The deep state is involved in the promotion of cigarettes to reduce fertility and reduce consciousness ..
E-cigarettes entered the market in 2003 in China.., most people are using them to boost their social image.
As of 2018, 95% of e-cigarettes were made in China.. global sales are 9 billion USD.
More than 11 million people vape daily. More than 465 different e-cigarette brands are currently on the market.
The basic design of an e-cigarette is a battery, an atomizer, and chamber storing a solution which produced fine smoke..which contains metallic nano particles too.
Ordinary cigarette smoke does not invade the blood brain barrier. The health dangers are far less ..
The most dangerous part of e cigarettes has not been talked about. Nanoparticles invade the blood brain barrier causing reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex and cause Alzheimer’s at an early age.
When cellular barriers are exposed to metal nanoparticles, cellular messengers are released that cause damage to the DNA of developing brain cells
Prefrontal cortex is implicated in planning complex cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behaviour. The ventromedial prefrontal cortex processes feelings of empathy, shame, compassion and guilt.
Damage to this part of the brain, which occupies a small region in the forehead, causes a diminished capacity for social emotions but leaves logical reasoning intact
Prefrontal cortex is a collection of neurons, located in the upper brain stem, that projects to and stimulates the areas of the cortex that is responsible for awareness—the ability to think and perceive
Modi must know that ordinary wooden fire smoke or exhaust of petrol diesel vehicles do not invade the blood brain barrier.
But LPG kitchen gas emissions and CNG vehicle gas emissions invade the blood brain barrier..
Charaka Samhita penned down 6200 years ago, describe the blood brain barrier.
Why do we have stupid people in our think tanks?
Vaping damages the ndothelium, which lines the inside surface of blood vessels,and is essential to proper blood circulation. Once the endothelium is damaged, arteries thicken and blood flow to the heart and the brain can be cut off, resulting in heart attack or stroke.
Vaping has a sudden, immediate effect on the body's vascular function..
e cigarette smoke affects the macrophages in an adverse manner. excess lipid buildup within the lungs, causing disruption to normal lung function and structure of the lungs.
Toxic aldehyde emissions, such as carcinogenic FORMALDEHYDE, which is formed following heating of the EC-liquid main components propylene glycol and glycerol as thermal decomposition products.. Formaldehyde is known as a product of propylene glycol and glycerol vapor degradation.
Vaping at high voltage produce formaldehyde-containing compounds known as hemiacetals
Unlike gaseous formaldehyde, the hemiacetals reside in the aerosol particulate phase, and thus are capable of delivering formaldehyde more deeply into the lungs.
Vaping induces oxidative stress, glutathione depletion and increased production of inflammatory cytokines in human airway epithelial cells
Macrophages act as a first line of defense against viral infections, for example those caused by the influenza virus.
Nanoparticles are very small particles of between 1-100 nanometres in size.. They are being increasingly used in drug delivery, chemotherapy, imaging and diagnostics due to their ability to travel within organisms by utilising cellular pathways.
During their interactions with cell membranes and internalisation into cells, key signalling pathways and processes are altered. In addition to affecting the health of directly exposed cells, the internalisation of nanoparticles can also detrimentally affect neighbouring cells in a manner similar to the radiation-induced bystander effect.
Flu vaccines are used by the deep state to dumb down people..
10 nano-molar Al causes inflammation in human blood vessel cells .100 nano-molar Al causes inflammation in human neurons
A typical 1-year old infant has a brain weight of about 1000 grams. A 10 nano-molar concentration in 1000 grams requires 270 nano-grams (0.27 micrograms) of aluminum; a 100 nanomolar concentration in 1000 grams requires 2700 nano-grams (2.7 micrograms).
This is extraordinary, because a single vaccine can contain 250 micrograms (250,000 nano-grams), and an infant can receive about 3,675 micrograms in the first 6 months.
In other words, less than 0.01% of the aluminum in the first 6 months of vaccines can create a 10-nanomolar concentration in the brain, and 0.1% can create a 100-nanomolar concentration in the brain (since 3,675 x 0.01% = 0.3675 micrograms, and 3,675 x 0.1% = 3.675 micrograms)).
Concentrations of aluminum as low as 10-100 nano-molar can cause inflammation of brain tissue. 10 nano-molar is 270 nano-grams aluminum per liter. (nano = 1 billionth). That's an amazingly small amount.
A single vaccine contains far more than enough aluminum to inflame the brain.
The endothelium (inner lining) of blood vessels uses Nitric oxide to signal the surrounding smooth muscle to relax, thus resulting in vasodilation and increasing blood flow.
I have stopped writing medical posts.. i write only what regular doctors don’t dare to write for fear of being defrocked by the establishment..
6200 year old ancient Ayurveda used humped cow urine ( gomutra ) containing gold colloids to breach the blood brain barrier safely. They had a faster method of nasal delivery.
Nano gold colloids of gomutra ( vedic humped cow cows ur1ne ) can invade the blood brain barrier and attack tumors and cancer.
The doomed west must know that only humped cow ur1ne can save them from variant Creutzfeldt Jacob disease- a deadly brain disease which as already started and is being covered up as Alzheimer’s…
We ask modi to promote gomutra tourism in India.. Take a flight to India drink a tea spoon of fresh humped cow urine ( 120 seconds fresh ) and take a flight back.. You have protected your brain preventively from Alzhiemers.
Humped indian cow has Suryanadi on the hump which creates the nano gold colloids.
Ideally after consuming gomutra you must do thoppu karanam followed by surya namaskar .
Ancient ayurveda used colloidal silver and nano gold as antibiotics for bacteria and viruses..
When I was a baby I was given nano gold colloids and vayambu ( Acorus Calamus ) mixed with honey to be licked off peepal leaf to make my brain and CNS potent..
Nicholas Culpeper came to India to study Ayurvedic methods on nano colloids..
Mind you ayurveda used only herbs with carbon in the formula -but made an exception for silver and gold
I am a chemical tanker man-- I am a grandmaster of colloids and their electric charges .
Nano gold colloids intelligently invades tumours and cancel cells to destroy them..
Gold Nano-Rods have also been proven recently to enter a tumor more readily, than spheres. Gold Nanoparticles have a large surface area, so they bind easily with many proteins and drugs, and they can be activated to target cancer cells by over-expressing the nanoparticles surface receptors.
Surface Plasmon Resonance or SPR is the collective motion of conduction electrons, meaning that when light or energy waves hit Gold Nanoparticles (in vitro or in vivo), it makes the gold electrons resonate, causing them to heat up.
This action heats the cancer cells that the gold nanoparticles are inside or attached to, terminating them, without harming the healthy tissues surrounding the tumor.
Colloidal gold exhibits LOCALISED plasmon surface resonance (LPSR), meaning that gold nanoparticles can absorb light at specific wavelengths, resulting in photoacoustic and photothermal properties, making them potentially useful for hyperthermic cancer treatments
Nano gold colloids have high surface area to volume ratio, surface plasmon resonance, surface chemistry and multi-functionalization, facile synthesis, and stable nature.
Moreover, the non-toxic and non-immunogenic nature of gold nanoparticles and the high permeability and retention effect provide additional benefits by enabling easy penetration and accumulation of drugs at the tumor sites
Nano particles can invade the blood brain barrier easily.. they can decalcify the pineal gland
i wrote about bacteriophages in Ganges water. today all are claiming it for themselves..
It will take the scientific world another 30 years to understand what i wrote about nano carbon..
We dont want cancer doctors ( who can only pretend to cure-- never prevent ) to save india..
capt ajit vadakayil