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SOUL MATTERS , PART 5 - Capt Ajit Vadakayil




This post in continued from part 4,  below-








heart has to be dragged through a cactus field of soul searing memories..


the bhagavad gita is indeed a grand book of yoga. it emphasizes self-discipline and control over the senses as essential techniques of a yoga that it defines as the “balance” of the individual and universal consciousness.


“the wavering, restless mind goes wandering on”, krishna advises the despondent arjuna 6000 years ago on the battle field of kuruksheta – “you must draw it back and have it focused every time on the soul…yoga is a harmony- a harmony in eating and resting, in sleeping and keeping awake: a perfection in whatever one does.”


the bhagavad gita says that a person is what their shraddha is –that says it all.


destiny cannot be forced on us; if we are forced then it is our fate.  fate is determined by god who has overriding powers and is in the know of your past karmic baggage and your soul frequency in the current life.


there is no hell in sanatana dharma– we have bad karma and re-incarnation or moksha .


in essence, we reap what we sow.   we harvest our karma.


the joy of living requires our participation. our actions and reactions continue throughout our lives.karma is not crime and punishment at all.


we have chosen the circumstances that we are living today through our actions in the past.


free will allows us to make choices that can modify and shape our destiny. free will has a major influence on destiny.


in the literary traditions of the upanishads, brahma sutras and the bhagavad gita, conscience is the label given to attributes composing knowledge about virtues and vices but also good and evil, that a soul acquires from the completion of acts and consequent accretion of karma over many lifetimes.


  the awareness of vice and virtue is inherent in the soul. 


6000 years ago, in the battle field of kuruskhetra , krishna tells arjuna,  that the embodied soul in every one identifies itself with


karma is thus scalar energy


greek pythagoras learnt metempsychosis from india.  metempsychosis is the greek equivalent of the vedic hindu doctrine of transmigration of the soul, karma and reincarnation after death.


vishnu avatar souls ( rama / krishna ) are brahman himself– the highest frequency souls. they have more than 13 strand dna ( nil junk ) and are supermen. while on earth , they do not disturb the laws of karma , though they can.


all hindu gods except vishnu earthly mortal avatars ( rama/ krishna / ayyappa ) are cosmic forces.  none of them interfered with the laws of karma –they subjected themselves to it.


ram allowed himself to be killed , in his next birth as krishna . he knew it was coming and he welcomed it.




we hindus do namaste soul to soul. it is not about keeping your hands free of bacteria or virus


humans who understand only lust , remain at the mooladhara chakra . when they die their souls go to the first astral layer where they keep company with criminals , homosexuals and every low form of life –till their next induction on planet earth..


the child created out of mutual love has good dna. the child born out of two people hating each other ( rape ) is unfortunate. again this is part of karma.


orgasm from love ( and not lust ) electrically charges healthy sperm , and hence the off spring will not be a depraved homosexual


episodic memory is the memory we have for our past experiences, ( including soul samakaras or impressions of past lives ) which influence our now, and our future.


this is different from procedural memory, which is our memory for how to do things. episodic memories influence our thinking about ourselves, good and bad. self-awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals.. 


only very few animals ( like elephants/ dolphins/ bonobos )  are conscious—who can pass the mirror and colour test  .these conscious mammals become humans in their next lives to subject themselves to the laws of karma..


self-awareness in animals is tested through mirror self recognition.


animals who show mirror self recognition go through four stages 1) social response, 2) physical mirror inspection, 3) repetitive mirror testing behavior, and 4) the mark test; which involves the animals spontaneously touching a mark on their body which would have been difficult to see without the mirror.


during the red spot technique, after looking in the mirror, chimpanzees used their fingers to touch the red dot that was on their forehead and after touching the red dot they would even smell their fingertips..


elephants were exposed to large mirrors where experimenters studied the reaction when they saw their reflection. these elephants were given the “litmus mark test” in order to see whether they were aware of what they were looking at. this visible mark was applied on the elephants and it was found that elephants pass the colour and mirror test.


autonoetic consciousness is distinguished from noetic consciousness, which gives rise to awareness of the past that is limited to feelings of familiarity or knowing. noetic consciousness is identified not with episodic but with semantic memory, which involves general knowledge






our pilgrimages are rooted in the field of consciousness—an ocean of it


jealous white men ( with collegium judiciary in cahoots ) are now trying to shut down both these festivals of human consciousness  –nay— planet sustaining pilgrimages below.








shraddayā mām abhijānāti yāvān yaśh chāsmi tattvataḥtato māṁ tattvato jñātvā viśhate tad-anantaram—- ( bhagawat gita -4000 bc )

bg 18.55: only by shraddha to me does one come to know who i am in truth. then, having come to know me, my devotee enters into full consciousness of me.

śhraddhāvān anasūyaśh cha śhṛiṇuyād api yo naraḥso ‘pi muktaḥ śhubhāl lokān prāpnuyāt puṇya-karmaṇām –( bhagawat gita -4000 bc )


you are one who is responsible for whatever you are.   your current situation is because of your past karma.   we can change our destiny by our current karma.

you have the power to choose. you have the power to change. you have the power to become whatever you want. you create your destiny using your free will.


we can change our destiny  by shraddha, being spiritually aware and willing to follow the laws of the universe in our current lifetime.  we can meditate, and be aware of our choices.


by yoga and introspection , you can let go of limiting thoughts and beliefs and therefore limiting actions. at our darjeeing ashram we teach introspection.. not meditation


karma, and the law of attraction are all important ingredients of destiny.   the key that turns them into destiny, is the unique essence of who you are in this lifetime, right here, right now, and how it dictates the choices you make using free will.


astrology, has helped the hindu in identifying important components of his karma and destiny.


psychics can see glimpses of your soul’s intent, as well as what’s waiting for you down the road you’re traveling now, and suggest alternatives.    astrology can show broad karma, the basic ingredients of your character and the timing of pivotal events.


laws of karma do not apply to animals as they do not have an ego. ego is the soul’s worst enemy. 


some ignorant people say: “karma does everything. it is all destiny. if i am destined by my karma to be like this or like that, why then should i exert? it is my destiny only.”


this is fatalism— as projected by prof godbole in passage to india..


this will bring inertia, stagnation and misery. this is perfect misunderstanding of the laws of karma. you have made your own destiny from within by your thoughts and actions. you have a free will to choose now.


man sows an action or thought and reaps a habit of doing or thinking. he sows a habit and reaps a character. he sows a character and reaps a destiny. habit is second nature or rather first nature itself.


man has made his own destiny by thinking and acting. he can change his destiny.


man is the master of his own destiny.


the doctrine of karma is diametrically opposed to the doctrine of fatalism. fatalism causes inertia, lethargy, weakness of will and bondage. fatalism annihilates faith. it induces terrible fear in the people. it destroys ethics. it checks growth and evolution


the doctrine of karma is an incentive to action to better one’s condition. it is a source of solace. it gives man an assurance of a broader and happier life. it presupposes freedom of the will.


ganesha’s karma adhyaksha sets the wheel of karma into motion- he knows every subtle thing of your mind and past deeds.





at sea we do not become captain of ship just like that


we go through all lower jobs on ship including cleaning toilets, painting etc


as a captain you have experienced everything. nobody can pull the wool over your eyes.


experience is the best teacher. the tiny soul gets stretched by experience .

the soul as it evolves increases its frequency. this is evolution – not the one propagated by mad man charles darwin.


once the frequency is same as the mother field on the seventh astral layer , it merges back , giving back to the field, its richness of experience


brahman ( field / god ) knows everything




padma vibhushan fake gurus sit in a hole and give lectures on life management – what is it worth ?


sanatana dharma urges you to shed your ego and lead a simple life while on earth.


your ego is your ( souls ) greatest enemy.




every thing which lives and grows ( including plants ) have a soul.  karma is not some mysterious metaphysical, or supernatural, force or power that somehow comes back to haunt you.   the weight of karmic baggage is simply what we do in a conscious manner .


your karmic baggage is with you in your next life too. suicide will not eliminate the karmic baggage –rather the weight of karmic baggage increases as your soul gets inducted to another  human form in your next rebirth


a human being is not a totally different entity than its experiences in its previous lives.  you are the old soul within your current mortal coil.  the soul is indestructible.


it is the essence of karma to bring forth the actions of the past to the present. the inability to complete even the simple action of ‘fight or flight’ as a result of trauma in past lives is also carried into the present as the soul continues to create from its own wounded place in an ongoing effort to heal. 


the awareness of vice and virtue is inherent in the soul.   gratitude is inherent and woven into hinduism, which makes this religion noble. hinduism does not allow you to breach a trust.


so if a hindu goes to sabarimala — his whole idea is to get inspired to lessen his karmic baggage.


sabarimala pilgrimage works like a miracle–drunken wife beaters and total nalayaks come back reformed –all know this


taking a dip in pampa river is compulsory –or sabarimala pilgrimage does not work.. water holds memory


remember doing puja , visiting temples ,  doing shraddh for ancestors , dipping in ganges –is all to put you in a mental framework of “gratitude”


when you are ” grateful ” your body becomes a wonderful machine


when you do reiki –you have to be in a feeling of gratitude to the supreme force –if you are unable to do that, because you are a cunt, even being grateful to your mother or pet cat works


wikipedia wont give vadakayil a page because he writes about faster than light scalar waves


chinese are making quantum computers based on “quantum entanglement ” -which is faster than light.   yet we teach our school children that faster than light communications are impossible


vedas say communications with god are instantaneous –not restricted by speed of light.. you see wikipedia and rothschilds hasbaras are trying to declare me mad over this


chinese quantum scientists have been successful in “quantum entanglement “..they have officially declared that they have achieved ten thousand more faster communications than speed of light


light from quasars travel faster than light– our gayatri mantra -being grateful to our mother which provides light




every thing which lives and grows ( including plants ) have a soul.


darwins evolution is not from monkey to man, as the freemasons told him after misunderstanding indian sanskrit texts.


evolution is up the seven astral layers .


we do shraddh / immersion of ashes , hoping that the deceased jumps up by one astral layer– due to love shown by the people he left behind.


a soul attracts karmic matter even with the thoughts, and not just the actions. thus, to even think evil of someone would endure a karma-bandha or an increment in bad karma.


karma operates as a self-sustaining mechanism as natural universal law, without any need of an external entity to manage them.


in sanatana dharma only accumulated karmic baggage decides moksha


before moksha, the soul must go through all the experiences of life in the physical world.


the belief in karma and reincarnation brings to each hindu inner peace and self-assurance.


the hindu knows that the maturing of the soul takes many lives, and that if the soul is immature in the present birth, then there is hope, for there will be many opportunities for learning and growing in future lives.


you cannot create experience-  you have to undergo it.   pain of mistake is part of experience . good judgement flows from experience .


the field of brahman ( god ) , does not treat all the same.


this is why some are beautiful having brains who are respected , while some are ugly lepers with nil brains who are despised  or some are fat and ugly like a certain kumari.

the tamil “bhakti movement ” created and backdated by jew rothschild consited of 12 alwars ( vishnu ) and 63 nayanars ( shiva )


jew rothschild used his fake and backdated kanchi mutt to propagate the tamil “bhakti movement ” and agama shit–elaborate , ridiculous rituals in hindu temples monopolised by shrewd tamil brahmins ( power grabbing ) which alienated the hindus




your present life is nothing, when compared with the whole soul-life. it is momentary – a mere fragment.


when your heart is pure–intentions via prayer work magic.


power of a prayer lies in intention.


a genuine guru will not try to play god—

he will not try to milk sanatana dharma .

he will not try to patent sanatana dharma.

he will shun the lime light . 



today fake gurus who live in 5 star luxury have hijacked hinduism—

they have a fleet of lawyers to sue anybody who points a finger at them.. 


they are in cahoots with mean politicians for votes …


they get padma vibhushan awards thought they don’t know a shit about sanatana dharma-


they are rothschilds benami  media darlings –

they promote anal sex between men




they are called by un , international freemason lodges and rothschilds inter religion agencies—

they play kosher ball— 


hundreds of branches are opened for them worldwide by jew rothschild , with favourable press reviews…


have you seen charlatan sadguru jaggi vasudev riding on his swank motorbike to hold your breath “ save soil”… this is a jewish deep state sponsored event..






the ancient vedic maharishis with nil karmic baggage and highest frequency soul, went beyond nature and realized the transcendental nature of man.


they dared to take up this challenge and the upanishads are the unique record of the methods they adopted, the struggles they undertook and the victory they achieved in this astonishing adventure of human spirit .


with their mental gifts, they had turned their mental energies to the conquest of the inner world rather than of the world of matter and life at the sensate level. 


 in the 7000 year old upanishads we get a glimpse into the workings of the minds of the great ancient indian thinkers who were unhampered by the tyranny of religious dogma of men who became brokers of gods or gods themselves , burnings at the stake, political authority, pressure of public opinion, seeking truth with single-minded devotion, rare in the history of thought.


these indian sages were not satisfied with their intellectual speculations. they discovered that the universe remained a mystery and the mystery only deepened with the advance of such knowledge, and one of the important components of that deepening mystery is the mystery of man and consciousness. the upanishads became aware of this truth, which modern science now emphasizes.






the white invader stole the brahmana ( 2nd part ) and aranyaka ( 3rd part ) of the vedas—because they contained science and math .. they left behind the 1st part sruti only because it appeared meaningless to them..


to understand the glory of bharata open the link below- read all inner links




indian sages never committed suicide– zero %


western sages have committed suicide maximum by percentage on this planet


almost all the time  after these people die, some opportunists create a false legacy, write a holy book , creating a propaganda that they actually heard the dead guy saying all this. the dead messiah need not be even literate. they then call it the gospel.


messiah complex may also refer to a person who has formed a habit of “creating” crisis in a given culture, only to later “rescue” or “save” the poor helpless soul upon whom the crisis has been perpetrated.


how do you spot a person with the messiah complex as opposed to a good samaritan who sees a dire need and tries to fix it?


people with a messiah complex tend to be controllers and manipulators. they will use emotional triggers e.g. “we must do it for our children” and “think of the penquins ” etc.


100% tantra sex kundalini raisers today are criminals .. because the first condition is that he must be a jivan mukt with highest soul frequency




they lifted only selfish , power grabbing ( for padres/ mullahs ) portions






ultimate aim of hindu spirituality is to awaken the inner voice –and increase soul frequency


this blogsite is all about arousing your conscience


souls create synchronicities, played out in the physical. it is why you are here. it is how our reality works. kindred souls home in like pigeons


skeptics may cry— hey hey hey -but reincarnation theory does not explain first birth.

in sanatana dharma first life came on earth by shiva lingams ( black meterorite stones ) which provided the seed dna .  since then life on earth is controlled by brahman.  




titiksha  or the power of endurance of the pairs of opposites does not  mean a meek submission to sorrows in life (stoic philosophy) but signifies the  equipoise of mind in both pleasure and pain entertained by a wise man based on  the knowledge of the soul’s immortality.


titiksha (forbearance) is defined as the "patient endurance of suffering." in vedanta philosophy it is the bearing with indifference all opposites such as pleasure and pain, heat and cold, expectation of reward and punishment, accruement or gain and loss, vanity and envy, resentment and deprecation, fame and obscurity, lavishness and obeisance, pride and egotism, virtue-respect and vice-respect, birth and death, happiness, safety, comfort, restlessness and boredom, affection and bereavement or infatuation, attachment and desire etc.


being entirely responsible for encouragement and/or reproach for ones own personal behaviour, past behaviour, the frame of mind and esteem. it is one of the six qualities, devotions, jewels or divine bounties beginning with sama, the repression, alleviating or release of the inward sense called manas. another quality is dama, the renunciation of behaviours or utilizing self-control with moderation, with correct discrimination and without aversion


4000 years ago, adi shankaracharya defined titiksha in the following words:




"endurance of all afflictions without countering aids, and without anxiety or lament is said to be titiksha." (vivekachudamani 25)


the practice of yoga makes a person inwardly even-minded and cheerful. the very act of calming emotional reactions develops a better ability to influence outer circumstances, therefore, titiksha does not make one apathetic or dull; it is the first step to interiorizing the mind, and to bringing its reactions under control. the important way of practising titiksha is to watch the breath ..


stoicism is a school of philosophy that hails from ancient greece and rome in the early parts of the 3rd century, bc.  this is half baked philosophy stolen by greek students from kodungallur university kerala.   it is a philosophy of life that maximizes positive emotions, reduces negative emotions and helps individuals to hone their virtues of character.


stoicism is a mindset based on a set of observations about how the mind (and world) works. the stoics argued that: your thoughts and beliefs create the world you inhabit, not external circumstances, so you ought to take responsibility for your mind


hindu etruscan roman emperor , marcus aurelius reigned as roman emperor from 161 to 180 ce and is best known as the author of the philosophical work meditations. i am an etruscan.


marcus aurelius believed in the soul. at that time there were only two religions—sanatana dharma and judaism..  




marcus aurelius wrote in meditatios,  it is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live. never let the future disturb you.. nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat ( introspection ) than in his own soul.


hindu roman emperor marcus aurelius advocates finding one's place in the universe and sees that everything came from nature, and so everything shall return to it in due time.. he advocated that the only way a man can be harmed by others is to allow his reaction to overpower him.


christianity and jesus christ was cooked up by jewess helena in 325 ad.





meditations is a misnomer.. because hindu roman emperor marcus aurelius wrote about introspction..


marcus aurelius well versed in vedanta wrote- QUOTE : men seek retreats for themselves, houses in the country, sea-shores, and mountains; and thou too art wont to desire such things very much. but this is altogether a mark of the most common sort of men, for it is in thy power whenever thou shalt choose to retire into thyself. for nowhere either with more quiet or more freedom from trouble does a man retire than into his own soul ( introspection ) .. whoever values peace of mind and the health of the soul will live the best of all possible lives. constantly regard the universe as one living being, having one substance and one soul; and observe how all things have reference to one perception, the perception of this one living being; and how all things act with one movement; and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things which exist; observe too the continuous spinning of the thread and the contexture of the web.  withdraw to the untroubled quietude deep within the soul, and refresh yourself.  for nowhere either with more quiet or more freedom from trouble does a man retire than into his own soul, particularly when he has within him such thoughts that by looking into them he is immediately in perfect tranquility; and i affirm that tranquility is nothing else than the good ordering of the mind.  if souls survive death for all eternity, how can the heavens hold them all? or for that matter, how can the earth hold all the bodies that have been buried in it? the answers are the same. just as on earth, with the passage of time, decaying and transmogrified corpses make way for the newly dead, so souls released into the heavens, after a season of flight, begin to break up, burn, and be absorbed back into the womb of reason, leaving room for souls just beginning to fly. this is the answer for those who believe that souls survive death. it is a shame for the soul to be first to give way in this life, when thy body does not give way.   to them that ask: where hast thou seen the gods, or how knowest thou certainly that there be gods, that thou art so devout in their worship? i answer: neither have i seen my own soul, and yet i respect and honor it.  in your actions, don't procrastinate. in your conversations, don't confuse. in your thoughts, don't wander. in your soul, don't be passive or aggressive. in your life, don't be all about business. UNQUOTE


do you need anymore proof that marcus aureilius was a hindu thiyya etruscan from kerala proficient in vedanta ?


400 century old “vedanta”, influenced half baked greek/ roman stoicism.


vedanta is the unitary philosophy explaining the oneness of the individual soul with the universal consciousness- the field of brahmaan.


gratitude is the most beautiful and fragrant flower, in the garden of your soul. veda srutis downloaded by kerala danava maharihis 400 centuries ago in sanskrit is packed with gratitude.


i must digress..


alexander the great who believed in the soul was a hindu, with a hindu kerala thiyya mother.



aristotle black balled from kodungallur university used plato’s notes and was hoping to come to india with alexander the great. but the oracle of delphi warned alexander not to take his teacher aristotle with him but to marry an indian princess.  every single ancient greek scholar studied in kodungallur university owned by the calicut king. i am from Calicut


homosexual aristotle was not admitted to kodungallur university as he used to fuck his teacher plato anally ( and also alexander )..alexander the great went to see the university of heliopolis , on his march from pelusium to memphis. only undergraduates from the university of heliopolis egypt, owned by the calicut king could study for masters in kodungallur university.


the western historians lied that alexander defeated porus. it was actually the other way around. king porus spared and even saved alexander’s life and helped him to get out of india in one piece. this was because the indian wife of alexander tied a rakhi around the wrist of porus and made him her brother, as per advise of the oracle at delphi.


pushkalavati ( lotus city in sanskrit ) is an ancient city where gandhari, the mother of kauravas was born.  the calicut king had a university at pushkalavati whose professors were all kerala namboodiri sages from kodungallur unversity ..  the sanskrit word / malayalam word gandha, meant "aroma" and referred to the spices bazar there exported by the calicut king..  alexander the great, has established a garrison in it- for storing horses, arms, food and water.. it is just 79 km from khyber pass


2000 years ago the population of afghanistan was 99.9 % hindu.. this is as per records of alexander the great


alexander the great visited this ancient city of gandhara as his hindu mother was a kerala thiyya woman whose ancestral roots were in this place..  on greek maps this city was named alexandria of arachosia..  alexander the great was asked by his mother  polyxena to visit two places.. one was gandhara and the other was the 12,400 year old hindu temple of the oracle  at siwa oasis egypt built by kerala thiyya king swarbanu jr




later alexander’s  cremated ashes were scattered in the pristine waters of siwa oasis


in 48 bc, roman emperor pompey was murdered in pelusium by hindu thiyya queen cleopatra. julius caesar went to see the embalmed head and identified it. .then he fell in love with cleopatra.. both were kerala thiyyas. after the murder of julius caesar and just before cleopatra committed suicide, their son was secretly sent for refuge to calicut. he identified himself with a damascus sword which the calicut king presented to julius caesar..


kerala thiyya egyptian pharaohs were originally called pelusin.. cherethite army generals of the egyptian pharoahs were kerala thiyya hindus.. hindu uriah the husband of king solomon’s mother bath sheba was a cherethite ( pelethite ). uraih was murdered by king david.


the white historian threw a red herring that famous ancient queens/ heroines recorded to have dusky skin ( queen dido / queen nefertiti / queen of sheba/ queen hatshepsut/ queen cleopatra/ math prof hypathia etc ) were africans .. this was to bury the glorious legacy of the danava kerala thiyyas..


and for good measure , the deep state flooded the internet with shit looking black african women , with afro spring hair and snub noses , in the garb of these intelligent matriarchal queens..




both egyptians queen cleopatra and roman emperor julius caesar were kerala thiyya etruscans.. there is a reason why they decided to marry.. kerala had the first matrilineal system on the planet..


calicut was the capital of kerala/ malabar/ punt/ ophir/ sheba / mittani/ canaan.. queen of sheba , the wife of hero of israel king solomon was a kerala thiyya queen.. etruscan roman emperors like julius caesar and 800 senators were hindu thiyyas of kerala..




the lost sheep of the house of israel are the anal sex receiving left handed semite younger brothers of the aryan kerala namboodiris , who could not marry or own land , who were isolated in minicoy island after compulsory circumcision .. 


king akhenaten and queen nefertiti were deleted from history and their obelisks pulled down ( power hungry egyptians priests who poisoned king akhenaten/ queen nefertiti ) during rule of boy king tutankhamen .. this stolen obelisk is what became the fake but kosher cleopatra’s needle at new york central park..


king solomon and queen of sheba.. solomon’s mother was a kerala woman bath sheba .. his wife queen of sheba gave him a son menelik.. when prince menelik was 19 years old, solomon sent the ark of the covenant back to calicut..  it was a heavy black shiva lingam ( meteorite stone )  inside a wooden box with four handles ….


kerala thiyyas were the original matriarchal society of this planet, where women wielded enormous power and inherited land ..  this is why you have powerful egyptian queens like nefertiti/ hatshepsut/ cleopatra-  all kerala thiyya women.


there were many  full fledged powerful female pharoahs like.. sobekneferu , neithhotep, meritneith, cleopatra etc. the egyptian throne succession was matrilineal: one became pharaoh by marrying the throne princess, the daughter of the previous throne princess and her pharaoh husband.


egyptian kings claimed a right to the throne through marriage to the eldest egyptian princess. by marriage, she transmitted the crown to her husband, but he only acted as her executive agent. the pharaohs, as well as the leaders of smaller localities, adhered to this matriarchal system. if the pharaoh/leader had no daughters, then a dynasty ended and a new dynasty began, with a new revered maiden woman as a new seed for a new dynasty..


egyptians do not know that the tall obelisk right in front of st peter’s cathedral vatican was a wedding gift from kerala thiyya egyptian queen cleopatra to kerala thiyya etruscan roman emperor julius caesar.. i am an etruscan



getting back-

whenever  there is a serious tension in life, when the all-pervasive materialism invades  the hearts of human souls, to preserve the equilibrium, a responsive manifestation  of wisdom and righteousness is essential. this is brilliant vedanta – not bullshit stoicism


a tablet containing this sanskrit verse from bhagawat gita of 4000 bc was found in the great pyramid. it is now in the british museum. “vasanvsi jeernani yatha vihaya, navani ghrunnati naro parani”.


this means “as a person puts on new garment, giving up the old ones, the soul similarly accepts a new material body giving up the old and the useless ones”.





in ancient days before a kalari fight to death, it was compulsory for both to do namaste –  honoring the piece of brahman ( soul ) within the opponent. the calicut king would bw to his opponent whom he was about to kill









a sage has no ego. we bury him . there are no seeds inside him to be burnt before his souls merges with brahman


sanatana dharma urges you to shed your ego and lead a simple creative life while on earth.


your ego is your ( souls ) greatest enemy.


the soul knows what it needs to heal the vehicle it is in, once it is defragmented..  this is what we do at our ashram.


the emotions of love, peace, contentment and compassion are the natural state of our souls.  when we centre and align ourselves , we move to deeper levels of consciousness and grace. 


a hindu does not need to be saved by any conman messiah.. he needs no entry permission at the pearly gates –there is no hour of judgement by mercy of allah ( pbuh ) . his soul is subjected to the uninersal laws of quantum physics..


the sruti scriptures contain eternal truths regarding the nature of ultimate reality, the creation, and the soul and its destiny, which cannot be determined through sense-data and reasoning based upon them.


the upanishads are the remarkable compositions, which contain sublime and philosophical speculations concerning the uman soul, universal soul, and cosmic consciousness.


sanatana dharma allows absolute freedom to the human reason and heart with regard to questions such as the nature of god, soul, creation, form of worship, and goal of life


spanda , the sacred throb that exists in the human body and soul, is the essence of “tantra” where true yoga initiates.   the conscious connection of soul is felt through the practice of yoga. starting from the breath, it connects the soul with god by the inner vibration.


tantra , meaning fabric refers to “connectivity” which signifies the relation of the inner soul with the vastness of the cosmos.   shiva tandava  is the dance of spanda .

vedanta penned down 7000 years ago says that nothing exists without vibration or movement.


the upanishads deal with the nature of ultimate reality (brahman) and describes the character of and path to human liberation (mokṣha )


the upanishads are commonly referred to as vedānta, variously interpreted to mean either the “last chapters, parts of the veda” or “the object, the highest purpose of the veda”


 the concepts of brahman (ultimate reality) and ātman (soul ) are central ideas in all the upanishads, with “know your ātman” their thematic focus.


the upanishads ( vedanta ) are the foundation of hindu philosophical thought


for millinuums sanskrit verses of upanishads and vedas were , memorized by each generation and passed down verbally.


the last upanishad was written down in 5000 bc.  the white historian has been lying that some upanishads were written down after the death of christ ( sic).


christ never existed . . the name is modelled after Krishna


today all know the influence of the upanishads in western philosophy. in western philosophy, only those ideas lifted from vedanta have inherent wisdom   


the word atman means the immortal perfect spirit of any lining creature, all beings, including animals and trees. atman is a central idea in all the upanishads, and “know your atman” their thematic focus.


these 7000 year old  texts state that the inmost core of every person is not the body, nor the mind, nor the ego, but atman – “soul” or “self”. atman is the spiritual essence in all creatures, their real innermost essential being. it is eternal, it is the essence, it is ageless. atman is that which one is at the deepest level of one’s existence.


the idea put forth by maharishis  that atman ( soul ) and brahman ( field ) are one and the same is the  greatest contribution made to the thought of the world.


throughout my school life, every single day for the morning school assembly we prayed—from the 7000 year old brihadaranyaka upanishad 1.3.28







om asato ma sadgamaya,

tamaso ma jyotirgamaya,

mrityorma amritam gamaya,

om shanti, shanti, shanti.


om, lead me from unreal (delusion /transitory material existence) to the real ( truth/ eternal self),


from darkness (of ignorance) to light (of wisdom, truth, spiritual knowledge),

from the fear of death to the knowledge of immortality.

om peace, peace, peace!


we chanted shanti three times in the end





  1. https://youtube.com/shorts/7AuBKB6J0n4?feature=share

    Captain shifuji Bharadwaj as above is a one man army like you. Please join hands with him to wipe out all the traitors to start with. He has the money, power and honour. Kalki army needs strength.

    1. Kalki army is a non-violent org for silent revolution.

    2. so do you prefer to allow breeding of mosquitoes, rats, insects, cockroaches and all pests in your house as you are non-violent or do you timely wipe them out of your house to keep it clean. Non-violence is a cover-up of your weakness and incapability to go beyond the boundaries defined by the people in power. Dharma has been sustained only through violence as last resort (Ramayana - ravana was killed to sustain Dharma. Mahabharatha - Kauravas were destroyed. KalkiYuga - Non violent kalki army sends post to Government Babus to follow Dharma again and again since 10 years? ).






      AND BITCH ?


      capt ajit vadakayil




the relationship between soul and consciousness according to vedanta stands on spiritual experiential knowledge.


. soul holds all the secrets about previous lives, knowledge, learning etc. it is immortal which does not die when the body dies. enlightened soul is free from the cycle of life and death.


.a stable and focused mind is one of the prerequisite to connect to soul. mind is the key to connect to soul. when mind establishes connection with soul, you can say he is in touch with his soul. when the awareness level of person is that of soul awareness he is said to be awakened soul or a complete man.


body is the vehicle for the soul. it is a medium through which a living being does worldly activities. it is destroyable.


basically our body is composed of compressed energy. compressed energy responses to vibration. energy is very sensitive. we can raise our vibration, release unwanted energy and alter the nature of our energy through the practices asana with conscious breathing, pranayama, pranala, mudra, mantra, chanting, meditation and affirmation.


from the soul, consciousness spreads out through the body.


awareness depends on the body that the soul is within because it is manifest through the mind, and different bodies have different minds. so the consciousness although pure in nature, being spiritual, appears to have different levels of awareness depending on the material body it is encased in.


the mind is a material element that consciousness uses to interact with the different aspects of the material world. this is explained concisely by krishna in bhagavad gita.


earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence, and false ego -- all together these eight constitute my separated material energies.


भूमिरापोऽनलोवायु: खंमनोबुद्धिरेव|

अहङ्कारइतीयंमेभिन्नाप्रकृतिरष्टधा|| 4||


bhumir-apo ’nalo vayuh kham mano buddhir eva cha

ahankara itiyam me bhinna prakritir ashtadha



bg 7.4: earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, intellect, and ego—these are eight components of my material energy.


besides these, o mighty-armed arjuna, there is another, superior energy of mine, which comprises the living entities (jivatma) who are exploiting the resources of this material, inferior nature. bg 7.5


o son of bharata, as the sun alone illuminates all this universe, so does the living entity, one within the body, illuminate the entire body by consciousness.


यथाप्रकाशयत्येक: कृत्स्नंलोकमिमंरवि: |

क्षेत्रंक्षेत्रीतथाकृत्स्नंप्रकाशयतिभारत|| 34||


yatha prakashayaty ekah kritsnam lokam imam ravih

kshetram kshetri tatha kritsnam prakashayati bharata



bg 13.34: just as one sun illumines the entire solar system, so does the individual soul illumine the entire body (with consciousness).


soul is eternal. it has existed forever and will continue to exist forever. soul (jivatma) originated from paramatma. since paramatma is eternal, so is jivatma. there was no such time as when it was “created”.


soul (jivatma), which is essentially happiness personified, undergoes sufferings due to its ignorance. this ignorance binds the jivatma to enjoy the fruits of its actions (karma) and this enjoyment creates further bondage. this bondage is what we call suffering. jivatma can enjoy unlimited, unending happiness by developing gnana (knowledge) and vairagya (detachment). through this, the jivatma can over come the cycle of birth and death and attain moksha / mukthi (liberation).


kerala danava maharishi  adi shankaracharya wrote in his advaita vedanta philosophy and states that jeevatman is a splinter of brahman. he could not figure out that this soul is sent on earth with reduced frequency.


according to the fake pali speaking pig eating buddha cooked up by jew rothschild there is no permanent unchanging soul and it is actually just an illusion created by conditioning ,habitual patterns and nescience ( the conglomeration of which is what ego is) . in buddhism there is no soul or atman which by their very definition is supposed to be unchangingly permanent.


as the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. a sober person is not bewildered by such a change.


what krishna is saying here, is that the body changes all the time from childhood, to youth, to old age. but the self or the i within, remains constant. one's mind and intelligence change, sure. you are are supposed to grow wiser with age. one's thoughts, feelings, willpower, and convictions change as time progresses.


but it is the same observer, who experiences all these changes. it is the same i-feeling. so the person stays the same despite the altercations in matter.


that is the eternal soul. it is the same person or the same soul who sits in a child's body as the one who sits in the old man's body. the person didn't change, in the sense that he is the same observer. his thoughts and feelings and intelligence changed, but he remained the same soul. in this way anyone can experience his own eternity.


one is absorbed in observing one's thoughts and feelings. the absorbtion is in one's own consciousness.


one's choice will be determined by the way one is controlled by matter. when one's choice is motivated by the desire to become free from matter, then one begins his spiritual journey back home, back to rahman the mother field



a person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires - that enter like rivers into the ocean, which is ever being filled but is always still - can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires. (bg 2.70)




समुद्रमाप: प्रविशन्तियद्वत्|


शान्तिमाप्नोतिकामकामी|| 70||


apuryamanam achala-pratishtham

samudram apah pravishanti yadvat

tadvat kama yam pravishanti sarve

sa shantim apnoti na kama-kami



bg 2.70: just as the ocean remains undisturbed by the incessant flow of waters from rivers merging into it, likewise the sage who is unmoved despite the flow of desirable objects all around him attains peace, and not the person who strives to satisfy desires.


a person who has given up all desires for sense gratification, who lives free from desires, who has given up all sense of proprietorship and is devoid of false ego - he alone can attain real peace. (bg 2.71)


that is the way of the spiritual and godly life, after attaining which a man is not bewildered. if one is thus situated even at the hour of death, one can enter into the kingdom of god. (bg 2.72)



in advaita, we try to understand who is brahman and who is the soul/jiva. eventually, we infer that there is no difference between a soul and brahman except for the fact that a soul has lower frequency .. moksha souls have same highest frequency as brahman the mother field


god is omnipresent in this infinite universe. your body is insentient but your soul is intelligent being. similarly, the universe is insentient but brahman the morphogenetic field of consciousness is intelligent.


there are six stages of consciousness - annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya, jnanamaya, vijnanamaya and anandamaya.


annamaya is when the consciousness is totally centered on nourishment, centered on eating. that’s like a human in its infant stage. note how babies discern everything by tasting it. they always put things in their mouth.


pranamaya is when the consciousness becomes aware of one’s body. that’s like the toddler-stage. also, animals don’t go beyond that stage of consciousness.


manomaya is when the consciousness becomes aware of the mind. that’s like the teen-age stage.


jnanamaya is the stage where one becomes conscious of the thinking, feeling, and willing processes of the mind.


vijnanamaya is when the consciousness becomes aware of the soul, aware of one’s real self. that’s like the adult stage of awareness. this is where the consciousness becomes aware of its real, spiritual self, beyond the body and its culture.


anandamaya is when the consciousness becomes aware of god and the bliss that follows. that’s the highest stage of consciousness, and the goal of human consciousness.


one attains the human form of life after transmigrating through 8,400,000 species by the process of gradual evolution. that human life is spoiled for those conceited fools who do not take shelter of the lotus feet of govinda. 

--brahma-vaivarta purana 


advait vedanta says there is only one great soul called as para brahman, and all souls are manifested from same brahman and will get merged in it finally.


according to advaita vedanta, there is only one soul called as brahman and we all are manifested from the same brahman.


we were all an integral part of the para_brahman, but because of our desires, we are separated from him and took this physical form in this birth ! but when we attain moksha, liberation from this vicious cycle of life and death, then we merge into the mother field of brahman. it is true home coming


the soul is atomic in size and can be perceived by perfect intelligence. this atomic soul is floating in the five kinds of air [prana, apana, vyana, samana and udana]. the soul electrically powers the heart, and it spreads its influence all over the body of the embodied living entities. when the soul is purified from the contamination of the five kinds of material air, its spiritual influence is exhibited." 

-- mundaka upanishad, 3.1.9


according to advaita - ātman and brahman (soul and god) are one- advitiya and the universe of experience is an appearance (māyā) and has no substantial reality.

 the material body is the vehicle of the soul and different from the soul but the two are mutually dependant being connected through the mind. the soul depends on the body for self-expression and the body depends on the soul for its existence.


the soul is the essence of your physical state which lives on after your death.

the soul is experienced but the spirit is reformed new every time you descend into flesh. 


the concept of consciousness focuses on the ability of an individual to gain and share knowledge.


consciousness requires the soul for the simple reason that consciousness is the effect of the soul as sunlight is the effect of the sun.


 the creation of the universe, the power of the almighty field of brahman , om, the soul and the cycle of birth and death are explained in brihadaranyaka upanishads  penned 7000 years ago in a lucid manner.


the brihadaranyaka upanishad is one of the principal upanishads is tenth in the muktikā or "canon of 108 upanishads".


the brihadaranyaka upanishad is a treatise on ātman (soul), includes passages on metaphysics, ethics and a yearning for spiritual knowledge


brihadaranyaka literally means "great wilderness or forest".


the poison injected brihadaranyaka upanishad is credited to fake yajnavalkya, cooked up by jew Rothschild


rothschild got his fake and backdated rishi yajnavalkya ( subramanian swamy does propaganda for yajnavalkya ) to write: “brahmacharya is abstaining from sexual pleasure for ever, under all conditions and in all places, either physically, mentally or verbally.”.


if jew gandhi had lived a couple of decades more he would have died in jail– incarcerated for pedophilia , incest among others. like br ambedkar said ( i appreciate him for that ) — the memory of gandhi is being kept alive by the white invader and his sold out stooges by giving a national holiday on 2nd oct..  otherwise indians would have forgotten gandhi in one generation.. 


childless traitor modi, wasted crores of tax payers money in making lakhs of charkhas our 75th year long independence celebrations.


the white man wrote over brandy and cigars that yajnavalkya's ( 700 bc ) insisted on eating the tender (amsala) flesh of the cow . tee heeee !.




the upanishads explain that jivatma(individual soul) is like a river that has to join paramatma (supreme soul/god)…so individual soul is ‘part’ of supreme soul.


acquisition of spiritual knowledge is the supreme purpose of human existence as per vedanta.


human beings are superior to other forms of life only because they can sufficiently discriminate between the real and the unreal, between the ephemeral and the eternal, between darkness and light. 


humans pass the mirror and colour test which only a couple of mamals can pass ( like elephants, dolphins, bonobos )


a man who does not strive to make good of this opportunity and remains lost in materialism has  committed spiritual suicide.


the 3rd verse of ishavasya upanishad therefore declares:– “the immutable soul is the real nature of man, and not his mortal frame.because the soul endures from one life to the next, whereas the body changes every moment and perishes with death.


but the materialistic people, enveloped with ignorance, vanity or pride,deny the very existence of the soul.they say- ‘only that exists which can be perceived with the senses.there is nothing beyond, there is no yonder world after death.verily, man is but an agglomeration of the elements, born of the lust of his parents.


we are born with our physical birth, and cease to exist after our death.indeed, there is no connection between actions and their fruits.there no vice or virtue. so eat, drink and be merry.’denying their own true essence,these deluded men have killed their own souls in this very life.”

let me quote the 2nd verse of the ishavasya upanishad:


“seek not the truth by abandoning this world or by renouncing all your bounden duties. this is indeed not the path of salvation. rather, desire ye to live a full life of a hundred years, actively engaged in the selfless performance of your duties and enjoined actions at all times. verily, this is the only way enjoined for man’s salvation, and not the opposite.all actions bear fruit- good or bad.and these fruits taint his soul, causing him to be reborn! but the fruits of actions- good or otherwise, don’t taint that wise man,who performs his duties selflessly, as an offering to god, just as a lotus leaf is not tainted by water, even though touching it.but he, who through ignorance, shirks away from his duties, merely deludes himself by thinking- ‘i am performing any action!’ aye! no man can desist from action for even a single moment.”


a man who does not strive to make good of this opportunity and remains lost in materialism has  committed spiritual suicide.


the 3rd verse of ishavasya upanishad therefore declares:

“the immutable soul is the real nature of man, and not his mortal frame. because the soul endures from one life to the next, whereas the body changes every moment and perishes with death. but the materialistic people, enveloped with ignorance, vanity or pride, deny the very existence of the soul. they say- ‘only that exists which can be perceived with the senses.there is nothing beyond, there is no yonder world after death. verily, man is but an agglomeration of the elements, born of the lust of his parents. we are born with our physical birth, and cease to exist after our death. indeed, there is no connection between actions and their fruits. there no vice or virtue. so eat, drink and be merry. ’denying their own true essence, these deluded men have killed their own souls in this very life.”


the upanishads are firm that all such evolution is only in the level of name and form and the original nature of reality is never lost.   all the stages of evolution are but manifestations of brahman, which is the soul of all matter and life (sarvabhutaantaraatmaa).


it pervades all phenomena and is the inner controller (antaryaamin) of all.   “for respect of him fire burns, for respect  of him the sun shines and for respect of him the winds, the clouds and death perform their office”.


in its very opening verse, the ishavasya upanishad reminds us that brahman is the essence of existence:

“all sentinent and insentinent objects in this ever changing universe are ephermal and pass away with time.but the lord who is immanent in everything, and controls it in multifarious ways, is eternal and imperishable. seek to realize this eternal truth and do not get entangled in this world. enjoy the bounties of nature, but with a sense of reunuciation. do not hanker too much after riches and do not get obsessed with them. to whom does all this belong? certainly not to any man,for we do not bring anything with us, nor do we take anything along.but he, the underlying reality, owns all this, and we are mere guardians of his divine riches.”


when the whole world is the manifestation of brahman, even the atman must be brahman too. the mahaavaakyas or the great statements of the upanishads proclaim : “TAT TVAM ASI – you are that” and “AHAM BRAHMAASMI – i’m brahman”.


both identify brahman to one’s own self (atman). but what’s the exact nature of their relationship?are they one and the same? the advaita school of vedanta takes this stand and gives forth a full fledged non-dualistic absolutism.


but if the atman is eternal and unchanging, what about the changes experienced in the world?


according to advaita vedaanta, the changes in the world are unreal (mithya) and an illusion (maya).


are brahman and atman totally different? this cannot be, for it is explicitly taught in the upanishads that brahman is the material cause of the world and the world is the manifestation of brahman.

 dvaita school of vedanta tells us how the trinity operates and causes the dance between opposites .  samkhya school of vedanta tells us how purisha and prakriti creates..


again, the mahaavaakyas or the great statements of the upanishads proclaim : “tat tvam asi – you are that” and “aham brahmaasmi – i’m brahman”.


this is our convocation ceremony declaration at our vadakayil kalki ashram


knowledge of supreme being is the subject matter of upanishads. the supreme being is referred as bramhan ( morphogenetic consciousness field ) in upanishads .


 “the supreme being abides in food producing plants  and it is he who causes the rains (which give life to these plants) to descend.(indeed) the supreme being is inner animating soul of all thisas long as the sun shines bright.” viii.9.5 brhadaaranyaka upanishad 5000 bc


it requires deep thinking and a chastening of our psyche before we can enter into the subject of the upanishads.


what do the upanishads tell us?


they tell us the mode, the modus operandi of directly contacting the spirit of the universe ( brahman ) through the spirit ( atman – soul ) that is inside us – not by word of mouth, not by speaking any word, not by performance of any ritual.  


the upanishads are the doctrine of the lifting of your own self to the self of the universe, the spirit which you are. it is not merely the part of brahman ( soul ) inside you – you yourself are the brahman.


the upanishads are referred to as the vedanta. the word vedanta is a compound word made up of two sanskrit words: ‘veda’ and  ‘anta’. the word ‘anta’ means an end.


in reality the 4th part upanishads are an extended part of the 3rd part priceless aranyakas , which were stolen by the white invader.


in upanishads, a seeker raises a topic and the enlightened guru satisfies the query aptly and convincingly. thus, the upanishads contain the sublime knowledge that deals with the topic at great depth.


the upanishads enrich the human mind immensely as they discuss the brahman, the atman, the existence, life and death, moksha(mukti), the jagat, the knowledge (the para-vidya and the apara-vidya), the brahma-gyana (or the atma-gyana) and many other related issues elaborately.


out of the 1008 upanishads only 108 exist today, all written before 5000 bc — they are part of sruti which have no authors.. whoever heard it in their trances were mere mediums or channels .


most of the upanishads have been poison injected by the white invader to make indians look like monkeys


some of the upanishads are in the prose form and some others in the verse form.  of the 108 upanishads, ten upanishads are considered exquisite by distinguished scholars.


today rig veda has 10 upanishads, yajur veda has 51,  sama veda it is 16 and atharva veda has 31 upanishads.


to divide and rule–the white invader wedged apart the yajurveda into shukla ( white- north indians  ) and krishna ( dark-south indians  )


while the vedas look outward in reverence and awe of the phenomenal world, the upanishads look inward,  finding the powers of nature only an expression of the more awe-inspiring powers of human consciousness.


vedanta taught the technique of self-development. the ultimate destiny of man is to discover within himself the true self as the changeless behind the changing, the eternal behind the ephemeral, and the infinite behind the finite.

greater wisdom was never compressed into three little words than by the chandogya upanishad which proclaimed the true self of man as part of the infinite spirit – tat twam asi: “that thou art”.


the upanishads are humanity’s most profound philosophical inquiry and the first perceptions of the unity of all, the oneness of man and god— the greatest truths known to mankind.


free from theology and dogma, the upanishads remain the primary source of inspiration and guidance for millions of hindus and non-hindus alike. the upanishads focus on philosophical questions such as the purpose of life, origin of the universe, concepts of time, space and matter, as well as concepts of atman, brahman, maya, immortality, rebirth, karma, and the world.


the upanishads are the remarkable compositions, which contain sublime and philosophical speculations concerning the universal soul, and cosmic consciousness.


the upanishads tell us that there is a reality underlying life which rituals cannot reach, next to which the things we see and touch in everyday life are shadows.


they teach that this reality is the essence of every created thing, and the same reality is our real self so that each of us is one with the power that created and sustains the universe. the upanishads are not philosophy but are darshanas, “something seen” and therefore to be realized.

the upanishads are crammed with thoughts that wander through eternity. their message is that there is far more to life than success, and far more to success than money; and there can be no higher destiny for man than to be engaged in endless seeking after endless truth. they give  answers to the three  questions :

“where is the life we have lost in living”where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?where is the knowledge we have lost in information?the rishis had repeatedly emphasized that the ultimate reality lies beyond the realms of the senses and the grey matter beneath our skulls. hark again to the upanishads:

“there the eye goes not speech goes not, nor the mind. we know not, we understand not,how would one teach it?“



the upanishads teach that both space and time are endless or infinite. modern science completely agrees. science, in its most advanced stage, is closer to vedanta than ever before.


the intuition of indian mystics led them to understand the multidimensional reality and of space-time continuum which is the basis of the modern theory of relativity.


the upanishads are summits of thought on mankind and the universe, designed to push human ideas to their very limit and beyond. they give us both spiritual vision and philosophical argument, and it is by a strictly personal effort that one can reach the truth.



upanishads gave us the science of the self, which helps man leave behind the body, the senses, the ego and all other non-self elements, which are perishable. the upanishads tell us the great saga of this discovery — of the divine in the heart of man.


these indian thinkers were not satisfied with their intellectual speculations. they discovered that the universe remained a mystery and the mystery only deepened with the advance of such knowledge, and one of the important components of that deepening mystery is the mystery of man and consciousness. the upanishads became aware of this truth, which modern science now emphasizes.


 in the upanishads we get a glimpse into the workings of the minds of the great indian thinkers who were unhampered by the tyranny of religious dogma, political authority, pressure of public opinion, seeking truth with single-minded devotion,  rare in the history of thought.


the upanishads have given us a body of insights that have a universal quality about them and this universality derives from their impersonality. the sages who discovered them had depersonalized themselves in the search for truth.  unlike modern western philosophers who lift ideas and patent it in their names.


the rishis wanted to go beyond nature and realize the transcendental nature of man. they dared to take up this challenge and the upanishads are the unique record of the methods they adopted, the struggles they undertook and the victory they achieved in this astonishing adventure of human spirit. and this is conveyed to us in verses of great resonance power and poetic charm.


in seeking the immortal, the vedic seers conferred the immortality upon the literature that conveyed it. in the upanishads we can study the graceful conflict of thought with thought, the emergence of more satisfactory thought and the rejection and unlearning of inadequate ideas.


hypotheses were advanced and rejected on the touchstone of experience and not at the dictate of a creed. thus thought forged ahead to unravel the mystery of the world in which we live


again, upanishads  deal with atman and brahman—the individual soul and the mother field .


the concept of god, or the ultimate reality, that we encounter in the upanishads is markedly different from our transcendent conception of god in single holy book religions


there is no book in the whole world that is so thrilling, soul-stirring and inspiring as the upanishad. the human intellect has not been able to conceive of anything more noble and sublime in the history of the world than the teachings of the upanishads.



profound, original, lofty and sublime thoughts arise from every verse. they contain the direct spiritual experiences or revelations of maharishis.they are the products of the highest wisdom, supreme divine knowledge. hence they stir the hearts of people and inspire them.


the glory or grandeur of the upanishads cannot be adequately described in words, because words are finite and language is imperfect.  the upanishads have indeed greatly contributed to the peace and solace of mankind. 


millions of aspirants have drawn inspiration and guidance from the upanishads and will continue till the sun goes supernova- or brahma inhales.


ages have passed since they were first presented to the world. even now they are remarkably sweet and charming. their freshness is unique. their fragrance is penetrating. they give supreme food for the soul.


there are as many upanishads to each veda as there are sakhas or branches (subdivisions).


initially there were 21, 109, 1000, and 50 subdivisions to rig, yajur, sama, and atharva vedas respectively.   thus there were one thousand and hundred and eighty (1008) upanishads.


the following two ideas dominate the teaching of all the upanishads:

(1) final emancipation can be attained only by knowledge of the ultimate reality, or brahman (brahmajnana):

(2) he who is equipped with the four means of salvation, viz., viveka, (discrimination), vairagya (dispassion), shad-sampat (the six-fold treasure; self-control, etc.) and mumukshutva (yearning for liberation), can attain brahman.


the upanishads teach the philosophy of absolute unity. the goal of men, according to the upanishads, is realisation of brahman.  self-realization alone can dispel ignorance and bestow immortality, eternal bliss, and everlasting peace. knowledge of brahman alone can remove all sorrows, delusion and pain.


the upanishads are not meant for the masses, as they contain the highest speculations of philosophy.   they are meant only for the select few, who are fit and worthy to receive the instructions.   .


the upanishads form the core of indian philosophy.


the famous physicist niels bohr once said, “we are both spectators and actors in the great drama of existence.”   hence the importance of developing of what is known as the “science of human possibilities.”


it was such a science that india sought and found in the upanishads in an attempt to unravel the mystery of conscious human beings who can introspect , see color and see themselves in the mirror ( unlike animals ).


a strange yearning to know about the infinite and the eternal disturbs us. it is against this background of modern thought and aspirations that the contributions of the upanishads to the human cultural legacy become significant.


the purpose of the vedas was to ensure the true welfare of all beings, worldly as well as spiritually. before such a synthesis could be achieved, there was a need to penetrate the inner worlds to its depth.


this is what the upanishads did with precision and gave us the science of the self, which helps man leave behind the body, the senses, the ego and all other non-self elements, which are perishable. the upanishads tell us the great saga of this discovery — of the divine which electrically powers  the heart of man.


the great sages of the upanishads were concerned with man above and beyond his political or social dimensions. it was an inquiry, which challenged not only life but also death and resulted in the discovery of the immortal and the divine self of man.


the upanishads reveal an age characterized by a remarkable fervent of thought and inspiration. the physical and mental climate that made it possible is the land of plenty that was india. with their mental gifts, the  maharishis had turned their mental energies to the conquest of the inner world rather than of the world of matter and life at the sensate level.

 in seeking the immortal, the sages conferred the immortality upon the literature that conveyed it. in the upanishads we can study the graceful conflict of thought with thought, the emergence of more satisfactory thought and the rejection of inadequate ideas. hypotheses were advanced and rejected on the touchstone of experience and not at the dictate of a creed.


vedanta is for mature minds, advising us to get with the system and bring ourselves and our lives and actions in harmony with the nature of the field (dharma) and our own nature (svadharma), or else be ground down by life and suffer accordingly.

not a single religion on this planet deals with the soul.. i have read every single holy book on this planet..


when you look into the mirror what you see is not you ( soul ) but the rented home of the soul( you ) for this life.


sanatana dharma ( hinduism ) is the only “religion” which deals with the soul.. sanatana dharma is about spirituality..


yet if you google for “soul wiki”  they give soul away to other religions and we hindus copied from these useless religions braaaayyy


spirituality is for the individual.. read this line a million times..


dogma religion is for the masses..


hindus know that the soul within is himself… soul is part of god ( brahman the field ) albeit at a lower frequency..


we know that man has a soul within which is god.. his soul and your soul emananted from the same field ( brahman / god),.. the frequencies many be different depending of the karmic baggage..


the lesser the karmic baggage the higher the soul frequency..


when your reduce your karmic bbage to zero your sould frequency becomes highest , the same as the mother field, and you merge , you become god..




jew rothschild tried his best to make sanatana dharma a “religion”.. he failed.


this is why we hindus do not have a single holy book and single messiah..


what was my mission statement before i penned my first blog 12 years ago?..


“ this blogsite will transform your mind . you yourself, are the teacher, the pupil, the messiah, the seeker, the traveller and the destination . awaken your inner voice . your own conscience is the best interpreter . do not enter this blog site if you cannot handle the truth . shraddha , strength and honor – always ! “.


hinduism allows only shraddha never bhakti.. shraddha is faith emanating from own conscience or soul voice.. sanatana dharma is the only religion which is not man made , which has no single holy book / single messiah.. german jew rothschild ( who ruled india ) created more than 1000 fake mutts to kick the hindu from shraddha to bhakti by injecting poison into our holy scriptures by making him self loathing..


shraddha is derived from the human soul which is part of brahman the field albeit at a lower frequency. .shraddha of hinduism – is based on own experience . dogma of religion is based on some charlatan messiah’s experience.. shraddha, like love must arise in its own way.. it must be discovered, it cannot be commanded.


 no spiritual progress is possible without shraddha. hindus are asked to apply their own soul powered conscience .. a hindu is at nobody’s mercy.. he forges the hinges of his destiny on his own terms.. conscience is the silent voice of the soul, which is unable to be heard by anyone else.. shraddha is divine medicine, as it gives hope . only sanatana dharma makes you free.


we are filled with a sense of wonder why holy souls like angel gabriel , john the baptist and moses were sponsoring criminal abrahamic lds mormon american jew pedophiles two centuries ago ? braaayyyyyyyyy




concept of immortality was influenced by plato who studied in kodungallur university .. all living things from the smallest bacterium to the largest of mammals are the souls themselves (atman, jiva) and have their physical representative (the body) in the world. the actual self is the soul, while the body is only a mechanism to experience the karma of that life.


in the vedanta school of hinduism, ātman is the first principle,[36] the true self of an individual beyond identification with phenomena, the essence of an individual. in order to attain liberation (moksha), a human being must acquire self-knowledge (atma jnana), which is to realize that one's true self (ātman) is identical with the transcendent self brahman according to advaita vedanta.


in judaism the soul is believed to be given by god to adam as mentioned in genesis,


adam is lifted from atman and eve is lifted from jiva of vedanta.. BRAAAYYY..


then the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. genesis 2:7 AIYOOOO

ātman is a sanskrit malayalam  word that refers to the (universal) self or self-existent essence of individuals, as distinct from ego (ahamkara), mind (citta) and embodied existence (prakṛiti).


hinduism believes that there is ātman in every living being (jiva), which is distinct from the body-mind complex.


in hinduism, atman refers to the self-existent essence of human beings, the observing pure consciousness or witness-consciousness as exemplified by the purusha of samkhya.


atman is the unchanging, eternal, innermost radiant self that is unaffected by personality, unaffected by ego; atman is that which is ever-free, never-bound, the realized purpose, meaning, liberation in life


the earliest use of the word ātman in indian texts is found in the rig veda (rv x.97.11) downloaded by kerala magarishis 400 centuries ago


the rigvedic verse 10.97.11 says,




when, bringing back the vanished strength, i hold these herbs within my hand, the spirit of disease departs ere he can seize upon the life.

yāska, the ancient indian grammarian, commenting on this rigvedic verse, accepts the following meanings of ātman: the pervading principle, the organism in which other elements are united and the ultimate sentient principle.


yaska ( 5800 bc ) , in his famous text titled nirukta, asserts that rigveda in the ancient tradition, can be interpreted in three ways – from the perspective of religious rites (adhiyajna), from the perspective of the deities (adhidevata), and from the perspective of the soul (adhyatman)..


other hymns of rig veda where the word ātman appears include i.115.1, vii.87.2, vii.101.6, viii.3.24, ix.2.10, ix.6.8, and x.168.4.


ātman is the central topic in all of the upanishads, and "know your ātman" is one of their thematic foci. the upanishads say that atman denotes "the ultimate essence of the universe" as well as "the vital breath in human beings", which is "imperishable divine within" that is neither born nor does it die  


the upanishads express  themes on the relation between atman and brahman. ātman is part of brahman albeit at a lower frequency, atman and brahman are identical, non-different (advaita).


the brihadaranyaka upanishad penned dow 7000 years ago describes atman as that in which everything exists, which is of the highest value, which permeates everything, which is the essence of all, bliss and beyond description. in hymn 4.4.5, brihadaranyaka upanishad describes atman as brahman, and associates it with everything one is, everything one can be, one's free will, one's desire, what one does, what one doesn't do, the good in oneself, the bad in oneself.


that atman (self, soul) is indeed brahman. it [ātman] is also identified with the intellect, the manas (mind), and the vital breath, with the eyes and ears, with earth, water, air, and ākāśa (sky), with fire and with what is other than fire, with desire and the absence of desire, with anger and the absence of anger, with righteousness and unrighteousness, with everything — it is identified, as is well known, with this (what is perceived) and with that (what is inferred).

— brihadaranyaka upanishad 4.4.5,


this theme of ātman, that the essence and self of every person and being is the same as brahman, is extensively repeated in brihadāranyaka upanishad. the upanishad asserts that this knowledge of "i am brahman", and that there is no difference between "i" and "you", or "i" and "him" is a source of liberation, and not even gods can prevail over such a liberated man. for example, in hymn 1.4.10,


brahman was this before; therefore it knew even the ātma (soul, himself). i am brahman, therefore it became all. and whoever among the gods had this enlightenment, also became that. it is the same with the sages, the same with men. whoever knows the self as "i am brahman," becomes all this universe. even the gods cannot prevail against him, for he becomes their ātma. now, if a man worships another god, thinking: "he is one and i am another," he does not know. he is like an animal to the gods. as many animals serve a man, so does each man serve the gods. even if one animal is taken away, it causes anguish; how much more so when many are taken away? therefore it is not pleasing to the gods that men should know this.

— brihadaranyaka upanishad 1.4.10


the chandogya upanishad penned dwon 7000 years ago explains ātman as that which appears to be separate between two living beings but isn't, that essence and innermost, true, radiant self of all individuals which connects and unifies all. hymn 6.10 explains it with the example of rivers, some of which flow to the east and some to the west, but ultimately all merge into the ocean and become one. in the same way, the individual souls are pure being, states the chandogya upanishad; an individual soul is pure truth, and an individual soul is a manifestation of the ocean of one universal soul.


along with the brihadāranyaka, all the earliest and middle upanishads discuss ātman as they build their theories to answer how man can achieve liberation, freedom and bliss. the katha upanishad penned down 7000 years ago, , explains atman as the imminent and transcendent innermost essence of each human being and living creature, that this is one, even though the external forms of living creatures manifest in different forms.


hymn 2.2.9 states,

as the one fire, after it has entered the world, though one, takes different forms according to whatever it burns, so does the internal ātman of all living beings, though one, takes a form according to whatever he enters and is outside all forms.  — katha upanishad, 2.2.9


katha upanishad, in book 1, hymns 3.3 to 3.4, describes the widely cited proto-samkhya analogy of chariot for the relation of "soul, self" to body, mind and senses   know the self as the rider in a chariot, and the body as simply the chariot. know the intellect as the charioteer, and the mind as the reins. the senses, they say are the horses, and sense objects are the paths around them. the katha upanishad declares that "when the self [ātman] understands this and is unified, integrated with body, senses and mind, is virtuous, mindful and pure, he reaches bliss, freedom and liberation".


atman is a metaphysical and spiritual concept for hindusin hindu philosophy, especially in the vedanta school of hinduism, ātman is the first principle.


in samkhya, the oldest school of hinduism, puruṣa, the witness-consciousness, is atman. it is absolute, independent, free, imperceptible, unknowable through other agencies, above any experience by mind or senses and beyond any words or explanations. it remains pure, "nonattributive consciousness". puruṣa is neither produced nor does it produce. no appellations can qualify purusha, nor can it substantialized or objectified. it "cannot be reduced, can't be 'settled'." any designation of purusha comes from prakriti, and is a limitation.


the 7000 year old yogasutra of patanjali, the foundational text of yoga school of hinduism, mentions atma in multiple verses, and particularly in its last book, where samadhi is described as the path to self-knowledge and kaivalya. some earlier mentions of atman in yogasutra include verse 2.5, where evidence of ignorance includes "confusing what is not atman as atman".




avidya ( ignorance) is regarding the transient as eternal, the impure as pure, the pain-giving as joy-giving, and the non-atman as atman.

— yogasutra 2.5


in verses 2.19-2.20, yogasutra declares that pure ideas are the domain of atman, the perceivable universe exists to enlighten atman, but while atman is pure, it may be deceived by complexities of perception or mind. these verses also set the purpose of all experience as a means to self-knowledge.





the seer is the absolute knower. though pure, modifications are witnessed by him by coloring of intellect.

the spectacle exists only to serve the purpose of the atman.

— yogasutra 2.19 - 2.20


in book 4, yogasutra states spiritual liberation as the stage where the yogin achieves distinguishing self-knowledge, he no longer confuses his mind as atman, the mind is no longer affected by afflictions or worries of any kind, ignorance vanishes, and "pure consciousness settles in its own pure nature".


the yoga school is similar to the samkhya school in its conceptual foundations of ātman. it is the self that is discovered and realized in the kaivalya state, in both schools.. vedanta monism,  adopted yoga as a means to reach jivanmukti – self-realization in this life – as conceptualized in advaita vedanta. yoga and samkhya define ātman as an "unrelated, attributeless, self-luminous, omnipresent entity", which is identical with consciousness.


the advaita school believes that there is one soul that connects and exists in all living beings, regardless of their shapes or forms, and there is no distinction, no superior, no inferior, no separate devotee soul (atman), no separate god soul (brahman). the oneness unifies all beings, there is divine in every being, and that all existence is a single reality, state the advaita vedanta hindus.


atman is the universal principle, one eternal undifferentiated self-luminous consciousness, the truth asserts advaita hinduism. human beings, in a state of unawareness of this universal self, see their "i-ness" as different from the being in others, then act out of impulse, fears, cravings, malice, division, confusion, anxiety, passions, and a sense of distinctiveness. to advaitins, atman-knowledge is the state of full awareness, liberation, and freedom that overcomes dualities at all levels, realizing the divine within oneself, the divine in others, and in all living beings; the non-dual oneness, that god is in everything, and everything is god.this identification of individual living beings/souls, or jiva-atmas, with the 'one atman' is the non-dualistic advaita vedanta position.




the atman theory in upanishads had a profound impact on ancient ethical theories and dharma traditions now known as hinduism.. the earliest dharmasutras of hindus recite atman theory from the vedic texts and upanishads, and on its foundation build precepts of dharma, laws and ethics. atman theory, particularly the advaita vedanta and yoga versions, influenced the emergence of the theory of ahimsa (non-violence against all creatures), culture of vegetarianism, and other theories of ethical, dharmic life


there is no higher object than the attainment of the knowledge of atman.


few verses from the rig veda downloaded 400 centuries ago refer to the attainment of the knowledge of the atman. all living creatures are the dwelling of him who lies enveloped in matter, who is immortal, who is spotless. a wise man shall strive after the knowledge of the atman. it is he [self] who is the eternal part in all creatures, whose essence is wisdom, who is immortal, unchangeable, pure; he is the universe, he is the highest goal. –


freedom from anger, from excitement, from rage, from greed, from perplexity, from hypocrisy, from hurtfulness (from injury to others); speaking the truth, moderate eating, refraining from calumny and envy, sharing with others, avoiding accepting gifts, uprightness, forgiveness, gentleness, tranquility, temperance, amity with all living creatures, yoga, honorable conduct, benevolence and contentedness – these virtues have been agreed upon for all the ashramas; he who, according to the precepts of the sacred law, practices these, becomes united with the universal self. –


the precept against injuring any living being appears together with atman theory in hymn 8.15.1 of chandogya upanishad then becomes central in the texts of hindu philosophy, entering the dharma codes of ancient dharmasutras and later era manu-smriti. ahimsa theory is a natural corollary and consequence of "atman is universal oneness, present in all living beings. atman connects and prevades in everyone. hurting or injuring another being is hurting the atman, and thus one's self that exists in another body.


jew rothschild cooked up  fake sage yajnavalkya, who inspired his agent jew gandhi to lead non-violent movement.. we allowed the whitee invader to shit on the face of bharatamata and convert harata from the richest country on the planet to the poorest in 200 years flat.. at literary fests we have agents of the jewish deep state brainwashing indians that british built railways for indian coolies to travel in style, not cart away our wealth













and he who sees everything in his atman, and his atman in everything, does not seek to hide himself from that.

in whom all beings have become one with his own atman, what perplexity, what sorrow, is there when he sees this oneness?

he [the self] prevades all, resplendent, bodiless, woundless, without muscles, pure, untouched by evil; far-seeing, transcendent, self-being, disposing ends through perpetual ages.

— isha upanishad, hymns 6-8, 5000 bc



Man in essence is the all-pervading immortal soul. He identifies himself, on account of delusion and ignorance, with the five illusory Koshas or sheaths


The five sheaths (pancha-kosas) are described in the Taittiriya Upanishad.  From gross to fine they are:- Annamaya kosha, “foodstuff” sheath (physical) Pranamaya kosha, “energy” sheath ( life force) Manomaya kosha “mind-stuff” sheath ( mental ) Vijnanamaya kosha, “wisdom” sheath ( intellect )  Anandamaya kosha, “bliss” sheath ( emotion )


Anandamaya is a state of mind which does not change, despite anything that happens in life. With that state of mind you can live with all the conditions of life. You are where you are, firmly rooted in your own self, but at the same time you can interact with everyone.


In a gurukul when a maharishi leads his pupil to Anandamaya kosha, the last words they exchange is AHAM BRAHMASMI,– and they part probably never to meet again.


Within anandamaya kosha lies the understanding that separation and ego are just an illusion.


This is the stage in which atma ( SOUL ) experiences the eternal bliss, a perfect state of peace, comfort, stability and carefree nature.

This recognition totals compassion, love and happiness– anandamaya kosha is the bliss body.






The ultimate purpose of yoga is not to feel sexier, healthier, and more energetic. To the sadhus, the goal of life is to escape the attachment of samsara and the lusts of the body, escape the cycle of birth and death, stop the cause of bad karma, and, finally, to awaken one’s identity with the superconscious Self, or atman.


Carl Sagan said. “There are claims in the parapsychology field,” he said, “which, in my opinion, deserve serious study, with [one] being that young children sometimes report details of a previous life, which upon checking turn out to be accurate and which they could not have known about in any other way than reincarnation.”


Man’s  innermost essence is the Atma or divine spirit. Man is not this body, not his senses or even his mind; these are only his vehicles.

The body and mind are subject to change, decay and death, whereas the real man, the immortal Self ( soul ) , is never-ending and eternal. Only a calm mind can grasp the Truth, see the immortal Self and receive the divine light.


Introspection is looking inside. It means to reflect upon one’s own thoughts, feelings and the actuation of these feelings. In other words, it is a conscious cross examination of oneself. Its more or less a self evaluation or soul searching.



ADAM and EVE story is just lifted from our sanskrit upanishads –  this story is the basis of the Abrahamic religions Judaism/ Christianity / Islam.


All three religions draw upon this STOLEN story from MUNDAKA Upanishad III, 1, 1-3 ( Genesis of the Old Testament )..


This story and speaks of the tree of knowledge and God’s commandment that its fruit shall not be eaten. Adam at first did not eat it but Eve did. After that Adam too ate the forbidden fruit.


The Upanishad ORIGINAL story is about two birds sitting on a peepal tree.   The birds are PURUSHA (atman )and PRAKRITI ( jiva )– with Purusha being the witness.




JIVA becomes EVE

( J is silent in most areas ) –people call me AIT ( ayit ) instead of AJIT.


The FIG which eve ate is the fruit of the peepal tree ( FICUS ) — the true botanical name today is FICUS RELIGIOSA. 


The old testament NEVER spoke of apple ( from a fig tree ) !


The Tree of Jiva and Atman appears in the Vedic scriptures, as a metaphysical metaphor concerning the soul.  These verses of Vedas went on oral route for 330 centuries befre being penned down 70 centuries ago..


The Rig Veda samhita 1.164.20-22, Mundaka Upanishad 3.1.1-2, and Svetasvatara Upanisad 4.6-7, speak of two birds, one perched on the branch of the tree, which signifies the body, and eating its fruit, the other merely watching.


Rig Veda samhita says:

1.164.20    Two birds associated together, and mutual friends, take refuge in the same tree; one of them eats the sweet fig; the other abstaining from food, merely looks on.


1.164.21 Where the smooth-gliding rays, cognizant, distil the perpetual portion of water; there has the Lord and steadfast protector all beings accepted me, though immature in wisdom.


1.164.22 In the tree into which the smooth-gliding rays feeders on the sweet, enters, and again bring forth light over all, they have called the fruit sweet, but he partakes not of it who knows not the protector of the universe.


The first bird is PURUSHA ( consciousness ) -HE is ATMAN .   The second bird is PRAKRITI ( energy ) – SHE is JIVA  .


When the jiva becomes distracted by the fruits (signifying sensual pleasure), she momentarily forgets her lord and lover and tries to enjoy the fruit independently of him. This separating forgetfulness is maha-maya, or enthrallment, spiritual death, and constitutes the fall of the jiva into the world of material birth, death, disease and old age.

 This concept of Atman and Jiva have been personified and taken into the Bible as Adam and Eve and the fall of man.





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