Sanskrit mantras restore cellular function, improving the function of the membrane walls and biologic activities. Mantras be used to stimulate DNA to repair itself, essentially reprograming the DNA sequencing. The potential for medical treatments with this is astounding
Color and sound (music) are important ways to direct energy in the mind, but the best technique is--
1. Spoken language. That which is heard with the ears. Vaikhari. When you use your tongue and lips.
2. Subvocal speech. That which is heard with the inner ears, in the auditorium of mind and heart. Madhyama.
3. Abstract concepts, seeing and feeling the impact of the mantra, feeling the vibration, beyond what we ordinarily know as sound. Pashyanti.
4. Para. Transcendental sound. Para. The meaning in the resonant silence.
‘Chatvaari vaak parimitaa padaani taani vidur braahmaanaa ye manishinaah. Guhaa trini nihitaa neaengayanti turiyam vaacho manushyaa vadanti.’ (Rigveda Samhita- 1.164.45- 5000 BC)
So human beings speak to each other using the fourth type of speech. The other three: Para, Madhyama and Pashyanti are used in communications which are at a much deeper level, where no language is used.
This unheard, dynamic vibrato is recognized in the Vedas as the sound-vehicle of the power of Brahman permeating the cosmos as the forces of creation and destruction. It is called the Shabda Brahman, that is the Ultimate Reality in its aspect of sound.
However, the unheard cosmic sounds, the symphony of Shabda-Brahman, was heard by the 12 stranded Vedic Maharishis in their spiritual trances and is enshrined in the Upanishads as the syllable.
OM is the quintessence, the seed-syllable of the universe. Mantra is the sound-body of consciousness. Our 7000 year old Vedas say that matter is created from vibrations.
The Yoga Shiksha Upanishad says: “That indestructible transcendent vibrating sound is Shabda-Brahman.”
Nada yoga is an ancient Indian metaphysical system which is based on the premise that the entire cosmos and all that exists in the cosmos, including human beings, consists of sound vibrations, called nada.
Primal sound is referred to as Shabda Brahman - "God as word". Closely related to this is the concept of Nada Brahman - "God as sound".
Just in case you wonder what is SHABDA and what is NADA – the former is masculine connoting artha ( meaning ) while the latter is feminine signifying the voiced sound .
Music is Nada.
The fundamental structure of the universe is based on Nada or sound vibrations.
A mantra in its purest form , the inner power , is a manifestation of Nada.
The movement of prana ( energy ) in the body is an expression of Nada.
Nada is the celestial music within us. The word Nada is derived from the Sanskrit root nad, meaning “union through sound.”
Again, Nada refers to the vibrations which make up the sound. Shabda refers to a discreet sound, separate from the meaning it conveys.
The Nada Yogi sees the whole macrocosmic and microcosmic world as made up of sound. The Nada Yogi experiences the macrocosmic universe as a projection of sound vibrations; the whole world as having developed from sound alone.
Nada means not only sound, but energy, flow and pitch. Thus Nada Yoga, in a deeper sense is the science of vibration. Quantum physics agrees with our 7000 year old Vedas that vibration (sound) is the essence of all forms in the creation.
Sound vibration brings into being the visual world of forms.
Pandit Omkarnath Thakur, was a Nada yogi , a super sound engineer , a great Indian classical musician . In 1933, while on a European tour , Adolf Hitler directed him to Benito Mussolini, who was unable to sleep for many days due to stress. Thakur performed the Raga Puriya , a hexatonic raga and put Mussolini to deep REM sleep within a few minutes.
A nada yogi believes that the micro and macro world is nothing but a projection of sound alone. This music is from the RIGHT brain lobe ( sub-conscious ) for a roght hander.
Indian classical music is nada yoga, where the music is rendered absolutely scientific and classical in order to experience the nada.
The development of Indian classical musical systems in the past was done strictly in accordance with the views of nada yoga sadhanas.
In the ancient wisdom of the Sanatana Dharma, the medium of creation is conscious sound vibration.
"By His utterance came the universe." (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.2.4) 5000 BC.
Now Nada also contains sounds beyond the human audible range. But these sounds were perceptible to a 12 strand DNA maharishi. Nada is the sound that exists in all Kundalini Chakras. In the heart it exists as Anahata (unstruck sound).
Shabda and Nada manifested in the cosmic energy of sound give rise to the energies of heat, light and other basic streams of energy existing in the universe. The Nada (cosmic vibration) of the Shabda (eternal sound) is the originator of everything that exists in nature.
When a damaru is vibrated, it produces dissimilar sounds which are fused together by resonance to create one single sound . When the Damaru is twisted in one revolution, it often makes the sounds of three successive tones.
Panini formulated the rules of Sanskrit morphology, syntax and semantics in fourteen verses, from the sounds of Lord Shiva's Damaru, called Maheshwara Sutrani.
These Sutras are also known as Aṣṭadhyayi, meaning eight chapters, the foundational text of the grammatical branch of the Vedanga. The knowledge of Shabda BrahmAn - Nada BrahmAn is thus the most important branch of the Indian school of spirituality. .
It is from this ancient Vedic wisdom that modern science developed sound engineering. Sound frequencies are now being used in modern hospitals to stimulate new cellular growth, resolve tumors, dissolve calcium deposits, stimulate new neurological development, deliver nourishment, detoxify, resolve paralysis, remove plaque and tooth decay, act as a carrier frequency to deliver higher forms of knowledge and information, even scan and harvest information.
Sonocytology is the study of cell sounds. Dead cells with low electrical charge emitted a low rumbling like radio static. Distinguishing between the sound signatures of healthy and diseased cells WILL be a part of the medicine of the future.
Sound operates through the law of Resonance. Resonance eliminates the limitations of the "sender and receiver dynamic." Resonance is where two become one, where minds join.
Resonance is, in itself, a state of awareness and experiential knowing far beyond concept and mental, cognitive thinking. On the vibration field-form-body-time level, resonance is the experiential state of Oneness.
Modern scientists have studied the efficacy of the sonic wave forms of ancient Sanskrit mantras in healing.
The ultrasonometer is used for triggering different chemical reactions via the effect of ultrasound. The stirrer used in this device can be made to stir ( ultrasound) so fast that in no time it can make the steady water – contained around it – churn violently like that during boiling at maximum pace.
As far as the sonic effects are concerned, the subtle power of a mantra, if focused, can be more ‘explosive’ than the nuclear power.
When ancient Vedas talked about the power of an atom, the West smirked and laughed out of sarcasm, right?
Sound has the ability to affect whatever forms it comes into contact with by exposing that form to a different rate of frequency vibration. Sound has the ability to bring this place back into Oneness by changing its rate of vibration through sympathetic vibration called resonance.
This scalar wave works on the root cause of the disease within the sub-conscious mind, modern people call Reiki nowadays. Scalar waves are ELF longitudinal waves and can penetrate anything. Submarines communicate in this frequency. ELF fields can change the characteristics of neurotransmitters and hormones.
When two energy fields exactly cancel out each other the 5th dimension is accessed which is all pervasive and has the power to heal. Both scalar waves and sound waves are longitudinal.
The human body generates scalar waves from the mobius coils ( figure of eight ) of the DNA and the mobius coils of the circulatory system. When the left and right sides of the brain lobes and the circulatory system in front of the lungs, are in balance the human body generates scalar waves.
A scalar energy field cannot be measured . However the field can be photographed with a Kirlean camera. For skeptics-- holding a small double terminated quartz crystal doubles the photographic portion of the aura.
Scalar energy is capable of restructuring water molecules into smaller clusters, thus promoting biochemical functions of water regulated activities within the body--revitalising the metabolic functions. Scalar fields permeate the body tissues and enhance ion transport at cellular level.
In March 2009, Vatican alarmed by infusion of Hindu Sanskrit terms like CHAKRA has banned Reiki from all Catholic institutions.
The seven basic swaras (musical notes) of the musical octave have a one-to-one correspondence with the chakras.
A cosmic creative vibration ( sphota ) arises between Shiva and Shakti called Nada. This Nada then gets consolidated into Shabda Brahman (differentiated sound energy), the universal cosmic resonance, symbolized by OM. From this arises cosmic intelligence that is responsible for the creation.
There are two types of nada.
The first is ahata nada, which is struck sound, sound that is produced, sound that gives an immediate impact, sound of all kinds whether a human being can hear it or not. This, of course, is the same as the western understanding of sound as always coming from movement, from something having been struck, either the wind through the vocal cords or through a reed, or the percussive sound of the plucking of strings or the beating of a drum membrane.
External music is conveyed to consciousness via the ears, in which mechanical energy is converted to electrochemical energy and then transformed in the brain to sensations of sound
But according to the ancient wisdom of Indian philosophy there is yet another type of sound which is the source of the first, anahata nada, cosmic sound. This is sound that is potential, thought but not expressed. This cosmic sound is perceptible only to the 12 strand DNA Maharishi -- the unstruck sound which vibrates in space without a cause, the sound that is produced from the ether.
The anahata nada is also the sound of devotion and concentration, the sound that the yogi hears in deep meditation whose function is to liberate the soul. Inner sound is sacred and once reached will open the practitioner's chakras, which ultimately will unite the body to the divine. The inner music owes its reception to the subtle heart chakra, also known as anahata chakra, which is not a sensory organ.
Music is a painting on the canvas of silence. If every sound on this cosmos and planet earth were simultaneously recorded, there would be only one single sound OM. Nada is not a part of dhvani (external sound). Rather dhvani instead arises as a projection of nada.
If we invoke sound, we also invoke the trinity gods of Lords Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, because they are nothing other than a scalar fields who are personalised.
Everything that exists can be reduced to two concepts: consciousness and manifestations. Manifestations are dependent on consciousness. In Tantra, consciousness is called Shiva, and manifestation, which is also seen as power, is called Shakti. In BrahmAn, Shakti only exists as a potential. .
Shiva as an observer is called Para Shiva and the observed is called Para Shakti.
Millions of words have been written about Sankhya philosophy in books and the internet—all BULL.
namah shivaya urave nada-bindu kalatemane
niranjana padam yati nitam yatra parayanah
"Salutations to the nadam, which is the inner guide and the inner life, the dispenser of happiness to all! It is the inner guru, appearing as nada, bindu and kala. One who is devoted to the inner guru, the nada, the inner music, obtains the highest bliss." - Hatha Yoga Pradipika IV, 1
The aim of Nada Yoga ( consciousness via sound ) is to purify and harmonize the gross and subtle fields of body energy and bring them in alignment with its natural vibration.. It is the opening of a door on the level of highest awareness when consciousness becomes conscious of itself.
It is from that state that the transformation and healing begin in a most natural way. All our experiences of love, joy, peace, health and happiness are orchestrated by 'consciousness' from that field of unified state, the state of Yoga.
Originally, science thought that atoms were made up of smaller particles of matter (electrons, neutrons, and protons. Now modern physicists discovered that these subatomic particles were actually immaterial energy vortices (resembling nano-scaled tornados). Atoms are made out of energy and not physical matter. Matter comes from energy, as is written in our Vedas.
To prevent jet lag we have Bose noise-canceling headphones which kills the monotonous back ground ground noise of the jet engines and the hissing air inside the aircraft, and the usual noise clutter. It electronically cancel out sound waves. They do this by picking up a sound, processing it, and then creating a new sound that effectively cancels the original sound by destructive interference.
Biologists can control biological functions and molecules using harmonic vibratory frequencies, including light and sound vibrations. Stupid medical science focuses its attention on the physical body and material world and have completely ignored the role quantum mechanics, using chemicals with toxic side effects instead..
Sound has an invincible power. Nothing is an exception to its laws of natural harmony. Sound therapy is an arrangement of sounds, in a specific order and design, to invoke different vibrational states that influence our very DNA. Our DNA can be reprogrammed by mantras.
Feelings affect our bodies and minds. When sounds are arranged according to the principles of the ancient music of India, which are based on natural scales and intonations, they produce pure intervals and tones not found in western music—because these thieves never really understood Indian music of Bharata Muni.
When these natural tones are expressed in the proper formula by a musician trained in Nada Yoga, a healing vibration is set up that goes beyond the sound vibrations in the air, and resonates within us at the cellular and molecular level. This gives the listener the experience of sound healing.
Sound vibrations to bring the ever moving moving pendulum of the mind , the endless chatter to a halt. Musical sounds, when combined in a specific manner, have a dynamic and powerful effect in balancing the energies of the body.
Planet earth communicates with us in this primal language of frequencies. A living being is a EMF field embedded within the EMF field of the earth. Each cell's DNA as a vibrating transmitter/receiver of information.
Every second 200 lightening strikes occur somewhere on earth in order to keep re establishing electrical balance between the earth and the ionosphere. These lightening strikes energize the 'flute' and vibrate the resonating cavity. The 'flute' vibrates waves that bounce off the ionosphere and then off the earth, back and forth.
The resulting 'song' incorporates information from the ionosphere which reflects the universe and information about everything that occurs on earth. Usually this 'music' is described in terms of its beat or frequency. The beat frequency is called the Schumann Resonance of 7.83 Hz ( OM ) .
In the quantum view we are essentially electrical beings existing in a state of resonance with the electromagnetic field of the earth. The human ear can discern only a very narrow band between 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. The rest is inaudible.
This is why NO cosmic sound can be heard by the human ear.
These cosmic sounds were heard by 12 strand DNA maharishis in their spiritual trances which broadened their sense spectrums. However our brain can register the vibrations.
Diviners use OM resonance to find water in arid areas. The spiritual efficacy of OM is NOT on the gross sound, but on the subtle sound which is heard by the heart and uttered by the mind.
The primordal vibrations of atoms and molecules is thus represented by OM. When 2 vibrating systems are in resonance with each other, a rise in the amplitude of the waves take place.
Chanting OM produces a sonorous vibration like the buzz of a mighty transformer. The vibrations produce scalar waves which calms the mind. It produces an antigravity effect on water, due to the science of cymatics , and your body is mostly water.
Sanskrit Mantras have precise golden ratio of 1.618 sound harmonics ( Fibonacci/ Sri Yantra ) in digital mathematical and geometrical precision. The human DNA can produce longitudinal scalar waves, faster than light, the basis of Reiki.
Mantra language must have natural continuity is word making and in sentence making. Its sound must have vibration and resonance. Its alphabets must form in cymatics when uttered. Mantras in this language must be approved by a gifted seer with 12 strand DNA and the effect felt on his chakras and pineal gland.
This is why all mantras must be compulsorily more than 4000 years old and in Sanskrit based on the divine Geometry of Sri Yantra.
Mantras have immediate soothing effect makes the brain produce and release magic healing chemicals. Errant and disturbing thought are killed!
Mantras increase Prana or life force, sharpens intellect and boosts metabolism. Mantras can reduce the surface tension of water . It centres your mind ( effect on subconscious ) and slows down your breathing .
As I said before mantras increase your Auras as seen by Kirlean photography—due to the effect on symphathetic and para sympathetic nervous systems.
Our powerful king sense of hearing can distinguish more than 300000 tones and 1300 pitches. Next time you hear a sound of a person , even on the phone, visualize who it could be.
Chromosomes that are damaged by X-rays, for instance, can be repaired by simply applying vibration and language, or sound combined with intention, or words, to DNA! Is it NOT amazing that Hindus knew this 12000 years ago?
DNA is like the master tuning fork in the body. It would strike a particular frequency and certain other molecules would follow-- the waves are LONGITUDINAL -- rather field like—
Emotions like anger and fear can “compress” DNA, However, emotions like joy, gratitude and love unwind the the DNA, decompress it!
Every DNA has its own melody, as energy and matter is musical in nature. Our DNA program can be “rewritten” as an acoustic genetic code.
The relationship between sound and consciousness has been recorded in India's Hindu scriptures 7000 years ago. Mantras, or sacred sounds, are used to pierce through sensual, mental and intellectual levels of existence (all lower strata of consciousness) for the purpose of purification and reach into the spiritual level for enlightenment.
Each letter of mantra that corresponds to a sound and represents a vibration possesses power to change or affect body or mind. The power of these sounds is rooted in the highest planes of the solar system, and therefore, work on every level, from most subtle to the most dense.
Chanting a mantra is the best way to begin that meditation: it will bring you to the right state of mind. Mantra brings your complete attention within and sharpens your concentration. You will be able to “scan” your entire body with your mind’s eye and see where the trouble is hiding. Svaha sends your prayer directly to the Gods
The Beeja mantras are one-syllable seed sounds that, when said aloud, activate the energy of the chakras in order to purify and balance the mind and body.
When you utter beeja mantras, you resonate with the energy of the associated chakra.-- as mentioned in the Jabala Darsana Upanishad in 5000 BC.
Ham, Yam, Ram, Vam and Lam are the panch bhoota mantras. The five elements evolve from the five tanamatras (principals); earth from gandha (smell), water from rasa (taste), fire from rupa (sight), air from sparsha (touch) and akasha from shabda (hearing).
Every Beej mantra creates a huMMMMMMMM, which produces the magic molecule Nitric Oxide.
Nitric oxide is a gas that affects blood vessels. It is a simple molecule, having two atoms - nitrogen and oxygen. But it does an incredible array of things. Our blood vessels make nitric oxide. It's a potent and facile dilator.
When the human body reaches the age of 27 years, the secretion of nitric oxide is at its peak. As you get older and the production of nitric oxide in the human body declines gradually, more from age 42 onwards.
Nitric oxide controls blood flow in our body. It controls our vascular resistance , the blood pressure . When your body produces sufficient amounts of Nitric oxide, then your blood vessels are relaxed, and your blood pressure is low.
Conversely if you're not making enough or Nitric Oxide production is inactivated, then your blood vessels become contracted and your blood pressure shoots up. So this is an important feature of the blood vessels is its ability to control its own diameter automatically.
Nitric oxide is part of the body's self-defense mechanism.It can defend against bacteria. It also defends against tumor cells. Nitric Oxide in higher concentrations can actually halt the growth of cells or can halt bacterial growth, so it's a defense against infection. Macrophages, certain cells of the immune system, produce Nitric oxide in order to kill invading bacteria.
It is a defense against tumor and cancer. It is a defense against hardening of the arteries too. Nitric oxide - is our self-defense system against athrosclerosis. The endothelial lining of the blood vessel is like Teflon. It keeps things from sticking to the vessel wall.
The reason it has this property of Teflon is because it releases nitric oxide, so it's a non-sticky surface because it's releasing nitric oxide, which not only relaxes the blood vessel but also prevents things from sticking to the vessel.
Swara Yoga and Pranayana created Nitric oxide .
Nitric oxide also serves as a neurotransmitter between nerve cells, part of its general role in redox signaling. Unlike most other neurotransmitters that only transmit information from a presynaptic to a postsynaptic neuron, the small, uncharged, and fat-soluble nitric oxide molecule can diffuse widely and readily enters cells.
Nitric oxide is an important neurotransmitter in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract. It causes relaxation of the gastrointestinal smooth muscle. In the stomach it increases the capacity of the fundus to store food and fluids.
Nitric oxide acts on cardiac muscle to decrease contractility and heart rate. Nitric oxide contributes to the regulation of cardiac contractility.
Dissonant sounds create disharmony -- rifts between the individual and her environment, as well as within the body's own frequencies. If 10 tuning forks tuned to the same frequency are lined up together and one is struck, they will all begin to reverberate together. This is resonance.
However, if you strike a tuning fork of a different frequency and place it near the others, they will all stop. This is dissonance.
Rigveda stated 7000 year ago that speech process has four stages. These four stages are Para, Pasyanti, Madhyama and Vaikhari. Shabda brahmAn manifests through his power of maya first as para vani in the mooladhara chakra at the perineum, then as pashyanti in the manipura chakra at the navel, next as madhyama in the heart and then eventually as vaikhari in the throat and mouth. This is the divine descent of voice.
The first three are internal and yogic and can be experienced only by seers. The fourth stage is Vaikhari is the audible speech, which is used by all human beings.
The general perception of a layman is that when we speak, sound comes from the throat. But what happens is when we have the urge or the thought to speak, our life force in the form of vaayu, starts from the root chakra and brings Paraa, the subtle sound, then travels up to the navel, heart chakras as Pasyanti and Madhyamaa respectively, then comes to the throat, mouth, teeth and tongue as Vaikhari to come out as speech or sound at the gross level.
These four levels of sound correspond to four states of consciousness. Paraa represents the transcendental consciousness. Pasyanti represents the intellectual consciousness. Madhyamaa represents the mental consciousness. And Vaikhari represents the physical consciousness.
These states of consciousness correspond with the four states known technically as Jagrat, Svapna, Sushupti, and Turiya - or the wakeful state, the dreaming state, the dreamless state, and the transcendental state.
These four stages also correspond to the four types of bodies. The Sthula sharira, ( physical body) operates in the state of Jagrat (wakeful state). It is in this realm of consciousness, and through this body, that the Vaikhari-vaak is manifested. The Sukshma-sharira, ( subtle or psychic body ) operates in the state of Svapna.
It is in this realm of consciousness, and through this body, that the Madhyama-vaak is manifested. The Kaarana-sharira, ( causal body ) , operates in the state of Sushupti ( deep sleep ). It is in this realm of consciousness, and through this body, that the Pashyanti-vaak is manifested. The Para-vaak is manifested through the fourth state of consciousness, known as Turiya.
Para represents transcendental consciousness. Para is a soundless seed, pure adya shakti from kundalini, beyond name and forms. . Para is Adya Shakti.
According to Taitreeya Upanishad, Aakaasa evolved first. From Aakaasa evolved Vaayu, from Vayu evolved Agni, from Agni evolved Jala and from Jala evolved Prithvi. So Aakaasa is called Param, as it was the first one to form among the five basic elements. Its attribute Sabda is called Paraa.
At the time of creation, this Paraa expressed itself as Bindu or a subtle particle. It is also called as Kaarana bindu, the cause for all sound manifestations within and outside our body. Paraa means the highest or the farthest. Para vaak is the sound beyond the perception of our senses. Paraa is the first stage of sound in its unmanifest stage and is the source of all root ideas and germ thoughts.
On the stage of Para-vaak there is no distinction between the object and the sound. The sound contains within it all the qualities of the object. Nada Yogis claim that Paraa Nada is a high frequency sound, so high that it does not stir or produce any vibrations. By the urge of man to talk, with the help of vaayu or air, Paraa moves up to the Manipuraka chakra or the navel centre and gets transformed into Pasyanti.
Para means highest or farthest, and in this connection it indicates that sound which is beyond the perception of the senses. Para-vak is also known as "rava-shabda" - an unvibratory condition of sound beyond the reach of mind and intelligence (avyakta), only to be realized by great souls, the 12 strand maharishis, parama-jnanis.
On the stage of para-vak there is no distinction between the object and the sound. The sound contains within it all the qualities of the object. The highest manifestation of sound energy, the primal voice, the divine voice is para. The para voice gives birth to root ideas or germ thoughts. It is the first manifestation of voice. In the para state the sound remains in an undifferentiated form.
Para is pure intention. Pure because it is a direct expression of the will of reality, unadulterated by any personal preference. Para means transcendental, ‘beyond’ or ‘the other side’. It is beyond the reach of the indriyas, or sense organs, and the mind and other means of cognition. Hence para nada is the transcendental sound. It is indicative of a truth that there is a sphere of super-consciousness where the sound is heard in different dimensions.
Sounds having a very high frequency are transformed into silence. Beyond a certain limit, the ears do not have the capacity. No one can hear or understand a sound like that even if it is present. Para or transcendental sound has the highest vibration frequency. This intense vibration faculty makes para inaudible. . When a sound goes to its maximum pitch, it attains a sudden stillness, and that is para nada.
Pasyanti represents the intellectual consciousness, a state of abstract knowledge, like an idea which has not yet been expressed in words. Pashyanti is the thought form. Pasyanti literally means observing or seeing one's self. In the pasyanti stage sound possesses qualities such as color and form. When sound goes up to the navel with the bodily air in vibratory form without any particular syllable (varna), yet connected with the mind, it is known as Pashyanti-vaak.
Pasyanti observes and analyses her impending changes in the heart, throat and the tongue, where the sound finally attains audibility. Within the Pasyanti-vaak exists the nature's Iccha-shakti, or the power of will. Pashyanti-vak is the second level of sound, and is less subtle than para-vak. Pashyanti in Sanskrit means "that which can be seen or visualized".
Yogis who have inner vision can perceive these qualities in sound. On this stage the differences between language do not exist, as this sound is intuitive and situated beyond rigidly defined concepts. On the stage of pashyanti-vak, speech is intuitively connected to the object. There is near oneness between the word and the experience described. Pashyanti-vak is the finest impulse of speech. The seat of pashyanti is in the navel or the Manipura Chakra.
When sound goes up to the naval with the bodily air in vibratory form without any particular syllable (varna), yet connected with the mind, it is pashyanti-vak. Within the pashyanti-vak exists the nature's iccha-shakti, or the power of will. Yogis who have subtle inner vision can experience the pashyanti state of sound.
Pashyanti does not distinguish between subject and object. Perceptible but not yet particularized, it covers the middle ground between para’s pure intention and madhyama’s verbalized but as yet unspoken mental speech. The second stage of sound, which has less frequency and is more gross than para, is pashyanti. It is a sound which cannot be heard, but it can be seen. This is why Pashyanti in Sanskrit means ‘that which can be seen or visualized’.
Madhyamaa represents the mental consciousness . Pasyanti, on reaching the Anaahata chakra or the heart chakra , transforms into Madhyama vaak. Madhyamaa literally means in between or middle. Here there is a clear distinction between the sound and the object it denotes.
Madhyama vaak is more of a mental speech rather than the external audible speech. Within the Madhyama-vaak exists the nature's Jnana-shakti, or the power of knowledge. Madhyama-vak is the intermediate unexpressed state of sound, whose seat is in the heart.. The middle sound is that sound which exists between the states of susupti and jagrat.
Madhyama is the intermediate unexpressed state of sound experienced in the heart. Madhyama is mental speech, verbalized but unspoken, the internal monologue and dialogue; it expresses jñana shakti, the power of knowledge and wisdom (or lack thereof). Madhyama measures, evaluates, questions, harnessing your rational and emotional minds to formulate the intentions that precipitate into words.
Madhyama is particularized into phonemes, directed to mental objects, the objects of the inner senses. It straddles the gulf between the noiseless conviction that is pashyanti and the spoken word that is vaikhari.
Madhyama is sound having lower frequencies than para and pashyanti, but still subtler than the audible vaikhari form of sound. No audible effect is produced in it. Madhyama produces very minute vibrations in the act of a whisper. In an ordinary sound, two objects strike against each other in order to produce sound. But in madhyama no two things strike violently so as to produce audible sound. The word madhyama means a middle sound, a whispering sound or the sound of a whisper.
Vaikhari represents the physical consciousness, an audible speech manifestation .. Vaikhari resides in the throat chakra. Vaikhari is what we speak through our mouth, which had started from Para. Para is subtle and Vaikhari is manifested form of Bhava/sound.
Vaikhari is the sound which has come all the way from the root chakra with the force of vaayu, travels further upwards to the throat, mouth, teeth and tongue, to become an articulate sound, audible to the external ear.
When sabda is spoken through the mouth with the help of syllables, that speech is Vaikhari vak. Within the Vaikhari-vaak exists the nature's Kriya-shakti, or power of action. Vaikhari-vak is the grossest level of speech, and it is heard through the external senses. When sound comes out through the mouth as spoken syllables it is called as vaikhari.
Vaikhari the articulated speech, which, in a waveform, reaches the ears and to the intellect of the listener.
Audible vaikhari lies within the purview of the conscious mind and jagrat (waking-time consciousness). The spoken sound vaikhari is produced by friction or by striking two things against each other. Its frequencies of vibration are conducted within a certain limited range.
mulam adharam arabhya dvistkantam upeyusi
udita aneka sahasra surya vahnindu sannibha
cakravat punar adharat santa pasyatha madhyama
vaikhari sthanam asadhya tatrasta sthanavartini
varnanam jananim bhutva bhogya prasnoumi gouriva
"Seated in the area starting from the muladhara to the position of dvistkanta with effulgence equal to the rising of millions of suns, fires and moons. Like a wheel from the adhara becoming the sounds known as santa, pashyati, madhyama. Reaching the position of vaikhari, there situated in eight places, viz., the throat etc. Being the mother of all sounds I bestow enjoyments like a cow."
The Taithiriya Upanishad says that "with OM, Brahma begins creation." It means the whole creation comes out of sound. Every Hindu mantras have OM prefixed , for the quantum butterfly effect.
Hindus believe that shabda-sound is NKT just mere noise , but has has enormous power. Today modern science has realized the power of a longitudinal wave and resonance. The maharishi with 12 strand DNA could connect wiith the source of creation. The Vedas are thus NOT cowherd’s verses to while away their time while grazing goats. OM is not the call of a man to summon his wife..
The Vedas when chanted the right way releases the wisdom they contain as real sacred energy that can “create the spiritual states of mind and of life which the words describe” , and influence the course of human destiny and even the order of the Universe.
The Sarvadarsana-samgraha teaches that this “eternal word, called sphota ( explosion )” is the cause of the cosmos, and is in truth identical with BrahmAn: "OM is the symbol of sphota. It shines out in the meaning of all things, and it is the source of the whole world.”
OM ityed aksharam Sarvam OM karam eva
This primordial word is the AUM. It is every thing - Mandukyopanishad- 5000 BC
Panini captured the sounds of the damaru and translated them into syllables. From these sounds emerged the 14 syllables which provided Panini with the basis for formulating the rules of Sanskrit grammar.
1. a i u ṇ
2. Ṛḷ k
3. e o ṅ
4. ai au c
5. ha ya va ra ṭ
6. la ṇ
7. ña ma ṅa ṇa na m
8. jha bha ñ
9. gha ḍha dha ṣ
10. ja ba ga ḍa da ś
11. kha pha cha ṭha tha ca ṭa ta v
12. ka pa y
13. śa ṣa sa r
14. ha l
१. अइउण्।
२. ऋऌक्।
३. एओङ्।
४. ऐऔच्।
५. हयवरट्।
६. लण्।
७. ञमङणनम्।
८. झभञ्।
९. घढधष्।
१०. जबगडदश्।
११. खफछठथचटतव्।
१२. कपय्।
१३. शषसर्।
१४. हल्।
These 14 verses are known as "Maheshwara Sutras" or "Maheshwara Sutrani" (in Sanskrit). These verses are just a collection of sounds and if you say them aloud, in one breath, they really sound like drum beats.
And because they emerged from a Divine source, they were so complete that Panini was able to create, compile codify the rules of Sanskrit grammar in such a way and till today they have remained unchanged.
Shiva sutras originated from Shiva's Tandava dance.
( NṚattāvasāne naṭarājarājo nanāda ḍhakkā navapañcavāram. Uddharttukāmaḥ sanakādisiddhādinētadvimarśe śivasūtrajālam.)
At the end of His Cosmic Dance,
Shiva, the Lord of Dance,
with a view to bless the sages Sanaka and so on,
played on His Damaru fourteen times,
from which emerged the following fourteen Sutras,
popularly known as Shiva Sutras or Maheshwara Sutras.
nR^tta = dance
avasAna = end
naTarAja rAjaH = Lord of dance
nanAda = sounded
DakkAm = damaru
nava pancha = nine and five = fourteen
vAram = times
kAma = for the sake of / with the desire to
uddhartu = upliftment
sanakAdi = sanaka etc
siddhAn = sages
etat = this
jAlam = web (of)
Does it sound like bullshit of the first order?
It is a most intelligent rearrangement of the alphabet. The letter at the end of each sutra is called an it. A letter followed by an it specifies all the letters in between.
Can you believe that the immoral west ( who stole and patented our ancient knowledge and then injected poison into the originals or destroyed it ) talks of India in the same breath and same sentence along with Mayan, Incas , Aztecs, Hopi, Red Indians, Egyptians, Sumerians, Mesopotamians BLAH BLAH – who have left zilch books behind for posterity ?
Panini’s grammar covers many features of the language like swara (vowels), vyanjana (consonants) , sandhis (combination of words) , samaas (description diff to put it in a bracket) , Prathyaya, (prefixes/suffixes), etc.
The IMMORAL mouth piece of the west has dated Panini as 4th century BC. Because the big bang as per the old Bible happened in 4004 BC. Vedas and Upanishads followed an oral route for more than 33,000 years before they were penned down 7000 years ago.
The white man was doing GRUNT GRUNT for language 5000 years ago.
The Ashtadhyayi of Panini consists of 3990 sutras or aphorisms.
Sound has a mystic side. The audible sound (vaikari) is heard by all, but the mystical vibrations of mantras , even though appearing to the ear as ordinary sounding syllabifications, are not really ’heard.’ The latter sound , technically known as para-vak, is considered the domain of the advanced 12 strand DNA maharishis.
Mantras are Scalar energy based sounds which resonate in the Zero Point Field Aakashik hyperspace. Mantra is a carrier wave with potent information within it. Mantras must begin and end with OM which resonates with the earths heartbeat of 7.83 hertz.
Our 7000 year old Vedas say, that all forms of reality are sound forms—music—their very substance composed of vibration. This Shabda-brahman is the great cosmic wavelength experienced as God.
The maharishis realized Brahman, or “transcendental consciousness,” in the form of sound. They knew that this transcendental sound, which has no limits and is immeasurable, manifests not only within the vital air known as prana, but also through our senses and even our mind.
We all know that sound is the vehicle for emotion, which we can either reinforce or release. We sing with joy, shout in anger, cry in sorrow and groan in pain. Thus each emotion corresponds to a particular kind of sound, and intensified emotions usually demand stronger sounds.
During japa, the whole body vibrates and all other sensations go numb. It’s a beautiful, sensuous feeling that purifies and elevates your entire being to a higher level.
Mantra is mystical energy encapsulated within a sound structure. Every mantra contains in its vibrations a certain power.
Japa involves the meditative repetition of a mantra.
Vachika japa: the mantra is repeated out loud
Upamsu japa: the mantra is repeated semi-audibly by moving only the tongue and lips
Manasa japa: the mantra is repeated mentally without allowing the tongue and lips to move
Likhita japa: the mantra is written continuously or for a fixed number of times
Akhanda japa: the mantra is repeated for a specific number of times without a break, or for a fixed period of time, such as from sunrise to sunset. Akhanda japa is often performed rhythmically and congregationally.
Alapa japa: the mantra is repeated mentally at all times and with every breath.
Patanjali speaks of 14 kinds of japa: daily (nitya), circumstantial (naimittika), the japa of desired results (kamya), forbidden (nishiddha), penitential (prayashchitta), unmoving (achala), moving (chala), voiced (vachika), whispered (upanshu), murmured (bhramara), mental (manasa), uninterrupted (akhanda), nonuttered (ajapa) and circumambulatory (pradakshina).
The 108 bead Rudraksha mala is placed over the middle finger and flicked by the thumb. The index finger is not used, as it represents the ego, which must be transcended to achieve self-realisation. The mala retains some of the energy of the mantra, and hence the same mala is used for a mantra.
Hold the mala with your right hand, resting beads on your middle finger. The count begins from the first bead that is next to the big dividing bead. The dividing bid should never get passed. As you chant, rotate beads between middle finger and a thumb. Go from one bead to the next as you repeat the mantra, a bead per mantra.
If you did one circle of 108 bids, it means you said the mantra 108 times. Turn the mala around and begin from the bead you have just finished with. Do not use dividing bid for chanting
Quantum Physics tells us today that every state of matter has its own associated vibration.
4000 years ago, Adi Shankaracharya commented on the Brahma Sutras. “The sound created by the explosion of the primordial atom gave rise to the causal, subtle and gross forms of the universe.”
Shabda-Brahman is a vibratory reality, which exists underlying the reality which we can perceive. According to Vedic theory, this pure vibrational current, flows eternally – a kind of river of sublime truths – that can be accessed by anyone who has the ability to penetrate within it.
In case of each Tantric mantra, the practitioner needs to know its rishi (seer), devata (deific power), channdas (rhythm), svara (accentuation), prayogya (application), beej (seed power), shakti (a fraction of itself that expresses its power), kavacha (armour), kilaka (recitation of which prevents the mantra’s power from moving away from the practitioner) and nyasa (the process by which various sounds in the mantra are identified with the energy in particular limbs).
Nyasa involves touching various parts of the body while saying specific portions of a mantra. This invokes the presence of the deity of the mantra inside the body. Each mantra is associated with a specific Nyasa. There are various types of Nyasas, the most important of them being Kara Nyasa and Anga Nyasa.
No cosmic sound can be heard by man’s naked ears. Scientists have found that the sound emanating from planets is pitched twenty octaves below man’s hearing, while the song of the atom is sung a complementary twenty octaves above it, leaving us “musically midway” between the trebles and basses of the micro and macro-cosmic worlds. The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness, that will prepare for realization.
Being indifferent towards all objects, he who has controlled his passions should continuously concentrate upon the sound which dissolves the mind.…the sound proceeding from Pranava (OM) which is BrahmAn itself- Nadabindu Upanishad 5000 BC
The spiritual efficacy of OM is based not on the gross sound, but on the subtle sound, which is heard, not by the ears but by the heart, which is uttered not by the mouth but by the mind. OM is the quintessence, the seed-syllable (bija mantra) of the universe, the universal force of the all-embracing consciousness.
The inner ear ( cochlea ) gives the cycloid spiral space curve motion. It is the brain and central nervous system that hears. The inner ear is filled with liquid. Microscopic hairs called cilia project out into this liquid and they release a chemical neurotransmitter when stimulated. ( just like the cats's whiskers ).
Sound waves are transformed into nerve impulses, to the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex which is dedicated to sound. The audio range is 20 hz to 20000 Hz. 1 hertz is one cycle per second. All musicians convey the message in the 0.5- 4 KHz range .
“That indestructible transcendent vibrating sound is Shabda-Brahman.”-- Shiksha Upanishad 5000 BC
Letters in Sanskrit are called akshara, the eternal; they are sound symbols of the eternal reality. The function of a mantra in Sanskrit is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness. The Vedanta-sutras add that ultimate liberation comes from sound (anavrittih shabdat).
There are 11 ways of reciting the Vedas- Samhita, Pada, Krama, Jata, Maalaa, Sikha, Rekha, Dhwaja, Danda, Rathaa and Ghana.
nama-rupatmanosh shabda-
bhavayor avalambanat
yo yogah sadhyate so'yam
mantra-yogah prakirttitah
"The yoga which is practiced through the support of a proper mood (bhava) and sound (shabda), and through the support of the Self composed of name and form (nama-rupa) is called mantra-yoga."- Mantra-yoga-samhita (3.4)
Mantra-yoga is one of the most important paths within traditional yoga, and concerns the different expressions of sound, from the most subtle to the coarsest. It is with good reason that the Vayaviya Samhita of the Shiva-purana, in describing the five classes of yoga, places mantra yoga first.
This authoritative path counts on the support of the Vedic scriptures. We may refer to a wide range of ancient texts that expound in detail on this path, among which some are: Mantra-mahodadhi, Mantra-muktavali, Mantra-yoga-samhita, Mantra-kaumudi, Mantra-maharnava and Tattvananda-taraá
anavrittih shabdad anavrittih shabdat
"Through sound we cease to return to a body, or we liberate ourselves." -- Vedanta-sutra (4.4.23)
Conscious repetition of mantras liberates the energy that lies within them.
Two oscillators pulsating in the same field in almost identical rhythm will tend to "lock in," with the result that eventually their vibrations will become precisely synchronous. This phenomenon is referred to as "mutual phase-locking" or "entrainment."
Entrainment is universal in nature. In fact, it is so ubiquitous that we hardly notice it, "as with the air we breathe," The tendency of the universe to share rhythms, that is, to vibrate in harmony.
In cancer cases we observe a total irregularity of all rhythms. Apparently the cancer cell causes a withdrawal from the temporal harmony of the body functions.
Dve brahmani veditavye sabda bramha param ca yat
Sabda bramhani nisnatah param bramhadhi gacchati
“There are two Bramhans to be realized, Shabda and Param Bramhan: one who has realized and well versed in Shabda Bramhan will realize Param BramhAn.” :-Amrta Bindu Upanisad- 5000 BC
Mantra is part of a universal language rooted in sound, image, number and symbol, reflecting a "cosmic thinking" beyond the preconceptions and biases of human thought.
Mantra functions according to the inner mathematics of cosmic law. It serves to link our individual intelligence with the greater intelligence that pervades all space, extending our awareness into the Infinite and Eternal. To chant a mantra at a deeper yogic level is to think with the entire universe and to access the wisdom and experience of all beings.
Mantra in the yogic sense relates to the prime energies, ideas, principles or archetypes of the cosmic intelligence that directs the forces of nature and the movements of our own minds and hearts.
There are mantric sounds that can awaken the higher potentials of the brain and change the flow of energy in the nervous system. Each one of us has a unique sound pattern that sustains all that we do and allows our energies to move and grow or stagnate and decline.
Unless we learn to harmonize our inner sound vibrations, our lives will likely remain in disharmony and suffering. Mantra is the most important tool for attuning our bodies and minds to their proper resonance, which is not with the outer world, but with the divine presence that constitutes our own deepest Self.
Mantra maintains the strength and integrity of our mental field, so that the mind no longer wanders off or loses its composure. Mantra sustains the proper circulation of energies in the sphere of the mind, so that we are no longer vulnerable to external conditioning which, after all, is based largely on reactive patterns of words and names.
Just as Yoga asanas place the body in a calm and relaxed state, so mantras puts the mind into a steady and relaxed state for meditation.
Mantra practice gradually calms and integrates the mind. The mind becomes silent, concentrated and reflective, allowing our awareness to vibrate with the mantra. This naturally leads to deeper meditation, in which the mantra may fall away.
Formless meditation is hard to achieve directly but becomes easily accessible once one builds the power of mantra in the mind. When we repeat a mantra, or do various forms of chanting, a more refined vibration develops and begins to assume the background pattern of our mind, down to a subconscious level.
If we continually return to the mantra each time our mind becomes agitated, then the mantra's power to calm the mind will increase. With the mantra, we have a tool for redirecting the energy of the mind within so that we can reclaim our inner composure.
When Hatha Yoga was first propagated in North America, there was a lot of prejudice against all things PAGAN Hinduism. So, naturally, the critical mantra got left out of Hatha practice. Mainstream America and the environments—the YMCAs, gyms, adult education classes—in which Yoga classes were held, were not conducive to holding the Indian culture. They wanted to eat the food , but left out the amazing flavour .
Japa is not a mere mechanical activity, but a very intense activity with profound concentration. It can be a bit hard to start with, but with practice it becomes easier and more natural. Repeat the mantra softly with concentration so as to lead the mind to pass beyond everything that is connected with the domain of thought. Try to reach the spiritual domain where even thought is not allowed to enter. The mind must be perfectly calm, as though it no longer existed.
The tradition of repeating the mantra existed in the Patanjali school of yoga, they call its swadhyaya, not japa. It begins as an ordinary sound, later it becomes in you the power of the mantra, it transforms you.
Japa can be practiced under any conditions: when one is walking, standing or sitting, giving or receiving, lying down or doing any of the things we do in everyday life, whatever the situation in which you find yourself. There is no restriction, rule or limit. When one repeats japa with faith and respect, one certainly arrives at a happy state
The effect of the mantra is not produced at the level of reason. The knowledge acquired by the repetition of the mantra extends far beyond the level of reason. In India we say that it is in the depths of consciousness. A big chunk of the Vedas are mantras.
Sanskrit is called the language of nature because it maintains a correlation between sound and form called namarupa. This means that the sound of the word matches the thing it is describing. The alphabets could be seen by the seers in their minds when it was uttered.
Sanskrit’s resonant frequencies match the energy centres (chakras) in the subtle body and the sounds stimulate, activate, energize and open them. This increases the flow of life force (prana) in your mind and body resulting in improved health, strength and heightened awareness. This shows that Sanskrit is a divine language .
The cochlea in the inner ear and it has a spiral shape and has three and half coils . Kundalini like cochlea is coiled and rests at the base of the backbone. Kundalini has three and half coils too. If cochlea contains nerves that connects sound vibrations with the nervous system that generates consciousness-- Kundalini is the subtlest of vibrations that generate consciousness in human self.
Nada Yoga talks about different postures to hear the inner sound by closing the ears with thumbs. The hearing of inner sound has direct correlation with the rising of esoteric Kundalini in human bodies that opens the floodgate of universal consciousness in individual bodies.
Brain scans of have been taken of participants were compared while in a resting state and during the chanting of japa or kirtans. The study revealed that there was a marked increase in brain activity in areas of the brain that control memory. One particularly significant finding was that the increase in brain activity occurs in the first part of the brain to experience a functional decrease in Alzheimer’s patients.
The state of health, according to Yoga Psychology, is the balanced flow of energy (Prana) through all the energy circuits of the mind and body. When this flow gets interrupted, by interfering with or breaking some laws of Nature, the body begins to revolt.
This revolt is seen and experienced in the form of different symptoms, discomfort and dis-ease. Ancient Indians knew how to reestablish the lost harmony and rhythm of the body and mind by utilizing Shabda BrahmAn.
Mantra healing is an automatic process of deep inner healing set in motion through the right combinations of sounds that resonate within and fill the space around us. Since we are a product of our immediate environment, Nada Yoga music aims to treat the environment first, with music based on the chemistry of sound from the ancient sacred music of India.
Hey, yank hilly billys-- mantra is a catalyst for mystical states. Mantras are access codes into states of Yoga. The ancient Indian scalar interferometry missiles and vimanas has mantra passwords. Scalar waves are very different from electromagnetic waves. They can travel over immense distances with no loss of energy at super-luminal speed ( faster than light! ).
Mantras because it balances the left and right brain hemispheres—and hence the posture must be erect. Sound is an excellent stimulant to the parasympathetic nervous system, and can release tension and stress, aids the digestive system as well as sleep disorders.
All atoms in the entire universe are capable of mind reading and communicating with other atoms. Our consciousness is a cosmic DVD player.
A living being is a EMF field embedded within the EMF field of the earth. Each cell's DNA as a vibrating transmitter/receiver of information. Everything moves, and therefore vibrates, creating resonance and relationship with every other thing in the universe.
Scalar wave generated by the human DNA and internal Mobius coils , is just another name for a longitudinal wave. Scalar waves are capable of passing through the earth from one side to another with no loss of field strength as Nikola Tesla (introduced to it by Vivekananda ) showed in one of his experiments.
Vibration is sound. Everything that is in existence, has a sound, a frequency, a musical, rhythmic quality. The relationship between the planets is called "The music of the spheres."
We can consider nature, and any system within nature, to be one great symphony so vast we cannot even conceive, and yet we are playing our part, as each cell in our body, each molecule, each atom, each proton and neutron has its own rhythm, its own note, its own frequency.
Resonance is not limited to the sounds we hear or those we create with our voices. Resonance involves our whole body, our minds and our emotions. Entrainment is the use of a stronger pulse to create a change in another. The main physical systems entrainment affects are heartbeat, breathing, and brainwaves. Entrainment is the use of a stronger pulse to create a change in another.
In every atom of our organic being we find a vibration, a blueprint of radiance, a vibrancy of telepathy that connects us at all levels to the greater universe, aswithin so without. Every cell in our body is a sound resonator. Every cell lives in a rhythmic pattern. Each organ has its own cycle and its own pulse.
Each and every system has a cycle, rhythm, pattern and pulse that exist in resonant harmony and sympathy to the cycles of the Earth and the heavens, helping us to remember and to reconnect to the greater cosmic blueprint.
Our bodies reflect our inner state of being by the sounds we utter. If we are in pain, we groan. If we are joyful, we hum or sing. If we are sad, we cry. In meditation, we are still. Just as sound as born out of silence, sound creates the road back to silence, inner harmony and health.
The human body is 70% water and sound travels four times faster in water than in air. Thus, we are a perfect resonator for sound; within us and around us the sounds of the universe impact us both positively and negatively.
When we lose our connection to the rhythms and cycles of nature and the interconnection to all things in the universe, this alienation or disharmony manifests as imbalance and disease of the body and subtle bodies.
The sounds of the Sanskrit alphabet itself are balancing to the body. In fact, each letter of the alphabet has a specific sound and equivalent vibration, which corresponds to a particular part of the body. This is known as the Mantra Purusha.
Mantra purusha sounds also correspond to 108 kalari marma points , and thus may be chanted while stimulating marma points, increasing the healing effect. Mantras may be chanted while performing asanas, directing energy to specific areas of the body.
Sound healing is the practice of applying vibrational frequencies within the audible range to the human energy field, to bring the energetic bodies, chakras, organ systems, cells, and all parts into harmony, supporting optimal health and vitality.
In the old Newtonian physics version of life, cells are made out of pieces of matter (molecules) and could only be influenced by other pieces of matter ( molecules such as hormones or drugs). The newer insights on molecules offered by quantum physics reveals that molecules are units of vibrating energy that can be influenced by both matter and invisible energy waves (harmonic resonance).
Constructive interference ( good vibes) and destructive interference ( bad vibes) can control the movements of protein molecules.
Sound and music are intrinsic to human life. We can never be whole without them. Our entire body resonates to our own voice, as were mainly electrolyte plasma water in a leather bag. Our body and energy systems resonate to every sound around us. Music is the expression of the human spirit.
A sound wave with a frequency of 20 hertz would have a period of 0.05 second (i.e., 20 wavelengths / second × 0.05 second / wavelength = 1), while a sound wave of 20 kilohertz would have a period of 0.00005 second ( 20,000 wavelengths / second × 0.00005 second / wavelength = 1).
Between 20 hertz and 20 kilohertz lies the frequency range of hearing for humans. The physical property of frequency is perceived physiologically as pitch, so that the higher the frequency, the higher the perceived pitch. The amplitude of a sound wave determines its intensity, which in turn is perceived by the ear as loudness.
The mind is electromagnetic in nature, and itself of the time-domain. It is not observable in 3D-space. Biological generation of scalar waves occurs when the left and right sides of the human nervous system are working together in balance.
A person who has access to both sides of their brain is generating scalar waves and is therefore more in touch with higher levels or higher dimensions of functioning. These möbius supercoil DNA are hypothetically able to generate scalar waves, when both brain lobes are in balance, hence the reason why the spirit level in the inner ear must be aligned by straight posture. .
A scalar wave is a wave that is exactly matched by another wave. It has the same frequency and amplitude, but has opposite direction. Such one wave cancels out the other. Scalar waves travel greater than the speed of light -- healing waves from DNA when resonated with the pineal gland , as told in the Vedas .
These scalar waves do not actually exist in our "material" world, but exist only in the vacuum of empty space, or the time domain. this vacuum of space we speak of exists all through everything. Even our bodies are mostly empty space between atoms and molecules.
A galaxy is a mega-dipole. Wherever there is a dipole there is immense scalar EM energy ushering out of and back into the vacuum. Scalar energy is composed of 5-dimensional standing waves. The essence and application of scalar-electromagnetics today is not recognized by the IDIOTS of Newtonian orthodox science except by the genius Tesla secret government's military and scientific branches.
Quantum Physics which suddenly appeared in the 20th century is the result of ancient Vedic Sanskrit texts being translated and patented by the white Christian invaders .
With quantum physics, science is leaving behind the notion that we human beings are powerless victims and moving toward an understanding that we are fully empowered creators of our lives and of our world .
Imagine at a miniscule percentage of our originalpower the human body is still a wonderful machine—we have degenerated from 12 strand NIL junk DNA with king sized pineal glands to 2 strand 97% junk DNA creatures with shrivelled and calcified pineal glands .
kasha is the womb of creation bringing forth every physical aspect that can be perceived with the senses . The history written within the Akasha field are called the Akashic chronicles.
Our solar system is a vast, complex, multi-octave musical instrument, with ever-shifting tuned resonances and harmonies. All of the planets and most of their moons have fundamental frequencies which align exactly within our spectrum of prominent brainwave rhythms.
All of the planets have a detectable electromagnetic energy field structure and prominent magnetospheric frequencies. Your bodily rhythms sing in harmony with the continually fluctuating energy field patterns of the whole solar system.
Each planetary system plays upon a different musical keynote pattern. These keynotes also gives us an indication of the strong harmonic intercommunication existing among the planetary bodies and their surrounding moons and rings.
There is a complex play of vibrational harmonics around and through us as we live our daily lives here on the surface of the Earth, spinning within the Solar System and Galaxy. Each and every planetary and stellar system radiates a mosiac of vibratory energies within and throughout.
Each of the planetary and stellar bodies acts as a spherical receiver, transmitter and reflector of the electromagnetic long wavelength light energies in similiar manner to a satellite communications dish antenna. The sphere is an ideal shape for a resonant cavity.
The radio waves of ancient galaxies, neighboring stars, and the solar family planets rain and dance upon the Earth's umbrella-like energy shields, altering the intensity and selectively protecting the delicate organic forms. Planetary turnings, solar sprinklings, starry pulses, galactic tides and universal songs sweep through and around you every instant.
The body reverberates with the wind of Light; every cell listens to the drumbeats, attunes its DNA structure to the composition, and sings its own unique chord, inducing resonant vibrations throughout the quivering cellular molecules.
Ripples of electromagnetic light sweep thru and around us each instant, triggering shivers of spinal impulses resounding through our being. These rhythms, sensed between our spherical brain shell and our Earth-contacted feet, set up full body responses to this continually changing cosmic drumming.
Anywhere from 300 to 1000 volts potential is present between our head tops and our feet
SHABDA BRAHMAN can help us break up deep-seated mental and emotional patterns, conditioning and traumas even from childhood.
Remember SHABDA BRAHMAN contains the precise golden ratio sound harmonics (Fibonacci / Sri Yantra ) and the Golden ratio, the reason why its effect is felt on the chakras .
No antioxidant can be as powerful as thought. Cymatics has demonstrated the power of musical acoustics ( mantras ).
DNA can be influenced by acoustic and scalar waves our DNA can even be “read” or “rewritten” as a textual (and acoustic!) genetic code. Homosexuals and pedophiles please note.
Kolam is an Indian art form of drawing designs with rice flour. Kolam is seen adorning the doorsteps of every traditional Hindu home in southern India. They are drawn around a grid of 108 dots , which serve as the skeletal structure for the kolam. .
Lines are drawn, connecting the dots or around them, very often in a single, continuous curve. Kolam is a visible sound mantra--outside the human audio range.
By adopting digital Sanskrit as a computer language , water for memory and DNA strands for wiring, it is possible to create conscious computers which can laugh at a genuine joke, or tell the moral of a story like “ haste is waste”.
February 25, 2018 at 6:43 PM
Pranaam Vadakayil ji,
Maybe you will answer my questions about Devas when the time comes. But then I have other questions ready. What to do Vadakayil ji...
What is the significance and wisdom of Vaaman Dev behind sending Mahabali to Paataal Lok, if Mahabali was a good king? What difference would Ashvamedha Yagna have done to Dharma or to the society of India? Are you saying that Mahabali was wronged? Then why is Vaaman avataar an incarnation of Vishnu if he is shrewedly cheating a good man? How can our Maharishis be wrong? Were they cheats like Rothschild historians?
Vadakayil ji doesn't the Freemason symbol lifted from the wall carving a Shiv Shakti symbol? If one joins all the six points , we get a six - pointed star. Rothschild lifted this because they consider the Shiv -Shakti as their own. I sometimes feel that the ill-minded, homosexual, left handed Namboodiri Jews are still alive and they have devised the shrewd plan of destroying the Vedic Dharma and ruling over the planet. Rothschild and Other gangs are mere soldiers following the instructions of the masters. He also lifted the Communism symbol from Vishnu symbol. How could Rothschild be so specific about Kerala Brahmins connect when he himself is not from Israel??
Capt. Ajit Vadakayil
February 25, 2018 at 7:15 PM
capt ajit vadakayil