramdev’s claim that he can cure homosexuality with Yoga .
He thundered at Ramdev “ So, what is wrong with homosexuality? You'll take India back to the 16th century . Your values are all wrong!”
CLAP CLAP from the ch00tiya ( sorry- cant see another apt word ) yuppie audience attired in suit , tie and boot.
Yoga can cure much greater things than homosexuality.
In modern science anything which the doctors do NOT know is branded a genetic disorder.
Yoga Master the late K Pattabhi Jois,died at the age of 93.
Pattabhi Jois starts his classes 10 ten Surya Namaskars. Like the name itself suggests , Surya Namaskar has to do with the sun and hence the Pineal gland.
This super conducting resonator has mystical powers.
Once the third eye ( pineal gand ) is developed it is far more powerful than any of your 5 human senses. If you understand SURYA NAMASKAR which is done at dawn , as soon as the sun rises, it is nothing but sun gazing while doing yoga.
Singer Madonna learnt Astanga Yoga from Pattabhi Jois. Madonna chanted the opening Ashtanga chant on her Ray-of-Light album, and also played an Ashtanga teacher in the movie The Next Best Thing.
Ancient Indian Maharishis had the ability to go on either isde of the narrow 5 bands of human senses. By resonating their huge pineal glands with their 12 strand DNA they could transcend the limitations of space time. They firmly believed that the invisible below the quantum screen gives rise to the visible.
What does Ashtanga Yoga do for you?
It improves the feel good factor giving you a natural high, reduces stress , increases vitality, improves strength and flexibility , improves immune system function, improves blood and lymph circulation, eliminates body toxins, strengthens the cardiovascular system , improves digestion, metabolism and hormone production, gets rid of depression and anxiety , reduces mind chatter, improves concentration, builds patience , gets rid of obesity and sloth, balances body- mind- spirit, and keeps diseases away .
Ashtanga Yoga stimulates the Vagus nerve and the Amygdala to cure many disorders conveniently branded as genetic disorders by modern medicine—just because they do NOT have a clue.
T Krishmacharya the guru of Pattabhi Jois, stimulated his Vagus nerve and Amygdala to stop his heart beat and control involuntary muscles.
Below : T Krishnamachari.
He cured Lord Irwin , the Viceroy of India from severe mental ( Bipolar ) and physical ailments ( kidney ) . He was about to go back home, when someone told him about Yoga guru T Krishmamachari.
Grasping at the last straw he summoned this Yogi to his bunglow in Simla and arranged for a room. Within six months Lord Irwin was free of all his ailments ( considered as genetic ) and he was grateful to this Yogi, who did NOT charge any fees.
Lord Irwin led a full life and died a normal death at a ripe old age-- 34 years later.
The Vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. It extends from within the brain on a winding road throughout the body down through the intestine.
The Vagus nerve also, just so happens, to be the only nerve in the body that is present through each one of the 7 Chakras. Besides output to the various organs in the body, the vagus nerve conveys sensory information about the state of the body's organs to the central nervous system.
Vagus nerve regulates the chemical levels in the digestive system so that the intestines can process food and keep track of what types of nutrients are being gained from the food that is taken in. It keeps the digestive tract in working order, contracting the muscles of the stomach and intestines to help process food, and sending back information about what is being digested and what the body is getting out of it.
Stems cells are directly connected to the vagus nerve. Activating the vagus nerve can stimulate stem cells to produce new cells and repair and rebuild your own organs.
By activating the vagus nerve, you can control your immune cells, reduce inflammation, and even prevent disease and aging! Vagus Nerve can be activated and stimulated by Yoga -- and worked with energetically through chanting mantras, divine geometry like Sri Yantra and longitudinal wave frequency.
Vagus nerve acts as the mind-body connection, and it is the cabling behind your heart’s emotions and gut instincts. Without the functions of the vagus nerve, you would find it difficult to speak, breathe, or eat, and your heartbeat would become extremely irregular.
An underactive vagus nerve can lead to a condition called gasteroparesis. This condition leads to nausea, heartburn, stomach pains, spasms in the stomach and weight loss due to the digestive system having too little of the chemicals it needs to break down food. An underactive vagus nerve can also lead to a dropping heart rate.
Scientists have discovered that artificial Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS), through electrical impulses via a surgically implanted pacemaker like device, shows promising results in reducing depression, anxieties and conditions such as epilepsy and obesity.
We are just scratching the tip of the iceberg here, as vagus nerve in conjunction with amygdala stimulation can do wonders.
Vagus nerve is stimulated when we feel empathy. When we connect with someone else's emotions and feel for them, the Vagus nerve gets stimulated. Vagus nerve is attached to emotions, and hence the right lobe of our brain.
The parasympathetic system is pretty automatic and not within that "conscious" control. Sometimes you need to step back and "allow" intelligent conscious morphogenetic energy to flow the way it normally would if you didn't put up a fight or flight.
Human Beings have an Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) that is the body’s automatic regulatory system of nerves and controls that do all the background tasks that keep the body operating. The ANS is comprised of three separate subsystems, the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS), the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and the Enteric Nervous System (ENS).
The Parasympathetic Nervous System is responsible for many of our resting functions such as lowering heart rate, increasing digestive & gland activity and sexual arousal, the Sympathetic Nervous System is mainly associated with modulation of hormones and neurotransmitters relating to “flight or fight” responses.
When things in our life become ‘second nature’, like driving, typing etc they are effectively processed through our ENS rather than our CNS. The cerebrospinal system is the organ of the conscious mind and is the channel through which we receive conscious perception from the physical senses, and exercise control over the movements of the body.
While the cerebrospinal or central nervous system (CNS) has the brain as its control center, the ENS has a ganglionic mass in the belly known as the Solar Plexus, often referred to as our second brain, as its central processing unit and it is in this coprocessor that most of our everyday tasks get executed from.
The vagus nerve is the most important element of the parasympathetic nervous system (the one that calms you down by controlling your relaxation response).
When an athlete is said to be ‘in the zone’ and performing at near perfect levels, it is because they are practically and literally almost unconscious and functioning entirely through their ENS.
The Vagus nerve is responsible for speech, swallowing, keeping the larynx open for breathing, slowing heart rate, monitoring and initiating digestive processes, and modulating inflammation, among other actions.
The vagus rerve arises from the medulla in the brain and passes through the skull down within the chest cavity where it branches off in multiple directions to innervate organs and muscles. 85% of the nerve fibers are devoted to sending information from the organs/gut back to the brain.
The Vagus nerve also relays information to the brain from what is known as the Enteric Nervous System (ENS). The ENS is our "second brain" controlling the digestive process; it is made up of over 500 million neurons that surround the digestive tract.
Like I said before , it is called a second brain because it can function independently from the brain if the Vagus nerve is severed.
Different postures that are adopted during Ashtanga yoga exercise helps in releasing pressure from the delicate nerve fibers. Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) activates anti-inflammatory pathways that work in the digestive tract.
VNS to be a possible treatment for chronic depression in people that didn't respond to any other treatments . Defects in the normal functioning of Vagus nerve may impair the normal control mechanisms that modulate the gastric acid secretion.
By deep breathing, you activate the vagus nerve and bring balance between your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system rn, nausea and weight loss.
By deep breathing, you activate the vagus nerve and bring balance between your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system rn, nausea and weight loss.
All this was known to Ayurveda more than 6000 years ago. The 108 marma points of Kalari and Ayurveda were mostly to stimulate the Vagus nerve and the Amydgala.. Pranayama affects the amygdala.
The amygdala is the most sensitive structure and most active structures in the brain. It uses more blood than any other part of the brain. We humans are conscious creatures because we have more amygdala nuclei.
The amygdala has in turn been implicated in nearly every psychiatric disorder. We don’t have animals with mood swings, and OCD , right?
The amygdala has a substantial role in mental states, and is related to many psychological disorders. Children with anxiety disorders tend to have a smaller left amygdala.
Larger amygdalae allow for greater emotional intelligence, enabling greater societal integration and cooperation with others.
There are functional differences between the right and left amygdala. Electrical stimulations of the right amygdala induce negative emotions, especially fear and sadness.
In contrast, stimulation of the left amygdala mostly induces happiness. The left amygdala plays a role in the brain's reward system. The amygdala is the seat of emotion. Psychopaths lack emotion. They lack empathy, remorse, guilt. Brain scans of psychopaths show a deformation in the amygdala compared to non-psychopaths.
It is the amygdala which jolts our bodies in fear, form emotional memories, helps us feel our dreams and can shape the effects of certain stress disorders and phobias.
The two amygdale sit on the horn-like tips of the hippocampus. They work with our sympathetic nervous system to put the body in a state of “fight-or-flight”. The amygdala has an important role in memory. It reminds us, for better or worse, of past situations.
Since it is so emotional, the amygdala is responsible for those persistent thoughts and extra mental baggage we wish we would forget. It nags us with recollections of painful or shocking events. So when a woman jumps out of her skin with a terrible shriek at the sight of a rat – its is just an example of her amygdala in action!
Stimulating the amygdala by meditation and Pranayama can help you enter a psychological state of flow. Activating the amygdala in a positive way stimulates higher order mental processes. This can improve creativity and intelligence while elevating positive emotion.
There are also links ( which can be modified ) between homosexuality and the connectivity of the amygdala to the rest of the brain.
Homosexuality depends on hormonal factors operating during fetal life and NOT genetics.
No baby is born a homosexual. While the amygdala is almost fully developed at birth, the prefrontal cortex does not mature until early adulthood.
Damage to the amygdala can thus result in behavioral deficits such as autism, post traumatic stress syndrome, child abuse, alcoholism, etc. The amygdala is not only sensitive to physical hurt but also to emotional hurt.
So it is involved in both the basic emotions such as pain, pleasure, fear, disgust, surprise, and anger but also in social emotions, viz., shame, guilt, love, embarrassment, envy, jealousy, and pride.
So it is involved in both the basic emotions such as pain, pleasure, fear, disgust, surprise, and anger but also in social emotions, viz., shame, guilt, love, embarrassment, envy, jealousy, and pride.
In this state you can easily overcome problems and disregard distractions. Being in flow on auto-pilot results in single-minded focus and joy that comes from losing yourself in productive activity. Trivial issues don't slow you down when you are actively engaged and living creatively.
The amygdala plays a central role in generating fear in response to external threats. The amygdala receives sensory information from two separate pathways: a short route and a long route.
Like all sensory information, the message is first routed to the thalamus. Then information is sent directly to the amygdala (short route), which produces a fast reaction to the situation. Other information travels from the thalamus through the cortex (visual, auditory, prefrontal, etc.) and then to the amygdala (long route).
The cortex evaluates the situation, assigns it a meaning, and if the meaning is threatening, then the amygdala is informed and produces the appropriate response.
The cortex evaluates the situation, assigns it a meaning, and if the meaning is threatening, then the amygdala is informed and produces the appropriate response.
Gay women and gay men are more likely to be left-handed. The right amygdala is also linked with taking action as well as being linked to negative emotions, which may help explain why males tend to respond to emotionally stressful stimuli physically.
The left amygdala allows for the recall of details, but it also results in more thought rather than action in response to emotionally stressful stimuli, which may explain the lack of physical response in women. Gamma-Amino Butyric acid (GABA) is an amino acid which acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.
Astanga Yoga increases our GABA levels , which reduces stress. GABA levels and mood are positively affected by yoga practice. Low levels of GABA are linked to depression and anxiety. GABA is the major neurotransmitters in the central nervous system, and especially in the cerebral cortex, which is where thinking occurs and sensations are interpreted.
GABA is made in brain cells from glutamate, and functions as an inhibitory neurotransmitter – meaning that it blocks nerve impulses. Glutamate acts as an excitatory neurotransmitter and when bound to adjacent cells encourages them to “fire” and send a nerve impulse. GABA does the opposite and tells the adjoining cells not to “fire”, not to send an impulse.
Without GABA, nerve cells fire too often and too easily. Anxiety disorders such as panic attacks, seizure disorders, and numerous other conditions including addiction, headaches, Parkinson's syndrome, and cognitive impairment are all related to low GABA activity.
The less GABA, the more nerve transmissions occur. Depressed and bipolar patients to have lower levels of GABA in their blood plasma.
“The lower knowledge is the knowledge of the phenomenal world. In reality it is ignorance, for it does not lead to the Highest Good. The seer of the Upanishads asks the aspirant to acquire both the knowledge of the relative world and the Knowledge of Ultimate Reality. When by the pursuit of the former he fails to attain true freedom and immortality, he cultivates the latter.” Mundaka Upanishad Mantra, 2.2.11, 5000 BC
Modern medicine has never looked on the human body as a whole like a Ayurvedic physician. Allopathic has divided up the body into several part s – the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the cellular system, the digestive system, the endocrine system, etc. They do NOT understand the concept of body mind and spirit, which the ancient maharishis envisaged in all their wisdom.
Meditation is an exercise of the mind and is a part of yoga . What physical exercise is to the body, meditation is to the mind.
Silencing the body is easy, but silencing the mind is difficult in this modern age. Silencing is about grace, harmony and tranquility. Exhaustion is NOT tranquility.
In the modern age people get stressed, and they need to still the mind--the chattering monkey, which remains entangled in the past and the imagined future, but never in the present.
Meditation is about holding your mind to the present. The aim of every form of meditation is to still the mind, or you cant purify it and get rid of deep rooted negativities , which affect your health and even give you severe migraines.
Meditation is a surgical operation of your subconscious mind to remove and discard negativity / ego and improve tolerance, grace and kindness.
For a layman-- you are stressed when your hands feel cold, your heart rate, breathing, and muscle tension increases. The result is that your immune system goes for a toss and you get depressed or burnt out.. Depression is a weird feeling of loss .
Meditation teaches you to look inwards, with awareness , within yourself and know the true nature of all sensations, and loosen the stranglehold of habits and vices.. He scans his own body and sees where the stress and tension is.
He just witnesses , he does not react. His mind does not control him, rather he controls his mind. It is a universal remedy for all universal ills.
Let me talk about Vipasana Meditation-
Find a quiet place to sit for 15 minutes. place where you can sit comfortably, undisturbed, for at least 20 minutes. Background noises like the sound of a car horn or a ticking clock should not be considered hindrances, and in fact can be legitimate objects of mindfulness.
Don't wear earplugs . Wear loose clothing and be bare feet. Sit with your back and head held straight. You may sit on the floor or in a chair. Keep your eyes closed. If you must move, notice how and why you are moving.
Simply be mindful of in-and-out breathing. You may feel that your breathing is too short, too long, too gentle or too heavy. Do not try to control it. Stop judging. Just let it be, let it settle by itself as you watch. It is the process of watching which is the meditation, not what you are watching.
When you become distracted, gently refocus your attention on your breathing. Keep watching. Just breathe... As the abdomen rises, observe the motion from beginning to end with your mind. When the abdomen falls, do the same. That's it. Just keep watching the rising-falling movements. You don't have to do anything to them. Just know the movements without judging or describing them.
Restrict your attention to what is occurring in the immediate present moment. Don't think about the past or future— don't think about anything at all. Let go of worries, concerns, and memories. Empty your mind of everything except the movements occurring right now. But don't think about the motions; just know them.
In insight meditation the aim is not to think, but only to know.
As the abdomen expands, say the word "rising" in your mind. When it contracts, say "falling." Continue to note rising, falling, rising, falling, from one moment to the next. Ninety-percent of your attention should be on the actual movement instead of on the label. The aim in Vipassana is to know the object itself, not the word.
The abdomen should not be visualized. You only have to know the movements. Be sure to breathe naturally; don't try to control the breath in any way. A mental note identifies the object in general but not in detail. For example, when a sound pulls your attention away, label it "hearing" instead of car horn,""voices" or "barking dog."
If an unpleasant sensation arises, note "pain " or "feeling" instead of "knee pain" or "my back pain." Then return your attention to the primary object. When aware of a fragrance, say the mental note "smelling" for a moment or two. You don't have to identify the scent.
The motto is: "Focus and forget it," or "know and let go."
Healing is NOT a physical process, rather it is mental. Mind can wipe mistakes off the DNA blueprint and destroy any disease that has disturbed the design. DNA's ability to repair itself is affected adversely when a person is in depression.
Meditation experiences silence, and is devoid of drives, wishes, fears , thoughts and emotions. Afterwards when the mind returns to its usual level of consciousness, it has acquired some freedom to move.. Grace and peace are the hallmarks of a healthy non-delusional mind in a healthy body.. The happiness is stable.
We have 5 senses – sight, hearing, smell, taste and feel. God has given us narrow bandwidths which became even more narrow as our original 12 strand DNA , NIL junk, became degraded to 2 strand , 97% junk. Probably it is good as stress has become too much in modern times and we do NOT want an overload of sensory inputs.
The ancient Maharishi with 12 strand DNA and a king sized pineal gland could use his body into most amazing uses.
He could become invisible, he could zap you with a mental blow, he could put his hand into steam , he could see auras and know what you are worth by just looking at you ( no need for written/ oral exams ), he could teleport his virtual body ( by the way levitation is NOT the human cadaver jumping up and down ), - --
--he could do telepathy , is a stinking place he could neutralise the smell , he could see the entire electromagnetic spectrum, he could smell better than a blood hound, he could hear beyond human audio range , he could see complex math as a 3D fractal graph--,
-- he could read akashik records , he could ingest poisons , he could feel your aura and tell what is ailing you etc etc.
Many Christians and Muslims think that prayer can substitute for meditation. Sorry ! The former is a petition to God, and the other is a detached observation of one's own mind, and its processes.
In the modern world, ancient Vedic meditation is used as a non-religious technique for relaxation and stress reduction for long-term psychological improvements. Meditation is done to purify the mind and gain insight. It abstracts the self from conscious thought, and frees the mind from feelings that cause stress and suffering.
It fosters creative intelligence, raise consciousness, and enables fuller use to be made of mental potential. The spiritual aims are peace of mind, wisdom, and, ultimately, a state of enlightenment or self-realization. It is a form of natural healing, and helps people cope with anxiety, depression, and drug dependence.
The attention is focused on monitoring the breath, and noting thoughts crossing the mind, without any judgement or attempt at control, but as a silent and detached witness. If the mind throws up distractions, the meditator returns to simply observing the breath each time the distraction happens. A relaxed and unhurried attitude is important, since slowing down and observing the mind to see how it works is central to the philosophy behind meditation.
Using the mantra technique, the meditator concentrates on a mantra to banish intrusive thoughts and thus achieve progressively quieter levels of thinking until thought itself is transcended. Mantras are essentially in Sanskrit being a divine language.
The subtle vitalizing frequencies of mantras activate psychic energies and awaken our intuitive faculties. The purpose of meditation in modern times is to destress, to stop the destructive mind chatter, for some time in a day-- to STILL THE MIND.
WHEN YOU STILL YOUR MIND, NO CHEMICALS ARE PRODUCED. The brain must not be allowed to pump in destructive F&F ( fight & flight ) chemicals into your body, which will shorten your life.
The reason why people remain mired in negativity is because of the beliefs they have inherited over time. Beliefs are subconscious .
We can use our conscious mind to observe ,to introspect and dip into the subconscious where our beliefs are embedded , in order to eliminate it. You can meditate, to rewrite these negative programmes that cause you misery.
During meditation thinking is separated from perceiving, so that the individual can stand apart from the emotional self. Indians use meditation to purify the mind and gain insight. Meditation again, is a detached observation of one's own mind, and its processes, after squelching the 5 senses.
In the modern world, meditation is used as a non-religious technique for relaxation and stress reduction. The spiritual aims are peace of mind, wisdom, and, ultimately, a state of enlightenment or self-realization.
Chanting mantras have an effect of banishing intrusive thoughts . It does a fantastic job of stopping hyperventilating, and slowing down your breathing.
Next time you hyperventilate out of panic just try a simple mantra like-
There are now thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers which explain yoga’s efficacy as a healing modality for diseases as varied as cancer, depression, diabetes, and cardiovascular failure.
Yoga has never been patented to make money – it was never ever meant to be that way. Yet we find many selfish Gurus patenting their own weird type yoga which does more harm than good. There is BAD KARMA involved and these jet setting Gurus who are sponsored by R controlled UN , with hundreds of branches all over the world , will learn , sooner than later.
The EVIL PHARMA is terribly upset that an ancient Yoga could easily replace billions of dollars’ worth of medications, surgeries, and even chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
Which is the world’s No 1 pilgrimage , far ahead of Kumbh Mela ? Last year 55 million pilgrims attended .
It is Sabarimala ( Makaravilakku on Jan 15th ) for the 9th avatar of Lord Vishnu Ayyappa. Foreign Christain evengelists tried to use money power and stop this world’s greatest pilgrimage by building a private airport ( Aranmula ) to kill river Pampa. Well this blogsite contributed in scuttling this slimy plan.
All pilgrims take a ritual dip in the Pampa river ( now dying ) also known as Dakshina Ganga , before heading to Sabarimala.
Below: Kill the Pampa river to KILL THE SABARIMALA PILGRIMAGE.
At Sabarimala MAGIC happens in just 5 seconds.
Pure awareness is a simple experience —just a small gap in your thinking when you are without ego -- a small space of nothing—shuniata, while in a FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
Deep peace is the side effects of this experience of “no-thing” or “no-thought.” It is the realization that you are more than your thoughts. Something is there beyond your mind.
Quantum entrainment is a process that instantly gives the body, mind and spirit deep rest and fast healing.
At Sabarimala it works in seconds. Yes, pure awareness is the deepest rest you can ever get—and it is so dang easy .
At Sabarimala it works in seconds. Yes, pure awareness is the deepest rest you can ever get—and it is so dang easy .
The quantum entrainment seeker does “nothing,” yet everything gets done for him.
When we allow pure awareness to suffuse our consciousness, the magic begins. Quantum entrainment effectively heals the body, mind, emotions, and spirit and centers you .
~ घेरंडसंहिता
By assuming the position of Shambhavi Mudra a Yogi should see the self. When the Brahma is seen in the form of a dot he should fix his mind on it and nowhere else. A Yogi who knows the science of Shambhavi he himself becomes Brahma and none else. I, Lord Maheshwara (Shiva), am telling this again and again that this is truth.- Gherand Samhita ( Hatha Yoga ) 5000 BC
The white invader has kicked forward Gherand Samhita by an amazing 6600 years --thank god that they did NOT claim to have written it like our Vedas .
As per the 7000 year old Vedas, perception occurs in the gap of alert attention. This is the inner space. There are many methods to create this gap. Shambhavi Mudra is the most potent and easiest method.
Negative thoughts create negative feelings and hence stress and illness. Our inner voice evaluates, judges, compares and worries. Most people live with such a tormentor in their head draining them of energy.
It is an awful burden not to be able to stop thinking. Up to 90 % of most people’s thoughts are meaningless playbacks of old broken “records”.
Silencing the body is easy, but silencing the mind is difficult in this modern age. Silencing is about grace, harmony and tranquility. Exhaustion or being drugged out of your mind is NOT tranquility.
In the modern age people get stressed, and they need to still the mind--the chattering monkey, which remains entangled in the past and the imagined future, but never in the present. A person stops thinking either when he is dead or when he has realised.
When your ego powered mind is chattering like a monkey or the angry sea, you miss the truth. Truth can be communicated only in silence. For this deep silence you need to have harmony between the mind, body and spirit.
Shambhavi Mudra synchronizes the 2 brain lobes to create inner balance.
When the left and right sides of the brain , are in balance the human DNA generates scalar waves.
When two energy fields exactly cancel out each other the 5th dimension is accessed which is all pervasive and has the power to heal.
He is now in touch with higher levels or higher dimensions of functioning. He will have emotional stability and level headed approach to problems which confront him. This is a fast, amazingly simple, drug-free method of stimulating neural pathways in the brain.
All right, now let me talk about practicals.
Wear loose fitting clothes which does NOT constrict you in any way. Sit on a smooth surface , in a comfortable meditation pose . This is to eliminate sense of touch / feeling.
Put your thumbs in your ears and palm your eyes with your middle and fourth finger.
Now do OM CHANT with an audible MMMMMMM ( for production of Nitric oxide ) .
You will feel intense vibrations inside your ear — the cochlea spiral passage resonated to 7.83 hertz ( OM frequency and also earth’s heart beat frequency ) and your brain produces NITRIC OXIDE .
Now select a silent, NOT so bright, cool place space, where there are NO strong smells . This is to prevent any input of sense of hearing/sense/ smell . If you can even feel the clock ticking-put ear plugs –only if you are a beginner.
Keep the head, shoulder and spine upright and straight. And place the hands on the knees in (Jyana Mudra).
Upright is to keep the spirit level in the inner ear at equilibrium so that your brain lobes get balanced and synchronized.
Shut your eyes. No need to be cockeyed .
Simply be mindful of in-and-out diaphrgmic breathing where you stomach rises and falls. You may feel that your breathing is too short, too long, too gentle or too heavy. Do not try to control it.
When you become distracted, gently refocus your attention on your breathing. Restrict your attention to what is occurring in the immediate present moment.
When you feel you have blocked out all ahara ( feed ) via your senses of smell, sight, hearing and feeling , take a deep breath where you fill your lungs only 90 % and hold it . Put your tongue on your upper palate and tickle it for just 2 seconds and stop.
Now start exhaling VERY slowly while keeping the tip of your tongue stationary on the roof of your mouth.
Don't think about the past or future— don't think about anything at all. Let go of worries, concerns , and memories. Empty your mind of everything.
To be frank you cannot think even if if want to —I can challenge you on this .
Do this 3 more times . This means you inhale again , hold your breath and do the same thing.
Later on you do NOT need to hold your breath and you can do this procedure for LONGER TIME , without ear plugs and your eyes open against a blank far away wall of your room.
Do this exercise 5 times a day. You must NOT have a full stomach. You can drink some water before you do this.
This is it !
—so simple so fast , right?
India gave this planet prayer, mediation and mantras.
Meditation is NOT prayer !
Prayer silent or loud in vernacular , is NOT the same as chanting mantras in Sanskrit !!
If you do meditation the right way , you mind will NOT control you –rather you will control your mind.
You are stressed when your hands feel cold, your heart rate, breathing, and muscle tension increases. The result is that your immune system goes for a toss and you get depressed or burnt out..
Depression is a weird feeling of loss. . DNA's ability to repair itself is affected adversely when a person is in depression.
Depressed people must keep a poster on the wall.
Meditation experiences silence, and is devoid of drives, wishes, fears , thoughts and emotions. Afterwards when the mind returns to its usual level of consciousness, it has acquired some freedom to move..
Grace and peace are the hallmarks of a healthy non-delusional mind in a healthy body.. The happiness is stable. A true yogi does NOT need to play with king cobras in front of an audience or drive a Hummer at high speed.
Yoga is always done in a grateful frame of mind , to thank the universal laws, which sustain this planet. If you translate any mantra you will find gratitude woven in its warp and weft.
There are cannabinoid receptors in the amygdala.The amygdala has in turn been implicated in nearly every psychiatric disorder.
Mental patients damage themselves further by taking the toxic chemical medicines of evil pharma. Lab rats are NOT conscious creature like human beings. The mental research is all in the wrong direction.
Our tribal adivasis are now being used by foreigners , as lab rats for they do NOT know the meaning of depression. They live in the lap of nature , their needs are simple. They do NOT have negative thoughts and their bodies do NOT have after effects of EVIL PHARMA medicines. Their bodies and brains are unpolluted .
Since I posted below, much has already happened in USA .
Why did I put a post on UNTRIAL PRISONERS and give PM Modi a deadline ?
I talked to a young man who was jailed for several months for having Cannabis on him . He was just released from jail , he had NO money and I bought a tea and a sweet bun for him .
So Cannabis is bad for this planet ?
Gay marriages are good ?
Gomutra , the urine of HUMPED cow can do wonders. Capt Ajit Vadakayil says that human urine ( your own ) is toxic and must NOT be drunk .
Ancient Indians relied on organic Ayurvedic herbs . Maharishis could see and read human auras . Their writings are full of wisdom. There is much that the western scientists do NOT know.
200 years back the most brilliant scientist would have scoffed at what a latest generation android mobile phone can do. Mind you, your own body is the ultimate machine . Only thing is that it has been degraded from 12 strand DNA to 2 strand DNA with 97% junk.
You own body can heal itself . Yoga does this for you. Reiki waves from DNA can also heal others half way around the globe . These healing scalar waves travel faster than light. A yoga guru who is NOT a healer is incomplete.
Don’t bother about what Albert Einstein said about light being the fastest , though he copied and plagiarized 100% from ancient Indian books. He has NOT understood what he stole .
Punch into Google search -
So, do NOT shove Einstein down our Indian throats.
My wife who is one level above a Reiki Grandmaster, was asked by a close friend to do reiki for a new born baby who was lying in a incubator along with several of such babies in a distant land – none of these babies had cried or drank milk after they were born.
(Jesus Christ came to Kerala to learn reiki - he left after 3 years as a yogi and a healer) .
(Jesus Christ came to Kerala to learn reiki - he left after 3 years as a yogi and a healer) .
After several days of doing Reiki , suddenly my wife felt the energy being drawn. Immediately she called up her friend. Well all rushed to the baby and even the doctors were astounded to see the baby crying loudly for mothers milk..
The western brain ( no pun intended ) is going over the precipice soon. VARIANT CREUTZFELDT JACOB DISEASE is coming !
Mark my words .
Capt Ajit Vadakayil does NOT shoot blanks- people who know him will vouch for it ..
Save yourself using Yoga , and Cannabis.