SOUL MATTERS , PART 6 - Capt Ajit Vadakayil
brahmacharya ashrama gives intellectual quotient, grihasta adds emotional quotient ,vanaprasta adds spititual quotient, sannyasa stage delivers amazing soul quotient
soul quotient implies creation ability.
you can create rules for a student in brahmacharya tate.. you cannot do that for a sannayai with spiritual quotient..
if we look at the phases, then it is clear that one has lived out one’s own desires in the phase of a householder and repaid one’s debt to society and humanity in the phase of vanaprasthashram.
the spiritual quotient (sq) is the sum of our intellectual quotient (iq) and emotional quotient (eq). and mathematically can be expressed as below- spiritual quotient (sq) = intellectual quotient (iq) + emotional quotient (eq). basically, all human beings are spiritual in their nature.
in sanatana dharma, during sannyasa stage of life you are expected to hone your soul quotient
spiritual quotient (sq) is a measure that looks at a person's spiritual acumen; it is as important as intelligence quotient (iq) and emotional quotient (eq). while iq looks at cognitive intelligence, eq looks at emotional power of a person and spiritual quotient (sq) looks at spiritual power of a person
technical sections of brahmanas part 2 and aranyakas part 3 of our vedas were penned down by sages in the “give back knowledge converted to wisdom ” during vanaprasta ashrama..
the greatest creativity in ancient india came from solitude. part 2 and part 3 of vedas ( technical texts brahmanas and aranyakas stolen by the white invader and patented in their own names ) were written down by ancient kerala danava sages while in the vanaprasta and sannyasa stages
the major contents of the aranyakas are theosophy (brahmavidya), meditation (upasana) and knowledge of breath (pranavidya).
they describe the secret meaning of the agnihotra and yagnas the concept of brahman.
no nation, no country, no culture in this age of science has been able to produce such profound truths and wisdom as in the aranyakas.
yet we give a lot of importance in the modern age to upanishads alone- ( 4th part /vedanta ) basically because almost all aranyakas have been stolen by the white invader
aranyakas are generally regarded as a link between the brahmanas and the upanishads.
aranyakas play the subtle and critical role of the middle path and help to bridge the gulf between the karma- kanda and jnana-kanda.
today only seven aranyakas are available. there is no aranyaka extant which belongs to the highly secretive atharva veda.
the aranyakas are distinguished from the brahmanas in that they may contain information on secret rites to be carried out only by certain selected persons, as well as more philosophical speculation.
thus they were intended to be studied only by the initiated, by which might have been meant either sages ( widowers without wives ) who had withdrawn into the forest and no longer took part in ritual bloodless sacrifices —
–or chosen pupils who were given vashikaran mantras ( mind control /spells ) and secret instructions by their teachers in the seclusion of the forest, away from the village.
the aranyakas were full of secret explanations about the veda samhitas ( sruti verses ) — the allegorical meaning of the ritual , power of the longitudinal sound wave , the internal, meditative meaning of the bloodless sacrifice, as contrasted to its actual, outward performance.
consecration of idols and staff masts in temples were part of this. this answers questions raised by people who find temples and idols missing in the sruti samhita mantras.
again, aranyakas did not lay much emphasis on actual physical rites, ritual and bloodless sacrifices but were loaded with philosophy , dharma and mysticism. they lay emphasis on meditation. aranyakas are the concluding portion of the brahmanas or their appendices.
all aranyakas were penned down in 5000 bc and so were the samhitas , brahmanas and upanishads . all are sruti—picked off akashik records by 12 stranded maharishis .
in the extant aranyakas we find certain important geographical, historical, social and cultural points
the 4th and last part of the vedas are upanishads dealing mostly with philosophy. the predator white invader had no use for this.. he just poison injected vedanta and left it behind.
whereas iq is rule based, eq helps us act appropriately within society’s prescribed boundaries, sq helps us extend and change the boundaries, question our assumptions and formulate new meaning.
sq is the intelligence of creativity. spiritual intelligence is called wisdom..
if we look at the phases, then it is clear that one has lived out one’s own desires in the phase of a householder and repaid one’s debt to society and humanity in the phase of vanaprasthashram.
after this desires no longer disturb his sadhana or practice and he can devoted himself fully to this. thus the vedic life phases accepted sannyasa ashrama as a natural culmination of a vedic lifestyle based on dharma.
sannyasa stage is the time to increase your soul frequency to that of brahman the field. sanatana dharma wants hindus to use vanaprasta stage ( age 50 to 75 ) to give back to society..
in vanaprasta stage you must be creative… you can see that capt ajit vadakayil has given back to his karma bhumi via his chemical blogs. technical sections of vedas stolen by the white invader, part 2 ( brahmanas ) and part 3 ( aranyakas ) were penned by sages in vanaprasta stage ..
after a 25 year period of vanaprasthashram ( till age 75 ) , the individual looked forward to sannyasa ashram till death .
technical sections of brahmanas part 2 and aranyakas part 3 of our vedas were penned down by sages in the “give back knowledge converted to wisdom ” during vanaprasta ashrama..
the sannyasi must renounce the lust for name and fame, purify the ego and direct his emotions toward self-realization. .
the inner condition is more important than the external way of living.
when the mind is naturally and effortlessly content; it is attracted neither to the external world nor has it desire for some higher states or powers
this state of utter desirelessness or renunciation is called non-attachment. such an internal renunciate is called a vairagi or jnani..
when we recognise that the ripples of thoughts, mental images, emotions and desires are transient and constantly changing and that our true nature is pure consciousness, this is the state of supreme non-attachment.
there is no higher state and the self rests in the soul..
the idea that a man has to be higher, more superior, special, creates trouble. a sannyasi has nothing to lose.. he has dropped all barriers .. communion happens, and that communion is a benediction.
happiness is human, can be created. bliss is divine, cannot be created. it is a gift from god, it is a grace which alights on a sannyasi. the sannyasi does not run after bliss
when you wear the saffron robes of sannyasa you have to surrender all your preconceived notions.. it is time to connect with your soul and think afresh..
love is the only nourishment for the soul
sannyas is that turning point. this is why sanatana dharma made sannyasa ashrama after the age of 75 mandatory.
the blissful person is very accepting of himself. he is relaxed, at ease with himself; he loves himself as he is. .
spirituality makes things easier for us to go through the life’s journey with all its ups and downs. it makes our lives blissful.
a loving person cannot be a miser . love means sharing,
in the west when husband and wife divorce because one of them is sexually attracted to someone else, they fight over the dog, never the baby
when love is not there, one starts falling apart; then something is needed as a substitute. that’s what drugs are doing, but they are dangerous substitutes. for a moment they may give you a glimpse but at a very high cost: they destroy you.
love creates you: drugs destroy you. .
a sage lives moment to moment.
a sannyasi loves and expects nothing in return. whenever you are in love you are unafraid of death.
lovers are utterly unafraid of death, but the people who don’t know what love is are continuously afraid of death.
once the ego is dropped love sprouts wings, . love is a weightless experience.
love means to love all that exists around you: the people, the animals, the birds, the trees, the rocks. love all that is, and soon you will see a door opening. that door opens within your own being, and from that door you enter into god and god enters into you.
love can happen only in a humble heart; it cannot happen when the ego is too strong. the state of surrender is needed for love to happen. and the whole existence belongs to one who is ready to surrender in love.
love intoxicates, it is the ultimate in intoxicants. one who has drunk out of love, for him all other drinks are just meaningless.
all intoxicants will disappear from the earth if the earth becomes a paradise of love.
and once love has taken possession of you the ego cannot come back. they cannot exist together; they are just like light and darkness. bring light in and the darkness disappears;
bring love in and the ego disappears. and with the ego disappear all the worries and the anxieties and the anguish.
to live in love is to really live. others only pretend to live.
everything in existence is unique, this is god’s love, his respect to his creation.
a sannyasi understands this and has great respect and great love arise towards oneself and all self-condemnation disappears. you are not superior to anybody, nor are you inferior to anybody; you are simply yourself.
a sannyasi develops the spiritual characteristic of vairagya (dispassion). from his detached perspective, he simply observes all things, and never judges. . he does not judge or criticize but only ever loves.
his existence has a stabilizing effect on the consciousness of society. such a rare soul is a blessing to the world.
sannyasa stage is the time to connect with the soul. soul is your whole consciousness
wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge to the greater scheme of life. it’s also deeper; knowing the meaning or reason; about knowing why something is, and what it means to your life
physical quotient “pq” is the measure of a person's knowledge of his or her overall health—listen, identify, and respond to the needs of the mind, body, and spirit—and proper physical condition.
the white man running around naked and clubbing downanimals for food and doing grunt grunt for language had only pq
400 centuries ago our maharishis downloaded the vedas.. we had sq, eq , iq and pq, we were vegans and we did agriculture for grain,
by integrating eq with iq and pq, man developed an intellect that helped him settle down, start families and build social communities.
as maslow himself wrote in his book towards a psychology of being, less than one percent of mankind manages to achieve self-actualisation—the ultimate need to realise himself for who he truly is and be all that.
as esoteric as it may sound, this need stems from his deep desire to find answers to existential questions— who am i? why am i born? what’s the purpose of my life , and to what end?
according to maslow, man’s basic needs ( safety, love , belonging, self-esteem etc.) must be met before a person can reach the stage of self-actualisation.
this is why in india we had the four ashramas.. what is necessary for grihasta ashrama cannot be blindly inserted into sannyasa ashrama..
man can realise his true potential only with sq
spiritual intelligence is essential for man to script his own destiny in this birth and modify his fate in his next birth ( by defragmenting his soul ).
iq looks at cognitive intelligence, eq looks at emotional power, sq looks at spiritual power of a person.
spiritual quotient (sq) directly correlates to a person’s awareness and consciousness.
animals who cannot see color or themselves in the mirror dont have sq
spirituality is the ability to recognize that there is intelligence beyond our five human senses. there is universal power that creates and governs everything within and beyond the worlds we know, and that power is omnipresent.
what controls the micro world also controls the macro world
spirituality makes things easier for us to go through the life’s journey with all its ups and downs. it makes our lives blissful.
sq does cannot be linked to organized dogma religion of single holy book single messiah abrahamic religions with power broker priests between you and god..
in hindu temples the pujari is a just a facilitator.. he cannot tell you what to do or what must be done ( unlike the evil panda priest clan created by jew rothschild).
sq allows our inner values to steer through peaceful interactions with the world around us. it develops our concern for others, our concern for mother nature, and other living beings and it improves our conscious effort to make a positive contribution to society. our ancient maharishis were the first environmentalists
sq helps us to interconnect our personal vision with the larger good of humanity . this is very much opposite to jew rothschilds atheist communism which killed 200 million people with a bullshit book named das kapital..
sq makes us more humble in our perspective. to a great extent it reduces our selfish and greedy intentions
the purpose of life is to be happy without hurting others and the planet.
human resource’ is nurturing human spirit as well. i was a martinet at sea, but i never crushed the human spirit of crew who served under my command ..this quality is an integral part of leadership.
at sea i suggested a pssr course for all officers to introduce sq – but the syllabus was hijacked ..
the personal safety and social responsibility (pssr) course soon veered sharply towards safety and pollution prevention for the owners to make moolah, reduce insurance costs and pin accidents of human failure of ships crew .
i was a good change manager as i did not neglect sq .
i brought in enormous change with least pain. the best brains on ths planet caanot fathom the dept of the two posts below
i was aware of the fear and pain of change—taking people out of their comfort zones. my crew knew that captain could inspire and take decisions . that this captain could provide a safe roof over their heads
they marveled at my ability to milk adversity they knew that captain was the last man at sea to have an ulterior motive or an agenda
i was aware of the fear and pain of change—taking people out of their comfort zones. my crew knew that captain could inspire and take decisions . that this captain could provide a safe roof over their heads
they marveled at my ability to milk adversity they knew that captain was the last man at sea to have an ulterior motive or an agenda
they fell in love with me when i made them tango we meat the razor edge of the line of paradox
sq is a representation of our ability to understand the real meaning of our toil, of knowing key motivators .
human capital is not simply intellectual property, not only human knowledge and skills, but human spirit as well.
to nurture and value the human spirit is an integral part of leadership….
the deepest level of intelligence is spiritual intelligence (sq) . sq is a process of personal insight derived from the soul not a mere package of beliefs..
spiritual intelligence facilitates dialog between mind and body, between reason and emotion.
spiritual quotient (sq) cannot be quantified or measured, whereas intelligence quotient (iq) and emotional quotient (eq) may be assessed and even number crunched.
the transformative power of sq distinguishes it from iq and eq.
leaders with sq have grace when they lose or win..
sq is about transcendence – going beyond the separate egoic self into an interconnected wholeness. .
maharishis expored the mysteries of the soul which is present in anything living and growing
sannyasis live moment to moment : allowing surprises to alight upon him..
this is why part 2 brahmanas and part 4 aranyakas ( technical sections of vedas which the white man stole ) were written by sannyasis deep in the forest.. mind you they don’t even light a fire..
don’t be satisfied with the so-called knowledge that the society has given to you it is all bullshit!..
sanatana dharma declares that renunciation is a path of fire, and should be followed only by those who have burned their worldly desires. .
a frustrated and dissatisfied soul is not fit to tread the path of renunciation. sitting in the cave and thinking of worldly pleasures is utter misery.
the path of renunciation is like walking on the razor’s edge. it is so difficult that with every step there is a chance of falling.
selfish desire is the strongest of all the obstacles one encounters. only those who are fearless and free from the charms, temptations, and attractions of the world can tread this path.
one who has directed all of his desires one-pointedly, strengthening only the desire for enlightenment, can succeed.
the sannyasi must renounce the lust for name and fame, purify the ego and direct his emotions toward self-realization. .
the inner condition is more important than the external way of living.
when the mind is naturally and effortlessly content; it is attracted neither to the external world nor has it desire for some higher states or powers
this state of utter desirelessness or renunciation is called non-attachment. such an internal renunciate is called a vairagi or jnani..
when we recognise that the ripples of thoughts, mental images, emotions and desires are transient and constantly changing and that our true nature is pure consciousness, this is the state of supreme non-attachment.
there is no higher state and the self rests in the self.
the idea that a man has to be higher, more superior, special, creates trouble. a sannyasi has nothing to lose.. he has dropped all barriers .. communion happens, and that communion is a benediction.
happiness is human, can be created. bliss is divine, cannot be created. masturbating to porn videos cannot give you bliss, it can give only sticky fingers . bliss is a gift from god, it is a grace which alights on a sannyasi. the sannyasi does not run after bliss
when you wear the saffron robes of sannyasa you have to surrender all your preconceived notions.. it is time to connect with your soul and think afresh..
love is the only nourishment for the soul
sannyas is that turning point. this is why sanatana dharma made sannyasa ashrama after the age of 75 mandatory.
a loving person cannot be a miser . love means sharing
a sannyassi loves and expects nothing in return. whenever you are in love you are unafraid of death.
lovers are utterly unafraid of death, but the people who don’t know what love is are continuously afraid of death.
once the ego is dropped love sprouts wings, . love is a weightless experience.
love means to love all that exists around you: the people, the animals, the birds, the trees, the rocks. love all that is, and soon you will see a door opening. that door opens within your own being, and from that door you enter into god and god enters into you.
love can happen only in a humble heart; it cannot happen when the ego is too strong. the state of surrender is needed for love to happen. and the whole existence belongs to one who is ready to surrender in love.
love intoxicates, it is the ultimate in intoxicants. one who has drunk out of love, for him all other drinks are just meaningless.
all intoxicants will disappear from the earth if the earth becomes a paradise of love.
and once love has taken possession of you the ego cannot come back. they cannot exist together; they are just like light and darkness. bring light in and the darkness disappears;
bring love in and the ego disappears. and with the ego disappear all the worries and the anxieties and the anguish. your karmic baggage will reduce exponentially. your soul frequency will increase
to live in love is to really live. others only pretend to live.
everything in existence is unique, this is god’s love, his respect to his creation.
a sannyasi has great respect and great love arise towards oneself and all self-condemnation disappears. you are not superior to anybody, nor are you inferior to anybody; you are simply yourself.
a sannyasi develops the spiritual characteristic of vairagya (dispassion). from his detached perspective, he simply observes all things, and never judges. . he does not judge or criticize but only ever loves.
his existence has a stabilizing effect on the consciousness of society. such a rare soul is a blessing to the world.
sannyasa stage is the time to connect with the soul. soul is your whole consciousness
wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge to the greater scheme of life. it’s also deeper; knowing the meaning or reason; about knowing why something is, and what it means to your life. .
sq makes us more humble in our perspective. to a great extent it reduces our selfish and greedy intentions
the purpose of life is to be happy without hurting others and the planet.
sq is what we use to develop our capacity for meaning, vision and value. it allows us to dream and to strive. it underlies the things we believe in and the role our beliefs and values play in the actions that we take. spiritual intelligence explores how accessing our sq helps us to live up to our potential for better, more satisfying lives.
spiritual quotient is going beyond your cognitive and emotional skills. it is acknowledging your mortality and thinking of what you could offer humanity. it is living in humility; bearing in mind that you are just a tiny compared to the vastness of the universe. a robust understanding of sq motivates people to balance their work commitments, time with family and inner growth.
humans are built-in with spirituality within our core. we are spiritual beings,
by introspection we can learn to live in a closer relationship with this deepest and unique aspect of ourselves, this place where inner guidance can come through when we need it most.
the more we introspect with love, and work upon ourselves with compassion, the more our personal impurities, both conscious and unconscious, will gradually leave us and be replaced by the growing energies of real love and understanding.
don’t be satisfied with the so-called knowledge that the society has given to you it is all bullshit!..
sanatana dharma declares that renunciation is a path of fire, and should be followed only by those who have burned their worldly desires. .
a frustrated and dissatisfied soul is not fit to tread the path of renunciation. sitting in the cave and thinking of worldly pleasures is utter misery.
the path of renunciation is like walking on the razor’s edge. it is so difficult that with every step there is a chance of falling.
selfish desire is the strongest of all the obstacles one encounters. only those who are fearless and free from the charms, temptations, and attractions of the world can tread this path.
one who has directed all of his desires one-pointedly, strengthening only the desire for enlightenment, can succeed.
physical wounds caused by wars in vietnam, iraq and afghanistan are only the most visible damage to returning us troops who were given the terribe choice of kill-or-be-killed situation .
the number of war veterans committing suicide has been kept a national secret after the iraq war,..
yoga eliminates the effects of a soul wound which has been termed ptsd by morons .
the solution is about training the mind to be in the moment..
the modern psychiatric interpretation that labeled ptsd a stress and anxiety disorder is bullshit of the first order .
modern approaches seek etiology and cure in brain chemistry and cognition, and a diagnosis of ptsd inevitably leads the sufferer, mind doctors and public to look for psychological and medical treatment as if the wound were primarily a medical condition.
the conventional response to ptsd is useless .. it does not take into account the massive frustration of veterans who have not achieved real healing or homecoming .
their repeated implorings to do something more to address the soul wound has been ignored by the kosher evil pharma bribed doctors..
ptsd is not just a military wound. it can occur in anyone suffering severe, life-threatening trauma- the dark nights of the soul.
even overworked doctors/ nurses in iraq/syria with bombs falling around and having limited resources them suffered from ptsd
in ww1 almost all soldiers who engaged in hand to hand, sword / spear combat in trenches and claustrophobic dark tunnels suffered from ptsd.
the uk tv serial “peaky blinders” depicted this briefly..
diagnosis typically has four symptom sets: reliving the traumatic events ( dark nights of the soul ) , avoiding situations that remind you of the events, hyperarousal and psychic numbness.
these symptom sets can result in such behaviors as rebelliousness, violence, rage, hypervigilance, flashbacks and other forms of re-experiencing trauma, substance abuse, nightmares and sleep disorders, domestic, employment and legal troubles, intimacy and sexual difficulties, alienation, an inability to return home and to serve society and the possibility or tragedy of suicide.
war veterans clubbed as ptsd afflicted must know that they have a doorway to spirituality and an opportunity to heal themselves.
there is no need to involving mind doctors ( they have no dang idea of the inner working of the soul ) who inflict irreversible damage to the brain by modern drugs pushed by kosher evil pharma ..
healing depends on our understanding of ptsd not as a mere stress disorder, but as a disorder of identity itself— the scarring of the soul.. what a war veteran needs is solitude , yoga and spirituality
war veterans suffering from ptsd caused by near death experiences are easily called to the spiritual path where soul scarring is addressed ..
the stirring of the soul even if briefly, allows the divine shakti to provide new insight, inspiration and motivation to the being. ., when the soul has received the call, shraddha will remain firm and resist all attempts to defeat or slay it. .
address the root cause always.. in the dark night of the soul bright flows the river of god.. ptsd afflicted war veterans can cure themselves and see the heart warming sunrise .
ptsd is a soul wound - capt ajit vadakayil
defragmenting souls ate vadakayil kalki ashram is avout healing soul wounds
healing soul wounds unlock ultimate healing from ptsd.
a 2021 survey found the 91 % of all us veterans as well as active duty service men and women have experienced ptsd
7 symptoms of ptsd?
changes in physical and emotional reactions
being easily startled or frightened.
always being on guard for danger.
self-destructive behavior, such as drinking too much or driving too fast.
trouble sleeping.
trouble concentrating.
irritability, angry outbursts or aggressive behavior.
overwhelming guilt or shame.
people affected by ptsd do not get rem sleep
you feel emotionally numb and disconnected from your loved ones
your nervous system gets “stuck.”
your nervous system has two automatic or reflexive ways of responding to stressful events:
mobilization, or fight-or-flight, occurs when you need to defend yourself or survive the danger of a combat situation. your heart pounds faster, your blood pressure rises, and your muscles tighten, increasing your strength and reaction speed. once the danger has passed, your nervous system calms your body, lowering your heart rate and blood pressure, and winding back down to its normal balance.
immobilization occurs when you’ve experienced too much stress in a situation and even though the danger has passed, you find yourself “stuck.” your nervous system is unable to return to its normal state of balance and you’re unable to move on from the event. this is ptsd. reason is that your soul has got fragmented , you notice a diminished ability to experience positive emotions.
many symptoms of ptsd—like hypervigilance, hyperawareness, and adrenaline-quick reflexes—helped you survive when you were deployed. it’s only now that you’re back home that these responses are inappropriate
ptsd leaves you feeling vulnerable and helpless
avoiding those terrible traumatising memories doesn’t make them go away. in fact, when you try to suppress them, the thoughts, images, and dreams can actually become more threatening and intrusive. the only way to heal and move on is to reconnect to what you feel.
the symptoms of ptsd, such as insomnia, anger, concentration problems, and jumpiness, can be hard on your body and eventually take a toll on your overall health.
dual awareness is the recognition that there is a difference between your “experiencing self” and your “observing self.” on the one hand, there is your internal emotional reality: you feel as if the trauma is currently happening. on the other hand, you can look to your external environment and recognize that you’re safe. you’re aware that despite what you’re experiencing, the trauma happened in the past. it is not happening now.
war veterans who experience ptsd are overwhelmed by negative feelings. a veteran may also feel difficulty establishing trust, experience feelings of guilt, shame, remorse, disinterest in previously enjoyable activities, or genuinely find it hard to feel happy.
knowledge is borrowed, wisdom is your own.. wisdom is the combination of experience and knowledge, with the divine power of applying them..
only in human beings is the atman [soul] obvious, for they are equipped with cognition. they speak what they have understood. they see what they have recognized, and know what will exist tomorrow.they know of this world and of the other. through that which is mortal, they strive for immortality.they are equipped with all this…such a human being is an ocean. he partakes of everything in the world,and still his thoughts go beyond it. and even if he were to partake of the other world,his thoughts would also go beyond it.—aitereya aranyaka 2.3.2 – 2.3.3,– 5000 bc
two words that are of paramount importance in grasping the upanishads are brahman and atman. the brahman ( morphogenetic field ) is the ultimate reality and the atman (soul ) is individual self.brahman comes from the root brh, which means “the biggest – the greatest – the all.” brahman is “the infinite spirit source and fabric and core and destiny of all existence, both manifested and unmanifested and the formless infinite substratum and from whom the universe has grown”.
brahman is the ultimate, both transcendent and immanent, the absolute infinite existence, the sum total of all that ever is, was, or shall be.
patanjali, in the yoga sutras, provides an excellent explanation of the suffering, its causes and the remedy. he describes five kinds of kleshas (sufferings) which are all caused by our ignorance of not knowing our true identity. we suffer because we allow our negative ego (ahamkara) to take over our intellectual capabilities.
patanjali also tells us that suffering that has not yet come can and must be avoided – हेयंदुःखंअनागतम्– heyam duhkham anagatam (sutra 2.16).
patanjali, in subsequent sutras, goes on to explain that the suffering is caused by ignorance and it is up to us to eliminate this ignorance through the practice of the eight limbs of yoga.
so, the reason we recite the word ‘shanti’ three times at the end of the class or any ritualistic prayer is to pray for peace in the face of all the three sources of suffering described above.
when i went for my school reunion we had an school assembly all over again. none of us forgot the school morning prayer . it was a liberating experience
hinduism asserts “atman (soul, self) exists”, while buddhism asserts that there is “no soul, no self”. buddhism is fit for people like br Ambedkar
the upanishads contain four sentences, the mahāvākyas (great sayings), which were used by adi shankaracharya 4000 years ago to establish the identity of atman and brahman as scriptural truth:
“prajñānam brahma” – “consciousness is brahman” (aitareya upanishad)”aham brahmāsmi” – “i am brahman” (brihadaranyaka upanishad)”tat tvam asi” – “that thou art” (chandogya upanishad)”ayamātmā brahma” – “this atman is brahman” (mandukya upanishad)
dvaita vedanta school was not founded by rothchild’s fake and backdated creation madhvacharya of the fake udipi mutt. nobody heard of madhavacharya before the white invader came to india.
the soul is immortal, yet it has subtle change in samaskaras with every re-birth. brahman is the only thing that does not change .
yet brahman is on a learning curve—it soaks in the information every evolved soul gives back when it merges with the mother field in the 7th astral layer ( moksha )
the entire creation, may be said to be involved basically, at the root, in a base template of brahman which cannot be said to change.. ancient maharishis, recognised a divinity in all things.
there is a god behind every phenomenon, which is another way of saying there is an imperishable background behind every perishable phenomenon.
the sun rising and setting, water evaporating and condensing , seasons changing – the dvaita template and the samkhya templates causes change everywhere, even in the vast universe of astronomical calculation.
vadakayil is the only person to describe the base template of advaita vedanta, the second template of dvaita vedanta and the third template of sankhya vedanta.. if anybody can prove me wrong, i will stop blogging and eat my own head.. sanatana dharma is the most intelligent theory ever, past / present / future. i t can be explained only by a ”planetary gear system” which is used in ancient vimanas and now in modern racing cars.. i have penned a post on planetary gear ten years ago ..
advaita vedanta represents our hindu god which cannot be picked up by the 5 senses. islam has lifted this as allah and then ridiculed hindus as idolator kaffirs..
the hindu advaita god is brahman, the morphogenetic field of consciousness. at a micro scale it is the empty space within an atom in which electrons whizz around in mobius perpetual motion , which is 99.9999 % of the atom ..
at macro scale it is the akasha ( zero point field ) of the vast cosmos… by itself advaita field cannot do much.. this is why we superimpose the dvaita template on the advaita template.. dvaita vedanta ( it has nothing to do with fake madhavacharya cooked up by jew rothschild ) has the hindu god trinity ( with their wives saraswati/ laxmi parvati ) inherent..
brahma ( creator ) / vishnu ( mediator ) / shiva ( destroy ) reality nothing is being created or destroyed, it is only transformed ( energy) .vishnu holds the fulcrum in a dynamic manner as explained by the planetary gear. .
brahma and shiva are merely opposite forces , like evaporation and condensation.. vishnu decides when , with what force as mediator and for how long as sustainer..
reality the hindu god is brahman, the field of morphogenetic consciousness which cannot be picked up by the 5 human senses. this field is referred to as yahvah in vedas as mahat ( cosmic intelligence ) and is the god of advaita vedanta.
the hebrew bible cooked up by jewess helena in 325 ad removed the vowels and called the god of moses ( who never existed ) as yhvh.. dvaita vedanta is a second template superimposed on the base template of advaita vedanta.. this is our trinity , brahma ( creator ), vishnu ( preserver/ mediator who holds the fulcrum ) , shiva ( destroyer )..
the trinity gods are not mortals..
they are cosmic allegories at the micro/ macro scale.. water evaporates and condenses.. there is no creation or destroying here ..
only cunts like kancha ilaiah will moan—oohhh hindu gods are so violent, they are all the time killing...the third template to be superimposed is sankhya vedanta , of purusha ( observer ) and prakriti ( observed )...
when the insentient prakriti comes in contact with the sentient purusha , the universe evolves. purusha ( husband shiva ) symbolizes consciousness, the masculine principle. prakriti ( wife shakti ) symbolizes the feminine principle, the activating energy.
in kundalini raising wife shakti ( parvati ) wants to rise from mooladhara chakra and embrace her husband shiva at sakasrara chakra.. there is no deviant or debauched fucking here.. all this is beyond the shallow brains of a white man.
330 million is 33 koti ( crores).. in india we call ten million as one crore.. 33 koti means 33 types.. these 33 gods are amazing allegories…… “yásya tráyastriṃśad devā́ áṅge sárve samā́hitāḥ | skambháṃ táṃ brūhi katamáḥ svid evá sáḥ ||” verse – 13: atharva veda (x:7:13)- verse 64, 5000 bc…. “who out of many, tell me, is that skambha ( pillar ) he in whose body are contained all three-and-thirty ( 33) deities?.. pray? prithee ? ”….
the 33 supreme deities are --. adityas 12 (dwadasa adityas)/ rudras 11 (ekadasa rudras)/ vasus 8 ( ashta vasu )/ aswini devas 2/ the two ashwins ( nāsatyas), twin solar deities. they are the sons of surya (in his form as vivasvant) and his wife saranyu, a goddess of the clouds….
the ashwins are mentioned 376 times in the rigveda, downloaded 400 centuries ago, with 57 hymns specifically dedicated to them:.. ..
my elder son is named ashwin…
all abrahamic religions have lifted from the concept of 33 vedic deities—yet they call hindus savages… 33 vedic deities ( analogy of 33 spinal vertebrea for kundalini rise ) is the reason why jacobs ladder on which angel gabriel came down to meet mohammad/ moses/ pedophile mormon founder joseph smith etc has 33 steps..
33 vedic deities is the reason why the islamic rosary called misbahah , to keep track of counting of tasbih has 33 beads, to perform dhikr ( tasbeeh/ tahmeed/ takbeer ).. 33 vedic deities is the reason why in precise torah, elohim is written 33 times, genesis' story of creation ..
elohim means canaanite god adopted by jews .. i am a canaanite.. ihm is nothing but a corruption of om like shalom. this is also shiva as ba'alim.. in several passages in which elohim occurs in the bible it refers to hindu deities (exodus 21:6, psalms 8:5) as a plural ..
in singular elohim means god of abraham/ sara / jacob.. jews don’t know that abraham / sara is lifted from brahma/ saraswati.. jewess helena wrote in 325 ad that elahi is the name of god that jesus vocalized in his last words on the cross. psalm 22:2, reads in in aramaic elahi elahi lema sebaqtani…
muslims know what is la ilaha illallah .. the world allah derives from “al-ilah” which literally means “the god”. the beej mantra of sahasrara chakra is all ah..
sahasrara chakra has 1000 petals with 16 kalas making 16,000 dhatus. krishna is ridiculed in every literary fest for fucking 16,000 bhaargeen – nay- virgin milk maids…
the meaning of the number 33 is connected to certain promises made by god. the 33rd time noah's name is used in scripture is when god makes a special covenant or promise with him. the eternal promises to not destroy the entire world again with a flood and seals his pledge with the sign of the rainbow (genesis 9:12 - 16)..
the 33rd time abraham's name is used in the bible is when isaac, the child of promise, is born to him when he is ninety-nine years old (genesis 21:1 - 2)..
for adi shankaracharya the absolute reality is brahman , the morphogenetic consciousness field, attributeless and impersonal,– — while for rothschild created fake madhava and fake ramanuja, ( dualists ) the absolute truth is vishnu.
dvaita vedanta of fake madhavacharya has nothing to do with the dvaita template of sanatana dharma..
even a retarded child can read both the links below and figure out..
this post below about dvaita vedanta about trinity gods, was penned 8 years ago. vishnu and his wife laxmi is a mere part of this trinity..
samkhya cosmology , the third template of sanatana dharma, elucidated in bhagavd gita combines the three guṇas with primal energy/ matter ( prakriti). these are present in all things and beings in the world, and it is their interplay that defines the physical and psychological character and nature..
purusha, or consciousness, is separate from prakriti and changeless.. prakriti is the potency that brings about evolution and change in the empirical universe. it is described in bhagavad gita as the "primal motive force". it is the essential constituent of the universe and is at the basis of all the activity of the creation..
the three gunas ( tamas/ rajas/ sattva ) are the constituents of nature, the substance of prakriti. the tendency to inertia is tamas.. the tendency to movement or action is called rajas.
sattva is a equilibrium state which supervenes when both the conditions of tamas and rajas subside. . purusha is solitary because even though as consciousness he is the witness to the effects produced by prakriti and her three gunas,
purusha remains pure and untouched. the three gunas are born of prakriti. it is their imbalance that causes the wheels-within-wheels to turn and produce the hologram. after a cyclical dissolution of the world the gunas return to and remain in a state of perfect balance until next time of creation.
purusha abides in prakriti (prakritsthas) as witness to the effects of her gunas.. purusha is the witness and experiencer. prakriti works through the three gunas and the five senses to produce what purusha experiences..
the three gunas are called: sattva (goodness, calmness, harmonious), rajas (passion, activity, movement), and tamas (ignorance, inertia, laziness). all of these three gunas are present in everyone and everything, it is the proportion that is different, the living being or substance is viewed as the net result of the joint effect of these three qualities..
the balance of gunas of everything and everyone can change and does. the force to change comes from the rajas guna, the sattva guna empowers one towards harmonious and constructive change, while tamas guna checks or retards the process.
basically it is the dance of opposites ( brahma/ shiva ) controlled by a mediator vishnu. the hindu advaita god is brahman, the morphogenetic field of consciousness. at a micro scale it is the empty space within an atom in which electrons whizz around in mobius perpetual motion , which is 99.9999 % of the atom ..
at macro scale it is the akasha ( zero point field ) of the vast cosmos… by itself advaita field cannot do much.. this is why we superimpose the dvaita template ( second ) on the advaita vedanta ( base ) template..
dvaita vedanta ( it has nothing to do with fake madhavacharya cooked up by jew rothschild where soul was never part of brahman ) has the hindu god trinity ( with their wives saraswati/ laxmi parvati ) inherent..
brahma ( creator ) / vishnu ( mediator ) / shiva ( destroy ) reality nothing is being created or destroyed, it is only transformed ( energy) . vishnu holds the fulcrum in a dynamic manner as explained by the planetary gear. .
brahma and shiva are merely opposite forces , like evaporation and condensation.. vishnu decides when , with what force as mediator and for how long as sustainer..
vishnu can change scalar energy to vector…
in the state of sattva, we are neither urged towards an external object, nor are we unconscious.. tamas ( shiva ) and rajas ( brahma ) are opposite poles like condensation and evaporation.. it cannot be called creation or death..
sattva ( vishnu ) is the mediator/ preserver.. only vishnu can have mortal avatars.. purusha and prakriti are sankya vedanta ( third template ) concepts.. from the point of view of pure consciousness, the mind is also an object; it is not a subject, though it appears as a subject in respect to physical objects outside.
In as much as the mind also stands in the position of an object, it comes within the law of nature and is conditioned by the gunas constituted of sattva, rajas and tamas. in this movement of the three gunas, the mind is also set in motion. that is why the mind is restless.
the mind never rests for a moment, because it is urged by the law of evolution. when the universe evolves, moves forward, the mind and body and every blessed conceivable thing is drawn, dragged together by the force of the evolutionary urge.
in this motion, the gunas of prakriti are not in a state of balance. they are perpetually moving. there is up and down, progression and retrogression, coming down and going up, etc., so that there is an unintelligible activity going on both outside and inside oneself. gunavritti virodhat – on account of the opposition of the gunas, , there cannot be permanent equilibrium in this world. this is what drives evolution.
a realized soul is one who feels one with everyone. he sees his self as the self in all beings. in the end he worships god not in a temple, but in every living being. thereafter, he lives in atman, whatever his lifestyle. prakriti or nature is made up of the three gunas or qualities—sattva, rajas and tamas. these three qualities delude the soul and make it forget its true nature, which is one with god. this delusion, termed maya ..
सत्त्वंरजस्तमइतिगुणा: प्रकृतिसम्भवा: | .. निबध्नन्तिमहाबाहोदेहेदेहिनमव्ययम् || 5|| .. bhagavad gita 4000 bc ..
sattvam rajas tama iti gunah prakriti-sambhavah .. nibadhnanti maha-baho dehe dehinam avyayam …
translation--- bg 14.5: o mighty-armed arjun, the material energy consists of three guṇas (modes)—sattva (goodness), rajas (passion), and tamas (ignorance). these modes bind the eternal soul to the perishable body. ..
samkhya cosmology , the third template of sanatana dharma, elucidated in bhagavad gita combines the three guṇas with primal energy/ matter ( prakriti). as long as the world is manifest, the three gunas are always in flux. they assert themselves in various proportions, giving rise to ever-changing world of manifest forms..
before the creation of the world the three gunas remain in a state of perfect equilibrium. . at the beginning of evolution, purusha ( brahman ) comes in contact with prakriti which disturbs the equilibrium state of the three gunas.. prakriti is the brahmaan’s instrument of creation, preservation and dissolution.. gunas are always present in prakriti..
the unmanifest state is one of equilibrium of the three gunas. at the time of dissolution, when the objects merge back into prakriti, there is no dissolution for the gunas; they just merge back into prakriti..
these are present in all things and beings in the world, and it is their interplay that defines the physical and psychological character and nature.. purusha, or consciousness, is separate from prakriti and changeless.. prakriti is the potency that brings about evolution and change in the empirical universe. iprakriti is described in bhagavad gita as the "primal motive force".
it is the essential constituent of the universe and is at the basis of all the activity of the creation.. the three gunas ( tamas/ rajas/ sattva ) are the constituents of nature, the substance of prakriti. the tendency to inertia is tamas.. the tendency to movement or action is called rajas.
sattva is a equilibrium state which supervenes when both the conditions of tamas and rajas subside. .
purusha is solitary because even though as consciousness he is the witness to the effects produced by prakriti and her three gunas, purusha remains pure and untouched. the three gunas are born of prakriti.
it is their imbalance that causes the wheels-within-wheels to turn and produce the hologram. after a cyclical dissolution of the world the gunas return to and remain in a state of perfect balance until next time of creation.
purusha abides in prakriti (prakritsthas) as witness to the effects of her gunas.. purusha is the witness and experiencer. prakriti works through the three gunas and the five senses to produce what purusha experiences.. .
prakriti, excited in response to purusa’s attention , has her gunas ( yin-yang or tamas –rajas ) thrown out of equilibrium. . she moves from transcendence to immanence and undergoes a series of transformations through which the multiform world comes into being. all three gunas ( rajas/ sattva / tamas ) are the domain of the matrix, prakriti’s temporal illusionary hologram ( maya ). .. gunas cause change .. ..
in evolution the total energy always remains the same redistributed between causes and effects, the totality of effects exists in the totality of causes in the potential form. the collocations and regroupings of the three gunas (attribute ) induce more differentiated evolutes; they constitute the changes leading to evolutions i.e. from cause to effect. the process of creation starts when prakriti borrows consciousness from purusha ( by induction ) and starts acting like a conscious entity.
prakriti is the fundamental substance out of which the cosmos evolves… prakriti evolves under the influence of purusha.. purusha is an inactive, unchangeable, universal and eternal entity.
prakriti is the principle of matter or substance. it is a non self without consciousness. prakriti is active, changeable, earthly and eternal entity. it represents the female aspect of creation. the entire universe is created out of prakriti or the fundamental matter. according to sankhya the world is created as a result of the union ( by induction ) between purusha and prakriti.. this is not deviant tantra sex, as ridiculed by literary fest drohis.
all action is entirely done by the gunas of prakriti. while prakriti is an insentient energy ( can be transmuted to matter ) , purusha is a sentient energy ( consciousness ) .
when purusha interacts with prakriti, there is a vibration in prakriti. this vibration results in the three gunas intermingling, and mixing in different proportions.. prakriti is the ‘final substratum of all empirical realities, however her unmanifest is not different from her effects. ..
the creation or evolution of the world begins with the samyoga or effective contact by induction of purusha (consciousness) and prakriti( energy-matter)..prakriti is said to be feminine while purusha is masculine. just as childhood, youth and old age are found in the same body these three gunas are found in the same mind.
the individual self gets identified with the body and the three qualities and thereby it feels the changes in the body as its own changes. it becomes subject to sorrows and joys of the body till it realizes its identity with the supreme self. this delusion is on account of the influence of the gunas. when the soul identifies itself with the modes of nature, it forgets its own reality and uses the mind, life and body for the egoistic satisfaction.
gunas are not merely qualities but they are the primary constituents of nature .. an enlightened soul is indifferent to the activities of the gunas . as a light cannot be affected by the good or evil deed done with its help, so the soul, which in its essence is one with the lord, cannot be affected by the good and evil action of the body and mind.
human life is an opportunity to develop soul's divine nature from the imperfect material we are composed of a fragment of my own self, having become a living soul, eternal, in the world of life..
in reality both (individual soul atma and supreme soul paramatma ) are one and the same. it is like pot space and outer space. the pot space is a portion of the outer space and becomes one with the latter on the destruction of the pot, the cause of the limitation. the jiva or the individual soul is a little part of the supreme lord and eternal ..
the one spirit of the universe has produced the multiplicity of souls in the world, the philosophical section of the vedas dealing with the knowledge of the soul and which alone leads to liberation. only at the vadakayil ashram of kalki consciousess you will hear the song of the soul — past/ present/ future.
the three gunas exist in dvaita vedanta as well as sankhya vedanta –two templates super imposed on advaita vedanta .. gunas cause change .. when the system becomes stagnant, there will be pralaya..
these are the nine dravyas ( 9 triangles of the sri yantra ) and these alone describe everything existing in the universe. these are the building blocks of the cosmos world described through their gunas/attributes and karma/motion..
dravya are the building blocks of 108 elements which is inherent in the sri yantra . . kerala danava sage kanada muni in his sutras enumerates real entities irrespective of whether they can be perceived through the sense organs or not. these are conceivable by the mind of the observer who is central to his world. among nine dravyas, the first four compose the non-eternal matter, mind is the eternal but invisible dravya and the remaining four are eternal and incapable of motion as per kanada muni ( 6500 bc )..
.sankhya vedanta is a theory of evolution and understanding the universe.
maya is the complex illusionary power of brahman which causes the brahman to be seen as the material world of separate forms. it has two main functions — one is to “hide” brahman from ordinary human perception, and the other is to present the material world in its stead . the whole universe is a grand orchestra , where the bandmaster is brahman.
samkhya vedanta is a template to explain maya’s veil on cosmic energy .. ancient maharishis with 12 strand dna and king sized pineals glands used their own bodies for skype, blue tooth and remote control.
scientists now call for us to recognize an essentially interior and perspectival aspect of reality. evolution is no longer about mad man charles darwin’s ridiculous theories ..
a new cosmology is coming into view – a new story of our place in the universe. in full acceptance of the discovered facts of science, the new view regards the human and all life as participators in the larger cosmic evolutionary process. we humans are no longer considered insignificant cogs of this cosmos ..
one should go beyond the three gunas to attain immortality and freedom from birth, death, old age and sorrow .. unmanifest prakriti is a reservoir of limitless potential consisting of three fundamental forces called the gunas. while the gunas themselves are permanent in essence— having emerged from primordial nature (prakriti)—their interactions are transitory and afford only a false impression of permanence.
in this way, the play of the gunas obscures the real (sat), and attracts and binds us to what is ultimately unreal (asat).
maya is the principle the absolute creates to take on the temporal illusory appearance of limitation. prakriti is the sphere of the insentient matrix and the unmanifest primordial source of objects of perception. only atma is free from the clutches of the three gunas ..
those who realize this truth by perceiving (anupasyati) as the observer (drasta) that it is the gunas alone that are ‘doing’ and making the temporal effects of the temporal illusory hologram, they merge (adhigacchati) into the supreme being .. brahman is the reality. maya is the illusion power of brahman and it is dependent on brahman. maya is also said as mulaprakriti or primordial nature or the original principle
sankhya vedanta is about the observer and the observed , advanced quantum physics.. the observer is purusha ( shiva as consciousness ) and the observed is prakriti ( shakti as energy ) . . the white quantum scientists conducted the double slit experiment and were shell shocked to discover that what was mentioned in the vedas downloaded by kerala danava maharishis 400 centuries ago about the conscious observer was spot on..
when the insentient prakriti comes in contact with the sentient purusha matter forms the universe evolves. in kundalini raising wife shakti ( parvati ) wants to rise from mooladhara chakra and embrace her husband shiva at sakasrara chakra..
there is no deviant or debauched sex here.. tantric art has captured the images of the purusha and his consort, prakriti, in ecstatic union. all this is beyond the shallow brains of a white man. ..the inverted triangle of purusha merging with the triangle of prakriti merges and created the six point star of sankhya vedanta , has been usurped by white jews
like i have said several times before, the magic of the mantras ( samhita sruti verses ) in the vedas is on its purity of utterance –the longitudinal wave. the words just give a feeling of gratitude for the scalar field.
the major contents of the aranyakas are theosophy (brahmavidya), meditation (upasana) and knowledge of breath (pranavidya).
they describe the secret meaning of the agnihotra and yagnas the concept of brahman.
7800 year ago kerala sage yāska, the indian grammarian, commenting on this rigvedic verse, accepts the following meanings of ātman: the pervading principle, the organism in which other elements are united and the ultimate sentient principle
atman, in vedanta is considered as eternal, imperishable, beyond time, “not the same as body or mind or consciousness, but is something beyond which permeates all these”.
in advaita vedanta, it is “pure, undifferentiated, self-shining consciousness,”the witness-consciousness which observes all phenomena yet is not touched by it.
two words that are of paramount importance in grasping the upanishads are brahman and atman. the brahman ( morphogenetic field ) is the ultimate reality and the atman (soul ) is individual self. brahman comes from the root brh, which means “the biggest – the greatest – the all.”
brahman is “the infinite spirit source and fabric and core and destiny of all existence, both manifested and unmanifested and the formless infinite substratum and from whom the universe has grown”.