The Gayatri Mantra in Sanskrit is the most chanted prayer on the planet , chanted since the Vedas were downloaded 400 centuries ago from akasha by Kerala Danava Maharishis with 12 strand DNA ( nil junk ) and king sized pineal glands ..
Scalar light energy PRANA from Quasar Savitur reaches the earths atmosphere instantaneously.. Savitur is substratum of the cosmos.. Our consciousness is a cosmic DVD player.
Consciousness becomes energy and then transforms to matter.. Consciousness is the creative force of the entire universe. The entire universe is in fact a single living conscious organism with complete awareness of itself. Not only is consciousness responsible for the physical universe and its elements-- it is the universe.
The field of consciousness contains information about everything that has happened since the dawn of time. Our bodies are piezo-electric bio-crystals, resonant transducers of living light and life force. We have unlimited access to the radiant field of consciousness which is infinite active universal intelligence ( mahat/ brahman, the hindu Advaita Vedanta god which cannot be picked up by our 5 sense ).
It is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a quantum object. When one measures the position of an electron it will destroy information about the electrons momentum; your observation disturbs it . All this is lifted from the Vedas downloaded 400 centuries ago by Kerala Mahaishis with 12 strand DNA ( nil junk ).
there was no author like Vedas-- picked up by seers in their trances from aakasha.. It was in the form of Parvati asking her husband Shiva questions on prana.. Shiva responds telling her to keep it a secret.. Shiva tells Parvati –take your pick– he tells her to choose anyone of the 108 methods..
Just as electrical power is at our disposal by connecting a switch to the main power line, so the rishis knew how to connect the switches and circuits of energy in the body. Throughout the human body are 108 secret Marma points that are used for healing in Ayurveda ( or to destroy in Kalari ) . .
The Kalari “Aasan” was a rare prana grandmaster , who could both kill and heal a person with a touch.. Marmas are used therapeutically in Ayurveda/ Kalari to bring in a shift of consciousness in the cells.
Yoga is an alchemical process of balancing and transforming energies of the psyche. . At the root of vata, pitta and kapha are its subtle counterparts called prana, tejas and ojas.
Unlike the doshas, which in excess create diseases, these promote health, creativity and well-being.. Marmas literally are control points, where prana can enter and be directed.
Physically, marma point locations are where tendons, bones, muscles, joints, veins, nerves, and other tissues meet anatomically. Energetically, marmas are extremely subtle points where the physical and divine energetic realms intersect in the human body.
They’re also identified as neurolymphatic points, stimulating the removal of lymph and enhancing the efficiency of the body’s organs.. They are where vata, pitta and kapha doshas come together.
There are 108 marma points in Kalari and Ayurveda.. Prana must constantly be flowing through our Nadis, or energy channels/meridians.. Marma points are located along these Nadis.. The bandhas function as energy locks to direct prana/energy.. .
When they are released, prana immediately begins to flow through sushumna nadi, whcich leads to increased receptivity of the mind and in turn higher experiences. Remember, these so-called knots are in the psychic body, not in the physical body, but physical manipulations such as bandhas can unlock them.
No foreign student could enroll in Kodungallur University unless he was vetted for one full year at Heliopolis University whose professors were all on deputation from Kerala on the payroll of the Calicut King..
All Greeks who studied in Kodungallur University were vetted at Heliopolis University except Aristotle ( teacher of Alexander the Great ) who was black balled due to homosexuality ( humping party )..
Queen Nefertiti’s father Kerala Aryan Namboodiri Jethro was a priest in the temple of Heliopolis.. Wife of Moses ( who never existed ) Zipporah is modeled after Nefertiti..
Helios has nothing to do with the sun.. Helios is the son of Hyperion ( god of prana ) and Theia or Euryphaessa or Aethra. Homer in the Odyssey calls him Helios Hyperion, BrahmAn the field of consciousness ( YHVH ).. I am an Etruscan..
Ancient Indians knew how to reestablish the lost harmony and rhythm of the body and mind by utilizing Shabda BrahmAn. Mantra healing is an automatic process of deep inner healing set in motion through the right combinations of sounds that resonate within and fill the space around us. Cymatics has demonstrated the power of musical acoustics ( mantras ).
The maharishis realized Brahman, or “transcendental consciousness,” in the form of sound. They knew that this transcendental sound, which has no limits and is immeasurable, manifests not only within the vital air known as prana, but also through our senses and even our mind. The mind of god represented by the Sri Yantra is cosmic music ( shabda brahman ) resonating through hyperspace.
The dot in the middle of the Sri Yantra is Bindu, the witness ( consciousness ). Sanatana Dharma deals primarily with LONGITUDINAL SOUND WAVES . Hindus believe that shabda-sound is NOT just mere noise , but has has enormous power. Today modern science has realized the power of a longitudinal wave and resonance. Shabda-Brahman is a vibratory reality, which exists underlying the reality which we can perceive.
According to Vedic theory, this pure vibrational current, flows eternally – a kind of river of sublime truths – that can be accessed by anyone who has the ability to penetrate within it. A perfect BEEHIVE of a stinging honey bee is created SHABDA BRAHMAN – 7.83 HERTZ RESONANCE.—hexagon of angle 108 DEGREES – 108 is the digital value of OM .. OM ( 7.83 hertz ) is the sound carrier vehicle of Shabda Brahman
Letters in Sanskrit are called akshara, the eternal; they are sound symbols of the eternal reality. The function of a mantra in Sanskrit is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness. The Vedanta-sutras add that ultimate liberation comes from sound (anavrittih shabdat).
The sounds of the Sanskrit alphabet itself are balancing to the body. In fact, each letter of the alphabet has a specific sound and equivalent vibration, which corresponds to a particular part of the body. This is known as the Mantra Purusha. Mantra purusha sounds also correspond to 108 kalari marma points , and thus may be chanted while stimulating marma points, increasing the healing effect.
Mantras may be chanted while performing asanas, directing energy to specific areas of the body.. Sanskrit is a divine language .
By the way Brahma did not rape his daughter Saraswati as told in Wikipedia/ Quora etcand what childless traitor Modi wants you to believe.. .. Saraswati is the primodial Quasar with the brilliance of a trillion suns ,which gives us prana. All Hindu gods are cosmic allegories except 13 strand DNA Vishnu, mortal avatars Rama/ Krishna/ Ayyappa.. Only Vishnu ( preserver / mediator ) can have avatars..
Veda Samhita means that which has been collected and arranged. It brings out the purport of a Veda in the shape of mantras, systematically arranged. The whole of the Rig Veda samhita is in the form of Sanskrit verses. Each Rik is a mantra. A number of Riks constitute a “Sookta” ..
The Kundalini coil and the inner ear cochlea coil has three and a half turns.. Kundalini is described as a sleeping, dormant potential force in the human organism on a micro scale . It is one of the components of an esoteric description of the “subtle body”, which consists of Nadis (energy channels), Chakras (psychic centres), Prana (subtle energy), and Bindu (drops of essence)..
A criminal with soul of lowest frequency has only 2.75 coils in his inner ear. A Jivan mukt or a Maharishi with soul of highest frequency will have evolved to have 3.5 coil spiral in his inner ear.. Vedic literature elucidate the use of sound as a spiritual tool. Modern science has now recognized this in the past decade..
The entire cosmic creation began with sound: “by his utterance came the universe.” (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.2.4). 5000 BC..
Only Aryan Kerala Namboodiris knew the Ghana verification bell/ Mobius method of Vedic Srutis.. Veda sruti verses activate switches inside the brain and DNA..
A mantra is a word or a series of words , which produce longitudinal scalar waves by resonating your pineal gland and your DNA—in a divine language.. Sruti verses and mantras have enormous vibration.. Words unfold from seed forms.. Effect of mantras on microtubules –the white man will take another 400 years to figure this out.. Mantras can cure homosexuality..
A Sanskrit mantra is a carrier wave with potent information within it,, Mantras can reduce the surface tension of water. Mantras increase your auras as seen by Kirlean photography—due to the effect on symphathetic and para sympathetic nervous systems. Mantra chanting must be done with intent, to make it more powerful. This is about consciousness..
Your powerful king sense of hearing can distinguish more than 300000 tones and 1300 pitches. Next time you hear a sound of a person , even on the phone , visualize who it could be. Vedas wrote 7000 years ago vibrations create matter. .that energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transformed..
The priceless Brahmanas ( part 2 ) and Aranyakas ( part 3 ) , the technical parts of Vedas have been stolen by the white invader.. They then put some stupid Math equations ( conversion from Geometry ) and claimed it for themselves.. Rhyme is not used in the Rig-Veda. .
The sruti metres are regulated by the number of syllables — Akṣaras — in the stanza (ṛik), which consists generally of 3 or four pādas, measures, divisions, or quarter verses, with a distinctly marked interval at the end of the second pāda, and so forming two semi-stanzas of varying length..
The most common metres consist of 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, syllables (akṣaras) is each pāda these are known as anuṣṭubh, bṛhati, paṅkti, triṣṭup, jagati.. The anuṣtubh is the prevailing form of metre in the dharma-sastras, the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, and all the 18 Puranas.. A Kerala Namboodiri Sanskrit pundit who has learnt the Ghana recital of one complete Veda (he takes twenty years of whole time work to reach that stage) is called a Ghana-pathi.
The nakshatras are used as celestial markers in the heavens. When these were mapped into equal divisions of the ecliptic, a division of 27 portions was adopted since that resulted in a cleaner definition of each portion (i.e. segment) subtending 13° 20′ (as opposed to 12° 51 3/7’ in the case of 28 segments).
The first Rashi, Mesha, which has 30 degrees, contains the entire 4 Padas (13:20′) of the 1st star constellation Ashwini, the entire 4 Padas (13:20′) of the 2nd star constellation Bharani and the 1st Pada (3:20′) of the third star constellation Krittika. In this manner, each Rashi comprises of 9 Padas..
This cycle repeats itself three times to cover all 27 nakshatras. The lord of each nakshatra determines the planetary period known as the dasha, which is considered of major importance in forecasting the life path of the individual in Hindu astrology.
Maya Danava wrote that a “prana” is a duration of 4 seconds. He then continues with a discussion of a number of time units with progressively long durations made up of the shorter time units all composed of a number of pranas. Amongst those time units are something he calls “nakshatra.”..
For example, there are 15 pranas in a minute; 900 pranas in an hour; 21600 pranas in a day, 583,200 pranas in a nakshatra (month). Thus a nakshatra is a time unit with a duration of 27 days. This 27 day time cycle has been taken to mean a particular group of stars. the stars are more like numbers on a clock through which the hands of time pass (the moon). Over time , this concept that nakshatra means a time unit has been lost and diverted to meaning a set of stars in the sky.
When prana, the energetic equivalent of breath, mixes with the five elements or Pancha Mahabhutas ,, the doshas are formed. There are three doshas or constitutions: Vata( gas), Pitta ( bile ) and Kapha ( mucous ).. Marma are places in our body where currents of life-energies (prana) cross over at the micro level. They are serving as gates between body’s physical and energetic levels..
At the MACRO level , Prana comes from universal sources of energy and flow through everything.. Chinese were introduced to acupuncture by Bodhi Dharma a Kalari expert from Kerala.
The Kalari gurrikkal was an grandmaster in leaking or holding prana.. Sushruta, mapped out the location of these 108 vital points 6200 years ago.. Susruta warned that marmas should never be cut during surgery..
Physically, marma point locations are where tendons, bones, muscles, joints, veins, nerves, and other tissues meet anatomically.. Energetically, marmas are extremely subtle points where the physical and divine energetic realms intersect in the human body.. Kalari taught to leak prana of an enemy by a single blow to any of the 108 marmas..
Ayurveda taught how to plug prana leaks and redirect it. At each of the 108 marmas , VATA ,PITTA AND KAPHA come together for harmony.. LACK OF PRANA MAKES YOU LOSE REM SLEEP AND BEHAVE LIKE AN CHRONS LADEN ASSHOLE.
Brahmacharya is about harnessing the energy or power of our senses and directing that instead to greater personal understanding- not withholding semen. Virya implies the indomitable courage and will to follow the path of yoga. This determination will bring us back on the path of yoga when the mind is distracted by the sensual objects..
Jew Rothschild introduced “brahmacharya ” (celibacy ) and we have his agent rogues like Vivekananda and Gandhi making a virtue out of it.. Vivekananda had very little prana within and suffered from 33 major illnesses. So balls to his bullshit brahmacharya / ojas theory..
Gandhi took fake vows of brahmacharya with a weeping wife Kasturba in front of Rothschild’s journalists.. It was Jew Rothschild who created fake mutts to introduce gay and unmarried pujaris into temples –and be gurus..
He had agents like Vivekandanda extolling virtues of brahmacharya and semen retention.. The Vedas and Upanishadic sruti texts of Hinduism in their discussion of brahmacharya, make no mention of any restraint on sexual activity.
Now we have the fake Brahmakumari cult peddling celibacy for women. Hinduism is not Catholic Christianity were priests do not marry. In Hinduism a pujari must marry and have children . A man without a living wife cannot do a fire yagna.. All our ancient maharishis were married with children. If you find any literature that a maharishi was unmarried , it is poison injected.
In ancient Indian literature you do not find any mention of homosexuals , due to our Y CHROMOSOME preserving gotra system.. Barren women and unmarried childless men do not make good rulers or spiritual leaders —as per Sanatana Dharma.. Jew Rothschild used Abhinavagupta to spread the lie of preserving semen and brahmacharya – and introduced anal sex receiving effeminate vermin as unmarried gurus in his fake mutts…
Abhinavagupta is the fountainhead of agama shit— which is not part of Hinduism. .. Today Tamil pride party ( of fake Kanchi mutt ) tout these fake agama texts as the real Vedas. ..most passages in agama texts repudiate the authority of Vedas..
Jew Rothschild used Abhinavaguptas work Ghatakarpara Kulaka Vivrithi to praise Ghatakarpara , the fake work of Kalidasa who never existed .. When in brahmacharya stage ( birth till age 25 ), the student is asked to move away from tamas … ” tamasomaah jyothirgamaya“, my school morning prayer ..
Tamas in the prayer is not exactly darkness.. tamas is the quality of :– inertia/ stagnation/ decay/ darkness,/ chaos/ ignorance/ destruction/ negativity/ delusion/ fear of change/ apathy/ carelessness/ lethargy/ errors/ false beliefs/ laziness/ depression/ irritation/ self centredness/ cravings/ instability/ disease/ fatigue/ indecisiveness/ drive for short term pleasure/ messy/ forgetful/ prone to accidents/ doubt/ excessive belief in fate/ low living/ low thinking/ complacency/ loss of power of discrimination/ vulgarity/ malice/ despair/ emotional clinging/ splitting hairs faalthu mein/ sweating the small stuff/ forgetfulness/ inaction/ bewilderment/ indifference/ greed/ immorality/ deceitfulness/ hostility/ coarseness/ negligence/ insensitivity/ cruelty/ loss of self control/ impetuousness/ inability to adapt to change/ inability to move outside comfort zone/ cynicism/ procrastination/ surrender in the face of hostile forces….
When Jew Rothschild shat on Bharatmatas face , we Indian watched as impotent tattus with our thumbs up our assholes.. not any more.. whether Gujju no 2 childless Modi , the darling of the Jewish deep state , wants it or not.. We the people know what to do.. we know the meaning of “MOONH THODH JAWAAB”..
. People used to fasting can go without food— but water is a must . Put a few drops of sour lemon in the water to make the water alkaline . When the process of autophagy occurs in the body there is actually a feeling of reinvigoration as fresh prana flows in.. This is in essence a form of cellular cleansing.
The body identifies old and substandard cellular equipment and marks it for destruction. It is the accumulation of all this junk that is responsible for many of the effects of aging. The consequences of accumulating old junky proteins all over the place can be seen in two main conditions – Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and cancer.
The Puranas mentioned that only 24 rishis since antiquity have mastered the 24 mudras, and thus wielded the whole power of Gayatri Mantra, without revealing their names. If the names of 24 Maharishis with 12 strand DNA ( nil junk ) are mentioned that part of the Purana is poison injected by German Jew Rothschild.
There are 108 mudras or hand symbols.. Hand gestures stimulate the same regions of the brain as language ..The powerful “make or break” mudras have never been written down..
Nadis are channels through which prana flows - mudras direct the flow of prana .. Attached with each mudra there are subtle movements and breathing patterns involving nostril air flow ( swara yoga ) and diaphragm movement ( modulating phrenic nerves )..In the thorax, each phrenic nerve supplies the mediastinal pleura and pericardium..
EVERY MORNING SINCE 400 CENTURIES, THE HINDU HAS RECITED THE GAYATRI MANTRA.. Gayatri mantra consists of 24 syllables as follows:– 1st line: ta, sa, vi, tu, va, re, ny, ya – 8….. 2nd line: bha, go, de, va, ya, dhee, ma, hi – 8……. 3rd line: dhi, yo, yo, nah, ra, cho, da, ya – 8……__total– 24… The Gayatri mantra is found in all four Vedas.
The goddess invoked in this mantra is Savitr, the mighty primordial quasar which has the brilliance of a trillion suns and send scalar energy prana to earth instantaneously ..
Wikipedia wont give Vadakayil a a page because I talk about faster than light longitudinal Scalar waves. The magic lies in longitudinal sound waves , in the sound- NOT the words..
The Gayatri Mantra is whispered into the ear by father to son, at upanayanam.. The kudumi knot after a bath is always tied to the accompaniment of the Gayatri
Chant Gayatri mantra 108 times –use a 108 bead mala. Chant is best done at dawn facing east or north –sit on an insulated surface in mobius padmasana.. Chant Gayatri mantra with a feeling of gratitude –have Saraswati image in your minds eye .. Gayatri mantra chant / listening must not be done by women during menstruation.. Gayatri meditation destroys all delusions and energizes prana. .
Quantum Beej mantras understands that our reality is a vibratory reality – from sub nuclear level to atomic, molecular, and macro levels.. Every thing oscillates between two states of rest we Hindus call SPANDA.
Everything produces a longitudinal vibration, — a “sound of music “.. Vibrations of mantras reach the subconscious level where our karmic patterns are stored. The practice of mantra increases concentration, memory, purifies our heart and helps erase the effects of past karma. Proper recitation of mantras and chants helps invoke the latent power within us ..
A mantra holds mystical energy encased in a sound carrier structure. Every mantra contains within its vibration a certain power. Upon concentration and repetition of a given mantra, its energy is liberated and takes form..
Beej (Seed) mantras act directly on the nerves of astral body. The other type of mantras, having a combination of words, and having some meaning set up powerful vibrations in the body.. When chanting a Mantra, it is extremely important not to change the raga and its key, because the rate of vibration on which the sound is based on integral part of the Mantra..
Richa is a shloka ( couplet hymn )– whose power is in the sound , hence must be uttered the right way with correct tone .. The Gayatri mantra is a richa. Only vedic sruti ( part 1 of vedas ) can be called richa.. Richa is a seed ( sutra – pithy aphorism ) ..
It can sprout into any number of magnificent trees depending on the fertility of the maharishis great mind.. The Rig veda contains about 10,600 richas organized into 191 suktas.. Gayantri mantra is not a Bollywood song to be sung by Anuradha Puadwal or Lata Mangeshkar ..
This mantra has been murdered in cold blood by singers.. I could not find a single youtube video where the Gayatri mantra has been uttered with purity even after searching for one hour... Evil Google run by Tamil Iyengar Jew Sundar Pichai, is responsible for this
Female voice cannot do justice to Gayatri Mantra . The internet has 95% female voices singing Gayatri mantra as a bhajan.. There is no power in this.. Reject any list of rishis which has Yajnavalkya ( sponsored by Subramanian Swamy ) in it..
The legend of 72 virgin houris in jannat for martyrs does not exist in koran but only in poison injected ( by jews ) hadiths.. 72 number is lifted from Hinduism which talks about 72 clear prana flowing major nadis of sages with raised kundalini to sahasrara chakra whose beej mantra is ALL AH
There are 72 clear prana flowing major nadis of Jivan Mukt Maharishis with raised Kundalini to Sahasrara chakra.. . Chakras act as transducers, converting psychic energy into physical energy and vice versa. They distribute this energy to the body via the nadis, the main three being Ida, Pingala and Sushumna..
When you observe Borubudur temple from a hovering helicopter overhead it represents a 1000 petal Sahasrara Chakra.. Same way Qutab Minar must be watched from top on a hovering helicopter to see that it represents precession.. There are 27 structures which represents the 27 nakshatras in the campus..
Ever since I explained this in the post below even hardcore Muslims have stopped claiming this tower as a Muslim monument.. The Brahma idol right on top was set on gimbals to physically show precession
The body is holographic— when you influence one bio marker , you influence all.. Pineal gland is literally the third eye. Ancient maharishis and Vishnu’s mortal avatars used their pineal glands for laser beams.
When you raise your Kundalini, the whole brain turns into a BOSE CONDENSATE.. Bose-Einstein condensates are weird states of particles that have the same energy level and behave like one super-particle. A ‘condensate’ is a substance whose molecules have a greater order and coherence than normal. In a ‘Bose-Einstein condensate’ the molecules not only have a high degree of order but they also overlap and the condensate behaves like a unit.
By feeding extra prana energy to the cell walls of living tissue, the cells would line up in the most orderly, condensed way we know – the ‘Bose-Einstein condensate’ – and the cell walls would start acting as a unit..
Satyendra Nath Bose was denied a Nobel prize, as Indians were at that time made to feel that we are an inferior race— though every single discovery and invention of that Quantum age , had its roots in our Vedas..
Holograms are all about changing the angle at which two lasers strike a piece of photographic film- to record many different images on same surface.. Today we have shriveled calcified pineal glands ( like a dried up raisin ) and 2 strand DNA ( 97% junk ) — yet our brain is a holographic machine existing in a holographic Universe..
In a hologram, any part of the hologram contains the whole of the stored information. Every part of the stored information is distributed over the entire hologram. A piece of a long-term memory is distributed over a dendritic arbor so that each part of the dendritic network contains all the information stored over the entire network.. Non-locality of information storage within the hologram is crucial, because even if most parts are damaged, the entirety will be contained within even a single remaining part..
Memories are stored within certain general regions, but stored non-locally within those regions. This allows the brain to maintain function and memory even when it is damaged.. Children retain normal intelligence when even half is removed. Memory is not lost when the brain is sliced in different cross-sections..
The quantum world cannot be observed by our 5 senses ( never mind what IDIOT newton said ) , and they do NOT follow the cause and effect laws of classical physics.. The whole cosmos is interconnected in this field and speed is NOT restricted to speed of light. Both “Time” and “Space” exist within the realm of our all pervading consciousness ..
Vedas have told us 400 centuries ago that brahmAn is the fundamental entity from which everything else has come. CUNT Charles Darwin and his monkey gang may NOT agree. . 7000 years before the hologram was invented Vedanta has WRITTEN about the holographic universe and the holographic function of the brain..
The hologram has the power to hold and process enormous amounts of data. In holography, a three dimensional image of an object is filmed with a laser. The amazing part is that any part of the holographic picture may be used to recreate the whole image. .Each of the 30 TRILLION CELLS that make up the body contains the complete version of the original DNA, that was the source of the entire body. Each part of the holographic picture contains the whole image.
In the holographic theory of the universe, the universe is represented by each component, regardless of the size.. Each point within your holographic cellular memory contains all the information of the whole. This information is infinitely accessible to each and every cell of your body. If you magnify your cells down to your atoms, you would see that you are made up of subtle bundles of “info-energy.”
In Sanskrit, SANKHYA translates to “EMPIRICAL”.. the name is apt, when you consider the mechanics that underpin the evolution of prakriti, upon exposure to purusha. once moved into a state of flux, prakriti is said to evolve in accordance with 23 interdependent structures (known as tattvas).
The first evolutes produced are the material intellect (mahat) and ego (ahamkara); these are then followed by the development of the conventional mind (manas), the sense organs, and the organs of action; which develop alongside the subtle elements of objects (e.g., their taste, smell, sound), and the classical elements of reality - air, fire, ether, water, and earth. when prana, mixes with the five elements or pancha mahabhutas ,, the tri doshas are formed..
The three states of goodness, passion and ignorance are solely material in nature. The principle behind the operation of the three gunas is that when one is active, the other two are inactive. The gunas are not considered as static and set. Hindu literature, such as the Bhagavad Gita, state it to be dynamic and changeable with knowledge, introspection and understanding of sva-dharma..
Guna is also a concept in Ayurvedic medicine, as a system to assess conditions and diets. For this reason Triguna and tridosha are considered to be related in the traditions of Ayurveda.. Kshetra means field and Kshetrajna means knower of the field in Sanskrit and Malayalam.
The body is the field (kshetra) wherein seeds of karma is sown, grown and harvested. The one who is the witness is kshetrajna ( soul/ brahman).. Kshetrajna , the witness of the field, is pure consciousness purusha, (gambhirananda).
The soul is a small part of Brahman the field of consciousness albeit at a lower frequency.. The body ( kshetra) is made up of the five great (maha) elements (bhutas).. These elements are: prithvi ( earth), jal ( water), agni (fire), vayu ( air), akasha ( ether) . All that which is seen, observed is called kshetra.. Krishna says — i am the Kshetrajna in all the kshetras.. Kshetra is modified Brahman and KSHETRAJNA IS BRAHMAN WITHOUT ANY MODIFICATION.
Kshetra is brahman’s prakriti.. Atman (soul) is only conscious of its own body, while brahman the field is conscious of all bodies.. Both the soul ( atman ) and the supersoul ( brahman ) are khetrajna.. Knowledge of the kshetra in its gross (sthoola) and subtle (sookshma) aspects is kshetrajna.
The respository of all karma of a kshetra resides in the atma.. However, when prana leaves, the body (kshetra) loses its ability to perform karma and the atma has to reconcile its debts and get another body (kshetra)..
recently deep state agent trisha shetty, who rubs shoulders with us presiden/ queen of england/ un chief etc ( for throwing shit on india/ hindus ) implied that yoga is gymnastics, while ayurveda is “snake oil” fraud. .
Yoga is not gymnastics like what the west thinks when you tie yourself into pretzel knots. yoga is an alchemical process of balancing and transforming energies of the psyche.. the science of brain breathing is known as swara yoga.. the two hemispheres of our brain do not work in a synchronised way. when the left (the analytical, rational and logical brain) is working at full speed, the right side (the synthetic, irrational and intuitive brain) slows, and vice versa..
the ancient rishis called the negative flow ida and the positive flow pingala. the maharishis of yore knew the techniques to channelize bio-energy or prana throughout the body. . ida rules the left nostril. pingala rules the right nostril..
the objective of yogas deep diaphragmatic pranayama breathing training is to restore proper breathing biochemistry (co2 levels), establish proper rhythm of breathing (reducing breath holding), lower respiratory rate, increase breathing depth, transfer the focus of breathing from chest to diaphragm, encourage nasal breathing, relax diaphragm during exhalation, reduce accessory muscle activity, and establish a high vagal tone.. deep diaphragmatic breathing exercises (e.g. pranayama breathing) can enhance parasympathetic (inhibit neural responses) tone, decrease sympathetic (excitatory) nervous activity, improve respiratory and cardiovascular function, decrease the effects of stress, and improve physical and mental health..
the MMMMMM GENERATES NITRIC OXIDE–the magic molecule.. the bhramari pranayama breathing technique derives its name from the black indian bumblebee called bhramari. NITRIC OXIDE IS PRODUCED BY EPITHELIAL CELLS IN THE PARANASAL SINUSES. . lack of prana makes you lose REM sleep.. ONLY NITRIC OXIDE CAN PREVENT COVID, NOT VACCINES.
yoga must be done when your body is earthed, it is about electrically neutralising FREE RADICALS. yoga to cleanse the lymph nodes.. ayurveda relies on a “natural” and holistic approach to physical and mental health.. ayurveda is a complete way of life. ayurveda improves not only a person's health, but also their well being, behaviour and state of mind. ayurveda uses only organic herbs grown in snake groves and nano gold colloids which breach the BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER and are biodegradable.
ayurveda is prevention-oriented, is free from harmful side-effects and treats the root cause of a disease rather than just the symptoms. ayurveda views illness as caused by an imbalance in a person's physical or mental constitution and therefore seeks to gently bring a person's body and mind back into a healthy balance..
in ayurveda, body, mind and consciousness work together in maintaining balance. ayurveda taught how to plug prana leaks and redirect it.. lack of prana makes you lose rem sleep and behave like a chrons laden asshole. throughout the human body are 108 secret marma points that are used for healing in ayurveda ( or to destroy in kalari ).. .. marmas are used therapeutically in ayurveda/ kalari to bring in a shift of consciousness in the cells..
ayurveda was the first to write about AUTOPHAGY.. literally self eating -- it’s the body’s system of cleaning house: your cells create membranes that hunt out scraps of dead, diseased, or worn-out cells; gobble them up; strip them for parts; and use the resulting molecules for energy or to make new cell parts…
autophagy makes us more efficient machines to get rid of faulty parts, stop cancerous growths, and stop metabolic dysfunction like obesity and diabetes.. the process plays a hand in controlling inflammation and immunity.
AIR HAS 78% NITROGEN FOR A DAMN GOOD REASON. THE HUMAN BODY REQUIRES THE MAGIC MOLECULE NITRIC OXIDE. till oxygen levels declined on planet earth by a shiva lingam meteroite strike humans could not be born .. this meteorite strike caused fires to rage on the rotating planet for 30,000 years , causing oxygen levels to dip to 20.9%. this exterminated all dinosaurs. dinosaurs required 35% oxygen and 64 % nitrogen , ..
humans require 20.9 % oxygen and 78.1 % nitrogen for prana .. nitrogen is an important part of our bodies. amino acids all contain nitrogen and these are the building blocks that make up the proteins in your hair, muscles, skin and other important tissues. nitrogen is an important part of your dna, which defines what you are like..
The maharishis realized Brahman, or “transcendental consciousness,” in the form of sound. They knew that this transcendental sound, which has no limits and is immeasurable, manifests not only within the vital air known as prana, but also through our senses and even our mind.
The mind of god represented by the Sri Yantra is cosmic music ( shabda brahman ) resonating through hyperspace. The dot in the middle of the Sri Yantra is Bindu, the witness ( consciousness ).
Sanskrit is called the language of nature because it maintains a correlation between sound and form called namarupa. This means that the sound of the word matches the thing it is describing. The alphabets could be seen by the seers in their minds when it was uttered. ..
Sanskrit’s resonant frequencies match the energy centres (chakras) in the subtle body and the sounds stimulate, activate, energize and open them. This increases the flow of life force (prana) in your mind and body resulting in improved health, strength and heightened awareness.
Letters in Sanskrit are called akshara, the eternal; they are sound symbols of the eternal reality. The function of a mantra in Sanskrit is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness. The Vedanta-sutras add that ultimate liberation comes from sound (anavrittih shabdat).
The sounds of the Sanskrit alphabet itself are balancing to the body. In fact, each letter of the alphabet has a specific sound and equivalent vibration, which corresponds to a particular part of the body. This is known as the Mantra Purusha. Mantra purusha sounds also correspond to 108 kalari marma points , and thus may be chanted while stimulating marma points, increasing the healing effect.
Mantras may be chanted while performing asanas, directing energy to specific areas of the body.. Sanskrit is a divine language . The cochlea in the inner ear and it has a spiral shape and has three and half coils . Kundalini like cochlea is coiled and rests at the base of the backbone.
Kundalini has three and half coils too. If cochlea contains nerves that connects sound vibrations with the nervous system that generates consciousness– Kundalini is the subtlest of vibrations that generate consciousness in human self. The tanmatra of ether/ akasha element is Shabda (Sound -inner ear cochlea). Shabda Brahman is associated with akasha .
It is the empty space within an atom where electrons whiz around –with perpetual motion. Sound healing is the practice of applying vibrational frequencies within the audible range to the human energy field, to bring the energetic bodies, chakras, organ systems, cells, and all parts into harmony, supporting optimal health and vitality.
In the old Newtonian physics version of life, cells are made out of pieces of matter (molecules) and could only be influenced by other pieces of matter ( molecules such as hormones or drugs). The newer insights on molecules offered by quantum physics reveals that molecules are units of vibrating energy that can be influenced by both matter and invisible energy waves (harmonic resonance).
Our entire body resonates to our own voice, as were mainly electrolyte plasma water in a leather bag. Our body and energy systems resonate to every sound around us. In the Bhagavadgata, where Lord Krishna has declared “Among the Vedas I am Sama Veda”
? today dna had deteriorated to 2 strand ( 97% junk)..hence only people with high soul frequency ( large auras ) can access akasha information bank and that too only in rem sleep.. when prana is dead the soul stops exciting the heart.. “SOUL” GIVES PERPETUAL MOTION TO YOUR HEART ..
rothschild historians wrote that hindu atheists accept hinduism more as a “way of life” than spirituality this is nonsense as there can be no sanatana dharma without creator god ( paramatma – brahman the field ) and its equation with soul ( atma ).. the hindu is under no compulsion to strictly follow what is written in our scriptures.. rather a hindu is afforded carte blanche to follow his own soul voice or conscience
deep diaphragmatic breathing exercises (e.g. pranayama breathing) can enhance parasympathetic (inhibit neural responses) tone, decrease sympathetic (excitatory) nervous activity, improve respiratory and cardiovascular function, decrease the effects of stress, and improve physical and mental health..
the MMMMMM generates nitric oxide–the magic molecule.. the bhramari pranayama breathing technique derives its name from the black indian bumblebee called bhramari. bhramari pranayama is effective in instantly calming down the mind and it is instant destress .
nitric oxide is produced by epithelial cells in the paranasal sinuses. . lack of prana makes you lose rem sleep .. humming MMMMM causes the air to oscillate, which in turn seems to increase the exchange of air between the sinuses and the nasal cavity .. thumbs inside ears – palm the eyes — say AUMMMMMMMMMMMMM to produce nitric oxide. MMMM sound is made when you exhale..
nitric oxide levels in the sinuses were 16 times higher during humming than during normal, quiet exhalations. nitric oxide (no) helps to dilate the capillary beds and increase blood flow.
humming had the effect of dramatically increasing the gas exchange in the nasal sinuses. during normal exhalation the gas exchange between the nasal passages and the sinuses was about 4 percent. when volunteers hummed, mmmmmm– the gas increase increased to about 98 percent ..
BREATHING WAS IN THE RATION OF 1- INHALE / 4- EXHALE WITH MMMMM SOUND / 2 REST FOR LUNGS.. you will feel intense vibrations inside your ear — the cochlea spiral passage resonated to 7.83 hertz ( OM frequency and also earth’s heart beat frequency ) and your brain produces NITRIC OXIDE .
surya namaskar is a way to absorb vitamin d and generate nitric oxide. surya namaskar boosts your body immunity..
suryanamaskar without its associated sanskrit mantras aint no suryanamaskar at all. it is most important to utter the mantras which secrete nitric oxide with every suryanamaskar pose. it improves REM sleep. uttering OMMMMM ( drag the MMMM ) in low altitude sunrise facing the sun boosts the production of NITRIC OXIDE , the magic molecule. surya namaskar gives a massage to your VAGUS NERVE, due to the deep diaphragmatic belly breathing involved.
Surya namaskar is not a mere physical exercise .. emotions like anger and fear can compress dna, however, emotions like joy, gratitude ( mantras during suryanamaksar ) and love unwind the dna, decompress it!
during suryanamaskar mantras along with uva causes the release of nitric oxide from skin stores, which promotes widening of blood vessels. vibrations induced by the repeated rhythmic chanting of a specific mantra generate specific pulsation of prana and stimulate the extrasensory energy nuclei in the body.
Swara yoga is the ancient science of pranic body rhythms which explains how the movement of prana can be controlled by manipulation of the breath .. Through the practice of swara yoga, yogis realized the breath as being the medium of the cosmic life force.
DEEP DIAPHRAGMATIC BREATHING IS REQUIRED BY YOGA – this breathing triggers the lymph, your body’s sewage system which will give your cells more efficiency .. the hindus knew the earths heart beat of 7.83 hertz as the frequency of OM — and the MMMMM humming of OM boosts the production of Nitric oxide in the body , and it was documented 7000 years ago.
nitric oxide influences secretion of hormones from several glands (adrenaline, pancreatic enzymes, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone) neurotransmission. memory, sleeping, learning, feeling pain, and many other processes are possible only with no present (for transmission of neuronal signals).
obviously, during mouth breathing it is not possible to utilize one’s own nitric oxide which is produced in the sinuses. the mouth, was created by nature for eating, drinking, and speaking. at all other times, your trap should be shut. macrophages, certain cells of the immune system, produce nitric oxide in order to kill invading bacteria. no is generated in macrophages by inos following exposure to cytokines ..
inducible nitric oxide synthase (inos) is a key enzyme in the macrophage inflammatory response, which is the source of nitric oxide (no) that is potently induced in response to proinflammatory stimuli. it is a defense against hardening of the arteries too. normally, in a young person who does not have hardened arteries,
the blood vessels make sufficient amounts of nitric oxide, and there is no need to take any medicine. when people get old and have heart problems due to hardened arteries and angina pain, you can give nitric oxide – (nitroglycerin in a pill kept under the tongue ). or you can improve the release of nitric oxide from the blood vessels themselves and enhance the body’s ability to make nitric oxide, or for the matter, protect nitric oxide from being broken down.
nitric oxide is a molecule that is primarily produced in the endothelium. nitric oxide, released from the endothelium as a gas or attached to other molecules, stimulates soluble guanylyl cyclase, producing increased concentrations of cyclic gmp.
depending on the direction of nitric oxide release and the site of cyclic gmp activation, differing biological effects can be observed nitric oxide inhibits platelet aggregation , prevents adhesion of platelets to the endothelial surface and induces disaggregation of aggregating platelets. .
the endothelial lining of the blood vessel is like teflon. it keeps things from sticking to the vessel wall. the reason it has this property of teflon is because it releases nitric oxide, so it’s a non-sticky surface because it’s releasing nitric oxide, which not only relaxes the blood vessel but also prevents things from sticking to the vessel.
the vasodilatory actions of nitric oxide plays a key role in renal control of extracellular fluid homeostasis and is essential for the regulation of blood flow and blood pressure. nitroglycerin, amyl nitrite, “poppers” (isobutyl nitrite or similar) and other nitrite derivatives are used in the treatment of heart disease and angine pectoris.
the compounds get converted to nitric oxide which in turn dilates the coronary artery (blood vessels around the heart), thereby increasing its blood supply. these drugs, however, are predominantly venodilators, dilating peripheral veins and hence reducing venous return and preload to the heart.
nitric oxide is also antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, and antibacterial. it helps the immune system to fight infections. nose breathing adds resistance to the air stream. this increases oxygen uptake by maintaining elasticity of the lungs. air passes over the mucous membranes and into the sinuses. nose breathing moves the air to pass along the nasal septum, slowing the movement of air for nitric oxide production. yoga does not allow hyperventilation.
nose breathing brings air into the sphenoid sinuses to cool the pituitary gland and help regulate body temperature. nitric oxide, is a bronchodilator –it sterilizes the air in the sinuses on the way to the lungs. when the kapha dosha becomes aggravated, mucus increases, leading to sinus congestion, and loss of nitric oxide production ..
nitric oxide is a factor present at the very cusp of our existence .
People who do agnihotra find it easy to go into the alpha brainwave mode, which is creative. for women with pms due to hormonal imbalances and a breakdown of the ethereal body ( aura ) , this is a boon. much pain can be avoided. the family who does it eliminated negativity. the reason why vedas promoted agnihotra at sunrise and sunset is because they understood the circadian rhythms and the flooding effect of abundant prana or life force..
the western world still does not know the benefits of eating organic food. they are destined to eat gm foods and get alzheimer , cancer and all sorts of negativity, bad habits, addictions and vices. they are destined to poison their fields with deadly pesticides, use food seeds which are sterile, and drink poisoned groundwater.
Urumi wounds caused ingress of toxic metals ( like lead ) into the body which numbs the arms and wrist due to a palsied state—and the Kalari warrior is unable to take up arms again
A swara yogi , the ULTIMATE master of prana can produce a male child –or he can produce a criminal or a still born — or a deformed baby –such is his power This is why Shiva Swarodaya ( swara yoga ) was not penned down in 5000 BC when all rest srutis were written down..
By practising swara yoga, the store of prana can be increased, thereby activating the latent areas of the brain. . Pranayama is the methodology of breathing and controlling prana through various breathing techniques, while swara yoga is the science that deals with the pranaic rhythms by analyzing the type of breath..